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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  August 23, 2016 2:44am-4:01am MDT

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the core function of banks taking deposits. even the startups themselves. park the money they handle at fdic insured banks. >> i think there will be a need for stom wheome where to store money. have it sit. we think for their flaws they have a lot of experience at being banks right. >> but fintek is targeting other fun tgss of banking. startups are peeling off one profitable service after another. typically offering them for less. bangs. say you need a loan. fintek sites match borrowers and lenders the way uber connect passengers with drivers. need financial planning. algorithms are replacing human advisers and brokers. apps, let people click money to each other similar to texting. and itch you want to wire money across borders. >> sending $500.
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transferwise showed us how his app can send money abroad and convert currencies, say dollars into pounds, without bank tellers and high exchange rates. users just swap with each other. >> couple of clicks. boom. >> click, click done. >> do you think the big banks see the fintek startups as barbarians at the gate. >> lot of curiosity. >> what about fear? >> the former ce giant, citigroup says it is the all too familiar tale of david and goliath. >> lot of what you are seeing in fintek its what you are seeing uber, air bnb. you have seen, the impact of technology on travel. >> is that what fintek is doing to bangiking? >> it is early days. banks are thinking about it. trying to understand what all of this new technology can mean? >> it could mean trouble with
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apps on their phone. >> the banks have not realized how different this generation is. >> max levchin, co-founded paypal, early investor in stripe sites a survey saying 70% of young adults would rather go to the dentist than to a bank. >> they don't have a problem putting their social security into a web form. they have a terrible problem going up to the tell ter in a bank and figure what you are suppose to do. this is so in this stodgy, outdated room, empty and marble-laden. >> not just about technology. there is also a question of trust. >> the millenials, they're basically formative experiences, the financial crisis. they're the one whose really dent trust the banks don't trust the banks. >> and we know that the banks serve their own interests more than those of their consumers. >> you are criticizing a system
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>> well there is no question the crisis demonstrate the that the system didn't work. and when you looked at -- the aftermath of the crisis what needed to be done, you had to make sure banks got back to the basics of banking. and they had to address the trust issue. >> in the meantime, fintek started take root. in the last year and a half. investors have poured $20 billion into the sec on. including this banking insider whose personally invested in dozen fintek startups. he says beyond making banking convenient, the companies can offer options to lower income families that can't afford to bank at banks. ten million american households don't have a bank account. >> it is more expensive for a poor person to use the banking system to exist than for a wealthy person. how is that possible? >> there are bank account fees
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the commission. exchange rate, it all adds up. >> that doesn't happen with new companies. >> new companies they're transparent. they tell you -- what the fees are. and they're a fraction of some of the fees charged by banks. >> they can provide services more cheaply. many bang you don't have to have a physical presence and pay for that. you can eliminate hidden fees. and if your cost structure is we we are talking about hundreds of thousands of jobs in, in the banking sector. >> tellers. and financial advisers. you name it. >> i think in general. sort of, technology, always -- makes some jobs less rel vanlt or perhaps even obsolete. i will say that the idea that sort of these people will find nothing else to do seems like -- it is way too pessimistic.
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>> of human beings. >> have you looked at the emt ploi employment scene right now. >> it will take a while to adjust. creativity of people. what they're capable of. aspirations and dreams that they have. the idea that they're not capable of anything more than sort of performing ought may tiff clerical tasks i don't believe that. >> there are issues with fintek that go beyond the loss of banking jobs. letting new companies handle your money cupped be risky. there are conrn inadequately regulated. there is also the issue of online skurtd. >> people have been trying to steal money for as long as money has existed. andn't best we can sort of, as a -- as a society is to design security in the most thoughtful rope bust way possible. and that's sort of what we set out to do with stripe. >> it's not like the big banks haven't been breached by
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of the financial industry. and the powerful and rich old guard is fighting back. its lobby already pushing for more regulation to curb the newcomers. newcomers. you can seat full report on our marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! s?? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. s?, sono qui... how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! from the first moment you met it was love at first touch and all you wanted to do was surround them in comfort and protection that's why only pampers swaddlers
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premium protection mom: ?oh hi baby? so all they feel is love wishing you love, sleep and play. pampers our bacteria family's been on this cushion for generations. alright kiddos! everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist introducing new lysol max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria.
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new k-y intense. a stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights. k-y intense. there are new details emerging about the death of rock star prince.
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batch of counterfeit pills in his home. some of them mislabeled. michelle miller has the that story. >> some of the counterfeit drugs reportedly contained fentanyl, an opioid considered 50 times more powerful. those pills were falsely marked. raising the question, did prince know what he was taking? prince weighed 112 pound when he died fentanyl. the medical examiner's report said it was self administered and his death was an accident. ? purple rain purple rain ? >> it is unclear how the 57-year-old singer obtained fentanyl. according to the star tribune, investigators are leaning towards the theory that he took the pills, not knowing they contained the drug. you can envision the case of prince. he took what he thought was a
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it ended up being a significantly higher dose. >> an official close to the investigation told the associated press. some pills found in prince's paisley park mansion were falsely labeled as watson 385 indicating they contained two active ingredients in tylenol. but at least one of the pills tested positive for fentanyl. the potent drug is responsible for a growing number of deaths in the united states. >> the problem i much, much stronger than the tylenol and the hydrcodone. think we are seeing an epidemic. people taking narcotics. causing problems in significant number of overdose and deaths. at the same time a new epidemic, counterfeit pills. when the two collide as in this case, certainly appears, there can be lethal consequences. >> an official told the associated press, the star did
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in tests prior to his death. whic,,,, ? music ?
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extraordinary starts here. new k-y intense. a stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights.
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the fire is barely out on the olympic caldron in rio. cities around the world are already lining up to host the games in 2024. that includes los angeles. ben tracy has the story. >> it has been 20 years since the summer olympics have been in the united states. that was the 1996 games in land land. since new york has dried. they beoth have been passed ove. los angeles thinks it can go the distance. with the olympic flame now extinguished in rio, the competition to get the 2024 games is really heating up. >> there is no olympic fans like americans. >> los angeles mayor, eric garcetti in rio to convince officials his city should play host. >> why would hosting be good for los angeles given how much this
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who would want to bid for the games. we know we can do a games profitable in 1984 when we helped save the olympic movement. >> anything angt only city that wanted the games in 1984 and it made money. l.a. predicts its 2024 games would cost $6 billion and generate a $161 million surplus from tv rights. sponsorships and ticket sales. the l.a. coliseum would be updated. and a temporary swimming venue built. nearly every o already existed. the planned $2.6 billion state of the art rams football stadium, a centerpiece of the games. lay hey has also dramatically expanded its public transportation. >> we won't build things for the olympics and hope they benefit l.a. the we are build things for the people of l.a. and we hope they will benefit the olympics in turn. >> competition is stiff. los angeles up against paris,
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paris is a favorite. 2024, 100 years since it last hosted the games. >> the entire olympic ideal ties have bigger, higher, stronger, faster profits. >> professor christopher gafney studied the impact of olympics on host cities. he said most games make money for international olympic committee but leave their hosts billions in debt with empty, rotting olympic venues. >> you don't think americans should want to seat olympics back on american soil. >> no, the olympic model is dead. >> in the past decade, olympics have cost $8.9 billion with average cost overrun of $156%. but l.a.'s mayor says bringing the games back to the heart of hollywood is not only a win for l.a., but the entire country. >> this is a movement that needs america, but i think america need the olympics too. >> that's the overnight news for this tuesday. for some of you the news
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cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city. i'm jericka duncan. back to school in the zika zones. lesson one. protection. >> i don't take them anywhere, where we are going to be outside an extended period of time. >> also tonight. campaign 2016. donald trump on immigration. >> no i am not flip-flopping. >> revelations of more hillary clinton e-mails. battle them. scientists try to understand them. >> it doesn't require flame to ignite. >> no, just hot air. >> there are 8 million stories in new york city. anthony mason found one in this bookstore. >> a lot of people must come into this shop. and i wonder why you are still here. >> every day. >> why are you still here? ?
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the reopening of school in miami yesterday came with more than the usual first day jitters with mosquito spread zika infections in the area. up to 37 now. parents worried about the kids they sent out the door and off to class. and teachers skipped right past the abc's and started with z. for zika. from miami, here's david begnaud. >> 7,600 students in miami-dade county started the newch year inside of a zika zone. >> what's zika, the second part of the name. zika what. >> virus. >> the science of the mosquito born virus was part of the first day's lesson plan at this middle school in wynwood. students were offered free protective clothing and insect repellent. alberta calvaro is superintendent of schools in miami-dade. >> how many kids were wearing
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very warm. leaving long sleeve shirts. >> meeting with community leaders, governor rick scott announced $5 million in state funds will go for zika preparedness and mosquito control. tht's out of 26.2 million he authorized. in the state's zika zone, the mayor of miami beach criticized the governor's response as inadequate and not timely. >> i think that what the governor did he not only blindsided me, he blindsided our administration, county administration, think he blindsided everybody. katrina bernard, mother of two, expecting her third child has all but quarantined herself and her family. >> my kids are restless. we don't go to the zoo. i don't take my son to baseball practice. >> to the person who says you
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>> i think my baby's life is more important than my comfort right now. >> reporter: there are 69 pregnant women in the state of florida infected with zika tonight. federal health officials will not disclose whether any of the women contracted the virus locally. david begnaud in miami beach. concern as the floodwaters in louisiana and mississippi recede, standing water will flooding killed at least 13 people and damaged tens of thousand of homes. manuel bojorqez. >> lived here since 1973. >> raised my kids. >> it is all gone. >> wallace and shirley aymond say they lost everything in their baton rouge home to six feet of walter. >> treasures, memories on the side of the road. and -- we don't know what we are going to do. >> the aymonds, like 80% of louisiana residents did not have
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say they have received $800 in government assistance so far. more than 106,000 people have now registered for emergency federal aid. officialsest mate 60,000 homes across 20 parishes were damaged. in nearby dunham springs, fema workers spent the day asession the needs of flood victims. thousands remain in shelters. state officials on the lookout for any one who may pose a health risk. the focus remains on clean-up and rebuilding. says the mayor of dunham springs, gerard landry. >> take us quite a while, the aymonds wonder if they can rebuild at all. >> we cry off and on. we want to come back home. but we can't. >> you can see every single home in the aymonds neighborhood has a pile of debris in the front yard. maurice, president obama who some have criticized for not breaking away from his vacation last week will visit the area
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>> thank you so much tonight. now, to the presidential campaign. it seems every time hillary clinton tries to delete the e-mail issue, it winds up back in her in box. today we learned the fbi investigation uncovered nearly 15,000 e-mails from her time as secretary of state that were not among the 30,000 she turned over in 2014. here is nancy cordes. clinton insisted her lawyers carefully combed through everything on her private server. >> i responded right away. and provided all my e-mails that could possibly be work related. >> but now, justice department lawyers say they have given the state department 14,900 e-mails and documents that clinton did not hand over. state department spokesman, mark toner. >> we still don't have a firm sense of -- how many of these 14,900 are new.
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number there. so, there is likely to be, quite a few. >> clinton campaign aides say aren't sure what is in the documents, but support all of her work related e-mail being released as a federal judge has ordered in response to a suit alleging clinton used the server to skirt public records laws. fbi director james comey first indicated last month that his agents had recovered new material from clinton's server. but he said there was no evidence it de >> it is highly likely that their search missed some work related e-mails. we later found them. in the mailboxes of other officials. or in the slack space of a server. >> clinton told the fbi that colin powell advised her to use a private server as secretary of state. powell told "people" magazine he doesn't remember the conversation. maurice, tonight, a source with knowledge of the
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up powell's involvement. he was asked about it by agents who had seen e-mails between the two. >> nancy cordes in washington. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. ?
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donald trump took his campaign to a battleground state as he reconsiders his immigration policy. here is major garrett. >> donald trump met with akron area law enforcement as part of a brief swing through ohio. trump's primary season, law and order pledge to deport estimated 11 million undock tmted immigrants is now under review. even as trump denied a general >> no i am not flip-flopping. we want to come up with a really fair but firm answer. >> trump met with supporter filled hispanic advisory council saturday, a topic, alternatives to mass deportations. something trump called for repeatedly. >> 11 million, 12 million immigrants. >> whatever the number is. >> still in the country. what do you do? >> if they have done well they're going out and coming back in legally. >> you are rounding them up. >> rounding them up in a very humane way, nice way.
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was interested in something less than full deportation. a touch become to create a path to legalization. >> people don't necessarily go back to their country of origin, but will go back to their embassies or counsulates do a touchback and become documented. >> new campaign manager, kellyanne conway emphasized fairness over firmness. >> he wants a fair humane way to deal with 11 million who live among us. at the same time. secure the border, build the wall, and be fair to american workers who feel like they're competing for these jobs now. >> reporter: this idea of touchback immigration first surfaced in 2007 congressional debate over comprehensive reform. immigrants would have had to return to their home country, a position far tougher than the one trump is looking at now. and one conservatives then, branded amnesty. >> major garrett with the trump campaign in akron, ohio tonight. syria's civil war appears to
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phase as the the assad regime forces battle kurdish troops, u.s. partners for control of hasaka in the northeast. holly williams reports the u.s. may be drawn into this battle. >> reporter: a new front has as syrian regime planes bomb kurdish fighters. and the two sides battle street to street on the ground. the kurdish group is backed by the u.s. in the fight against isis. and american special forces operate in the region. so the u.s. scrambled fighter jets to protect them. but that risks a direct clash in the air with the syrian regime.
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five years into syria's civil war, this multisided conflict is more chaotic than ever. it is also again spilling into neighboring countries. like turkey where on saturday. a suicide bomber targeted a wedding party. killing more than 50. including at least 22 children. turkey initially suspected isis. the prime minister said it could have been another group. the u.s. and kurdish allies have made progress against isis. killing thousand of fighters, and clawing back territory. even if isis loses all its territory in syria that won't end the civil war. the syrian regime is thought to have killed far more people than isis. and is now backed by fire power from its ally russia. ensuring it will keep bombing its own people.
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secretary of state, john kerry said today, that talks with russia on possible military cooperation in syria, are drawing to a close. but maurice many are skeptical about moscow's intentions. because its goal appears to be to prop up the syrian regime. >> holly williams in istanbul tonight. holly, thank you. it was another violent weekend in chicago. 57 shootings. more than one an hour. dean reynolds now on a new strategy to try to stop the violence. >> reporter: with murders this year up 50% over last year. >> shots fired. >> with increasing number of children counted as collateral damage. the chicago police are now launching precision raids, to sweep up repeat offenders who they say are responsible for much of the bloodshed. tony riccio is chief of the organized crime unit. >> out route we took is attacking them through the sale
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gangs, funds the operation. it provides them with money to buy the guns. that are used, to shoot at rival gang members. and in some cases now as we have seen to shoot at police officers. >> 61 of the 101 people arrested early friday were documented gang members. the police said. and superintendent eddie johnson says in all, there are about 1400 repeat offenders driving the violence. >> these are people that are choosing the lifestyle. half of those people. our crime, gun violence would be in the city of chicago. until we let them know that we are serious about it. they're going to continue to do what nay do. >> but even with this new dragnet strategy, the mayhem continued this past weekend. a 14-year-old boy, malik cozi among the eight killed. an 8 year girl among 49 wounded. shot at a vigil for the 14-year-old. >> the kids don't stand a chance. >> ashake banks took jamia to the hospital.
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7-year-old daughter heaven was shot to death while she sold candy on a sidewalk. >> i had to relive that all over again. i've just couldn't see another baby losing their life. i am so sick of it. >> this more aggressive police strategy has been going on since memorial day. have been taken off the streets. maurice as this past weekend shows, the results so far are mixed. >> dean reynolds in chicago. tonight. coming up next, some scientists believe the best way to fight wildfires is to let them burn. and, ryan lochte was not robbed. but he just lost a ton of endorsement money. ugh, this pimple's gonna last forever. oh come on. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you forever.
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stephen! stephen! see what i'm sayin acne won't last. but for now, let's be clear. clearasil works fast. this back to school, get clearer skin for free. limited time offer
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oh, dishwasher, why don't you dry my dishes? oh, he doesn't know any better. you just need to add finish? jet-dry? in the rinse aid compartment. it's there for a reason. it dries much better than detergent alone. sorry dishwasher.
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r dishes. dozens of wildfires are burning in the west tonight. at least 1 home have been destroyed there as the fires continue to grow. and more than 100 homes burned in the blue cut fire in southern california. tonight that fire is nearly 90% contained. evacuation orders have been lifted.
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get worse. despite the heroic efforts of firefighters. are we taking the wrong approach? carter evans spent time in a lab where they study this. >> reporter: in this especially designed burn chamber. researchers are dissecting a wildfire. by measuring how fast pine needles burn. >> it doesn't require flame to ignite. >> no, hot air. >> huh a fire can propel without wind. >> so the troughs, those dips, are actually where the fire is advancing. >> right. that's right. >> mark phinney, a scien u.s. forest service fire lab in missoula. an expression. it spreads like wildfires. we don't know how wildfires spread. >> reporter: the forest service spent $1.7 billion fighting fires that burned a record 10.1 million acres last year. but phinney's research shows, putting out every fire is not working. >> are we making it worse? >> we are making it worse. fighting these fires, we
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suppress, them the worse they get. under normal conditions fires thin out forests. by constantly putting them out. more unburned brush is left for the next fire. phinney says firefighters should be intentionally setting more so-called prescribed fires to burn off excess vegetation or simply let some natural fires burn. in a statement to cbs news, the forest service says, it agrees at are important tools but our capacity to complete this work is restricted by the budget which is allocated by congress. the agency also says there are liability, use with state and local governments as more developers push to build homes closer to fire prone areas. >> fire is inevitable. if we convince ourselves it is not we have a repeat every single year of the same situation. >> reporter: for now scientists hope that by setting these controlled fires in the lab,
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forest. carter evans, cbs news, missoula, montana. >> next, ryan lochte's sponsorship deals just went down the drain. we're going to prove just how wet and sticky your current gel antiperspirant is. now we're going to show you how degree dry spray is different. degree dry spray. degree. it won't let you down. ? music ? extraordinary starts here. new k-y intense. a stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights.
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? your heart loves omega-3s. but there's a difference between the omega-3s in fish oil and those in megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body... ...which makes your heart, well, mega-happy. happier still, megared is proven to increase omega-3 levels in 30 days. megared. the difference is easy to absorb. ryan lochte's career as a corporate pitch man is sinking. today four sponsors dumped the olympic swimmer. speedo, ralph lauren, syneron-candela and mattress maker air weave. lochte apologized last week. in stark contrast, two olympic
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abbey d'agostino and nikki hamblin collided and fell. d'agostino helped hamblin to her feet. and both finished. grimtion awith torn knee ligaments. a legendary musician died, toots, thieleman turned the harmonica into a jazz instrument. he was searching for a place between a smile and a tear. thieleman can be heard on sound track, commercials and the original theme song for "sesame street." ? ? toots thieleman died today in belgium. he was 94. coming up next.
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we end tonight in new york city. the first capital of the united states. called by many the modern day capital of world where past and present co-exist side by side. relic of the past still thriving. in midtown manhattan squeezed between the skyscrapers on east 59th street is a six-story literary oasis. the argosy bookstore in business 91 years now is run by three sisters. >> this is -- >> "moby dick."
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the middle sister. >> this is an act of congress signed by thomas jefferson. >> reporter: runs the autographs department. >> early manhattan. >> reporter: and the youngest presides over the map and art gallery. >> it has no central park. all in their 70s now the three sisters have run argosy since their father died in 1991. >> reporter: a lot of people must come into this shop and wonder why you are still here? >> every day. >> especially real estate brokers. >> why are you still here? >> we're here because we own the building. otherwise we would have had to go out of business long ago. >> reporter: louis cohen opened the store in 1925. he and his wife ruth who also worked at argosy passed on their love of books to their three girls.
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have their battles. >> we do that off premesis. here we have a common goal. >> reporter: the internet now brings in orders from around the world. but the store itself isn't as bustling as it used to be. even at the bargain bin. how often do you get offers to sell? >> 100 times a year. >> 100 times a year. >> three calls last week. >> you did? >> the sisters have already planned for their succession. judith's son, ben lowery will make sure this bookstore won't budge. >> do you feel look you are protecting something now? >> yes. >> what is that? >> books. >> books are in danger. >> reporter: to louis cohen's daughters it's not the real estate that has the the most value it's the collection that it houses. anthony mason, cbs news, new york. and that they the "cbs overnight news" for this tuesday. for some of you the news continues. for others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city.
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this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the "cbs overnight news." i'm jericka duncan. president obama will get a firsthand look at the devastation in louisiana today when he visits flood ravaged baton rouge. a week after torrential rain closed. thousand of residents remain in shelters. and 60,000 homes are either damaged or destroyed. the president has faced criticism for not visiting the disaster zone sooner. manuel bojorquez is there. >> take a look around here. this is all debris. things ruined by the floodwaters now. tossed out on to the street. and this entire city block is lined with them. the historic antiques district
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part of its history. and people nearby have lost their homes. across southern louisiana, roads are lined with debris. as the the scope from the catastrophic flooding becomes more clear. each day. >> master bedroom here. >> water destroyed most of kathy edmondson's home of nearly 30 years. kathy what have you lost here? >> virtually everything. virtually everything. >> reporter: the number of damaged homes jumped to more businesses are also feeling the brunt of this disaster. this has got to be so hard to see. >> this is pretty much -- our building right here. what you are looking at. >> alvin watt's business like many others in historic antiques district of denim springs is in shambles. he managed to clean up with little help. >> we are doing it ourselves. we don't have no fema, government, no nothing. we are doing this ourselves.
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help. if they show up. fine. if they don't. we are going to put this back on the map. >> reporter: the historic flooding has forced more than 106,000 people to register for fema assistance. a one-week total the agency hasn't seen since superstorm sandy. fema representatives tell us some places are unreachable and active in all 20 hard hit parishes. >> we did have teams on the ground as the waters were rising. want to be here for survivors. that's our goal. >> already. more than 36 million dollars in federal assistance has been approved for this area. but this morning, 3,000 people remain in shelters. miami mayor phillip levine asking for federal help to squash the zika virus in its track. five cases reported in two miami communities. they're the first known cases of
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return to school. and some of their parents are very concerned. david begnaud reports. >> health officials have told parents you have to have your kids put on bug spray at home. can't do it al school, another kid in your kid's class may have an allergy. idea is put it on at home. come ready. it is supposed to be effective for the entire school day. it is expected to be nearly 90 degrees in miami beach today. >> see if this one is good. >> adam carp, a high school freshman will be dressed for much cooler weather. >> long sleeve. pants and -- and a long shirt. >> sunday, adam and mom carol, an eye doctor picked up free protective uniforms. offered by the school district which has been warning parents to take precautions. >> we have lots of phone calls and reminding us about insect repellent. water. safety. and you know getting rid of standing water.
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superintendent, alberto carvallo made it a point to dress the part wearing long sleeves and pants. >> better safe than sorry. i know we are trading off comfort for protection. i think that is a fair deal. >> remember not to spray the face. >> two public schools in the new zika zone which covers nearly 1.5 square miles of miami beach. precautions are also being taken at a third school just a few blocks outside the zone. officials across miami-dade county accused florida communication. >> when did you find out there were cases in miami beach? >> found out at 12:00 when the governor gave his press interview. >> didn't get a heads up? >> zero. suspicion your office is trying to downplay the zika threat. i wanted to give an opportunity to respond. >> if you look at what the department of health its putting out. what our office is putting out. we will put out accurate information. >> head of the national institutes of health.
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years. new clusters to pop up along the gulf coast. in texas, and louisiana. >> our chief medical correspondent, dr. jon lapook discussed the latest zika outbreak with dr. tom frieden head of the centers for disease control. >> are conditions on miami beach, different. harder than in wynwood. >> miami beach a challenging area. high rise buildings means you can't apply aerial spraying in the same way. also, the windy conditions make it harder to apply some of the products. on the other hand you have more cement, pools that are chlorinated. >> as cdc director, what keeps you up about the whole zika outbreak. >> i worry it will be difficult to stop transmission once it started around the u.s. deeply concerned about puerto rico. concerned we won't have the
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ways to find the virus and better ways to get rid of the mosquito. >> the olympic games in rio are over. the athletes are finally headed home. the u.s. team dominated with 12 121 medals. >> reporter: the american women are taking home 61 medals from rio. last night not about gold, silver or bronze. it was about rio's chance to say good-bye. >> one more spectacular image from the rio games. >> reporter: even under a house to throw a party. the elaborate performance inside maracana stadium was rio's sigh of relief after years of turmoil surrounding its hosting of the olympics. >> with the snap! >> earlier in the day, the americans put an exclamation point on their games with a slam dunk gold medal performance on the basketball court. it was a record summer for team usa. michael phelps and katie ledecky
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33 medals in the pool. track & field team took home 32. in the gym, simone biles led the gymnastics squad with 12. >> we did have the one regretful incident with our swimmers. >> reporter: but the u.s. team is still dealing with a post-rio hangover. >> if i didn't overexaggerate the story and if i told the entire story, none of this would have happened. >> in an interview with brazilian tv over the weekend. american swimmer, ryan lochte apologized for embellishing a story he and his team nats were victims of an armed robbery at a rio gas station. he claimed a gun was pointed at his head. >> i'm embarrassford myself. for my family and for my country. i was highly intoxicated. it was, i'm human. i made a mistake. >> u.s. olympic committee ceo scott blackman says the swimmers
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>> we are going to have further action on this when we get back to the united states. but i think we all understand what hap i absolutely love my new york apartment, but the rent is outrageous. good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. with great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. [doorbell] uh, excuse me. delivery. hey. lo mein, szechwan chicken, chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. have a good one.
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let geico help you with renters insurance. ugh, this pimple's gonna last forever. oh come on. clearasil ultra works fast . test. just like your mom won't walk in on you forever. stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! see what i'm sayin acne won't last. but for now, let's be clear. clearasil works fast. this back to school, ffer
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new apps, web sites are changing the way we do business from bookstores to videos to cabs. latest frontier in the digital revolution is financial technology. or fin tech. lesley stahl spoke to some of the pioneers. >> which one dropped out of >> which one dropped out of mit? >> by elimination, i was the other one. brothers patrick and john collison quit college because they had an idea for modernizing the financial industry they thought needed a shaking up. >> in a world where people can send a facebook message or upload an instagram photo have it available to any one, anywhere in the world. like that. i think the fact that doesn't work for money is something that
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unacceptable to people. so i think the question for banks is can they get there first and providing services or somebody new. >> they want to be the somebody new. john, 26, patrick, 27, first noticed the problem wen they were in high school in a dot of a town in ireland. you were coders? >> we both learned to program growing up. we had been building, iphone apps, web services. >> when they wanted to charge people to buy the apps, they hit an unexpected snag. they had to go to the bank and file paperwork just to be able to collect the money. >> look really sort of -- kind of look getting a ge you have to convince them that you are worth supporting. >> like the mortgage it would have to be approved. >> it would take weeks for the approval process to happen. just seemed like this crazy mismatch. >> so they decided to do something about it. they created software that allows businesses to cut through all of that bureaucracy and instantly accept payments on line frm countries across the globe. we visited their startup, stripe, in the mission district. the heart of san francisco's tech scene where patrick showed me how fast a business could set up a money collection system. using stripe. >> set me up.
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create an online business. what do you want to sell? >> i will sell dog food. home made dog food. >> in five minutes after a few clicks and a cut and paste of their code -- he said my company would be ready to receive payment for home made dog food on line right then. and there. >> it doesn't need to take any longer. this is, this is how it should work. >> this is what would take weeks and weeks and weeks and forms and forms and verification.
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mailed back and all this stuff. >> they developed software for buy buttons lefting companies accept payments online fast and in new ways. stripe charges sellers a small percentage for every transaction. >> does the buyer pay anything? >> the buyer pays nothing. >> nothing. >> correct. >> reporter: their goal its to make money as easy to send as e-mail for everyone, anywhere, on any device. >> we want to free businesses from just selling via credit cards to people who hold bank purchase on line no matter what they use. bank account or no. >> reporter: of course this needed the smartphone. this move to mobile. >> for sure. >> reporter: stripe is hardly alone in inventing new financial technology. or fintek. a revolution brewing with thousand of companies trying to make banking faster, cheaper and increasingly mobile. >> man of the innovative services in financial technology that have come along in the past ten years are, are not coming
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the core function of banks taking deposits. even the startups themselves. park the money they handle at fdic insured banks. >> i think there will be a need for some where to store your money. have it sit. we think for their flaws they have a lot of experience at being banks right. >> but fintek is targeting other fun tgss of banking. startups are peeling off one profitable service after another. typically offehe less. it's called unbundling the bangs. say you need a loan. fintek sites match borrowers and lenders the way uber connect passengers with drivers. need financial planning. algorithms are replacing human advisers and brokers. apps, let people click money to each other similar to texting. and itch you want to wire money across borders. >> sending $500. >> ceo of a company called transferwise showed us how his
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into pounds, without bank tellers and high exchange rates. users just swap with each other. >> couple of clicks. boom. >> click, click done. >> do you think the big banks see the fintek startups as barbarians at the gate. >> lot of curiosity. >> what about fear? >> the former ceo of banking giant, citigroup says it is the all too familiar tale of david and goliath. >> lf fintek its what you are seeing uber, air bnb. you have seen, the impact of technology on travel. >> is that what fintek is doing to banking? >> it is early days. banks are thinking about it. trying to understand what all of this new technology can mean? >> it could mean trouble with millenials willing to ditch brand name companies for new
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>> the banks have not realized how different this generation is. >> max levchin, co-founded paypal, early investor in stripe sites a survey saying 70% of young adults would rather go to the dentist than to a bank. >> they don't have a problem putting their social security into a web form. they have a terrible problem going up to the tell ter in a bank and figure what you are suppose to do. this is so inefficient, why am i in this stodgy, outdated room, empty and marble-laden. >> not just about technology. there is also a question of trust. >> the millenials, they're basically formative experiences, the financial crisis. they're the one whose really dent trust the banks don't trust the banks. >> and we know that the banks serve their own interests more than those of their consumers.
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basically that you helped create. >> well there is no question the crisis demonstrate the that the system didn't work. and when you looked at -- the aftermath of the crisis what needed to be done, you had to make sure banks got back to the basics of banking. and they had to address the trust issue. >> in the meantime, fintek started take root. in the last year and a half. investha billion into the sec on. including this banking insider whose personally invested in a dozen fintek startups. he says beyond making banking convenient, the companies can offer options to lower income families that can't afford to bank at banks. ten million american households don't have a bank account. >> it is more expensive for a poor person to use the banking system to exist than for a wealthy person. how is that possible?
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on the checking account. the commission. exchange rate, it all adds up. >> that doesn't happen with new companies. >> new companies they're transparent. they tell you -- what the fees are. and they're a fraction of some of the fees charged by banks. >> they can provide services more cheaply. you don't have to have a physical presence and pay for that. you can eliminate hidden fees. and if your cost structure is lower. >> i am hearing eliminate jobs. we are talking about hundreds of banking sector. >> tellers. and financial advisers. you name it. >> i think in general. sort of, technology, always -- makes some jobs less rel vanlt or perhaps even obsolete. i will say that the idea that sort of these people will find nothing else to do seems like -- it is way too pessimistic. >> have you looked at. >> of human beings.
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>> it will take a while to adjust. creativity of people. what they're capable of. aspirations and dreams that they have. the idea that they're not capable of anything more than sort of performing ought may tiff clerical tasks i don't believe that. >> there are issues with fintek that go beyond the loss of banking jobs. letting new companies handle your money cupped be risky. there are concerns they're inadequately regulated. online skurtd. >> people have been trying to steal money for as long as money has existed. andn't best we can sort of, as a -- as a society is to design security in the most thoughtful rope bust way possible. and that's sort of what we set out to do with stripe. >> it's not like the big banks haven't been breached by
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well it is still a small slice of the financial industry. and the powerful and rich old guard is fighting back. its lobby already pushing for more regulation to curb the already pushing for more regulation to curb the newcomers. >> you can see the full report on our website cbs news the "overnight news" will be
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there are new details emerging about the death of rock star prince.
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april. investigators found a batch of counterfeit pills if his home. some of them mislabeled. michelle miller has that story. some of the counterfeit drugs reportedly contain fentanyl, an opioid 50 times more powerful than heroin. but officials say those pills were falsely marked raising the question did prince know what he was taking. prince weighed just 112 pounds the drug fentanyl. the medical examiner's report said the fatal dose was self-administered. and his death was an accident. ? purple rain purple rain ? >> reporter: it's unclear how the 57-year-old singer obtained it. but according to the star tribune, investigators are leaning toward the theory that he took the pills not knowing they contained the drug. >> you can envision the case of
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lower dose of a narcotic. and it ends up being a significantly higher dose. >> reporter: an official close to the investigation told the associated press, some pills found in prince's paisley park mansion were falsely labeled as watson 385 indicating they contained hydrocodone and acetaminophen which is the active ingredient in tylenol. at least one tested positive for fentanyl, responsible for a growing number of deaths in the united states. >> problem is fentanyl is much, much stronger than the tylenol and the hydrocodone. i think we're seeing an epidemic, and the epidemic is people taking narcotics with an overdoses and deaths. when the two of them collide as in this case, it certainly appears like that, there can be lethal consequences. >> an official also told the
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not have,,,, ? ? ,, it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. always keep laundry pacs away from children.
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tide pods now come in a child guard zip pack.
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the fire is barely out on the olympic cauldron in rio, but cities around the world are already lining up to host the games in 2024. that includes los angeles. ben tracy has the story. >> it's been 20 years sin the summer olympics have been in the united states. that was the 1996 atlanta. since then, chicago has tried. new york has tried. they've both been passed over. but now los angeles thinks it can go the distance. >> reporter: with the olympic flame now extinguished in rio the competition to get the 2024 games is really heating up. los angeles mayor eric garcetti was in rio to convince olympic officials his city should play host.
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given what they cost? >> a lot of people are asking who would bid for the games. we know we could do games that would be possible like in 1994 when we helped save the movement. >> reporter: los angeles was the only city that wanted the olympics in 1994 and it made money. it predicts it would cost $6 billion and generate $161 million in surplus sales. the l.a. coliseum woue updated and a temporary swimming area would be built. nearly every other venue already sifts. the los angeles rams football stadium would become a centerpiece of the game. l.a. has also dramatically expanded its public transportation. >> we won't build things for the olympics and hope that they benefit the people of l.a. we're building things for people of l.a. already and hope they
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rome and budapest. paris is a favorite since 2024 would be 100 years since it last hosted the games. >> the entire olympics ordeal is to have bigger faster stronger profits. >> reporter: the professor gaffney has researched the impact on the host city. he said it would leave billions of debt. n' want to see the olympics back on american soil? >> absolutely not. the olympic model is dead. >> reporter: in the past decade, the olympics have just $8.9 billion. but l.a.'s mayor says bringing the games back to the heart of hollywood is not only a win for l.a., but the entire country. this is a movement that needs america. but i think america needs the olympics, too.
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for some of you the news continues. for others, check b b b ? ? it's tuesday, august 23rd, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." two new controversies erupt for hillary clinton. the fbi uncovering another 15,000 e-mails and new allegations against the clinton foundation. but clinton laughed it off with jimmy kimmel. >> have you considered using facetime instead of e-mail? [ laughter ] in a possible pivot, donald trump reaches out to immigrant communities, calling for a firm, but fair deportation policy.


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