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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  November 25, 2015 9:00pm-10:00pm CST

9:00 pm
rrett: it's "jimmy y mmel live"! the "star wars" special. tonight, the cast of "star wars: the force awakens," featuring harrison ford, carrie fisher, john boyega, adam driver, daisy ridley, and director j.j. abrams.. with cleto and the cletones. and now, may the force be with him, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ]
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hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you u r watching. thanks to all of you for coming. i know some of you have been waiting in line since early this morning. [ cheers and applause ] thank you -- hey. i'm glad you're here. i'm glad you're excited. welcome to our "star wars: the force awakens" special. as yoda would say, glad i am that here are you. and i am. i'll tell you something, if i could go back in time and tell my 10-year-old self that one day you'll be hosting a special "star wars" show on , i don't know what. i think i'd probably say, "uh, mom, there's a man in my bedroom." [ laughter ] tonight from the cast of "star wars: the force awakens," carrie fisher, john boyega, adam driver,aisy ridley, harrison ford, and chewbacca, and the creative force behind the force, director j.j. abrams. i've known j.j. for quite a while, but i learned something today i did not know. did you know j.j. stands for jamba juice?
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[ laughter ] his legal name is jamba juice abrams. "the force awakens" is theheeventh movie in the "star wars" story. the last things we saw in the "star wars" universe when we left off, our heroes, as you may recall, were dancing on endor with a village of ewoks. now, this one pickckup the morning after that ewok dance party when luke wakes up and realizes he got drunk and had sex with two of them. [ laughter ] disney's done a good job of keeping the details of the film under wraps and because of that the internet has been flooded with all manner of creative theories. a lot of fans are wondering why luke skywalker hasn't been in the posters or the promotional materials. and there's been speculati that he's in exixi, maybe he went to the dark side. some people think he was transformed into the villain kylo ren who's played by adam driver, and i figured something out that i think is very interesting. i think it's somethihi that people arereoing to talk about for years to come. the name kylo ren -- put that up on the screen. if you rearrange the letters here, rearrange -- it spells yonkler.
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[ laughter ] is that -- is that not something? okay. well, i'll ask j.j. about it, and we'll find out if it's something. this is the most anticipated sequel since -- i i ink since the new w stament, really. according to the marketing people at disney, 70% of "star wars" ticket holders, people who bought tickets in advance, are men between the ages of 18 and 49. now, most "star wars" fans are male, but to try to bring in the biggest possible audience they're specifically targeting young women. and this new tbailer i think does a very good job of sending the message that "star wars" is for everyrye. announcer: rey was looking for love. in all the wrong places. without a man, she was no one. rey: i'm no one. announcer: but in a galaxy of bad guys, one young stormtrooper was on the same journey. and no matter what stood in their way
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sometimes the greatest force of all is love. look at the stars look how they shine for you they met at the cantina, and the rest is history. "star wars" is one of those movies that most everyone has seen. in fact, if you meet someo that hasn't seenstar wars," you yell at them. that's usually the r rction. and since people are so familiar with the characters and the story, we decided to have some fun with that. americans know more about "star wars" than we do actual wars. so we went out on the street and asked pepele for their thououts on current eventsts that aren't actually current events at all in this special "star wars" edition of "liewitness news." [ applause ] kimmel: this morning, north korean leader kim jong un announced his replacement, kylo ren. do you think kylo ren is going to be a good leader for the people of north korea?
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because he's a real, you know, outspoken person.. he's nice. and he knows how to cover for his people, and he's kind, and all that. i feel like he'd be a good person. do you agree with miral ackbar's statement that entering the conflict in endor c cld be a trap? admiral ackbar: it's a trap! got to gamble. so you think it's worth entering endor? yeah. sure. and you would agree that the ewoks need foreign intervention to survive this conflict? definitely. earlier today, boba fett fell into -an unguarded sarlacc pit. -okay. do you think it's time for the government to finally regulate sarlacc pit safety? yeah, i think itit time for them to r rulate that kind of s sety, 'cause it's too much going on nowadays, so i pretty much think it is about that time. do you believe that the frigid temperatures like the ones we're experiencing on hoth are mankind's doing, or is climate change not our fault? that's a very good question, which will lead you guys to know that you should never believe anything. you should know. which means to research. so therefore, what you need to do is go ahead and d ok up haarp.
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that has been created to be able to make weather any way that they wa to. yes, that means tsunamis. yes, that means tornadoes. so are you saying that's what happened on hoth? i'm saying that's what's been going on this whole time. so you're saying that weather has been intentionally inflicted on the people of hoth? yes. do you think count dooku is solely to blame -for the clone wars? -no. and why is that? because there's a lot of other forces involved. to blame just one single thing is not -- i don't think that's accurate. i don't think that's fair, eithex. do you think count dooku could have done more -to avoid the e one wars? -yeah. in your opinion, did emperor palpatine have the authority to execute mace windu? i believe not. and why do you say that? from what i see in the news, that's just my opinion. do you think fox news is too soft on emperor palpatine? yes, i do. and what have you heard them say that would make you say that? nothing specific. just some random stuff. but i just do think they are soft on that. is that something if the crime is severe enough you think people should be frozen in carbonite?
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like a sort of medieval punishment really to me. actually, it's from a long, long time ago. yeah. it sounds as if it's the sort of thing which, like, shouldn't really still be going on. i mean, yeah. it's obviously very controversial. they're e ying it dates all the way back to the hutt dynasty. they're saying jabba the hutt was actually the first to do it. but do you think we should not be -- wasn't he from "star wars"? different guy. they named the " "ar wars" guy after him. these questions are all about "star wars," aren't they? i've only just realized. [ cheers and applause ] and may the force be with all of us. we have a a eat show for you tonight, and not only are j.j. abrams and the cast of the new movie here tonight, some of the non-human cast is here tonight. r2-d2 is with us. in fact, let's get him in here now. ohohthere he is. [ beeps, whistles ]
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it's nice to see you too. how you doing? [ [ eping, whistling ] he has a message for -- you know what, i've always wanted to see how this works, so this will be great. yeah. give it to us. , look at that. what is -- what is this? carrie fisher. they don't want me to wear this. great. i'll wear this if everyone else wears it and not on their head. like they could sort of [bleep] me to get me to wear this. what's going on out there? can she hear us? why am i even on this? which jimmy is this? is it the kiss-ass one or the bearded one that lives in harrison's ass? uh, hey, no, no, carrie? carrie, can you hear me? hello? hello? oh! did i -- did i butt dial? yeah. [ laughter ] oh, my god. -yeah, you did. -okay. how are you?
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i'm fine. i'm very, very happy to have you here tonight. great. i'm -- i'm so happy to be here. god, i love being on tv. oh, good. very good. good. oh, what is that you're sitting on? my heaea oh. do you like the wig? do i like this? who could not like the hairy earphone wig? okay. you want me to wear it, though, right? yeah, would you mind, uh, wearing the wig? oh, come on. so much that i would rather anyone went to [bleep] themselves. ohwell. [ laughter ] all right, well, i il see you in a l ltle while then. okay, great seeing you. okay, bye. [ cheers and applause ] carrie fisher. she kisses her brother with that mouth. thananyou, r2. it's r2-2-, everybody. carrie will be in later. we have to take a break. we have something very special when we come back
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marches on. r2-d2.
9:11 pm
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9:13 pm
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9:14 pm
welcomback. j.j. abrams and the cast of "star wars: the force awakens" is on the way. and later on, the cast is gonna face off against a very bright 7-year-old boy in a "star wars" trivia contest. and not just any 7-year-old. his name is arden hayes. he's been with us before. he's very knowledgeable when it comes to a lot -- actuallylya number of subjectsts well, here's a little -- we put a little montage together to show you how smart he is. are you a genius? yeah. -who's that guy? -warren g. harding. he was one of our worst presidents. he was one of the worst? that does not have south sudan on it. -it's missing a country? -yeah. you'd think everyone would know that, i mean -- yeah, dut no one does. but no oneneoes. how many elements are there on the periodic table? there are 118. -and you know... -all of them. you know all of them. barium, lanthanum, cerium, praseodyum, neodymium, promethium, samarium --- we get it. you're embararssing me now. europium, gadolinium. [ applause ] so not only does arden know about the elements and presidents,
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and tonight we'll find out who knows more about "star wars," the kid or the cast from the movie. let me tell you right now, the answer is the kid, so... this could -- you know, because the character has been around for so long, we kind of take the voice of chewbacca for graed, but the way chewbacca communicates is something that someone, presumably george lucas, came up with. which makes you wonder, how do you come up with something like that? i mean, what do you even tell the guy who does the voice? "try to o und like you're kind of in pain?" or... but it turns out the voice of chewbacca is everywhere. in fact, we combed the internet, put this together. these are videos shot by people who somehow found e sweet sound of chewbacca all around them every day. [ chewbacca noises ]
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[ cheers and applause ] that's merchandising. his nemesis is wd-40. as most "star wars" fans know, there has been some, well, let's just call it animosity between two members of the original cast. i really don't know what happened. i know it involved an affair of some kiki. i know it involved a woman. and since then i've been trying to get them back -- [ sirens wailing, helicopter whirring ] some -- everything all right? does anybody else -- something going on inside? you know what, excuse me, i need to see what's ha-- i'll be right back, so... [ siren wailing ] [ lice radio chatter ] hey, what's going on? got a jumper. [ laughter ] oh, , . oh, can i --
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chewbacca. it's jimmy kimmel. [ roars ] don't do this. you have too much to live for. [ roaring ] i can't understand you. again, i can't understand you. jimmy, whatat going on? oh, hey -- oh, hey. it's chewbacca. he's gonna jump. oh. huh. good. no, no, no, no. not good. not good. what do you mean good? no, bad. this is bad. that's your friend. do something. [ chewbacca roars ] shut your wookiee grunt hole, will you? don't givevee that! you made a choice! she was my wife! don't -- i don't care! i don't want to hear it! -hey, hey, hey. -no! -hey. hey. -go ahahd, do us a favor.
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-jump! -no, don't jump! -go on, jump! -don't jump! don't do that. no. come on. what are you doing? that's your friend up there. i know you guys have been through a lot, but that was a long time ago. in a galaxy far, far away. you've got to do something here. don't you remember the good times? there wewe really good timeme hello it's me i was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet to go over everything they say that time's supposed to heal you but i ain't done much healing hello from the outside
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at least i can say that i've tried to tell you i'm sorry for breaking your heart but it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore i remember. go to him. go to your friend. [ laughter ] chewie. chewie! come here, you -- you big walking carpet.
9:20 pm
[ cheers and applause ] [ to the tune of the "star wars" theme ] da, da, da-da-dda da, da, da, da, da-da-da-da shut the [ bleep ] up! sorry. [ cheers and applause ] this is our special "star wars" show.
9:21 pm
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9:22 pm
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9:23 pm
[ cheers and applause ] hi, there. tonight from "star wars: the force awakens," carrie fisher, john boyega, adam driver, and daisy ridley are here. guilleleo, of all the "star wars" characters,, all of them, which one is your favorite? uh, r-- r2-d2. okay. not naming one that you just saw two seconds ago. [ laughter ]
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which one is your favorite? uh, h-ham solo. [ laughter ] or hans olo. whatever his name. what did you say again? uh, ham solo. -ham solo, yeah. yeah. -yeah. it's just a single ham. [ laughter ] all right. very good. tomorrow night , uh, marvel super n nht. chris evans and robert downey jr. will join us, as will krysten ritter, and we'll have music from fall out boy. and next tuesday, a week from tomorrow, on world a.i.d.s. day, we're doing a veryrypecial shop-a-thon show to raise money for the great charity (red). joining us that night on the show, bono, scarlett johanon, the killers, olivia wilde, and many, many more. [ cheeee and applause ] maybe even matt damon might show up that night, although i'm not promising anything. so join us tuesday for the "jimmy kimmel live: (red) shop-a-thon." you can shop and do something good at the same time. it's like the opposite of black friday, really.
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a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away our first guesbrought us many great television shows and then went on to become one of the most beloved erican film directors. he's produced, co-written, and directed one of the most eagerly anticipated movies ever, "star wars: the force awakens," opens december 18th. please welcome j.j. abrams. [ cheers a a applause ] i'm glad to have you here. thank you. good to be here. thank you so much. it's exciting to have you. and i know -- i know you don't want to spoil anything. i know tre's only so much you can reveal. but i do have ononquestion, a spececic question i'd love -- -i'd love to get an answer for. -all right. i think the fans would love to get an answer for this question. -yeah. -at the end of "lost," okay? the last episode -- [ laughter ] they were -- they were in purgatory, right? i mean, it was --
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jimmy, whatever you say, man. are you done wh the movie? are you finished? -is it over? -we are, uh -- we have,e,ike, a couple m me -- color correction and things to do, but we're done. it's almost in the can. yeah. is there -- is there even a can anymore? are there cans? they are cans, but they have nothing to do with the movie. kay. all right. -but they're cans. no cans. are you happy that you've almost finished it? uh, i can't tell you the relief i feel. uh, honestly. it's been a long time working on this thing. it has been a long time. but you know, it's also -- it's nerve-wracking. i won't lie to you. mean, it's -- i remember being at a dinner, a birthday dinner for our mutual friend alex wallow, yes. and bob iger was at that dinner, mm-hmm. and he was trying to convince you at the dinner to direct this movov. and you were reluctant. i was only reluctant because, i -- i -- "a," i love the movie "star wars" so much. i love the -- the original trilogy. i was 11 years old when i saw the first one. it h a profound impact on me. and sosohe idea of getting g close to somethingg kind of scared me a little bit. um, and also i'd been working on a bunch of things
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and katie, my wife, and i had, you know, plans with the family to go away for a little while. -[ laughs ] really? -yeah. and kathleen kennedy calls, she's like, "do u want to direct ' 'ar wars'"? -uh-huh. -it was a real -- i was, like -- -i said, "no, thank you." -uh-huh. um, but then she said, "can we talk in person?" i said of course, and she came in and we met. and all we had to do was start talking about it and i just felt myself -- you gogocarried away withthourself. the idea that -- if i had -- katie said afterwards, uh, the meeting, i-i talked to her about it, and she said, "if you pass this up, you'll probably regret itfor the rest of your life. you should really consider it. yeah, sure. and if it goes poorly, you will regrereit for the rest of your life. this is -- this is true, so this is going back to the nerves. how many people have seen the movie? how many people have actually seen the movie from beginning to end? it's a good question. uh, we've shown it to -- had a bunch of litttt sort of small friend and family screenings. but the truth is, i haven't seen it with hundreds of people. it's been, you know, a few here, a few there. um, and that's the thing i'm most excited about 'cause it's -- it is a movie that i think will be a lot of fun to watch with a crowd. that is the best part of directing a movie, isn't it?
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actually getting to see people watch it and enjoy it. it is. but it's like you never know. you just don't -- yojust don't know. i mean, when we did the "star trek" film, we hadn't seen it with an audience and we were in sydney, australia. and at the opera house. and there were just thousands of people there. so you couldn't hear anything. the space was so big. ititasn't like a normal movie theater. right. so i was convinced the whole time it was an utter disaster 'cause i'd never seen it with an audience. and -- and when it was over, they gave an incredibly generous ovation. it was l le a two-minute-longgthing, and it was ---- but t ring the movie, you just don't know until you've gotten through it. so it's terrifying. are fans of the "star wars" movies more aggressive than the fans of the "star trek" -- there are more of them. and, uh, because i have always, since i was a little kid, counted myself among them, uh, -i'm not gonna disparage them.....-right. ...uh, and say anything bad about them. -i think they're fantastic. -no, i'm not looking for you -- but they do frighten you sometimes. they come up to you and they must say
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"you've got our baby, and you better take care of it." well, there -- i get a lot of people coming up and sayg, u know, "oh, hey, i love 'star wars.'" and my response to that is, "thank you, i had nothing to do with it." and i'm grateful that we're in the same club. but it's like i was -- i saw it too. t what they're really saying underneaththt is "if you screw this up, i'll kill you." right, yeah. and some of the characters remain from some of the original films. sure, yeah. uh-huh. but the focus is on new characters. you've got new -- phil collins does all the music for this movie, yes? yeah, phil just -- he said "i'm not retired anymore" and did all the music. it's incredible. john williams... -oh, yes. okay. -...does the m mic. -not -- not phil collins. -not phil collins? no. no one from genesis did the music. yeah, we have an amazing cast. daisy ridley -- you'll meet them in two minutes. and you'll maybe -- i mean, maybe even ruin their lives. i don't know. i assume that -- well, , 'll find out. -that's sort of the goal. -yeah, it really is. if nothing changes, we really screwed up. it's to make sure they get swarmed by nerds everywhere they go, people carrying signs.
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this cast, they are truly -- they are amazi. i cannot wait for you to see. well, i can't wait to see it either. apparently i wasn't among the friends or family, but -- [ laughter ] neither was guillermo. -was guillermo?! -he was there. he was therer he better not have beeeethere! but i -- i really can't wait for you to see it. yeah, no, i'm looking forward to seeing it. and i will tell you, some people -- i know some people who have seen it and people who are very critical in general say -- they're effusive. they say it's great. oh, that's very sweet. thank you. so let's hope that everybody feels that same way. now, what i would love to do is to get a little bit of something out of you. and what i mean by that -- i don't -- -yeah. -i don't mean a liquid. i mean, um... [ laughter ] i'd just love to know, like, for instance, what's the first word of the movie? -the first word? -yeah. um, spoken? yes. the first spoken word in the film. -ready? -yes.
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[ cheers and applause ] look at it. oh, my god.. someone's back there -- i told them to be ready. it's a good thing they were able to spell this one. [ laughter ] now, if you rearrange these letters you can spell sith. does that mean anything? sorry,y,'ve been playing lot of scrabble lately. i know. are you okay? yeah, i don't know what's going on with me. you're mr. anagram. you brought a clip with you. -oh, yeah. -this is -- does it need to be set up? essentially, all you need to know is this is very early on in the movie and these two characters, rey and finn, have just met, and he was a stormtrooper and abandoned his post and she is a scavenger in the desert of a place called jakku and the two of them have met and are now being pursued. -oh, all right, take a look. -here we go. here's a clip from "star wars: the force awakens." [ both panting ] we can't outrun them!
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we need a pilot. we've got one. you? aah! that must have cost a fortune. so when we come back, j.j. abrams is gonna stick with us and we'll get to meet your cast. the cast of "star wars: the force awakens."
9:33 pm
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9:34 pm
this is the pursuit of perfection. a n n world hangs outside the window beautiful and strange it must be falling away
9:35 pm
the willis dadd emergency shelelr in cedar r rpids plans to add more beds in the future. and fayette county considers revising an ordinance that would allow a company to build a wind farm. more homeless people will soon
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we're back with j.j. abrams. it's our "star wars" special. you haven't seen these yet. hasbro made these.
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and there's me as princess leiaia abrams: we are a cute couple. oh, no. all right, our next guests span three generations of the force being with us. on december 18th, their lives will change forever when "star wars:s:he force awakens" opens in theaters. please welcome adam driver, daisy ridley, john boyega, and carrie fisher. [ cheers and applause ] hello, ladies and gentlemen. thanks for coming. it's great to have you here. so, maybe just go around and talk about how -- the ment you found out that you were going to be in the movie and the security surrounding that. i was like 19. [ laughter ] how about you, daisy?
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-you were also like 19. -um, i was at the theater. yeah, i i s at the theater, and, um, i hadn't been able to watch the first half 'cause i was, like, desperately trying to get in touch with j.j. 'cause i didn't know how to call the u.s. i had google it, all sorts of things. you were at a play. oh. -yeah. -i see. and so told me, and obviously i was not there for the whole first half. and then had to go back in to the second half and not tell the guy i was with. oh, because it was a secret and you didn't trust him. yeah, and it was "oedipus rex," so it was long. uh-huh. does he now know you were keeping that from him during the play? -no. -no, he does not. -no. -maybe he now does. -yeah, yeah. -yeah, see? adam, how about -- were you shooting "girls" at the time? yeah, it was the last day of the second season of "girls" and i got a call, "do you want to meet j.j. and talk about 'star wars'?" yeah. yeah, i would. then it was just months of meeting and making, you know -- weighing it t d, you know, takingnghe time considering it. and then -- and then jumping on board. and you couldn't tell anybody for how long? um, i feel like i still haven't told anybody.
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tell john, 'cause he's right there, and he should know what's going on. j.j. spoiled it for my -- he assumed i told her everything but i didn't tell her. -oh, really? -i really get into it. yeah, it's my fault. now you know you can trust adam. and, john, how about you? when you found this out, when was it? i was in a basement somewhere waiting for seven months to hear whether i got the part or not. and j.j. released me from absolute -- he had you in captivity? i was literally just waiting at home to see if j.j. would give me the part and he sent me the e-mail telling me to come to mayfair and meet him, and i met him and larry kasdan. then he brbre the news to me that i got the part. it was a good day. yeah. [ cheers and applause ] very good day. very good day. who was thf first person you told this news? -i told d agent, femmy. -uh-huh. but i think the most interesting thing was telling my dad. so i went home and i was like, "dad, i've just been cast in 'star wars.'" and he was just like, "oh, my god. you are in 'star wars'? that is fantastic. i knkn it. what is 'star wars'?"
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-he didn't know? -he didn't know. he didn't know. he didn't know. well, all your families had to be excited, huh? ght. didiyou pump carrie r information about the things that went on? a lot of crazy things went on in the original "star wars" movies, yes? yeah. and you were at the center of a lot of those crazy things. i started most of them. [ laughter ] when you go back to playing the part of princess leia, now general leia, do you have to, like, go back and look at one of the older movies and kind of -- and feel bad abt how i've aged? [ laughter ] well -- yes. okay, that's what i do at night. that's what you do at night. puts me to sleep. yeah. i see. now, i have a photograph here. this is the -- is this the first table read? -y-yh. -yeah, that's s at it was. and j.j., looks like you had it in ikea or something like that. where was this? abrams: we were on a stage at the studio, at pinewood. is is the first time you all got together? yep. did -- and you w wt through the scscpt. by the way, did you give the s sipt to the actors? yeah, j.j., did you?
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[ laughter ] yes, we -- the actors had the script. but it was, uh -- that was a aamazing thing to see everyone together for the first time. because we'd had everyone in separate different rooms for months and then all of a sudden we put theall together, and we were like crossing our fingers it would go well. and it was kind of an electric, amazing time. when yououave the script in your hands, are you nervous about -- about losing it? absolutely. i have to say, through the audition process we didn't get to take the script home. so we had to go to pinewood and learn our lines and then go home. i felt like i was living a double life, like batman. it was a real situation. so to have the script on the read-through was fantastic. you got to learn your lines? i did. and john came in like eight ororine times to audition. -it was a long process. -thank you, j.j. eight or nine times? no, but it was a long -- it was a long process. i feel -- i feel guilty. adam, you are in a helmet in the clips that we've seen fr the movie. do we ever see your face? because otherwise anybody really could have been you, i guess, huh? -yeah, i know. -you didn't even need to go.
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i will say that adam was amazing becaususthere were certain things where in theory someone else could have been in there for a shot or two but adam always was like "no, i want to do every single shot." so he did. he was, uh -- he was incredible. that's a trouper. that's not a stormtrooper but a trouper, yeah. [ [ ughter ] and daisy, for you, this is your first thing, right? -this is -- -yeah. i mean, i imagine you're of course excited, but, like, are you fully aware of what you'te in for? um, i don't know. it's kind of been a process this year. like, obviously i've never had people going, -"can you sign a picture" of me? -uh-huh. so that's totoet used to. but i'm juststbviously pleased be part of the film, and whatever else comes is cool. yeah, right. are you all signed for other movies, for the future films? n't know what you're talking about. [ laughter ] i really feel like i can't get -- carrie, you'll tell me everything. what happens at the end of the movie?
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[ laughter ] -everyone... -oh, no. at? really? wow. that's a hell of a lightsaber battle. it involves -- it involves -- [ laughter ] yeah. it involves nudity. it involves nudity. wouldn'that be something, if you made, like,e,an r-rated version of -- -that would be, uh... -can you imagine? that would have been a ballsy move on your part. all right, so what we're gonna do here... -so to speak. -since i cannot get any actual information about the film from any of you, we are gonna put you to the test here. you're gonna play against a 7-year-old boy who knows an awful lot about "star wars." so we're goingo have to put the nudity and the lightsaber talk toed for just a fewewinutes. again, when we come back, the cast of "the force awakens" versus a boy genius. we'll be right back. [bark] wait up!
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9:46 pm
welcome back to our "star wars" special. it's time to pit the cast of "star wars: the force awakens" against a very smart 7-year-old named arden in an intergalactic battle of trivia. it is time for "ard wars." wow. spared no expense with the graphics. our quizmaster and judge tonight is mr. j.j. abrams, the director of the film. let's introduce the teams. to my left, members of the cast. representing both the present and st, daisy ridley, john boyega, adam driver, and carrie fisher. teamamstar wars." their opponent is the star of this particular war. he's a third-grader from here in los angeles. he is a bona fide genius despite the fact that he is no bigger than a womp rat. please welcome the d dk lord of trivia,a,rden hayes.
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hi, arden. how you doing, arden? -are you excited? -yeah. should these guyssbe nervous? yeah, maybe. yeah, maybe. are you gonna crush them like, uh, some kind of rebel scum? may-- yeah, maybe. all right, well, let's find out. arden, by the way, dressed up, uhuhas a "star wars" character -for halloween. -yeah. and, uh, this is the character he dressed up as. -a jawa. -that's a great-looking costume. [ applause ] who madedehat costume? your mom make that costume? -no. i bought it. -dad? you bought it. okay. very good. all right. are you ready to play? -yeah. -all right, here we go. e teams are a little bit uneven. maybe we should have a t tmmate for, um, ard. yeah, let's bring in a teammate for arden. and, uh, arden, this is your teammate. [ cheers and applaus] all right, here we go. ththrules are simple. hi.
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asking you "star wars" trivia questions. you'll have 10 seconds to answer correctly. if you don't answer correctly, your opponent will have a chance to steal. just like in the movie, j.j.'s decisions are final. you're not allowed to argue with him. j.j., we're gonna start with arden. -what is oururirst question? -here we go. what was luke planning to pick up at tosche station? the power converters. -the power converters. -that's right. -that is absolutely correct. -that is correct. kimmel: ararn has 10 points. -next question is for your cast. -here we go. [ clears throat ] get ready, guys. where did uncle owen tell luke to take the droids into to have their memory erased? [ laughter ] you have 10 seconds to figure this out. so what happened, carrie? carrie was in the original films. elstree studios. yournswer is? -borehamwood studios. -n... i know. i wawanot on that planet. i'm sorry. arden, yes, let's give arden a chance.
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where did uncle owen tell luke to take the droids into to have their memory erased? tosche station. [ beeping ] that is not correct. [ man screams "no!" ] my god. that was terrifying. abrams- horrible sound. anchorhead. anchorhead was the, uh, correct ansnsr. is that right? i always feel like when arden gets one wrong, it means we were wrong. [ laughter ] -all right. -all right. next question is for arden. who was red leader during the battle of endor? wedge antilles. -that's right. -that is correct. next question for your cast. all right, in whadetention block was one princess leia being held? laughter ] i was unconscious for that part, so you guys -- i wasn't born. -a-23. -wait a minute. -any other excuses? -wait, wait, wait, wait. what detention block -- 51. hayes:s:wait, i-i answereded -what? -yeah, it was a-23. -oh, yeah, it's a-23. but -- -that is correct.
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this is already an insurmountable lead. the next question goes to the cast first. j.j.? how many skiffs accompanied jabba the hutt's sail barge? how many skiffs accompanied jabba the hutt's -sail barge? -seven. -is that your final answer? -yes. -it is wrong. -thank you. man: no! kimmel: arden, how many skiffs? -two. -that's right. -two skiffs. -that is correct. [ chchrs and applause ] arden, quick follow-up question. what is a skiff? well, it's like a thing that, like, has like -- -i really can't explain it. -okay. but it carries prisoners sometimes. okay. all right. the next question is for aen. he has a huge lead, 40 points. there's really no point in continuing, but we are g gng to anyway. j.j.? during the battle of yavin, jek porkins was assisted by which astromech droid?
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that is correct. i didn't undererand the question. [ laughs ] well, let's have another one just for the hell of it to see if you guys can get -- have any of you seen "star wars"? [ laughter ] -i-itudied for this. ou studied for this? -genuinely. -well, you failed. uh, next question. what talking bay in mos eisley housed the millennium falcon? -what? -oh! i know that. somewhere. you have ten secondsds -w-wt was it? -the question again. what docking bay in mos eisley housed the millennium falcon? 3. docking bay 94. ahh. [ cheers and applause ] that is correct. all right, i think this game is over, and i think we have a winner, and i think his name is arden. [ cheers and applause ] kimmel: for yoururfforts tonight, we have a a ry special collection of gifts for you. we got you -- arden,
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you wawa to come look atatt? what, do i pick one? so, all the stuff in the wheelbarrow, this is for you. and the cast and j.j. signed the stormtrooper for you. [ cheers and applause ] really? so n nely done. and you get to take r2-d2 and guillermo home also, okay? [ beeps ] kimmel: arden hayes, everybody. thanks to j.j. thanks to the cast. we'll be right b bk. [ cheers and applause ] expand services to help more people in need. and north liberty considers renaming the stretch of highway 965 that ruus through town. kcrg-tv9 news at 10 is next. tonight after football. nus pressure... and congestion... you feel blocked,
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squeezed, stuffed up. as if the weight of the world is resting on your face. but sudafed gives you maximum strength sinus pressure and congestion relief... so you feel free, liberated, released, decongested, open for business. (breathes deeply) powerful sinus relief from the number one pharmacist recommended brand. sudafed . open up . a new world hangs outside the window beautiful and strange it must be
9:54 pm
i must be sound and color (music playsyshroughout) i'm lucky to get through a shift without a a saster. my bararin detergent couldn't keep up.
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so i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated so i get a better clean. 15% cleaning ingredients or 90%. don't pay for water, pay for clean. that's my tide. i want to thank adam, daisy, john, and carrie. i want to thank ththdirector, j.j. abrams. thank you guys all so much for being here. our stormtroopers.
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apologies to matt damon. hey, congratulations, arden, by the way. thanks. how do you think those other guys did? pretty good. pretty good. they didn't -- but wait a minute. they didn't get any of the answers. are you just being nice right now? -yeah, pretty much. -okay, all right. that's arden hayes. thanks for watching. good night. [ cheers and applause ] planning a big expansion. i'll explai what it means
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for families here.
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