tv Community Affairs KCNS April 1, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PDT
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hi, i'm richard karn. and i'm robin hartl. thughout o careers, both bin and i have worked with some othe finest tools othe marketbut today we want to show y the besladder we've ever used, the little giant ladderystem. the lile giant is more than st a ladr; it's entire ladder system. it's actually 24 ladders in one. it's a tool that richard and i both own and love. in fact, i've ned my ltle giant foover sixears. the lile giants the most versatile dder evecreated. you can safely use the ltle giant stairs,neven rfaces, d for every job oenti garage ll of laerslace an but stores in only four feet seven ches of ace. the first little giant ladders were sold over thirtyears ag since that time thlittle giant haperfted so tt today 'red and absotely theest built isy dbt strongt, safes most
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veatile laer in thworld. there are ll over million oud owne of the little giant. the american-made ttle gia ladder systehas one the highest customer satisfaction ratings of any product on the market today. coming up, we'll show you how yocan get ur own little giant ladder system. with t little ant, one laer will it all. wife les it. sband likes it. e neighb likes i it's lht and y it's stdy it'she safest, most reliable, best investment you can make in lperi.. today the founr of theittle ant ladd system, the ladde man himself, our friend hal wing. richard, how are you hal,ood to see you. i'm soxcited to be here. well, we're glad to have y. thank u. now, i'm sure ouviewers t there artrying tfigure out whatakes thiladder s special. can yspecl this lder is? solutely i'd loveo. i guess the best place to stt right he with t hinge. 's the songest pnt of th it wl hold uto 1200 unds
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and 's so ea to use. just by ing the nge, youan or y can opeit back just like that. and the nice thing about it is it won't close up on you, it won't pull art on you, and there are no spreader bars to get in your way. it's all done right here in the hinge. now, by using that hinge combined with these lock tabs you're looking at not just one ladder, but you're looking at a four foot, a five foot, a six foot, and it's a seven foot. so basically what you have is four different a-frames right inside this one ladder. and the beautiful part about that is you have rungs up both sides. you don't have to move the ladder so often and each rung will hold 300 pounds. now, if you have a sloping ground, a ramp,r even staircas, you caadjust it just that easy-right over the stairs, in the middle of the strs, at the top of e stairs, the bottom of the and ain, onef the worst thgs that u can dohen you high you go,he furth away
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yoare fromour work how do solve tt? we, with the little giant me down put it what we crobi would y mind clbing i thinyou've ud this bore. lots otimes. mo times tn i can count and get a loof paintg.d i can see that? she's right up next to her work. she doesn't have to reach, she doesn'have to retch, a ok, going just a little bit rther. everybody has to get up and cln the rain guttersnce in a ile or rch that cond story wiow. so with the little giant you just go backo your hge, low them to snap io place, fyou' ever gog to getourr nds on. you have a wide flare at the top. you have a wide flare at the bottom. you ha nice, st, rubbe non-skideet at bh ends. iton't marhe walls it won let youlip. and thenou can bng it do e rung aa time jt like this and adjust it wherever you you gethe leng that yoneed
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r the joat hand. the othething th's nice about th-have yoseen any pes or pleys on is ladde at hang and getou tripp up? with o design,ou don'teed tha ti every pce you and evenf you mi the hole, th snap inutomatically. and then youo back tyour hie, drop is down,nd when you've seen everything that a laer can d let me ow you again u have tgo back the hinge, pl out yo lock ta, give ia nice t, and yoll tice it has these n-slip feet othe bott which mes, course, very ni a-frame estle. and th, if youonnect tm gether wh the lo tabs, y ve a vernice basfor rnow,ou make is too, n'tg you? we make ese too. this ian optio w, think about this-yocan ke this long asou want. you don't have to move that ladder ery few ft. you can do the wholeide of a house you wanto.
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do youant to cmb up he wiacpartf the laer.favite i t so mucwork donthis way. come on up. are you coming up here or what? homuch is is builtor? i don'know howuch you igh. m not gog to ask but yore goingo be wel below thhalf-tonor thousd pod capaci. well, i'just abo 150 pous here. w our laers willold 300 pounit dsn't evebend.h of the it'sery secu. no, itmovedoesn't ist.'t [chuckling] now really folks, at you've got heres the leyou makehat decion.nd i'll you just hold it back a little bit and it slides right out. and then when you want to click it up into place, you just lift up the other end and it clicks into place. i couldn't believe it. you don't have to do it, it does it itself. the little giant has a really great capability. it will fit in my car. it can fit in the back seat, we can shut the door and move it any place we want. robin, let's shothe folkat home t differee betweean
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dinary a thladd.e giant is is ana cross section.ail, slide at over e end he. let'see whatou can do with a lile bit oleverage [shoed] lookt that! at's a ltle too sy. look athat. it's cmbling rht theren the midd. [chuto me it hapn. take ch d again,ou don'tant to be very high the airith sometthat amazing , let's the samtest wit a litt giant rl. thiss a crossection. asou can s it's a x frame alrit, we'llnsert th in e clamp. just p the levage on tre. ok, justalrighit and st twistt like..stroh, me on. let get theottom. gi him a ltle help [all lauing] thiis just t going. can't. there'no way. would mu rather ve twist this one daresay at that etty wel sums it up. it does. would thk so.
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this thing is strong and it takes a lot of abuse. it's solid. it doesn't sway. it doesn't move around at all. the sturdiness gives me the extra security knowing, "hey, i'm not going to fall off this thing." odds are you already have a ladder. most people do. but the facts are you will get more done easier, quicker, and safer with your little giant ladder. anarou stairs u know tt's work nearlymordinary but with a little giant, it's as easy aworking flat grnd. the little giant jt makes sense. it's the strongest, safest, most versatile ladder ever made. and with the special offer and the no-risk guarantee there's no need to wait. call and order yours now. well, when the little giant came i cut that piece of the box off, nailed it up on my garage wall so then i could always remember the different ways i could use it. the little giant helped me paint my kitchen. i was le to ane the laer the stas and i s able t i fe sturdy d steadynd i waable to int the rners
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and the p and thceiling without problem. the ttle gia ladder s some the mosdemandincustomer in theorld. miliry have rchased d are ing the ttle gia ladder systems in aide variy of applicatns. e of the applications we use it is at the launch pad. we actlly are ing to u it, it got to throughome very all confed space we get it down into the mole and tn actual fold it t to itsull size the little giant lder is s versatilthat it sically accommated ataskour unual lile giant ladders a very duble. they're dependable, a very rigid ladder. operors and then you a all their gear and you're look at about a 300 pound gu ey're very structurally sound and safe to able to get where they need to go when they've got a weaponn their nd. i own three of them. i'm a general contractor and i wouldn't own any other ladder. i'm a general contractor and i've owned my own personal little giant for 25 years. i'm the rescue captain in my volunteer fire department and i
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keep a 17-footer on my truck. we use it for everything. this ladder is second to none and i would never trust the safety of my men to something of lesser quality. i'm a little bit of big guy so the security and safety of it just blew me away. it's very stable, very safe, easy to get up and down on. the rungs don't hurt your feet. do you feel comfortable up there? oh yeah. can you shake a little bit? i can shake a lot. it's not going anywhere. i mean, it's awesome. i weigh 380 pounds and i'm not afraid. u'll be azed witthe rength, fety, an versatily of thiladder. and the ttle gia weighs at just pounds. that's less than you3 year old. with the little giant,ou'll ve many bs compled in th tout w to get those ordinary ladders into the house. i'm 73 years old and i can get on that ladder and do anything i
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want because it's safer than walking up stairs i think. if you want to change a light bulb i don't care how high it is. in my house i can get it and we have some pretty tall ceilings. i lift it around. if i want to fix a curtain or hang a drape or do anything i've got my little giant. it's just the perfect thing. anybody could use this ladder. you're only pushing in two knobs and yore only lling oua cole of ba in the dder i me, there e only smany moving pts. mean, it notall.cult at ifou see idone once, you a quity ladd really n't a lury. with all you do, it's a necessity. think about the times you could have used a little giant. this is one rchase you'll be glad you made. you'll use your little giant for the rest of your life. it's an investment to last a lifetime. so we highly recommend that you order yours right now.
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thlittle gnt laddesystem is actually 24 ladders in one. you get several sizes of a-frame ladders, staircase ladders, 90-degree ladders, extension ladders, and two trestles for scaffolding all in one small sy-to-ste packag th the ltle gianyou can easily work on stairs, uneven surfacesand safe do all those difficult jobs around your home or fice thayou just coul't do inhe past. when w the last time youelt safe andecure at the top of a dder? the strong and sturdy little giant won't bend and sway like ordiry ladde. you'll ner againave to ladds througyour hommsy easi moved en into t most diffult situions. agianin your r insteaof onle top your ca and you get rid of all tse unsighy, dangeus ladde at clutt up the rage wit st one cpact, ea-to-use, do-it-all ladder system.
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you caown the rongest, syst ever ma-the faviteer ladder system of professionals d home oers for er 30 ars. you could expect to spend six to eight hundred dollars on several ordinary ladders just to match the quality and versatility of but u won't y anywhe near thator a lite giant. ll now a try a ltle giant your ho or on the job for 30 days. if you don't absolutely love it, send it back and we'll refund your money no questions asked. but we're not done yet. when you call today, you'll be tomaticay upgrad, free o charge, the newt little giant ladder-the new little ant xtre. the under ofhe littlgiant ladder hal wing, is abouto veil forhe firstime the amazing new little giant xtreme.
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lks, i aso proud i haven't been this proud since my first child was born. have i got something in store for you. wait until you see the new little giant xtreme. couldn't get any better, t new little gnt laddeis even stronger, safer, and more versatile than ever before. introducg the lile giant xtreme the little gnt xtremis the finestadder in the world wi the newock lock you can confuration the nexeven ster andasier th ever before. wi the newafety ra you'll feelven more stable and secure you' be shocd at howafe you fe with sothing toold on to. the new xtreme also comes with a new built-in comfort step. anding othe comft step feels just like standingn the ground. the nehinges a even ronger, easier to engage, and they keethe litt giant reme rocsolid inny
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configurion. newly degned nonlip rubb feet comned with wide fle athe base the ladr add even me safetynd stabity to thetreme. the nextreme ao comes th eels. moving a lder fromlace to place s never en easie if youe ever snt a lotf me on a dder, yoll apprecte the n wider rgs of theittwider rungs.e0% the fuel tank is a one-gallon vertical paint tray. with the fuel nk, you' never again waste time cliing up a down the ladder for int. thers even aounting acket foyour rolr and deil brh. and tank canup is breeze.uel the spial non-ick polyr lining ls you pe the pai right out. the aideck hol you too. 's yothe p of theadder. the air ck can hd nearly ery toolou'll ev need. there's so a magtic trayor screw, ns, and bts. and be yet, the's even cup holder.
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the xtme pullspart inttwo estles. new trestle bracketsre cluded with every ttle gia xtreme tmake your scaffolding en more stable andecure. bencor even saw stand as a wor the new little gnt xtremis malumum alloyhat was leadg edge ofighter te wings. e littleiant xtre is now even stronger and liter than er befor at little giant our ladders are not ma to last year orwo. our ladders are ilt to lt entire genations. your american-made little giant xtreme will come with a full lifetime warranty. this is the last ladder you will ever have to buy. there's no amount of money you can spend on any other ladder and get the same benefits, quality, and safety of a little git xtreme the litt giant xeme is t finestadder inhe world call now and try a little giant xtreme in your home or on the job for 60 days.
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if you don't absolutlyn't , send it back and we'll refund your money no questions asked. but it gets even better. call now and you'll get free shipping. that's right, the fully assembled little giant xtreme will come right to your frond door with no shipping charges what so ever. and your american-made little giant xtreme will come with a full lifetime warranty. when you consider the longevity of a little giant it's a better value than nearly anything else you'll buy in your lifetime. this ladder has one of the highest customer satisfaction ratings you can get. call the number on your screen and get a little giant xtreme on the way to your home right now. this ladder rocks. hal, show us a the coonew uff. she isn'kidding anybody. is thing is fantasc. thisadder's not only bter in everway,lighteghter. cayou image that? and the ason it'lighter we used brand necomposit loy that used onhe leadi
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edges the win of fighr anes. rely? anwe're thonly ladr cit n only stnger, buevens liter thanhe origil little giant. look at is. [impressed] wo check that out ve got to try that wo it is lighter! now yothought was just owing of didn't you? not onlys it liger, look at ese rockocks. nobody ithe worlhas thes one nger, ju one sine fingernd out icomes ju put ur rock cks backn. theyind theiown leve yeahgo aheadnd do th.. it canlookt that. the rock lks are seasy to use. vand w pull iback up,lick it togher. i'm gointo let robin show u how easy it iso move fm one project to the nt. lo at that i love this. isn'that nic st wheelhat around wherer it'sust so easy to traport. there you . u don't st have push yo husbajustush it aund.
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robin, i nd a helpg hand. ok, have he a comfo platformhe only ticulate laer in thwhole wod that has that haveomethingo hang tess u so whawe have re is a ry ce safetgrip. thsafelikehat.ts ihere w i haveometontoo hang now folk i've be doing dders fo40 yearsok? and i've never felt this safe and this secure on any ladder ever. unyou' never rlly gointo derstandow total secure and comftable hereel up tnow,hen you' going tdo a job you ed to ta tools a equient withou. well, a, now wgo from fety raito an aideck whe we have all nds of pces to puattachmes. justincome ove make yrself usul as we as [rob laughin you know what? we're the only ladder the world at has alace to t yo cup.
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love tha ok, theryou go. hey, givme some uff. ts and bts. and hate chang thosehings. yoknow, people are ud to gog up andaving nu and bolts fa all ovethe plac i can en standhem on e. givee a hamm. give me drill. there you go. here's a drill dver. give ma screwdver. how out a wrch?iver? give mwhateverou've got. ha you gotnything else? how abousome windshield waer fluid? a lighbulb, i' even goa ace for light bulbs. and you neea snack? a candy r. something to keep me-does your wi know th's missi? hucklinganyway, it's the greatestadder inhe world lks. d you'veot room r and w, whereo we puthe int? i haven answeror that o. heree go. call th the fuetank and it much mu more th just somelet meave a brh, ok? the fit thing at's ververy thisrush, itoes downn the pat, and y have toish it out. you' got a ne littleagnet
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d it han ontotherght d with t roller,oila! anyou knowhat folk it holdsn entireallon! ink abouthat. insteaof just quart th yorladderrying toet ande you' got it l right re. d it's n just fopaint. tsuppes, you n even p some ofi'm ing to l robin dthet ago cleanup. so robin it's up to you. and i actually really hate the eanup. but th fuel ta is madeut of a speci materiathat lows me make th cleanup easy. so all i need to do is now just peel this paint away just like th. ist this azing? makes iso easy at i don even md painti anymore isn't at a lotasier th trying tstrip onof those things o with pat thinne [impress] isn't at incredible? wow! look ait'ss clean as new. and you ow, you n put fruit
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int, you c put too in it. it just woerful. i'going toemove thouter base totally off of the ladder. i'm gointo hand that to yo cayou take that? ok. wow, that's so light. and then we' going to go back down tthe other side and remove again the outer base. thank you veryuch. we are also going inude a pair of trese brackets. what ian do wi those, rst slip one in this sid put one in this de, and en you take the two-thank you, robin. you're welcome. ke the ttogether.em insert a would you adjust th over the for merobin? there you go w we hava nice sffolding anit's wonrful. co on up he with m ok. now you don't have to move the ladder every feweet. you ve a very nice scaffolding syem builtight in your ladder. eyou ve a tenncy to wt to drag the well witthe litt giant reme, yodon't ha to do
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at. you ju tilt itack ontots whls and l the whes do the work. u just rl it intposition anvoila! you know litt giant?out the you can go from four foot seven to a sladderith easeexnsion show them how it'sone, rob. i needo get upn the ro and do mchristmalights. i just ph the hie in on e side, wa under i and- th only ladder in the wld that you can wa under that gives you gooduck. [robin lghs] nowwhat we' tallrder for very pete woman. watch what we do here. hal, cld you be the hous i ceri'lle your house, ok? [cckling] ok, you be my house. and then i just walkt up run and feel suca sense t easy. accomplishment. wow, isn't that grt? foy years america craftsmanship. we'vbeen buiing ladds for fortyears anmaking ibetter nobo can evecome clo to
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plicatinthat. and you know what that means for it mea that my work is fter, it's easr, and is safer. anher thin two words: lifetimearranty. don't kn any oth ladder gives u a thir day warnty. we give you a lifetime warranty. and more than th, we'll ve yosixty guartee.y ck you get, and you don't likit, and it dsn't do at i tel you it's goibacko do, send it i'll take it back. just wheyou thout a ladd coul't get any better,he new littleiant ladr is eve stronger, safer, and more veintrucing thlittle gntre. xtreme. thlittle gnt xtremis the finest lder in t world. wi thquicy change from one configurion to t next ev faster a easier an ever before. withhe new sety railou'll fe eat theop of thladder.ure
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you'lle shockeat how se yofeel witsomethinto hold on to. the new xtreme also comes with a built-in comfort step. standi on the mfort st feels just like stanng on th the w hingesre even ronger, easier to engage, and ey keep the littleiant xtreme rock solid inny confuration. newly desied non-sp rubber eat t base ofhe laddeadd ev more to t xtreme.lity the new reme alscomes wi wheels. plachas nevebeen easr.o you've er spent lot of ti on a laer, you' apeciate t new wid rungs of the little git xtreme0% wider rungs. the fuel tank is a one-gallon vertical paint tray. again ste timelimbing ander down the ladder for paint. there'even a mnting brket r your rler and tail ush. and the st part,ith the el nk clean is a brze.
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the specl non-stk polyme ning lets you peelaint rig out. it's yr portable work beh at the top the ladr. the aideck canold near ery toolou'll ev need. the's also magnetitray for scws, nutsand bolt and best y, there'even a c the reme pul apart io two trtles. new trese bracke are ixtreme to makeour scaffolding even more able andecure. it can also be used a work bench even a w stand. the new little giant xtreme is madef a new oprietar aluminumlloy that was speciay design for the leading ge of fiter jet wings. e little giant xtreme is now even stronger and lighr than er before. at little giant our ladders are nomade to st a yeaor two. ouenti generatns. to lt your american-made little giant xtreme will come with a full lifetime warranty.
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this is the last ladder you will ever have to buy. there's no amount of money you can spend on any other ladder and get the same benefits, quality, gianxtreme.of a little fine ladder the wor.e ishe call now and try a little giant xtreme in your home or on the job for 60 days. if you don't absolutlyif yy love it, send it back and we'll refund your money no questions asked. but it gets even better. call now and you'll get free shippig. that's right the fully assembled little giant xtreme will come right to your front door with no shipping charges what so ever. and your american-made littlet giant xtreme will come with a full lifetime warranty. when you consider the longevity of a little giant, it's a better value than nearly anything else you'll buy in your lifetime. this ladder has one of the highest customer satisfaction ratings you can get. call the number on your screen and get a little giant xtreme on the way to your home right now.
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real world fixes for your car's problems with step-by-step procedures, technical service bulletins, even information on warranties and safety recalls. carmd's database is the same information that top auto technicians use daily to properly diagnose today's complex vehicles. it's like you have thousands of the top auto technicians in north america telling you what's wrong with your car, how to fix it and most importantly, how much it will cost before you ever show up at your auto repair shop. with carmd, the guesswork is gone. you can get your car fixed and fixed right the very first time you take it in. >> i'm a real estate broker and i rely on my car very heavily to be safe for myself and for my occupants, but when i came to a red light, the car would stall, i was very, very vulnerable. i tried several times with the dealer. their quote was $2200. i got out my carmd. it showed that i needed a nox sensor. i found a replaceable nox sensor for $65.
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and compared to $2200 me spending almost $70 for the repair, what an enormous savings it was. not only did i save money, my car feels safe again. thank you, carmd. >> we all know that feeling of standing at the repair shop having no idea what they're saying and just hoping you're not overpaying by that much. >> well, that's why carmd is such a smart investment. it'll pay for itself the first time you use it and can save you thousands of dollars over the life of your car. keri, imagine never overpaying for auto repair ever again and being able to prevent major problems from ever costing you money in the first place. if you own a car, you want to save a lot of money, then carmd is just what the doctor ordered. >> announcer: save hundreds, even thousands of dollars on car repairs and keep your car running in top condition, much longer, only with carmd. and now, it's like getting your carmd free with $150 in bonuses, free. details are just moments away.
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[beep beep] this car might need a repair. these car owners have no idea what's wrong or what it will cost. is it a $200 oxygen sensor, a $2000 catalytic converter or is it just a loose gas cap? how do you know which one it is? how do you keep your car safe and on the road? and, when you do go for a repair, how do you know you're not getting ripped off? what you need is a personal doctor for your car and now you've got one: carmd. carmd is the all-new high-tech device that communicates with your vehicle's onboard computers to tell you exactly what's wrong with your car and what it will cost to fix it before you ever set foot inside a repair shop. that can save you hundreds, even thousands of dollars. >> i've owned the product now for about two years and it has saved me $1800 to $2000. >> this little thing right here, it's a miracle. $1500 in my pocket. >> announcer: carmd easily connects to every car on the road. and the green, yellow and red
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lights give you an instant read on your car's condition. simply connect to any computer and in seconds, your carmd report will tell you in plain, simple language all about the health of your car's most sophisticated systems. anti-lock brakes, electronics, the transmission, the engine and more. you'll even see the condition of your vehicle's safety systems, so you can know your car is truly safe to drive with the ones you love. >> i feel safer driving knowing that i have the carmd. >> announcer: and if you're buying a car, carmd is a must. simply plug it in so you know what you're getting before you buy. you'll never have to worry about getting stuck with a lemon again. that alone can save you thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars. >> with carmd, i've saved over $3000. >> carmd has saved me over $5000 just dealing with two cars over a six-month period of time. >> announcer: look, just one wrong move at the repair shop can cost you hundreds, even thousands of dollars. but carmd makes sure you won't get ripped off at the repair shop again. professionals pay as much as $5000 for the same diagnostic
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technology. but now, with carmd, you can easily diagnose your own car like a pro. but carmd won't cost you thousands of dollars, it won't even cost you hundreds. you can receive your very own carmd vehicle health system for only four easy payments of $39.95. you can spend more than that in just one wrong move at the repair shop. call right now and carmd will make one payment for you. you'll get this world-class, award-winning device for only three payments of $39.95. and because carmd knows how important it is to make every dollar go farther, we're offering $150 of bonuses, free. that's like getting your carmd for free. it all starts with free roadside rescue service for your car. you'll get 24/7 emergency roadside assistance, including lockout service, towing and much more. but that's not all. you'll also receive huge discounts on tires, travel, hotels and rentals, and you'll get all this, a $50 value, free. next up, you'll get a $50 cash
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rebate on carmd. that's right; buy carmd for yourself and get a $50 cash rebate on a second unit for a loved one or a friend to keep them safe. carmd makes a great gift. we'll also include all these carmd accessories absolutely free, including, the carmd quick link to instantly connect to the carmd network of a.s.e. certified technicians and this sturdy carmd caddy so your carmd is always safe and at the ready, altogether, another $50 value yours free, just for ordering now. that's $150 in free bonuses, just for calling and ordering your carmd today. you've got nothing to lose. it's like getting your carmd for free. and here's a promise no one else can make: we're so confident that carmd will correctly tell you what's wrong with your car, if carmd ever gives you the wrong diagnosis, we'll pay for the repairs for you. that's right, you get the correct diagnosis with carmd or your repairs are covered, up to $500!
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that's our "get it right the first time" guarantee. look at all you're getting: the carmd diagnostic system to keep you from getting ripped off, the $150 in carmd bonuses and the iron clad "get it right the first time" guarantee all for three easy payments of $39.95. when you call, be sure to ask your operator about carmd's automatic update service which notifies you about free repairs you may be entitled to right now. these repairs may be worth hundreds, even thousands of dollars. call the number on your screen. [♪...] call the number on your screen. [music changes]
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>> my car is special to me because it's a part of who i am. my car is sitting on 22-inch rims, you know, it has the nice tinted windows, the nice leather interior. when you get that check engine light, it's the worst feeling because you don't know what is it going to be. it could be a simple $5 fix or it could be a $2000 fix. you never know. so it's a bad feeling. the dealership wanted to charge me $1500 but once i found out through carmd that there was a recall for my vehicle, i took it back to the dealer. the dealership was haggling about fixing it or not, but in the end they did fix it because it was a recall. this little thing right here, it's a miracle. $1500 in my pocket. it was the best money i invested. >> so the second part of this comprehensive system is using it with your computer. >> well, that sounds simple enough. >> it is. and this is the real power of carmd. easy-to-install software gives you the access to the exclusive carmd database of information
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and solutions and the ability to print out a report like we did here. the carmd database is updated daily from thousands of a.s.e. certified technicians, constantly providing the latest real world information on the best way to fix cars with the same year, make, model and mileage as your car. >> so i can actually speak the same language as my mechanic. >> that's true. you won't be intimidated when you take your car in for repairs, because you know what needs be done and what it should cost, even if you don't know anything about how a car works. when it's something easy, like a loose gas cap, you don't have to waste your time dropping it off for repairs. just make the simple fix, get the carmd green light and you're good to go. >> i could save a ton of time. >> and, you can save a bunch of money. >> my favorite thing about carmd is just the ease of use; how easy it is to use in the car, how easy it is to hook up to your computer, how easy the website is, just everything about carmd is just a breeze. it actually told me that i had a brake sensor out before i even knew the brake sensor was gone. so my brakes could have went out
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or they could've locked up. without carmd, i could have a breakdown on the road and be stuck somewhere. i then used it on other vehicles, and it saved me over $3000 in the past year alone. i love carmd. it's one of the best tools on the market. >> announcer: carmd is not only great at keeping your car healthy and saving you money, but if you're buying a used car, it's a must. carmd accurately diagnoses hidden problems and keeps you from buying a lemon. >> chris: looking at all the cars out there, it's hard to tell from the outside what's going on inside. carmd's patented red, yellow and green light system makes shopping for used cars easy and fun. [♪...] [buzz] [♪...] [buzz] [♪...] [buzz] [♪...] [bell dings] >> carmd saved us a lot of hassles and money and time and aggravation and allowed my girlfriend to get a good,
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used, safe car. >> a lot of cars come through the auctions that i work with and i've gotta be able to find out if they're good, if they're bad, instantly. to plug in a carmd and find out within seconds as to what the condition of that car is, is just great for me. it really works. >> it gives you peace of mind when you know exactly what's going on with your vehicle, whether it's new or used. this is something i will never leave home without. >> chris: everyone needs carmd in their glove box. it'll pay for itself many times over by saving you both time and money. so if you have a car, mini-van, s.u.v. or truck... >> both foreign and domestic. >> you need carmd. >> call now to order. >> you'll love your carmd. >> save hundreds, even thousands of dollars on car repairs and keep your car running in top condition only with carmd. and now, get $150 in bonuses, free. [beep beep] you know, just one wrong move at the repair shop can cost you hundreds, even thousands of dollars. but carmd makes sure you won't get ripped off again.
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professionals pay as much as $5000 for the same diagnostic technology. now, get your own carmd vehicle health system for only four easy payments of $39.95. call right now and carmd will make one payment for you. it's only three payments of $39.95. and carmd is offering $150 of bonuses, free. you'll receive free roadside rescue service for your car and get a $50 cash rebate on a second unit for a loved one or a friend. we'll also include $50 in accessories, free. that's $150 in bonuses. it's like getting your carmd for free. and, if carmd ever gives you the wrong diagnosis, we'll pay for the repairs for you, up to $500! that's our "get it right the first time" guarantee! get the carmd diagnostic system, the $150 in carmd bonuses and the "get it right the first time" guarantee, all for three easy payments of $39.95. and ask your operator about carmd's automatic updates on free repairs. call the number on your screen.
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[♪...] [music changes] >> my husband just got deployed to iraq. and i don't know what to do now that the man of the house is no longer home. [laughs] i had to take care of everything. when i went in for the inspection for my car, they told me that it was something else totally wrong with my car. they wanted to charge me $1200 for a repair. i couldn't afford that. sure enough, i put on the carmd and it told me that it was actually a sensor. i saved over $825 with it. [engine roaring] >> i love cars, i always have, especially classic cars. [engine revs] i can understand them.
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when i look at the engine or even listen to it running, i can easily determine what's wrong with it and i can fix it. today's vehicles are much more complex than this. sometimes i think i need a ph.d. in computer science to help me keep my newer cars healthy. that's where carmd comes in to simplify the whole vehicle diagnostic process, so you can easily figure out what's going on with your car. >> announcer: carmd is so advanced, even professional mechanics use it to diagnose their own vehicles. >> being a mechanic, uh, carmd is easier to use than a lot of the more traditional products out on the market. i would say the carmd is a lot better than some of the $5- or $6000-plus diagnostic machines that you can buy from other companies, with the simple fact that you can plug it into your laptop or desktop and see the parts cost, the labor costs of what it's roughly gonna cost you if you were to take into a mechanic and have them fix it or, if you're mechanically inclined, fix it yourself. >> as a new mom, there's nothing that scares me more than the thought of being stranded on the side of the road somewhere with
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my baby. >> you know what? that is really scary. without carmd, none of us know the real health of our car right now or if a breakdown is around the corner. check engine light goes on and it could be anything, a $30 part or maybe a new catalytic converter, costing thousands. >> but carmd changes all that. i just plug it in and i instantly know what problem i have and what it should cost to get it fixed. so i never get ripped off again. >> to show us how amazing carmd is, we sent john curley out to meet with people just like you whose check engine lights have come on but have no idea what's wrong with their cars or what it will cost to fix them. they're gonna see for themselves how carmd can save them time and money. >> my light keeps coming on and off. >> why don't you take it in? >> they told me they needed up-front money for them to diagnose it. >> they wanna charge $100 to just plug it in and look at it. >> i'm afraid of what it might be. every time i take this thing in, it's 500 bucks at least, just to get it tested. >> it's $150 just to do the diagnosis. >> right.
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>> and then they have all of these problems they say it has and then they charge you an arm and a leg. >> so what if you could diagnose it yourself? >> that would be awesome. >> are you ready? >> yeah. >> all right, here we go. you are about to find out what is wrong with your car. so look at this, big green check for you, which means your engine is fine, o.k.? here's the interesting thing. 'cause there's been a recall on the seat belt latch on the front seat. and here's the beauty, you ready? cost? nothing for you. >> really? >> really. ...what carmd found for you is you have seven recalls on this car right now. and you were driving around with some brake fluid problems, the fact that you had none. >> oh my god. >> the good news is that the recalls don't cost you anything, o.k.? take them in and they would take care of them. how's it make you feel? >> hugely relieved and it's providing me with information that could literally save my life. >> to fix a temperature sensor was $133.56. >> whoo, that's great. >> so when you walk in with this and this, what are you going to explain to that mechanic? what does carmd do? >> carmd, i hook it up to my car, it'll tell me exactly
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what's wrong it and how much it costs to fix it, so you guys can't pull the wool over my eyes. >> carmd says? $25. >> what? how can that be? >> it's $25 because there's a problem with the gas cap, o.k.? 'cause there's a recall on this car, there could be a leak in the gas tank and that could also be part of the problem as well. so what carmd has done for you is what, john? >> saved me about $1000. would have had to buy my own gas tank. i didn't know about the recall. new gas cap and then another $200 bucks to get it diagnosed. >> now i can go into my mechanic with confidence and know that they're not going to rip me off, as they have a tendency to do, especially with women. so i feel a lot more confident having this, you know, carmd. >> they've got some mysterious machine they plug in and then they know and now i know. >> john: what do you have? >> i have carmd. >> chris: that's what carmd can do for you, too. save you hundreds, maybe thousands of dolrs on car repairs, even find out when the dealers should be fixing your car for free. plus you'll be able to find and fix hidden problems before they
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turn into expensive repairs. and the next time your check engine light comes on, you'll know why and what to do next. >> carmd gives you peace of mind. you know your car's as safe as it should be. after all, the people you love the most ride in it every day. >> carmd can save you thousands of dollars, save you time and a whole lot more. don't wait until it's too late. order your carmd and start saving money right now. >> announcer: save hundreds, even thousands of dollars on car repairs, and keep your car running in top condition, much longer only with carmd. and now, it's like getting your carmd free with $150 in bonuses, free. details are just moments away. [beep beep] this car might need a repair. these car owners have no idea what's wrong or what it will cost. is it a $200 oxygen sensor? a $2000 catalytic converter? or is it just a loose gas cap? how do you know which one it is? how do you keep your car safe and on the road?
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and, when you do go for a repair, how do you know you're not getting ripped off? what you need is a personal doctor for your car and now you've got one: carmd. carmd is the all-new high-tech device that communicates with your vehicle's onboard computers to tell you exactly what's wrong with your car and what it will cost to fix it before you ever set foot inside a repair shop. that can save you hundreds, even thousands of dollars. >> i've owned the product now for about two years and it has saved me $1800 to $2000. >> this thing right here, it's a miracle. $1500 in my pocket. >> announcer: carmd easily connects to every car on the road and the green, yellow and red lights give you an instant read on your car's condition. simply connect to any computer and in seconds, your carmd report will tell you in plain, simple language all about the health of your car's most sophisticated systems. anti-lock brakes, electronics, the transmission, the engine and more. you'll even see the condition of your vehicle's safety systems so
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you can know your car is truly safe to drive with the ones you love. >> i feel safer driving knowing that i have the carmd. >> announcer: and if you're buying a car, carmd is a must. simply plug it in so you know what you're getting before you buy. you'll never have to worry about getting stuck with a lemon again. that alone can save you thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars. >> with carmd, i've saved over $3000. >> carmd has saved me over $5000 just dealing with two cars over a six-month period of time. >> announcer: look, just one wrong move at the repair shop can cost you hundreds, even thousands of dollars. but carmd makes sure you won't get ripped off at the repair shop again. professionals pay as much as $5000 for the same diagnostic technology. but now, with carmd, you can easily diagnose your own car like a pro. but carmd won't cost you thousands of dollars, it won't even cost you hundreds. you can receive your very own carmd vehicle health system for only four easy payments of $39.95. you can spend more than that in just one wrong move at the
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repair shop. call right now and carmd will make one payment for you. you'll get this world-class, award-winning device for only three payments of $39.95. and because carmd knows how important it is to make every dollar go farther, we're offering $150 of bonuses, free. that's like getting your carmd for free. s srorosisi rescue service for your car. roadside assisis including lockckt servicic wiwi and much more.but that's n. you'll also receive huge hotels a a renenyou'llavel, get all this, a $50 value, free. next up, you'll get a $50 cash rebate on carmd. that's right; buy carmd for yourself and get a $50 cash rebate on a second unit for a loved one or a friend to keep them safe. carmd makes a great gift. we'll also include all these carmd accessories absolutely free, including the carmd quick link to instantly connect to the
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carmd network of a.s.e. certified technicians and this sturdy carmd caddy so your carmd is always safe and at the ready, altogether another $50 value yours free, just for ordering now. that's $150 in free bonuses, just for calling and ordering your carmd today. you've got nothing to lose, it's like getting your carmd for free. and here's a promise no one else can make: we're so confident that carmd will correctly tell you what's wrong with your car, if carmd ever gives you the wrong diagnosis, we'll pay for the repairs for you. that's right; you get the correct diagnosis with carmd, or your repairs are covered, up to $500. that's our "get it right the first time" guarantee. look at all you're getting: the carmd diagnostic system to keep you from getting ripped off, the $150 in carmd bonuses and the iron-clad "get it right the first time" guarantee, all for three easy payments of $39.95. when you call, be sure to ask
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your operator about carmd's automatic update service which notifies you about free repairs you may be entitled to right now. these repairs may be worth hundreds, even thousands of dollars. call the number on your screen. [♪...] call the number on your screen. the preceding sponsored program was brought to you by carmd. [♪...] ñ/ñ/
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