tv CBS Overnight News CBS November 9, 2016 3:00am-4:00am MST
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male announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for the good feet store, america's arch support experts. female: you can't replace your feet. they can give you a new heart. they can give you new valves. they can do transplants on other things. but they're not good at replacing your feet. so you've got two, and they need to last you a lifetime. christen: well, even when i was a infant, i had flat feet. because of foot pain. val: i'm gonna keep working. and you can't do that when your feet hurt. ava: they can be the cutest shoes in the world, but too much pain, you just won't do it. announcer: for over 20 years, the good feet store has helped more than a million people live the life they love without their feet getting in the way. beth: they're all walks of life, and they have all kinds of hopes and aspirations, and things they wanna do. announcer: many good feet users want to share how their
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with a cane, a walker, and had on order a wheelchair. beth: they're trying all kinds of things, and they're finally walking into the good feet store. teresa: i was in foot pain for 20 years. i bought all these products, and not a single one worked. when i drove past the good feet store, i thought, "i'm just, i'm gonna stop in. what can it hurt?" terry: i walked across the store and burst into tears because it was the first time in a year that i have not had in fact, it's funny. the other day, my husband said, "gosh, we haven't heard about your feet in a long time." and i go, "yeah, isn't that amazing?" david: there's people out there that made a product that changed people's life. and i want to share that with everyone, to let them know that their lives can change as well. announcer: these are a few of their good feet stories. beth: for most of the people that walk in our store, it's been an ongoing, nonstop issue. and they're, by the time they come in our stores,
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n to come in sooner. dr. jay berenter: unfortunately, certain professions are much more susceptible to foot pain. people who are on their feet all day, like construction workers, doctors and nurses, retail people, teachers, they all could benefit from wearing the good feet arch supports. christen: i started noticing that at the end of my shift, the pain was so much that i couldn't really focus on my job. so it made being a waitress and being happy, you know, a little bit tough. my feet would hurt every day, but it wasn't just my feet. it was also my knees were achy. i kind of lost hope, really. beth: they're searching. they're grasping at straws in some cases. christen: and then i was driving down the freeway and i saw the good feet store, and i decided to stop in. and i thought, "i'll just give it a try." beth: two to four weeks, most people are noticing quite a bit
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i was completely pain free. and now i can bartend, or wait tables, or do whatever i need to do. eight hours will fly by. i'll make sure everybody's got the drinks they need, the food they want. everyone's happy. i'm happy. so cheers. my name is christen, and that's my good feet story. a lot of problems we see start in the feet, and they work their way up. by wearing the good feet arch support system and maintaining proper positioning, it puts less stress on the muscles and joints. they simply don't work as hard during the day when you're standing. so at the end of the day you should have less fatigue, less pain. female: i'm a teacher, and i stand on my feet all day long. and usually by the end of the day, my back hurts. beth: when a person walks into the good feet store,
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ast try the product on and see how the product works. you're gonna get to walk around. you're gonna get to try it on. you're gonna see how it works in the shoes you already have. i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be able to help you find the right arch support. announcer: see for yourself with a free personalized fitting from a good feet arch support specialist. they'll listen to your problem and select arch supports that fit your feet and your lifestyle. you'll decide if they work for you before you buy. and you too could start living the life you love without your feet getting in the way. david: the pain level was over 10. there's days where i just sat and cried, and i asked the good lord to take me. the pain was just enough to where i was like, "you know what? go do whatever." i was havin' other people do stuff with my kids 'cause i couldn't. the pain was just excruciating.
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tion. and through several surgeries and several doctors, i still had back pain and had feet pain that was astronomical. it was horrific. it felt like i was walking on knife blades. the pain was so bad at times that i would actually, in the middle of the night when i had to go to the bathroom, i literally crawled to the bathroom 'cause i couldn't stand the pain on my feet. and when i went in to see my doctor to see how i was doing, and my doctor said, "there's something different about these." after talking to the specialist, and after getting fitted, she said, "i want you to try an arch support, and i want you to see how you feel with it." i said, "okay." so she put it in my shoe. i took the first three, four steps, backed up and i cried 'cause i couldn't believe i was walking without any pain or feeling knives in my feet. beth: i'm there to help. you know, i wanna help them get to their end goal,
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literally eliminated them from their lives. david: i'm not havin' that constant, excruciating pain that i had. and they're taking my flat foot and turnin' it to where i'm getting an arch. so i'm getting proper balance, proper arch in my foot. and it's gave me a lot of confidence and pride in myself. it's brought my self-esteem back. i'm challenging myself to explore, to see how far i can go. beth: you know, our customers come in and they tell me that they've been struggling, trying to find a solution for their problem. and they're back and doing things that they've been wanting to do, activities, things that they've missed. david: we go on hikes now. went up to mammoth mountain this last summer with my daughter, something that i never thought was possible because i couldn't walk. i got to go to my daughter's graduation. i'm going to the horse ranch, watching my daughter ride horses.
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i'm doing stuff with my church. the kids have that seen that change and that confidence in dad, and they're not worried about dad anymore 'cause they know that dad's got those arch supports. and they've seen the change in dad. and they're like, they like the new dad. [laughing] my name is dave. that's my good feet story. beth: you know, we're helping clients from 9 to 99 find the proper mix of arch supports and shoes, and making sure that they're making their feet as healthy as they can be for the rest of their life. e and activities worksheet that she's filling out. we're of course wanting to get some basic information. but it's very important for us to be able to understand the age of the client or the customer coming in because there are specific needs as it pertains to that. joy: one of the things about aging successfully is to be preventative. so i went into the store 3 years ago. ever since then i've been using the arch supports, and no pain whatsoever. i needed to be aligned.
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you're taking good care of yourself. male: at good feet we have 20 different styles of supports, and over 300 different sizes. yeah, so we can really address all of the different style shoes. so whether it's tennis shoes, slip on dress shoes, flat, heels, work boots, skates, different ways of working out, we have the ability to address those needs. jay: there's different levels of support. in the shoes. so we can use a product for someone who needs high heels to our athletes, who need to run in 'em. mike: and the idea of not bein' able to run anymore, i mean, every time i'd put my feet down, it just felt like it was a sharp pain in my arch. so i went to the good feet store to try to figure it out. the fitting was really about supplying me with an arch support that fit my lifestyle.
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i'm mike, and that's my good feet story. jay: there's a wide range of choices available so that there should be a product out there that fits into what shoe you need it to work in. ava: women's shoes are amazing. i love shoes. they, like, call you and so you go, "and i have to have that shoe." and so you go and grab them. but they don't really make them to fit to be comfortable. and you wear 'em a couple of times, and then you never wear them again. they're the cutest shoes. i mean, that's why you buy them, 'cause they look good. and when you put 'em on in the store, it's like, "wow, okay, my foot fits. i can walk around. we're good." you spend a few hours in those, not so good anymore. beth: bein' a woman, we like our shoes. i have the fashion that i want. i just put the function that i need into it.
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feels okay in the store. it's cute. you take it home. you wear it for a day, maybe 2, and you realize it kills your feet. ava: but you look fabulous so you deal with the pain. but then you're walking around and you don't look that great 'cause you're starting to hunch and you're starting to grimace. and after your feet hurt, you know, they don't fit in your shoes the same. the arch supports changed that. it's a lot easier to walk around. beth: the neat thing about the good feet arch supports is the foot inside the shoe, you can make that shoe that was uncomfortable sometimes more comfortable. so if you've invested in shoes that are sitting in your closet, you should be able to wear 'em. ava: i'd say good feet helped with all of my great shoes, all of my great-looking shoes that didn't fit. i'm much more confident walking around. and i'm smiling. and i know i look good. i know i look good.
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to try the arch support on, you get to walk around in our store before you even decide whether you're gonna buy it. i don't know where you can do that. announcer: for over 20 years, we've helped relieve or even eliminate foot, knee, hip, and back pain with our personally fitted arch supports. see for yourself with a free, no-obligation fitting from an arch support specialist. just stop in at the good feet store... and you too could start living the life you love without beth: what you're buyin' in the drugstore is accommodative. they're generally soft. and you're buying it based on your shoe size. your shoe size is not your arch length. everybody is different. every foot is different. every customer's tolerance is different. it really is important to be properly sized. teresa: i was in foot pain for 20 years. i bought all these products and not a single one worked. when i drove past the good feet store,
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they wanted to make sure that they gave me the right arch support for my feet, for my feet, not somebody else's feet. and you just knew, like, your feet, just, when they got on the right ones, they were like, "oh, yeah." val: i'm a salesman. i've pounded the pavement 35 years, literally. i'm gonna keep working, and you can't do that when your feet hurt. before i got the arch supports from good feet store i was in pain just about all day long. beth: most people are coming in because they have a problem val: my legs ached. my feet hurt. it was just sometimes unbearable. beth: and they're looking to you with almost hope in their eyes, "you've gotta be able to help me." i'm ready to dive in there and help them find a solution to their problem. val: when i walked into the good feet store, i was greeted and asked what i was there for. and i said, "my feet hurt." and they says, "well, let's see if we can do somethin' about that." and after about 3 weeks of wearing 'em,
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you can't fool a salesman, and i'm sold. it's the real deal. my name is val, and that's my good feet story. jay: many of my patients come in with pain that prevents them from doing their day-to-day activities, like playing golf, going to the gym, going to the playground with the kids. and that's where the good feet arch support system is so critical, in allowing these patients to go back to their normal, day-to-day activities pain free and start to enjoy beth: when a person comes in for a free personal fitting at the good feet store, we're gonna sit 'em down and spend a little bit of time getting to know them. we need to understand what their work environment is like, their activities, the styles of shoes that they like to wear the most. and then we're gonna help match them to products that are gonna help ultimately work to solve their problems. it's not gonna cost you anything to come in and at least try the
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male: you know, we've found that 74% of their customers are on their feet 4 hours a day. and they work in a variety of jobs, from retail sales to construction. they're restaurant cooks or they're school teachers. your feet behave differently when you're standing than when you're walking. standing in one spot for long periods of time can often be worse on your feet than walking long distances. that's because you're using a few muscles for a long period of time to support your body weight, compared to spreading the weight among various muscles while in motion. you put the force in as much as five times of your body weight on each foot. the foot doesn't absorb that shock or redistribute properly, you can have problems elsewhere. that's what makes good feet so unique and different. we're literally supporting the foot in all of its arches, allowing the foundation to be properly supported, which gives us improved balance, support, and comfort. taylor: i'm taylor, and i'm a club volleyball player, and i'm pretty good at it. i really like, you know, getting up, like, the balls that are, like, really short, like, in the corner.
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i just love, you know, my team, the support. i just really love volleyball. a couple months before my volleyball season started, i started getting these pains in my foot, like whenever, sometimes whenever i ran or walked, in the middle of my foot it felt like it was ripping in half. so then volleyball season started. and it really progressed and got way worse. my sister and my dad actually got them before me, and that's how i kinda knew about good feet. she took me into good feet. and well, now i could just run without thinking that my foot's tearing in half. it's way better. just feels really good when you get, like, a really good dig up to the setter, and like, they hit it. we get the point. or when, you know, ball's in the corner and i fling myself and i get it up, and everybody's cheerin'. it just feels so good. i wanna be on the women's national team, and i'm pretty sure that good feet is gonna help me get there.
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terry: i love flowers. i like pansies. i like snapdragons. i like dahlias. i like any kind of flower that has a lot of color. and i wasn't able to go out and plant flowers. i wasn't able to go out and do anything. it was a shooting pain from my foot, and it went right up my leg. when you can't walk and you're in pain, every place you go and everything that you do, pretty soon it was just wearing on me. i had, like, six or seven pair of shoes in my car because i couldn't stand the pain. then i'd move into another pair of shoes. beth: they've been buying different shoes. they think the shoes are gonna solve the problem. they keep going up in price point on the footwear. "well, maybe i just need a better shoe." terry: i felt hopeless. i felt like, "oh my gosh. is this the end of what i'm gonna be able to do for my life?"
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actually change your life for the better-- terry: so i went to the good feet store. i walk across a piece of paper, in pain, and i was fitted and got to see for myself that i was going to be pain free. beth: it's unbelievable how quickly the product changes some things for some people. it's a couple of steps walking around in the showroom, and suddenly, they are pain free. and when that happens, that's great because obviously the terry: if i couldn't walk through my garden and i had to stay in the house all day, i can't even imagine how terrible i'd feel. walking is the most important thing. my name's terry, and that's my good feet story. teresa: i suffered with plantar fasciitis for 20 years. i had pain. i had discomfort. i had instability. i was grumpy because my foot hurt. and when your feet hurt, everything else hurts.
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very intense. it can make your eyes water. it makes you walk funny because you're trying to get pressure off your heel to protect it. in the meantime, trying to give it relief, buying all these different insoles. i mean, just, you know, drugstore insoles, custom insoles, buying all these insoles. beth: i'm not here to just give you a piece of plastic to stick in your shoe. i mean, if that's what you want, you can go do that you can go do it in a drugstore. teresa: and i mean, i spent thousands of dollars. i really, truly did spend thousands of dollars. beth: i'm here to help you find the products that are comfortable and ultimately give you the long-term solution that you've been looking for. teresa: eventually, i was so frustrated, i didn't know what to do. and i was driving past the good feet store and i thought, "i'm just gonna, i mean, why not? give it a try." they wanted to make sure they fitted me with the right thing.
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them in shoes until they found the perfect ones for my feet. and that was pretty neat because they took almost 2 hours to do that. they didn't rush me out of there. they wanted to make sure that i got something that my feet felt good in, not somebody else's feet. and i had no idea that they would be that patient, and i had no idea they would be that kind. beth: arch supports really need to be fit with precision. you need to be addressing their particular foot type. and you need to be able to match them to those unique features about them. teresa: and it really did make a big difference. i mean, really, really helped. it made my foot not hurt. i love the fact that i can wear these arch supports in all my shoes. i have boots. i have cowboy boots. i have running shoes. i have walking shoes. i have flat shoes. i have heels. i wear them in all of my shoes. makes me so happy.
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just one reason why people come to the good feet store. foot problems can also cause knee, hip, or back discomfort. find out if we can help you with a free personalized fitting from one of our arch support specialists. come by the good feet store in... and see for yourself. male: that's what makes good feet so unique and different, is that we have an opportunity to be able to properly size the foot. as we talked earlier, regarding the activities and lifestyle sheet. and then of course, in addition to that we do an imprint. and we do a balancing exercise. and on that balancing exercise, as you can see, we're literally supporting the foot in all of its arches, allowing the foundation to be properly supported, which gives us improved balance, support, and comfort.
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can size to the millimeter for a person's arch. beth: this woman walks in. she's literally got tears coming out of her eyes. and she's telling me, "i've got a trip planned in december. i'm going to turkey. i'm gonna be walking and walking and walking. i've wanted to go there my entire life. and i can't walk, and i don't know what to do, and i helped her. she called me a couple of weeks ago and told me how what a wonderful time she had on her trip. she had the time of her life, was virtually pain free, and called to tell me that i had literally saved her life in her mind. i'm gonna cry. you just can't replace that. what we do ends up for us, on the floor,
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feels like pointed sharp pain. it just hurts all the time. it feels like your foot is squeezing on itself. when i drove past the good feet store, i thought, "i'm just, i'm gonna stop in." they wanted to make sure that they gave me the right arch support for my feet. they were personally fitted just for me. then it was like, "okay, this is somethin' special. these make a difference." adolfo: as a traveling salesman, i average about 200,000 miles a year as far as flying. centers to hotels. that's a lot of walking around, from clients to another hotel. you're constantly on your feet day in and day out. it takes its toll. my feet were hurtin' so bad. i had plantar fasciitis. so i saw a commercial, the good feet store. goin' into the good feet store that morning that i made the appointment, a gentleman helped me out. we sat down. he kinda asked me just some questions. and i told him that i was hurtin' from my feet,
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and then they measured me and set me up with some arch supports that i needed for my size of my feet. they let me walk around the store first and try it out in my own shoes. and i walked around and i could definitely feel the difference. and i said, "no, it can't be true." but it was true. it did definitely help. i'm adolfo, and that's my good feet story. joy: something was up a while back when i was walking and running a lot. the pain traveled from my feet all the way up to my knees. i mean, i just wasn't in alignment. good feet to me was a way to prevent pain and the possibility of not walking. you know, sometimes you walk into a store and you feel like it's a sales pitch. but that wasn't the case here. she really got into the nitty gritty of my lifestyle so that she could truly help me. ever since then i've been using the arch supports, no pain.
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so where i used to run and walk at a slower pace, i go so fast sometimes my shoelaces untie, and i am not kidding. it's true. my shoelaces go. does that happen to anybody else? i'm joy, and that's my good feet story. keith: being a letter carrier and walking 20,000 steps, which equals up to about 10 miles a day, if you've ever had sciatica with your hip and the corner of your hamstring just jumpin' all by itself, and your toes going to sleep, you just have no clue. i had had as many epidurals that i could possibly have in 1 year. that was scary. well, i've been delivering letters to the good feet store for over 6 years.
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so i put 'em on. i did what she told me to. and lo and behold, i have no more back problems. beth: when you're able to help bring something to their life like that, when you're able to help them work more efficiently, more comfortably, they go home at the day not as drained. keith: the people at the good feet store really educated me about what the arch supports could actually do since i really didn't have feet problems. i can do pretty much anything now. i've lost, like, 25 pounds just because i've been able to start exercisin' again. it's just a totally different life that i'm lookin' at. it's a joy to go back to work again the next day. i'm keith, and that's my good feet story. [music]
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customers hug us all the time, which is really nice. adolfo: you know the old saying, "if your feet ain't happy, you're not happy," 'cause that is so true. once your feet are happy, your whole body's gonna be happy. christen: it was pretty shocking to realize that up until that point i'd been in so much pain, and suddenly, i'm completely pain free. val: the difference in the pain that i had prior to this and what i have now, it's unbelievable. put them in my shoes. then it was like, "okay, this is somethin' special." mike: the good feet store let me try on the arch support, and then i took 'em out on the street for a run around the building. and when i came back, it was a no brainer. terry: i never have taken them off, and i have had no pain since the day i bought 'em. david: i've got the confidence in my step now. it's something that i didn't have. ava: stuck in the arch supports, and i felt so much better. walk around, i didn't have that heaviness.
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i felt good. taylor: well, now i could just run without thinking that my foot's tearing in half. it's way better. joy: i can't imagine not walking. good feet to me was a way to prevent pain and the possibility of not walking. and that's just not okay with me. keith: i've tried every single thing that you can think of, and this is the first thing that's ever worked. where i would be without 'em i have no clue. it before. beth: they are thankful that they've found good feet. but as somebody who works for good feet, i never would have thought that i would have had the emotional rewards that i get. i go home every day proud of what i've done. [music] announcer: good feet arch supports are available
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>> announcer: the following is a sponsored presentation for the yancey way to real estate success free lunch and dinner events. get ready,in your local area,to learn how to make money in real estate the yancey way. >> what you'll learn to do here today took me from being an errand runner to literally exceeding my wildest financial dreams. anyone can do it, and i'm gonna show you how to. so, are you ready? [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: you don't previous real-estate experience or your own money to invest to profit in real estate the yancey way. scott yancey's free lunch and dinner events bring you all the live, local training you need to succeed in real estate. and his money partners will put up to 100% of the money you need to do your deals. it's simple. you find the properties to flip. they put up the money. and you each get a piece of the profits. anyone, any age, from any walk
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>> this isn't a theory. this isn't something we're trying. this is something that works, and we're doing it right now, all over the country. >> i actually phoned the hotel to see if this was for real. and they said, "oh, yeah. it is." >> scott's just made it super-easy to expand into real estate, because everything that you need is right here. >> so, what do you think of the event? >> i think it's awesome. i mean, it's, like, making me like, "yes, i have to make that deal -- that first deal." >> absolutely. >> got to do it, like, now. >> announcer: the yancey way to ke effective it's grabbed headlines everywhere. and the a&e network even created a hit tv series about scott called "flipping vegas." and now, scott and his team are going to show you how to start flipping indiana through the free lunch and dinner events he's bringing right here to the local area. and you're invited. >> from what i've learned here and the processes that have been introduced to me, my lifestyle's
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money the yancey way is emmy-nominated abc tv personality and popular host of hgtv's "designed to sell," rachel reenstra. >> you know, as a longtime hgtv host, i've seen people make a lot of money flipping houses. but i got to tell you, i've never seen a way to profit in real estate like the yancey way. because it requires no previous real-estate experience or money to invest, anyone can do it. in fact, scott has received literally thousands of success-story videos from people who have changed their lives with what they've learned at one of his free events. check these videos out. >> i wanted to thank you so much for everything you've done for me. i just wanted to send you a quick video and tell you that, before i went to your free event, i had just filed bankruptcy. and i was sitting on the couch, feeling really sorry for myself. so after i attended your event and learned how to invest in
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my own money or credit, i was so excited to get started. and here i am now at age 70 years old. i flipped over 20 properties. and i just can't tell you how excited i am to have gone to that free event. so, thank you so much. >> this is thom gilbert. and i attended one of your events because my dad had worked his whole life in manual labor, working hard, and i was heading down that same path, realizing that it's not the path i wanted to go down and there had to be a better way. your courses, your training, and your education has allowed me to do 15 deals since starting with you. allowed me to change the path that my dad was on, helped him retire, set up my children for future success in real-estate investing, and changed my own destiny, so thank you. >> to learn more about how the yancey way to profit in real estate really works, i went to las vegas to meet scott yancey.
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errand runner, but i was just so impressed with how down-to-earth he still is and how much passion he has for helping others learn to use real estate to transform their own lives. so, what do you think keeps other people from making money in real estate? >> i absolutely know what it is. it's two things -- knowledge and money. >> what do you mean? >> well, you can have all the money in the world, but if you don't know what you're doing, you're not gonna have success. and if you have the knowledge of how to invest in real estate you're not even in the game. >> okay, so, you're saying that you need both. >> exactly. and that's what we give people at my events. i can teach anyone to do what i do every day, so knowledge isn't an issue. and my money partners put up the money so my students don't have to use their own. >> so, our viewers don't have to have their own money to invest or qualify for a loan or anything like that? >> no. i already have the money in place. they just need to come to my free event. >> okay. scott, now, people watching this
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>> definitely. >> you know, i mean, how much of the profits are your money partners keeping? like, 50%, 25%? >> nope. try less than 5%. >> come on! are you kidding me? >> no, i'm serious. less than 5%. and that only comes out of your profits after each deal is done, not up front, out of your pocket. >> nothing out of your own pocket. okay, that is incredible. so, let me get this straight. your money partners only make money once your students have made money. ha >> and you're already doing this with people around the country right now, right? >> absolutely. my money partners have already funded thousands of real-estate deals for my attendees. and they want to do more deals in all the cities i'm holding my free events in. >> that is amazing. and, once again, there are no special qualifications to be able to do this? i mean, you don't need a real-estate license or anything like that? >> no. you don't need some fancy college degree, either. i never got one.
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regardless of their current financial situation, background, whatever can learn how to financially benefit from real estate right now. well, what do you guys think of the event? >> oh, we love it. >> oh, yeah. >> we're learning a lot. >> what are you gonna do when you get home? >> we are gonna work with our mentor and do our first deal. >> everything that you need is here, 100%. and it is totally true. we've had access to all the money that we wanted to have access to, all the deals that we want. >> scott, when attending your where i needed to provide some additional financial income to my family. i was able to use the funding. i've done several deals, and it's made a huge financial impact on my family. i really want to thank you. >> announcer: get ready, in your area, to learn how to make money in real estate the yancey way. >> what you'll learn to do here today took me from being an errand runner to literally exceeding my wildest financial dreams. anyone can do it, and i'm gonna
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[ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: you don't need any previous real-estate experience or your own money to invest to profit in real estate the yancey way. scott yancey's free lunch and dinner events bring you all the live, local training you need to succeed in real estate. and his money partners will put up to 100% of the money you need to do your deals. it's simple. you find the properties to flip, they put up the money, and you each get a piece of the profits. anyone, any age, from any walk of life can do this. >> this isn't a theory. this isn't something we're trying. this is something that works, and we're doing it right now all over the country. >> i actually phoned the hotel to see if this was for real. and they said, "oh, yeah. it is." >> scott's just made it super-easy to expand into real estate, because everything that you need is right here. >> so, what do you think of the event? >> i think it's awesome. i mean, it's, like, making me like, "yes, i have to make that
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>> got to do it, like, now. >> announcer: the yancey way to make money in real estate is so effective it's grabbed headlines everywhere. and the a&e network even created a hit tv series about scott called "flipping vegas." and now, scott and his team are going to show you how to start flipping indiana through the free lunch and dinner events he's bringing right here to the local area. and you're invited. >> i can show you how to profit from real estate, and when you make that first deal, it will change your life because you'll see you can do it again and again. >> anybody can come and benefit from this. >> this program is a no-brainer for us. the training is amazing, the access to the money. >> i am beyond excited to do my first deal. i think once i do my first deal, we're gonna throw a little party. >> announcer: call or go online now for two free tickets for you and a guest to attend one of scott's life-changing lunch or dinner events coming to the local area
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listed on your screen. operators are standing by to supply you with a complete list of available times and locations. seating is generally limited to the first 100 people, so don't delay. call for your free tickets right now. and compliments of scott's event sponsors, you'll also receive a free copy of scott's new book, "flipping your way to real estate profits," plus a free edition of scott's v.i.p. quick start package preloaded onto a player, a $300 value, yours free. and listen to this. the first 50 people will be eligible to receive a free laptop computer. there's no strings attached, no catches, and there will be no high-pressure sales pitch at the event. so what are you waiting for? pick up the phone or go online to claim your free tickets and free gifts right now.
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>> no matter what stage of life you're in, why continue to be stressed, frustrated, and worried about the future when you can take what you're learning here today and start profiting from real estate? you with me? [ cheers and applause ] >> i wanted to give a special shout-out and a thank you for your educational program that has enabled us to really change our lives. thank you. my name's sean denny, and my wife, robin denny. >> we went to the free seminar, and at the time that we went to that free educational class, my husband and i had $127 in the bank. i had to choose between food or my electricity bill. we were losing our house, and this was the craziest insane time of our lives.
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they showed us how we can turn around and buy real estate without using any of our own money, any of our own credit, and today, we've closed six deals. and every day, i pinch myself, because i cannot believe this is our life. this was the best decision my husband and i ever made for ourselves. >> for those success stories and thousands more like them, this is where it all started -- at one of scott yancey's free to your town. you know, for centuries, it's pretty much only been the rich who could rely on real estate to create wealth. but now, scott yancey's free events give everyone, regardless of your financial situation, the ability to profit in real estate so you can build your own personal wealth. come on. it's time to stop working for your money and start putting money to work for you. other people's money that scott's already arranged for you to access at the event.
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you to attend one of scott's free live events. and they're coming to your area in just a few days from today. you're invited, but seats are going fast. so call or go online to get your free tickets now. >> when we came in to the event, we didn't know anything about real estate. we didn't know how we were gonna fund anything. we didn't have any extra money. it's kind of why we're looking into all this -- for retirement purposes. but we got to the event, and they had everything set up for blanket of success around you and say, "we're gonna walk you to success. we're not gonna let you fail." and that's important to me. >> this is amelia. just a quick video here to thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn about real estate. i went to your free seminar wanting to find a way to make some extra money, and i found it. so, i have now done 10 deals. i work from home, and i've used none of my own money for these
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kids. i can take them to their activities. i have more time for my husband. and it's great. thanks again. >> scott, why is now such a good time to get into real estate? >> well, real estate goes in cycles. and right now, we're in the beginning of a whole new cycle. we've already hit the bottom, and we're on our way up. and when real estate cycles are heading up, that's the best time to make money. >> but most people don't know where to begin, right? or they don't have the money to start investing in real estate.u because your free live events solve both of those problems. >> absolutely. at my free event, you get access to the training you need to make the right real-estate deals with confidence. and my money partners give you access to all the money to do your deals. >> you know, i got to hand it to you, scott. your free events have really knocked down the barriers that have kept so many people from being able to profit from real estate. >> definitely. and once you take that first step and just come to one of my free events, you'll see for yourself that with our help,
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estate. anyone can do it. >> i'm jeff hefflin. i grew up with a single mom, five sisters, living in a single-wide mobile home in a mobile-home park on welfare. i knew i wanted, you know, something different as a child. i knew when i was a parent myself, i wanted something better for my kids. went to the free seminar. it sounded great. you know, they're gonna offer me funding. i can be houses without any of my own money without any of my own credit. after the training, i've been able to do 30 deals. with their funding, with their helpu that this doesn't work is if you just don't do what they teach you to do. >> announcer: get ready, in your local area, to learn how to make money in real estate the yancey way. >> what you'll learn to do here today took me from being an errand runner to literally exceeding my wildest financial dreams. anyone can do it, and i'm gonna show you how to. so, are you ready? [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: you don't need any previous real-estate experience or your own money to invest to
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way. scott yancey's free lunch and dinner events bring you all the live, local training you need to succeed in real estate. and his money partners will put up to 100% of the money you need to do your deals. it's simple. you find the properties to flip, they put up the money, and you each get a piece of the profits. anyone, any age, from any walk of life can do this. >> this isn't a theory. this isn't something we're trying. this is something that works, and we're doing it right now all over the country. >> i actually phoned the hotel to see if this was for real. and they said, "oh, yeah. it is." >> scott's just made it super-easy to expand into real estate, because everything that you need is right here. >> so, what do you think of the event? >> i think it's awesome. i mean, it's, like, making me like, "yes, i have to make that deal -- that first deal." >> absolutely. >> got to do it, like, now. >> announcer: the yancey way to make money in real estate is so effective it's grabbed headlines everywhere.
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a hit tv series about scott called "flipping vegas." and now, scott and his team are going to show you how to start flipping indiana through the free lunch and dinner events he's bringing right here to the local area. and you're invited. >> i can show you how to profit from real estate, and when you make that first deal, it will change your life because you'll see you can do it again and again. >> anybody can come and benefit from this. >> this program is a no-brainer the training is amazing, the access to the money. >> i am beyond excited to do my first deal. i think once i do my first deal, we're gonna throw a little party. >> announcer: call or go online now for two free tickets for you and a guest to attend one of scott's life-changing lunch or dinner events coming to the local area see the event dates that are listed on your screen. operators are standing by to supply you with a complete list of available times and
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the first 100 people, so don't delay. call for your free tickets right now. and compliments of scott's event sponsors, you'll also receive a free copy of scott's new book, "flipping your way to real estate profits," plus a free edition of scott's v.i.p. quick start package preloaded onto a usb flash drive and a free mp3 player, a $300 value, yours free. and listen to this. eligible to receive a free laptop computer. there's no strings attached, no catches, and there will be no high-pressure sales pitch at the event. so what are you waiting for? pick up the phone or go online to claim your free tickets and free gifts right now.
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>> no matter what stage of life you're in, why continue to be stressed, frustrated, and worried about the future when you can take what you're learning here today and start profiting from real estate? you with me? [ cheers and applause ] >> while i was in las vegas to visit scott, we hit the strip to see how aware people are of the flipping opportunities that exist in today's rebounding real estate market. excuse me, sir. can i ask you a quick question? >> sure. >> okay, on a nationwide scale, how much money, on average, do you think house flippers are making right now per flip? >> i don't know. maybe $10,000. >> actually, the national average is now over $60,000. can you believe that? >> per flip? >> that's right -- per flip. could you use that kind of money right now? >> are you kidding me? who couldn't? >> do you know who this gentleman is right here, scott yancey? >> yeah. he's that guy from that show, "flipping vegas." great show.
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now, what would you think if i told you that scott's team was gonna come to your hometown... >> in new jersey? >> that's right. that's right. you how to find the best properties to flip there... >> okay. i'm game. >> i'm not done yet. to flip them for incredible profits... >> you're gonna teach me how to flip a house? 'cause i've never done that before. >> yes, but here's the best part. scott's money partners put up all the cash so you don't have to use a penny of your own. what do you think of that? >> seriously? >> serioly >> i'd do that in a heartbeat. >> that was the response i received from one person after another. everyone i spoke with would not hesitate to jump at this opportunity. and now, you've got that chance to actually do it for real. but you got to take that first step and call in right now to get your tickets to one of the free live events that scott is hosting in your area. now, space is limited, so grab that phone right now and get your free tickets while you still can.
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all that you've done for me and my family. i was -- well, i saw your advertisement on television, your infomercial. at the time, i was working for a railroad. i had my beautiful wife, three beautiful children, and we were owning our own home. but yet, we were financially strapped and unsure of a lot of things and where our future was gonna be. but in seeing the infomercial, you spoke about being able to be using my own cash and my own credit, which was huge, which definitely immediately intrigued me about it. and i knew i had to get to this live event of yours. once i got there and took on the knowledge and the education which you trained me with, i was able to close my first deal very rapidly, which gave me the strength, the ability, and the empowerment to go do it again and again and again.
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family. you know, we've gone from being financially strapped and not sure what next year may hold to now knowing how our girls are gonna go to college and how they're gonna support their families for years to come. so, thank you so much. >> okay. you have got to call to get your free tickets for this event coming to your area. i mean, i learned so much here in just a short period of time, and you will, too. you're gonna learn how to find your real-estate deals, do your deals, and scott brings all his money partners to you. they're all lined up, just waiting for you to use scott's winning formula and start doing profitable deals. you don't have to spend a dime of your own cash or credit on the properties. it's really simple. you find the property, they put up the money, and you each get a piece of the profits. but to be able to profit, you have got to attend one of scott's free live events. they're coming to your area in just a few days from today, guys, so get on it.
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tickets now. >> my name is melissa newsbaum. i'm a real-estate investor, and prior to going to the free event and getting my start in real-estate investing, i was a stay-at-home mom. i did foster care for 10 years. and i welcomed 82 heads in and out of my front door during that 10 years. and as kiddos do, they grow up and move out and get lives of their own. and i wanted to still find something that i could do to be passionate about and find a way to give back. and so, i decided to attend a free event and see if real estate was really something that i wanted to get into and i found that it was gonna be much simpler than i thought and that i didn't need to have a lot of experience or money of my own to make it work for me. and so, going through that process, i've been able to close on 15 deals in the last 12 months. so, making my life amazing and giving us the opportunity to live life on our terms. >> so, what do you think of the event? >> it's great. phenomenal. >> learning a lot? >> absolutely. >> and you can do it when you get home? >> i can't wait. >> the reason why we came to the
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>> so, i work in the corporate world, and i work so many hours. and i'm looking for a flexible solution to ease my way out and work for myself. and this is such a turnkey solution for me. >> i have to say that scott yancey is more than i thought. he is not only there providing, you know, me and everybody else education on how to do this, but he's a really giving person. >> congrats to you guys in taking action. this is why this event is here. it's for people like you to be able to take action and succeed, and you guys are doing it. >> thanks. >> well, thanks for coming. >> all right. >> we got to do a group hug. come on. >> group hug. yeah. >> group hug. all right. real-estate investors. >> announcer: get ready, in your local area, to learn how to make money in real estate the yancey way. >> what you'll learn to do here today took me from being an errand runner to literally exceeding my wildest financial dreams. anyone can do it, and i'm gonna show you how to. so, are you ready? [ cheers and applause ]
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or your own money to invest to profit in real estate the yancey way. scott yancey's free lunch and dinner events bring you all the live local training you need to succeed in real estate. and his money partners will put up to 100% of the money you need to do your deals. it's simple. you find the properties to flip, they put up the money, and you each get a piece of the profits. anyone, any age, from any walk of life can do this. >> tis this isn't something we're trying. this is something that works, and we're doing it right now all over the country. >> i actually phoned the hotel to see if this was for real. and they said, "oh, yeah. it is." >> scott's just made it super-easy to expand into real estate, because everything that you need is right here. >> so, what do you think of the event? >> i think it's awesome. i mean, it's, like, making me like, "yes, i have to make that deal -- that first deal." >> absolutely. >> got to do it, like, now. >> announcer: the yancey way to
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everywhere. and the a&e network even created a hit tv series about scott called "flipping vegas." and now, scott and his team are going to show you how to start flipping indiana through the free lunch and dinner events he's bringing right here to the local area. and you're invited. >> i can show you how to profit from real estate, and when you make that first deal, it will change your life because you'll see you can do it again and again. >> anybody can come and benefit from this. >> this program is a no-brainer for us. the training is amazing, the access to the money. >> i am beyond excited to do my first deal. i think once i do my first deal, we're gonna throw a little party. >> announcer: call or go online now for two free tickets for you and a guest to attend one of scott's life-changing lunch or dinner events coming to the local area see the event dates that are listed on your screen. operators are standing by to
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locations. seating is generally limited to the first 100 people, so don't delay. call for your free tickets right now. and compliments of scott's event sponsors, you'll also receive a free copy of scott's new book, "flipping your way to real estate profits," plus a free edition of scott's v.i.p. quick start package preloaded onto a usb flash drive and a free mp3 player, a $300 value, yours free. and listen to this. the first 50 people will be eligible to receive a free laptop computer. there's no strings attached, no catches, and there will be no high-pressure sales pitch at the event. so what are you waiting for? pick up the phone or go online to claim your free tickets and free gifts right now.
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>> no matter what stage of life you're in, why continue to be stressed, frustrated, and worried about the future when you can take what you're learning here today and start profiting from real estate? you with me? [ cheers and applause ] >> so, what's it gonna be? are you gonna continue to try to secure your financial future the way? right now, thousands of deals are being done by people who have already attended one of scott's free events. and now he's offering the same opportunity to you. scott's formula has been proven to work again and again. anyone can succeed in real estate by using it, and you can, too. scott believes in you. now you just have to believe in yourself. take that first step. attend one of scott's free events while they're here in your town and before this
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>> don't boo, vote. captioning funded by cbs it's wednesday, november 9th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." to all republicans and democrats and independents across this nation, i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. >> after a long night, donald trump has been elected 45th president of the united states in a stunning upset. good morning from studio
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