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tv   ABC9 News This Morning at 5  ABC  February 29, 2016 5:00am-6:00am CST

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from the west. the wind is pretty calm at 5 to 15 miles per hour. here's the dayplanner where we're headed for a high in the upper 40s. your full forecast is coming up - your coming up on abc9 morning... churches are shriking but e ministry is a key piece of hispanic culture in sioux county. " you'll meet the behind those who siouxland. " we'll bring you all from last nights oscars. these stories and more... on abc9 news this morning. "" lukas: good morning and thanks for starting you week wi us... i'm lukas voss ... some big changes are in stote for the diocese of sioux city... because of low attendance and a declining number of priests... the diocese will reduce the number of parishes from 108, to fewer than 70 beginning in 2017. but the same can
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christ the king catholic church in sioux center. abc9 news reporter christina gri hall va has more on how this church is rapidly growing. (nats bells and singing) "it's kind of like a death as theirir preparing to sayay goodbye e the place and d e community that they've known for so long. " the sioux city diocese announcing last week they'll be closing around 40 parishes-- due to declining attendance and fewer priests in siouxland. but one church in sioux center is actually seeing their numbers grow. christ the king catholic church-- while the youngest church in the diocese of sioux city-- has been able to keep its doors open for their growing congregation. "many of our parishes were founded 100-125 years ago, um and here we're just new, we're very young, um immigrants, so we're still discovering in one sense who we are and who we'll be, so it's a lot of challenges, but yet their the good kind of challenges, that theres the potential for growth." with a boom in economy-- growth in industries like agriculture and construction-- have brought people here to iowa. "though i feel that thats what has been attracting population to our town, and part of that population is catholic and they come look for a catholic church." christ the king started back in 1992-- with jus13 families and now it is home to over 250. diego castelan has been a member for about 14 years and started coming with
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church started in the public library basement. "i started off as an alter boy here and from there i've been able to do different parts in helping out with our church and it keeps growing." the congregation is roughly 75-percent hispanic-- and since no other churches in surrounding towns have a spanish mass-- castelan says their lucky to have pastororline. "just him speaking spanish for the spanish h ss that's whatatas attracted many of the other parishaners around the area of sioux center." christ the kinmay be the youngest catholic church-- but they hope their growing population keeps them around for a long time. "we are not an old church like the rest of them around the area, st.marys all them but we hope to be and keep staying vibrant and being a welcoming church for everybody." christina: pastor kline says they have accuired land around the church-- and will start brainstorming funding options for an expansion-- to better accomadate their growing numberer reporting in studio-- christina grijalva-- abc 9 news. lukas it was a big weekend for one
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land around the church-- and will start brainstorming funding options for an expansion-- to better accomadate their growing numbers. reporting in studio-- christina grijalva-- abc 9 news. lukas t was a big weekend for one siouxland teen. kevin farias received a scholarship for flying lessons... for the 14 year old heelan student... it was more than just a plane ride, this was the first step in fullfilling his dream. his scholarship came from the local chapter of the experimental aircraft association . kevin wanted to be a pilot since he was 10, a dream inspired by his dad. " "i am most certain that i am making him the proudest dad ever. my mom too, because she also wanted to put me in the military school so i can grow up to be like my dad" says kevin farias, 14 year old flight student.
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taking classes on aviation, physics, and weather. he hopes to fly aviation, physics, and weather. he hopes to fly large cargo planes one day, and work for the navy, just like his dad. kevin says he wasn't nervous at all for his first flight... lukas: now to the latest on the race to the white house. super tuesday is almost here... 11 states are up for grabs as the candidates have all but stopped critizing their opponents ... abc's stephanie ramos has the latest. "they don't call it super tuesday for nothin? on this one day?the fate of both parties could be decided?.and how we got here has been anything but typical? the gop frontrunner?donal d trump taking insults from all sides?. rubio sot - trump "doesn't sweat because his pores ararclogged with the spray tan (from ines delacuetara) cruz sot - if fe nominate donald trump in all likelihood hillary
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country. trump has racked up support from some of the loudest names in politics.? an endorsement from new jersey governor chris christie ?and a first senate endorsement from alabama's jeff sessions. trtrp is leading in most states and is now set to have more big wins on super tuesday?. but he spent the weekend answering questions about an endorsement he may not want?from klu klux klan former grand wizard david duke. djt honestly, i don't know david duke. i don't believe i've ever met him, and i just don't know anything about him. " on the democratic side - hillary clinton has more delegates and more momentum an bernie sanders after her victory y this weekend's south calina primary? and sanders knows it?telling george
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sanders this week we got decimated, a newly formed group in siouxland is looking to help raise awareness in support for law enforcement. you'll meet them... up next. scott: we'll have... "you're watctcng abc9 news this morning... with ... lukas voss... and meteorologist scott larson.. this is abc9 news this morning. " ""
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highlights a system snow to the region tuesday morning. this will drop accumulations of 1 can expect cooler temperatures tomorrow with highs in the 30s. but will be on the 40s and by the return! today's high is 47 with increasing clouds and wind speeds. tonight's low is 22 with a rain/snow mix. tomorrow's high is 31 with a few flakes early, then mostly cloudy skies. here's your extended forecast where beyond today, our precipitation chances are small and then much warmer temperates return for the weekend.
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scott: snow to the region overnight and into this will drop accumulations of 1 can expect cooler snow to the region overnight and to accuculations of 1 to 3 inches. then we can expect cooler temperatures tomorrow with highs in the 30s. but most of the week will be on the warmer side in the 40s and by the weekend - 50s and 60s return! today's high is 47 with increasing clouds and wind speeds. tonight's low is 22 with a rain/snow mix. tomorrow's high is 31 with a few flakes early, then mostly cloudy skies. here's your extended forecast where beyond today, our precipitation chances are small and then much
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temperatures weekend. scott: lukas: our police officers live to set to b bng some overerght and into this will drop accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. then we can expect cooler temperatures tomorrow with most of the week will be on the warmer side in the 40s and by the weekend - 50s and 60s our police officers live to serve and protect... and althought they don't always find themselves in danger .. their families live with the fact that something bad could happen at any time. now a new group is working to offer support in good time and bad.
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reporter jess plue explains. "i noticed someone me, and when i looked back i noticed one of the officer's wives was sitting by herself should be sitting there next to her, this is wrong, we should have sat togethth," says founder of sbts. epiphany occuring amist the funeral services for officer jason (jay) fleckenstein in 2015. after seeing the men in blue banded together to grieve one of their own, sandra mueller decided that the officers weren't the needed support. have that outlet where we can reach out and connect with each other in good times and in bad, we need to be able to know who our support system is," says sandra mueller, founder of sbts. where the original intent was a support group, this organization has become much much more. "family" says ealizabeth hanson, a spouou behind the shield. "family" says emma caskey, a spouse behind the shield. "family" says megan harrison, a spou behind the shield. "it means family. for us, whether you're a husband or a wife for a spouse behind the shield, it means getting together and coming together, " says gwen stubbe, a spouse behind the
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and as in all families, they aim to support their loved ones on the force. spouses behind the shield has applied to be a non-profit organization with goals to raise funds and awareness for those wounded onon the job. "our goal isiso be a resource for law enforcement, our officers, in their time of need and in their family's time of need," says sandra mueller, founder of sbts. through selling shirts and coins similar to those handed out in the military, the group hopes to expand fundraising events in the near r ture. though starting a fundraiser has been the least of their challenges. every day these spouses fret the worst when their loved ones leave for work.. all due to the unpredictable nature of their jobs and a select few's negative perception towards officers. especially in times where community and officer
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"they signed up to serve and protect their community, they did not sign up to be hated and disrespected as much," says sandra mueller, founder of sbts. a fear echoed throughout the group. "it's just kind of sad that you can't really wear your badge proud anymore," says samantha grimsley, a spouse behind the shield. "that part rt me is the hardest part, knowing that so many people simply hate him because he wears a uniform and a badge," says jessica trobaugh, a spouse behind the shield. but these ladies and gentlemen don't let fear control them because they know the officers need their strength and support, just as much as they themselves need it between each other. "in light of all the negativivi that comes in n w enforcement, it's nice to have a groupup of people that you can get together with and talk about things that are maybe going on at work or going on at home that only people that are in this profession or related to those in currently has upwards of fifty members and anyone is welcome to join. the organization welcomes family... friends and community to join their group in support of the men and women
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if you'd like to learn more about spouses behind the shield or would like to donate to their cause you u n visit their ge on facebookok. or head to our website... at siouxlandmatters dot com for more. " lukas: coming up.... from mad max... to leo... to spotlight... and everything in between... we'll bring you all the big winners from last nights oscars. " lukas: and.... the worst of hollywood was also celebrated this weekend... so to speak ... see who "won" we'll also recap the razzy awards... up next.
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that -- of this year's "raspberry awards." the "razzies" supreme in cinema. and "fifty shades" received five "razzies" at saturday night's awards show -- including worst picture. dakota johnson was named worst actress, and jamie dornan -- worst actor. the "razzies" are traditionally handed out the
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other winners this year include johnny depp for his work in "mortdecai..." adam sandler in "the cobbler" and "pixels." and chevy chase in "hot tub time machine 2" and "vacation." lukas: well it had to happen eventually. leonardo dicaprio after getting snubbed near half a dozen times finally took home hihioscar. plus a big surprise in the best supporting actor category. abc's lauren lyster recaps hollywood's biggest night. "mad max fury road collected the most gold and it was the first oscar for leonardo dicaprio all on a night where taking center stage along with the folks winning awards, was the broader controversy over a lack of diversity in hollywood... ats: "spotlight" a thoughtful film about a newspaper --investigating sex abuse by boston's catholic priests--took oscar's top prize last night--winnnng beststicture. chris s ck: if they nominated hosts--i wouldn't even get this job. but it was oscar host--chris rock--who really owned the night--addressing the academy's diversity controversy--right out of the gate. nats: film parody: i'm the danish girl. placing black actors
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films... nats: film parody: don't worry black even calling chris rock hollywood is sorority racist. it's rhonda. but you're not a kappa. after five acting nominations--leonar do dicaprio's losing ended. his gritty performance as a wounded seeking retribution--winning him gold for "the revenant"--his impassioned acceptance speech--a dire dicaprio climate change is right now. it is the most urgent threat facing our entire best actress--as predicted--went to room's bree larson. brie larson the thing that i love about movie making is how many people it takes to make it. the biggest upset of the evening--the supporting actor to "bridge e spies" mark ryance--in a category chock f fl l ollywoododeavy hitters. and "the danish girl's" alicia vikander took home best supporting actress. but the most awarded film of the night--not the sensitive, serious films that dominated the awards--but instead--mad max fury road--with a six
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lauren lyster tag: and as the oscar scene winds down behind me -- what moment stuck with viewers? well, on social media leonardo dicaprio's best actor win generated more than 440-thousand tweets per minute - that was the most tweeted moment of an oscar telecast ever -- beating the previous record set when ellen deneneres tweeted that star-studded selfie when she was host. lauren lyster, abc news, hollywood. lukas: scott: lukas and scott are chatting about the oscars. lukas and scott are chatting about the oscars. lukas and scott are chatting about the oscars. kas and scott are chatting about thehe oscars. scott:good morning siouxland. temperatures are in things off tod. from the west. the at 5 to 15 miles per chatting about the oscars. lukas and scott are chatting about the oscars. lukas and scott are chatting about the oscars.
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lukas and scott are chatting about the oscars. lukas and scott are chatting about the oscars. lukas and scott are chatting about the oscars. scott:good morning siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s as we start things off today. clouds will increase from the west. the wind is pretty calm at 5 to 15 miles per hour. here's the dayplanner where we're headed for a high in the upper 40s. scott: here's a quick chekc outside on one of our iowa d-o-t traffic cam's here at . many folks still waking up and starting their clouds will increase from the west. the wind is pretty calm at 5 to 15 miles per hour. here's the dayplanner where we're headed for a
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clouds will increase from the west. the wind is pretty calm at 5 to 15 miles per hour. here's the dalanner where we're headed for a d-o-t traffic cam's heret . many folks still waking up and starting their workday....please drive safely everyone... " lukas: still to come... two men have escaped a newton prison. i'll bring you all the details
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correctional release center have escaped.... michael amodeo was not present during a routine count saturd night ... during a second count, it became apparent inmate jessy foley was missing as well. reporter jacob peklo has the
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it was a late, busy night at the newton correctional facility, after two inmates escaped from the minimum security prison. fred scaletta, department of corrections spokesma "we do know tt at one point we did a routine count and one was discovered missing and a second count to try to confirm that and we discovered that another one was missing.g. these two men, jessy foley and michael amodeo have been gone since before 10 p-m saturday. shortly after, all neighbors were told of the escape...the second incident in about a month or so. natural sound of car drivininby john crawford,d, newton resident:t:i think it's about the first or second town that i've gotten a call in the last... well, i've lived in town for about 11 authorities aren't men would have run, and won't say at this point if the two men or if they're working as a team. fred scaletta, department of spokesman: "we know how they got out of the facility of
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gogoen anywhere el we have no idea if they did or that may have happened." natural sound of car driving by some neighbors told local five, they're not too concerned about the inmates coming to their homes, because of the rural landscape and the nature of the prisoners' john crawford, about it. these are the types of guys that go into town and go to work." both of the inmates are in for drug- related offenses, considered dangerous. fred scaletta, department of spokesman: "if take the risk of to assume that there however, at the same time, there's some kind of hiding factor where you figure they don't want to get caught." lukas if caught both could get five more years tacked onto their sentences... as well as a move to a more highly secured prison like oakdale. lukas an investigation is underway involving an officer-involved shooting out of rapid city. a pennington county officer was conducting a routine traffic stop on friday... the officer and another man then got into a confrontation with the deputy ending up shooting the man-- identified as 35-year-old abraham fryer. frye was taken to a local hospital-- where he later died "south dakota division of criminal investigation" is looking into the case-- and is
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the next 30 days. lukas one person has been confirmed dead after a head-on collison near selby friday afternoon. 31-year-old, destin bray, of eureka, led south dakota highway patrol on a chase and ended up hitting a semi- truck ..head-on. bray was serving an active warrant the time of the pursuit-- for two counts of rape in the first degree. the walworth's county sheriff's office is handling the crash investigation. " " lukas: up ahead.... i'll get you caught up on a busy weekend in the politcal world. we'll rejoin the race the white house... all next scott: " " scott:thanks for being with us on this monday.
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the 30s as we start
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clouds wililincrea from the west. the wind is pretty calm at 5 to 15 miles per hour. let's get a check of conditions outside on the port neal welding company skycam hd and the storm lake stormcast hd set to bring some snow to the region overnight and into accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. then we can expect cooler temperatures tomorrow with highs in the 30s. but most of the week will be on the warmer side in the 40s and by the weekend - 50s and 60s return! today's high is 47 with increasing clouds and wind speeds. tonight's low is 22 with a rain/snow mix. tomorrow's high is 31 with a few flakes early, then mostly cloudy skies. here's your extended forecast where
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chances are small and then much warmer temperatures return for the weekend. things off today. clouds will increase from the west. the wind ipretty calm at 5 to 15 miles per hour. let's get a check of conditions outside on the port neal welding company skycam hd and the storm lake skycam hd. the stormcast hd highlights a system set to bring some snow to the region overnight and into tuesday morning. this will drop accumulations of 1 to 3 inchehe then we can expect cooler temperatures tomorrow with highs in the 30s. but most of the week will be on the warmer side in the 40s and by the weekend - 50s and 60s return! today's high is 47 with increasing clouds and wind speeds. tonight's
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tomorrow's high is 31 with a few flakes early, then mostly cloudy skies. here's your extended forecast where beyond today, our precipitation chances are small and then much warmer temperatures return for the weekend. lukas things off today. clouou will increase from the west. the wind is pretty calm at 5 to miles per hour. let's get a check of conditions outside on the port neal welding company skycam hd and the storm lake skycam hd. the stormcast hd highlights a system set to bring some snow to the region overnight and into tuesday morning. this will dropop accumulations ofof to 3 inches. then we can expect cooler temperatures tomorrow with highs in the 30s. but most of the week
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40s and by the weekend - 50s and 60s return! today's high is 47 with increasing clouds and wind speeds. tonight's low is 22 with a rain/snow mix.tomorrow's high is with a few flakes early, then mostly candidates racing for president have all eyes fixed on this "super tuesday" in the pursuit of each party's nomination for president. across the nation a dozen states caucus or hold primaries on tuesday about half the delegates needed to secure the republican nomination are up for grabs... democrats are fighting for about a third of whats needed to lock up the bnomination. most political analysts agree tuesday could just about make it or break it for a lot of candidates. " this is a big day not only for delegates but for momentum and for who defines the press narrative." strong performances by donald trump and hillary clinton could cement their status as front-runners - and bring them closer to clinching the
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lukas and donald trump is making a pitch to southern voters ahead of super tuesday. he landed in millington, tennessee this weekend with new jersey governor chris christie next to him. christie dropped out of the race earlier this month and has endorsed trump. tennsee and arkansas are among the 12 states voting on super tuesday "on tuesday, are we gonna make tennessee 'trump country?' (yeah!) welcome, i'm chris christie and i'm proud to say that i endorse donald trump for the next president of the united states. (cheering) i'm thrilled to be here because america needs strong leadership again and that strong leader is donald trump. " and trump stepped up his attacks this weekend against g-o-p presidential rival marco rubio. trump claims rubio stole money from the florida republican party using a g-o-p corporate credit card. rubio used the
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personal expenses, which he later reimbursed. but trump still said rubio should face charges. (donald trump/ (r) candidate): "rubio stole from the republican party. but you know what happened? they said, 'you stole from the party.' he says, 'no i didn't.' 'yes you did. you had a driveway built.' 'no i didn't.' 'yes you did.' 'oh, ok. reimbursed them, ok. he didn't get indicted. why doesn't' he get indicted. " rubio's campaign fired back at trump, saying he's a con man with a history of defrauding people. and rubio himself spoke out as well ... ( sen. marco rubio/ (r) presidential candidate) "flying around on hair force one, and uh tweeting. so here's the one tweet he put out, he put out a picture of me having makeup put on me at the debate, which is amazing to me that a guy with the worst spray tan in america is attacking me for putting on makeup. (cheers) donald trump likes to sue people. he should sue whoever did that to his face."
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released five years worth of tax return documents. ted cruz released 9 years of tax returns.... and trump, is facing growing pressure to release them as well ... trump has said he will not do so until the i-r-s completes its audit of the documents. lukas: and donald trump has clinched his first endorsement from a sitting u-s senator. "(wait for natsot: "jeff sessions! (cheering)") trump himself announced that alabama republican jeff sessions sessions said at a rally in madisonalabama thatthe american people want change.. and trump's movement could help their voices be heard. the senator is known for his opposition to illegal immigration ... and his endorsement can solidify trump as e toughest candidate on the issue. alabama is one of 12 states voting in republican presidential
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and former arizona governor jan brewer has endorsed donald trump for president. brewer released a statement through the trump campaign praising the republican frontrunner's tough stance on illegal immigration. she wrote that trump would do what's necessary to secure u-s borders. brewer signed a controversial bill into arizona law in 2010 that allows police to check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws. trump said he was honored to receive her endorsement. lukas but it wasn't all good news for the donald this nebraska g-o-p announced he won't support trump. said... "if trump becomes the republican nominee my expectation is that i'll look for some 3rd candidate - a option, a constitutionalist. " sasse is believed to be the first u-s senator to saye won't support should he be the republican nominee. lukas after what was originally guessed to be another close race between clinton and sanders, hillary and her campaign delivered a solid win in the south
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primary. clinton clutching a total of 39 delegates over sanders 14 total delegates. the final voter percentage for hillary was 73.5% to sanders 26%. "we have to stand with each other. we have to hold each other uplift each other up. move together into the future that we will make. thank you. god bless you and god bless america! " as bernie sanders was leaving admitted defeat to reporters and congratulated his admitted defeat congratulated his opponent. (sen. bernie sanders/(d) presidential candidate) "on a given night sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. tonight we lost. i congratulate secretary clinton on her victory tuesday. over 8007 over 800 delegates are at stake and we plan to win many of them." lukas: still some good news for sanders... vice chair of the democratic national committe and hawaii representative
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resigning her post at the d-n-c in order to endorse the vermont senator for president. as vice chair gabbard, who's viewed as a rising star in the party, was required to be neutral in the primary. lukas former u-s president bill clinton hit thth campaign traililor wife hillary thihi weekend. clinton spoke at a campaign event in edmond, oklahoma the crowd agreed with the former president when he discussed-- what he thinks-- a commander in chief must do. "the final thing we're going to have is inclusive politics and that means, for someone in our party, you gotta learn when to stand you can never never common ground. stand your ground your ground. i think that includes supporting your president and apinting supreme court. " bill clinton went crowd in carolina-- where he dealt with a different type of reaction from getting a litttt protestor in
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"can i answer. i heard you, can i answer? will you let me answer? this is america, i get to answer back. you listen to me, i heard you. wait a minute, i heard your speech, they heard your speech, you listen to me now. do i have a right to answer? i'm not your commander in c cef anymore but i were i'd tell you to be more polite. sit down. " the former president plans to continue to stump for his wife ahead of superer tuesday. lukas: show hillary clinton is far ahead of bernie key states that's according to an nbc news- journal-marist released this it shows clinton two-to-one margins in texas, georgia and tennessee. lukas: an important hearing involving
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resources district is being held t tight. susan risinger has the details. "a hearing will be held at 7:30 p.m. proposed changes in the lower elkhorn district. the only significant change would call for inspections of chemigation systems every third year instead of every two. nebraska soybean producers have another variety choice to consider when buying seed for the 2016 growing season. united soybean board secretary jimmy sneed says high oleic bean varieties are now available in the state. if today is your birthday - you are a leapling - or a leaper to some. the chance of being born o oa leap day is one in 1,461 - give or take a chance or two. there are roughly 5-million leaplings in the world. leap years are necessary to keep the calendar aligned with earth's revolutions around the sun. these and more stories can be heard on newstalk wjag, literock 97.5 and 106kix. " lukas: coming up in sports...adam
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mike gesell (guh- zell) play their final game in carver hawkeye tomoow night. we'l'lcheck in with the sioio crew when we come back. scot stay tuned for today's forecast6.. lukas: after four years, the iowa careers of adam woodbury and mike gesell (guh-zell) are
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and mike gesell (guh-zell) arebeginning to come e to a close. abc9ports director chris palmquist will sit down with the tomorrow, but today, he has a sneak peek of the interviews. chris palmquist--"good morning everybody, i the oscars last night. for four years now, east's south sioux's mike main stays for coach fran mccaffery in iowa city. tuesday night will be e take the court at arena. senior night just an important game for the hawkeyes in the big ten, it wi also celebrate a class program around.
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arrived in iowa city, the hawkeyes had just suffered through their worst three year stretch in program history. now woodbury and gesell are part of the third winningest class in hawkeye history and i had a chance to talk with them a aut their careers. mike gesell--"this is whatat dreamed about a kid, being able to play division i. that's why i signed up to play in the big ten, to be able to play in some of the biggest arenas, some of the most hostile environments, you've gotta love things like that." adam woodbury--"it's really been surreal. i mean i couldn't really ask for a better experience that i've had. every little bump in the road has helped me grow as a person. i'm just grateful for my opportunity to p py hereret iowa and for opportunity to play at east. i was put in t very good programs that have really helped me grow as a person. fran mccaffery--"they've been incredibly productive and we've won a lot of games. you know, you look at the numbers before they got
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terms of wins. those two guys are right there in the middle of all of it." chris palmquist--"be sure to tune in tuesday night to abc9 news at 10 for a ok back at the sioux crew. the hawkeyes in action yesterday at ohio state, looking to snap out of a funk. mike gesell, playing above the rim...he gets out in front of the pack and slams it down to snap a 22 all tie late in the first. showed once again why he just may the best
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game on saturday. threining m-v-p set one record, tyed another ... and also won the game... pretty much by himself. "announcer nats "bang, bang oh what a shot from curry" oh what a night! steph curry had an evening for the record books -- with this 3 pointer from 35 feet deep in the paint in overtime nats announcers...the golden statewarrior broke the n-b-a single season mark for 3- pointers.... and tied for the most 3- pointers in a game! watch again -- curry steps ... and shoots with seconds left on the clock! the buzzer beater sealed a victory for the warriors against the oklahoma city thunder. curry got started early... hitting four om behind the arch in the first half nats of all 3 pointer shots but in the third quarter -- he looked like he might be sidelined after
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and re-entered the game... nats but it's that overtime sinker that is breaking the internet... ((show again)) - curry's record tying kobe bryant and donyelll marshall for most three pointers in a game nba legends past and present tweeeting clouds will increase from the west. the wind is pretty calm at 5 to 15 miles per hour. some snow is expected to come through tonight. here's the dayplanner where we're headed for a high in the upper 40s. lukas: clouds will increase from the west. the wind is pretty calm at 5 to 15 miles perur. some snow is expected to come through tonight. here's the dayplanner where we'r'rheaded for a hihi in the upper 40s. lukas: clouds will increase from the west. the wind is pretty calm at 5 to 15 miles per hour. some snow is expected to come
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here's the dayplanner where americano, to the home of the caffe. reena ninanahave the details good morning. topping "americs money" -- starbucks in italy. >> a gutsy move. it will open its first cafe in a country with some o the most particular coffee drinker miss theworld. >> the ceoays starbucks owes
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thege]bdf egypt which cost $140 million to make took in just $14 million. >> wow, "deadpool" again the favorite. "kung fu panda 3" was third with $9 million. > for thosese of you celebrating a bit day today on this leap day, there are deals out there for you. olive garden. >> pizza hut is offering a special deal. there's a special on a dozen doughnutskrispy kreme. >> they desee it. they only have a airthday every four years. >> exactly. eat up. those e areat's "america's money." mom: hm, how about...? dad: hey haley, break a leg, huh? girl: that's rude. that means youe going to do fantastitic. oh! well, thank you. are younervous, honey?
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buena suerte, mi hija. i'm gonna rock this thing! vo: now that's the good stuff. the sonoma collection. only at kohl's. is she after our liquid gold?? ohshe better not be. our claim runs straight down to the glut'n free stuffin'. it's gluten. there's gold in them thar shehells. liquid gold. get 30% off every guest every ship in the caribbean but hurry, this offer won't last long come seek the royal caribbean
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entertainment franchise turned 20 years old this weekend. in honor of the milestone, the pokemon company released a new video celebrating two decades of "pocket monsters". that was the series' original name in japan, where it debuted on the game boy handheld video game system. nce then, pokeken has
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dollar empire of video games, trading card games, movies, toys, and t-v series. the anniversary video also announces two new video games: pokemon sun and pokemon moon, coming this fall. also ahead is the "pokemon go" app for mobile phones, expected later thisr. lukas scott: adlib scott: "pokemon" entertainment franchise turned 20 years old this weekend. in honor of the milestone, the pokemon company releas a new video celebrating two decades of "pocket monsters". that was the series' original name in japan, where it debuted on the game boy handheld video game s stem. since thenen pokemon has grown into a multi-billion- dollar empire of video games, trading card games, movies, toys, and t-v series. the anniversary video also the coffee giant is taking the americano, to the franchise turned 20 years old this weekend. in honor of the milestone, the pokemon company released a new
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"pocket monsters". that was the series' original name in japan, where it debuted lukas temperatures are in the 30s as we start things off today. clouds will increase from the west. the wind is pretty calm at 5 to 15 miles per hour. let's get a check of conditions outside on the port neal welding company skycam hd and the storm lake skycam hd. the stormcast hd highlights a system
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snow to the region overnight and into tuesday morning. this will drop accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. then we can expect cooler temperatures tomorrow with highs in the 3 3. but most of the week will be on the warmer side in the 40s and by the weekend - 50s and 60s return! today's high is 47 with increasing clouds and wind speeds. tonight's low is 22 with arain/snow mix. tomorrow's high is 31 with a few flakes early, then mostly cloudy skies. here's your extended forecast where beyond today, our precipitation chances are small and then much warmer temperatures return for the
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lukas scott: adlib lukas: "coming up in our six o'clock hour... one heelan teen took to the skies for the very first time... fulfilling a livelong dream ... you'll meet him...
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clouds will increase from the west. the wind is pretty calm at 5 to 15 miles per hour. here's the dayplanner where we're headed for a high in the upper 40s.


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