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tv   Through the Decades  CBS  January 18, 2016 11:00am-12:00pm MST

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,,,,,,,,,,,, >> dylan: so, uh... were you and adam in a -- in a good place? we' re in a great place, actually. he' s missing. >> chelsea: yeah, except for that. >> dylan: and that' to ask the questions i don' t want to ask. did you guys have an argument? was he upset? >> chelsea: we were both upset. about billy, not at each other. billy almost dying showed us that you have to appreciate every second with each other. adam and i, we wouldn' t we wouldn' t.
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s good? >> victor: send him in. well, if it isn' t paul williams. my old friend, please, have a seat. >> paul: thank you. >> victor: what is this about? >> paul: chelsea filed a missing-persons report on adam. you know anything about that? >> victor: oh, my goodness. she is letting her insecurities run away with her. there' s nothing to worry about, really. >> paul: i see. well, if that' s true, why do you
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>> sharon: hey, godmother. >> mariah: hello. hi! how you doing there, squirt? >> sharon: couldn' t be better. >> mariah: great. wonderful. i will catch you later. >> sharon: oh, what' re you doing tonight? >> mariah: nothing. i' m just, uh, hanging with my roommate. >> sharon: kevin? >> mariah: that' s the one. >> sharon: and who' s your mystery guest? [ keys clacking ] >> natalie: yes. subnet mask -- yes. default gateway -- that' s it. no. damn. [ sighs ] not happening. i can'
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s a lot of bags for two people. so i' m doing the math. who' s your third guest? >> mariah: oh, we' re just... hungry. >> sage: well, this looks like the place to be. >> sharon: hi. >> sage: oh, it' s the little angel! >> sharon: yeah. >> sage: hi! >> sharon: come here, pumpkin. come and say hi to sage. yeah. >> sage: he was asleep. >> sharon: i know. but i have to do a few things. i was wondering -- let me get you out of there. >> nick: you know, uh... >> sharon: can you go and say hi to sage for a while? do you want to hold him? >> sage: yes. >> nick: i don' t think we' re gonna be here that long. >> sage: oh. >> sharon: here you go. yeah. everything kids touch during cold and flu season sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. because no one kills germs
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it shows people policy options [ scanner warbling ] crazy that a big shot like me would pack his own bags, right? [ chuckles ] so, do i have the right to remain handsome? [ chuckles ] wait. uh-oh. i am totally blind. to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. 844-824-2424. or visit want bladder leak underwear that moves like you do? try always discreet underwear and wiggle, giggle, swerve and curve. with soft dual leak guard barriers and a discreet fit that hugs your curves. so bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. get your free pair and valuable coupons at always
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additional sponsorship provided by... there's only one egg that just tastes better. with more vitamins. and less saturated fat. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. >> nick: uh, do you want to join sage and me? there' s a hot drink in it for you of your choice. d be great. we can catch up. >> mariah: oh, that' s really sweet. i would love to, but the food is getting cold, so i got to run. >> sage: will you come by soon? >> mariah: absolutely. i miss seeing faith all the time. >> sage: oh, oh, oh! >> nick: uh, i know you got a lot on your plate right now, but i would love to talk to you soon. >> mariah: general catching up or something more serious? >> nick: dr. anderson. >> mariah: yeah, she' s still all over sharon. >> nick: yeah, i know you have a strong opinion about that. >> mariah: yeah, the creep factor alone. but it' s not just sharon she' s all over. she' s oozing her way into your guys' lives, too.
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m not sure what i think. >> mariah: well, i think that she has her own agenda, and i would watch her with both eyes open, but that' s just me. >> sharon: well, have a good time tonight. >> mariah: uh, yeah, that is exactly what i' m gonna have -- a good time. >> sharon: mm. she seemed a little on edge. >> nick: she is mariah. >> sharon: yeah, that' s true. hmm look at sage over there. it' s amazing how far we' ve all come, isn' t it? she' s so comfortable with the baby, happy, and we all are. and we have dr. anderson to thank for that. >> nick: well, you need to take i mean, sharon, you' ve made a lot of good choices. you have really worked hard. >> sharon: well, i couldn' t have done it without dr. anderson. sometimes even when i don' t know >> nick: don' t sell yourself you' ve earned this.
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ve made so much progress that i don' t need to rely on my meds so much anymore. >> nick: she said what? what did you do? >> dylan: you know, billy almost died. that must have hit hard. you guys were almost married. >> chelsea: yeah, but we didn' t get married. >> dylan: well, we both know, just because a relationship ends... you know, you share things together, you create memories that become a part of who you are, it doesn' t just go away. >> chelsea: that' s all true. and i -- of course, i still care for billy, but adam' s disappearance doesn' t have anything to do with him. >> dylan: okay. well, i have to ask. >> chelsea: okay, and i will answer. if you' re implying that adam was jealous about the time i spent with billy so he decided to skip town to prove some point, then you' re crazy, dylan. he' s -- he' s not that kind of a guy. >> dylan: well, i mean, nobody
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>> chelsea: for the last time, stop. we' re fine. adam and i, we' re fine. the only thing that hasn' t been fine in our relationship lately is him working with victor. that and all of this craziness with the santori family. >> dylan: uh, what craziness? >> chelsea: some stupid power struggle. and adam' s been thrown right in the middle of it. >> dylan: so you, um... you think adam' s disappearance is connected to this business with the santoris? >> chelsea: i don' t know for certain, but i just have a feeling. and this luca guy, i think he' s a real wild card. adam told me to stay away from him. >> dylan: does adam think he' s dangerous? >> chelsea: from what adam said, luca represents the santoris' interest in newman enterprises. however, i think all he really wants to do is get out from under his father' s thumb. i just don' t know how far he' s willing to go to do that. >> luca: i' m not working with my father. >> marisa: and you have nothing to do with adam' s disappearance? >> luca: i' m working with adam, not against him. i sure as hell didn' t kidnap him.
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>> luca: is coincidence. okay? my one and only goal is to take over my father' s company -- end the corruption, the secret arms deals, the reliance on drug money. >> marisa: that' s the truth? >> luca: marisa, i' m doing this for you, to give you a life that' s above reproach, a husband that you could be proud of. i thought you understood that. look, if you still have so many doubts about me and...who i am, how committed are you to our life together? >> victor: chelsea is concerned about her husband, obviously, so i had my investigator check on adam' s whereabouts. nothing else to worry about. >> paul: so the santoris' reputation doesn' t make you at all apprehensive? >> victor: why would a minor business deal with the santoris make me feel apprehensive? >> paul: well, it' s curious that you consider their business dealings with you as minor. the santoris consider you a partner. >> victor: i don' t give a damn what they consider me. i hope you don'
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investigations on what you read in the newspapers, paul. >> paul: well, of course not. but i do have it on good authority that luca santori is setting up in your camp, overseeing the family interests. >> victor: luca santori' s a pain in the you-know-what, all right? now, i seriously hope you have more important things to investigate, paul. >> paul: if you' re talking about who hit billy abbott, this may come as a surprise to you, victor, but i can do more than one thing at once. >> victor: you go to it. >> paul: great news that billy abbott survived, isn' t it? >> victor: yeah, certainly is. >> noah: uh, i' m sorry for interrupting. i didn' t realize that you two -- >> victor: no, noah. we have ended whatever paul came to discuss. >> paul: for now. >> victor: yeah. nice to see you, paul. >> paul: victor. noah. [ door closes ] >> noah: what did paul say? was he here about billy? did -- did billy say anything? was he asking you questions about -- about me, or...?
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unrelated business. i need you to calm down, all right? this investigation is going to lead nowhere. all right? >> noah: you sure about that? >> victor: i asked you to stay strong and focused. can you do that? >> noah: yeah, of course i can. of course. yeah, i' m fine. >> victor: all right. now there' s something i need you
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>> kevin: what do you mean you can' t do this? this is what you do. >> natalie: not with your eyeballs lasering the back of my skull. >> kevin: well, get used to it, ' cause my eyeballs aren' t going anywhere until you fix the program. >> natalie: it' s not broken. >> kevin: well, it sure as hell isn' t working. and i hate to harsh your coding mellow, but we have a situation. >> natalie: yeah. like where' s the food? your girlfriend' s taking her sweet time. >> kevin: will you focus? >> natalie: hard to do with low blood sugar. >> kevin: all right. then i will speak slowly. victor newman has put up serious money to have exclusive rights to this internet-security idea, which at this point is neither exclusive nor secure, because you sold the idea to another backer, and you kept the money. >> natalie: i don' t do the corporate thing. i code.
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the venture cannibals, the fine print -- your job. i' m doing my part. >> kevin: it' s an internet-security program, and you were hacked. not exactly a huge success. >> natalie: don' t be such a bagbiter. of course there were glitches. there were deadlines. i was rushed. where' s the damn food?! >> kevin: well, you had no problem on the corporate end, cashing that big, fat check. >> natalie: i explained that. >> kevin: and now the program is defective. >> natalie: i told you, there were deadlines. >> kevin: you made a deal with me, and you took money from someone else. you said the program was ready, and it' s not. i' m starting to smell a straight-up con. >> paul: okay. victor wasn' t all that cooperative, not that that' s surprising. but he didn' t seem at all concerned about adam, either. >> dylan: you believe that? >> paul: well, who knows? i suppose it is possible... that he' s got adam doing some newman dirty work and he doesn' t want chelsea to know about it. >> dylan: [ chuckles ] well, if they didn' t want to arouse chelsea' s suspicions, they'
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s convinced that victor knows more than he' s saying and that the santori family is involved. >> paul: no, but she' s got no proof. >> dylan: no, just, you know, a gut feeling. >> paul: right, and her deep, abiding distrust of all things victor. you know... now that adam is back on team newman, she can' t be all that happy about that. maybe it caused a little rift in their marriage and he went awol. >> dylan: well, i mean, she' s not crazy about her husband working with victor, but she was adamant that she and adam were in a good place, and i believed her. >> paul: what if adam hasn' t called her because he can' t? >> marisa: sit down. i' ve told you again and again, i am with you -- only you. >> luca: look, i' m sorry. i -- i shouldn' t take out my mood on you.
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>> luca: victor thinks my father is responsible for adam' s disappearance. he' s making threats against me if adam isn' t returned. >> marisa: marco dead, adam kidnapped, threats against you -- this is getting too dangerous, luca. >> luca: look, i have no intention of ending up kidnapped or dead. >> marisa: what are you gonna do? >> luca: solve the problem. this isn' t how my father operates. if he abducted adam, he would' ve let victor know who was behind it. >> marisa: but if your family didn' t do this, who did? >> luca: i don' t know, but victor has already decided that the santoris are guilty. >> marisa: well, he jumped to the same conclusion i did. >> luca: because he hates us. he resents giving us partial control of his company, and it sends him completely over the edge that he' s forced to listen to me. >> marisa: money and power. that' s what he responds to. so we find a way to convince victor that any harm that might come to you will hit him where it hurts the most -- his bottom line. >> luca: my brilliant wife. now, if i can at least find a
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>> marisa: i have complete faith in you. >> noah: uh, hey, luca, my grandfather needs to see you. >> luca: of course he does. >> marisa: you know, i promised chelsea that i would look at some marketing requests for her bridal line, so i' ll ride down with you. >> noah: actually, do you mind if i have a word with you? >> luca: yeah, no -- stay, chat. >> marisa: uh, what -- what is this about? >> noah: trust. >> nick: what does dr. anderson mean, you don' t need to rely on your meds so much? when did this happen? >> sharon: um, it' s been a few days already, and i feel great. >> nick: sharon, i have lived through this with you before. when you go off your meds or you change your dosage, you -- you go all over the place. your emotions are erratic. i mean... >> sharon: nick, i didn' t go off my meds.
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ve never felt better. >> nick: well, you feel good now, but that' s because the drugs are still in your system. what happens if your symptoms resurface? >> sharon: i understand your concern. dylan said the same thing -- "when everything' s working fine, why change?" >> nick: dylan has a good point. >> sharon: i know there might be an itty-bitty risk, but if there are any negative signs or symptoms, you know, dr. anderson will be watching me. >> nick: yeah, when isn' t she? >> sharon: you know, it' s because she' s been monitoring me so closely that i' ve been doing so well. >> nick: do you think it' s a good idea for you to be experimenting right now? you seem to have your hands full with sully. >> sharon: i can take care of my child, nick. i didn' t just make this decision arbitrarily. i gave it a lot of thought. dr. anderson thinks this is a victory. she' s very encouraging. i mean, obviously, i' m getting better. >> nick: maybe you' re just putting a little too much faith in dr. anderson right now. >> sharon: why are you doing this? why do you have a problem with
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will continue.,,,,,,,, >> sharon: i' m sorry. i...thought that you would be
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ve never felt more at peace. i' m happily married, my kids are doing well, my baby' s perfect, and... this is all made possible by dr. anderson, so how can you question that? >> nick: i just think she' s overly involved. >> sharon: because she cares. look at you and sage. christian' s death might have destroyed your marriage, and you thought it would, but it didn' t. now you two are in a good place, and that' s all because of dr. anderson' s support. >> nick: yeah, but that' s not the feeling that i get from dr. anderson, all right? she thinks the more you or i encourage sage to spend time with sully, to bond with him, the more we' re pushing her towards a huge setback. >> sharon: no, i think you misunderstood. i had that conversation with dr. anderson. she was concerned that sage' s presence around the baby would put more pressure on me, not on sage, and it might slow down my recovery. i know what i heard, sharon. >> sharon: but i love sharing sully with sage. it brings me joy when i see them together and that i can share
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i can help her, and helping sage is good for everyone. >> nick: i don' t know, sharon. i just think that maybe dr. anderson is telling you one thing, and she' s telling me something else. she really upset sage the other day. >> sharon: well, sometimes the truth is hard to hear. but i' m sure whatever she said was in sage' s best interests. nick, i' m fine. sage is fine. don' t go looking for disasters. >> sage: i felt it the moment i walked in. you recognized me, huh? you know me. >> sharon: why don' t you go and spend some quality time with your wife and nephew? >> chelsea: hey, nick? can i talk to you? ll be right there. what'
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>> chelsea: i need your help. >> natalie: this is another one of your funny, funny jokes, you can' t really believe i would screw you over. re not. >> natalie: there' s no con. i came here to see you. why would i do that if i was it would' ve taken me 10 seconds to hack into your bank and steal the $2,005,063 in your account. >> kevin: why are you here? >> natalie: people are hunting s still in here. >> kevin: because you took their money, and you split. >> natalie: i messed up, all but it' s your fault. >> kevin: my fault? >> natalie: you put all these visions in my head. you and me, jobs and woz, except extra cool. we could change the world. you got me all fired up, ready to rock this, then you pulled the plug. >> kevin: i did not. my backer had the plug pulled on him. he almost died. to do? i had all this vision, this dream so big my head could explode, and nowhere to go. so when these people called me -- >> kevin: wait. who are these
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>> natalie: [ sighs ] i know i can make it work. just need to get in my zone, >> kevin: you' ve kicked the crazy into high gear. this is victor newman we' dealing with. he doesn' t respond well to lies and being cheated, and you' ve done both. when he gets through with you, what' s left of you will wish that the other investors found you first. >> natalie: i' m not gonna freak out about some big, bad, scary suit. i' m all about the numbers -- the code, the solution -- lining itself up in my brain. [ door opens ] finally. celebrate? >> kevin: uh, natalie works better floating a little bit of a buzz. >> natalie: you remember. >> mariah: well, i' ll be glad if she works at all. >> natalie: can we eat already? [ ringtone plays ] >> kevin: oh. this is from paul. i have to get to the station.
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[ door opens, closes ] >> natalie: and kevin. >> mariah: so... you and kevin. >> noah: paul williams was down there. and grandfather says it has nothing to do with billy, but he' s probably just managing me. >> marisa: or the chief really was there about something else. maybe about adam being missing. >> noah: well, i got a lecture about keeping quiet about this, as if i didn' t almost kill a man. >> marisa: noah, you can' t obsess like this. we did what we needed to do to protect you. trust that. >> noah: i trust you. >> marisa: billy' s going to live. that' s wonderful news. >> noah: you' re absolutely right. it' s the best, but i -- i just... >> marisa: don' t start with the "buts."
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what does billy know? dose he know it was me? has he spoken to the cops? >> marisa: if the police suspected you, they would' ve knocked on your door by now. please, you made the right decision. you have to find peace with that. >> noah: how do you find peace when you walked away from a crime and you hide out like a coward? and if anybody finds out that i was responsible for putting billy in the hospital... >> marisa: i won' t let that happen. i won' t. >> noah: have i thanked you lately? for having my back on this? >> marisa: i' m just returning the favor. when i first came into town, you gave me a place to stay, a job, and my first sliders. best meal ever. >> noah: i told you. [ both laugh ] >> marisa: you made me feel safe. helping you is the least i could do.
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selfish. i remember when you first walked into the underground. stopped me in my tracks. >> marisa: yeah, because i was this crazy lady who just dragged herself out of a lake. >> noah: because you were beautiful... and smart... and i knew there was something about you. i knew right there that -- >> marisa: that i was trouble. >> noah: that you were gonna change my life. and you did. i loved you from that first day, marisa. still do. >> marisa sierras? >> noah: can i help you with >> luca: look, victor, if you' re planning on threatening me again, save your breath. i already told you, i don' t know where adam is. >> luca: my father' s a lot of things, but a kidnapper? not a chance. >> victor: the ransom demand from the santoris says
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s not possible. s playing a dangerous game, luca. >> luca: so, what does my father demand for adam' s release? >> victor: tu esposa -- your wife. listen up! i'm here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. and give her the strength and energy to stay healthy. who's with me?! yay! the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals.
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>> sharon: i don' t know who' s more smitten -- you are or my son. >> sage: [ chuckles ] you know, i read that a baby can recognize its mother' s voice right away, from all those months in the womb. and your baby recognizes his mother' s face 12 hours after being born. isn' t that amazing, how quickly the mother-son, mother-child bond can happen? >> sharon: oh, everything about these little creatures is amazing. >> sage: [ chuckles ] is that how it happened for you? instant bonding? >> sharon: you know, i didn' t have that chance with my other children, but with sully, absolutely. i mean, everything that happened that night was a little hazy, but...holding him in my arms for the first time and looking into the eyes of the little soul that i carried inside me, it was amazing. nothing else like it. so bonding.
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this baby can look at you and know you. it' s pure joy. >> sharon: well, it' s not all joy, you know? sleep is a memory. and routine is out the window. except for his routine. and then there' s also trying to find anything that even resembles romance. [ both laugh ] i' m sorry. i' m just talking mom talk. >> sage: is that right? oh, don' t worry about it. no, i' m -- i' m really glad that you feel like you don' t have to tiptoe around me anymore. >> sharon: me too. >> nick: what do you mean adam' s missing? >> chelsea: victor sent him on adam' s fallen off the face of >> nick: maybe he' s just busy. >> chelsea: no, adam would' ve called me. something' s wrong. >> chelsea: yeah, for what it' s worth. >> nick: did you talk to my dad? doesn' t know anything, but i have a feeling he' s hiding m sure there' s a less devious explanation. i'
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what it could be. >> chelsea: ever since adam started working with victor again, i just... i' ve just had a really bad feeling. >> nick: that' s not uncommon. >> chelsea: i feel like there' s more to it, you know? i think there' s something going on between adam and victor. i don' t know what it is, but i feel like victor' s using it, forcing adam to help him regain his stupid empire. you know, victor wants someone working with him who' s -- >> nick: who' s less like me and more like my dad. >> chelsea: he wants someone with him who' s willing to go full victor on the competition. they want a partner, like -- >> nick: like the santoris. >> chelsea: there is some newman-santori turf war going on, and victor threw adam right in the middle of it. >> nick: all right, look, adam' s pretty smart -- too smart to let himself get wrapped up in one of my dad' s plots. >> chelsea: well, normally, yes, but victor, he has a way of manipulating adam, especially when he' s got leverage on him. >> nick: chelsea, i don' t know what it is you think i can do. >> chelsea: you have a way with
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not, adam is your brother. so please -- please help me. i have nowhere else to turn. >> paul: okay. we don' t have a lot of information right now, but our theory is that adam is being held against his will. >> kevin: any reason we can' t just leave him kidnapped? that' d be my vote. >> paul: [ sighs ] well, uh, you know what? actually, kevin, we are hoping that you keep your personal feelings out of this. >> kevin: what is it you need me to do? >> paul: well, dylan' s gonna fill you in. i got a meeting with the mayor, posted. >> dylan: will do. >> paul: all right. s my assignment? >> dylan: well, we think victor' s partners, the santori family, could be behind this. there' s some type of power struggle going on, and we suspect adam may have gotten caught in the middle. >> kevin: well, he took a bullet so daddy would love him a few years ago. why not get himself kidnapped? >> dylan: well, i mean, this is conjecture at this point, but maybe victor' s losing control of the situation. that. wouldn' t come to us.
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in danger and this all goes south...victor sacrifices the prodigal son. >> dylan: mm. not gonna happen. chelsea and connor have come too close to losing adam too many times. so we need to make sure he comes home. >> kevin: and this involves me how? >> dylan: well, we are on a clock, and we don' t have time for proper channels. so, kevin... we need you to access victor newman' s personal communications. >> kevin: you want me to hack victor? >> luca: what could my father possibly want with marisa? >> victor: i guess he wants that woman out of his son' s life. >> luca: she' s my wife. >> victor: she' s a problem to him. he wants to get rid of her. i can understand that. >> luca: i highly doubt my father would put his name to a ransom note. i mean, how do you even know it' s from him? >> victor: oh, i know. >> luca: so you' re guessing. listen, victor, of all the things my father would do in the name of business, he doesn' t make people disappear, like you did with marco. >> victor: listen. i'
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kidnapped my son. now, if the price for adam' s release is your wife, so be it. >> luca: there' s no way in hell i' m letting you trade marisa for adam. >> victor: too late. >> noah: who are you? >> mr. newman would like to see you. >> marisa: victor? what about? >> it' s an urgent matter. >> marisa: must be about chelsea 2.0. >> noah: uh, i' ll ride down with you. >> the request was that >> marisa: it' s okay, noah. i' ll see you later, okay? >> noah: all right. song: "that's life"
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>> mariah: so, um... you and kevin seem pretty simpatico. did you meet at some swiss geek convention? >> natalie: bar. he was bragging on his mad computer skills. so full of himself. so american. so i hacked him. >> mariah: [ chuckles ] i wish i could' ve been there to see his face. he hates that. >> natalie: [ chuckles ] he was impressed. followed me around like a puppy he' s so cute, so passionate... >> mariah: mm-hmm. >> natalie: he joined me and my friends. couple of shots of absinthe, kevin got up on a chair, inciting revolution against
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>> mariah: yes, he is very charming when he' s rebellious. vibration, doesn' t he? >> mariah: vibe. yeah, kevin is all about the vibe. >> natalie: so, you and kevin are involved? >> mariah: uh, nope, nope. we' re just friends. >> natalie: you never slept together? >> mariah: well, it' um, it' s casual. and maybe, uh -- maybe just once. >> mariah: look, all i' m gonna say is that, um... it wasn' t very memorable. i mean, i do have memories of it but just not good ones. >> natalie: a joke. that' s funny. >> mariah: not really. so, what about you? did you leave behind a boyfriend when you were running from these >> natalie: i...don' t do
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>> mariah: oh., like... >> natalie: i don' t like anyone. people, in general -- and specifically. but i like the idea of liking someone. someone like kevin. but...i' m just not sure how the whole thing works. [ ringtone plays ] >> mariah: hello, man of the hour. >> kevin: put natalie on. >> mariah: um... the guy with the vibration. >> natalie: oh. perfect timing. we' re out of wine. >> kevin: i need you. >> luca: where' s marisa? >> noah: my grandfather asked to see her. >> luca: no, no, i was just with victor. marisa wasn' t there. >> noah: what' s going on? >> luca: i can' t believe you let them take her. what the hell'
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>> noah: "take her"? what am i missing, luca? >> luca: look, victor is planning a trade -- marisa' s life for adam' s. >> kevin: we' re looking at victor newman' s personal communications. tag anything santori. >> natalie: why are you wasting my time with this? >> kevin: because the firewalls are crazy, the hard encryptions are off the charts. i need you to black-hat this. >> natalie: why didn' t you say so? >> kevin: and nobody can know about this, so make sure you cover your tracks. >> natalie: ' cause that' s what i do -- leave my tracks all over everything. >> kevin: if victor finds out about this -- hold on. hello? >> victor: i want you to get over here now. we give you relief from your cold & flu. you give them a case of the giggles. tylenol cold helps relieve your worst cold & flu symptoms... you can give them
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>> dylan: hey. sorry i' m late. i was just helping paul with a case. mmm. hold on. i need another one of those. >> sharon: hmm. you' ve been logging in some serious hours there lately. seems like paul relies on you as much as he does people who are actually on the force. >> dylan: yeah. about that... uh, great news. paul pulled some strings, and with my military background, i don'
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academy, so... you' re looking at genoa city' s newest detective. >> sharon: no. >> chelsea: please, adam, find a let me know you' re okay. i love you. re all right. >> sage: oh, hey, chelsea. >> chelsea: hi. >> sage: what' >> chelsea: it' s adam. um, victor -- he sent him on a business trip, and i haven' t heard for him. i-i' ve called, i' ve left messages, i' ve texted him -- nothing. >> sage: well, maybe there' s an explanation. >> chelsea: no, i... i had a really bad feeling when he was leaving... a-and i asked him not to go -- i begged him not to go. what if he' s never coming back? >> noah: a trade? marisa for adam? you' re not making any sense. >> luca: look, adam is being
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marisa is what they want. >> noah: what "they" want? "they," as in your family, luca? >> luca: i don' t know. i... >> noah: no, no, no, no. look, my grandfather would never do anything to harm marisa, okay? >> luca: look, wake up. he' s been trying to get her out of your life for months. >> noah: not like this. he would not be a part of something like this. >> luca: look, he probably delivered her wrapped in a bow. he doesn' t give a damn about her. >> noah: luca, we need to figure out the facts here, and then we can figure out a smart way to deal with this. >> luca: no, no, you watched as they walked her out of here. you' ve done more than enough, so just -- just stay the hell out of it. >> kevin: what did you want to see me about, partner? >> victor: this. >> natalie: that looks like. >> victor: it' s a ransom note. >> kevin: they want to exchange adam for "the girl"? >> nick: what girl? >> natalie: who' s "the girl"? who' s valuable enough to trade
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s you. natalie, the girl is you. >> next on "the young and the restless"... >> luca: of course victor would cover his tracks. that' s why i need to speak to the man, see what i can get out of him. >> nick: i' m asking you, as your son, do you know what happened to adam? >> chelsea: adam' s missing, possibly kidnapped, so i need your husband. -- captions by vitac -- captioning provided by bell dramatic serial company,
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next at noon, it wasn't pretty but it was a win. we're hearing from the coach about what needs to happen
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and how one school shooting may have been prevented. thousands marching today honoring dr. king. and a ,,,,
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