tv Through the Decades CBS January 21, 2016 11:00am-12:00pm MST
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,, ,, >> mariah: for the password, you should try "hot geek sex" or try. you' re not trying. >> kevin: because you' deranged. >> mariah: try "kevin hashtag nice butt." >> kevin: you' re insane. >> mariah: try it! you' re such a freak right -- >> mariah: did that actually work?! i hate her. i hate her. >> natalie: if you' re listening to this, then victor has me. >> kevin: he has her. victor has natalie. how could he do that? >> mariah: because he can. >> kevin: he just took her like she' s nothing, like she' s not even a person! >> mariah: we don' t even know
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>> kevin: it happened! you heard what she said on the computer! "if you' re listening to this, victor has me"! >> mariah: she recorded that before she took off. there could be a bunch of explanations for why she' s missing. >> kevin: like what? a sudden craving for fondue? >> mariah: supposedly there are other people after her, and on top of all of that, we only have her word to take for this. >> kevin: she is not working a con. >> mariah: how do you know? >> kevin: because i asked her! >> mariah: what? you actually expected her to come clean and admit that she' s been conning us? >> kevin: i believe natalie, and i believe that victor would take her and trade her for adam. >> mariah: wait. where are you going? no, no, no. kevin, kevin, please, please listen to me. this is victor "ruler of all things" newman. you cannot just barge into his office and ask him to hand natalie back. >> kevin: why? what do i have to lose? >> mariah: $2 million. >> dylan: i am in a unique position to help you get adam back. >> victor: well, i will not involve the police, so this discussion is over. >> dylan: you haven' t even heard
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>> abby: hi. >> stitch: hey. >> abby: hi. um, i just wanted to check and see how things are going in the mancave. um, hi, max. >> stitch: max, abby said hello. >> max: hi. >> abby: [ chuckles ] >> stitch: hey, uh, can i get you something to drink? >> abby: i' m good right now. thank you. max, i wanted to see if you wanted to test out your mad gaming skills on "killer attack of the alien zombies 5." >> max: it'
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>> abby: not for the rest of the world, but... ta-da! how' d you score that? >> abby: ah. i know people. >> stitch: oh? >> abby: yeah. here. >> noah: did you say anything to luca about me being the one who hit billy? >> marisa: of course not. that about the newmans' convenient luck with the >> marisa: i-i don' t know. >> noah: it just sounded like more than a idle comment to me, marisa. is there any way that luca could have figured it out? oh, my god. i never should have listened to you. >> marisa: noah. >> noah: [ sighs ] you fought me on coming forward. you said that you didn' t want me to go to prison. >> marisa: because it was an accident. because i don' t want to lose you. >> noah: well, then you better prepare yourself, because if your husband knows the truth, there is no way he will hesitate to sell me out. >> marisa: no. i told you i would never let that happen. >> noah: i can'
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cannot see, marisa, okay? so if you meant a word about caring for me, you need to tell me the truth. does luca know that i hit billy? >> victoria: i was wondering how soon you' d turn up again. >> paul: well, now you don' t have to wonder, victoria. i' m here. i just want to ask billy a few questions, if he' s up to it. >> victoria: he' s not. >> paul: do you think i like coming here and badgering billy? i told you before, the window is closing. if we' re gonna catch the person who did this, we need to act. >> victoria: paul, billy is not well enough to talk right now. >> billy: it' s okay, vick. i' ll talk to paul. now that the fog bank has lifted from my brain. >> paul: so you' ve remembered
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>> additional sponsorship provided by... healthy choice believes the simpler the ingredients, the better. which is why healthy choice simply caf\ steamers uses 100% natural chicken and absolutely nothing artificial. >> stitch: about max... >> abby: it' s okay. >> stitch: no, it isn' t. i' m sure you probably spent hours pleading and negotiating to get that game for him. >> abby: [ chuckles ] and i threatened a few people and whined. you wouldn' t believe what people would do to get me to stop whining. >> stitch: yeah, believe me. i know. >> abby: [ chuckles ] >> stitch: now i' ll say what my son should have, which is thank you. >> abby: he' s welcome. god, i miss you. >> stitch: i miss you, too, baby, so much. it'
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this is still so fresh for him, you know? >> abby: i know. and i don' t expect you to just pack up and move back to our house. i get it. he' s still coming to terms with losing his mom. >> stitch: and getting used to being here with me, a dad he barely knows. not that i' m excusing max' s behavior. i' m not. i' m just -- i' m just letting you know. >> abby: so he' s not all warm and fuzzy with you, either? >> stitch: i can' t get him to open up at all. >> abby: i didn' t expect the video game to solve all of our problems. i just... you know what? maybe i did. maybe i hoped. i mean, i had this fantasy of max being blown away and hugging me and thanking me and calling me the coolest stepmom ever. hey, dream big, right? [ both chuckle ] >> stitch: i know how amazing you are. and he will, too. all right? he just needs -- >> abby: he needs time. >> stitch: yeah.
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>> marisa: noah, if luca knew anything, he wouldn' t be able to keep it to himself. he' d be using it. >> noah: as leverage. >> marisa: yes. he would use it to get something out of you or me or to simply get you out of the way, and he hasn' t. >> noah: you' re probably right. although he could be using it as leverage over my grandfather, which would be even worse. >> abby: hi, nephew. >> noah: hey, abby. how you doing? were you just up visiting, uh, stitch and max? >> abby: yeah. >> marisa: i, uh, was just thinking it must be so lonely for you having stitch' s son stay here when the two of you just got married. >> abby: yeah. that part? if anything, he' s so lucky to have you here to help him deal with the loss of his mother. it really is the best thing, and he' ll see that someday. >> abby: someday soon, i hope. >> marisa: do you want to join us for coffee?
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m gonna go see >> marisa: he' that' s so great. >> abby: yeah, and he' s doing he' he' s telling terrible jokes, which means he' s back to normal. [ chuckles ] which is no small feat after a car runs over your head, so... >> marisa: have the police heard anything? >> abby: no, they have not found the hit-and-run driver yet. but victoria told me that paul has been in to talk to billy about it. >> billy: [ sighs ] >> paul: so, tell me what you remember. >> billy: i was at abby' s wedding. uh, i had a frustrating talk with jack. not his fault, mind you. so i had decided to leave early. i went down to get my car, and that' s when gil, a guy i place my bets with, him and his pal met me in the parking garage.
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they decided to impress on me how much money i owed gil and that he wanted it. >> paul: what did they do to you? >> billy: there was some tough-guy talk back and forth for a little while, and then punches started flying, couple swift kicks to the ribs, and that' s when i saw stars and i was out. i' m assuming that i couldn' t get enough oxygen and lost consciousness. next thing i know, i woke up here. >> paul: several days later. >> billy: that' s what they tell me. >> paul: you don' t remember anything about the car? >> billy: what car? >> paul: all right. what about the first time you regained consciousness? do you remember that? >> billy: things are a little hazy, paul. you' re gonna have to help me out here a little bit. >> paul: well, billy, you were -- you were hit by a car after you were beat up. >> billy: that' s -- [ chuckles ] that' s aggressive, even for gil. >> paul: right. well, he admitted that, uh, you might have been beat up. but he swears he didn'
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over, and we don' t have anything to dispute that. >> billy: so it' >> paul: you' hit-and-run. and we want to find the person who did this. [ door opens ] >> victoria: okay, that' s enough, paul. you get better, billy, and i' ll be in touch. >> billy: vick, what' s going on here? hit-and-run? does anybody know where adam was that night? >> mariah: victor is our investor, and his son is we can' bear. >> kevin: because of the deal. the deal. >> kevin: mariah, without she' s the programmer. this thing doesn' t fly without her. >> mariah: well, it' s probably gonna fly without us because she signed another deal behind your back! >> kevin: because i stalled her when billy was in the hospital! t know that she didn' planned. i cannot believe you are buying
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s all innocent and she has no experience with men and she only fantasizes about you! >> kevin: she said that? >> mariah: probably. look, there is too much at stake here. we have to figure out what natalie is up to and save this from falling apart! >> kevin: she isn' t up to anything. >> mariah: you don' t know that! >> kevin: mariah, it is not an act, okay? she is a badass in cyber space, but she' s lost in the real world. she cannot communicate with people face to face. that' s why she brought me on! i understand the tech side of what she' s doing, and i can communicate the big picture! i understand her. [ sighs ] >> kevin: she' s counting on me, and i owe her. >> mariah: how do you figure that? >> kevin: because i' m the one who went to victor about m the reason she' s involved. i am the reason she' trouble, so i' m going to help her with or without you. >> dylan: did the kidnappers warn you not to notify the cops? >> victor: dylan, one leak, this
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s life will become expendable. i' m not gonna listen to you just because you' re nikki' s son. >> dylan: i also happen to be your best chance of getting adam back. >> victor: okay. what is it? >> dylan: the clock is ticking. you know that time is against us right now and the likelihood of a good resolution diminishes the longer that this goes on. >> victor: all right. what is your plan? >> dylan: what i' m offering -- a way that you can use the police to be an asset and not a hindrance, a way that you can use their manpower and their resources. that' s your best hope of getting
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tomatoes with flash steam. some other companies peel with chemicals like lye. but we use the power of simple hot water. hunt's. it's good to be different. >> stitch: this game has the best graphics ever! and my avatar is... it' s, uh, it' s -- it' s dead. i died. >> max: [ laughs ] >> stitch: oh, is that funny? yeah? you think you can do better? huh? it' s a lot harder with my big fingers and these buttons. >> max: i can show you how to do
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>> stitch: knock yourself out, champ. let' s see it. >> max: here we go. >> stitch: okay. right. >> abby: come on, stitch. pick up. pick up, pick up. [ sighs ] >> dylan: stitch is dedicated to you, to your marriage, and to your new little family. >> abby: and stitch will be the greatest dad ever, which means that he will put max first. he has to do what' s best for max, and that is clearly not me. >> dylan: yeah, but you guys can do this together. >> abby: i don' t know anything about kids, and i proved that today. >> dylan: well [chuckles] neither did i. i mean, really, you just kind of learn as you go. and there' s gonna be tough days. but you' re gonna enjoy every second of it. >> abby: [ sighs ]
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m gonna head to the hospital. >> noah: do you mind if i join you? >> abby: yeah, i mean, you might not be able to see billy. victoria' s been keeping his visitors to a minimum, but... >> noah: that' s all right. i' ll, uh, i' ll just check in with vick and see how she' s holding up. >> abby: okay. >> luca: hey, noah, i, um, i just want to apologize for losing my temper earlier. >> noah: it' s fine, luca. >> luca: i was just very concerned about my wife. i can' t stand the thought of anything happening to her. >> noah: i get it. i feel the same way. >> abby: okay. are you ready? >> marisa: noah' s suspicious about a comment you made. he asked me if you knew about the hit-and-run. >> luca: well, that' s a product of his own paranoia. i didn' t say -- >> marisa: just trying to thank you, luca, for the way you
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>> luca: noah has nothing to fear from me. >> victor: all right. >> dylan: gather everything' s okay with your guest? >> victor: so, you were laying out your plan. >> dylan: yes. so -- [ knock on door ] >> mariah: hi. um, sorry for barging in unannounced. i know that you hate that. uh, but we have something important to discuss regarding our deal. >> victor: all right. come in. >> kevin: i know you' ve got natalie, and you have to let her go. i' m not gonna let you use some innocent woman to get back adam. >> victor: kevin, i think you know me well enough to know that it bothers me when people come in unannounced, okay? and now you' re accusing me of something? i will do whatever' s necessary to save my son. >> kevin: so you' re not denying it, then? >> mariah: okay, kevin, let' s go. >> kevin: look, if anything happens to natalie, i swear i will -- >> victor: are you threatening me? >> mariah: no, no, no. he isn' t. uh, he would never threaten his business partner, right?
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do something. >> mariah: kevin, please calm down. >> kevin: he' s got natalie! i need to know where -- >> dylan: just stop! just stop. nobody' s gonna get hurt if you just listen. >> billy: adam left delia for dead the same way that i was left in the parking lot. >> victoria: billy, don' there. it' s the same situation, and it was agony not knowing who killed >> paul: billy' s awake, so we may have our eyewitness, so get ready to jump on this. right. >> abby: paul. hi. um, i heard you went in to see billy? >> paul: hi, abby. yeah. he' s doing much better. hey, noah. how are you? >> noah: i' m good. i' m good. uh, do you want to go ahead and go in, let victoria know that i' m here? >> abby: uh, yeah. i' ll let her know. >> noah: all right. thanks. >> paul: you know, it' s a miracle that, uh, billy' s improving. i' m just glad this isn' t a murder investigation. >> noah: yeah.
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idea who might have hit him or... and victoria thinks i' too hard, but after what billy' been through with delia, i' m not letting up. whoever did this is gonna be put in a cage. get ready to show your roots with roots touch-up from nice'n easy. seamlessly blends with leading shades, even salon shades in just 10 minutes. for natural looking color as real as you are. show the world your roots with root touch-up. song: "that's life"
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,, ,, >> abby: you scared me to death. i thought you left me to be the lone screw-up in the family. >> billy: come on. i would never leave that burden on you alone. >> abby: [ chuckles ] well, thank god you' re alive. that' s all i can say. >> billy: yeah. just found out i survived a hit-and-run, unlike my daughter. and conveniently adam is nowhere to be found. >> abby: adam was here. >> billy: when? >> victoria: when you were unconscious. when we thought that the worst was happening.
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he was praying for you just like we all were. >> billy: yeah? and since then? >> victoria: since then, i think he' s been working with my dad. >> billy: convenient. >> victoria: look, he probably just wanted to give the family some space and thought that was a good idea -- >> billy: to what? to not show up when we' re looking for the driver of a hit-and-run who left me to die? >> victoria: can we please let the police handle that? you' ve been through a terrible experience, and we' ve been given another chance. can we not just enjoy that, please? >> abby: in other words, "billy boy, stop being such an ungrateful jerk." [ chuckles ] >> billy: can always count on you to break it down, huh? yeah, my level of jerk has definitely risen the last couple months. >> abby: ah, don' t worry about it. we' ve come to expect it from you. >> billy: i got so tangled up in trying to get revenge on victor that i, uh, ended up hurting the whole family. >> abby: but you tried to make it right. >> billy: oh, yeah. that was a sweet deal i put together. guaranteed to make enough money to get jabot out of hock and
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t a hopeless screw-up all in [clicks tongue] one shot. speaking of, i should -- i should probably talk to kevin and mariah. >> victoria: no. not for a few days. >> billy: they' re the ones that gave me the idea. >> abby: but you didn' t have the cash. yeah, i heard. >> billy: yeah. i, uh, i would have if my -- if my horse would' ve came through or if jack would have temporarily lost his mind and floated me a few million. "if, if, if," right? but it' s too late, isn' t it? we all lost out. >> luca: what was that for? >> marisa: for not using the information about noah. >> luca: i gave you my word. >> marisa: i know. i... what' s bothering you?
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big problems. >> marisa: [ sighs ] with your father. >> luca: look, i dutifully returned my father' s call to keep him informed and assured him all is well with his investment. but he' s not happy that victor suspected him of kidnapping adam. >> marisa: is he coming after victor? >> luca: it' s me he wants. he' s ordered me home. >> marisa: back to spain? >> luca: and he wants you to come with me. >> victor: well, i must say i' m impressed. >> mariah: it' s a good plan. >> kevin: it' safe. >> dylan: [ sighs ] it will ensure everybody' s safety. >> victor: and paul is on board >> dylan: i' ll get police i' ll get it lined up. >> victor: dylan. if this goes south, if this plan does not work out, your ass is on the line. >> dylan: i know. [ door opens ]
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you realize this is a job interview. i know, i wanted to show you how proficient i am in social media. we'll be in touch. excuse me. hello? hi, i'm just following up on the interview. dimpatient. dim and impatient. hunger keeps inventing new problems, so we invented new snickers crisper. >> stitch: nice move! >> max: it' s easy.
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s what they all say until the boss shows up. and... whoa! that was excellent. okay, you got to give abby some credit for making this happen. i mean, see? she' s not so bad. okay, why -- why' d you do that? >> max: i died. >> stitch: and you' re gonna let that stop you? since when? >> max: it' s a stupid game. and abby' s... she' s not so great. >> stitch: actually, max, she is. she' s a really great person. but she' s not your mom. i know. >> max: you don' t know. you don' t think about mom. you don' t care about mom.
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t know. >> stitch: so tell me. >> max: nothing' s like it was. >> stitch: i know. i' m sorry. you' re right. i-i don' t know. [ sighs ] but i can make some guesses. trying to fit into a new life, it' s hard. it' s harder than trying to kill post-apocalyptic three-headed zombie raptors. and maybe i can help. you know, maybe if -- maybe you could talk to me about your mom, about anything, you know. just tell me what' s going on. >> max: you don' t care. all you care about is her. >> stitch: who am i living with right now? you.
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the freezing cold to get burgers with? you. and who am i with right now? >> max: me. >> stitch: you, son. i care about you. and i care about abby. [ sighs ] all right. now, come on. give this another shot. [ sighs ] all right, let' s see. whoa! >> marisa: i am not going back to spain, and i am not taking orders from your father. i' ll never do that again. and if you want to go running back -- >> luca: i' m not going to spain, and i' m not taking you anywhere near my father. >> marisa: you' re not? >> luca: why would i ever do that? it was my father' s interference, the way he tried to control our lives, that drove you away from me in the first place.
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i promise you. >> marisa: what will you do? >> luca: stay here and continue what i' ve started. i' m going to bring my father down. >> marisa: but how -- how can you do that? you need adam, and he' s been kidnapped. >> luca: i' m not gonna let that or anything else stop me. >> victor: you conned me into investing in a project that t yet work. >> mariah: of course it works. natalie already has a prototype >> victor: i' m also aware that you are making a tidy, little profit by doubling the buy-in price of the investment. natalie told me. so my lawyers will, uh, draw up a little contract that will tell you exactly where to return the funds to, okay? >> mariah: why? you don' t want to buy in on the biggest internet discovery since... i mean... >> victor: we have no deal. you' re out. >> kevin: you can' t do that.
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office. now! don' t you try to con me! ever! [ door closes ] >> mariah: poor, innocent, little natalie. >> kevin: victor forced her into it. so well?! >> noah: hey, what' s happening? >> kevin: well, your grandfather just screwed us royally. >> mariah: he cut us out of a deal that we brought to him. we should have waited for billy to wake up. >> noah: yeah, i just came from the hospital. billy is awake. >> victoria: i don' t really know what happened with that deal with kevin. i' ve been out of the loop here at the hospital, so i guess you can imagine the business has been the last thing on my mind. >> billy: i just hope victor didn' t get wind of it. >> abby: i' m sorry that all of this happened at my wedding, but why were you talking business with jack instead of discussing how beautiful my centerpieces were or how the flower arrangements matched my eyes? >> billy: oh, come on. that' s not true, is it? >> abby: you' ll never know because you don' t remember
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[ both laugh ] >> victoria: billy? billy. what is it? know how you earn the title ... world's best mom? by starting each day with a perfectly balanced mug of... i've got this.pmom! to be on top of your mom game...vnailed it! thanks so much. you need a balanced coffee you can drink throughout the day. good girl. mccaf\ coffees brew a smooth blend. for a taste that's not too strong, but never weak. so you can savor every sip knowing you are matriarch supreme. mommy's not a napkin honey. mccaf\. available where you buy groceries. another day, and i'm still struggling with my diabetes. i do my best to manage. but it's hard to keep up with it. your body and your
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if you take other medicines and about all your medical conditions. insulins, including toujeo, in combination with tzds (thiazolidinediones) may cause serious side effects like heart failure that can lead to death, even if you've never had heart failure before. don't dilute or mix toujeo with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. pay no more than $15 per prescription for 12 months. eligibility restrictions apply. learn more at or call 800-580-3421. also, 9 out of 10 medicare part d patients can get toujeo at the lowest branded copay. ask your doctor about the proven full 24-hour blood sugar control of toujeo . hey, remember the game when i set the rookie passing record? i mean, you only mentioned what, 50 times... how about when i had three events in one night? well, i' ve been working on my new superhero move all day!
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re non stop, we' ve gotta have our extra protein. oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. and zero holding me back! oikos triple zero. be unstoppable. mmm dannon >> victoria: billy. talk to me. >> billy: i' m fine. >> abby: are you in pain? do you want me to get the doctor? s okay. >> victoria: what happened? >> billy: i was just thinking about how dumb i' ve been. i set this whole thing into motion, abby, and i'
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sorry that i messed up your wedding. >> abby: it' s okay. now, ruining my honeymoon -- i mean, that' s a different story. >> billy: well, i' ll make it up to you and stitch. you just tell me when you' re ready and i' ll send you anywhere on the planet. >> abby: i don' t know if we' ll ever be ready, but thank you for the offer. >> billy: well, something good has to come out of this. i mean, besides this -- this beautiful woman right here. >> victoria: yeah. we' re getting back together. >> abby: you are? >> victoria: yes. billy' s moving back in, and you' re the first person that i' ve told, so... [ door opens ] >> abby: oh, yay! that' s so wonderful. i' m so happy. [ laughs ] >> victoria: hey, kevin and mariah, listen, um, you guys have wasted a trip. billy' s really had way too many visitors today. >> billy: it' s all right. come on in. [ sighs ] how' s it going? >> kevin: well, we' re glad you' re doing better. >> billy: yeah, well, i couldn' t do worse, so it' s a good thing i am better, but that' s not the only reason why you' re here. >> mariah: you'
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hear about all of this soon. >> kevin: i wanted you to hear it from me. >> billy: what is it? >> kevin: it' s about what happened while you were in here and we didn' t think you were getting any better. we needed an investor, so i sold the idea. don' t say victor. kevin. do not tell me it' s victor. you know what? [ clears throat ] it had to be him. i understand. >> mariah: you do? >> billy: yeah, the odds of me getting out of this hospital alive were pretty slim. i didn' t have the money. wasn' t gonna get it, so... >> kevin: thanks. thanks for being understanding. >> billy: i don' t think you made the right decision. victor is victor. he' s gonna push you aside and he' s gonna leave you with pittance. >> mariah: yeah, well, that already happened. and it wasn' t even a pittance.
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victor strikes again. >> paul: hey. >> dylan: hey. >> paul: billy' s awake and lucid. >> dylan: did he give you a description of the car that hit him? >> paul: yeah, he doesn' t remember anything after he was beat up. in fact, he doesn' t even realize that, uh, he was a victim of a hit-and-run. >> dylan: well, you know, maybe in a couple days, it' ll come back to him. >> paul: yeah, hopefully. that' s what i' m thinking. so, where do we stand with adam' s disappearance? >> dylan: i have a lead on who may have taken him. victor got a ransom note. >> paul: ah. i knew he was holding back on me. i' ll get a warrant to access his files. >> dylan: hold on, hold on, hold on. it' s not necessary. victor gave me all the details. >> paul: he did? >> dylan: yes. supposedly a business deal went south, and that' s why they grabbed adam. >> paul: [ chuckles ] and he told you this willingly? on his own?
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so i worked out a plan to do that... with victor. >> luca: victor will do everything in his power to get his son back. once adam' s returned, he and i will proceed with the work we' ve started. we will finally take from our fathers what they will never give while still drawing breath. >> marisa: but how can you do that now that marco' s dead? you -- you can' t tie your father to his illegal dealings. >> luca: i intend to follow through on your idea. you were right. marco wasn' t my father' s only criminal connection. with that journal of yours, we' ll dig up more of these guys and find enough evidence of illegal dealings to sink him. >> marisa: you want me to help you? but you were so against it before. >> luca: yes. i was worried about your safety. >> marisa: and now you' re not? >> luca: oh, we will be very careful. i will make sure that no one ever finds out that i got the names from you. >> marisa: maybe there' s another way. >> luca: no, we -- we have the information, okay? we have to use it. that' s what' s going to allow us to have everything we deserve, everything we'
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of. look, it' s the only way. you must understand that. >> marisa: yes. yes, i think i do. >> victor: uh, send him in. noah. >> noah: it' s all gonna come out. billy' s awake. he' s talking. i saw him. >> victor: you went to the hospital? >> noah: i heard that paul was questioning billy. i didn' t know what he found out. >> victor: wait a minute. you talked to paul? >> noah: how else was i supposed to find out what he knows? >> victor: what you say to him? >> noah: it doesn' t matter. billy remembers getting beat up. paul is certain it' s only a matter of time before he remembers what car hit him -- my car. you know what that means. i' m going to jail. what am i gonna do? vanilla yogurt. blueberries. and milk. get them to do the forbidden
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>> stitch: come on! am i doing it? am i doing it? >> abby: hi. >> stitch: hey. >> abby: i swear i didn' t know you two would be here. [ sighs ] why does this keep happening? i keep doing things to make him detest me. >> stitch: i wouldn' t be so sure about that. max actually loved the game. >> abby: he played it? >> stitch: yeah. he had a lot of fun, even though he tried not to show it. >> abby: so i did something right? >> stitch: for a little while, he was just a kid playing a game
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s happened. you did that. you made that happen. i can' t thank you enough. >> abby: well, you could try. >> stitch: yeah? >> abby: mm-hmm. >> stitch: will that tide you over? >> abby: yeah. i' m just happy to hear that there' s some hope. >> paul: [ sighs ] geez, dylan! i hope you' re not doing what i think you' re doing! >> dylan: no, paul -- >> paul: you just got your badge! you can' t go behind my back making deals with victor newman! >> dylan: just listen to me -- >> paul: you are a cop now! you can' t work outside the law! how am i supposed to trust you as a cop if you keep going out on your own like this? >> dylan: because i made sure the plans involved the police. >> paul: okay. i' m listening. what does this have to do with victor? >> dylan: i need everyone who' s in on this. i need everybody to make sure that adam and this girl don'
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get hurt. >> paul: including victor. >> dylan: especially victor. >> victor: noah, listen to me. you got to stop beating yourself up about this, okay? stop panicking. stop talking to the chief of police. >> noah: billy is awake. he' s talking. it' s only a -- >> victor: and i' m very glad to hear that, all right? and he' s in the best hands possible. >> noah: yeah. >> victor: okay? you need to worry about your life now. put this behind you. that when i know it' s just sitting right in front of me? >> victor: even if he wakes up, fully wakes up, he was beaten to there' s gonna remember what car hit him or accident.
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