tv Through the Decades CBS January 25, 2016 11:00am-11:59am MST
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[ door closes ] >> adam: [ sighs ] look at that. the airline found my luggage. i wasn' t worried. that' s great. now, if you could just call me a taxi, i can get the hell out of how' s that sound? >> [ sighs ] you stink. yeah, it' s not good. but you' i don' t know why we got to talk to each other this way. i thought we were getting along so well. >> brought you your clothes. time to get you cleaned up. it' s almost showtime. >> kevin: paul? >> paul: oh. what do you want, kevin? >> kevin: i want in. i think i could be a real asset exchange. >> paul: oh, wait.
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already have this conversation? >> kevin: well, i would like to have it again. >> paul: well, i wouldn' t. >> kevin: i' m worried about something happening to natalie! >> paul: don' t be worried. >> kevin: that' s all you' ve got? >> paul: kevin, nothing is gonna go wrong. >> kevin: well, lucky for you, i have a way to guarantee that, because i don' t trust these kidnappers and i sure as hell don' t trust victor newman. >> natalie: are you positive this is going to work? maybe we should go over the logistics one more time. >> victor: there' s no need. >> natalie: what if you forgot to fill me in on something? it couldn' t hurt to just -- >> victor: you' ve been fully you stick to the plan, you' ll be >> natalie: that' you' re not the one about to be offered up as bait! oh, my god. i' m gonna be sick. >> nikki: oh.
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>> sage: i cannot tell you how relieved i am. >> nick: what? that the french roast is back in stock? >> sage: [ chuckling ] no. that you agree with me on dr. anderson. >> nick: yeah, there' s definitely something not right with that woman. >> sage: right. i was beginning to think it was all in my head. i' m just so happy that we' re on the same page. >> nick: hey. i' m always on your side, okay? always. >> sage: i love you. >> nick: i love you. so, what' d you find out about the good doc, anyway?
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>> sage: nothing. ever since i learned the name anderson was from a prior marriage, i' ve been searching like mad for her maiden name. >> nick: nothing yet? >> sage: not at all. it' s like the woman buried it. >> sharon: well, what is the use of this thing if you' re just gonna spit it out? >> dylan: why, to keep mommy close. >> sharon: [ chuckles ] hey. >> dylan: hey. how do i look? like a man on a mission, or what? >> sharon: dylan -- >> dylan: listen, don' t wait up. i' m gonna be pretty late, okay? >> sharon: no, you' re not gonna be late, because you' re not gonna go. i' m not gonna let you. >> jack: well, looks like we' re among the first to get here. >> phyllis: well, this gives us a chance to grab the best seats. you okay? >> jack: yeah, it just seems strange that throwing a high-profile fashion show is what chelsea' s thinking about right now. >> phyllis: it doesn' t really seem like proper etiquette to throw an event like this together when your husband' s been kidnapped. >> jack: yeah, there' s that. >> phyllis: well, maybe she needs to stay busy. you know waiting to hear about adam'
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>> jack: yeah, tell me about it. >> phyllis: at least this gives you a chance to be here for chelsea. >> jack: i just wish there was more i could do. >> abby: we' re here, we' re here. >> summer: hi. >> chelsea: hi. um... [ chuckles ] w-why are you here? >> abby: oh, we heard about your bridal pop-up show. by the way. t believe i didn' t think and since we' re so amazing and the show is so amazing, we clearly need to be part of it. >> chelsea: oh, you guys, that is so super sweet but completely unnecessary. >> summer: no, chelsea, we want to help you. >> abby: yeah. so where should i change into the dress that started it all? >> chelsea: well, the thing is, the fashion show' s already been planned. you know, we already have the models lined up. >> abby: you mean like random women? no way. >> summer: it' ll be much better publicity if abby and me are involved. >> abby: yeah, the press will eat it up. and as c.o.o. of newman, i will not take no for an answer. >> summer: yeah, and as someone
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m not gonna take no as an answer, either. >> abby: [ chuckles ] duty. >> chelsea: hey, marisa. um, thanks for coming. i didn' t know the two of you would be here. we' re gonna go get ready. >> summer: yeah. >> marisa: why don' t you look happy your friends are joining us? i' m very happy. i just wasn' you know. i just, um, i just need tonight to go off without a hitch. >> marisa: why wouldn' t it? you' re no stranger to throwing a fashion show. >> chelsea: no, i' m -- i' m not. i know that. it' s just, you know, the line' s not really ready, and a lot of this is just very last minute. >> marisa: because of you. i mean, you' re the one who decided to pull the trigger tonight. i mean, if you weren' t ready, why -- >> chelsea: i didn' t say i wasn' t ready! i didn' t say that. i just... [ sighs ] i just wanted to be spontaneous, that' s all. but you' re right. it was -- it was my idea. i just thought i was gonna, you know, capitalize on all of the press that that news thing got, so... >> marisa: that' s not the reason at all, is it?
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>> additional sponsorship provided by... t back fast tums smoothies neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum, smoothies! >> chelsea: i don' t, um... what are you talking about? >> marisa: i know adam isn' t just missing. he was kidnapped. and the reason i know is because victor tried to trade me for him. >> chelsea: what? >> marisa: but obviously whoever has your husband wanted something else. >> chelsea: whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. i didn' t even know that you were involved in any of this.
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>> marisa: he abducted me. >> chelsea: marisa. >> marisa: hoping i was the girl the kidnappers were referring to. as soon as he found out that i wasn' t, he let me go. >> chelsea: what a gentleman. um, i' m -- i' m so sorry. are you okay? >> marisa: i' m fine. and more than willing to help however i can. >> chelsea: even after what victor pulled? >> marisa: i' m not doing it for him. >> chelsea: thank you. thank you. >> marisa: so, i assume the exchange is going down tonight. what do i need to know? >> chelsea: well, victor and the police, they have everything covered, so we just have to play our parts, act natural. >> marisa: okay. i can do that. >> chelsea: yeah. summer and abby, though, they' re a different story. this fashion show, it has to look real, so if they are acting like they have any nerves, i mean, it' s gonna blow up the whole thing. everyone will know. >> marisa: which is why you can' t tell them what you just told me. >> chelsea: adam is abby' s brother, summer' s uncle. >> marisa: all the more reason, chelsea. >> chelsea: i can' t let them walk into that room without knowing the stakes. it' s not right. >> marisa: do you want adam back?
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>> marisa: then do not burden them with the truth. they' re lovely girls, and i like them very much, but in a crisis... >> chelsea: sh, sh, sh. >> abby: okay, so full disclosure, i brought different jewelry to match the dress this time. i thought it might be nice to shake things up. or not. i mean, i can run home and get the other pieces. >> chelsea: no, no, it' s, uh -- [ clears throat ] it' s not the jewelry. there' s something i need to tell the both of you. >> kevin: put this on natalie before you make the trade, that way i' ll be able to track her. >> paul: kevin, the room is going to be filled with police ready to pounce. there' s no way the kidnapper is going to escape. >> kevin: i pray that you' re right, but why not have an insurance policy? >> paul: all right. fine. under one condition. that you monitor this tracker i don' t want you anywhere near newman tower. deal? >> kevin: do i have a choice? >> paul: no. none at all.
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>> victor: what brings you by? >> nikki: well, i got an alert from gc buzz about chelsea' s pop-up bridal event. i think i' m going to attend. but don' t avoid the subject. who was that girl running out of your office? >> victor: oh, she was just nervous and anxious about the fashion show, i guess. >> nikki: so she came to you for comfort? >> victor: no, she didn' t come to me for comfort. she was new in the building. she lost her way. that' s all. >> nikki: huh. >> victor: i must say, i don' t blame her about being nervous. she' s inexperienced, like probably most of the models there. the way chelsea threw all this together at the last minute, i... if i were you, i' d stay home. >> nikki: oh, you' re trying to get rid of me. >> victor: no. i' m trying to spare you a boring, amateur hour of modeling nonsense. >> nikki: okay, well, now i' m dubious, because i have never known you to be dismissive of chelsea' s work, so what' s really going on here? >> victor: you know what' s really going on? i'
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m shocked that you were willing and able to pry yourself away from your good friend neil. >> nikki: what? this has nothing to do with neil. >> victor: really? >> nikki: this has to do with you trying to shut me out. and did you just say you were shocked? really? >> victor: mm-hmm. >> nikki: since when is it shocking that i want to support the family business or even just be on my husband' s arm for the evening? i don' t -- i don' t understand you. what -- you ju-- [ scoffs ] why do i even bother? >> victor: yeah, right. >> sharon: i know how important it is for you to work on the force, and i' m doing my best to accept your decision. >> dylan: but you' re still worried. >> sharon: yes. please, don' t go to newman tonight. >> dylan: i have to go. this is our one shot at getting adam back. you want that, too, right? >> sharon: yes, but whoever took adam is dangerous. and what if -- can' t you just stay in a command center across the street or something? >> dylan: [ chuckles ] across the street? >> sharon: seems like a comfortable distance to me. >> dylan: have you ever known me
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s not gonna start now. i got to do this. it' s my plan. i got to make sure nobody gets hurt -- not adam, not the girl. >> sharon: and not you. i don' t know what i would do if something happened to you. >> dylan: you' re not gonna find out. >> sharon: promise? >> dylan: with what i have to come home to, you kidding me? i got to go. all right, buddy. one for you. >> sharon: i love you. >> dylan: i love you, too. >> sharon: [ sighs ] dr. anderson? it' s sharon. no, i' m not. can you come over here right
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>> sage: so, now what? >> nick: "now what" what? >> sage: we need a next step, a phase two, someway to uncover what dr. anderson' s hiding, because i would bet money that it' s connected to us and why she' s inserting herself into every aspect of our lives. >> nick: well, i vote we go straight to the source. >> sage: really? you want to confront dr. anderson? >> nick: yeah, i do. i could have a friendly conversation with her, you know, use the fact that she' s very interested in me and our family to get closer to her. think. >> nick: i' d say as soon as possible. the doctor seems hell-bent on digging up the deep, dark secrets of our past. i want to know why. brookside chocolate, people talk about it online. love at first taste. i would liquefy it and bathe in it. curse you, brookside! your nefarious plans have succeeded. nefarious? are we still talking
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brookside. talk about delicious. (inspirational music) (special effects) lisa! what took you so long? (laser blasts) duracell quantum lasts longer in 99% of devices, so you can power imagination all day long. (duracell slamtones) hey marc. how you feeling? don' t ask. this is what it can be like to have shingles, blistering rash. i never thought this would happen to me. if you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. m going to go back to the eye doctor tomorrow. it' s pretty close to my eye. t know how you do it. or pharmacist today
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rational side of me knows that, feels like it' s taking over, and i need something to calm me down. >> dr. anderson: sharon, medication is not the answer. it' ll only cover what' s truly at the root of your problem. >> dr. anderson: that' s what we need to figure out. what are you so afraid of? >> sharon: obviously that dylan might get hurt, or worse. >> sharon: i guess i' m afraid of being alone. you know, nick left me more than once. and he' s not the only man to decide to cut and run. basically my life has been a trail of broken relationships. >> dr. anderson: yeah, but dylan is different. >> sharon: yeah, i do feel that what we have can actually last. he makes me feel safe and strong and so incredibly happy. >> dr. anderson: you should focus on that and the wonderful future you and dylan will share.
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>> dr. anderson: sharon, i would not have let you come home if i didn' t think you were strong enough. you can do this. you know, you just got to stick to your treatment. and if you feel like you' re coming off track, just call me. we' ll talk through it. >> sharon: you know, you really do have a way of making me feel better. >> dr. anderson: that' s what i' m here for. [ cellphone vibrates ] oh, excuse me. >> sharon: you' re -- you' re going to see nick later? >> dr. anderson: oh. [ chuckles ] >> sharon: i' m sorry. i didn' t really mean to look. >> dr. anderson: no, it' s fine. it' s fine. um, nick has been struggling with some issues concerning sage. i' ve been trying to help him. >> sharon: sage? she seems like she' s doing really well. she'
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i mean, wait. you have reservations? >> dr. anderson: despite appearances, sage is still in a very fragile, very volatile state. i worry that she' ll become too attached to your child. >> sharon: well, i don' t think that -- >> dr. anderson: it' s a common way of dealing with loss. not a healthy one. please. keep your distance, for your sake and for sully' s. >> sage: geez. you hardly pushed "send" before she replied. >> nick: does that surprise you? >> sage: unfortunately not, but it' ll be over soon. >> nick: i hope so. so you okay with picking up faith and bringing her to sharon' s? >> sage: oh, yeah, of course. i know she' s excited to see her brother. and i wouldn' t mind giving little sully a squeeze myself. >> nick: yeah, give him a little fist bump for me, too. >> sage: [ chuckles ] i will. >> nick: well, wish me luck.
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little better than that. >> jack: lily. i' m glad to see you got the memo about chelsea' s fashion show, as well. >> lily: yeah, good thing, considering that i' m in it. >> phyllis: oh, you' re modeling? that' s fantastic. >> jack: oh, you' re a natural. that' ll be great. >> lily: thank you. i' m glad that you guys are out and having fun. and it' s good to hear that billy' s gonna be okay. >> jack: thanks. we think so, too. >> lily: uh, do you know how long he' ll be in the hospital or...? >> nikki: hey, lily. >> lily: hey. >> nikki: well, if you ask billy that question, he would say he yesterday. >> jack: yeah, that sounds like m sure he' s driving the doctors insane. >> jack: that sounds like my >> lily: [ laughs ] i' ll see you guys after, right? >> jack: yeah. >> lily: okay. >> nikki: absolutely. >> jack: good luck. >> lily: thank you. >> phyllis: break a leg. >> nikki: i' m so thankful that our prayers were answered about billy. >> jack: well, thanks. your support means the world to me, and i give mine right back in return. >> nikki: for what?
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s been hanging over my family seems to have landed over yours. i' m just so sorry. >> nikki: i don' t know what you' re talking about. >> jack: adam. he' s missing. >> nikki: missing? victor hasn' t said a word about it. >> dylan: our team' s in place. >> victor: everything is set on my end, as well. >> paul: how are you holding up? >> natalie: well, i just threw up my dinner, and i' m wearing a wedding dress, not because i' m marrying someone who loves me, but because i' m a pawn in some hostage situation. >> paul: well, it' s perfectly normal to be nervous. >> natalie: there' s nothing normal about this. >> paul: well, maybe this will make you feel better. >> natalie: uh, thanks, but i don' t think jewelry is gonna calm my nerves. >> paul: well, it' s not just jewelry. it' s a tracking device. we' ll be able to keep an eye on you and know where you are at all times, just in case. >> natalie: just in case what? >> dylan: it' s a backup precaution just to keep you safe. that' s all. >> paul: it was kevin'
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>> paul: mm-hmm. >> dylan: yeah, so listen, when the exchange happens, you just need to stay calm. there' s a lot of undercover cops up there. just go with the person who comes to get you. >> paul: yeah, trust me, the kidnapper' s not gonna make it out of the building. speaking of which, i' d like to make one more sweep before we head up. >> dylan: okay. >> victor: i' m coming along. >> dylan: uh, well, that' s really not necessary. >> victor: it is to me. >> dylan: [ sighs ] >> victor: you stay here until we call you, all right? you keep a very close eye on her. make sure she shows up on time. i don' t want any curveballs tonight, okay? all right. >> abby: my god, i thought that adam was just on a business trip. >> summer: this is insane. >> marisa: now you understand how important this is. >> chelsea: and how dangerous.
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s related to victor, so that means if anything goes wrong tonight, anybody in your family could be in danger, including the two of you. >> marisa: the smartest thing would be for you both to leave right now. >> abby: no. >> summer: no. no, we' re absolutely staying. >> marisa: but if you get rattled and you can' t be convincing, the whole -- >> abby: we can pull this off. >> summer: you guys, we can do this. >> abby: and anyway, wouldn' t it be weird if we weren' t there? >> chelsea: i just -- i don' t guys. >> abby: you said it. the place will be crawling with cops. >> summer: and plus grandpa' s people are gonna be there, you guys. >> abby: so the top of the tower will be the safest place in town tonight. >> marisa: that' s quite the spin. >> chelsea: okay, you may be safe from the kidnappers, but what about victor? he' s going to freak when he sees that you' re in the show. >> summer: okay, so just don' t tell him! >> chelsea: he will see you. >> abby: once we' ve already made our big entrance. trust me. everything will be okay. >> chelsea: it has to be. or else i' m never seeing my
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here i am in cancun. this is me talking to la policia. this girl? totally sweating me. and uh, i don't even remember taking this one. you realize this is a job interview. i know, i wanted to show you how proficient i am in social media. we'll be in touch. excuse me. hello? hi, i'm just following up on the interview. dimpatient. dim and impatient. hunger keeps inventing new problems, so we invented new snickers crisper. snuggle fresh spring flowers. the ultimate in snuggly softness. it stays fresh for thirty days with the value you love. let' s make the world a softer place. let's snuggle. the yogurt made from
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feel like getting married. >> abby: you look amazing. >> summer: right? [ both laugh ] >> marisa: hey, these -- these dresses are gorgeous. re lucky they' re not being held together by safety pins at this point. them. um, can you turn around? i just want to adjust your hem. >> marisa: sure. >> lily: first time? >> natalie: what? >> lily: is it your first time modeling? >> natalie: oh. how could you tell? >> lily: [ chuckles ] just take a deep breath, ignore the eyes. just go out there and do your it' ll all be over before you know it. >> natalie: god. [ knock on door ] i hope so. >> chelsea: hey. >> dylan: hey. is everybody ready? >> chelsea: as ready as we can be. it' s time to head upstairs. showtime. s? >> faith: yeah, it was awesome. >> sharon: oh, tell me about it! with sully. >> sharon: oh, well, he'
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>> faith: oh, um, want to come >> sharon: sweetie, it' s getting time to get ready for bed. >> faith: i will -- after i check on sully. come on! >> sage: far be it from me to argue with an 8-year-old. >> sharon: wait, wait! uh... if faith had let me get a word in, i was just gonna say sully' >> sage: oh! oh, that' we' ll be really, really quiet. >> sharon: no, actually, i-i' d prefer that you just stayed downstairs. >> sage: is something wrong? >> sharon: no. >> sage: really? >> sharon: sullivan didn' t have very good naps today, so... thank you for bringing faith home. feeling you' re trying to rush me >> sharon: i' it' s just getting late, sage. >> sage: do you not want me to see sully? >> sharon: someday. not tonight. >> sage: why? >> sharon: can we just talk about this another time? >> sage: no, sharon. what are you doing? i thought we were friends. >> sharon: we were. we are. >> sage: then what is this about?
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i talked to dr. anderson. >> sage: [ sighs ] yeah, of course you did. >> nick: thank you so much for >> dr. anderson: it' s my pleasure. >> nick: you know, the good you' re off the clock. can i buy you a drink? >> dr. anderson: that can wait. why did you want to see me? >> nick: well, the last time we were together, i was pretty outspoken. >> dr. anderson: you said, according to sage, i' d taken too personal an interest in you. and you agreed, started grilling me on my ulterior motive. >> nick: well, i see things differently now. >> dr. anderson: how so? >> nick: i need your help. >> dr. anderson: i' m so glad you reached out, nick. tell me what i can do. >> nikki: i can' t believe that. hello. >> victor: i thought you went home. >> nikki: i considered going home, but i changed my mind, and i' m glad i did. otherwise i wouldn' t have heard about adam. >> phyllis: the information was
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>> victor: so you picked up a megaphone and announced it to the rest of the world? >> jack: oh, give me a break. nikki' s your wife. forgive us for thinking she was in the loop. >> nikki: jack, never assume i' m he' s concerned. >> victor: i think you should go home before you make a scene. >> nikki: i have no intention of leaving. everyone! welcome to chelsea 2.0' s pop-up bridal event. >> victor: keep an eye on nikki, okay? >> chelsea: i want to thank you all for being here, especially so last minute, at the drop of a hat. very impressive. i can' t tell you how important this night is for me. shoulders don't just carry pads. they carry your fans' passions, hopes, and dreams and maybe, a chance at greatness... because shoulders were made for greatness. not dandruff what makes thermacare different?
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>> sage: that woman is out of control. >> sage: yeah, she' s trying to mess with my marriage. >> sage: i don' t know why. she has something for nick. it' s like she wants to be with him or something. >> sharon: she said that? >> sage: [ sighs ] she' s always railing on me. "sage is angry. sage is unstable. sage shouldn' t be trusted around children." >> sharon: are you? >> sage: what? >> sharon: are you angry still because you lost christian? >> sage: i' m sad, sharon. but angry? sure, sometimes i rail on about the injustice of it all, but do i have the right to do that? i lost a child. i mean, why doesn' t she understand that? why does she talk about me at t think she' s doing that.
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earlier you were fine with me i' m dangerous. >> sharon: no, i didn' t say >> sage: no, you didn' t say it, but i get the message! damn it! what is her problem with me? she has no right to judge me! none at all! i shouldn' t be unloading on you, but my nerves are frayed! this woman is running around m unwell. when we' ordeal like you have, it' s hard for us to hear that we' re not in as strong a place as we think we are. >> sage: but, sharon, i am in a good place, a better place. you' ve seen that, right? >> sharon: all i' m suggesting is that, you know, dr. anderson is a brilliant psychiatrist. just open yourself up to her advice. >> sage: so, are you saying that i' >> sharon: i' m saying that -- >> sage: sharon, i' problem! i am not the problem! she is the problem here! >> faith: mommy? why are you yelling?
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i just got really overexcited about something. how' s baby sully? >> faith: he woke up. he' s making the cutest, little faces. want to see? >> sage: yeah. >> sharon: not right now, baby. sage is just leaving. >> nick: the truth is, sage hasn' t been herself. and i don' or her attachment to sharon' s baby. >> dr. anderson: i may be off the clock, but confidentiality >> nick: sage' s mistrust has morphed into -- into paranoia. i got her to admit that she had been digging into your past. >> dr. anderson: what? >> nick: yeah, i' m not talking about private investigators or it' s just more like internet that. >> dr. anderson: well, what is she looking for? >> nick: i honestly don' t know. i don' t think she knows, either. i can' t believe she has become so obsessed. >> dr. anderson: [ sighs ] this must be so painful for you. >> nick: the thing is, after sage lost our baby, i think she
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lose me next, and i think she was projecting that fear onto you. i just wish i' d opened my eyes a lot earlier. >> dr. anderson: doesn' t matter how long it took. they' re open now. >> nick: so, what do we do now? >> dr. anderson: [ sighs ] nick, i-i hate to say this, but it sounds like sage is heading for a breakdown. >> nick: you don' t think that she would hurt someone, do you? >> dr. anderson: i' m afraid she' ll hurt herself. >> chelsea: many of the women in this room have been married. some of us more than once. [ chuckles ] but no matter how many times you' ve walked down that aisle, you will always remember the dress. the way it felt on your skin, the way it moved when you danced, the way merely putting
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were floating, full of light and hope and love. so, without further ado, i present to you the gown that inspired the entire collection. maestro? we have abby newman rayburn wearing her actual wedding dress. [ applause ] if you recall, abby wore this beautiful gown at her wedding last month. it was a very special event, and the skirt actually detaches and becomes a gorgeous cocktail dress at the reception. next we have a very whimsical look on the gorgeous summer. [ applause ] thank you. this tulle skirt adds a very whimsical feel to the design and to the ensemble. thanks, summer. next we have something a little more modern, something sleek and... [ applause ] [ chuckles ]
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gorgeous, marisa. and i swear, ladies, you can actually sit in this dress. i promise you. [ chuckles ] thanks, marisa. beautiful. our next gown is elegance personified. [ applause ] lily is wearing a layered skirt with a sequined crop top. so gorgeous. someone has to get this girl a glass of champagne. [ chuckles ] so fun. beautiful, lily. finally, we have fun and flirty. [ chuckles ] [ applause ] lace on top, tea length on the bottom. you can add a-a pop of color to this or, um, some cowboy boots, and voil . you'
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hi, i'm here with some advice from the future don't buy makeup that settles into lines, it ages you. get simply ageless makeup from covergirl and olay. with b vitamins, and spf. it floats over lines and you look beautiful! and now there's simply ageless liquid makeup it helps you look younger in three ways. so in the future when you're older you look younger. simply ageless from olay... and easy, breezy beautiful covergirl! why are you singing the end? hershey' s miniatures. we pour ' em! we pass ' em! we pick ' em! delicious fun for everyone. hershey' s miniatures are
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>> chelsea: so, as you all can see, these dresses are all very different, except they do have one thing in common. i put my heart and soul into them. so, i just want to thank you all again for coming tonight. i really hope you enjoyed the show, and who knows? maybe it will inspire some proposals. >> lily: what' s happening? [ clamoring ] >> paul: all right, seal the
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>> chelsea: thank god. thank god, thank god. >> [ grunting ] [ grunting ] >> dylan: you' re under arrest! >> aah! >> chelsea: are you okay? did -- did they hurt you? >> adam: no, baby, i' m fine. i' m fine. >> chelsea: i was so scared i was never gonna see you again. >> adam: what are you talking about, never see me again? you know i always come back to you, right? >> chelsea: never leave me again, okay? do you understand? no more business trips ever. >> adam: sweetheart. you' re cute. how' s connor? >> chelsea: he' s missing you. but besides that, he'
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we just both love you so much. >> abby: see? i told you everything would turn out okay. >> victor: well, i don' t see. what was chelsea thinking inviting you and summer? >> abby: she didn' t. >> summer: it -- it was our idea, grandpa. >> abby: chelsea tried to talk us out of it, but once we found out adam' s life was on the line... >> summer: we just couldn' t walk away. >> victor: well, you should have walked away. this was dangerous. >> abby: our family was in trouble, dad, and in times of crisis, newmans stand together. >> victor: who taught you that? know. >> victor: well... >> marisa: the point is, the plan worked. >> lily: i can' t believe i had no idea what was going on. i know we' re all safe, but still. >> nikki: lily, don' t worry about it. this is all very hard to weren' t the only one in the dark. >> victor: i can' t believe that you' >> nikki: oh, can' t you? >> victor: i was trying to protect you and adam. >> nikki: i just wish you had told me the truth.
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>> phyllis: i mean, is it even possible to have a drama-free event? >> jack: it is newman tower. m just glad adam' why don' t we check in with him? >> phyllis: you go. you go. i' m glad that he is alive, but i really don' t feel the need to hug it out. go. >> jack: so, how was your day? >> adam: well, i would describe it as eventful, jack. how was yours? >> jack: i' m glad you' re okay. >> adam: thank you. >> victor: my, my, my. jack and i actually agree. >> jack: ooh, careful, victor. the world will stop spinning on its axis. >> adam: [ chuckles ] >> victor: sorry it took so long, son. i did everything i could, okay? >> adam: i shouldn' t have doubted you for a minute. thanks.
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>> faith: please don' t go. you didn' t even get to play with sully. >> sage: i know. another time, okay? >> faith: no. >> sage: come here. ooh! i have somewhere to be, okay, but i will see you so soon, okay? >> faith: okay. >> sage: bye, sharon. [ door opens ] >> sharon: come on. show me those cute faces you were talking about. >> faith: that was weird. >> sharon: what was? what' s going on with her? >> dr. anderson: i don' t mean to
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>> nick: too late. >> dr. anderson: unfortunately, people that paranoid, that consumed with grief and anxiety, well, they can do irrational things. >> nick: like turning their grief on themselves? [ sighs ] what -- what do i do? >> dr. anderson: in my professional opinion, i think you should have sage committed. >> dylan: hey, kevin. i need you to track natalie. and took off. >> kevin: natalie is still at newman. >> dylan: where? [ computer keys clacking ] >> kevin: right outside victor' s office. >> dylan: no, man, she' s -- that' s where i am.
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>> nikki: jack, is something wrong? >> jack: yeah, i don' t know where phyllis disappeared to. >> victor: now that the party' s over, i think it' s time to go home. >> abby: yes, but first we need to take these dresses off. >> victor: escort the ladies to the office and make sure they leave the building safely, all right. >> abby: bye, dad. love you. >> victor: bye, sweetheart. >> summer: bye. love you. >> victor: bye. >> adam: the man who brought me here is a hired gun. >> paul: hired gun? how -- how sure are you about that? >> adam: pretty sure. i heard him talking to his boss on the phone. >> paul: i don' t suppose you overheard anything useful? >> adam: i did, uh, actually. my kidnapper' s a woman.
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>> phyllis: you vanished on me once already. that' s not gonna happen again. >> next on "the young and the restless"... >> nick: we should get out of here so we can talk -- >> sage: no, i don' t want to get out of here, nick, because you' re a traitor! >> dr. anderson: [ gasps ] >> nikki: i hope she is far away and has taken her drama with her. >> natalie: you want me to work for you? >> phyllis: with
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