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tv   Community Affairs  KCNS  March 4, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> female announcer: the following is a paid presentation for murad resurgence, the groundbreaking skin care line that is backed by four good housekeeping seals. >> male announcer: join tv news legend and true murad believer jo lunden d see foyourself why murais the mt truste name in healthy skin care. >> with resurgence, my skin really does have a glow. >> one of my friends, she's like, "did you get botox i'm like"no, i'msing rergence." these lines are gonebaby! >> hi, i'm joan nden. i just turned 61 and for the first time in my career-- in my life, really-- i get stopped on the street and i get letters and questions and compliments all so, wh's my seet? discover murad rurgence.
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>> female announcer: millions of women all across the world of all ages and all ethnicities are turning back the hands of time and rediscovering their youthful ow with rad resuence. >> male announcer: who's the beauty genius behind it all? it'sr. howarmurad, deatologis pharmact and under ofhe first clinical skin care line. >> female announcer: he's a four-time bestselling anti-aging beauty author, holding 18 pants and ill todadefines the sion andirectionf the murad empire. vogue magazine calls dr. murad one of the nation's best dermatologists. and california style magazine calls him the skin savior. >> a lot of people ask me, "h can i me my ski betiful?" it heahy.l, we me beauful."we maket >> female announcer: murad products are featured in the most elite spas and retail stores in over 50 countries. what makes murad so extraordinary? their luxurious ingredients and instant and lasting results. >> it's like my fountain of youth it's likmy mirac in a ja
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it took away all the dry, patchy skin on my forehead. i have a brand-new face thanks to dr. murad and i'm just having the time of my life. male announcer: murad was the first to merge science and skin care 21 years ago and continues to shatter industry barriers today. >> female announcer: a now, murad isroud to troduce another first: murad resurgence, e only cprehensive skin care li specifilly desied to target all the signs of hormonally-aging skin. >> when i was told about dr. rad's rergence pduct line thawas hormal-agi "oh! tt's not !"tion was but course,hen i stted that fell dictly intthen >> feme announr: what hormonal aging? in a nutshell, it's loss of estrogen. it starts as early as your 20s and continues throughout your entire life. as your hormone levels decrease, you'll notice dehydration, deep lines and wrinkles, age spots and sagging skin.
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these are all signs of hormonal aging. but with murad resurgence, you can finally have beautiful skin again. resurgence is the perfect blend of phytoestrogens, antioxidants, hydrators and vitamins to restore firmness and radiance to your skin. murad resurgence is clinically proven to increase skin firmness by up to 42% in just 10 minutes and the results just keep getting better and better. >>nce i stted the rergence, e lines disappeared, the glow came back. i was complete blown ay. >> i noticed that the sun spots at were arting tbug me h dinished le, five ades. likethat fas >> my wrinkles were diminished by 75% ia three ek perio of time. >> male announcer: in just 30 days, 93.9% of women saw a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 96% reported firmer skin and an incredible 100% experienced improvement in overall
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skin hydration. >> female announcer: coming up, we go behind the scenes at the murad inclusive health center whe state-of-the-art technology puts resurgence to the ultimate test. couragto go onational had the i just. i'm amed that skin looks great, and i'm prou to sw my ski >> male announcer: and now, she's one of america's most beloved and trusted award-winning journalists. voted favorite morning anchor for nearly two decades on abc's good morning america, please welcome joan lunden. [cheering anapplause♪...] >> you all lk great. weome to o third rergence sw. how many of you had er heard like, ree peop?nskin? we all face hormonalging, but yoknow wha in thworld.
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itoesn't he to sho onour face but what exactly is hormonal aging? all right, ladies, let's take a look at our skin. healthy skin cells are like plump, juicy grapes. as we age, our estrogen levels decrease, causing healthy cells to lose moisture, becoming dry and flaky. murad resurgence lifts and removes dry skin cell build-up, infusing moisture into the skin and helps stimulate collagen production, resulting in soft, and with resurgence, you cann. reve your bety, nonecessary your a. >> i'm a stay-at-home mom and i ha two teege boys d all the stuff that comes with that, which is spending your life carpooling and sports and sitting on sidelines. with resurgence, i say it's a necessy. >> they say that your s are suosed to your be years d gettina littleelp from resurgen actuallmade true. >> whave a vy speciaguest day who also paionate
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abt resurgce. e's bestnown forer portrayal of drucilla winters on the young and the restless. she's a busy mom, a bestselling author, a spokesperson and she's on buty.writing book plse welco emmy-nonated tress, vtoria roll. [cheing and plause, ...] you know, stage makeup every day, lights, lack of sleep, little bit of stress. [laughter] >> uh,es. to jt about y kindad accs ofkin care they mushave senyou beauty pducts. but now,t's intesting th u're kinof looki at them in a difrent wayecause u're comring theas you >> i have tried a variety of under e sink, dicineich ended up the gut bedroow, relateto that?laughter loved out muraresurgen.
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used rurgence, got ant time i immediate response i knew tt there s somethg diffent thannything sewa th i'd eveused befe. the the step--themhrough let's dit. >> a right. step number one is the renewing cleansing cream. i liken this to kind of a creamy am i rht? ur face. >> it's comptely luxious, it not oil it's lit. >> like a little pearl-sized and i'telling u, you p war on youface witthis, will wash your entire face, your necand yourecolleta. holds isture wletes and yore cleang. >> i mean, it's a mui-tasker and get tha right? [laughter] alright, ts is thetep two, the age-diffusing serum. i can't say enough about this producbecause love, lo, ve this oduct. i mean, 's just ke a little facelift in a bottle. >> it contains so many high-performance ingredients,
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like glycolic acid, which helps increase cell turnover and don't nt callewrinkles w love it >> it mas me feelike i we up beautiful, and don't we all >> up beautiful? >>nd then e icing the ca, of coue, is apying your age-balancing night cream. and i love this. thisich, luxious moiurizer has retinol that promotes new cell growth and really helps to restore moisture, essential fatty acids and shea butter. it also has soybean properties and that's important because it addresses all the signs of hormonally-aging skin. it can soothe even the most sensitive skin and i've got nd >> yea me too. these ars.mud overally gotten we're t doing .ake it it, right? [laughter] [applause, ♪...] to lo it.ts
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>> at 48 years old, i wagoing to ge up. and i arted loing likey moer... soy, mom. i thought, "ll, maybthis is what'm suppod to be. i me, there sn't a wle lot i cod do. but nce i stted usin resuence proct, i lo unger, ieel bett, i feel beer aboutyself. know thai'm gointo use is produ for theest my life >> my skin literally glows. i don'have witut it.n that >> female announcer: what does it take to get skin this beautiful? just one thing: murad resurgence. ordinary anti-aging creams only spot treat the signs of hormonally-aging skin. rergence ithe only comprehensive skin care line specifically designed to target all the signs. women of every skin type andfor every ethnicity. >> male announcer: murad resurgence has earned not one, not two, but four good
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housekeeping seals, so you can feel confident knowing that you've made the best choice for your ski >> female announcer: step one: renewing cleansing cream. this multi-tasking cleanser kick-starts your skin's transformation by exfoliating and hydrating with natural ingredients like papaya fruit extract. this luxurious formula removes dry, flaky skin without stripping your skin of essential moisture. step two: age-diffusing serum. this is the anti-aging porhouse. this miracle serum is packed with phytoestrogens, soy, wild yams and glycolic acid to help stimulate collagen production, clinically proven to increase skin firmness by up to 42% in just 10 minutes. and instantly lock in hyation with step three: a-balanci night crea this ultra rich moisturizer is packed with retinol and shea butter to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on even the most sensitive skin. >> male announcer: your days of spot treating wrinkles and age spots are gone with murad
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resurgen. it's perfect for all skin types and brings out that beautiful, healthy, glowing skin murad is famous for. >> female announcer: you could spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars on painful procedures without achieving the lasting results you're looking for. >> male announcer: sold separately at retail, the regular price of resurgence and budirect fm ourou call now warehouse,ou can rtore you youthful glow with a full 30-day supply of resurgence for only $49.95. you won't see this offer anywhere else. and because dr. murad is so committeto healt skin for all women, for a limited time only, we're going to take an additional $10 off. that means you get the full >> feme announr: and it gets95. even bter. when you're one of the first 500 to call and order, we'll send you $50 in free gifts. the murad get the glow bonus package includes the soothing sheer lustre day moisture with s.p.f. 15 to instantly hydrate your skin and deliver that natural, dewy glow.
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and the renewing eye cream. this triple threat to eye area aging combats puffiness, crow's-feet and dark circles. >> it's like, lifted my eyes. 's kind like a ni eye-lt. >> male announcer: plus, call in the next 18 minutes and you'll get an upgrade to priority shipping absolutely free. >> female annocer: murad oducts a never tested on anals and l of ourackaging is 100% recyclable. we believe in the health of the environment as well as your skin. >> male announcer: resurgence is backed by our unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee. but you won't need 60 days to see results like these. if you're not thrilled with your results, simply return the products for a full refund of the purchase price. that's how confident we are that you're going to love murad resurgence. >> female announcer: keep the free gifts just for trying resurgence. call the number on your screen. [♪...] >> joan: most of us would ner
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leave the use witht makeup without even a drop of tv concealer. but thisroup of ring wom did just tt as thebared all r our caras and r murad' statof-the-a diagnostic equipmen it all tk place the mur clusive alth cenr, wherthe womehad theiskin analyzednd measud for hydratn beforend after0 days of using resurgence. not that my linesre i can fe my skins smooth. but the mputer also tells me that and the computer gives me numbers that are incredibly different from 30 days ago. >> wt happenwith hornal agg is the's less trogen in your dy and trefore ls inour skin >> when u first me in, was quite a bit a now loo after 30 days, the difference. eyes a i kind felt li mye fine but wh we camen and actually
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sted it, could aually se the results, it was really amazing to see how far they had actually changed. >> joan: after just 30 days, an astonishing 93.9% of participants saw a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 96% reported firmer skin and an incredible 100% experienced improvement in overall skin hydration. >> i have us many, many products over the yearand this by fari've seethe mostt, dramaticifferencin my sk. i will never put anything else on my skin her than of my fe.for theest and i cat believi'm sayi that on tional twith no makeup, t it's te. o.k., is time n to meet the man hind thecience. is consered onef the worls most femost thoritieon skin re and skin health. please welco dr. howd murad. [cheing and plause, ....]
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>>o wonderl to seeou! now, it's been a little while since i've actually seen you, doctor, right? >> it has, and i he to tel you someing. th is fromy heart. u absoluly look bulous. >> wl, thankou. i an, i ha nothinglse that i'doing andifferenthan st usingy murad ery morning d every ght. have notissed a y since met you ve yearsgo. connecd to eve organisuite dimini, you ben to haveto drr skin, re lines, pores ben to enlge. and you st don'tave that glow thayou usedo have. unfortately, mt of the used jt focus one thi,n ey focusn moistuzing or focuon poresbut the ole stem haso be addssed. >>nd i thi one of main complaints to you when we first met was lack of hydration. >> and t moisturis a ver the onthing th happenso us whene age ise become drie all ovethe body
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including the skin. the re issue i as wencouragyour skito soak in some of the nutrients that i have developed in the products, the results are amazg. ladiesn the auence andso ey'd likto ask y some queions. >> oh,'d love hear so. >>ll rightwhat's yr name d what'sour queson? the pructs i u make mereak can use resuence on >> absolutely. we have ingredients like avocado, wild yams, soy tracts.. many ages that sthe the in so it ally wor well fo somedy who h sensiti skin as well as hormonal aging. >> all rht, we'vgot anotr what your na?re. infomeials and'm wondeng what mak resurgee better th the oth producethat are avaible on t market day. >> o., wait second. mai step ion this e? >>.k. [lauter] >>.k., becse it rely
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maers to m it is based on one thing only: resus. >> d murad: d really 's not tical of fomercia, becausit's bas onears of research, years of actually looking at patients ang at all t differe attribus was mething at was pfect for whatormonal ing is. >> when i heard about hormonal muchbout it d it wasreatat toearn morabout itnd i reallyave hormal agingd i and itas greato find a fight rmonal ang. hes >>'ve seenirsthandhat surgenceas done r my ski and l of youeserve yr own personalesurgenc too. littleit of a rprise tay r everyo in our udio audience. with apecial gt fromay
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drmurad! [loud cheering and applause] an: aww. >> female announcer: now it's your turn to get skin this beautiful with murad resurgence. rergence ithe only corehensivskin carline all the signs ofd target hormonally-aging skin. murad resurgence is perfect for women of every skin type and every ethnicity. >> male announcer: murad resurgence has earned not one, not two, but four good housekeeping seals, so you can feel confident knowing that you've made the best choice for your sn. >> female announcer: step one: renewing cleansing cam. is multi-tasking cleanser kick-starts your skin's transformation by exfoliating and hydrating your skin. step two: age-diffusing serum. this is the anti-aging powerhouse. th miracleerum hel stimulatcollagenroductio clinically proven to increase
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skin firmness by up to 42% in just 10 minutes. and instantly lock in hydration with step three: age-balancing night cream. this ultra rich moisturizer reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on even the most sensitive skin. murad resurgence is perfect for l skin tes and bngs out that beautiful, healthy, glowing sk murad is famous for. >> male announcer: through this exclusive television offer, you can get a full 30-day supply of resurgence for only $49.95. >> female announcer: but because drmurad iso commitd to healthy skin for all women, for a limited time only, we're going to take an additional $10 off. that means you get the full resurgence kit for only $39.95. >> male announcer: and we'll send you murad's get the glow bonus package, an additional $50 value absolutely free. plus, call in the next 12 minutes and you'll get an upgrade to priority shipping absolutely free. >> female announcer: murad products are never tested on animals d all ofur packaging
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is 100% recyclable. we believe in the health of the environment as well as your skin. >> male announcer: and with murad's 60-day money-back guarantee, there's nothing to lose. if you're not 100% thrilled with your results, return the products for a full refund of the purchase price. keep the free gifts just for trying resurgence. call the number on your screen or go to right now and discover murad resurgence and the beautiful skin you deserve. >> as some of you know, this is many lely womeover theears one my persal favore surgenceestimonis is a man nameclaudeneho we me ve yearsgo afterhe first ben using e rergence pducts. ta a look some ofhe thgs she h to say out rergence bk then. >> murad resurgence is totally taking the confusion out of my process. i see at glow ck and is,
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refrhing andt's enlitening d it's uifting a all tho thin, from o product makes yoknow youhould e it. >> please welcome claudene! look ayou! welcome ck. >> tnk you. >> oh, is great to see y. would possiblto say ts, did fi years a.g than yo how is this happenin well, tnk aboutt, i'm ill usinthe prodts, and ifou're coistent whre it, u get the result >> what has it meant to you, in yr life, ving thi unger, hlthier-lking, >> wel it's denitely a i meanif you use it and you gethese coliments l the me, you ntinue tuse the oduct beuse you el so hay and blsed and nfident adjectives to ll you h nderful u can fe when yo usthis proct. >>ut a lotf peopleave
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on worng?"es it ep and i gus that'secause or the years, we've bought things that seeto work d after whil they dot work amore. but you and are likeiving proof th it keepon worki. producbecause th of yohave be using ifor fiveears and you ntinue tlook betr. differt skin tes, but e facts that is a perft >> one oyou. what yr skin te is.o matr >> bt complint so fa >> well, this is for all t sing ladies. [laughter] recely, i stted dati a new date a i was le,he fstouer "lk, let'set this t the way i mean, ere's anlephant the roomi know y're younr than me. i don't ink he kw exactl homuch old than hii was. and so i told him that i'm he didn't believe me. be 45 and and heook it and he seriously look at it. anhe was le, "wow. i said, "so, now h do
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you feel he's lik "you lo fantast, i'm not ing anywhere." >> joa so greato have you ck... a gling exame. [loud chring] >> my a-ha moment when i kne resurgence was something special was when mspa girliend, e one whs tried ery expeive prodt under e sun, ter i'd ly been ing the product e week, me up toe anwent, "wt have you and i , "it's e new rergence le that i using." >> now, ctor, i ow that u and youream at mad get ousands lettersrom wome but they shared one with mthat want to ke a momt and ju are it wh all yotoday. "being a four-time breast cancer survor, i hostly canay, i'm veryareful wt i put my skin and murad resurgence is the re of my le. will use for love it d thanksgain for crting sucan amazi prodt. let usll welco carolyn heering d applau] so glad to have you re. >>r. muradthank yofor
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that letter. what imeans toake caree of yourself. four-te cancerurvivor,ut i. n honest say, drmurad, i cannothank younough cause thproduct amazing sicks i was, brought all my surgenceroducts d i woul clb out of my hospital bed and put the surgencen. and the nurses would come in and ey'd say"you'd ner know wh you've en throu because u look shealthy. you abt it."lllet me tell [laughter] >> it's so perful wh you get up in thmorning d you lo in that rror-- >> that's right. >> and tt woman oking ba atou just s that gw. i've ner felt sgood. i feel 10 years younger and i cannot believe-- you're right, when i look in the mirror, i look... "wow, i look like i did maybe even 15 or i said"jeez, ieel good >> serioly, it cated you own litt personaresurgen.
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>> absolutely. i really watch what i put on my skin. for met, this the proctnt stan for rece, so myecipe of aing all these tngs differce in evybody's in. posterhild. the >> joa you areike the li-- post child. >> ijust oneight, i noced a dierence. itakes youeel grea whole th in it it anhave a [lghter] [cheering anapplause >> it's just this hethy, drated lk and i ve that. i feel unger, i look ynger. love howy skin lks. >>y skin literally glows. i t it on d there'a raance, a ow to mykin that i dot have whout it. >> ando all ofou at ho, if y haven'tlready, is my ho that yowill be spired phenomon that sweepince
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the nati. [applause]ning utoday. >> female announcer: what does it take to get skin this beautiful? just one thing: murad resurgence. rergence is the only comprehensive skin care line specifically designed to target all the signs of hormonally-aging skin. >> male announcer: murad resurgence has earned not one, not two, but four good housekeeping seals, so you can feel condent knong that you've made the best choice for your skin. >> female announcer: in just three simple steps, you can exfoliate dry, dead skin cells, help stimulate collagen production and lock in hydration the very first time you use it. murad resurgence is perfect for won of eve skin ty and that butiful, healthy, gwingut skin murad is famous for. >> male announcer: you could spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars on painful procedures without achieving the lasting results you're looking for. sold separately at retail,
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the regular price of resurgence is $182. buwhen youall now d buy direct from our warehouse, you can restore your youthful glow with a full 30-day supply of resurgence for only $49.95. you won't see this offer anywhere else. >>emale anuncer: and because dr. murais so committed to healthy skin for all women, for a limited time only, we're going to take an additional $10 off. that means you get the full resurgence kit for only $39.95. even better.uncer: and it gets en you'rone of the first 500 to call and order, we'll send you $50 in free gifts. >> female announcer: the murad get the glow bonus package includes the soothing sheer lustre day moisture with s.p.f. 15 to instantly hydrate your skin and deliver that natural, dewy glow. and the renewing eye cream. this triple threat to eye area aging combats puffiness, crow's-feet and dark circles. >> male announcer: plus, call in the next six minutes and you'll get an upgrade to priority shipping absolutely free. >> fale announcer: murad products are never tested on
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imals anall of o packang is 100% recyclable. we believe in the health of the environment as well as your skin. >> male announcer: resurgence is backed by our unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee, but you won't need 60 days to see results like these. if you're not thrilled with your results, simply return the products for a full refund of the purchase price. that's how confident we are that you're going to love murad resurgence. >> female announcer: keep the free gifts just for trying resurgence. call the number on your screen. >> malannounce the preding murad surgenceatiofor [whoosh]
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[♪...] >> announcer: this is a commercial presentation on behalf of no! no!, brought to you by radiancy. [♪...] now you too can discover for yourself why millions of women and men around the world have switched to no! no! from radiancy, the revolutionary home system for long-lasting hair removal that can be used on your face and your body. it's not a razor, it's not a laser, it's not waxing. it's no! no! from radiancy, the hair removal breakthrough that gives you no hair with no pain. >> it's effortless, it's painless-- there is no pain whatsoever. >> i don't have to worry about my moustache coming through, or my sideburn, and that's all because of no! no!. >> announcer: in style magazine named no! no! "beauty breakthrough of the year." >> this is a breakthrough item
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for women. it speaks directly to the need and the convenience that women want in hair removal. >> i don't have to make those trips to the salon, make those expensive and painful waxing appointments anymore. i can take care of everything that i need to with the no! no! at home-- no! no!'s been great. >> now that the hair on my back is gone, i'm just a lot more confident. >> announcer: no! no!'s thermicon technology uses gentle pulses of heat to achieve long-lasting hair removal. no! no! hair is safe and effective for all types of hair and skin colors. not only does no! no! remove hair with no pain, its patented technology slows down hair regrowth. >> it's easy to use, no irritation and the hair stays away for weeks. >> announcer: no! no! gives you smooth legs, no more razor burn, no more stubble. no! no! is perfect for your bikini area-- no more irritation, no more painful ingrown hairs. no! no! removes embarrassing facial hair-- no more tweezing, no more expensive salon bills.
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>> unwanted facial hair is a problem for millions of women and many people find it humiliating, so what a lot of women are gonna love about this is that you can use it on your face to address peach fuzz, sideburns, chin hairs, lip hairs... it's going to fill this need that a lot of women have. >> women love it. my sisters love it, my nieces love it... my husband loves it. >> announcer: stay tuned to discover why over two million women and men love no! no! now, let's join country music recording artist and emmy-nominated star of abc's one life to live, kassie depaiva. >> i have been battling unwanted hair all of my life. having hairy arms and facial hair has really, really been a painful issue for me, ever since i was a little girl growing up in kentucky. i can remember being teased in junior high for having a fuzzy face and gorilla arms. and now, as an actress, in front of the camera every single day, i always felt self-conscious,
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especially with these high-def cameras-- i mean, they see absolutely everything. and it's just so wonderful now with no! no! that i can just walk up on set and not feel that i am going to be noticed for all the wrong things, but i'm going to be noticed for all the good. no! no! is not a razor, but it safely removes hair with no pain, and it doesn't leave any nicks, cuts, bumps, or ingrown hairs. no! no! works on all hair color and all skin types. and you can use no! no! all over your body, including your face. and because it's cordless, you can use it anywhere. >> one of the reasons no! no! is so popular around the world is that not only we can remove hair from legs and arms and underarms and bikini lines, but for the first time, we can remove hair from the face, which has been a problem for millions of people around the world. >> all of us women have little facial hair that bugs us. myself, i have to deal with upper lip hair so, you know, just going like this, uh,
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a couple of times, you know, a month, less and less as the more i use it, is perfect for me. >> i've always battled facial hair-- it's something that i'm really self-conscious about. now i've been using no! no! consistently and the hair's gone. >> no! no! takes just a few minutes. and when you're finished, you use one of these buffing pads. it is specifically designed to remove the crystallized hair left behind after the treatment and to exfoliate your skin so it has a smooth, polished glow. >> i love having smooth legs, without all the stubble and the razor burn and that sort of thing. i mean, it feels good and it looks good. >> i always hated the hair my chest and i did try to wax it by myself one time at home and the pain was unbearable, and with the no! no! hair, you do not have that. it's painless and the hair's gone for weeks. >> man: i always hated the hair on my back and i tried waxing, i tried hair removal cream, i even tried shaving, and it just... none of 'em worked-- everything
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was just painful, red. the no! no!, my girlfriend helped me do it and now it's smooth-- it feels great. [♪...] >> announcer: now you too can discover for yourself why millions of women and men around the world have switched to no! no! from radiancy, the revolutionary home system for long-lasting hair removal that can be used on your face and your body. no! no! gives you no hair with no pain. >> it's effortless, it's painless-- there is no pain whatsoever. >> i don't have to worry about my moustache coming through, or my sideburn, and that's all because of no! no! >> announcer: in style magazine named no! no! "beauty breakthrough of the year." plus, it's become a worldwide sensation, with over two million customers in 50 countries. no! no! is easy to use-- you simply glide no! no! over your skin. no! no!'s patented thermicon technology delivers a gentle pulse of heat over the skin to immediately remove and
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crystallize the hair, for hair removal that lasts. >> this is a breakthrough item for women. it speaks directly to the need and the convenience that women want in hair removal. >> announcer: look at all you get when you order direct from television: the cordless no! no! with l.c.d. display and charger... a set of thermicon tips-- narrow for delicate areas, including your face and bikini area, and wide for your legs and arms... a specially designed buffer pad to exfoliate and polish your skin. plus, call the number on your screen and you'll receive no! no! smooth cream with capislow-- a $20 value, it's yours when you order now. but we're not stopping there. act now and we'll also include this stylish carrying case, valued at $20. and get this: radiancy, the makers of no! no!, will let you try it risk-free for not 30 days, but 60 days, with a triple guarantee. if you use no! no! for 60 days
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and are not 100% satisfied, then we'll refund the purchase price, refund the shipping and even pay the return postage. call the number on your screen. [♪...] [music changes] >> kassie: i love my no! no! so much that i tell everyone i know about it. [chuckles] well, i even raved about it on my website, and i was amazed at how so many women wrote to me and sent me their home videos, telling me their hair removal horror stories. each story was different. but one thing that they all had in common was how much they hate the time, and the money they spent, and the pain that they endured getting rid of all that unwanted hair. so i invited them to join me to try no! no! and to also join
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me for a chit-chat. here we are, ladies, together to talk about no! no! what do you think? >> i just loved it. i used it on my legs and it was so easy and so smooth. >> were you nervous? >> i was really nervous. i thought it was gonna hurt. >> no! no pain! no pain and no hair! [laughter] >> it was great-- smooth and easy. >> great. >> loved it. >> i loved it where you could use it everywhere. i could use it on my arms, my legs, my bikini line, my face, it didn't leave stubble, i wasn't afraid to use it, and literally, it's very painless. the no! no!'s actually really amazing-- i was surprised. >> yeah, just glide it over your skin and no hair. >> i keep telling all my friends about it and they keep asking me where to get it. >> i know, it's fantastic. >> i love the fact that i can use it on my face, and i've been able to erase my moustache and my little chin hair and whiskers. i can't imagine life without it now. >> to say, "erase your moustache..." ladies, i don't know how many of you out there have that problem, but... i did. so, tiffany...
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>> what i love about no! no! is i use this no! no! from my face to my arms now, and the legs-- i mean, every portion of my body. i feel like it's just a lifesaver. >> she's the no! no! girl. [laughter] >> announcer: no! no! continues to receive rave reviews. allure magazine said... >> no! no!'s making news, because with consistent use, it slows down the actual regrowth of your hair. but you know what, don't just take my word for it. meet dr. dina strachan, a dermatologist, who recommends no! no! to her patients at her manhattan office. >> as a harvard- and yale-educated physician, one of the things that makes me very comfortable talking about no! no! is all the research and the clinical trials that show that it really does work, and that's why i feel confident recommending it to my patients. >> look at these pictures.
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on the left you see a patch of hair before treating it with no! no! the middle picture shows the same patch of arm hair after being treated by no! no! twice a week for six weeks. as you can see, the density and number of hairs has been dropped dramatically. well, we left the arm untreated for six weeks, and as you can see, almost no hair came back. that is the no! no! difference. >> i used to spend 10, 15 minutes in the shower shaving every day, and with no! no!, i don't have to do that anymore. it's so great. >> before i discovered no! no!, i did laser hair removal, and it was so painful i couldn't even finish out the sessions. um, i had to stop going. it was very expensive, it was time-consuming, and i couldn't finish it, it hurt so bad. it's like a rubber band snapping youskin on fire. it was really unbearable. and no! no! hair is pain-free and i had a great result, and i could do it right in my own home. [♪...] >> announcer: now you too can discover for yourself
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why millions of women and men around the world have switched to no! no! from radiancy, the revolutionary home system for long-lasting hair removal that can be used on your face and your body. no! no! gives you no hair with no pain. >> it's effortless, it's painless-- there is no pain whatsoever. >> i don't have to worry about my moustache coming through, or my sideburn, and that's all because of no! no! >> announcer: in style magazine named no! no! "beauty breakthrough of the year." plus, it's become a worldwide sensation, with over two million customers in 50 countries. >> this is a breakthrough item for women. it speaks directly to the need and the convenience that women want in hair removal. >> announcer: no! no! was developed by radiancy, the global leader in professional phototherapy beauty devices used by doctors, salons, and spas around the world. no! no! delivers professional-looking results right in the privacy of your own home. no! no! gives you smooth legs--
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no more razor burn, no more stubble. no! no! is perfect for your bikini area-- no more irritation, no more painful ingrown hairs. no! no! removes embarrassing facial hair-- no more tweezing, no more expensive salon bills. no! no! is easy to use. you simply glide no! no! over your skin. no! no!'s patented thermicon technology delivers a gentle pulse of heat over the skin to immediately remove and crystallize the hair. next, remove the crystallized hair and exfoliate your skin with the no! no! polishing buffer pads. the result is smooth skin without that stubble feel. your no! no! comes with an l.c.d. display and features three treatment levels for you to choose from, so you can get the most comfortable and effective results possible. and men love no! no! too, because it gives them sexy, clean-looking skin. >> it's easy to use, no irritation, and the hair
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stays away for weeks. >> announcer: wax treatments at the salon are painful and expensive and can cost you over a thousand dollars a year for the rest of your life, and the hair still grows back. look at all you get when you order direct from television: the cordless no! no! with l.c.d. display and charger... a set of thermicon tips-- narrow for delicate areas, including your face and bikini area, and wide for your legs and arms... a specially designed buffer pad to exfoliate and polish your skin. plus, call the number on your screen and you'll receive no! no! smooth cream with capislow-- a $20 value, it's yours when you order now. but we're not stopping there. act now and we'll also include this stylish carrying case, valued at $20. and get this: radiancy, the makers of no! no!, will let you try it risk-free for not 30 days, but 60 days, with a triple guarantee. if you use no! no! for 60 days
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and are not 100% satisfied, then we'll refund the purchase price, refund the shipping and even pay the return postage. >> we know that people love no! no! the first time they use it, but we want to show them that with repeated use, hair comes back finer and thinner. this is why we offer the 60-day triple guarantee, so people can see firsthand the no! no! difference. [♪...] call the number on your screen. [♪...] >> what you're gonna love about no! no! is how smooth and sexy your skin will look and feel. and remember, because you're zapping the hairs and removing it from the skin, you're not gonna feel that awful stubble that grows back in hours or days. >> well, thank goodness my, my good girlfriend kassie said, "you gotta check this thing out. i know you've read about it in allure magazine and you've seen
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things on the internet," she said, "it's no joke. no! no! is gonna change your life." and so, uh, she sent me one and i started using it and i was just so excited. and i'm also really confident, now that we're going to be shooting in high-def on all my children, that none of this facial hair is gonna show. i have just gotten rid of that in a painless, easy fashion. >> as a father to a 12-year-old, i've seen that the need to remove hair starts very early. they want to remove hair from their legs, from their underarms. when no! no! glides across the skin, it's very safe-- we don't harm the skin, we don't harm anything around the hair. no! no!'s patented thermicon technology is the only solution which is painless. >> for millions of women, facial hair is an issue. i personally, even as a beauty editor, you know, going in to get my eyebrows done and asking to have my lip waxed, it's not something i feel good about and
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i think, um, i empathize with women everywhere. you know, you don't want to walk in and say, "take this off." so, the idea of having no! no! be safe and effective, to actually remove the hair at home, i mean, it's definitely a win-win. [♪...] >> kassie: now, to show all you all at home how fast and effective the no! no! really works, i have invited my dear hunka-hunka burnin' love husband, jim depaiva, to demonstrate, to be our guinea pig. so let's show them on your beautiful... look at this hairy arm. look at this-- he is all man. [laughter] uh-huh, uh-huh, so come on, let's show this. >> and i normally don't remove the hair on my arms; i'm doing this just for you, honey. >> are you ready to...? >> first i wanted to say that when you first told me about this-- i've watched my wife go through everything... >> i told you! >> between the electrolysis, i mean, it's been painful. she tried to kick me in the head once for trying to remove her hair for her... [laughter] and she brought the no! no! home and i said, "o.k., we've been through everything." so i said, "let me try it," 'cause i'm the world's biggest skeptic... >> he didn't believe it-- i said, "look, this is so easy!" >> so i took it and i went right
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like this... just up my arm, started doing it on my arm and going, "wait a minute, my hair's going away." and what's amazing about this, for me, is just that it's so easy to use. >> yes-- you see how the blue light is just gliding right over your skin and guiding you to the perfect no! no! experience. just buff that out. within a minute, this gentleman is hair-free. and look at the difference. look at that! [women exclaim] unbelievable. this was kassie's arm before... [laughter] >> jim: and her legs. >> and my legs, my bikini line, every little bit. and we've used it on the back of... >> yeah, that's what we found a great use for it, is to get rid of that hair on the nape of your neck that always, you know, kind of connects to your back and everything else. it gives me a hairline. >> yeah. it looks great and it's all smooth and it's fantastic. so, it's a little secret. take it home to your husbands. [laughter] this just proves that no! no! is not only great for women, it's also very effective for men. >> it's idiot-proof if i can do it. >> idiot-proof, yes... you're not an idiot, honey. you married me! [laughter]
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[♪...] >> announcer: now you too can discover for yourself why millions of women and men around the world have switched to no! no! from radiancy, the revolutionary home system for long-lasting hair removal that can be used on your face and your body. no! no! gives you no hair with no pain. >> it's effortless, it's painless-- there is no pain whatsoever. >> i don't have to worry about my moustache coming through, or my sideburn, and that's all because of no! no! >> announcer: in style magazine named no! no! "beauty breakthrough of the year." plus, it's become a worldwide sensation, with over two million customers in 50 countries. no! no! is easy to use-- you simply glide no! no! over your skin. no! no!'s patented thermicon technology delivers a gentle pulse of heat over the skin to immediately remove and crystallize the hair, for hair removal that lasts. >> this is a breakthrough item for women. it speaks directly to the need
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and the convenience that women want in hair removal. >> announcer: look at all you get when you order direct from television: the cordless no! no! with l.c.d. display and charger... a set of thermicon tips-- narrow for delicate areas, including your face and bikini area, and wide for your legs and arms... a specially designed buffer pad to exfoliate and polish your skin. plus, call the number on your screen and you'll receive no! no! smooth cream with capislow-- a $20 value, it's yours when you order now. but we're not stopping there. act now and we'll also include this stylish carrying case, valued at $20. and get this: radiancy, the makers of no! no!, will let you try it risk-free for not 30 days, but 60 days, with a triple guarantee. if you use no! no! for 60 days and are not 100% satisfied, then we'll refund the purchase price, refund the shipping and even pay
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the return postage. call the number on your screen. [♪...] >> kassie: well, so far we've been sitting here, talking about all the different ways we've used and tried to get rid of this unwanted hair, right? my husband can't believe that i would actually pay a stranger to put wax on my body and rip those hairs out. >> aside from the pain is the cost. >> absolutely. >> when i used to wax, i would have-- i mean, i'm part italian, i'd have to go every two to three weeks, so that's a few times a month, i'm spending $75 to have this pain of waxing on my legs and then, you know, who has time or money for that? >> i know. >> you know, over the course of a year, spending $75 every two to three weeks, that's thousands of dollars over the year. i can't do that. >> with no! no!, pain-free and extra money in your pocket, so it's... >> good stuff. [laughs]
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love it. >> yeah, i got talked into doing the laser hair removal with my girlfriend, and i paid thousands of dollars because i thought i would never have to shave or wax my bikini line again, and they said that it was "a bit painful." well, that was not true. they have, it's like a gun, it's a laser gun that they pass over your skin, and they say it's like rubber bands-- it's not like rubber bands. it's so, so painful. so, about halfway through, the results weren't very good, i was very disappointed by them and they said, "well, it's because you're so blond." well, i wish i would've known that from the beginning. >> well, hello? >> so, i finished, you know, i finished it, but it all grew back, i was super disappointed, and i went back to shaving, but not anymore. i've gone to the no! no! and it is... i have great results with this and the hair is not growing back as fast and it's... >> no hair, no pain. >> i wish i had found no! no! years ago. i spent thousands of dollars on laser hair removal. they told me i was the perfect candidate. i have light skin and dark hair. and look what happened. i'm permanently scarred. it literally took the skin off my leg. the pigment is gone.
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i'm embarrassed wearing bathing suits, i'm embarrassed wearing skirts. i just... i don't do it anymore. and not only that, the hair's grown back. it's a complete waste of money. >> announcer: no! no! continues to receive rave reviews. elle magazine said, "no! no! was painless, easier to use and not as messy as waxing." marie claire magazine said, "now with no! no!, you can bring the doctor's office or salon home with one of these gorgeous gadgets." >> i didn't think i was a particularly hairy person until i bought a magnification makeup mirror and i realized that i had a pretty substantial moustache, and it was very embarrassing, it's embarrassing for women. and so, you know, you want to get rid of that, but let me tell you something... waxing, electrolysis, it's expensive, you have to get dressed, go in the car, make an appointment... i don't have the time for that. so to have something like this
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at home where you just turn it on and you use it on your face, you know, and, and you're done, it's just been a real life-changing product for me. >> the name, it says it all. no! no! delivers no hair with no pain. it is that simple, folks. and remember, the best part is that my friends at radiancy, the makers of no! no!, are willing to prove it to you. they'll let you try no! no! risk-free for not 30 days, but for 60 days. yeah, that's right. now, here's how it works. if you no! no! for 60 days and you're not 100% satisfied, then we'll refund your purchase price, refund the shipping and handling, and even pay the return postage. this means that you can use no! no! in your home for 60 days with no risk whatsoever. now, have you ever heard of another company offering this type of deal?
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>> i think it's wonderful that they, you know, present this challenge to people, say, "look, we have this wonderful product. try it, please try it for 60 days, you are guaranteed to see results, but give it the time, give it the effort and you'll get everything you want in return," which is just so wonderful. >> i bought a lot of products on tv before and there's always a catch. with no! no!, there's no risk and you can't beat that. >> i don't have to make those trips to the salon, make those expensive and painful waxing appointments anymore. i can take care of everything that i need to with the no! no! at home, on my schedule, and it saves time and money. i love no! no! >> if you want to get rid of embarrassing facial hair... if you want smooth, sexy legs without ever having to shave again... if you never want to feel the pain of waxing ever again, then no! no! is for you. [♪...] >> announcer: now you too can discover for yourself why millions of women and men around the world have switched to no! no! from radiancy,
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the revolutionary home system for long-lasting hair removal that can be used on your face and your body. no! no! gives you no hair with no pain. >> it's effortless, it's painless-- there is no pain whatsoever. >> i don't have to worry about my moustache coming through, or my sideburn, and that's all because of no! no! >> announcer: in style magazine named no! no! "beauty breakthrough of the year." plus, it's become a worldwide sensation, with over two million customers in 50 countries. >> this is a breakthrough item for women. it speaks directly to the need and the convenience that women want in hair removal. >> announcer: no! no! was developed by radiancy, the global leader in professional phototherapy beauty devices used by doctors, salons, and spas around the world. no! no! delivers professional-looking results right in the privacy of your own home. no! no! gives you smooth legs-- no more razor burn, no more stubble. no! no! is perfect for your
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bikini area-- no more irritation, no more painful ingrown hairs. no! no! removes embarrassing facial hair-- no more tweezing, no more expensive salon bills. no! no! is easy to use. you simply glide no! no! over your skin. no! no!'s patented thermicon technology delivers a gentle pulse of heat over the skin to immediately remove and crystallize the hair. next, remove the crystallized hair and exfoliate your skin with the no! no! polishing buffer pads. the result is smooth skin without that stubble feel. your no! no! comes with an l.c.d. display and features three treatment levels for you to choose from, so you can get the most comfortable and effective results possible. and men love no! no! too, because it gives them sexy, clean-looking skin. >> it's easy to use, no irritation, and the hair stays away for weeks. >> announcer: wax treatments at the salon are painful and expensive and can cost you over
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a thousand dollars a year for the rest of your life, and the hair still grows back. look at all you get when you order direct from television: the cordless no! no! with l.c.d. display and charger... a set of thermicon tips-- narrow for delicate areas, including your face and bikini area, and wide for your legs and arms... a specially designed buffer pad to exfoliate and polish your skin. plus, call the number on your screen and you'll receive no! no! smooth cream with capislow-- a $20 value, it's yours when you order now. but we're not stopping there. act now and we'll also include this stylish carrying case, valued at $20. and get this: radiancy, the makers of no! no!, will let you try it risk-free for not 30 days, but 60 days, with a triple guarantee. if you use no! no! for 60 days and are not 100% satisfied, then we'll refund the purchase price,
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refund the shipping and even pay the return postage. >> we know that people love no! no! the first time they use it, but we want to show them that with repeated use, hair comes back finer and thinner. this is why we offer the 60-day triple guarantee, so people can see firsthand the no! no! difference. [♪...] call the number on your screen. [♪...] this was a commercial presentation on behalf of no! no! produced by schulberg mediaworks.
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