tv Good Morning America ABC November 11, 2015 7:00am-9:00am CST
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>>goodorni, amic the republicans clash in wiscsin. >> governo youhoullet b spk. >>he wld ia stngernd tt pla. >>hy ds shkeep inrrupng erybo. tru in e crshai ove immiatio it'a siy arment it'sot aadulargunt. firg ba. i d't he toear om is m. >>arsodeflts qstio abt hipast tha youor n asking me what i saiin the ten grade. i priate tt. >>nd j tri to rn h caaignroun i got about fouminus la deba. i'm going gety qution righnow. >> o teabreaks down the showdown this morning. breaki oveightblac uden thrteneat t unersi of ssou. seritytepp up ter armi pos on cialedia d th manaughon cera shtinglurs. raci tensions boiling over. buildings locked down. students fearing for their safety. look at this firall a
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t crhes to aaparent complex going down just short of the rport. >>e ha a pneneo a house. heavy fire. we have a lot of wires down. >> flames and black smoke shoot into the air. at least twoeoplon brd lled federainvestigators on the scene this morning. undnd pressure and taking the plunge. how well do those cases that prome to protect youphon w we do ey rlly rk? the mpans th selthemre hereccepng o chaenge our big live experiment only on "gma." anwe dsay od mning amera. thiwednday,t is vetens d andhere a fl crd ouide d wee ju so gratul tall e seicem anwomeand d eir families for what they door utodaand ery day. >> whonothemll. >>e do > wee goa loto tk abt. the publican presideial ndides fing f asou
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ow, e foth te la nit, t fro-runrs, nald ump p d becars, ceer ste anthe st tked out onacebk angoog. hiary clintoweigng ion twitr agn. r caaignweetg th age,e wi havfulleam covege f youhis rnin at iall mingp. senator marco rubio here too buwe bin wh th breing ws ornig thrts othe university of missouri campus. students fearing for their safety and alex perez is on the scene in columbia, missour od mningalex >> rorte autriti hav tan o pernho the belie wakin thrtsnto cuody. me sdent hrsay they just don't feel safe right now. this morning students at the iverty omissri on edge after a series of alarming a anonymous posts on sociamedia ovnight sparng fearsor thr saty. onuser writing i'moing to stand my ground tomorr and shooeverblacpers i s. otrs ptinghesemino
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we, torrowizzowill rely me naonalews d dot goo cacaus torro is m caut onamer screing ciallurs >> y thi notatinfor eight days is hard [ eep take walto aica. aim at zzourad uden nath butr whhad unte a huer strike in protests of alleged racial interan. rerts thekk osite rculing. at least two campus bldin thwn io lodownode cludg the blacculte nter >> i getng aot omesses aboustudts flingnsafe. >> rorte seval hrs ler ficis ging t alllear confirming there was no immediate threat. this incident comes just a day after racial tensions reached a boiling point. >>'m rigni as presidt of e unersity of missou syem. >>eporr: pside timolfe signg moay or th handling of what students call institutional racism on campus. >> let this be a testament to all of the athletes across the country that you do have a powe repter:nd uversy says
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they are iestiting those threats aorki witaw enrcemt ofcial to kp the cpus fe. robi geoe. all right, ex, ank u ry mh. >>nten sittionhere thothebig ory,he publan date wisnsin e caidat facg ofon t onomand migrion d c's m llas w the for it all. goodorni, to repter:obingoodorni you the batetageas sllerut ere re sll se bi figh. noersol atcks is te. thdispes we ov posions anit w a b nig for nato cruand bio d je bushhohowi morener. overght,he rublins balingo beresint ming eir case othe onomand natial dense a debate more policy -- >>arcomarc hows it consvati -- repter:ut se pumps. hows itonseativto a a trlionolla in lita exndites? we n't en he ancono we' notafe. ere e racal hadis beadinpeop andruciing
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ristns. a racal ericryinto g a cleaweap. the ines yes, belve the world is a thathe wld isafeand tterlacehen ericis t >> repter:ll othe ndides rlyinagait th the areore rds the irs code than there are in the good >> rorte andr. b carn, a leing ndide, smmin e news coverage of alled discrepaies in hisife ory. i have norobl witbein vett. what i do have a problem wh is beinliedbout >> reporr: othe onom the tireneururge appring to change s potionn isinthe nimuwage. >> iouldldot rse i >> rorte butack may rsonavor incasinit. i asked him out e chge. soust be ear e yoin vor raing t minum wa or u'reot ifavoof . >> pernallam n in vor of ibut m inavorf hang
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e diussi becse ielie th theay you do methg in a pluralistic sociy isou p outn thopen so th evybodundetandwhat gog on repter:onaltrumat o int ayinrefee critizincarlfiora fo cuttg pele o. >> w doeshe ep inteupti evebody >> yh. repter:nd fhtinfor b bu to t a anceo eak. govnor >> y shod lejeb eak. >>hankou, naldfor lowi me spe at e deba. at'seallnicef yo i rely arecie th. wh a gerouman u ar repter:ut ler bh clhed th tmp or imgratn resingo suort ma deptati of docunted migrts. >> is ju notossie. d it notmbrang arica valu. and wou teacommititie art. d itouldend sign tha we'rnot e ki of untr at inow erica is >>eporr: wt weidn'see la night, noa sile candate not even dond trp o watalkg g h onhe caaignrailoingfterr. becars ando ma peoe we talng aut t
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ppen. thnextebatfiveeeksway. orge >>hank tomnd o of the candides, natomarcrubi jos usow. me me go revws f you senar, lt nit. yostay outf th debe beeen b bu, jo kash andona tru ove immigration d trp's ss portation an. kasich cled sil, no adult. ise rit? ell,irstf al my potionn its we stad anthats weave deawith migrion thr ste. wean'to itll aonce trieto i2013nd t amicaneopldon'trusthe deragovemento weave begiby pvingo pele tt ill migrion mberare wn snifintly the send sp wod be mornizour gal migrion syem sit'seritasednd aftethostwo ingse ha resnsib butealiical dealith ople here legay anas iaid youe a crimal, ven'beenere ry youan'ttay. for eryo elsyou'haveo pa a bkgrod chk, lrn
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englh, p a fe, srt yingaxesnd y'll t a rk pmit r tear that my y siti. 's bn we stad foa lo me a i tnk is thonly way rwaron iigraon a th poi. a l thi tedruz uld yo touest posion. seed to send shotcros yourow ting thessuef gar ssidies, u have goen aot omonefromhem in the past. at's'swn critism. bio d bisugar. your sugarigh a n low beayal of nservative prinples. how do youespo? i'mrepad toet r of thsugaprogm. evercouny inhe wld tt haugar h a progm, a subsy anwhen ey g ridf thr, i praredo get rid of thes. younow at's n n gng t happ, , thgh. but'm n goi to pe an aricaindury tt ppento he a t oforke in friday unaterly disaing th. want us t b aeoompe th oer cntri.
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haso beair. th havhugedvananges. ey d't he anpa olabo unio in ose untrs sof weouldust en t fie, if ey -if oer cntri tha we'rcomping ainsged ofheirrogrs i' be e fit onworkg toet r of oursut i notoingo desty anmerin instry ththmpys pple in my state. byisarng i the was momt ofmike dung o of e coerci eaksyou adedver goveor bh, j busand st emedo icyou. at hpenether >> oh, somne swed that veo lt night. itade it lk thatay. we werfine lookwe'rrunng fo presidenof t unid states d so- bui dot take any of ipersal. there was noing behindt. i ow imakefor an teresting ne veo b it wasn anying meang. senor rio, anksor ininus ts moing. tha you thanks very much. > alrigh geoe, tnk u. abs chf bunessnd econics rresndenrebea jais, u casee herfact
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rebea, aone int nd paulalleout naldrump out big ade al. whis right? >> thiwas real imptant queson lt nit. ron, iwas out y dold trumis oosedo thtpp ade al a lisn tohat sa abo chi andow the otr caidat resnd. almt evybodtake adntagof t unid stes, cha inarcular caus theye soood. it theumbeone userf th coury. we a losg jo liknobo's ev losjobsefor i wa to ing bs bk in th coury. heygera, weightant poinout ina notart th dea >> te. 's te. thaharit. >>hat'righ >>o yohaveasicand ul, th're rrecon ts. cha isot pt ofhe tde al. 12ountes a incdingapan d auralias wl ashe uned s stes d wh's intestinheremiliry sttegis acallyhink what vit to is dl ishe parthat onomal speakg cha a ot aart theeal d acallyhinkhe ft th chinis o is b rean fothe al'succe. we e althe untrs th are.
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nothina thdeba beg talng aut mimum ge. theyad ptests ouide the inilwaee a the candatesere ked out at anben rsonad sethi intestinto s abo minum wa. eve tim we rse t nimuwagethe mberf joess so he ght? onomts othis theye dely didedn th qution not l ofhe te ishereob losshen ere e wage hik, weve thehe cane joloss asciat witwageikesnd e unersi of icagdid sty ofhe 4top onomts in t coury, ey aed wt uld ppenf thwawere 40% undecided. between the remaing 60 the wereotal spl. >>o beeen e reinin60%. >>otal spl yes and no. george. >> thank you, guys, let's brake it down with jon karl, matthew dowd, are here. n, aot osubsnce.
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did chae anhing >>ot really. bio emedi behe wner, noa hu winor h. d anssisisomand ul en cllend onororei pocy. goodor t cru b bushad s be debe so fabut t enengh c tha the dynami eralit dsn'thangthe nana yostilhaverumpnd cson doinnothg toove em from theifront-runn stas. orge, we are almt at halfme wn itomeso detes. ur dates fo des wre dald ump s be therontunne he h noteen gnifantl chalngeded he h nottumbd anthat mes anher win ulmately for naldrump heoesn mov >>ive-ek g unt theext bate >> i actuallthinthiss sttingo co intline like e college otba plaffs whe wee bacallcomi do to ur cdidas th are ft ithe ce, ump,arso rubiand uz a i tnk iwe d anher batehereubio and uz d verwellif tse weretock aft thideba ifheseolkserocks'd pua hold on rsonnd tmp
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>> sll a sell. >>rettlow ght w. >> iouldet o as on a you n beuse s 6%r 7%s nogoinup aer t debe. heid bter but nogood enough to ap or. matew dowd, j kar thks vy mu. lar i' head to whington foan elusi intviewith presidt obobanwe'll bring u th on iday rit he ongma. ba to bin. >> now to that fiery plane crash in ohihi a small jet going down ia redentl ar killing at leastwo peoplen bod. abs dad keey ion t sce for usn akrothis morng. go morng, vid. >> rorte goomorng, bin. th morng csh iestitors an a mascasuty tm wi beere ere at sll j crhed. weave nfirmed th two have beenilled but thories e unle tconfm wh theet's ner d faly m mbersre yiyihat ere re ne pele oboarthismallet. >> there's some sort of explosion on mogadore road. we have the whole ad cered >> reporter: this is what they found.
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two homes ablaze and the remnants of a business jet. this morning, more questions than answers as to why a plane plunged into a residential neigorho. >>e ha a pne io a use. heavy fire. we he a t ofiresown. repter:he sll j a hawker 25 can cay upo te passengers, it was en route from daon takrobut just me than milfromts dtinaon e jegoesown,uthoties ha notonfied h manwere yingn thaircraft. they do say they don't expect to find any survivors. at least two confirmed dead. the pilot and co-pil. witnesses say the jet pear toe hang tubleefore crasng. >> he yofounthe plane? >> yeah, i belilie thplan-- 's ithe ush. >>eporr: t sho and rrorf thcrascapted i this woman'sface o sa she wavidechatng athe me. oh,y go >> rorte youon'think ple wod dr in residential area like this. this is crazy. >> reporter: beth montgomery is one of the residents. she'normly he evy da but tueays e haluncnc
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with her son. >> if i n't et mson tudaysi wod ha bee ther >>eporr: dpitehe vastion,he'sountg he blesngs. >> i have my life and that is most important. >> reporter:r:his morning, a new rseyomanho idriv to ohio ss her sist wasne o bweenhe sling artedoinsomeetecve rk a madsomeallsnd eckesomelighplanand kindf put o antwo togeth that it was he >> rorte abcews s arnetherwas mayday call. there was noistrs ca. anthere e ly questio th morng, at actuall happed tthiset ls th twmilefromhe aport why d ito do? bin d gege. >> lotf qutionstil comi. than. > weurn theirst blizrd othe asonitit thmounins rd. snowalli in nverightow and the storm is on the move. ginger is tracking it all. >> this veterans day storm has now ved om t mouains intohe fthil so nver3
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is s ing be wrecof a comme noattewheryou e st et ofenveespeally becae wee gog toee blzardondions easrn lora, pas ofebraa an kans. therare nd aisors an warngs fm nemexi to w yo. widepanng fast-moving stm th wilpumm the midwt th aftnoonith vere weatr. i thk anhererom s moes toeoriseeshe bt sh at magi winand isoted rnad chico tohrevort,ou'rin it t lat thieveng an hindt its wiy ancold riouintructi to nter >>indynd cd he tod to ank you.
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at sry f youn ju 30 sends. >> a hashe mning oth tostors sttingith at ackdn ongnta spos sis. >> that's rit. new oubl bigroub for dailfanty spts ses, fauel d drtkin. new york's attorney general say they amount to illegal gambling anorded th to op ceptg be fronew rk redentor fe crinal chars. the companies insi theare nningameof sll, t chance. antherore ouldt be bjecto gblinregution w york's decision could pave the way, though, for me stes toake tion >>wellmorehan 0 bikers ve n beeindied i coecti witthishootut betweemotoycleangsnd police at a xastaunt ck imay. nine people were killed. the kers crgedith ornizecriminal activit
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e acsed plottinto atck sagogs and blac urch as rt oa ra war ey rortey trd touy weons and exosiv fro unrcov ages. erse gerny iimpong tighr corolsn rege crosng i border and it now wantto fce sians to apply for asylum in the rope country where they first arrived. it's aign rmans regee takeay breacng its lits. > anencoaginnewsbout form predentimmyartes bale ainstance docts sahe irespding we to eatmt antheyave fod noew tors. we, filly 's atick job t soone'got do . crewbegun stm clning setle'famo guml. fo20 yrs -lookt th -- people he be stiing their chew up gum onhat ll an estimated 1 million piece, eanuwillllake veradays and en g chers wl ha a frh wa to corate again, right?
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>> didhey art ing ? >>hey st srtedn th'90speop staed throng tir g the andhe id disss sck. kw th wasominin >> didhat r yo i'm here for youamy. ank u. >> mh me ahd onhis tera day and an abc elusi, the skier seenlumbg 1600 feedown motainow sakinout. 'll lk aut t airag that helped save his lif >>alsoheada murder ster a mcdonald's mogul's wife fnd dd iner h%. wel ha the search for the killer right now right here on "gma." >>t's r li chaenge 's bun hundre of llars wortof brand-new phones taking the plunge. will they survive?
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pc does wh no hasdoneeforoeyour wh thelu hs,t's areal bigeal. e acs. t chis. thfeve an en bigger al? evythi youiss t on. faly pza nht. thbig me. datnigh y lo outo thflu y ngerhan u ha to? escrtionamif canelyou t beer 1 dayfast. th's 3 s sner. callour ctorightway.and atck t fluirust it urceith escrtiontaflu. taflu fdapprod toreat thflu peoe 2 eks anolder whosflu mp stted thin the lt tw ys. bere ting mifltellourdoor if you're pregnant, nuing ve siousealt nditns, takothe mecine if y devop aalleic retiona sere rh, or sns ousl beviorstopakintamimiu ancall ururtor mediely. ildr anddoleentsn partularay bat a cread ri of izur, nfusn orbnorl bevior
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don'losenoth momt to t flu en tre'slu, mifl eaup, buddy.ou'lget tim dot lego uil iay so. i i t yo.. starstro witthe stin engy of00whole ain aker oats. d off you . i'm caridee. i've had moderere to severe plaque psoriasis most my life. but that hasn't oppe fromodeng. my doctor told me about stelara . it helps keep my skin clearer. wi onl4 dos a ar afte2 stter ses stela ele ben seon. stelara may lower your ability to fight infectionon and increase your risk of infections. someerio infection reire spitizatn. befo staing elar your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stela ay ireas ur rk ofance alys tell yo doctor you havenyn ofnfecon, ve h canr, oif y veloany w sk grohs. doot te stara if you are allergic to stelara or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems cludg heache seires,cousioand sionrobls- the mabe snsf a ra,
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potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic retioncan cur. ll yr door iyouor aone youhouse eds haseceny received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and theheajority re red aclead ormimal at 12 eks. stara hel ep mskinlearer. asyouroctor aboustela. ck o"gma theictu th graed a of r atntio lookt th.. the ansby motainthe
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let's get yourc1 3 iveitof waolie av man n ustdyhis morngaftr sndngut multiplehawk aert aou seualassaltspolce ent t th fist ertyestrda moni aoud abot aan roinwoen ar mp an u- i-h. then they set t seond alrt estda teroo folowg noer ror ne te wt dedoms te unvesiy sd apare toe he ameanthe ysthsusect s iolntril cmmite t eostal for a ental evaaton a nivrstyof iwa scoolas ssud eight hk alertsine gut of lt eab. hatincude te two frm yestrdy. hawkalts o tto or ttan 52- houand opl w have igedup r em. thimorng, theniersty of missouri campus has increased security after threats on social media.
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systm esienon onay. stden deandd e lave cae tey aide ddn' appropriatey hndl raial inidets cams. on stdet rouat e nierityof wawas t stuntsand adnitraors mmitte foed ast yer uer then-president to a u klux an aue onthe pentacrest. the roup dviesofcilsn pic an prores toward inluion unveity eidet tnsiionan studnt involvement. d now here's your first alert oreas plan onclods to nceae daywitliht howrsor drileosbl dri th first half of the day. o mre conrnwil be the cod front at omein y late hs ursof4pm and 9pm, stongto vee tormsare poibe aongith brief avyran.thesevre risk s hghl
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today. e'l e nirng th cloly s e dy geson. lan on t wind t rellyncrea in th wa othi system, with stto50mh possible by nrie trsdy.the athe stys winy rough fridy, th a ice weekend kely. today pm shwes/str s hig: 5-62 wids:se 0-0 alo: 59 db: 57 iow 6oniht: storms din, ndy low: 3-4 win: -nw 20-40 ao:9bq: io: tomrro: p/loudy,ver windy hig 47-53 nds nw5-35 5 alo:0 dbq: 9 iow: tooorrow ght mostly cler,windy lo: -34
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>> welme bk t "a." you' loong at e sno faingn dverhis moing. some treacheus iving, fst blizrd ofhe seon. so mouainreas gting the ftf sw alady. ma mormerinsn art for extre wther if this storm moves east. >> winr wi be here before we know it. also right now, black students at the university of missouri threatened overnight with racial tensions heighteneded security stepped up this morning after alarming posts on social media threatening to shoot student, one person is in custody this morng for making the threats. investigators on the scene of thatt plane crash in akron, ohio, at least two people were killed when the small jet wt wn srtf t airrtnto an artmebuding doay od mning amera. onhis wedsday rnin lo who is re. miael raha >>'m re,ood rnin >> gd moing.
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lara isouide, evybod an she outdeith our b ipho cas chahagendt's goinon >>'mere wit adrnne from motorola. we're putting two iphones in waterproof cases and dropping them in six feet of water, see howhey do. n n caon,ou mht noti,,s ten et ave me. he goi to dro pho lleds the onlne wit a atteroofscen. compy s is goo for upo fi f ande'll doue i d s wha hapns live adenne are yady? shs fling coiden wel le you kwow i es. >> tt is som conaptip ther >>hat is coming . we begin wit t murder myery stunning an elite new yorksuburb. the wife of a mcmulecau undead iideerstatand nzieaniss he witthe test goodmorng. >>eporr: gd moing, orge thisighocie mderent
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mmunyot whansis andorse rms. theictiound iide home bupoli say tre w no breain. thismorning,ystery unfoing a tsprawng new yoestate. the teri yhg o prinenamilound rder. th victim,83-year-old lois colley, the wife of multi multillionaire eugene colley, e ofhe biggest oers o dona's rtaurtrancses inhehe untr poli resndin to 911 call just aer 5.m. mday aft a retaker a wiswep farm, coey's300-acre llto este discoved h body. >> she w fnd i t laundry omhich is just inside the gara andhe wyjng on the floor. >> reporter: police sayhe cause of death was blunt force trauma. inveigats combing theoods esdaearcng f a poible weon. e oy tng missing from the
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>> at thihi point it's early on in the invtigaon and,again, weotulin o anyonbut, , a tsoint w don have ansuspects. >> t town's supvisoalli colley a pilrf th mmuny. they were very ch iolve in lotf dfere tngs this un. ve nic dy. yimeou mer she had ssor u,ust ver nic peonnd my heart goes out to the colley family. >> reporter: polic calng i a shocking andisturbing cre. sayi there was no snf forc try. wellpoli sayhey' spon wiugen colyho own ove 100cdond's reauras. ey say he isot csided a suect. e cplplave fou sons liceuestningverye tt knowthe famyathisimes ey t toolve the ster rig n n suscts. >> n suects ok,hank vermu. ncrebly sa >e'll tno tt skier who somehow survived ts terrifying 1600-foot fall dn aountn. we are seeing more of ts inedib video caprednis
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helmet camnd abs t.j. lmes you got chae to sit do wit himor an excsive inteiew. >> iust wted to hug himhen saw m. notnly a macle he surved 1600feet ll,t tur out whi hwas fallg hwas tnkin ande made a decision midtumble that might have saved his life. look and listen closy. that pfessnal ser ian mctosh plummeting 00 ft wnassi mounin. cameras and microphones catch every painful bp andruntn s wadown >> i felike etnity, man. reaydi i tught tss nev gng t stop. >> reporter: the 34-year-old was on aska'sicol mouain rang whe he mtakey ski in a ve-ft trench d pes t.
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. i h no ide tt wascong. ride of my life. >> reporter: that's the very moment you hear him clearly cry out. >> oh, no. >> itelt like ias gting hity linebackers the who way down the mouainver aver an ove ain like fl spntin libackerer >> reporte to softe tho blow andossiy pventajor auma mactosh hhe prencef mdo emplee the a b blt into his bapack he bughtnefhose thow . st g ahehend pululhat whe handle for me right there. pull it. ere' your life jket r ng dn t unta. mountain in this. fortatel >> aer flingor neay full muteacinshinal meso a op. >> i oka >> rorte but aside from a februis amazingly cinth
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>> ion'tanto die dng wh i'm doing. i don't have a death wish. i'm nothe type. but i do have a wishoive fe t its fullest and gut ther andive mream and thisind o sffshat i drm out. 'shat i lay awake thiing abou >> that air bag you saw there was actually meant, it was design toeep ppleut of an avanch you t tt ond kps y onto hidtrk? >> iust o his back it cuione him liteit beuse he was getting h a pounded. wasnnow but's pked undeeath prevteomeerio trauma andhe mistake he made was not on the mountain during a bad tu butefor he ever got on the mounin. ylig. heaw ts ne. he didn't study it like he normally d so msedhat litt thi and almtost h his life >> that's allt tas. >> awo dsatere wa ck sing ain. >>hank u, t. ok. > fai tale.
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shingl in eir feti. i'gointo gback to the e door torro s ettyloseo myye. i dot ow h youo it talko yo docr or prmact toy out vafce th canhelpreve shiles. sterg irsistly soth. the ndorruff. crted th psion. t lindtaste chocatiers. a rd oer sll wh a oothente luscus.. owin.. welcome... to the best ti of your day.
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unwind... expeencehe mt. onlyhe ldor uffl fr theindtaste chocatie. thinwheneoplhearbout mory care th're ared, ey tnk that it's sad. thinit'smpornt f eryo to ow tt the is souch re tmememo suprt an t stias y heabout th the resentstillha lives andhe livesstl maer a that theyarstill livi the liv. th there n locd aw d th thestilhave lotto live r, y kno that ey he pele tt ca
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e'reack wit a le edionf "a onhe lkout is rnin l aut wayto proct yr cellhone becse let fe i 're l dng whixin the an cts so mu. amecansave spe neay $2illiepaing a placg tseamag artpnesince 07nd two of the cmon mhapshat dagethem spiingometng the orroppg the in water. that's what we've done u s therighther ta a lk. is rnin ware putting two waterproof cas forheew ipne6s to the test. one, tlifeprf fe tt
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lifebo rugge tt sel for nely 3 bucn amazon. both cim ty can protect them submged ater for up to an hour at 6 and a half feet. three, two, one. about an hour agent we dropped those cases into the water and now it's time toee hhe phon wo. live all ght. and these phos have been submgedor u ton ho now. so it's time to pull them o ani'moing toish theut rit no we he rs fm tompa herendou gs are rvou ii it. you' ous,ren' u? a ltle bi >> we're ready. >> you guys ready? audience. here we go. >> so, gio, you're going to call me onhose phon. i'm goi toall yn thes phones. >> o'sot mdits. >>etti thi off he. les do is. we he th lifeoof. >o far nng. >> ge me asend. i'm down here. all right.t. soubmeed for a ur.
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's lite wet. let's y tlibox. here we go he wego. this lara numb. m calngu, lara. yore gng t pic. >>verydy, 's wking >> what's up? you hear me >> i aoluty woed, ys. libox. >>hat s your >> so now i hung up. this one is a little wet. >> got to dry it of here t is on. 's . that a gd art. >>t'sworkg. itustll t.>> loo ayou,he coiden. lo, it' on. gio,nce again you're keeping me waiting. ihouge ha a date let' . >> here you . wil it ring? >> once again, it's ringing. that gooo kn tha you c submge the forp to a ho. gi gat t tk tyo ou wanine? no, not yet. it5:omewrere not here >> y'reappy wh t resus. it kdf credle. ey'v bee in her 6 1 ft
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>> we tual wateroof tt evy sgle case >>t's neor uo d for r ewer it'sfaasti grtjob,gio. >>hankou vy ch. >> bk toou gs. >> all right,ys. way to go. coming up a big health alert about childhood obesity and heardecember. pl, that sfie tt really delivers. michchl is going to have thatat >>yeah i g, a rit, robin. th say a picture iorth a ousand word afte seeghis i gss this wom probly has more tha that forer huand. i don't think ty're all nice wos. 'll hear fm h nexin o "sed fd." lookt yo savg moyonour dica part preriptns. waleenswe cl th "carpe med diem." that's aost tin r "seize the day to get more out of life anmedire pt d.
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w,n "thspeefeedpeed di weskedhe cple si d g solo aut whatade m te t ptureust momes bere t babwas rn. >> whaha ted t do and awkwd suatiss me h lah a s i kne ttould makeer laug e i nev rea demanding a l butor s someaso befe wen iohe rmhe sd she rlly wan picref ouracesf the rctionsf ourfas. >> but mnt wn sheas born. >> yh. >> h fac kin of sayt l. >>hat s b you reacon? sdmonto e neay as swe a ers >> siked itnd s sd thathe one thi thashe t b kic o ohener tre re cment onhe pe a lot of pple idre you sine ye askg hhatecau they m. >> sheas in lor for 12 hrs wh that picreastaken. abouit now. the time is doe't loo quit sofuy.
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nditn. eucerin tetee reir.. ..oesn jusmoisrizery sk, itepai it. ..ita uniq trie action foula. gely eolias, hyatesnd ftifi ski.. .leang ilooking hethy d radiant. withntenve r rair. from eerin oplehink califnian live in our own reality. with our heads in the clouds. ke aunchf spe cats. huh? whatat i'verawn a blala. at'sy li? [decto: ret! ybe do ve ia faasy. ...iour n lile bble. st hgin'ut! asf wee nocoletelydown to rth. t ju a bch odreamers? no way! we're just like everyone else. you know, average joes. start dreaming big a visialifnia.m , it a tedone-th.rdwos throughout... wa, ug.. tre'sn aiort t xtoor? could throin aree ni figu. ld! gethisree njagbatt mechith ur in storlego nstrtionurche
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homles ppl incedr rapid wil hve ds llupat sltrs hiswiner. thewilis ad emrgeny shelr announced it will open a new location when there's no room at area shelters. the executive director says theye ot yt saying ere it is,so pele on' ow p thre hen it' nt pen inteanaona trnsrttio sevic wl pk u hmeespele fromea ste a akeeth thre iow ctyisstil lkinfor a loaton oran ovflw ergecyhoele shter th ivido romastwite whn hels peop we ale o say lvenigt n a o grcer sor o soh ilrt re. t tt' no anopton ymor. the gladbrook reinbeck disluio mmisioismeeingtod. theyllgo verth spoes o isandngthe tirsolditri. thewateloo- cedafas couier reprt moe ha sve hndrd pepleave sied petionto jst tha ts uscomes afterhe district ote to
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ose the school building in glabrok allof ose studes ha t mo ino two chols in rebeck t tis fal. kds kierrten roug6thra gtoeinbek emenary and studets 7h hroug 12th gre g t te high schol buldng d now here's you fipt alert forecast an n loud t increase today with lighshwes odrzze ossbl dingfh fisthaf of the day. of more cncn llbe he colfrntthat cooes n te ths afternon. roughlbeteenhe urs o 4m an 9pm, ron tsevre stormsar ssiblealo wth brief avrai. te svre sk s hghl condition to heamont of sushne w se toay. we'll b moitring tis cloelly as e dy gos o plan the nto relly incrae i th wae othis ste with gustto 0mph posibl bysunise thusy. te ath stays nd thougfridaywith nic weendlikely tody: pm howers/or s igh 5662 nds: se 1020 alo:59bq 57 iow: 60tonit:toms endg, windy l: -43 nds: - 20-4alo: 9 dq: 42 iow: tomrow: pclud vry nd hig 47-53 nd: 2535 50 al: 50 dbq 4iow 51tomorow nig: oslycle, iny ow 2834 win: n 1525 o: 31 dq:
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> go morng, eric it's:00 a.m. and high scho sextinscanl. studts uer aest. ateast0 suendeover sex pe. rents outraged. >>hey ve nevidce mson en reivethe deo. >> school officials racing to shut it all down. the story of my life "danng wh the stars" shocker overnight. mar axtodropng o of e sh nowack the hospital m me ill than anyone thought, fighting blood clots in her lungs. her ballroom partner val right by her side. this is whatt fes like > "g" bo pro. ashl gram and dr. n hton taking osizend yr heth. is a size 14 as healy as si 2? we ran the tests and we will real t rests live. >>and at happenewhen michl met t juli >>id wjustecombest fries?
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yeswe mht he. >> oh, my goodness. i nd oliket. >> what the superstar spilled out rrd life and bng a mom,nd wt ti youee t menthe tned e taes o chl. >> i'mlushg. i dn't think bshed. >>ll aad awe s -- allgoodorni, amica. >> i do believe michael has a new bff. we do say good morning, america. and it is veterans day. and w wt a grateful moment to acknowledge our men and women in uniform and their families past d prent. >> look at all those service members out there in times squa thimorng. thk yoall r yo serce. yeswe d yo fatr wain t serce. yo dadas ithe rvic >> yr da >>es. >> jt onof tse ds. >>t su is. also coming up on "good morning america," "gma's" gog undercover, and maks and peta pulled off quite a surise a dae cls. we, th morng wteam up
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th area celland,oy, d heive e cole t surisef thr lis on their biday. soany opleletunned at their weing. could u imine? >> love this serie >> it beaiful i wahed it ahe of me. ay ahome u want to e this but first t'set tamy th t moing ndow amy. >> a rig. goodorni, evyone and e bistorthisorni w teionst thunivsity of msour a spechas w be arrted cuseof ming cialhrea agait stentshere those thteats were posted on social media overnight and police now say that suspect was not on or even near campus and there was no immediate danger. the threats follow the resignation ofhe sool' president amid protests over racism on campus. well, investigators are trying to figure out why a small business jet crashed into this apartment complex in akron, iokillinas my asine ople. offials y the we no diressallsrom at j, whicwas ly aile om t rpor > we, threpuican presenti candatestay focud onhe iues ring
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campgn. dold tmp ce unr fi for his an tdepo 11 llio docuntedmmignts. ohiooverr jo kash llinthatlan lly,nd ump s bod wh he appe car fiona f terrtingtherandites. anystsay mco rio a ted cr had strg shing defeing eir sitions on foign licynd t taxode. jeb sh m havhad s be dete pformce y, bumany alysts doubt it will benou reve h camign. ll, o teagerin n yo nowacinfelo charges over sexng sndal th're accuseof ming d sharg a xual expcit vio, a now dozens ofther uden areuspeed. c's ena nan s mo. >>eporr: ts moing o new york high schools embroiled in sexng sndal two 14-year-old boys from ithtown highchooin l island arrested after police say one of them taped the other allegedly having a sexual counr wi a yng gl.
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so of e mirs tt reived e sextideon howate thehaveo evencehat son en received the vide >> reporter: administrators at kings park high school issuing suspensions for 20 studedes, some students spend for failing to reporthe deo, ev if ey dn't rwaror ew i >>eoplthatend arod, i unrsta tha buteoplthth st receive it and aren't even asking for i it'real not righ reporr: oragepares are demaing swer >> is imssible to believe that your son could get in trouble because somebody forwarded a video that he has no contl over receivingt. repter:n a atemt to abc ws kgs pk hi schl officials yingtheyo no antipateny further suensis anthathey lievthe spensionwere maden acrdan witthe distct'sode conct. r "gd moing erica," reennina abc news, new yk. >>ur tnks ree forhat. >>and heah ne, an
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a new study finds obese childrdr as young as 8 years old can show signof hrt deaseand searers y it posble the mageo thhear rmant. ll, nallon ts tera daywe rembethe hero whoacriced ererytng for eir untrto mk th date. several stars from the world of comedy joined forces here in new york for the annual stand up4for heroes. bruce springsteen pridedhe sic d a a jos ofis n. the entaisemone fothe odru fouatio namefor r coeagubob woruffho w, coue,e, iuredn ir. prodes sours an assianceor wndedeters anwe c't s it ough toy, tnk y to l the whare rvin whoave rved d thr faliesho snd hindll othem if u hatag, iveteters moy wi go their foundation, bob and lee's fodati. >> they've bn dog itor ars. 's de souch od. thedo.
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to michael. tha yougeor. cat donougfor terans. i'a tr believer tha and w here's a look at what ahe on e "gma morning menu."tar brton'seriheth battle. the anci" st is f th sh andack theospil. hecondion is mning and two models testing out whher size 14 iss hethy a se 2. we he dr ason livhereo lk aut tt. plus, i'm going one-on-one with julia roberts, what she said to mehat de mblus youan tl i'blushing still. all that coming up in "gma's" times square on this veterans day. [ cheers and applause ] 's all about the veterans. andpplae ] onminu. hi. dad we need to do thth, yes. you goo
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it's lite eaer wn yove ved r coege, wi sta far thiseters day at outback we're giving vets a free bloom n' bevage and starting thursday through the end of the year, vets and their mates get5% off eir tireeal. it a pud sute fromll ous aoutbk. [ [ rks ] co on.n. wait. welcomto t annl lighting othe ee. lethe lidays beg![ crd d gas ] that is n goo bulbas ge ou whwillo onhe pilou urney to rlacet? we will! crow huhwe wl? yeah shelya' ter carul o the. gooduck! nineundr niny nineilli, ni huned nine ninthound,
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kn. >> iot mheeland d u'veot yo sneers . she'll hp usnswethth queson, es se rely tterhen com to ur health? weot aize 2 model and size 14. wee gng t havthe sult comi car trus ansuvs it frihs a ighbs prg.. anfor limid ti, 'rlettineverne i thideal thatoesn't hapn every day! and u casee e w pre atord.m... therit i.. and at'she l pri u'llay. it thaeasy u dot ha to hase-fr. it an sideeal. nofor everyo.
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that ove19%.t's inse dealnow r evyone thasgivg brght you by wmart she woer ery d. >>welce ba to ma." evybodis gtingxcit. >> wre all gting useto t coh rit he. hoabou tha shock erer on "dancing wi thetarslast night. tamar braxton drops out, reveals a serious health scare, and mara schiavocampo here with that. hey, mara. >> gd moing. wh shehoug mig havbeen eumoa acallyurneout somhinguch morerio and w evethou brton s le thehow,he id s conderserse a wier, mplyor bng able to wakep anstilbe he. >> reporter: overnight a
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shocking "dancing withhe s" eminaon. mar axtopostg th pho fr herospil bewith rtneval merkskiyayin "wita hey het i greto formrmou that my season of dw hasome an d," due to blood clouts on her lungs. >> tamar and val. >> repter:amarent to the emergency room before monday's li brocast >> she's really kick. . iaw tar lve t stuo. >>he'sn thhospal rht w. >>ust rts. make feethisay >> reporter: the judges forc to scoreer and val basedn their hearl foage. >> 8. >> 7. >> 7. let her into your heart >> reporter: but then a shocking comeback. axtomaki it ck itime r thfinaperfmancsaving heelf om eminaon. >> i amad yore he. >> rorte aft seengly reininher rength and earng heteam neaperfect scor >> 9. >> 9. >> 9.
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nest. i s ok witthatecau i i wa hero beell. i'justlad at s's oy and i want her to take care of herself. >> reporter: but braxton now revealing she returned tthe ter at pform lrnin ththhe dn't ve pumumon li shehoug butometng way more serious, blood clots in both sides of my lungs. >> reporter: this is not the first heheth-related elimination tohockhis ar. kim zolciak suffering a mini rokehat pt h outf th ballom. >>n thinstce oillns or her althelat matrs afctarencipant's abity parcipa in e game, th muswithaw. reporter: now, braxtos trtmenmovi forward likely inudesong-term bod inne which cld lim rtaiactitiesthin lik juing. pulmary bolis arseris and n beife-reating. talk to . ason bore e ent. e sa thiwas t caed b e wo of anciitthe ars.s. it's vphysal b tha
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did t cae th. >>ou he toddre it ght ay. >> soluly, a she sd e sytomsren'subtle. is isothing at en if she ren'dointhe ow she wod ha noted t symoms socied wh th. >>e wi herell. >y, ma. >>hankou. let go tsidto mhael anlara >> a rig, gege. t he doi a le edion "gman thlookt" a thi morng, wre lkingt wa proct sethi thamost ofs usall y evy da our ll pnes. wow meanot a day >> i do. >> a rig. soin t lashourou m rembere drped o ipnes in a tank of ter toto s howell e warpro cases worked andhey th d annow o tang uto n hehts. gio,hat'the allee? i thi y all a afrdf heigs. u'reot jning m up he, bu wreoingoe a lk a pne tt clms thave e fit shterpof seen, the oid rbo by morol thcompy sa it'desied tourvivi tho tim whewewe
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theyay iwon'shatr afr a ll fm fi feeso we'll try it out rig now motola ge ushesewo oneso trit o. we'vgot toro staing right now to watch it haen, heree go on cou of ree,uys, we are we go. we're going to drop it from five feet. three, twoone. ah >> ouch. >>nd wt doe go orks it sti goo >> aiennfromotora rit he sming flingood. elinoptistic >> ieverad aoubt >>ll rht youe nocomi dowyet, are u? >> n i'mot. t'go hher,uys. t's up. 're ing doue upere. motola ds noguartee is. itnly ys t scrn is shatrpro forropsp to fiveeet. wee gog too upo tefeet now, so let's get the audience to p on ose fety goggl just in se. here we gogo 're ing dro-- cnt with me. three, twoone. oh. >> here we go. what do we got? we he a rfecy go pho, everody. th's wt weot. >>ow!
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>> it works. how out at? wereou aittlnervs? >>hen u te it,o yotake it tgrear hehthts? >> we pupu thrgh aot o extreme testing and there's actual fivlaye of reenechnogy the tha is grantd noto stter >> i'm going to tell you right now yoy need to get a phone like this. i'veeen ur pne. 's aess. eall is ss >> we actlly lrnedt's t 's aualla flib dispy. lika pligla wel it'-- topecretechlogyut it reay try flibleo evenicha cou fumehis an n- >> nhat youould er mble i ner fble. eat b, g. thk yo you ssedhe tt annow we'rgointo te itac insi to y. >> w actuall he anoer tt re i our sies maody prou wit mod and bodyctivt asey gham. is mninge archalngin the tionf wh it ans to aealttest ey'rthe me a, alst exactly the same height but with
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take a look. theyre t mods whshin ery y inhotoand the catwk. but we want to know is siz2 as healthy as a si 14? fd out we'reuttihese tworgeous wen tough dicaand tnestest fit upshlegrahah, ag28. standsall 5'9and wears si 14. she has noamil hisryf exerses gulay. i dall nds caro an weig lifng. do csses. repter:nd aba dis, so a 28 asur 5'" anweara si she has diabetes in her famy d exerse,ah, t souch. >> i walk my dog a l. >>alki cous.
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ightchecsomeasic bldworthat kinof le thbaroter ovell hlth, whicwoulbe aononing abet scrn, aonfaing cholesterol panel and then just perfect. >> questions? >> no, te mylood >>kay. >>ext , aba. youhinkou'rin gd she? no. >>nterting >>nfortunately -- i mea i thk psicay i've b%e blessed genetically. >> don't be nervous. buthat'not l. our mols hd toruncfor a fitness st. >> hea youe gog tout mehrou somlikeard re regimens. >> y wohgsa goi t g an overhead squat aessmt, well as a fit test on the treadmill. let go. >> wll g youive nute ma we're going totoo ahead and do an overhead squat asasssment. i wantntou to perform a series of 15 squats. >>kay. >>nd aba.
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>> okay. >> youe gog toave th feet facing directly towards me and your arms are going to be nice and long erhead. so ich dede a pture heah? fi outive ght w. >>hat'righand hav ashl witusnd dr. jennifer ason awellso, dr. ason, y dot yotell us the resus. >>he ment truth. soirsthinge di we eckebloopresre. ad-theadbothn thnorm rang hley is tual a ltle tterhan eba d dia nfasng dbetetestalle e heglob a1c bo norl. yodid litt betr th aba. chestel, l. th nmal. is iwherabebdid litt bit tterhan hley. we wt tohankuest diagsticfor nninthes bs f u a tn we put u onhe tadmi andid a fiess st, th psed ettyell. me, y are 28.
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t i wanto be clear. ight is relevant it onehinghat we looat. wanto aess at tay. u bo didreatnd walso wanto asss idownhe rd inhe fure, d at'shy ling healy listylis simpoant. >t d yake of tse its ver. it'slearhis a vy healthy won rit he. >> iove . >>es, u ar >> y staed athe ry ginng ofour y, wt do you do each and evevy morning? >> iike ttartith t ter and len ando -it's allinemyody bui alys he a greuice. i ear green juica da keepthe ctorway. lika seing vegable >> yes, spach, kale, appl lem, gier. >> eers and yanet abt 2 1/2 cu of getaes r daand t th in nice juicin t morng. y tose t pulso y get the ber. oka >> iade a ltle eeee sorr >>t's eat. u gu, yore aeadyone. >> yh. >>hen ter of epinyour body fit, because you are fit. you proved that today. what do you do? >> thank you, girl.
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>> squats, as, im alys aveling, i neverettldown i n't ow wre i goi to , so- >> il jt sy jce wle you ys wk out. iss le muitasng. >> as arreal imptantnd i alys le too th waynd thendoct, soy, il co a lile fwardnd iike t go o and i lik to dt wh a sat a maksure- fulbodyorko. >>s, makure that your but out le youe gngo s down andneescann gover youroes. >> dr.asht, anne o foows u onnstaam ows u'reoinghesevery day. >> wen nd too wehts. th neeto dresiance traing. 's a iorta as card andour rm ion int. >> y keeworkg ou i' keedrinng a ginr, t toou. >> i love the green drink. asia said some green drinks are good. not all. we he a lot o you fac in the owd is mning u arnot schl. 's vetansy, iorgo alady t i dn'torgeabouthe tera. wee sorateful for everybody anchecin wh th butirst we he toheckn ononhe snow stl faing denr this
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moing. somewhere between 3 and 6 inches. somef thmounin areas, to 15 ok athe gus by moow mning at danpor io. 45 miles per hour. it is going to be cold and windy behind this system. this thing scoots through very d severe weather on the front end of it today, this afternoon.anon los o icreae taywit lhthowrs r rizzle posble during the rsthalf of heay. of more concrnwil e he colfro tat coes inbylat thu aeron. rohlybeten t hou of 4m anan9p strong o vee sormare posblalngwit briefheay ai. the seere risk s hghy conitnaltoth amun o sushnee ee toda. w'llbe momoitorng his clsey as th da goe on pn n hewinto real inreae i thwak o ths ystm, it guts o 50phposile
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audience g theoggl too$- gioeft th aittlgift les gemepop. >>e ben wi thi remeer wd prlen ma cls. i n't ow aut y guybut kind of myorstightre. here'she sto of e gi who coletely schled r teher on an examhat clud a wd oblein wch fr grps of coles swappedatefor ur difffft hoolvent studts were suosedo terme whh girl end up wi whi boy at e next event. but urthrademadddouglas' answ is assi shwroton ts par -- you cat re it, so il te youhat say can'answ thiprobm beuse momays cordg to rl ce, y shodn'tate frie's eboyfend. thais gat. >>hat gircode i le it >> s's rht. sheidn'get editor t aner b her teach did admit e ma a very good poi. >> ao inpop ws" is moing, don knoabouyou guys, how you felt getting up this morning.
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this otter's reaction,y producerill owede th videotal naid itqr m extly. >> ithat pettter >> tt's a pet otter, yeah. so on the other hand, just like this turtle, after a good shower hopefully you're all ready foror twerk. the twerking turtle makes yet another appearance in "pop news." thiss anit'sot t las >> you can bring it back. >> yh. uld a te fa accpli r me they're playing "hot stf" my p kat griin iwiths. she's the cover girl, get over here, gorgeous. >> okay. >> she was posing. >> coun't op ping. >>verye acowlees h. weome. noti me,oticme.
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>> khy ithe ver rl f thupcong iue o"adwk." we have the cluse. lat that picture. >>y phaoh dy. thas rit. >>ot m fai la, my pharh la. it' a co to ve otheon tay. ere am ia goen smsui the y gege pictureme ery ght. i rht, ddy? ay. l right. at w barely left me ngin ron, he myack re. buswoma ank u fostopng she'perfmingt rao ci. no,arnee ha. >>arnee ha. thuray nht, morr nig one ofnly ve female anup cocs to perfm atarnee ale ev. >> brav tha wil b mhird tim ere. thas pretty imessi. 00nd ixcit doi 8 cies in my tour gog tohe re ameca atheyoulday. e re ameca erywhe. bu yeaharnee wi be fanttic. annenear'sve wh anrson oper >> hs a ave n. thinhe'sryinto kl me thiseare're ofrom 00 p. ti 12:. i ink 's gtinge back for all e thgs ie sa to m
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a lovgly ases geor. the's n way ihat a o time y'lle ae tcontn urse. >> n somhingorrie wi haen. >> rht he. >> il thi is fny b 'll be heius. co to e met caegieall, t ke in nd tre wl be cursg annegavitynot ke nowherwe'rclean and lite >> lten, here'a lile mpli of at y get not so ctty thy, i'll ve u a topic. hoyou el about nber e man bu. >> i'm fe wi jar leto. >>umbetwo. >> lt ght's publican bate >> dn't ss i come gol >>omedgold onmore millnials. >>ave workthic
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kathgrifn, erybody.ts rnng,hewes law of t uveityof ioa' petaces isdecatd wih ousas f amrian las. onsunay, vounteerswi th u- veers ssociatio banlaingabout 55- hundd ma aerian lag o the lan. e fags wch orm the ettr i"- denif an hono vetras lketohe unverity of iow or he cmmniy. ac flagas ta tha shoote etan' na, an yers f ercend tous. mangrups acrss eastrn owa haveetran day ven plnne fo tda. peoe i cear pid wil hooren nd menwitanevnt t veeras meori coseu onmas lad.he meo vterns unl tean dy roram getunerwy t ths ornng haweycommuit clle i waerlo wil alshot aeron i bgin a 1:1 i tmaall a repiowil folow
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pla oncludsto nceas toay ithigh shersor izle possible during he rs hf f te y. of me cocerwill b e ldfrot tat com inby te is ftnoo. rouly between heous o4pm and9p strog tsevere tor ae possiblealonwit if heavy ai th sere risisigly coditiona toth amont suhin wese day. we'llbe mniorig hi oslyastheday go on. plan on t win t really increasen e wke of hissyte with gustto 0mp posle by sunrie trsdy.the weather aywy throghfridy, wih anic eked lkey.toaa pm shorsstr mshigh: 6-62 wins: 1020 lo:9 dbq 57 iow60onit: tos ending widy ow:7-43 wins: nw240 ao: 9 d: iow: 1torrw: /cludy very indy hih:4753 winds: nw 25-3g 0 a: 5 dbq49 ow:51morow nit: osylear widylo 28-34 winds:w 1525al: 1 dbq: 32iow:2 death b accidetapoionig
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[ plinghe tmeto "star rs" > weome ck. we he a g surprise for all you "stawarsfans. yourirstook at nterinme wees" bnd-new he fce akenscolltor' cove somef our old voris an new e. >> w is ur forit when i w a teacher, j. aams s mytude and w he aig fan dirtor. >> dse rember? he suld st y. >>e ju tald. yore rht. he suld st min sethi. th's rht, ra sncerand orge he es iall kat. e ise isut fday d th ne"stawarscomeout dember8th. >> y knowhate shld ct you r, wre dng ts unrcov sers whe weave lebrities surpri peoe. we should >> j jar
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the shock on her big d. u'llake look >> andrebocei fad itian teno intnatial rordi arti andow "a" uercor agent. the ssioh deler aurpre perfmancfor unspectg bre oner wdingay. >> i wouou like toivey voe ke arese. keeng t secret wa probly t wor par i w a ltle t leery abt if thiwas a ue cl. >> sai ale i a kind of thinking it's a scam. >> something in my,gut told me th might be real >> reporter: the venue, ales and
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>> thaveim ce althe y ouhereo dohis r uss morae. [ eersnd alaus] it s thbesteddi eve hair andakeudone >> ectly >> sblesd anwe'rso hpy that he was here to share this moment wh us. >> i hope that they are happy, good luck and have many days together. [ applause ] bocli sd d est. s voe is gif >>es. >> lovthe idesids. 's aays out emsees. younow at h to ll sh gban. >> . oh thashou havbeeny g.
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chaebolton. theye alcryi rig now thers oy onbocei. >> t ultate ddinsing. kathth mwah. carnegieall. >>verydy. >> yeah, tight i'mominto aown ar u. michael. you' beewarn. t's t outo mhael >>hank rob. e ofollyod'savores i ba on e biscre. i'm lkinjulirobes. e sts in newhrilr "sretsn thr ey" ere e pla a tgh vestatorho wl st at nothg tooler daughtes muer. got chan to lk ther d shshar somsecrs of her own. d weust comeest iends? >> y, weightave. >> o mgoodne. it harnot smi whein the company of jia roberts. >> o boy >> h sigture grin lights up the om here athe iconic bevey wishire hotel where she shot "prty wan" yea ago. >> oh! >> do y he a feelis th co oveyou when y cominto th hot?
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abject awardns, espeallyhen go io th elevor bausehe evato the same and havavthe little seses. and nd olookrounand repter:f "ptty man" set e to forhe jia rorts 've l co to ow r nefilmsecrs in their eyes" shatters that image completely. >> it's your daughter. >> wt? >>eporr: aanannvestigator who uncovers the body of herwn dahterrutally murdered >> hp me >>eporter: ts moe plor so ny thg,g, espeallyusti and reststth hofar uld u go for jtice anrevee? >> ieel ke pt ofy peonaly iserocus, d pa of pernali is e eateow you can wield wardan emy ito iore their existence. >> don have the stomach to watch him walk away again. mae weo about this a little ss oiciay. >>he dectosaidou sd i
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wanto gedirtand om that at pnts saidis tt jua rorts? wheyou' beein the busine thilongnd people fe theknowou awells th do,ou wt th to and joy a movie and not think abt whyou e. >>id ihelpo ha you cinetographer theilm. d it help havhim ere eneverou gut of hvy scene? >>well it heldn a cple ofays becae, fir of all, trieto iressim smuch that reay asuch i t to presmy decto i jt ink,s he- ok. >>re yeay trng t imprs yo husndnd he'lookg. >>h. >> rlly? >> ocour. he my rson >> iove at. he'my person. d pa of it is wou spe thwholday gether. byhe te wee ho we' not lkinabouworkit'sust l abt thkidshichas az >> dyou ve a parting tipsor me? >> my dadahter said to me last
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scho, anshe s hang se frtratn, a sheaid, momm youust n't ow wt 's le, a i sd toer, gugus what i'm going to toy, i goi to t inhe ck oyourlassom a day todaand dersnd wt it le. >>ow. by e time the bell rang to goome,his whai kn, no ild nts getn thcar and ve tir pentsay, w wayouray? >>ecau you dn't reaze -- >>he rentls puuit knowdge d th youet in thcar th ts nesafe mont, w wayouray? whatid y do? ll mthe ole ing. it'sike,o. >>ndhere'sometng iear yoplayt thdinn tab caed fily nnerame. >> the fily nnerame. >> wre y askstns oundhe tle. >>h-hu >>o yohaveuestns? i he a w qution >> havquestions. what youmidd nam >>ntho.
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at wn yosee mebo? >> iuessyou ow, your es, yo smi, prablyour es. ey'rbrow there tnknk >> i bluing. ay, ank u. >> a thas wh you say, , sore yours. y knowhat, u ha thi persalitithepark bro ey, thbeauful ile,ou ude ppins. andy gausedo bes bi as yrs a thei stped ckinmy tmb. i ner sked thu so at'sy exse? > don't kw bui lolot. i ve i >>hank u, a rig, thk u souch. appreciatet. >> "cretin tir es" iin thtersn nomberhe 2h and you can see muchore of my interview with julia tonight on "nightline." ginger. >> thanknkou, michael. i'gointo gaheaand y yohavepark haz eye tha you. > this ialex althe vy fks wh us, also the coast guard. you know, i'm going to take your hat. we are celebrating all vetans day. d th wiljustof crse, y th. we'r goi to a sele wh
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ok athe tera dayitie venswyomg, 2 victory, michigan, 2 madtheminceou were here and. ldery thweekd. morning low, temperatures p dropping to freezing, some places below that numberpn n clouds to increas tayt light showers r izzepoible duinghe first hal o te d. f ore nern wl t coldrontht omes in blate thiafternon. ughy btwen tpe oursf pm d 9p, strog seerestrmm ae posibl alng with >>ll tt weher oughto u byortos. thas, gn. and coming up we're counting down to thanksgiving with our pals fro"t"thew. rst,houg i aoutse wi members of the coast guard sector new york at staten island. hell evebody happvetens d. we tnk y forour rvic e reason we want to hiligh themof crse,s because 's veransay a a sak pk of
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ard rescue. >>e gomaybthrehour and thene si. >> mayda mayy. pick yoyoself a crew and you u sist that sh. it'yourob tgo o, rit? >>heyay y g too out th don sayou g to me ck i eve fella herwantto ve. the only way that happens is if we work tother >> i'm not giving up on them. >> we st i >> we all live.
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>>the fine hourstt`t+o4: @qj9tt2w+o m "az5, tt2w`t+o m4: bm@qq> tt`t+o4:" dztq n\p tt`t+o4:" tq 0 tt`t+o m4:" gzt& '_h tt`t+o4:" hnt& 7q$ tt`t+o4:" tq \ tt`t+o m4:" jntq oh< tt`t+o4:" lzt& w%@ we are couing wn t anksvingith r frnds fr "thchewthisorni. rla hall, intokell mao bali a micel son. an i lethis let' beg rhthere. evybodis saunty e e id of e biturk, coing evenly. brlianway do right here. >> ye so what'm doing is i break it down because, one, you have less space it takes in the fridge and, two, all the pieces cook evenly so i start all of these spiceshen ma a gmola, whh i parsl, glic, lemozestnd cliesnd p in under the skin then i start cooking it and look at this here. >> pan fried turke it looks so good. >> pan fried turkey. is goo geoe. aryou elli it? it smellso grt.
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th do u pumoreremoto onatern? >> n thas thgremato cong toughhe sn. yowanto fl tha i'ltry. youan do it. , gege. e, grge n co a tkey. gethis t ofhe w. >>eah.get at o of e wa it a gat ia. soeautul. how long? >> it cooks for about 35 minutes, 35, 40 minutes. >> smuchettethan three or four hrshat norl tury uldke, theono the veggs. yesesis is roted orn uash we'vseed, sled iinto you ow, earsike is. a ttle olive oil, salt and pepper. put that in theven for about a halfournd t go otop of at we' makin a dicio sauce >> first you bake that. . >> first you bake it. >> then the cheese sauce. >> then the cheesauces tternd fur and themilk and yme d yocan t th grere eesen the. do u ha theecipon t webse? i ststt.
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>> it's delicious, right. weet t eeseauceoing anwe drizzle the cheese over the cooked acorn squash wedges. >> this could not be easier, clinton. >>ight >> tn thfinatoucwhic s su a sprisis t madaminut. >> helnu. >>ctuay. macamiauts uld love, asell. >> u theut oyourhoic youee a ovether >> yes, this i ithe big winner except let's pass it on because stfingthisan kws uffi. >>arioit iabou everhing wh's sspecl abt th -- >>e ha fennel sausage, fennel, chufuts d plesut io cus. weeaken- is iciabto th we'ried out but t al tck te all of t ufts of the breadrtgn septbernd se tm in yo freer sit'sirtuly ee sdumphat er t dri brea en y taksomeomeme ickestocor en ste ughthick sto, a ttle tterparsy antheryou pa it to ts di likthat and kefor mines.
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thisor mis wi uld rath havof a the ftovs, i ratr ha a uffi sanich an athin el. >>asy thealle >> am th y. >>e ha to ve dsert mike >> iombid my two vori desrts to o, soe ha a ccola pumin e. st pumin, ltedhocote, a lile b of eam,gg browsugaand en the spis, cle, gger,utmeand en u ju takthisyou ke t crt at25 t dayheadf ti. you ke tt betifucustd and u pour it . >> is so good. andhen t morngf thangivi, yo bak it a 350 fo anour d y he tse beaufulhocote ppkin pies >>ow dyou anspt ito andms hoe? you kn, i jt g a aood box d d g itn ov. allight i thght ere s a wel sothininvoed. >> these are all on our website. "the chew," every day at 1:00 eastern. >> must see tv. coming up we're celebrating
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lmar sha wonr evy da >>it'sime sha the warm witfamies a chdrenn ne. >> o o wow. those lolo so good. so,o onjoins antell themmichl. >>et's srehe warmth by sharing me coa. go anyurliton ore e nate coaand in o anal ct dre. becse i hap we e cebratg 40ears of "a." cotingown ourig 4hour livetreaevenmaraon. at kks o in st day but is mninga lo bacat so of memusistarand peormaes tt ha tak overgma. [ cheers and applause ] >> a youeadyor ts?
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and welcome to new york. hey good girl y got hea of gold i le thmusi whdoesn't love music. >> we get to see some of the greatestrtists in the world in their moment. >> all playing right here in times squa andn ceral rk. whoa >> ly ga comg inn a p li. i an, me o ah r ah ah >> a beyce jt thllin e enre cwd. hoa oh who if u ke it en y betr pua ring on it beyonce, i mean, i, of coue, uld ke tbe o of r baup sgers e di't really agree with that prospect. i wish you were my first love because if you were first then
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seconds juswhatou a babyou' a feworcomen show them what youe woh >> the jonas brothers are tang yantark sto. >> one, two. >> they're new kids on the block. >> mariah carey has been called the pop cinderella of 1990. you treated me kind i'm every woman it's all in me all in me >> i'm sure it was really patti labelle's peak experience to haveobinnd m yesrobi and givg itur a. i c't sy b babit cold tsid
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>> rod stewart, what was i thinking? we like to party dancing with myead ing atev we nt >> i remember the very first morning that we had this young singer on the show that was coming out with a big album. ell me how am i supposed to live without you y goto kn wheto hd 'em know when to fold 'em >> ly anbell andheir hit. i don't knowhy you don't take me downtown like you got anywhere et pr ywhe betr toe takee dotownikikyou got anywhere better r be get on the boat get on the boat people >> i didn't wear a purple suit. thank you, thank you. it's my le it nowr neve
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beautiful day yeah yeah yeah don't stop the partsnow. >> part of the legacy of ood morninamera," e muc. 'cause i'm happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof cause i'm happy clap along if you fe likhappiness is the uth >> you guys, do it. >>eah. >> w, wh >>very te we ca repre th danng. plee, wbeg u toetir on ts th40thnnivsary >> dng tt mo. >> a. >> iean >> we st he -- ameri,
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ssons and 'll right back. all right, lara and amy. we'll show it again. we'll show it one more te. >> y know theye gog toet yoback f tha yoknowt. >> it's wth it. it's so worth ideath by accidental poisoning isincasi in iowa. and almost allof those involve drug use. in the fall, former hawkeye football
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player tyler sash died of an accidental poisoning when he mixed two prescription pain medications, also known as opioids. doctors write nearly 260 million opioid prsciptonsevy yr n the ite stte. on pobemissocetydoen't ve oodsysems colectherus tt g use, ad thats ntrugto tispik i deaths. jude h moed he ril veue r dstin jeffss fom amacoutyto jasper county te juge ovd te ialbeusthelage mout ofmeda coerae wuldav a imacton e ury he faingan idig nd abetin inmurder arg in is fe' deeh. himoherigerjefern as convictd f kilin dst'swif krry o'airjeferon 20. accoingto testmony in er tria, sh stbbe o'ai-jffsontodeath. and nohe'syoufist er foecat. pln oclodsto crese toy ithligt swes r dzze ossblduingthe irs ha othda o mo cnce will be the cld fro tht coms y late
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is ftenoo. roghl bewee t horsof4pm d pm, stro tovre tor ar ssblealg ith brief hvy ran. heseere risk ishighlycoditona t themonttf nshneeeee day. we'll beonitring his closly s te ay goes o pn o te nd o reallinreae i thwakof is systm,it gusts to 5mph posib byunre thursday. the wehertays windy through friday, wth nie weeknd ikely.toda: p shwers/or ms ig: 5662 winn: se 1-20 lo:59bq:57 w: 0toght: stoms eding widlow: 37-43 wids - 2040al: 9 db: 42io 4tomrow p/cloudy, ver wndyhigh:7-53
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