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tv   Through the Decades  CBS  January 7, 2016 11:00am-12:00pm MST

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>> kevin: i just spoke to natalie. >> mariah: did you convince her to stall? >> kevin: she won' t move forward in the search for an investor until billy is out of surgery. >> mariah: that' s just a few hours, kevin. >> kevin: yeah, time is of the essence. >> mariah: but it' s not like billy' s gonna hop off the operating table and take his wallet out. >> kevin: we' ll -- we' ll work out the details on the next phone call, after the surgery, but billy deserves a shot at this. >> mariah: sometimes you' re a very good person. >> kevin: [ scoffs ] "sometimes," as in any time i listen to you? >> mariah: exactly. giving billy first crack at this, it' s nice, even if it is a little risky. i mean, natalie could take her mega-million-dollar idea, bail on you, and go work with somebody else. >> kevin: no, natalie wouldn' t
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she trusts me. we have a mind meld. in tech, that' s like almost better than sex. [ sighs ] besides, i want billy to have this. and i want you to have this. what? did you think i forgot? happy birthday, mariah. >> victoria: i can' t believe this, dad. >> victor: it' s business. >> victoria: you' re taking advantage of billy' s accident and the fact that he' s so injured that he might... [ sighs ] you' re trying to get an inside track on his business deal. >> victor: the fact that you still believe in billy boy abbott is stunning to me. >> victoria: do you know that he might have been able to close this deal if it wasn' t for this accident? you do know that, don' t you? >> victor: will you come to your senses? what happened to him was no accident, for heaven' s sake. and as far as billy having a plan worth stealing, that is ludicrous considering the circumstances. >> victoria: what circumstances?! >> victor: there'
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abbotts are on the brink of collapse, a reason that ashley turned away from them, because everything they touch turns to >> phyllis: that' s lovely, victor. >> victor: [ sighs ] >> dylan: you must think we never stop partying around here, huh? first your mom and i have an impromptu wedding, and then, uh, christmas and new year' s, and
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for mariah. the festivities in this family are nonstop, aren' t they? he agrees with me. >> sharon: [ laughs ] he' s placating you. and besides, what' s wrong with our son growing up thinking life is full of joy and celebration? >> dylan: joy and celebration. have you met mariah? >> sharon: it' s why i only invited a few people. >> dylan: [ chuckles ] [ knock on door ] guess somebody' s early. hey, dr. anderson. hi. >> dr. anderson: hi. >> dylan: come on in. >> sharon: hi. dr. anderson. >> dr. anderson: i, uh, i apologize for dropping by unannounced, but i wanted to share some good news. >> sage: is that a text from sharon? >> nick: uh, yeah. >> sage: everything okay? >> nick: yeah, i guess, uh, sharon wants to throw mariah a surprise party.
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wants me to bring faith by. >> sage: ohh. well, what' s wrong with that? >> nick: have you ever seen mariah' s face when anybody tries to do anything nice for her? >> sage: [ chuckles ] no, but i would really love to see that. >> nick: yeah, i would go, but i was planning on being with vick while billy' s in surgery. >> sage: well, why don' t i help? i can pick up faith from school, and i' ll just take her to the party. >> nick: are you sure? >> sage: yeah. this marriage deal, this is us being together, right? >> stitch: god, max. it' s so good to see you. wait. what are you doing here? where' s your mom, son? >> max: mom is dead! you killed her! >> abby: w-what? why -- why would you say something like that? >> max: because it' s true. >> stitch: okay, i don' t -- i don' t understand. are you okay? what -- what happened? >> abby: i didn' t do anything to jenna. i never even met her. >> paul: max'
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terrible car accident.
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i wasn' t saying anything mean. i-i just wanted to do something nice for your dad. that' s it. and your mom, she, um, well, she, uh... >> stitch: okay. okay, why -- why wasn' t i notified about this right away? >> paul: well, apparently they did try and get ahold of you. but wires got crossed between the social services here and in australia. >> abby: max, when the phone went dead, i thought that your mom had hung up on me. i-i had no idea. i-i just wanted you to come to the wedding. that' s it. i am so sorry that this happened. >> max: you don' t have to say that. >> abby: no, it' s true. >> paul: okay, i need to get max back to the social worker. they got to sort this out. >> stitch: just -- just wait. i want -- >> paul: max, wait up. >> abby: oh, man. >> paul: look, this is an awful lot to process -- for all of
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>> sharon: so, good news, huh? uh, what is it? >> dr. anderson: well, it' s about your treatment. sharon, you' ve made such significant progress that i want to reduce your meds. >> sharon: oh. that' s...scary. uh, things have been going so well. >> dylan: yeah, i mean, sharon' s been doing great. uh, i-i guess we' re both wondering why fix what' s -- what' s not broken. >> dr. anderson: well, that' s why i wanted to come here and discuss it with you in person so i could explain. it' s not an arbitrary decision. sharon, you should see this as a victory. >> sharon: i' m trying to, but every time i change my meds... i don' >> dr. anderson: no, you won' you won' i' ll continue to monitor you closely. >> dylan: okay, why make the change right now? >> dr. anderson: well, because of sharon' s commitment to her treatment, the higher dose of medication is more of a barrier than a help at this point. >> sharon: and without them? >> dr. anderson: without them, you' ll have less of a filter
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feelings. >> mariah: i don' t get the whole birthday-gift thing. >> kevin: here we go. >> mariah: i just don' t understand it. i' m supposed to get a present because my mom got knocked up by her high school boyfriend? i should get a cake and -- and balloons and the whole shebang because i managed to spend one more day on this earth? >> kevin: well, when you put it that way, yeah. dumb ritual. >> mariah: see what i' m saying? >> kevin: but it' s also for the people who care about the birthday girl and maybe want to take a moment to celebrate all the possibilities that lie in the year ahead. so... humor me. >> mariah: okay. fine. what am i supposed to say when somebody gives me a present, though? like, "oh, you shouldn' t have. that' s so sweet of you"? >> kevin: say whatever you want. >> mariah: okay. fine. and another thing -- >> kevin: oh, will you just open the damn gift? >> mariah: okay! okay. fine. sensitive much? a toy ferrari. >> kevin: mm-hmm.
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re gonna get a life-size model when we strike it rich. [ chuckles ] >> mariah: thank you. >> kevin: see? that' s what you' re supposed to say. now we have to make sure this massive business deal becomes a reality. [ sighs ] >> jack: you know, i thought today of all days you might be able to contain yourself, now that my brother' s in surgery that could kill him. >> phyllis: jack. >> jack: i gave you the benefit of maybe having an ounce of compassion, that you might stay away, that for one lousy day, you wouldn' t feel the need to run billy down in front of victoria! you really hate him that much? >> victor: i was speaking plainly and honestly to my daughter for her sake and her children' s sake. >> victoria: when this happened to billy, he was trying to change his life. he was trying to make up for his mistakes, dad. >> victor: really? okay.
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deal was all about? i didn' t think so. it' s a pipe dream, a fantasy, that even his brother was not willing to finance, although he has a rather weak spot for billy boy. although considering the circumstances, i guess you would be in no position to entertain entrepreneurial investments, now, would you? >> jack: as usual, you don' t know what you' re talking about. >> victor: all right. let me hear what billy' s deal was all about. >> jack: why would you want to hear that? obviously it' s of no significance since "billy boy" was involved in it, right? >> victoria: hey. how' s the surgery going? >> everything' s progressing as expected. walk with me, please. >> victor: [ sighs ] yes? >> phyllis: you' re lying. >> victor: oh, really? about what? >> phyllis: you' re very interested in this idea.
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s new take on lighter italian fare. three new mediterranean inspired dishes. savory shrimp scampi saute ed in a mouthwatering garlic sauce. chicken piccata. all under 575 calories. only at olive garden. nivea in-shower first i wash... then i it moisturizes with no sticky feel. i quickly rinse off. and i'm ready to go. nivea in-shower body lotion -- in the body lotion aisle. >> abby: your ex-wife is dead, and i' m somehow being blamed for it. >> stitch: look, max'
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been ripped out from underneath him. it' s really the only world he knows. >> abby: all i wanted to do was -- was something nice for you. i just wanted max there for the wedding. it was gonna be my gift to you, and -- and jenna wouldn' t even let you have that. [ sighs ] >> stitch: i barely even have a relationship with my son. >> abby: because jenna was determined to not let you have one with him. >> abby: i' m sorry. um, i' m sure she was a remarkable woman. you loved her once. you married her. you have a child with her. um... i' m sorry. >> stitch: hey. >> abby: i' m really sorry. >> stitch: hey, hey, hey, hey. it' s not your fault. okay? don' t you blame yourself for one minute. all right? >> abby: i' m -- i' m not the one thinking it. your son is. >> stitch: look, then we have a lot to figure out right now about max. >> abby: you have to bring him
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you have to. >> stitch: he and i barely know and i can' >> abby: look, i' and we' re in this together. i will help you. i want to. you wanted to have a relationship with your son it' s terrible how it happened. but it happened. and we have a lot to offer max. it' s the right thing to do. it' s the only thing to do. [ sighs ] >> paul: all right, max is with the social worker. i know this is happening really fast, but decisions have to be made. >> stitch: this isn' t a decision at all. i' m taking my son. >> dr. anderson: it' s understandable this might bring up some confusing emotions for you. >> sharon: well, you know i trust you completely. but i' m reluctant to make any changes because things have been so wonderful for dylan and me
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>> dr. anderson: well, i can see that. although last time we talked, you had some concerns about nick and sage. >> sharon: yeah, for a while, i felt like i was on edge whenever i was around them. i actually felt guilty for being so happy and for having this beautiful little boy in our lives when...their child had died. but sage has been doing a lot better lately, and after that painful moment at the christening, i offered to let her hold sully again. that was wise? >> sharon: actually, it was. she was a lot more at ease with sully this time, and then she was even better at christmas. >> dr. anderson: was she? >> sharon: maybe it has something to do with her and nick working things out. happen? >> sharon: well, it' s still ongoing, but they moved back in together. >> faith: where' >> sharon: oh, he' hi, sully! come here, pumpkin! >> faith: [ chuckles ] >> sharon: you have to say hi to come here.
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i missed you when i was at school. are you ready for the surprise party? >> sharon: oh, you know what? i still have to get ready. >> faith: oh. i can help. >> sage: well, why don' t i take sully while you two do birthday prep? >> sharon: that would be great. all right. here' s our little party animal. >> faith: [ giggles ] >> sage: hi! something wrong, dr. anderson? >> jack: thank you, doctor. >> victoria: thank you. >> nick: is billy still in surgery? >> victoria: yeah, he' ll be a few more hours. >> jack: listen, uh, dr. dellafield just gave us an update. i' m gonna call jill. >> victoria: well, um, the specialist that they flew in for the operation seems to be as good as they say. he said things were going really well, so that'
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>> nick: well, i' m glad to hear it. and you? >> victoria: there' s just so many decisions to be made about billy' s care. nick, i know him better than anyone. i' m closer to him than anyone. but because we' re not married... >> nick: vick, i want to know how you' re doing. >> victoria: i' m mad! and i' m really sad and i' m frustrated. the family is letting me voice my opinion, but ultimately, i have to defer to his mother and jack. and then there' s the emotional bombardment, people telling me how i failed billy and how he brought this on himself and how this is just more proof of how i should shut him out of my life. >> nick: most of that was provided by dad, i take it. you can always count on him in a crisis. come here. >> phyllis: you were going on and on about how billy would not
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business venture, but it is very clear you want to know what it is. you are only interested in kevin' s idea because jack' s interested. that jack' s back is up against the wall, isn' i don' now. >> phyllis: why are you here, victor? >> victor: i' daughter' s sake. although i have to admit to you that i don' t mind seeing your wretched husband squirm a little. >> phyllis: go to hell. >> victor: the feeling is mutual. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture... i can tell you prolia is proven to help protect bones from fracture. but the real proof? my doctor said prolia helped my bones get stronger. are your bones getting stronger?
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>> "the young and the restless"
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,,,,,,,, >> kevin: i know that what you really want can' t be bought. you told me. you -- >> mariah: oh! wait. the stuff about me wanting to be loved, that was -- i was joking. i mean, you know that i know that that stuff doesn' t exist. >> kevin: all right, i' m not gonna argue with you. >> mariah: because i' m right. look, i don' t want to rely on anyone for anything. that' s why i agreed to be your v.p. in charge of scheming. i want to get at the ground
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all the way to filthy-richville. >> victor: hello, kevin. >> kevin: victor. >> victor: i actually need to talk to you. >> kevin: oh. uh, what can we do for you? >> victor: hello, mariah. how are you? >> mariah: i' m good. >> victor: good. so, tell me about this idea that you' re working on with billy boy abbott. >> kevin: how do you know about that? >> victor: how do i know about that? you know there' s damn little i don' t know. >> kevin: right. um, well, i-i can' t disclose any details. >> mariah: but it' s big. very big. >> victor: very big. you know, silicon valley is full of wannabes. young, eager entrepreneurs who think they are on to the next big thing. >> kevin: well, too bad for them. i' ve got the next big thing. >> victor: what you have right now, kevin, is an idea, you know. you need a lot of financial backing for that idea to become reality, don' t you?
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you think that someone is you. >> victor: yes. you guessed right. certainly billy boy abbott isn' t. the fact that you even entertained that thought makes me question your judgment. >> kevin: well, until billy is healthy, out of surgery, we' ve put a few things on hold. >> victor: well, i got some bad news for you. he may not make it. and where, then, does that leave you? another wannabe with a big dream that has gone up in smoke? hmm? and you' ll spend the rest of your life saying to yourself, "that should have been me." >> dr. anderson: i was just here sharing some good news with sharon. >> sage: isn' t that unusual, you being sharon' s therapist and so involved in her personal life? >> dr. anderson: well, i didn' say i wasn' t here in a professional capacity. >> sage: oh. yeah. i just assumed. >> dr. anderson: sharon and i get along well. she' s a woman whose life has gone through some complicated
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although, in many ways, you and sharon are like mirror opposites. maybe that explains why my relationship with her seems to upset you. >> sage: [ scoffs ] it doesn' t upset me, doctor. i-i just -- i don' t know. it seems like a professional conflict of interest to me. [ sully cries ] >> sharon: uh-oh. i think someone needs some changing. don' t you, baby? >> sage: you want to get changed? >> sharon: it' s okay. come here, bunny. we' ll get you upstairs. yeah. we' ll be right back. >> sage: okay. >> faith: come on, sully. >> dr. anderson: she' s doing really well. >> sage: mm-hmm. >> dr. anderson: took a lot of time and hard work for her to get there. you seem to be doing well, also. >> sage: yeah, i am. >> dr. anderson: which is why i' m wondering, why are you forcing things, sage, interacting with another woman' s child that way? >> sage: i' m not.
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could sense it. >> abby: i' m gonna be a mom. it wasn' t supposed to happen this way when i thought about it. i mean, but who really thinks about it until that stick turns blue or pink or whatever color it turns? >> paul: abby. >> abby: but when i had thought about it, yeah, it had been me in tasteful, gorgeous photos of me pregnant, you know, tastefully dressed and me post-birth holding a beautiful, little baby dressed in designer clothes looking up at me adoringly. but this? this way right now? no, no, no, no. i haven' t even been married a week. >> paul: okay, abby, the first thing you have to do is calm down. you don' t want max to see you like this. >> abby: max. [ chuckles ] 8. >> paul: right. this whole blended family thing is very complicated, even under the best circumstances. >> abby: i know, i know. >> paul: right, so there' s a period of adjustment. i mean, it was tough for dylan and me, and he' s my biological we had a bond. >> abby: but your wife doesn' i mean, christine doesn' t have a bond. >> paul: right, and it was
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s always tough on the step-parent. >> abby: but that was with dylan, and he' s a grown man. i mean, max -- he is a little boy. he is a little boy who hates me. he blames me. >> paul: he' s scared to death. his whole world is turned upside down right now. give him some time. he will accept you. >> abby: how long? >> paul: you need to be patient. it' s gonna take some time. you' ll have to work together. you' re gonna have to work with stitch and take it very slowly. >> abby: well, max isn' t the only one who' s scared. >> stitch: you were so young when the trouble started between me and your mom. you' re probably too young to remember the good times, though. we had them, max. a lot of them. when i think about how happy we were when you were born, i mean, i [chuckles] -- i started singing really loud, which is a bad idea because i can' t sing. terrible voice. look, you were -- you were loved always. me not being with you, that' s
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me and your mom. mistakes we made. but we, both of us, never stopped loving you. i know this is hard, but i' m gonna -- i' m gonna take care of you. i' m gonna bring you home with me. >> max: i don' t want to live with you. and her. >> stitch: abby is my wife, max, and she wants you to live with us, too. >> max: she' s not gonna be my mother. >> stitch: no one will ever take the place of your mom. no one expects that, least of all abby. she just wants to help me give you a good home. i know you' re mad. you want to know why this happened. [ sighs ] but abby is not to blame. i know you know that. i also know it doesn'
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hurt any less or make you miss i know, ' >> max: it' s not fair. it' s not fair. >> stitch: come here. >> max: i' m scared. >> stitch: hey, hey, it' s okay. ' cause i' m here. and i' m not going anywhere. [ sobs ] i'm billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. i had a lot of doubts going in. i was a smoker. hands down, it was... that's who i was. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts
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after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side effect is nausea. life as a non-smoker is a whole lotta fun. ask your doctor if chantix
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every coconut has a dream. to come out of its shell. to show all the world its true, inner beauty. and then, in an ironic twist, get covered up by chocolate and almonds. almond joy mounds. what every coconut wants. (vo) new tidy cats lightweight with glade. all the strength and freshness, now easy to lift! half the weight, smells great. find the litter that works best for you. every home, every cat. there's a tidy cats for that. see that? jill's gobbling up our bird's eye teriyaki broccoli. (mind-blowing sound)
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(mind-blowing sound) everybody's a veggie lover now. what do you think? (mind-blowing sound) mind blown. bird's eye flavor full.
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>> dylan: man, life throws something like this at you, and it turns your whole world upside down. >> abby: you are so right. my life doesn' t feel anything like it did an hour ago. >> dylan: uh, i was -- i was talking about max. >> abby: right, um... [ sighs ] dylan, do you think he' s gonna think of me as an evil stepmother forever? >> dylan: uh, i think, you know, um, one day he' ll realize that you' re one of the best things that' s ever happened to him. >> abby: [ sighs ] >> dylan: but while he' s dealing with the shock of losing his mom, he doesn' t want to feel like he' s betraying her. >> abby: so, it' ll help him to hate me? >> paul: well, you just have to take it slowly. >> dylan: yeah, just -- just give the kid some time. >> paul: you know, be patient with him. >> stitch: hey. max is starving. i figured i'
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burgers. >> abby: yeah, sounds good. >> stitch: okay. >> paul: okay, so just remember. >> abby: slow and patient. >> paul: right. >> abby: slow and patient. >> paul: as a pea. >> abby: yeah. >> sage: the baby was in need of a change. i wasn' t upsetting him. >> dr. anderson: and i don' t mean to upset you. >> sage: look, i' m going much better, actually. i wasn' t even able to hold him before, and now the wall between nick and i is starting to come down slowly and we' re not sad all the time and constantly thinking about christian. >> dr. anderson: that' s all good, sage, but you' re still in a fragile state. i-i' d hate to see your progress collapse under the pressure of taking on too much too soon. that' s why i advised nick not to move in yet, not to force the relationship. >> sage: what?! >> dr. anderson: it' s why i' m advising you not to force things with the baby, to -- to put that kind of stress on yourself and your relationship. >> sage: my relationship is none of your damn business. you'
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re not my friend, so stay out of it! >> dr. anderson: i didn' t mean to overstep. >> sage: well, you did. >> dr. anderson: sage, i only want what' s best for you, for all involved. i hope you understand that. >> sharon: oh, uh, are you leaving? i' m sorry i' ve been so caught up in party prep. so we' ll talk soon? >> dr. anderson: we will. we will. okay. bye-bye. >> sharon: bye. >> sage: okay, i really don' t like that woman inserting herself into my marriage. >> sharon: oh, if she was poking around in your business, i' m sure that it had nothing to do with you personally. >> sage: well, i was the only one in the room, sharon, so... >> sharon: yeah, but dr. anderson wants to make sure that i' m stable in all aspects of my life, and that includes nick because we share custody of
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connected. >> sage: no. i think there' s more to it. >> nick: i feel like this cloud' s finally lifting and sage and i are finding our way back towards each other. >> victoria: i' m happy for you, nick. >> nick: all right, i got to make a phone call. it' s mariah' s birthday today. >> victoria: oh, well, wish her a happy birthday for me. >> nick: i will. >> victoria: okay. >> phyllis: i' m glad the surgery' s going well. we should probably talk about what happens after, once billy' s well again. >> victoria: yeah. you know, i hadn' t let myself go there, but after talking to the doctor, i just know that i' m gonna be there for him. >> jack: yeah, we all will. >> phyllis: what about the deal? >> jack: i' ll get him the money he needs. >> phyllis: that' s good. maybe you should get moving on that. >> jack: now? he' s in surgery.
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that way you can tell him once he wakes up. >> victor: so, uh, tell me. how' d you develop the concept? >> kevin: well, i came -- >> mariah: kevin is just brilliant that way. you know, sometimes he has like, i don' t know, five brilliant ideas before breakfast. sometimes he' s so consumed with being brilliant that he doesn' t even eat breakfast. >> victor: give me some details. >> kevin: well, what i am working on will revolutionize internet security, prevent another paragon. >> victor: uh-huh. well, now, every tech company in the country has the best and brightest people working on that, too. but it' s an area that i would be interested in investing in... if i knew some of your business plans, cost solution, and sales. who' s gonna run the company?
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>> kevin: well, yeah. i' ll figure all that out when the time comes. >> victor: well, um, i' m interested. so you let me know. whenever you' re ready, you give me a call. >> kevin: thanks, victor. nice seeing you. >> victor: enjoy your evening, okay? >> kevin: how did he find out about this? >> mariah: i have no idea, but he' s victor newman. he' s probably got the whole town bugged. he could be listening right now. and even if he is a tyrant... he' s a tyrant that could make this a reality. >> kevin: are you saying what i think you'
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here. we have a great house, a yard. there' s lots of room to do sporty things if, um, that' s what you' re into. and your own room. yeah, we just -- we need to get settled. >> stitch: i talked to max, and he kind of wants to stay here in days, if that' s okay. >> abby: yeah, yeah. um, of course. yeah. that -- that' s great. um, excuse me. >> stitch: i' ll be right back. >> nick: hey, mariah, it' s me. i just wanted to call and wish you a happy birthday, and i hope i' ll see you later, okay? bye. >> dr. anderson: nick, hi. i' m glad i ran into you.
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s house. there was a situation that took an alarming turn. >> nick: alarming? >> dr. anderson: sage insisted on holding sharon' s baby and then found herself in over her head with the child. >> nick: well, i thought sage was getting more comfortable with sully. >> dr. anderson: nick, i know you want your marriage back to the way it was and your wife back to the way she was before your baby passed away. but she' s not. you were willfully ignoring her mental state, and it' s not just doing sage a disservice. it' s -- it' s dangerous. >> nick: are you saying that you think sage could be a danger to the baby? >> paul: so, i got beat cops knocking on doors, see if we can find any witnesses. >> dylan: come up with anything? >> paul: no. we' re also looking at junkyards, too, right, to see if we can find the tires that match the tread in the garage. i figured, you know, the driver would have dumped the tires by now. >> dylan: is that the crime scene? >> paul: yeah. i just want to go over this again. um, i, uh... see, this is billy'
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position after he was hit. >> dylan: now, his body wasn' t moved there afterwards, right? >> paul: no. not at all. so i' m thinking because it' s such a tight space here that the car had to come in this way, right? >> dylan: i don' t know. >> paul: what? what are you thinking? >> dylan: i don' t know. something different. >> paul: well... >> dylan: may i? >> paul: show me. >> dylan: it' s just -- i don' t know. it seems like it would be easier to back into that spot, so what if the car was parked here, backed into billy... >> paul: yeah, wouldn' t they see him if, uh, if... of course, billy could have already been on the ground if he was worked over by gil. >> dylan: right. so maybe the driver didn' t know. some guy pulled out of his spot, hit billy by accident. >> paul: well, we know it wasn' t the bookie, right, because his tires don' t match. so it is within the realm of possibility. >> dylan: so the driver who hit billy, it' s possible he had nothing to do with his gambling debt. >> paul: oh, man, dylan, that would change everything. >> kevin: when did you become a fan of victor' s? >> mariah: i don'
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the guy to appreciate that he' s mastered the art of a deal. >> kevin: you want me to bring him in on this? >> mariah: i' m just talking here. and look, victor has a point. lots of nerds think that they have the next big thing. but that' s just a teeny, tiny part of what makes it successful. >> kevin: what happened to being loyal to billy, giving him the win? >> mariah: it' s just business. [ cellphone chimes ] uh-oh. sharon needs me at home. it' s a small emergency. >> kevin: is it the baby? >> mariah: i don' t know. >> kevin: let' s go check it out. >> sharon: yeah. >> jack: kevin. i need to talk to you. it' s important. >> mariah: stay. i' ll call you later. >> kevin: okay. >> jack: i want to invest in this deal of yours on billy' s behalf. i need to do this for my brother. >> phyllis: you know, billy is gonna recover quicker once he knows that jack has stepped up
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>> victoria: yeah. he' ll like that, knowing that jack' s on his side again. [ sighs ] >> victoria: that was quick. how did the surgery go? >> there' s been a complication. you both have a perfect driving record. >>perfect. no tickets. no accidents... >>that is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. >>yup... now, you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? >>no. your insurance rates go through the roof. your perfect record doesn't get you anything. >>anything. vperfect! for drivers withr accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won'tt raise your rates p due to your first accident. p and if you do have an accident, our claim centers arep available to assist you 24/7.
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wildlife rescue workers open up a lot of dawn. tough on grease...yet gentle. dawn helps open... something even bigger. go to, dawn saves wildlife. >> dr. anderson: consider what all this time around an infant is doing to your wife.
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feelings about christian. nick, if you' d been there, if you' d seen... sharon took control of the situation and was incredibly gracious about it. >> nick: what did sage say? >> dr. anderson: well, she got nick, i don' it' s your life. but this affects my patient, the mother of your children, so... you' re in a difficult position here. so i will keep in mind what you said. aware. >> dr. anderson: thanks. well, as always, if you need anything. >> nick: thank you. >> sage: why am i not surprised she won' t stop intruding in on our lives. >> nick: hey, dr. anderson said she ran into you at sharon' >> sage: oh, what' d she say? that i was an unstable mess and >> nick: she' s just concerned. >> sage: she' s not concerned, nick. i think it' s an act. >> nick: okay, just forget about it, okay? it' s no big deal. >> sage: i just don' t think she' s trying to help us. just please do not listen to
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>> abby: i thought we were gonna do this together, you know, since we' re wearing these. >> stitch: max just needs some time. >> abby: okay. then that' s what he will get. we' ll give him as much time as he needs. that' s what we need. time and patience. max? >> stitch: max? max?! >> mariah: sharon? >> both: surprise! >> sharon: happy birthday! >> faith: [ chuckles ] >> paul: well, i guess it could have been an accident. >> dylan: i mean, look, you got the wall here and you got the parking block. the driver might not have even realized he hit billy. >> paul: right, but you think by now the person who hit him would
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>> we were able to stop the bleeding, but then billy suffered cardiac arrest. we had to close. >> victoria: before you could fix the swelling? >> it was that or lose him on the table. >> victoria: so how is he? >> phyllis: doctor? >> the damage was severe. right now, billy has very little brain activity. >> kevin: jack, it' s nice that you want to step in for your brother, but i don' t know that m doing this billy. before. >> kevin: billy seemed to want to do this on his own. >> jack: he originally came to me for the funds, yeah. i... but you know that. so that means something has... is there another offer on the table?
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"the young and the restless"... >> adam: what do you need my help with? >> luca: marco annicelli. >> victor: who' s responsible for billy' s hopes and dreams being dashed? >> jill: what does this mean? he can still beat this, right? he can still come back to us. why peyton manning will get the start to begin the playoffs and how the coach is feeling about his backup. a weather alert. snow hit into the metro area.
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