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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  November 21, 2016 1:07am-1:19am MST

1:07 am
?9 >> dicontion."i'm john dickerso] praring for ump administration, democrats are doing some s >> when you lose the white house to the least-popular candidate in the history of america, when you lose the senate, when you lose the house, and when?&
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the power needs to be in their hands. we need the ma sure the resours are with them and everything else. eed the prioritize voter else. and we have to make sure that... yes? >> dickerson: continue your list. >> well, i mean, we've got to also create more collaboration. we have democrats who hold office with secretaries of state. those folks run the levels we need the stand up for them. city officials,rk college dems, so and a lot needs to havmje a
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strengthened and feel like they are fullyu?> included. we have got to just make sure that the democratic rank and file really ns thearty and feels that it is?j?k?5 thes, tht donaldrump? 100% opposed, work with him? >> well, donald trump is already proven wheree's going with the thing. therwas a politicalrticle entitled "why wall street is suddenly in love with donald trump" he's noterange the swamp. he's filling it up more.h= and there's going to be more swamp eatures than ever before. i mean, he is... lobbyists and big-time investmen bankers, he's not doing what he said he
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average, working americans. we have ?x?sto be there to wk?oh all those folks who may have not voted or even voted for him. they are our natural constients.
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people is extraordini?nim and not to mention his9j ra, misogany extraordinary, as well. it's hard to normalize that.
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to better prepare for any situation. >> we haveu- a few problems the
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is impnt.i ministtion kind of turning
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from accomplishing its goals, th. would be tremendous. going to full expensing, which
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>> he wants to talk about more troops. i'm talk?dm?ing about sismn
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conversation. if you only focus on the period between the election and inauguration, there is no possible way you can be ready. you have to start earlier. both campaigns did. clinton and trump did very, very strong work. the hard part comes now, because you're right, there's only so much you can do preelection. then you have to merge your campaign and your transition apparatus, but you have toe overeal fast. most folks are looking through the wrong end of the tlescope. they're examining one or two appointments.
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that means you have tov dispatch and you have to be thinking about this as teams, game plan designed and they'veld with critical steak holders, congress, the federal workforce and others? >> dickerson: last 30 second, we talked about quantity. talk about quality. some people you will be picked. you will never hear about them but they have real power. >> drew: you're 100% right. we've been producing job descriptions of those 4,000 jobs. they don't exist otherwise. we need people who are not just outsiders or people with with the policy alignment that the president-elect wants but people
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you look in the past, whether it was hurricane katrina, healthcare.g manage. problems. the gornment has to be topt the very top leadership positions with the very best expeenced people we can possibly?[ get. >> dickerson: max stier, thank you for that description.
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>> dickerson: that's it for us nation." i'm john dickerson. >> they may be the greatest american sports team of a generation, so why aren't theyp? he from starsf u.s. women's soccer.
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? ? man (sighs): oh, my god. (rhythmic pounding) i can't believe it. (woman sighs) (pounding continues) (man sighs) our wakeup call is not for another two hours. how about we...? yeah, that we should have gone to mount rushmore. (pounding continues) (sighs) do something. (knocking) hey!


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