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tv   CBS4 News at Noon  CBS  September 1, 2016 12:00pm-12:31pm MDT

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dnar. this is cbs4news at noon. this december will mark 20 years since the death of jonbenit ramsey anniversary as boulder's police chief i am entrusted with this investigation. today boulder police investigators have a brand new statement out about the decade's long investigation into the death of jonbenit
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i'm alan gionet. the police department posted the statement about the jonbenit ramsey case on the website this morning. they are saying the approaching anniversary means there is likely to be an increase in inquiries. rick sallinger has more and this remains one of colorado's enduring mysteries. >> reporter: alan, you may remember that under a previous district attorney, her parents and brother were formerly cleared it case, but the speculation st the boulder police department has been swamped with requests for interviews with the anniversary coming up and today they issued their own statement on videotape. the boulder police department is committed to finding justice for johnny manziel. >> two decades after the six- year-old girl's body was found in her home, her killer has not been identified. >> there are many theories on
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facts have been surmised and often distorts which has led to many conclusions. >> we want to get the truth out, so that jonbenit ramsey can rest in peace. >> reporter: they are airing a multipart series examining the case and the dr. phil show will have an interview with her brother who was nine at the time. >> three people we know the identity of. you're the one that has never spoken. my ques and why here? >> reporter: the boulder police statement showed pictures of their files and gave statistics including 1,000 people interviewed in 18 states and 200 dna samples analyzed. >> we have not and will not give up. we remain focused on this investigation in finding justice for jonbenit. the department still has two investigators on this case
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tip line if you have any information. you're asked to call. live at the boulder police department, rick sallinger, cbs4news. thank you. >> this appeal from the police comes just weeks before we see the exclusive interview dr. phil has done with burke ramsey. we'll find out what he says about being talked about as a suspect along with his parents. the interview starts on dr. phil on september 12th. the month as well. nasa's space plans, an explosion this morning at cape verde islands. jamie yuccas explains what happened and what it means. >> reporter: a test firing for the falcon 9 rocket ended in a disastrous explosion at cape
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owner of the communications satellite on board, a $195 million satellite. that was destroyed. >> reporter: spacex released a statement saying there was an anomaly on the path resulting in a loss of the vehicle and payload. there were no injuries. the blast was felt miles away and billows of smoke poured into the sky. >> it was on track. >> reporter: it experienced problems before. one rocket exploded shortly after lift off in landing earlier this year. >> the commercial space company is a critical partner for nasa. it carries supplies and equipment to the international space station. >> they launch dragon cargo ships to the space station. >> reporter: the reusable rocket and spacecraft are designed to transport humans into space and those were scheduled for next year.
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explosion will affect the flight schedule. developing right now, we're learning more about an action of last night that killed the denver post reporter colleen o'connor. she workrd to the post in the past 12 years. she is being remembered as warm and en news yas stick and em pa tet thick. great reporter. she was hit by a car walking at downing and first. police say witnesses told them the driver had the right-of-way when he went throh but did hit o'connor who was in the roadway against the signal. jesus carreno drove about eight blocks and then stopped to call police. because he called it is not considered hit and run but he is being investigating for vehicular homicide and dui. the search for a good samaritan. the man contacted the department after our story aired last night.
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beyond to get her to the center of the crash scene and then helped placed cones and direct traffic. >> i would like to personally take the time to thank him and his family to assist the police department and all the first responders, e ms personnel because it enabled them to stay on scene while we could shut everything down and make sure it was safe. >> wrong way driver caused a sive that driver died in that crash. three denver police officers are recovering after a struggle that led to the deadly shooting of a suspect yesterday. officers were after a man at a home when the man scrambled out of a window. three officers tackled him and they tell us he tried to take one of the officer's guns. witnesses say the gundies charged and that is when another officer shot and killed the man. the man's name not out yet.
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the deadly shot is an 11 year veteran. families in aurora have their kids at another preschool after this car smashed into their building during a police chase. it happened yesterday afternoon at the day care on south havana. the driver slammed right into the building. fortunately only minor injuries for two children and one staff member. police were after him for a hit-and-run and say the driver drugs. new details right now on one former colorado an john hinckley. he will be released and go to his mother's home on september 10th. he tried to assassinate president reagan. he could leave full-time. they are now in virginia. hinckley must live with his mother for a year and then he can choose his own living situation. he must find part-time
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and continue therapy. republican presidential nominee donald trump is in ohio today following up on his big immigration speech and his trip to mexico yesterday. democrat hillary clinton is calling that trip a failure. craig boswell has the latest on the campaign trail. >> reporter: donald trump spoke to the same veterans group that hillary clinton addressed yesterday. he promised to create a new american future. >> in this future, we will have an honest go includes an honest state department, not pay for play. she probably didn't mention that to you yesterday. the meeting wednesday with mexico's president and a major speech last night on immigration. >> we will build a great wall along the southern border. >> reporter: president enrique pena nieto said he told trump mexico will not pay for the wall, but the republican
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>> we did space discuss the wall. we didn't discuss the payment of the wall. >> new record following the mexico vis sit. the clinton campaign says trump choked. they amended the statement saying it turns out he didn't just choke, he was beaten in the room. >> he didn't look him in the eye and bring bring it up. he is >> the latest poll shows the two in a statistical tie. she leads trump by two points. >> craig boswell, "cbs news," the white house. you can find more election news here in colorado and the campaign 2016 section of that has resources and party links. a bank of fog this morning. this is what copper 4 saw this
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metro airport. a whole bunch of it. here is more right now. lauren. >> good afternoon. that fog did take awhile to mix out. now we have clear skies. isn't that beautiful ner? we have a few clouds. we'll chat about the day coming up. also, ahead, florida braces for a hurricane's arrival. the warnings for people along the gulf coast. plus denver says it is tired of rampant drug use on the path.
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%c1 there is a storm watch as florida braces for the first hurricane in more than a decade. right now hermine is a tropical storm but will reach hurricane strength befo maybe this evening. >> reporter: relentless rainfall. howling winds and rising waters pummeled the gulf course as hermine pushed for the sunshine state. >> a little nervous. >> this is my parking lot. i don't think i can park there. >> reporter: overnight in sarasota, voluntary evacuations were under way.
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looking for anyone trapped. >> officers are coming up to me and their gun belts are under water. >> reporter: the storm has yet to make landfall but has submerged streets and dumped more than nine inches of rain on parts of the state. >> governor rick scott declared a state of emergency in more than 50 florida counties. >> we have 8,000 members of the national guard that are prepared to you as individuals have to do your part. have three days of water and food and if you need to go to a shelter, know where the shelter is. schools are cancelled because there could be 20 inches of rainn't to make matters more difficult, there could be tornadoes in florida and georgia. cbs news, clearwater florida. to get rain like that, it is flat land. it just hangs out.
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horrific and it has the made landfall so there is a lot more to go. outside for us, we're talking about hermine in a moment, but we do have some blue skies. we have a little bit of cloudcover out there and it is warmer for us here in denver right now than it was yesterday. eastern plains are cooler. we had the fog yesterday and a little more cloudcover. 11degrees warmer in denver. 6degrees cooler. denver at 69 burlington so it is pretty nice. 73 greeley. avon, 77 steamboat. 85 in grand junction. looking at our satellite and radar, we have some rain and a few thunderstorms as we head to our western side softer state and into the southwestern corner. here we're fairly dry right now. again, we still have the monsoonal flow so rain in texas right now and parts of oklahoma. we're going to talk about the tropical storm and it is
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hurricane yet. it will get up there by this evening so that will be the first hurricane in florida to make landfall since 2005 since wilma. this will make its way into the coast and bring a lot of rain into georgia, the carolinas over the next 24 - 48 hours and then slowly shoot itself off into the ocean. a lot of rain and again there could be tornadoes and big thunderstorms associated with that, as rain. some of the high country could get heavy rain today. we may get some lightning and small hail. here in denver, this should avoid us today. by 10:00 it should be to the south. we'll see more clouds in tonight afternoon and evening and it may be breezy tonight. there may be fog, but there can be rain in the high country and down to the southwest by tomorrow morning. then it will head our direction
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in denver tomorrow. we have rockies, taste of colorado and the rocky mountain showdown. we hope it moves through quickly or gets out here early enough. temperatures today, 86 denver. 83 greeley. today 82 boulder. 80 on the eastern plains. 78 eagle. 91 in grand junction. >> the storms may not hit downtown but they will the area tomorrow. then isolated storm chances on saturday. it gets drier toward sunday and monday which is great because it is a three-day weekend for a lot of folks and hopefully, you can get outside and enjoy a lot of stuff. people wearing teal with the cancer line. this is ovarian cancer month and watch out for symptoms.
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if found early, women can have 90%. >> we're with you if you're if sergeant with you. wear teal today to support. you can help with the weekend plans with the weather on the go app in the app store. parents wonder if their child has an effective teacher. he looked into why some are not making the grade but are still in classrooms. >> reporter: just like students, teachers across the state are getting es most massive shift we have seen in the system in 50 years. >> reporter: they are in jeopardy of losing their tenure. >> it was devastating. >> reporter: why teachers labeled below the bar are still in front of classroom? >> you have the principal saying i am still going to keep you. >> reporter: what brian learned that is tonight right at 10:00 on cbs 4 news.
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as a school superintendent, i saw how unnecessary regulations from washington made it more difficult for teachers and principals. and as a dad, i know we must empower those who spend every day with our kids. that's why i worked with republicans and democrats and increase local control of schools. i'm michael bennet. i approve this message because i believe parents and our communities
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and look at the eyes in this. this is kiefer with the blue eyes, a three-year-old german shepherd husky mix. he gets along well with other dogs and cats. very happy and playful. he has those long legs. you need to visit him in person and that is in castle rock south of the outlet mall. this weekend you'll his adoption fees. good luck. city of denver says it is time to tackle illegal drugs in parks and on bike paths. it is posting flyers as a warning. if you're caught in any illegal drug activity you'll be suspected from that park. >> drug use is rampant in many of denver city parks but the
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trail. >> i have seen drug dealers selling drugs. >> reporter: much of the illegal activity in done in broad daylight and nay litter there. concern for the public has patrols of the area, but now the city is taking additional steps to insure public safety. >> this is 180 day temporary directive that will suspend people from the park that are engaged activey. >> anyone caught involved in illegal drug activities in the parks or along the trail will immediately be sus spented from that area for 90 days. >> they have people with them and those people are educated and have the background and the resources to give to people to help them with their addiction. >> while most agree the city has good intentions, the concern is how it will be done. >> i think it will be proactive
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enforce i would think. happening right now, things are hopping around civic center park. a setup is under way for the taste of colorado. you can expect traffic closures it streets surrounding the park. it opens tomorrow 11:30. runs through monday. you can find out which
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following story for cbs 4 at 5:00. there is a 7.1 magnitude earthquake off the coast of new zealand. we're checking about any threats of tsunamis and looking at damage. the update on the zika virus in florida and where they found the virus in trapped mosquitoes. >> outside right now 79 denver.
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and rain showers off to our west and down south. watch out for lightning. for your five-day forecast, we're in the 80s tomorrow. better chance for storms in denver tomorrow. we'll get a few clouds late in the day. >> i want to enjoy that weekend though. thanks folks. thanks for watching. we'll see you later.
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? >> ridge: oh, great. they told me brooke was in the office. i guess they meant a different office. >> quinn: well, brooke and i can rarely be found in the same place. >> ridge: i'm gonna ask her how she manages to do that. except on meetings days, if -- >> ridge: from home? you mean my dad's home? his house? you're gonna occupy another room? no. i need you to be as removable as possible. hey. >> wyatt: hey. >> ridge: do me a favor. take this one out for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner, or whatever you want. don't bring her back. >> quinn: ridge and i -- we were just, um -- >> wyatt: yeah, i got the gist of it. >> quinn: so, sweetheart, what brings you here this fine morning? >> wyatt: oh, the hope you would have listened.


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