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tv   Through the Decades  CBS  February 15, 2016 11:00am-12:00pm MST

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,, >> neil: wow. >> lily: yeah, i' ve sampled them both, so let' s go with the 2008 vintage over the 2012. okay. thank you. >> neil: hey. >> neil: wow. together fast. talk about a-a nice transformation. t think it' s too reserved? >> neil: oh, no, no. i think it' s absolutely perfect. so, why' d you, uh -- why' d you need my help with any of this? >> lily: um...i don' t. >> neil: you don' t? but your text -- >> lily: yeah, i-i asked you to come here because devon told me
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yesterday. >> neil: i was having a bad day. >> lily: no, dad. i think it went beyond that. >> neil: [ sighs ] >> lily: you' re drinking again. t spoken to neil since he stormed out on us yesterday. >> devon: won' t answer the phone. >> hilary: and you think that working with us is gonna be too much for him. >> devon: well, don' t you? last time. he -- he started having flashes of losing it and then secretly drinking. >> hilary: and then he caused the accident where christine williams lost her baby. >> devon: exactly. and i, uh -- i can' i' ve been up all night, debating my choices. >> hilary: and? are you gonna fire your father? >> ashley: question, neville? >> dr. neville: uh, well, it' s, um -- it is valentine' >> ashley: that' s actually a
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>> dr. neville: oh, i see. uh, okay. here' s the, uh -- the question. do you, uh, have...any plans? >> ashley: me? of course i do. >> dr. neville: oh. >> ashley: first work and then sleep. >> dr. neville: ah. >> ashley: i feel better than i did yesterday, but i' m still not feeling all that great, so... >> dr. neville: oh, well, by all means. i-i-i think i have something that, uh, will make you feel a little better. at least, i hope so. it' s a present. >> ashley: really? you shouldn' t have. >> dr. neville: well, i-i couldn' t resist. well... for you, m' lady. >> abby: ben! hey. [ chuckles ] >> stitch: hey, baby. what are you doing here? >> abby: um, i wanted to drop off your valentine' s day gift. >> stitch: wait. why are you giving it to me now? re not gonna
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>> summer: yeah. happy valentine' s day to you, too. >> natalie: long-distance kyle isn' t coming home today? >> summer: uh... no, he' s slammed with work for jabot in new york, so he can' t leave. >> natalie: that' s weird. >> summer: uh, what' s weird? >> natalie: well, he' s this big, can' t he just hop on the company jet? his family'
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anymore. >> natalie: so he flies coach. >> summer: he can' t just -- just take -- >> natalie: it' s just a couple of hours. and you' ve spent days picking out your dress and your shoes and the jewelry for this party. isn' t a guy supposed to be with his girlfriend tonight of all nights, no matter what? >> summer: [ sighs ] >> nikki: well, you were out of the house very early this morning. >> victor: well, the reason i am is because this computer nerd, this whiz kid is not as brilliant as i was led to believe. i mean, this program is a mess! >> nikki: hmm. >> victor: what are you doing? >> nikki: i' m reminding you what' s important. we have plans, remember? >> victor: oh. i see. >> nikki: today is for us and
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>> billy: delia? >> delia: hi, daddy. >> billy: hey. you' re here. >> delia: just for a little while. i had to see you today. >> billy: happy birthday. even when you're taking an antidepressant, you may still be struggling with depression. you try to put on a brave face. but inside, the symptoms linger. in fact, 2 out of 3 people taking an antidepressant may still experience unresolved symptoms. when added to your current antidepressant, rexulti (brexpiprazole) has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression. it may help you feel better without giving up the progress
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m here. >> billy: what better reason is there to be here? >> delia: i got to come down to find out why you' re not asking victoria to marry you. >> billy: [ chuckles ] >> delia: i mean, you guys are together. that' s why you got to come back to life. >> billy: yeah. it' s not that i don' t want to ask victoria to marry me. >> delia: then what is it? >> billy: i just need to... figure out the right time, the right way to ask her. i want it to be special, you know? >> delia: it' s valentine' s day. duh. >> billy: [ chuckles ] is that for me? >> delia: it' s old. i made it for you and victoria a long time ago. >> billy: it' s beautiful. i remember victoria was telling you about how she lived in italy. >> delia: yeah. victoria loves italy. >> billy: she does. >> victoria: billy? >> delia: she' s coming. >> victoria: billy. wake up, sleepyhead.
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[ chuckles ] >> billy: happy valentine' s day. >> victoria: happy valentine' s day. i got to go. >> billy: no, no, no, no, no, no. where are you going? >> victoria: oh, i' ve got something to handle at work. >> billy: mnh-mnh. >> victoria: mm-hmm. but there' s a party at the club later. >> billy: i was thinking maybe it should just be the two of us tonight. >> victoria: i like that idea. what did you have in mind? >> billy: i' ll keep in touch. >> summer: kyle wanted to be with me. he just couldn' t. >> natalie: right. >> summer: okay, you don' t know kyle. you don' t know what we have. he is -- he is loving, he is considerate, he is sexy, he is -- >> natalie: okay. all right. he' s god' s gift. didn' t meant to get you all riled up. i was just musing on what i' d want if i had a boyfriend. >> summer: yeah, your whole story about never having one. >> natalie: this has been my one
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megabytes instead of mega boys. ignore me. at least you have someone. [ keyboard clacking ] >> neil: it was one bad day. why would you automatically assume that i' m drinking again? >> lily: maybe because one of the bartenders told me you were here ordering drinks. >> neil: yeah. >> lily: look, dad. i' m not looking for excuses, and i' m not looking for any promises. i just wish that -- that if you' re having troubles again, just come to me and be honest. >> neil: okay. now, wait. hold on. it was a slip -- a small slip. i called my sponsor right away, and i handled it. i didn' t want to tell you because i-i didn' t want you to worry about me. >> lily: of course i' m gonna worry about you. even one drink is a big deal. >> neil: okay. whoa. wait a minute. do i look like a man who' s falling apart at the seams? answer me that. >> lily: dad, no. >> neil: okay. i swear to you -- i am back on the program. yes, it was a mistake. it was a momentary lapse of reason. but i' ve got no desire to go backwards. i' m only gonna move forward, and
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>> lily: i believe in you, dad. i do. i do. >> neil: thank you. at least i got one of my kids on my side. >> lily: [ sighs ] >> neil: your brother -- i don' t know. he' s not gonna be so compassionate after what i did to him and his wife. >> lily: he might if you just go to the lab and you apologize to him. >> neil: go to the lab right now? >> lily: i' m sure devon will understand. >> devon: am i hurting him more by letting him stay? that' s the question here, okay? s hurting him, according to you, is the t get away from me. and i would quit, but i am dr. neville' s success story. and you are his deep pockets. we can' t go. but neil? maybe neil will be better off with another job. don' >> hilary: you' re pushing him away? >> hilary: well, that' s the least of your problems.
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t handle it -- if he starts drinking again, is anything worth that risk? all new dirt snuggler! the dirt snuggler gently removes dirt while polishing the floor at the same time. why would you want to treat dirt "gently"? this isn't cleaning and polishing is it? no, but we both know what does. pine-sol. a real clean. no gimmicks. want to grow your hair longer? then it has to be stronger! fructis reinvents strength for hair. new fructis grow strong. the power to make hair up to 10x stronger. one, grow strong shampoo and conditioner with a powerdose of active fruit concentrate reinforce hair. two, the treatment injects strength from root-to-tip. every inch is 10x stronger, for long, longer, shinier hair. new grow strong. fructis. stronger hair. stronger you.
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>> cane: oh. >> lily: oh. sorry. [ chuckles ] >> cane: uh, nice bumping into you. >> lily: yeah, i was just -- i' m preoccupied. >> cane: well, i' m sure that, you know, planning this party' s consuming your every thought, so... >> lily: well, till now. >> cane: uh-huh? >> lily: [ chuckles ] >> cane: well... i was thinking if you' re free, maybe you could sneak away with me. yeah? >> neil: i' m clean and sober once again. >> devon: but you were drinking. >> neil: yes, i was. i relapsed. it scared me back to meetings and the program. now, i' m sorry i was out of pocket with you and hilary. i am. it won' t happen again. >> devon: neil, i got to ask you. was this lapse because of you ending things with hilary? >> neil: no. no, it wasn' t. >> devon: really? >> neil: no, it was all about
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you know, this past year, especially these past few months, as well you know -- it' s been crazy for me. and sometimes, insanity leads me right back to the bottle. >> hilary: okay, well, if there' s anything that we can -- >> neil: yeah, there is something. i want you to live your lives. >> hilary: you keep saying that. >> neil: i want you two to be happy. i want us all to be a family. i want us all to work together professionally. now, i' ve already apologized. and i really think that we need each other. what do you two say? >> devon: i say thank you for coming and talking with us. >> hilary: yeah, we appreciate it, neil. >> neil: okay. i' m gonna go check in with ashley and dr. neville, all right? >> devon: do you not believe him? >> hilary: [ sighs ] i want to. but he' s an addict like my mom was. it' s tough to break that cycle. >> devon: he' s doing all the right things.
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he owned up to having a problem, and, you know, it' s -- it' s a good sign. all he really needs now is just for us to have faith in him. >> ashley: thank you so much. i' m sorry about that. what' s going on? >> neil: no, no. that' s okay. um, i just need you to help me understand something here. all right, we have a project that we want to present to a mass audience. we want to garner public interest. but so far, we don' t have an official timeline for that. why not? >> dr. neville: well, because any formal announcement before the product' s ready would be premature. we still have to do more analysis to compare the blood panels from the test subject -- uh, i mean, uh, from hilary to that of my control group, the healthy participants. anyway, it just -- have patience. the -- the research is still very promising. >> neil: okay. i' m still a little confu-- when will there be something concrete here? >> dr. neville: soon. soon. i think. >> neil: yeah? ashley, what do you say? >> ashley: i have the utmost confidence in dr. neville, of
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>> stitch: okay, i thought we were going to the party later at the club. >> abby: yeah, that was before your son walked in on us having sex. >> stitch: okay, what does that have to do -- >> abby: it' s traumatizing. for all of us. and we have to be sensitive to max. so i would understand if you wanted to spend some extra time with him today. >> stitch: i had a talk with my son. >> abby: you did? >> stitch: yeah. about privacy, yours, mine, and his, and about the fact that i need to move back home to be with my new wife as well as get him back into a routine. >> abby: as in school? >> stitch: we did the whole enrollment thing this morning. max is having an orientation day. he' s meeting teachers and kids. he officially starts school tomorrow. >> abby: [ chuckles ] that' ll be fantastic for max. i mean, he' ll make new friends. he' ll have a schedule. >> stitch: yeah. >> abby: but you didn' t think he was ready. >> stitch: look, he' d -- he' d just lost his mom. you know, i was walking on eggshells, not wanting to make but i wasn' t doing my son any favors, abby. it' s time to start acting like a
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s in the interest for all of us. so... we' re a family now, and we need to start acting like one. >> abby: okay, well, i will do anything i can to help. >> stitch: all right. well, i-i have, uh, rounds to do. so, i' ll meet you at the club later. this is our first valentine' s day as husband and wife, and i plan to celebrate. >> abby: it' s a date. >> victoria: the bottom line is my father' s concerned. >> natalie: what have you told your grandpa? >> summer: nothing that would make victoria rush over here. look, i am just here to keep you stocked with whatever you need to get the job done. >> natalie: and to babysit me. >> victoria: my father and i both feel that after that abysmal demonstration you gave us the other day, we' re gonna need a regular progress report. >> natalie: [ chuckles ] here' s my report. i' ve hit a wall. >> summer: okay, and, uh, how do -- how do we fix that? >> natalie: "we" don' t, sunshine. no one can except for me. >> victoria: so, what are we supposed to do?
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workable prototype sometime this century? >> natalie: for the last bloody time, victoria, these things can' t be rushed. i have been chained to my laptop 24/7. i have to get out of here. >> victoria: fine. if you need a break -- >> natalie: i need a life! okay? or at least a pretense of one. for a few hours. i' ve decided to go to this valentine' s day thing tonight at the club. >> victoria: [ sighs ] there' s no time for that. >> natalie: i' m making time. >> victoria: natalie, you have one week to turn in a successful product. you should be focused on work, not looking for love. >> natalie: i' m not looking for anything except for some expensive bubbly and delectable snacks. [ chuckles ] oh, look at that. i have to go get ready. >> victoria: listen. >> natalie: look, talk to your niece. summer can tell you all about what i' ve been doing. >> victoria: that girl! she' s giving me a headache! [ sighs ] i should have ordered her to forget about the party and just focus on work while we stood
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>> summer: that would be a really bad idea. >> victor: so, you want to go to this party? >> nikki: as we planned. >> victor: well, don' t you think it would be better if you and i did something, you know, by ourselves? >> nikki: darling, there is nothing you can do about this computer situation except sit here and fume. and i think it would be good for business if we went. >> victor: in what way? >> nikki: well, think about it. seeing us out and about, being social, together and happy -- that sends a certain message. i mean, a powerful man is one thing, but a powerful couple -- now, that is unstoppable. >> victor: i can see what you' re doing. >> nikki: so, is that a yes? >> victor: kind of. >> nikki: oh, good. thank you, darling. >> billy: pardon me, nikki. i' d just like to talk to victor, if i could, for a second. >> nikki: oh. um, sure. >> victor: what do you want to talk about? >> billy: well, i' m gonna ask victoria to marry me again. >> nikki: you are? i think that' s wonderful.
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pretending that you want my >> billy: i' you that i' your daughter. and i thought, for victoria' s sake, we should get a couple things straight from the outset. >> victor: did you now? they say when mr. clean saw all the different things his new reminded him of his magic eraser. it's not just for marks on walls... it's tough on kitchen grease... and bathroom grime too. he's your... ...all around-tough-cleaner, mr. clean. another day, and i'm still struggling with my diabetes. i do my best to manage. but it's hard to keep up with it. your body and your diabetes change over time. your treatment plan may too. know your options. once-daily toujeo is a long-acting insulin from the makers of lantus . it releases slowly to provide consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours. toujeo also
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>> abby: i was surprised you' re here, mom. >> ashley: why? i texted you that i was fine. >> abby: but are you sure you' re up to working? >> ashley: yes, honey. it was just a 24-hour thing. now, what did you want to talk to us all about? >> abby: well, i' m aware that we' re a ways off from putting the treatment on the market, but i wanted to drop off this initial design for a promotion plan. >> devon: already? >> abby: yeah. i mean, i know neil was unsure if i' d be a good fit here, so hopefully, this' ll prove that i am. >> neil: okay. sure. i' ll -- i' ll be happy to look it over, abby. >> abby: great. it' s no rush. i just wanted to drop it off before the party at the club. so, will i see you guys there? >> ashley: oh, not me. i have to put in some more hours here, unfortunately. >> abby: i had a feeling you were gonna say that. >> ashley: well... >> dr. neville: well, uh, uh, we could see where we are a little later, though. >> abby: that would be great. and how about you guys? i mean, come on, devon. you own the club, and lily has been knocking herself out trying
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>> hilary: well, lily' s not a person that would be thrilled to see me, but...i' >> devon: well, i really wasn' t planning on, uh -- on going. t? s right. we' re going. >> cane: you know, it feels kind of wicked to have you all to myself before all the guests >> lily: yeah, but it feels it is valentine' >> cane: it' s our special >> lily: yeah. it' s the day that we first made love and the day we got married. happy valentine' s day. >> billy: well, i' ll oppose this marriage, just like you fought my relationship with victoria from the get-go. >> victor: then why waste our
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s a good point. it' s not gonna change the fact that i' m gonna marry her. >> victor: i don' t think it' s entirely up to you, now, is it? >> billy: well, luckily, she wants this just as much as i want this. so, you can try and mess this up. you can try and break us up. hell, you can try and have us both arrested this time. it' s not gonna change. i' m gonna marry her because i love her. and i' m gonna fight for her just like she would fight for me and for our family. >> victor: hell of a speech, billy boy. ain' t enough to change my feelings where you' re concerned. >> nikki: well, i, on the other hand, am very happy for both of you. >> billy: thank you, nikki. >> nikki: but before you continue to protest, i' d like you to consider a few things. >> victor: oh, there' s nothing to consider. >> nikki: please. think now about everything that victoria said and did when billy was in the hospital, how desperately she wanted to have another chance with him. and they' ve been so happy now that billy' s home with johnny and katie. i mean, those kids will be so thrilled to know that their father is back with their mother officially.
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t fight this, victor. think about the grandchildren. think about our daughter. >> victor: i think our daughter has convinced herself that things will be different this time. but we all know they won' t. but there' s nothing i can do about it. i guess she' s made up her mind. >> billy: well, it' s not exactly "congratulations," but i suppose that' s the best that you can do, right? >> victor: the best thing i can do right now is to admit that you were man enough to come here, and i appreciate that, okay? >> billy: good, but that' s not the only reason why i' m here. i got a favor to ask you. >> summer: victoria, i just think that you need to back off just a little bit. >> victoria: summer, your i.d. badge is brand-spanking-new. you do not have the experience to be talking to me about this right now. >> summer: okay, i just don' t think that you can tell me what i' m seeing in my own place, okay? natalie is working at that keyboard constantly. she was here late last night and again before the sun came up. she' s not blowing this thing off. >> victoria: she has this program in her head. no one can get to it. she has us by the --
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genius, right? they tend to do things their own way. and, yes, natalie may be difficult and annoying at times -- >> victoria: all the time. >> summer: okay, yes, but she is not -- she' s not lazy. and as a person, she...may be, sometimes, okay. >> victoria: you sound like you' re starting to like her. >> summer: no. i do not think i' ll ever get to the point of liking her. but, i mean, you can' t live with someone without starting to get to know them a little bit. >> victoria: [ sighs ] okay, then. tell me what you figured out about her, because i' m totally at a loss. >> summer: well, so far, all i can tell is that natalie is -- her whole life is her computer. it' s who she is. it' s what she does. >> victoria: but it' s not what she wants? >> summer: i don' t know. i mean, she probably wouldn' t admit it, but i think that she longs for a regular life and maybe one day to give up the whole hacking thing. >> victoria: well, she can' t do that. she can' t walk away from this job, not until she comes up with a working program.
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please trust me. doesn' t everybody just deserve one night out? just a night off? just let her start fresh tomorrow. >> victoria: summer, there' s a lot of work to be done. this isn' t some class project. this is a multi-million-dollar piece of business. >> summer: okay, and i get that. trust me. i totally get that. but doesn' t everyone just deserve a night to just...let their hair down and, i don' t know, relax a little bit? [ cellphone chimes ] >> victoria: [ sighs ] >> summer: what' s up? >> victoria: [ chuckles ] it' s a valentine' s day invitation. >> summer: see? >> victoria: [ laughs ] >> summer: even you deserve a night off. is it from billy? >> victoria: i' m actually not 100% sure. it' s in italian. >> summer: [ laughs ] romantic. i didn' t know uncle billy spoke italian. >> victoria: oh, god. he doesn' t. he doesn' t. trust me. he must have used some online translator. >> summer: what does it say?
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i' ve been blind since birth. i go through periods where it' s hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. or visit >> cane: shh. [ both laughing ] >> lily: oh, lipstick. >> cane: okay. can you get it? >> lily: okay. yeah. >> cane: let me straighten this up for you. >> lily: okay. thank you. [ speaking indistinctly ]
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hey. >> nikki: lily. the decorations are beautiful. >> lily: oh, thank you. yeah, please, enjoy yourself. have some goodies, and just have a great evening. >> nikki: i' m sure we will. >> lily: yeah. >> cane: all right. have fun. hey. >> victor: what? >> nikki: you' re sulking. >> victor: well, are you surprised after that conversation with billy? >> nikki: it is victoria' s choice. >> victor: it' s a ruinous choice. >> nikki: well, the heart wants what the heart wants, doesn' t it? but i am proud of you for granting billy his favor. >> victor: i did that for your sake. you know that? look who' s here. our granddaughter' s here. >> nikki: darling. >> natalie: you don' t have to give me that look or the lecture that comes with it. victoria has already done that. ooh, look. champagne. >> summer: yeah. i know you' re probably angry to see us. >> nikki: not at all, honey. i mean, you look gorgeous. >> summer: thank you, grandma. so do you. >> nikki: thanks, sweetie.
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[ smooches ] >> victor: sweetheart. >> summer: look, i-i made an executive decision, and natalie insisted on coming, so i thought she could use a breather. >> victor: no, that' s all right. it' s okay. >> summer: it -- it is? >> victor: well, i didn' t ask you to control her. i just asked you to keep an eye on her, and that' s what you' re doing. and i like that, okay? >> summer: okay. >> victor: all right. >> summer: i' ll -- i' ll keep doing that. >> victor: you do that. >> summer: okay. >> victor: okay. well. >> abby: hi! happy valentine' s day. >> nikki: you, too. >> victor: happy valentine' s day to you. >> abby: hi. you look beautiful. >> nikki: thank you. so do you. where is your husband? >> abby: well, he is doctoring, but he will be here soon. >> victor: uh-huh. >> abby: so, summer' s working for newman now. >> victor: yes. i' m very happy that summer' s on board. i wish you had stayed. >> abby: that' s very sweet of you to say, but i like having this time with mom. and it' s kind of cool to be a part of cutting-edge medical research. >> victor: oh, yeah?
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[ indistinct talking ] [ italian music plays ] >> victoria: [ chuckles ] thank you. >> billy: it' s not quite the top of the world, but it' s the best that i could do. >> victoria: billy, it' s, um -- >> billy: it' s venice -- a city for romance, a city for lovers. >> victoria: thank you. [ chuckles ]
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re just getting started. let me show you around. [ italian accent ] so, we have the italian wine. yes, we have the italian... bread. >> victoria: we have the really bad italian accent. >> billy: ta, ta, ta, ta. we have the antipasti, we have the primi, the secondi. >> victoria: and when that' s all done? >> billy: [ normal voice ] we have a chef that' s gonna bring out tiramisu. and he' s gonna keep it coming. >> victoria: wow. >> billy: yeah. >> victoria: you thought of everything. >> billy: you are everything. >> victoria: dance with me. >> billy: [ smooches ] >> victoria: i love you so much. >> billy: you stole my lead. >> victoria: what do you mean?
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the right moment, but i guess this is... i guess this is the right moment. [ sighs ] vick, i have let you down more times than i can count. and the -- the fear of that, the inevitability of that is what kept me from doing this until i was firmly reminded just how temporary all of this is and how lucky i am to have you, the kids, your friendship, your love, your faith in us. i love you so much.
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beautiful heart of yours and let me in to stay this time? will you marry me? again? >> victoria: yes. yes. yes. >> billy: let'
11:44 am
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11:45 am
olay. ageless. i drive a golf ball. i drive to the hoop. i drive a racecar. i have a driver. his name is carl. but that's not what we all have in common. twe talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto . r xarelto is proven to treat and help reduce r the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. p xarelto is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke r in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. r for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, t there is limited information on how t xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. p you know, taking warfarin, i had to deal with that blood testing routine. ri couldn't have a healthy salad whenever i wanted. i found another way. yeah, treatment with xarelto . hey, safety first. r like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto r without talking to your doctor, as this may r increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. r while taking, you may bruise more easily and r it may take longer for bleeding to stop. p xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. p xarelto can cause serious and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. r get help right away for unexpected bleeding,
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or tingling. r if you have had spinal anesthesia while r on xarelto , watch for back pain or any nerve r or muscle related signs or symptoms. r do not take xarelto if you have an artificial t heart valve or abnormal bleeding. r tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. p before starting xarelto , tell your doctor about r any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto is the number onerprescribed blood thinner t in its class. well that calls for ar round of kevin nealons. make mine an arnold palmer. same here. p with xarelto there is no regular blood monitoring r and no known dietary restrictions. r treatment with xarelto was the right move for us. v ask yourr do
11:47 am
[ indistinct talking ] >> lily: [ laughs ] i' m really thirsty. that was quite a workout we had. >> cane: let me get you a drink. >> lily: okay. hurry back. [ chuckles ] >> devon: hey. it' s nice to see you and cane together like this. >> lily: well, i wish i could say the same about you and your companion. >> hilary: and that' s my cue. >> devon: no. you don' t have to go anywhere. lily, you don' t have to start anything, please. we just wanted to tell you that we had a good conversation with neil. >> lily: well, good. i' m glad he took my advice and listened to me. and it' s really important that you and i are there for him. >> hilary: we' re all on the same side. >> lily: i really doubt that. >> hilary: okay. even though we have issues, lily, we both still care about neil and devon. >> lily: [ laughs ] really? you do? >> devon: lily, come on. >> lily: okay, because we' re in the middle of a party that i really want to enjoy, i' m gonna go mingle with the other guests. >> hilary: well... >> devon: what' s that smile
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t rip into me and cause a scene, so things are looking up. >> devon: you' re right. >> neil: [ coughs ] >> dr. neville: i have to admit. i am, once again, amazed by your energy and your drive. >> ashley: well, you know what? i think you' re pretty amazing, too. >> dr. neville: no, no, no. i mean, it. if i didn' t know differently, i would swear that you were perfectly healthy. >> ashley: well, you know why, right? i took that medication you gave me. i' m feeling better by the minute. i really am. >> dr. neville: excellent. >> ashley: in fact...why don' t we get out of here for a little while? >> dr. neville: early dinner. >> ashley: no. hors d' oeuvres. the valentine' s day party. >> cane: you know what? you did a great job with this. everybody'
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>> lily: thank you. >> cane: you' re welcome. >> lily: i wanted to make tonight memorable. oh! speaking of which... >> cane: hmm? all right. what is it? >> lily: just to commemorate the occasion. >> cane: i didn' t get you anything. i' m sorry. >> lily: that' s fine. i know that we wanted to take things slow, but things have been better between us. >> cane: yeah. yeah, they have, huh? you know, we still have some stuff we have to resolve. that' s why i haven' t come home. i don' t want to confuse the kids. of course you don' t. um, speaking of which, i should >> cane: i' >> lily: you' back to the house? >> cane: i, um, have some work i have to do. i' ll see you soon, though, okay? >> lily: yeah. soon. >> cane: okay. come on. >> victoria: it' s so pretty. is it ruby red for valentine' s
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>> billy: the color of love, passion, everything i feel when i' m with you. >> victoria: you know, last night, you said you would be planning to get married sooner than i thought. were you planning this all along? >> billy: kind of came to me today. let' s just say i had a little help from an angel. want to grow your hair longer? then it has to be stronger! fructis reinvents strength for hair. new fructis grow strong. the power to make hair up to 10x stronger. one, grow strong shampoo and conditioner with a powerdose of active fruit concentrate reinforce hair. two, the treatment injects strength from root-to-tip. every inch is 10x stronger, for long, longer, shinier hair. new grow strong. fructis.
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11:52 am
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11:53 am
and for details, visit hi dad. uh huh. yeah...sorry about that. think about it there must be higher love down in the heart what do you think? and in the stars above hi ted, glad you could join us, we think you' re going to like these numbers. bring me a higher love i could rise above we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. hi. welcome. dish soap? some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. oh. on my skin? that's really scary. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. plus the unique care of nutrium moisture. it's so soft.
11:54 am
this is different. this is caring.
11:55 am
>> victor: what? >> nikki: if you go home with me... >> victor: oh, really? >> nikki: ...we can have that very private valentine' s celebration. >> victor: well, you know something? let' s get the hell out of here. >> nikki: let' s go. >> victor: let' s go. >> summer: that' s good that you and stitch are making progress. on the max front, though. >> abby: yeah. >> natalie: i don' t really think they are. >> summer: what do you mean? >> natalie: well, we' ve been here awhile, and abby' s still alone at this party. where' s her husband? >> abby: good question. >> stitch: what happened? >> dr. neville: well, we were leaving the lab at jabot, and she must still be weak from having the flu. she passed out, hit her head. and the -- the attending in e.r. insisted we check her in for observation. it' s -- it' s nothing. i' m sure it' s not serious. >> stitch: nothing?! she could have serious injuries.
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m gonna run some tests, okay? >> ashley: absolutely not. no. t, uh, i don' t see neil, so he must have taken off. came for a little bit, it' s good that he came. >> devon: yeah. >> hilary: i think tonight was good for all of us. don' t you think? >> devon: yeah. i have to admit -- it' s -- it' s a lot more fun than, uh, overseeing things at the lab. something, too. >> devon: what' s that? >> hilary: i' m happy being here with you. it just -- it feels so easy and so right. don' t you feel it? >> devon: it is nice to smile and laugh with you again. >> hilary: i know i blindsided you when i told you that i wanted to be with you again. but everything i said was true, devon. the only reason i turned to neil
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was out of guilt and fear and... you are the love of my life. every time i' m with you, i just want to hold you and...touch you like i used to. >> billy: [ smooches ] >> next on
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>> phyllis: i don' t want her to be pulled into his web. >> jack: she' s as smart as it gets. >> luca: surprise. -- captions by vitac -- captioning provided by bell dramatic serial company, sony pictures television and cbs, inc. next at noon, vandals target the memorial honoring denver's fallen officers. what the chief is saying about the timing. a mother is dead. her
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we're learning about the driver who crashed into the van. plus (donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk.
12:00 pm
it's cleaned up now, but we have learned someone damaged the


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