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tv   ABC9 News at 10pm  ABC  February 25, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm CST

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sioux city's catholic diocese announces difficult changes proposed for its parishioners... and hopes for understanding. "my prayer through this whole process has been for peace." "the message itself never changes, but the mode of how we share it does," " while the number of local priests is declining... the committment shown by those still serving is not. " it was used as a trainer for f-100 pilots going to vietnam," but today this vintage fighter is as good as new thanks to some local military "artisits"... tim: goning and thank you for joining us tonight im tim seaman
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rehnstrom the sioux city catholic diocese is planning major changes for siouxland parishioners... and along with those changes... dozens of churches will no longer host sunday mass. tim: it's iresponse to a decline in people heading to church on sundays... and also, fewer take care of more churches. jenna: here's more about the potential impact, in tonight's top story. "simply put, we have too ma sunday masses in too many sparcly y tended." father brent lingle tells me leadidi up announcement, he's peace for the but, he knowow changes are neccessary to navigate the decreasing number ofofriests and also declining numbers of people they're serving. father lingle, "i look at my brother priests who are facing retirement
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know we're spending more time in our cars than we are doing ministry, so i'm actually excited about the process because as we look forward, i think it's going to revitalize our ministries as priests." the hope for a vibrant future has led the sioux city catholic diocese to formulate a proposal they're calling "ministry 2025." in the next nine years, the diocese expects to have 31 available priests... down from the close to 60 today. in an effort to serve the people and not burn out clergy, the diocese is proposing the consolidation of sioux city's 108 parishes to 67. in sioux city, no churches will close. here's a look at the four propsed sioux city parishes: sacred heart, holy cross, which would include blessed sacrament and st. michael, the cathedral, including st. boniface and st. joseph, and mater dei, which would include immaculate conception and nativity. using mater dei as an example, both would still offer mass, with the same priest and associate clergy serving both churches. but, in the rural areas of the diocese, things would look a little different, with 40 parishes being transitioned to oratory status. those buildings would not longer host mass, but still be available for wedding and funerals. father lingle hopes that will give priests more time with the congregations they serve... and also keep churches full. fathereringle says, "if you look at th millenial genenetion, thth're not interested in
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pews. if they walk into a parish and you see life, you see vibrant literagies, you see parish programs, they're more likely to connect themselves with t tt parish and be part of it." still he knows this will be hard, especially for some communities built around the church. father brent lingle, director of pastoral planning, says, "i know it's not going to be easy for everyone to accept everything in that proposal, but i think if we look at it as people of faith and understand that our main priority is our relationship with christ and the church, it puts in perspective." jenna: changes under the proposed plan would take effect as early as summer of 2017. you can see the maps of the rural churches that would be moved to oratory status... on our website. tim: part of the
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heard... is the priest shortage. only nine priests have been ordained in the sioux city diocese in the last decade. jenna: very simply, more clergy are retiring... than joining the profession. but, the young clergy in the diocese have high hopes for the future. tim: abc 9's bria bell has more tim and jenna, father patrick is inin his thirties. think much of his age doing what he was called to do. "i lovovbeing a priest. i love being a priest. i would not trade one day of thehe priesthood for the father behm. father patrick behm the rule. as we learned with todays announcement,. fewer and fewer young men are joining the preisthood. "first of all it's a calling.he priest hood isn't a job. i didn't wake up one day and say, 'well i want to become a priest, or a doctor, father behm. mid 30's which is relatively young for someone of his but it's that youthfull connection as a preist and teacher that is helping this parrish stay stable. "i like movies, i like sports, i'm a big baseball fan. it always amazes my students when i go them that i have the phone that they have on theirs," says late last year he
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diocese to attend the world meeting of families... guiding several students on a pilgrimage to see pope francis in philadelphia. but as the numbers of those attending mass decline, father behm says attempting to connect with all members of the church in important even though everyone is at different stages in their lives. "i've just taken it as my own mission and that's my call, first as a baptist christian, but then as a priest. my call is to share the gospel of jesus with everyone that i meet. so the message itself never changes, but the mode of how we share it does," says father behm. as the catholic landscape in siouxland continues to change, finding new ways to fill the pews will remain impopoant.... but in the end father behm says it all comes back to a relationshiop with god. "whatever god is calling you to do, answer that call. it's a beautiful gift and i said, i wouldn't
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world," says father behm. bria: since 2008 sioux city's mass attendance has lowered by about 30 perecent in studio, bria bell abc 9 news. tim: the sioux city police department says they've recoverd a "skimmeing" device from a local gas pump. tim: the cubby's gas station on york the "skimmer" was located by a technision. it has been removed but police are warning anyone who's used the "pay at the pump" feature recently at any gas station recently to be vigilantl in ntioring credit card or bank statements for fraudulent and if you're not quititsure what a "skimmer" looks well they'y' easy to confuse with a card swiping machine because they're made to point of sales folks are report any
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card readers whether at the pump or an atm. jenna: a council bluffs man who tried to to rob a sioux city bank in 20-14 has been arreseted. 24-year-old joseph lanckriet is facing felony burglary and robbery charges for following a woman who they knew was a bank manager, to her home and trying to force her to go back to the bank and open the vault. months later, in a separate incident in council bluffs... a band-aid was left behind which allowed authorities to connect the dna to the s)oux city case lanckriet is being held on a $100,000 bond. tim: at the iowa state capitol, a series of second ammendment bills passed through the house today.. the only contested part o o the bill, the e section allowing children under 14 years of age to handle handguns under parent's supervision.... removing an age limit all together under r e proposed law. the bill, receiving bi-partisan support the bill now heads to the senate for final approval. earlier this year the senate also passed a separate
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suppressors. jenna: all eyes in south dakota are pointed at the governor's desk. a bill waiting for dennis daugaard's signature would make south dakota the first state to pass a low requiring students to use locker rooms and restrooms based on their sex at birth... instead of the gender they identify with. governor daugaard says he's making sure to take his time considering the controversial bill. ( gov. dennis daugaard / (r) south dakota ) "i would say i try to take information where i can get it. i'm certainly most interested in what south dakotans think. if someone outside of south dakota can give me solid information." davgaard says he has until tuesday to decide whether he'll veto or sign the bill if it goes unsigned the bill will go into law without asignature. jenna: the obama administration has settled a nearly 1 billion dollars over claims coming from native american tribes across the nation. the lawsuit was
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cleaiming the u-s government never paid tribes part of federal contracts for things like housing and other social services. today in mexico the two sides settled to terms which will allow eligible 699 tribes across the part of the including several tribes from nebraska and south dakota. tim: sioux city is revisting an that already has 8 million dollars in state support. the iowa economic development authority is looking to re- distribute funds awarded to a davenport project after the development was shut down. now the i-e-d-a is giving other participants including sioux city a second chance to gain additional fundinin sioux city's economic directct marty dougherty says the 14 million dollar project will improve the downtown scene a new application for the city's development will be presented to the state board for approval at
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jenna: seven finalists made their best pitches tonight for a chance to win a 4 thousand dollar grant. the contest called "swimming with the sharks" is part the week long "entrepalooza". seven local businesses were selected for the opportunity to go swimming and tell the judges about their business and why they would like the money. finalists were given 5 minutes to present and then 5 minuteto answer questions the judges my have. " the question and answers they had alot of good questions. and it's hard cause are business is a little esoteric, alot of people don't know the inner workings of the construction instry and these guys every single judge seed to get it a be able to ask poignant questions." says finalist geoffrey arnold. jenna: first place was announced ealier. lien wavers an app based startup is the winner of the 25 hundred dollar grand prize and flickboards, a game we featured last week got second place. jenna: speaking of
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restored plane is the current prize possession of the iowa air national guard... tim: scheduled to be sent to washington d-c... it'll make it's debut as a static display. abc 9's jess plue has more on the newly re-done jet. take gridwall jess: a vintage sioux city aircraft recently got a bit of a face- lift from the iowa air national guard. newly painted to look like an f-100 flown in the vietnam war,...this plane didn't see any battle action per say...but it did see simulations. "this is an f-100 super saber jet- it' s been refurbished to look like one of the f-100's at flew misty missions in the vivinam war. "this plane was used as a fast- forward air cocoroller. what they would do is fly low and fast, get the bad guys to shoot at them, and mark the targets. then they would call in bombing strikes to get teh bad guys," says david miller, paint facility manager. although this jet looks ready to go, the inside of the plane has been gutted... with the body repainted to resemble the original camoflage coloring, displaying everythign from the original sioux city numbers.. to the actual..captain's name.
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in vietnam. that's why the tail is 'he' and that's why you see the blue names next to the canopies of actual misty pilots that flew the misty missions in vietnam," says david miller, the paint facility manager. the names and numbers aren't the only interesting tidbit about the f-100. "it was designed as a slick- wing fighter like this to go supersonic and it was just the new technology at the time that allowed it," says scott plambeck, vice wing commander atathe 185 air refueling wing. the f-100 jets were the fifit planes with the ability to go supersonic..meaning, faster than the speed of sound. take gridwall jess: the iowa air national guard paint facility has painted over 650 planes since 2000 and it took them only two weeks to rebuild and paint the plane to it's completion. reporting in studio, jess plue...abc9 news jenna: when we return. a look at the presidential race, as the a look at the presidential race, as the republicans take the stage in the lone star state. don't go anywhere.
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a warmup is coming, and it will be sunny, too. but do we have any snow chances? the forecast is next.
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for the final republican debate before super tuesday. mary moloney has a recap. " " ted cruz -- opened e gop debate at ease in his home statat (ted cruz/ (r) presidential candidate): "welcome to texas." initially the candidates played nice. (ben carson/ (r) presidential candidate): "marco, donald, ted, john, we will not decide any of these problems if we destroy each other." (john kasich/ (r) presidential candidate): "america is an amazing country where a kid like me can grow up to run for president of the united states." cruz -- john kasich -- ben carson -- and marco rubio have one goal - stop donald trump. (marco rubio/ (r) presidential candidate): "you are the only person on
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hiring people to work on your projects illally. you hired some..." (donald trum (r) presidential candidate): "i'm the only one on this stage that's hired people, you haven't hired anybody." (cheers) but trump isist taking the shots lightly. and insists the country would be better off if the front runner wins. (donald trump/ (r) presidential candidate): "it's going to be a big difference, believe me. it's going to be a big big difference." i'm mary moloney reporting. (tim) fred, what do we expect? (fred) a nice warmup. 2 line super: fred hexom fhexom@kcautv.c om (fred) the port neal welding company skycam hd shows the scene in downtown sioux city. 35 was the high today and 30 the low. here's the storm lake skycam hd. 32 is our sioux city temperature. local temperatures are in the 20s and 30s. winds are calming quickly as high pressure moves in. the satellite and radar shows clear skies to our west where the high pressure resides but that big system still out east. this system continues to produce impressive storm reports for the third day in a
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reports in new england--all wind gusts and wind stormcast hd shows tonight. that will calm our winds down and promote clear skies. tomorrow, expect weather. a big warmup comes saturday, but a cold front will stir up winds and some showers sunday. the forecast for decreasing clouds and a low of 18. tomorrow, look for mostly sunny skies 63 will the saturday high before a cold front takes us bk to 49 sunday. that front will bring strong winds and a chance of light rain in the morning. we'll be back in the 60s monday. another strong front wilil bring a chance of snow tuesday and very strong winds. that looks to be light snow--not a major system. (jenna) thanks, fred.
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you are welcome. coming up in
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coming up sports...two of the best basketball programs in the state squared off tonight in a district final. find out if heelan or moc-floyd valley is moving on. tim plus south sioux ready has a state tournament berth locked up, but a win would
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the top seed. highlights from the minidome when we come back.
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for the top- ranked south sioux city girls. the cardinals had already clinched a spot in lincoln but with a winover norththst, south siouou would d ck up the top p ed. just a one point lead for the cardinals over the rockets at the half. and it's northeast that comes out gunning...mariah cates...knocks down the three pointer and the rockets take a 37- 33 lead. but that just makes the cardinals angry...they save the looseball and mckenna sims cashes in the three pointer to get within two. then the press does its magic...sims...johnn y on the spot for the steal...she takes it in for the easy layup to tie things up at 40. under a minute to play in the ain with the steal...she gives it off to augusta thramer for the three point up 5, and they dont' look back, they
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gives us more the state tournament and i just think we've rolling and it gives confidence." augusta thramer--"it gives us a lot of motivation going in. and knowing at we close games this helps us know that we can battle teams and come back and molly never want to go in our seniors really stepped up to play and girls hit their the stretch. northeast is a really good team and they definitely showed that tonight. i think that game's going to in the state tournament." open up their state tournament run next thursday at pinnacle bank arena. regional semifinals tonight data...dv hosting lennox tuesday'final. third up 10...the taylor weeldreyer...she knocks down the corner three and make it a baker's dozen. a few minutes later though...claire johnson...answers with a triple of her own and the panthers claw back within 8. lennox...with the answer on their end
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drives in for the layup and the orioles stretch that lead. panthers not going down without a fight...anna rasmussen, nothing but net on the long two...but dakota valley gets upset tonight, they fall 52-46. chris: class 3a boys teams in iowa need two more wins tomake it to des momoes. tonight, t t of the areas better programs over the past decade, heelan and moc floyd valley, squared off with a spot at substate on the line. the dutch knocked the crusaders out of the postseason two years ago.
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between siouxland christian and south o'brien over at west. wolverines up 8 in the first...peyton brasser with the nifty dish to karter rohrbaugh for the lay in. then damon struve, gets the ball right back and hits the trifecta...all of a sudden that south o'brien lead is up to 13. late in the quarter...brian haden beats the buzzer...17-2 wolverines after one, they advance to substate, 58-33. some other regional finals tonight...central lyon pulls the upset over fourth ranked boyden-hull, 58-53. they'll play south o'brien for a trip to state saturday night in le mars. and g-t-r-a survives a nailbiter with fort dodge st. edmond...the titans will take on west hancock for a ticket to state. also in 1a, the defending state runners up from mvao get upset by
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and up in class 3a, number 3 spirit lake takes care of business against upset minded storm lake, 78-52. advance to they'll take on night...that game
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tomorrow, look for and 48 for the high. 63 will the saturday high before a cold front takes us back front will bring chance of light rain in the morning. we'll be back in the 60s monday. another strong front will bring a chance of snow tuesday and very strong winds. that looks to be light snow--not a
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live." >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- kelly ripa - from "how to get away with murder," billy brown - mean tweets movie edition -- and music from tinashe and snakehis featuring chance the rapper. with cleto and the cletones -- and now, no kidding, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everybody. i'm jimmy. i'm the host.


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