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tv   Through the Decades  CBS  January 6, 2016 11:00am-12:00pm MST

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,,,,,,,,,,,, >> dr. neville: he' s giving you bad advice. >> and you' re a charlatan! >> ashley: dr. dellafield, please. >> victoria: billy' s mother already signed off on the surgery. >> dr. neville: and it' s a bad decision. >> who even asked your opinion?! dr. shelby may have put up with this, but now that i' m covering for him, i won' t tolerate it. >> dr. neville: well, the fact is that barton likes me even less than you do, dellafield, so welcome aboard. we want the same thing. how we get it is entirely up to the family. >> victoria: ashley, you don' t want billy to undergo this procedure? >> ashley: no, victoria, i did, but dr. neville is raising some questions. i think we should discuss our options. >> victoria: options? i thought that billy might not recover if he didn' t undergo the surgery. >> ashley: didn' t you say that the procedure was really risky? >> it is. it' s also necessary.
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narrow opinion. >> [ sighs ] the facts are these. mr. abbott suffered a traumatic brain injury. you were in the room when we almost lost him. >> victoria: yes. it was terrifying. >> we can' t let that happen again. now that billy' s stabilized, we need to relieve that pressure on his brain. >> dr. neville: and you don' t have to cut him open to do it! look, mr. abbott -- billy -- is the perfect candidate for my protocol. it' s a compound drug therapy. victoria: do you think this method would work? >> dr. neville: yes! i know it will. >> you' re not seriously considering it? you don' t even know the details of mr. abbott' s case! >> dr. neville: i' ve studied his chart! >> how is that possible? you don' t have privileges here. >> dr. neville: [ sighs ] i may have gotten a glance at his chart. in the interest of science, i may have taken photos of the relevant pages. >> yet another example of your continual unethical behavior! i urge you -- do not put your loved one' s life in the hands of this quack! >> ashley: why can' t you just take the time to listen to what he has to say? >> we don' t have that kind of time.
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re standing here arguing. >> abby: okay, stop it. >> ashley: abby! i thought you were -- you were supposed to -- >> abby: blissfully enjoying our honeymoon, yeah. i know. but it was a toss-up -- worry at the beach or worry here. and i chose here, where ben and i might actually help. and it looks like we' re just in time. >> jack: i want the man that left my brother for dead to be caught and punished! >> paul: agreed. we' re on it, jack. >> jack: but what about billy' s bookie? have you questioned him? >> paul: gil finally admitted that, uh, he had an encounter with billy in the garage. it' s hard to prove, but it' s pretty clear that he roughed him up. >> jack: he ran over him with a car, paul! >> paul: but there is no evidence linking his car to the crime scene or to billy. >> jack: [ sighs ] >> phyllis: and since that bookie can' t lead you to the car that hit billy, you got nothing. >> paul: hmm. all i had was forensics. and you, jack. >> jack: what do you need from me? >> paul: information. what was going on in billy' s life leading up to the incident? >> jack: i don' t know that. i' ve been so busy trying to keep jabot'
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all i know is he was gambling. >> phyllis: it' s why he owed so much money. he placed a huge bet on a horse race that didn' t go his way. >> paul: okay, so why would billy place such a huge bet? why would it be so important for him to win big? >> chelsea: this is nice. can we stay like this all day?
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>> chelsea: safe and sound. >> adam: safe and sound. you thinking about what happened to billy? >> chelsea: i' m just... i feel bad for victoria, you know? i' ve been there before, almost losing the man that you love. just makes me grateful that i found you again. >> adam: you and connor are the >> chelsea: it' s interesting you that it' s time we start working on another baby. noah. >> noah: yeah. >> victor: i didn' you to come. t you want i mean, we all know what we' re talking about.
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re in this together. >> victor: close the door, please. [ sighs ] t type 2 diabetes doesn't care who you are. man woman or where you're from. city country we're just everyday people fighting high blood sugar. i am everyday people. farxiga may help in that fight every day. along with diet and exercise, nfarxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. r r one pill a day helps lower your a1c. r r and, although it's not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug, r r farxiga may help you lose weight and may even p p lower blood pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. p p do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. p p symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, rrr or difficulty breathing
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if you have any of these symptoms stop taking farxiga r r and seek medical help right away. ndo not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, ttt are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. p p tell your doctor right away if you have blood p p or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. p p farxiga can cause serious side effects, including dehydration, rrr genital yeast infections in women and men, ttt low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. p p common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. farxiga. we are everyday people. r r i am everyday people. yeah. yeah. ask your doctor if farxiga is right for you and visit to learn
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eaten this sandwich kids discover the world with their mouths detergent is harmful if swallowed, so keep laundry pacs up and away from children brought to you by tide >> additional sponsorship provided by... what makes gold bond ultimate so ultimate? it's packed with 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. rich, yet absorbs skin looks nourished, healed, healthy. gold bond. >> ashley: dr. neville has s surgery. >> stitch: it' scheduled? >> as soon as the neurosurgeon arrives from the airport. >> victoria: dr. neville says there' s another way, but if we make the wrong decision...
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>> stitch: oh, abby, this -- this is your family. i can' t -- >> abby: you' re my family, and i trust your judgment. i' m sure you guys feel the same? >> victoria: i do. >> ashley: i do, too. >> abby: great. then we' ll have ben talk to both doctors, and if you think we should delay the surgery, then we' ll do that. we' ll bring in aunt traci, uncle jack, jill, and then we can discuss it as a family. if not, we' ll stick to the plan. >> ashley: that' s a good plan. >> stitch: okay, um, dr. dellafield, i' d like to look at billy' s chart. >> come with me. >> victoria: you and dr. neville seem like -- >> ashley: we' re just colleagues, victoria. honestly, i' m not trying to push any kind of an agenda. i just want to make sure that all our bases are covered. >> victoria: i know, i know. it just threw me, having another option at the last minute. >> abby: it' s because you' re stressed, worrying about billy and the kids. what can i help you with? do you need help with johnny, katie? >> victoria: no, they' re with traci. >> ashley: where'
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t left the hospital since the night of the accident, so i-i convinced her to go home. i told her that we' d call her if anything happened. >> abby: why don' t you let me call her after ben' s done talking to the doctors? it' s one less thing for you to have to do. >> victoria: you know, there' s so many times that i told billy i' d never be with him again. but i always thought that somehow we would just -- we would figure things out and... honestly, i just thought we had more time. >> we already have the family' s permission. >> dr. neville: yeah, but only because they don' t know all the facts. >> dr. rayburn, surely you understand that these unorthodox methods pose a great threat -- >> dr. neville: it' unorthodox when you don' understand it! a threat? i saved hilary hamilton' s life. and now with ashley, i -- damn it, my point is, ben, i can get results. i know i can, without the potential dangers of a neurosurgical procedure. >> stitch: okay, perhaps you have developed a breakthrough
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s no "perhaps" about it. this will work! >> stitch: okay, but you have no clinical trial. you have a small sample size. in fact, the smallest -- one. >> dr. neville: which functioned exactly the way i knew it would! it was a complete success! >> stitch: even so, in my opinion, to wait around to try some unproven drug therapy could jeopardize billy' s life. >> dr. neville: so, you concur with [chuckles] mr. establishment. well, i hoped for better from you, dr. rayburn. >> i' ll let you know when the surgeon arrives. >> dr. neville: [ sniffs ] [ chuckles ] my god, ben. i hope you don' t live to regret your decision. >> stitch: simon. what' d you mean about ashley earlier? "and now with her" what? >> dr. neville: nothing. it was nothing. research we' ve been doing that' m sure you' ll hear about it.
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billy without cutting them open. >> noah: has there been any update on billy? >> victor: no. no change. at the moment, i' m more concerned about you. >> marisa: the police. they found something? >> victor: yeah, they have. >> noah: what was it? was there a camera in the garage or -- >> victor: they found some tire tracks in the garage. and they' re trying to match them to the car that struck billy boy abbott. >> noah: yeah, uh, well, that' s been handled. >> victor: what do you mean, it has been handled? >> noah: um, marisa helped me get new tires, and the old ones went to the dump for recycling. >> marisa: i was careful, victor. no receipts. it was out of town. no paper trail. tire treads back to noah' s car. >> victor: [ sighs ] mm-hmm.
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[ cellphone rings ] >> noah: uh, it' s that warehouse in ottawa, that big order. >> victor: all right. >> noah: yeah, what do you got for me? >> victor: marisa. i would like to talk to you, okay? >> marisa: well, when noah comes back, we can talk more about the -- >> victor: no. alone. >> jack: billy wanted money for a business investment. he asked me for a loan. >> paul: so, why did you turn him down? >> jack: as soon as i found out part of the money was to pay off a gambling debt, i was furious. he pleaded with me to have some faith in him. >> paul: do you have any idea who he was working with? >> phyllis: no. he didn' t give us any details about the project or any names. >> kevin: it was me. >> mariah: kevin! >> kevin: billy found out about a project i was working on, and i told him i needed funding fast. >> paul: you know, you might have disclosed this earlier. s why i' i don' t know if it helps us but it' s why billy wanted money. >> phyllis: did he tell you how he was gonna get the money? >> kevin: i didn'
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he was gonna make it happen. he' s an abbott. i thought if he wanted to get his hands on $1 million or $2 million, he could. billy was very eager to be involved. >> jack: he saw this as his way out of this mess. he figured if he could earn his own self-respect back, if he could earn the respect of his family, if he could help jabot and save his family, well, he' d risk anything. >> phyllis: does any of this help you, paul? >> paul: yeah, every detail helps. thanks for coming in. excuse me a minute. >> kevin: i want you both to know i' m doing everything i can to find out who was behind the wheel of that car. >> jack: i fully expect that, kevin. but it seems to me you owe me more than that. the beloved grilled cheese sandwich. no one can resist... it's seductive charms. it's just about the closest
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[guttural/purring sound]... [mooo] just doing my part! return to real food. dairy products made with california milk. from our family farms to your table. return to real. look for the seal. many sleep-aids have pain medicine but zzzquil is different because why would you take a pain medicine when all you want is good sleep? zzzquil: a non-habit forming sleep-aid that's not for pain, just for sleep. diabetes numbers right direction, it can be a burden. but what if you could wake up to lower blood sugar? imagine loving your numbers. discover once-daily invokana . with over 6 million it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. rrr invokana is used along with diet and exercise to nsignificantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. p p it's a once-daily pill that
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here's how: p p invokana reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in to the body through the kidneys nand sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose weight. r r invokana can cause important side effects, nincluding dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, p p faint, lightheaded, or weak, especially when you stand up. p p other side effects may include kidney problems, p p genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, r r changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, p p increases in cholesterol, or risk of bone fracture. do not take invokana if you have p p severe kidney problems or are on dialysis. nstop taking and call your doctor right away if you r r experience symptoms such as rash, swelling, rrr or difficulty breathing or swallowing. p p tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, r r and if you have kidney
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sulfonylurea or insulin r r may increase risk of low blood sugar. imagine life with a lower a1c. are you loving your numbers? there's only one invokana . ask your doctor about it by name. >> adam: hey, babe. >> chelsea: hi. >> adam: what you got? >> chelsea: it' s abby' s wedding dress. >> adam: oh. >> chelsea: my design. listen. "lauding chelsea lawson. the spectacular bridal gown this young designer created for newman enterprises exec abby newman is leaving us in breathless anticipation of what'
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>> adam: sounds like they like you. >> chelsea: right?! >> adam: yeah. >> chelsea: this is huge! i mean, this could completely reinvigorate my brand. i' ve never done bridal before, but this could be just what i need. >> adam: you should go for it. >> chelsea: i mean, i don' t know. i' d have to, you know, reevaluate my finances, i' d have to restaff. i' d have to do all that stuff. >> adam: well, i can, you know, help you with that if you want. >> chelsea: i want. >> adam: you want? >> chelsea: yes! >> adam: okay. >> chelsea: yes. when can we start? >> adam: uh, let me check my schedule. it turns out i' m free. i can start now. >> chelsea: oh! i love you so much! thank you. okay, let' s do it. thank you, thank you. this is huge. wait. actually, you know, we don' t have to do this now if you want. >> adam: w-why wouldn' t i want? >> chelsea: well, you know, we were -- we were having, like, such a sweet, cozy morning before talking about, you know, maybe expanding our -- >> adam: yeah, no, no, you know, we can always circle back to that, though, right, a little bit later. i mean, i figure you want to strike now why the iron' s hot. you' re trending, babe. go for it. >> chelsea: i' m trending! >> adam: you' re trending. >> chelsea: okay, let' s do it. >> jack: this project of yours had to be pretty amazing for billy to be that excited. >> kevin: well, it'
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cutting-edge. >> mariah: [ clears throat ] >> phyllis: what is it exactly? is it software or hardware? >> kevin: well, i-i can' t divulge any detailed information. i' m not the only party involved in it. it' s confidential. >> jack: what can you tell us, kevin? >> kevin: it' s a new tech idea. it' s revolutionary. >> mariah: billy wanted in. i mean, kevin wasn' t pushing or anything. billy was just -- >> kevin: he saw the potential. >> jack: and you need $2 million for this revolutionary, high-tech, highly confidential project? >> kevin: to start. >> jack: and you need the money right away? i didn' t get the money immediately that the door would now i wish i hadn' t have put that kind of pressure on him. m sorry. i never thought it would cause >> jack: you' re not the only one with regrets. >> dr. rayburn agreed with me, so we' re proceeding as planned. >> ashley: and where' s dr. neville? >> gone, i presume. he wasn' t happy with the decision. >> victoria: well, i' m just relieved we' re doing something
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s arrived. >> victoria: i' d like to meet with him, if that' s possible. >> sure. >> ashley: victoria, you go ahead. i' ll be right behind you. abby, i understand why you' re here, but can you understand that i wanted to spare you all the anxiety while you were on your honeymoon? >> abby: you know, what would have caused me anxiety is staying away. i had to be here. >> ashley: okay. but you know, when i spoke to ben -- >> abby: ben was with me on this 100%. now let' s talk about you. why do you look so worn out? >> ashley: thank you. what a nice compliment. >> abby: you know what i mean. i' ve been worried about you ever since you fainted at the wedding. >> abby: honey, that was low blood sugar. and ever since billy got hurt, we' you go. >> abby: well, will you promise me something? will you take care of yourself? vitamins, food, sleep? >> ashley: yes, of course. i promise. >> abby: and no more fainting spells. there' s only one member of the family allowed in the hospital at a time. i promise you i' ll do everything in my power to remain strong and healthy, okay? >> noah: yeah, sure. i'
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okay. thank you. >> luca: hi. >> noah: hey. >> luca: we need to talk. >> noah: uh, yeah, sure. look, can it wait? i-i have a few things i need to do for my grandfather. can -- can i call you? >> luca: this is a pressing matter which needs to be addressed. >> noah: okay. yeah, sure. what' s up? >> luca: my wife' s been pulling a disappearing act. she was gone until late last night and then left early this morning. would you know what that' s about? >> victor: very difficult for me to believe that you aided my grandson out of the goodness of what' s your real motive? >> marisa: i didn' t take a check the first time you offered it, victor. as i' ve told you before, i only want what' s best for noah. believe me or not, but that is the truth. >> victor: you know what i believe? that you' re playing a very, very dangerous game. you' re married to luca santori.
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s a jealous peacock. when he finds out what noah has done, if he finds out what you' ve done to help him, he will not only try to ruin noah' s life, but yours, as well. >> marisa: i won' t let that happen. >> victor: how can you prevent that from happening? you' re married to one man, holding on to the other. you know what happens in those cases? someone usually gets hurt. and it won' t be my grandson. i promise you. if you suffer from a dry mouth, then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who
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mmmm mmmmm mmmm, mmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmm, mmm! mmmm, mmmm
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after trying brookside chocolate, people talk about it online. love at first taste. i would liquefy it and bathe in it. curse you, brookside! your nefarious plans have succeeded.
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are we still talking about chocolate? brookside. talk about delicious. after trying brookside chocolates, erin l. tweeted: died and went to heaven. that' s amazing! can you say "hi" to my grandma for me? and my cousin richard too...? actually, cousin richard' s probably not up there. nivea in-shower body lotion. first i wash... then i apply it to my wet skin. it moisturizes with no sticky feel. i quickly rinse off. and i'm ready to go.
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>> "the young and the restless"
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,,,,,,,, >> ashley: with all this talk about bad outcomes, the doctors aren' t being particularly encouraging. >> abby: can we lessen the risk? can we get a better neurosurgeon >> stitch: this is billy' s best shot right now. dr. neville? >> stitch: look, i heard him out, ashley, but ultimately i had to agree with dr. dellafield. we can' t afford to wait to reduce the pressure on billy' s brain. >> ashley: okay, i' m not arguing i know you have my brother' s m -- i' m grateful. >> stitch: you know, neville -- he didn' t handle my decision very well. >> ashley: i' m sure he' s disappointed.
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are getting pretty close. >> ashley: he' s very inspiring. >> stitch: at first i thought you were just anxious to break out of jabot, intrigued by the possibility of pursuing something different. >> ashley: yeah, that was part of it. >> stitch: but you really believe in neville, don' t you? >> ashley: he gives people hope when there doesn' t seem to be any. a successful business could be built on far less than that. did he happen to say where he was going? >> stitch: he just took off. >> ashley: okay, i' m gonna go and track down victoria, then i' m gonna go find him, try to get some work done. >> abby: you' re not gonna wait around here? >> ashley: no, honey. you know why? because billy' s gonna be in surgery for hours, and i-i can' t i' d rather be productive. plan. >> ashley: okay. >> abby: positive thoughts. >> ashley: always. see you later. bye. >> abby: bye.
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>> stitch: look, i wish i could guarantee a perfect outcome for billy. >> jack: abby! stitch! >> phyllis: we didn' t expect you back. >> jack: hey! >> abby: couldn' t stay away. >> jack: well, thank god you' re here. this family needs to stick together. it' s the only way we' re gonna get through this. >> noah: uh, listen, luca, i-i do have other things that i need to do besides keeping tabs on your wife. you know what i mean? >> luca: do you know where she is now? >> marisa: i' m right here. hi. just grabbing an early breakfast, and victor wanted to see me. >> noah: there you go. mystery solved. okay, i need to get to accounting. >> luca: why did victor want to see you? >> marisa: oh, you know, victor just being victor. wanted to make sure i' m pulling my weight around here and not just sitting back and drinking coffee all day. >> luca: that' s all? >> marisa: oh, he didn' t say anything that implied he' s aware of what you and adam are up to. >> luca: i can'
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that smug look off his face. >> marisa: you' ve got to be careful, luca. i still don' t think you should trust adam. >> adam: everything okay here? >> luca: yeah. everything' s fine. marisa was just telling me that your father' s being difficult this morning. >> adam: well, what else is new? he' s always been like that. i remember one time i was 13 -- >> chelsea: okay, if you' ll excuse us. come. >> marisa: well, i should probably get back to my desk before victor accuses me of goofing off. >> luca: stay here. since victor took it upon himself to bully you, seeing me should remind him that he' s the one who should be watching himself. >> marisa: and so you can keep an eye on adam? >> luca: and that. listen. i need your help with something. >> victor: that' s a great photo of abby. my goodness. that' s quite a coup. feather in your cap. good for the line. >> adam: well, maybe not as good as we thought. >> chelsea: i was thrilled initially. adam and i had discussed what a
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be to expand my line into the bridal market. >> victor: but something dampened your enthusiasm? >> chelsea: we pulled up my financials, took a closer look at the fine print releasing me from newman. i thought i was free of you, otherwise. >> victor: but wait a minute. line. executive control. but there' s still a financial tie to newman. chelsea 2.0' s profits. i would like you to cut that tie. >> victor: [ laughs ] that ain'
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my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. so i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated so i get a better clean. 15% cleaning ingredients or 90%. don't pay for water, pay for clean. that's my tide. spice of life. that's why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly.
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effortlessly. p hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. at hillshire farm, there's a reason our slow roasted turkey taste so fresh seconds after carving, we not only seal every slice, we double seal it. the results are something to savor. hillshire farm. because it's
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>> luca: i' m not asking much, marisa. >> marisa: you and adam can betray your fathers and oust them from their companies with no help from me. >> luca: look, look, you despise victor in all the ways you despise my father for being manipulative, controlling, and corrupt. if you help me, you will be on the right side of this fight. i can promise you that. >> marisa: [ sighs ] what kind of help do you need? >> luca: you saw the hole in this plan before i did. >> marisa: yeah, you didn' t know about your family' s illegal dealings. >> luca: yes, because i' ve always worked on the legal side of the business. i only recently found out how closely aligned marco was to the santoris. >> marisa: and because of my involvement with marco... >> luca: you can possibly help me verify many of my family' s illicit activities.
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>> luca: i mean, just how much did my family fund marco' s crimes? >> marisa: your family was marco' s only backer. >> luca: is there any proof of that connection? >> marisa: there was an alias that marco used for his transactions with the santoris. >> luca: and you remember it? >> marisa: all of the illicit activities were hidden behind legitimate businesses. >> luca: this helps. and i don' t want you to worry. my family will never know you supplied this information. i promise to protect you. >> victor: so, that clause in the contract took you by surprise? >> chelsea: you tricked me, victor. >> victor: you know it was all the fine print. did you counsel your wife? >> chelsea: this is my company. i can handle it. >> victor: frankly, i had assumed that you had accepted the terms, all the stipulations of the contract. >> chelsea: why would i have accepted those terms? >> victor: because it is mutually beneficial, chelsea. >> chelsea: how? for you to snatch part of chelsea 2.0'
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t been in business for very long, have you? think about it, the advantages you have by being aligned with a company like newman. if you, for example, need funds to expand, i will fund it. you have huge office space available to you in a newly revamped building, qualified employees who are at your beck and call. i watch the nuts and bolts. you devote yourself to your line. >> chelsea: so newman provides the infrastructure, i get to do the designing. >> victor: you bet. >> chelsea: no interference? >> victor: none. i don' t get what you don' t see. in time, you will realize that' s an enormous advantage to being with newman. rather than align yourself with the abbotts, whose company is going down the drain as we speak. >> chelsea: jabot is in trouble because of the outrageous payout that you demanded. >> victor: you know why they' re in trouble? because billy boy abbott was out to destroy me and my company and almost succeeded. that'
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re in trouble. it' s payback. >> chelsea: billy' s fighting for his life right now. he' s made mistakes, like we all have, but he was trying to prove himself. he was trying to turn things around. >> victor: really? by gambling and getting himself beat up? >> chelsea: [ sighs ] well, there' s more to the story. victoria told me last night. >> victor: what did victoria tell you? >> jack: when will the surgery be scheduled? >> soon. i' ll be assisting. i' ll come out periodically, keep you posted on how it' s going. >> jack: thank you, dr. dellafield. >> phyllis: thank you. i know what you' re thinking, jack. he' s gonna make it. >> jack: my brother has a 50/50 shot at living. >> phyllis: honey, those are statistics. some people make it. some people don' t. that' s true even when the odds are 99 to 1. look at me. i made it even when it seemed impossible.
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thank god. and you' re right. no matter what the numbers are, we have to hold on to our hope. >> phyllis: [ sighs ] >> ashley: hey. >> dr. neville: hi. i' m sorry. i owe you a -- an apology. i-i shouldn' t have left the hospital. >> ashley: i' m thinking you probably didn' t just leave. you probably stormed out, right? >> dr. neville: pig-ignorant butchers. i... [ sighs ] always the same answer. surgery, surgery, surgery.
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just enough time to ridicule what they don' t understand, like my treatment. >> ashley: well, maybe your method won' t be proven with billy, but i' m still hoping that it will be proven with me. >> dr. neville: miss abbott. i-i -- >> ashley: i' m putting my life in your hands. i hope that counts for something. >> dr. neville: it counts for a very great deal. >> abby: there are a million knots in my stomach, and look at you. you' re totally calm. >> stitch: [ chuckles ] guess i learned that in doctor school. >> abby: [ chuckles ] with dr. neville, i know you have a major problem with that guy. >> stitch: it showed? >> abby: only to me. and it' s probably a smart move not making a thing of it with my mom. >> stitch: you know, you -- you haven' t told me much about ashley' s partnership with neville. >> abby: i can'
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understand their relationship. i guess she believes in what he' s doing, which is weird since she' s normally so by the book, but how can i argue with her when she' s happy? she' s doing something that she believes in. although... >> stitch: what? >> abby: mom bringing the doctor as her date to the wedding, it just makes me think that there' s something going on besides just business. >> stitch: yeah, i got the same impression. [ cellphone rings ] rayburn. hey, paul. yeah, i' m in genoa city. we just -- okay. >> abby: what is it? is something wrong? >> stitch: yeah, it was -- it was paul. he said he wants to see me at the police station. says it'
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>> kevin: why didn' t you want me giving any information to jack >> mariah: sometimes you volunteer too much information. answers about billy. >> mariah: you can be really dense sometimes, you know that? >> kevin: what am i missing? the guy risked his life trying to get money that i demanded. why shouldn' t i give answers to his family? >> mariah: because you' d be stabbing billy in the back. >> abby: ben and i are gonna take off for a while. we' ll be back, though. >> victoria: well, that' s fine. there' s nothing anyone can do but wait anyway. >> jack: where you guys going? >> stitch: paul wants to see me at the police station. >> victoria: why? >> stitch: no idea. but if you need anything, just call. >> victoria: thank you. >> victoria: so, how did things go with paul?
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out who hit billy? >> phyllis: no. no closer to answers yet. >> victoria: it doesn' t seem real, does it? just sitting here knowing that billy' s about to go into surgery. i just keep thinking about all of the -- the things that i could have said to him and the things that i would change. >> jack: yeah, i keep trying to turn back the clock myself. i keep telling myself, though, we can make it up to him when he finally wakes up. what are you doing here? >> victor: i think that' s perfectly obvious, don' t you? >> phyllis: let' s give victoria some time with her father. >> jack: fine. >> victor: how are you holding up? >> victoria: dad, i' m fine. i' m managing. listen, i don' t mean to sound ungrateful, but i asked you to
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t want you to make things >> victor: i don' t give a damn i' m here for you. >> victoria: well, you could s the real reason you' re >> victor: what' s wrong with a daughter' s doing, hmm? >> luca: trying it on for size? >> adam: the chair? yeah, no, it feels good. want to give it a spin? i' official. how' s the information gathering going, by the way? find anything we can use against your father? >> luca: yeah. steps have been taken. i found an informant. >> adam: marisa. keep that filed away. >> luca: listen, it' s crucial that my father never finds out that she was my source. >> adam: i understand that. she been helpful? >> luca: thanks to marisa, it won' t be long until i have a full arsenal to hand over to the authorities. >> adam: well, then there' s nothing standing in our way, right? >> chelsea: i' m gonna be expanding into the wedding market.
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>> marisa: yeah, next you' ll be making wedding gowns for movie stars. >> chelsea: that' s right. and charging hollywood prices. >> marisa: [ laughs ] >> noah: hey. i heard about your review online. congratulations. >> chelsea: thank you. >> noah: yeah. >> chelsea: you know, i' m actually gonna be needing a lot of extra help. would you two be willing to work with me? i mean, i can check with victor, make sure it doesn' t conflict with your duties here at newman. >> noah: you know, i' d really love to. i can' t. my grandfather' s got me swamped, learning the ropes. >> marisa: i' m in. >> chelsea: great. >> marisa: i love your designs, and it would be great to know about your end of the business. >> chelsea: okay. let' s do it. >> noah: all right, i got to run. chelsea, thanks again for the offer. i appreciate it. >> chelsea: we can get started just as soon as -- oh. >> luca: marisa. i' m glad you decided to wait for me. we have work to do. >> marisa: okay, well, i-i will be in touch. >> chelsea: okay. >> marisa: for sure. >> chelsea: can' t wait. bye. i know victor took the santoris' money to bail out newman, but i' m kind of shocked he kept luca and marisa around, right? >> adam: well, that' s because
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and walk away. >> chelsea: hmm. it' s not like victor, though, to back down from a fight. >> adam: no, it' s not. listen, let' s, um, let' s stop talking about my dad, okay, and let' future. >> chelsea: i was actually just working on that, because i asked noah and marisa to join me, to work with me. noah, uh, turned me down, but marisa accepted right away. >> adam: chelsea, listen, you shouldn' t have done that. in fact, i want you to stay away from marisa, okay? >> chelsea: wait. i' m sorry. wasn' t that you on new year' s eve that preached to abby that we should all extend the olive branch to -- to luca and marisa? >> adam: yeah, i did. i didn' t mean that you should. >> chelsea: okay. i had a feeling there was more to the story, and now i' m sure of it. what the hell' s going on, adam? another day, and i'm still struggling with my diabetes.
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>> mariah: you can' t go blurting out the details of you and natalie' s project to billy' s brother or anyone. >> kevin: even if i did, how does that hurt billy? >> mariah: you are sitting on the biggest thing to happen to technology since the mouse. if you start talking, word is gonna spread, and then other people are gonna want to swoop in and take billy' s spot. >> kevin: oh. i am dense. >> mariah: i know. >> kevin: this opportunity meant a lot to billy. i say we leave the door open for him to invest, and if he... >> mariah: no, no, no. i' m gonna go with billy will definitely be back, because i can' t deal with the alternative. >> kevin: [ sighs ] i' m okay if we hold off on the project. but natalie? >> mariah: well, i know your
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is ticking on finding an >> kevin: i' m gonna try. we owe it to billy. >> jack: i' ve made a decision. i told you if billy came through this that i' d find someway to give him the money that he needed. >> phyllis: you changed your mind? i' i' i' m going to invest in his project in billy' s name so it' ll be there for him when he wakes up. >> victor: so, chelsea says that, uh, billy boy wasn' t just gambling for the hell of it, that he had some kind of a cause in mind. >> victoria: did that impress you? >> victor: well, nothing billy boy does really impresses me, but what was that cause?
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t know, dad. some sort of project that he wanted to invest in. he felt like he was on to something major, but then his bet fell through. when he asked jack for the money and jack turned him down, he walked out of the wedding and... >> victor: into trouble. >> victoria: it' s not jack' s fault. you know that. i' m sure that he wishes he had done things differently. maybe if he had given billy the money, then billy wouldn' t be in the hospital right now. >> victor: so, does jack intend to invest on this thing, or what? >> victoria: oh, my god, dad. >> victor: what? >> victoria: you want to swoop in on this investment. that' s why you' re really here, isn' t it? >> victor: sweetheart, i' m concerned about you, okay? that' s why i' m here. >> adam: sweetheart, i will protect you, okay? and i will protect your company from everything that' s gonna happen here. >> chelsea: that' s not an answer, adam. >> adam: [ sighs ] >> chelsea: tell me what you' re up to. >> adam: i need you to trust me, okay? and stay away from marisa and stay away from luca, ' cause they won'
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>> dr. neville: i appreciate you, as a friend and as a colleague. >> ashley: and as your one and only patient? >> dr. neville: [ chuckles ] well, there is that. actually, we -- we never did decide when exactly it is you wanted to start your treatment. >> ashley: how about now? >> stitch: paul, what is it? is there a problem? >> paul: hey, stitch. >> stitch: max? max! oh, my god! oh, my god! what are you -- oh, my god! it' s so good to see you! wait, wait, wait, wait.
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where' s your mom, son? >> paul: maybe i should explain that. >> max: mom is dead! you killed her. next on "the young and the restless"... >> victor: i don' t mind seeing little. >> sage: you' re not my therapist, and you' re not my friend, so stay out of it! >> kevin: i want you to have this.
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next at noon, the united nations reacts to north korea's claim it tested a hydrogen bomb. and a hit-and-run sends a driver to the hospital. what the passenger told us
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a teen will face charges as an adult after police say she
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