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tv   CBS4 News at 630PM  CBS  November 4, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm MDT

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breaks down the final days now. >> reporter: joining me, republican analyst -- we are getting a lot of attention suddenly. former president bill clinton and former republican presidential candidate ben carson here today. now donald trump himself is coming back tomorrow. why is colorado so important suddenly and do you think hillary clinton too? >> we've seen a tightening of the polls nationwide, particularly in states like north carolina, ohio is moving trump's direction pretty solidly. it appears that trump might be able to forge enough electoral votes as we come west that some compinnation of colorado and nevada and iowa could put him over if he wins those states
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back? >> i'd like to see her do what her husband did in 1992 which is come out early morning for a rally at the airport. colorado has always been in play. whether it's been on tv or the ground game, there's been a lot of money spent here. >> what will decide this race do you think in colorado? >> i think the ground game will. the democrats have had 200 organizers on the ground here the republicans did not put the effort in in terms of what they did for cory gardener two years ago. i think that hurts candidates at the top of the ticket. i think the amount of money the democrats have spent will be a factor. >> they got 30,000 volunteers out here. that is a huge ground game. both campaigns are back on the air. >> the republican party has suffered from the lack of any
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game, unfortunately. i think the numbers are certainly moving trump's way here with republicans finally going back home, saying they're going to vote for the republican nominee. unaffiliated voters, they might be moved by the fbi move. >> colorado's senate race between bennett and glen has narrowed to just a 5-point spread and bennett an attack ad. sounds worried. should he be? >> i don't think he should be worried. i think he's had a lot of monnethe bank. when you see this close -- make sure you hold on to the lead you have and celebrate your victory on election night. >> do you agree, dick? >> senator bennett has been stuck at less than 50 at every poll.
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i can see why bennett is trying to ensure where he is by going negative. who would have thought he would have to go negative against this candidate. >> not me. >> i think it's interesting, but again when you expect the polls to close, you have money on hand, i don't think you don't take chances. you spend it and don't commiserate it over the next day. >> we are out of time. thank you both for coming in. jim and karen back to after today's guilty verdicts in the bridgegate trial. two former aides to new jersey governor chris christie say they will appeal. their actions created a massive traffic jam on the george washington bridge back in 2013. prosecutors say they did it to get revenge out of political rival. they face up to 20 years in prison. at least one body has been
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carolina where a woman was found chained up inside a storage container. investigators think the woman may have been held against her will for months. >> it was pretty emotional to say the least, when she was found, especially when she was chained like a dog. she had a chain around her neck. >> the victim told police she saw the land owner kill her boyfriend. police found her property. kohlhepp is a registered sex offender with a prior kidnapping conviction. also pushing some business owners out. we'll show you one person trying to make sure artists have a place to work. >> rain and snow right now in southwestern colorado. this system is slowly drifting our way. does that mean denver sees a shower? we'll go through the hour by
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for the news you need when for the news you need when you need it, like i alone can fix it! bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i'd like to punch him in the face. i like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. wrong. there has to be some form of punishment. such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. ...on 5th avenue and shoot somebody... she's a slob... i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves! priorities usa action is responsible
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my name is charity salazar, and i'm an air force veteran. every election, nancy pelosi and her washington friends launch vicious attacks against mike coffman. this year is no different. they say he's waging a war against women. that's just not true. protecting us against sexual assault. he believes in equal pay and making sure pregnant women aren't discriminated against at work. time and again mike has stood up for women. i know, because he stood up for me. i'm mike coffman,
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woman: after all donald trump has said and done... she ate like a pig... you can do anything. i moved on her like a b***h! woman: trump's just so disgusting and degrading. he's bragged about assaulting women, r president! and congressman mike coffman said he didn't know if donald trump's a sexual predator. come on. look, we just can't vote for coffman or trump. house majority pac is responsible
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the always popular first friday now underway in all of denver's art districts. dozens of galleries are open. people can meet the artists and see live demonstrations. >> many artists are getting kicked out of rental places because of high rental prices. >> my dad bought this building and moved the coming in here in 1979. >> reporter: in 2014, he renovated the bindery on blake and carved out 13 artist studios. from fashion designers to computer artists, book binding to painting, sonnia has filled the space with a wide variety of artists who might not
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rhino. >> what originally made rhino cool was the artists. >> i love this space. >> reporter: tim moved out of rhino but still wanted to keep a work space. the bindery on blake makes that possible. >> it's a nice place to call your own. >> what are you working on today? >> reporter: community is exactly what sonnia wants to preserve with her flan's legacy. >> it warms my heart to see our this building. >> the bindery on blake will be open tonight for first friday as a part of denver arts week. it will be on the rino art tour. find out about other arts week offerings by visiting our website. over along santa fe for artists like that. nice to see rino --
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returning home. >> andrew russell and matt daily will be returning for the upcoming version of jersey boys. he returned to the school today to talk to current drama students. daily had an important message for them. >> follow your dreams and don't let any derail you. no one can tell you you can or 9th. it's only running for 5 days.
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,, ,,
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,, at least one person dead, dozens more wounded after an explosion in turkey. >> it happened after detained a group of kurdish lawmakers. the blast was near a police station where the group was being held. investigators believe it was a car bomb. they arrested leaders of an opposition political group on terrorism charges. this brush fire threatening to destroy homes. it's about 40 miles west of sidney. powerful winds spreading the
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accused of falling victim to a religious cult as a scandal threatens to topple her leadership. she is accused of giving her friend inappropriate access to policy making. her father is a religious cult leader and the public is accusing the president of being influenced by that cult. there are calls on park to resign. there's moisture in our should we get our hopes up? >> someone watering their lawn? >> let's go outside and take a look right now. no moisture yet. we have a dry ride home. as we take a look at doppler 4,000, you see the clear skies over the east. but you see clouds to the south. and near aspen, you see moisture. there is a system coming up our
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phoenix only 79 degrees today. cloud cover kept their temperature down. you see this plume of heat in this section today. 72 degrees was our high as a result. in the southeast, pretty warm with 88 in new orleans. not a whole lot of activity. we have a cold front draped over the east, couple of showers down in texas. lots of sunshine, lots of high pressure. there it is. that's a system over the southwest. let's go to lauren whitney in is this our hope for a little moisture? >> this is our hope. we're banking on this right now. this has been parked over arizona for a couple of days. we've been waiting for it to head our direction. it does that tonight and through tomorrow. we start to get rain, snow off to the west. we are thankful to get whatever moisture we can from this. it will continue to swing up our way. denver, maybe a shot tomorrow
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and the west. down into our southwestern mountains, good news, we're going to get decent snowfall in some spots. mainly over 10,000 feet. over 11,000 feet, you may get over a foot of snow. if you're going down the mountain passes, know it can be tough at times. maybe a sprinkle or two in denver and warm temperatures continue. >> my advice would be mow 72 and 73 our highs today. 35 and 41 is where we started out. we should be at 58 for the high, 29 for the low. that's just the average every day. 76 and 10 are the records. 68 in fire stone, brush. highlands ranch 76 degrees today. let's take a look at the hour by hour once again. here's the moisture moving in the southwest. you see the clouds start to
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scattered shower here and there. even into sunday there could be a sprinkle or two in the area. we'll take it into monday when moisture coming on through. maybe a sprinkle this in the east as well. as we look at 65 and 61 right now, south breeze at 14 right now. temperatures tonight mostly in the 30s and 40s in the eastern plains. out west, temperatures in the 30 and 40s. tomorrow's highs, just degrees cooler. still pleasant with 60s and 70s for the eastern plains. out west, temperatures in the 50s and 60s. tonight we're look for increasing clouds, low to mid- 40s for morning. tomorrow, mostly cloudy, maybe an isolated shower. 68 and 67 for the highs. for the next several days, 70 on sunday. 62 on monday.
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plenty of sunshine. well, we had a wonderful visit with all of the second graders at fire stone elementary in lewisville. our dave met lots of great students talking about thermometers, weather balloons and how to become a junior weather watcher. they made tornadoes with the tornado machine. and in the end they get what every kid likes: snow. a big thank cousins for shooting the video. >> the kids are already bonkers on friday, then dave shows up. getting children to do getting children to do their chor woman: after all donald trump has said and done... she ate like a pig... you can do anything. i moved on her like a b***h! woman: trump's just so disgusting and degrading. he's bragged about assaulting women, and he's the republican nominee for president!
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said he didn't know if donald trump's a sexual predator. come on. look, we just can't vote for coffman or trump. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. scott tipton -- our congressman? or is he a real-estate agent for big-money campaign contributors? tipton sponsored a bill to give away our public lands to his out-of-state donors. over 30 colorado business leaders called tipton's plans,
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gail schwartz will defend our public lands and won't put colorado's future up for sale. house majority pac is responsible
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stocks started the friday in the green, but the losing end. the dow up 42. nasdaq fell 12 and the s&p lost 3. samsung is issuing another recall. this one for 3 million top loading washing machines that can explode. samsung says when bulky items like bedding are washed on high speed, the [ indiscernible ] of
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delta airlines is trying to make international travel more affordable. >> the new section will have 8 seats across each row. the 19-inch wide seats recline. they will begin international service late 2017. several apps are helping motivate children to get to work. apps like to upload the task list. kids take and upload photos to prove they've done the chore. they can then put money on to the kids' online accounts. >> it seems to make them more excited to do it. >> hourly is just one of several chore apps and
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,, ,, "what's your position on equal pay for women?" "it's too early in the morning to ask that question."
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"i think that putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing." "i don't wanna sound too much like a chauvinist but when i come home and dinner's not ready, i go through the roof." "so you treat women with respect?" - "uh, i can't say that either." - "alright." priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of
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a man is shot walking his dog in denver's baker neighborhood and later died. the investigation begins our reporter brief. >> reporter: i'm andrea flores in denver where the family of 50 year old john field is hoping a crimestoppers reward will encourage the public to come forward with about his murder. field died two weeks ago in hospice. over the summer, the family says the father of three left a family party to walk his dog. when a car got too close for comfort, field hit the car with a bottle. they watched as the car turned around and shot field. dpd asking anyone with
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area, you may have noticed a lot of toilet paper littering in the streets. but the city says it's actually not trash. the city of littleton has gotten a lot of toilet paper calls. it's not a prank. it's a new tool in the city's crack sealing program. the crack sealer is very sticky. the toilet paper protects the surface along with people's cars, bikes and shoes. toilet paper rather than shut down streets for 40 minutes. daylight saving time ending this weekend means that animals and people will be on the roads at about the same time, dusk. and that is a big problem. colorado parks and wildlife says people need to be paying extra attention because animals are going to be on the move around dusk and that is when the rush hours will be happening here in the state.
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slower than the posted speed limits to make sure you don't end up in a collision with colorado wildlife. >> the weekend looks good. >> it does. and a slight chance of a shower. you can see an isolated shower. 67 on saturday, 70 on sunday. and the 60s and ,, putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. when i come home and dinner's not ready i go through the roof. grab 'em by the p****". when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. more accusers coming forward to say they were sexually assaulted by donald trump.
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and everyone's getting dressed. donald trump walked into the dressing room while contestants, some as young as 15 were changing. standing there with no clothes. you see these incredible looking women. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. do you treat women with respect? uh... i can't say that either. alright, good. ? ? macgyver: when i was 12 years old, i found a stray dog in the woods behind my house. he wasn't much to look at, but we got along. i named the dog archimedes, after the famous mathematician, and my grandfather said i could keep him if i did all the work. sounded like a sweet deal. i mean, how much work could one dog be? but i quickly realized that this dog was a born escape artist. at least once a week, i found myself
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like an olympic sprinter or something? yeah, didn't you read his file, jack? special skills include stealing top secret information with his phone (singsongy): and 100 meter dash. yeah. i hear the sarcasm, i'm just too tired to appreciate it. riley: he's heading for the northeast exit. you might be able to head him off if you turn right... now. riley, how much longer until you fry this guy's phone with your space laser? okay, first, stop calling it a space laser. second, i'm writing a code complex enough to wipe a locked, encrypted phone from 7,000 miles away. whatever, riley! i just need an e.t.a, not a dissertation. aah! mac, just let me shoot him, please! can't. thornton's orders. pentagon wants him alive. he won't be dead, he'll just be shot. come on! jack, keep up! okay, guys. we got a problem. those stacked containers he just ran into? they're blocking the line-of-sight from the gps satellites. i'm going blind. actually, i-i got an idea. you go! wait a minute, you really have an idea, or are you just trying to get out of running?
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tried everything to contain archimedes, but that dog jumped fences, chewed through cages, even tunneled under walls. so, gramps had an invisible fence installed around our yard. he said the next time archimedes tried to escape, his collar would give him a good shock. (grunts) ? ? for me, shocking archimedes is collar apart and replaced the zapper with a speaker that emitted a high frequency only dogs could hear. archimedes never escaped again, and i did it without hurting him, because i loved that dog. this serbian double agent on the other hand, well... jack, i need a spark right there! the pentagon said alive.


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