tv Through the Decades CBS January 14, 2016 11:00am-12:00pm MST
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,,,,,, >> nikki: would, um, anybody like some coffee or water, something? victoria, i think maybe i should take the children home. >> victoria: yeah. go with grandma. >> nikki: yeah. come on, johnny. [ gasps ] you' re gonna go home with me and sissy. let' we' re gonna have lots of -- >> jill: nikki, wait.
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[ thud ] >> chelsea: adam? adam? >> victor: welcome to the newman enterprise family. you' re one of us now, kevin. >> kevin: well, that doesn' t sound ominous at all. >> victor: [ chuckles ] remember, you came to me. you now have got what you asked for. congratulations. >> kevin: well, technically, this is only happening because billy didn' t make it. >> victor: well, that' s an unfortunate result of the path he took, you know? >> kevin: i just don' t want it to seem like i' m dancing on his grave. >> victor: you afraid he will
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for the deal you made with me? >> mariah: what does that mean, everything is changed? >> noah: can you just stop and let me -- >> mariah: drink yourself into a stupor? >> noah: i was gonna say think in peace. >> mariah: no. i cannot let you do that, because it turns out i' m your big sister. i' ve watched tv. i know how this works. i badger you until you talk, and then i help you. so just talk to me. >> noah: [ sighs ] i can' t drag you into this. >> mariah: drag? who' s dragging? i am begging to know, because clearly you are twisted up about something. guilty, even. come on. let' s untwist you together. >> billy: hey, jack. hey. talking to you. you can' t hear me. what' s up with that?
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ask your doctor about lyrica. (politely) wait, wait, wait! you can't put it in like that... have to rinse it first. that's baked-on alfredo. baked-on? it's never gonna work. dish issues? trust your dishwasher with cascade platinum. it powers... through... your toughest stuck-on food. better than finish. cascade. all new dirt snuggler! the dirt snuggler gently removes dirt while polishing the floor at the same time. why would you want to treat dirt "gently"? this isn't cleaning and polishing is it? no, but we both know what does. pine-sol. a real clean. no gimmicks. i guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee
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and it was a real easy tswitch to make. give it to me i' m worth it baby i' m worth it uh huh i' m worth it gimme gimme i' m worth it give it to me i' m worth it baby i' m worth it mmmm. a lunch this delicious? don' t worry; i won' t tell mom. i got her to eat a nutritious lunch! wait ' till i tell mom. lil' entrees with protein, veggies, and no preservatives.
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>> additional sponsorship provided by... >> noah: mariah, look... i appreciate it. i do. i really do, okay? but there' s nothing to talk about. >> mariah: if there is nothing to talk about, then why are you worried about dragging me into it? see? there is something. that' s logic. you can' t stay quiet about
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>> victor: well, now that we have solidified the terms of our agreement, i want to see all the research you have done on this internet security program. >> kevin: we' ll get there. >> victor: we' ll get there? you understand the terms of our agreement, don' t you? >> kevin: i understand the terms of our agreement. i have the idea. you have the money. you' re in charge. but i have to cover my ass here. research and development on this brilliant, new project may have involved a little bit of hacking and some otherwise not completely legal maneuvering. >> victor: so you' re withholding information because you think i' ll turn on you? is that it? >> kevin: not you. of course not you. >> victor: ah. >> kevin: you' re a responsible businessman who respects our working relationship. but the truth of the matter is, this is an idea that people want. people would kill for this. >> victor: you know that i'
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wiring money into your account as we speak. and you know what that means. that means i own your idea. >> noah: hey, grandpa? >> victor: hi, son. >> noah: uh, can i have a word? >> victor: sure. >> kevin: family before everything else, right? well, thank you, and, uh, we' ll talk soon. >> victor: all right, kevin. what is it, noah? >> noah: uh, you -- you must have heard by now. >> victor: oh, yeah. i' ve heard. had to happen sooner or later. >> noah: sooner or later? they' re -- they' re taking billy off life support. [ scoffs ] >> victor: well, we' ll take care of victoria and the children. >> noah: you realize what this makes me. >> victor: what? >> noah: he' s gonna die. that makes me a killer. >> victor: don' t you ever say that again. >> noah: grandpa, people are always asking me questions. >> victor: listen to me.
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something. >> victor: you come forward with this, you' re on your own. >> billy: i did this to all of you. mom. ash. victoria. so... come on. what' s going on here? is this some sort of hell? am i supposed to just watch you guys grieve for me? i don' t deserve that. come on. don' t make me watch victoria go through this. >> victoria: [ sighs ] >> jack: you okay? >> victoria: he' s not gone yet. i' d know. i' d feel it. >> jack: the nurse indicated it won' t be long now. >> billy: okay, hold on a sec. so i' m not gone? i' m not gone? not yet? so what is this? some sort of weird limbo thing? >> victoria: i really hate the idea of him in there alone. what if he' s scared? >> billy: i' m not. >> victoria: what if he' s trying to fight? >> billy: i' m -- i' m not. >> jack: he can' t fight. if he could, i would never have authorized them turning the machines off. >> victoria: maybe i should be there with him so he'
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alone. you know, maybe that' s the right answer. would it stop him -- would it keep him from going? >> jack: i don' t know. i can' t answer that. >> victoria: [ sighs ] i took millions of pictures of him with the kids... rolling around on the floor, building forts, reading books. i stuck photos of him asleep on the couch with katherine on his chest, and... it' s not enough. it' s never gonna be enough. this shouldn' t be happening. you know that, right? [ sobbing ] this shouldn' t be happening. [ sobs ] >> billy: vick. vick. vick. that first night, that new year' s eve, you -- you took my hand and you led me out of the gutter, literally. it was snowing, and i was a
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you laughed at my boxer shorts. maybe it was the way it was supposed to be, vick, because deep down, i' m an idiot. the smartest thing i ever did was marry you. so smart, i did it three times. >> victoria: [ sniffles ] [ sighs ] >> billy: hey. no more tears for me, okay? i have made you too many promises to get it right, and i never did, so let me try and get something right now. i' m gonna let you go. okay? we' re both -- we' re gonna let each other go. you' re gonna be fine. you and the kids, you' re gonna have a great life. you' re gonna find joy again. i know it, okay? all three of you. i promise. >> victoria: i should be with him. i should go be with him right now. >> billy: no. who? with me? no, no, no. vick. vick. hey. i' m right here. i' m right here. listen, if i turn into vapor in the next six seconds, i know where i want you to be, and it' s not in there crying over me, okay? i cannot let you do that. >> victoria: i can'
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t... >> ashley: victoria, you should not be alone right now. >> phyllis: we' ll go outside. i' ll go with you. >> victoria: i need to be with the kids. that' s where i' m gonna be. i want to go be with the kids right now. >> ashley: [ sobs ] behold the power of protein in birds eye protein blends. ok. they're delicious side dishes with the protein of beans, whole grains.. ...and veggies! mmm good. my work here is dooooone! bird's eye protein blends.
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>> jack: he' s my kid brother. i' m supposed to protect him. i' m not supposed to tell doctors to turn off -- >> phyllis: he had faith in you. he had faith in you to do what needed to be done. that' s how brave you are. that' s how much you love him. and he knew that. >> billy: listen to your wife, jack. she' s a giant pain. craziest partner i ever had, but she' s also the smartest person in the room. most of the time. phyllis wants you to lean on her, jack. go ahead. she can take it. trust her. just like i trust you. >> jack: i didn' t see abby or traci leave.
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s had enough hospitals for a lifetime. abby took her home. >> billy: this is just like colleen, watching her go, and i' m the jerk that put traci through this. >> jill: of course i wanted him back with victoria. i wanted him to make things right. but oh, my god. it was for his sake. the way i went about it, the things i said to him. >> ashley: jill, billy wanted the same thing. he wanted to make it right with victoria. but you know billy. he just got in his own way. >> billy: you can say it. i already admitted i' m an idiot. >> ashley: and he knows what was in your heart. >> jill: but did he? >> ashley: yes. >> jill: did he know how hard i fought this? or did he just think it was another rejection? i mean, like when i sent him away to boarding school? i wasn' t trying to push him away. i swear i wasn' t. i would never do that. i would never do it now or back
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>> ashley: and billy knows that, jill. >> jill: [ sobs ] >> billy: [ sighs ] mom, we' d do this thing where we -- we talk at each other, we -- we yell at each other. nothing' s ever good enough for it' s gonna be okay. soon. i love you, mom. >> ashley: jill, we can' t just rehash every single exchange that we ever did. >> billy: for everything we did wrong, we did that right. >> ashley: we can' t do that to ourselves, okay? i said horrible things to billy, too. [ sobbing ] i didn' t mean any of it, jill. i meant none of it. >> billy: you should' ve. i screwed up. dad would have hated what i did with paragon. but i promise you guys, i was gonna try and fix it, okay? i was gonna try and make dad and everybody proud of me. i was gonna do right by -- by the family, by jabot, by victoria. and now here we are because of me. you don'
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anymore, okay? you don' t have to and protect me anymore. you don' t have to be let down by me anymore. >> jill: [ sniffles ] >> billy: this isn' t working. >> victor: you want to tell the police and the press and the family? is that it? >> noah: i have to. billy' s gonna die. >> victor: how will that help victoria, noah? >> billy: yeah, i' m in your chair, snidely. how do you like them apples? uh-oh. wait. is noah getting a lecture? what' s this about? run, kid, while you still can. >> noah: how is staying quiet about this going to help anybody but myself? >> victor: if you unburden yourself, you will hurt a lot of people. >> billy: perfect. victor newman' s school of ugly secrets equals family loyalty. >> noah: in what universe is taking responsibility not the right thing to do here? >> victor: you take responsibility for the right thing, all right? our family needs to pull together. our family needs to heal. the deal i just made is part of that. do you understand? have enough money to secure the future of future generations. do you understand? >> noah: you' re talking about a
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s heart is failing, and we' re talking about business. i... >> victor: this is a good deal. this will revolutionize internet security. don' t you understand? >> billy: wait. what did you say? >> victor: i tell you what. if it helps you, we will use some of the profits and give it to a charity in billy' s name. >> billy: that' s my deal. >> kevin: saying goodbye was surreal. billy and i -- it wasn' t exactly bromance at first sight. did i ever tell you about when delia was sick? >> mariah: when she had leukemia? >> kevin: yeah. billy saved her. a bone marrow transplant. only nobody could know that he was in town, so i covered for him. and ever since then... [ sighs ] i don' t know. we weren' t totally enemies. we weren' t exactly friends. but that' s where it started -- in the hospital. ended in the same place. >> mariah: sorry. i wish there was something i could say to make it easier. >> kevin: [ sighs ] you feel bad for me now, but you won' t in a minute. >> mariah: why? what did you do? >> kevin: i went right from billy' s bedside to victor'
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>> mariah: you closed the deal with victor? >> kevin: money' s probably in my account already. >> mariah: you' re a millionaire. >> kevin: yay. >> mariah: okay, okay. no one wanted it this way, but this is the way things are. >> kevin: you were right. over and over and over again. i know that. victor is gonna screw me over. but if i had waited any longer, natalie was gonna take our program elsewhere. >> mariah: you' re looking at me, but you' re talking to yourself. you don' t have to explain. >> billy: explain it to me, kev, you double-crossing, body' re devil himself? let' cause you' re officially a tool! moves like you do? try always discreet underwear and wiggle, giggle, swerve and curve. with soft dual leak guard barriers and a discreet fit that hugs your curves. so bladder leaks can feel get your free pair and valuable
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only kraft natural cheese has a touch of philadelphia cream cheese, so whatever you make, is creamier than ever. fact. when emergency room doctors choose an otc pain reliever for their patients muscle, back and joint pain. the medicine in advil is their #1 choice. nothing is stronger on tough pain than advil. relief doesn't get any better than this.
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,,,,,,,, >> noah: there' s really no point in even talking about this, is there? i mean, you always hated billy, but the man was my uncle. >> victor: noah, let me be very honest with you. i hated the idea that billy boy abbott was together with victoria. i couldn' t stand it from the very beginning. that does not mean that i wanted him dead. >> noah: didn' t you? >> victor: okay, that'
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>> noah: that' s it, then? >> victor: i have work to do, son. go gather your thoughts somewhere else, okay? good night. [ sighs ] you were a degenerate. you were a drunk. you were a gambler, billy boy. but you gave me my grandchildren. and now this deal. so, may you rest in peace. >> mariah: you look like hell. >> billy: or like a traitor who just shook hands with the devil. you got that slimy residue on your hands, kevin? >> mariah: and i know that you held out while you could. i just can' t help but thinking --
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re thinking. i' m thinking the same thing. i should have waited to go to jack. but it had to be now. natalie wasn' t gonna wait for the abbotts to grieve and then maybe get around to honoring billy' s wishes by closing a business deal. >> mariah: that is not what i was thinking. >> kevin: here it comes. you' re gonna lay into me, aren' t you? >> billy: yeah, do it, mariah. lay into him. that was my deal. we had a verbal agreement. that was my chance to do right by my family, kevin, and you knew it! >> mariah: i was thinking that billy didn' t exactly play by the rules, either. >> billy: really, mariah? that' s how you lay into him? where' s that no-holds-barred attitude? >> kevin: what are you saying? >> mariah: billy colored outside the lines with permanent marker. we both know that. and your deal wasn' t locked in. i am not endorsing what you did, but...i also don' t think you should torture yourself over it. >> billy: no, go ahead, kevin. beat yourself senseless. >> kevin: you' re saying if billy was in the same position, he might have done the same thing? >> mariah: maybe so. >> kevin: maybe so. >> billy: yeah, well, maybe not. maybe i would have kept my word, kevin. how do you not know that about me? how do i live in a town for so
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know me? >> nikki: ooh! oh, my goodness. now, do you want that small piece? no? you want the bigger piece? [ gasps ] well, ' cause you' re such a good boy, you can have it. >> victoria: that' s a big cookie. >> nikki: hi, honey. what are you doing here? >> victoria: i just needed to see them. i don' t know, mom. i had to do something. [ sighs ] i almost went in the room to be with billy so that he wasn' t [ sighs ] what? he would want me to be here with the kids, our family together. is that -- is that so crazy? >> nikki: not at all. world. >> victoria: you know, they have no idea.
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t understand. the whole way over here, i just kept thinking how katherine -- she won' t have any memories of billy. johnny will for a while, but eventually they' ll fade and then he won' t have anything left of his father. >> nikki: they' ll have your memories and your stories. you' ll keep billy alive for them. >> victoria: not really, though. not in the way that they need. they deserve to know their father, mom. he was an incredible, incredible person. and his children were his truest joy. >> billy: now, there' s somebody
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see, i' m the guy that left your and now i' m leaving you. but at least that way i' ll never hurt you. i' m never gonna let you down. i can' t say goodbye to her. so you have to do me a favor, okay? whenever you see your mom sad, you got to tell her that it' s gonna be okay. okay? you tell her that it' s gonna be okay. >> katie: dada. >> victoria: did she just say...
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[ monitor beeping ] [ door opens ] >> jill: he shouldn' t be alone. >> phyllis: neither should you. >> jill: he' s so beautiful. i think he' thing i' ve ever seen. every mother says that, doesn' t she? >> phyllis: yeah. that' s true. >> jill: i wonder if katherine will be there to meet him. i wonder if she' ll rip him up for being a fool or take him in [voice breaking] her arms and hug him for all of us. i don' t want him to go! [ sobs ] >> phyllis: the doctors say he' s not suffering. >> jill: i know. i know. i know. i hope he isn'
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[ sniffles ] god, look at me. i' m still trying to protect him. it' s so silly. he' s a man, isn' t he? but he -- he' s my boy. he' s my baby, and... i was out there with katie and johnny. i thought how much they look like him, you know, when -- when he was a little boy, when he was a baby. [ breathing heavily ] he always felt things too much, you know? i mean, that' s why he grew up the way he did. he loved so hard. and he played so hard. and we' ll never see it again. >> phyllis: okay. johnny and katie are gonna have those eyes and that smile, and they' re gonna have his spirit with them forever. >> jill: [ sniffles ] are you still in there, billy?
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or has your soul gone away and your heart is just waiting to catch up? [ sniffles ] >> ashley: [ sobbing ] i' ve been wondering. >> ashley: do you think we' d even be sitting here right now if dad was alive? >> jack: [ chuckles ] you know, for a guy who didn' t sure doted on billy, didn' t he? >> ashley: yeah, and then soon after, the rest of us doted on billy, too. he' s billy.
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frustrated about all his antics. >> ashley: we never gave up. right? >> jack: not until now. ashley, i feel this fist around it' it' s not about me losing my brother. it' s about -- it' s about billy. he never -- never had a chance to set it right, all of it. when he dies... everything he could have been, everything he could have had dies with him. >> ashley: [ sobs ] >> phyllis: jack. >> jack: it' s happening. he won' t be with us much longer,
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hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. r xeljanz can reduce r the symptoms of ra, p even without methotrexate. rask your rheumatologist t about xeljanz. what's with him? he's happy. your family's finally eating vegetables thanks to our birds eye voila skillet meals. and they only take 15 minutes to make. ahh! birds eye voila so veggie good hershey' s miniatures. we pour ' em! we pass ' em! we pick ' em! delicious fun for everyone. hershey' s miniatures are mine, yours, our chocolate. whenever i try to grow out my hair, strands always break off. but now, pantene is making my... practically unbreakable. the new pro-v formula micro-targets weak spots... ...making every inch stronger
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pantene. strong is beautiful. get even faster results with pantene expert, our most... ...intensely concentrated pro-v formula. [ knock on door ] >> victor: come in. >> chelsea: victor. >> victor: chelsea. come in. what is it? >> chelsea: i need to know where adam went on that business trip. >> victor: [ sighs ] i' m afraid that' s confidential, darling. >> chelsea: confidential? i' m his wife. >> victor: well, then he should have told you about it. >> chelsea: why are you being so secretive? >> victor: sometimes in the business world, it'
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have secrets. >> chelsea: this isn' t just about business. something is off with the timing of all this, and adam -- he didn' t call me as the plane was taking off. he always calls. >> victor: and that has got you upset? >> chelsea: i am upset because adam should be home right now with connor and me. this is not the time that you should be sending adam off on some confidential business trip. it' s a traumatic time, victor. it' s -- it' s a traumatic time for all of us. >> kevin: hey. noah. listen, i know this is a tough night for you and your whole >> noah: yeah, you' re right. it is. which is why i' m gonna drink myself through it. >> kevin: uh, that' s a nice idea, but it' s not gonna help. everything that sucks now is still gonna suck when you sober up, so maybe you should be with your family instead of being here. you can all get through it together.
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what victoria and her kids are going through... how? >> mariah: they love billy. everyone does. i' m so sorry. this is such a terrible thing. but maybe the police have found new leads on who did it. >> kevin: they haven' t. not yet. >> mariah: they will. i mean, eventually they will. somebody' s gonna pay for what they did to your family. you have to hang on to that. >> noah: yeah. >> jack: we' re here, billy. we' re not gonna stand in your way. we love you. and that means we have to let you go. >> phyllis: do what you have to do. >> jill: we do love you, billy. god, how we love you. and i know this is so wrong. you know what it feels like,
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cause you went through it with delia. i wish you hadn' t. i wish i hadn' t. >> jack: i don' t know if you can hear me, little brother. but it' s time for us all to say goodbye. >> ashley: don' t say that, jack. don' t say goodbye. we' re all gonna see each other again someday, billy. we' re all gonna be together again. >> jill: we will. >> jack: yes, we will. >> ashley: until we see you next... >> billy: baby, what did you say? >> victoria: katie' s first word. dada. she must know that something' s happening. billy didn' t get to hear it. >> billy: i heard it, and it was... it was beautiful. i think i' m gonna take the kids home. and you need to go back to the
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these last moments are very important, no matter how much they may hurt, baby. >> victoria: you' re right. please don' t let it be too late. oh, god. mommy loves you. >> nikki: they' ll be fine. >> victoria: daddy loves you, too. >> nikki: they' ll be fine. here, sweetheart. i' ll see you. love you. okay! mommy' s gonna be just fine. yes, she is. and we' re gonna go home, and we' re gonna have lots of fun, mr. cookie man. yes, we are. but it' s cold outside. so let' s get you bundled up. well, how did you... how did you get that? wait. let me see that. i want to see your toy.
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with type 2 diabetes. it works by helping your body to get rid of some of the sugar it doesn't need through urination. this can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. and although it's not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. jardiance can cause serious side this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. other side effects are genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, kidney problems, do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction. symptoms may include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor, and for details,
11:50 am
>> victor: i' m very sorry to see you like this, okay? i know billy and you were rather close. >> chelsea: losing billy is hard on -- on anybody who cared about him. which is why i really need to talk to my husband right now. so if you can just tell me where he is or let me get on the phone with him -- >> victor: wait, wait.
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>> chelsea: yeah, of course i did. but if he' isn' t there a direct line to call? ll check with the pilot. >> chelsea: thank you. >> victor: wally, victor newman here. did the plane take off in time? what do you mean, adam didn' t show up? >> chelsea: he' s not on the plane? then where is my husband? >> billy: dee dee. my girl. look at you. >> delia: hi, daddy. >> billy: [ chuckles ] >> delia: how are you? >> billy: [ sighs ] can i be honest with you? >> delia: you better be. >> billy: i' m a little confused. it' s so good to see you. even better than i imagined. >> delia: but you'
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>> billy: i thought i was ready to go. i thought that if i left, then victoria wouldn' t be so sad. now i' m not so sure. >> delia: because of katie and johnny? they love you like i do. >> billy: [ chuckles ] kiddo. [ sighs ] i don' t know what i' m supposed to do. what am i supposed to do? >> delia: you should want to go back and fix it. >> billy: how do i do that? i-i messed up a lot of stuff, dee. i should have fought to be a better person. i should have fought to be a better father. and now i' m out of time. >> delia: you' re not out of time. go fix it. >> billy: but you' re here. and i' >> delia: i' m okay, daddy. look. >> billy: katherine'
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>> ashley: what is that? is that normal? >> no. no, it' s not. >> jack: so what' s going on? >> there' s brain activity. >> victoria: billy' s coming back to us. >> next on "the young and the restless"... >> chelsea: where the hell is my husband? >> kevin: billy didn' t die when they took him off life support. >> mariah: we are about to be in a stomping ground of crap between the abbotts and the newmans.
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