tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC December 29, 2015 10:35pm-11:37pm CST
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thank you, everydy. very nice. thank you for watching. thanks. you know we have weird morning here. all the schools in los angeles wererelosed today because someone -- they haven't figured out who yet -- sent the school system a threatening e-mail. they got a similar note in new york. they decided it waa hoax, the schools stayed open. here in l.l. we have so many implants we don't know the difference between real and fake anymore. more than 700,000 students were told not to come to school today which meant lot our staff members had to bring their kids into the office. so since they were here we decided to put them to work. i actually had one of them write a joke for the monologue. and let's see what he came up with here. let's see. "star wars" is opening on friday. and cows are really excited because they love to go to the
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[ cheers and applause ] i don't get it. cows don't go to the movies. it doesn't make any sense at all. is is a terrible joke. you come into my office and you give me a joke like this? what's wrong with you? i meananyou know, you know t tt house you live in? the reason that your parents are able to pay the rent is because your father works on this show. and now i get a joke like this -- you're fired. get out of here. take this joke with you. yeah, no, no, you can't -- you have to -- you can't -- you can't coddle them. we're going to need the headset, too. yeah. go on and -- yeah, go play by
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[ applause ] it has a sadder ending than i anticipated. you guys know this isn't real, right? right, guillermo? >> right,jimmy. >> jimmy: you know, this time of year students in illinois, they participate in something called dial a carol. something they came up with in 1960. people call them and request a song and then the students sing the song for them live. so they open the lines at so far they've received more than 11,000 calls which is incredible. they finally figured out a way to make music come out of your phone. but it's popular. it's so popular, in fact, this style of carol that the idea is spreading to other religions. >> if you like dial a carol you'll love han-a-call. we're standing by to sing all of your favorite hanukkah songs. >> what tune would you like to hear today?
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sure thing. dradel dradel dradel and when it's dry and ready oh dreidel i wiwi play >> w wknow every hanukkah song in the boooo and we're ready to sing it for wow. >> you want to hear the dradel song? okay. >> 24 hours a day, eight nights of hanukkah. >> let me guess, the [ bleep ] dradel song! i made it oututf clay >> w wt are you waiting for? i made it out of clay >> gary, are you going the hanukkah thing again? we talked about this. you're fired. >> jimmy: that's it. really, really bad news, that kid i fired, that's his father. [ laughter ] this is funny. we scour the news every day for anything local that might be of interest nationally.
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cbs affiliate in rochester, minnesota. into a live news event of the ages. we first today turn to the bank investigation. we are live with more. adam? >> tyler, just 24 hours ago this bank in ---- >> that guy right there. >> what? >> that's the robber. >> oh, that's the robber. this is live tv,olks. that's the robber that just went by, according to the bank employee. i got to go here and call 911. i'll talk to you later. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: they'll definitelylyet an emmy. that's how "fargo" seaso 3 starts. [ laughter ] the debate starring donald trump and friends, it took place at the venetian hotel in lalavegas,
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this is the fif debate between the republican candidates and one big questioio still remains unanswered. that question is, who the hell is this man? i think he's my dad's friend from work. but i could be wrong. all the big names were there. trump, cruz, carson, chris christie got movededp from what they call the kids' table to the main debate. apparently he ate everything on the kids' table so they had to move him. the reason chris christie is picking up steam, , points out the other candidatesesant to build walls or beef up border patrols. he's the only candidate with an actual experience in stopping people from getting where they want to go. he stopped thousands of people in new jersey from crossing the bridge into new york. he can dthat with mexico, too, folks. [ laughter ] by the way, donald trump was center stage. trump now holds a very big lead in the national polls. trump leads ted cruz by 27
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and he's also way ahead in the new lat moth poll. i don'know if i trust these polls. basically donald trump is leing among people who still answer their landline at their house. you know? donald trump is going to be with us tomorrow night. and he will be here in studio. he says a lot of interesting stuff, so we decided to have fun with that. to prepare for his visit we went on the street and asked people if they had heard about a bunch of things that we made uin this donald trump edition of "lie witness new" >> i'm sure you saw that rally in ohio where donald trump wore the diaper and swung the baby bottle around, i'm a democrat, someone change my dipy. did that help or hurt his legigimacy? >> it huhu. >> where did tu see it? >> i probably heard about it. >> were you surprised whenou
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don't kill people, marco rubio's cousins do. at all. that? >> always the news and/or the >> we're talking to people about donald trump. some of his comments about muslims have some people comparing them with hitler. hitler's been trying to distance himself fromonald trump. this morning hitler tweeted, trump can kiss my wiener schnitzel. what did you think? >> i thought it was pretty funny. >> did you see that? >> i saw it on twitter. >> people have been talking about it? >> yes, it was all over my twitter. >> people are laughing saying they're glad donald trump is disqualified from the presidency. >> by hitler? >> by hitler. >> what did you think of donald trump's statement, i iit's brown, flush it down to mexico? >> i thought -- >> flush all that brown down to mexico. >> whoa, did he really just say that? >> i agree with him. it's true, yeah. it's true. >> i still thought, oh, my god, did you reallylyay that? >> where were you when you saw him say that? >> i was at home. on television.
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really just say that. >> do ne a favor, guys, look in the camera and tell donald trump what you wananto tell him? >> go, go, go, you're going to be a good president. >> donald trump, i love you. keep being you. >> that's what we need, a great businessman like donald trump to run our country. >> absolutely. >> good man, like him. >> keep on rocking it, man. >> you're not lying, are you? >> no, absolutely not. [ applause ] >> jimmy: part of what makes the holiday season festive is the music, holiday music. our musical guest tonight is the one and only seal. [ [ eers and applause seal is a grammymyward winner. tonight he's releasing a new project specifically for the holidays for anyone who loves christmas, f what it really is. >ello, i'm seal. every christmas artists like myself release albums about the joy and wonder of the season. but what about the parts of christmas that aren't so joyous?
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christmas that kind of suck? well, now, there's an album for that, too. >> seal's "honest christmas carols" with realistic soon to be holiday hits like -- no one likes your ugly sweater party no one likes your ugly sweater smile >> seaea sings what you're thinking. mom's drunk again >> christmas carols you always wish you had. i don't want to meet your family because i'm breaking up with you next week yeah >> and of course the timeless classic. all my friends from hh school are fat yeah all my friends from high school are fat >> finally, songs you wish existed.
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this is just what i needed >> seal's honest christmas carols, the perfect gift foror people you knono >> order now and tell them how you really feel. my cousin's new boyfriend is a [ bleep ] >> "seal's honest christmas carols," available at walgreens. >> jimmy: when we come back i'm going to tell you about the -- i saw the new "star wars" movie last night. i'll tell you how it ends. and my aunt chippy is going to cacas and i'll tell you about my holiday prank war with john krasinski. we'll be right back.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: chris fowler and music from seal is on the way. but right across the street from us in hollywood, the premiere of "star wars." this is a movie. have youeard about it? i saw it last night. and then today everyone at work just said -- everyone kept saying over and d er, i don't want to hear anything about it. i don't want to know anything. i really feel like i want to tell somebody something. so there's a thing called the force. and it's got a real dark side but it also has a mellow side. kind of like snoop dogg in a way. so this is how things go in my family. my aunt chippy called my wife the other day to thank her for my christmas card in the mail. photo of our daughter 17 months old. dressed as santa claus.
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card because she's sick of getting stupid cards. my aunt chippy turns out in particular don't like the cards my brother sends out every year. my brother makes funnynyards with photo shop with his kids in them. we brought her in to give her a review of some of those cards and as she usually does, to spread joy thriughout the land. good energy and, action! >> here's a doozy. it's a doozy. this is from my nephew jonathan of -- can you find the kids in here? this is [ bleep ]. don't do me no favors, jonathan. you've got this big [ bleep ] card and your kids' faces are as big as a pinhead. oh, here's jonathan's kids again. they're really cute kids in person. i mean, they're adorable in person. you would never know it by seeing the cards this [ bleep ]
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jump for joy. jump [ bleep ]. i don't want to see any babies jumping out of planes. thank you. merry christmas. whatever [ bleep ] you got for me? now, this is what a christmas card should look like. look at that adorable little girl. this is my granddaughter when she was little. nice christmas picture. the face you want to eat up. and a picture that makes you happy when you see it, when you are really down in the dumps and feel like [ bleep ]. >> there wasn't quite enough energy in that so we're going do the whole thing agaiai >> [ blele ] [ bleep ]. let me tell you something, you push, you push, you push. one of these days i'm going knock your freakin' teeth out. >> merry chrhrtmas. >> and a merry christmas to you, too. [ applause ] >> jimmy: we have a very good show for you tonight. we have music from seal fromom
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herbstreit here and my old pal john krasinski is visiting. we have a holiday tradition of pulling -- what have become elaborate pranks on each oth. he started it. four years ago john and his wife emily broke into my house and they put a lit up snowown and santa in my living room. so i got them back. a couple of days later i bought a neon insurance sign from craigslist and put it in their front yard. there's john with the sign. john, don't think this was even christmas found a gardenenombie in the sky mall and he planted it in our garden. which i will tell you when you go out in the garden and happen upon that, terrifying. scary. xt year i got ahold of 26-foot inflatable reindeer and i inflated it in front of his house and added reindeer poop while we were at it. next year i upped the ante more. i sent eight trucks worth of holiday decorations and a huge crew to wrap his whole house.
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and then he came home from work and happened upon it. and i figured, that would be it, right? that would be the end of this. but it wasast because last year they wrapped my car. and i knew it was him when i saw it. they filled it with glass ornaments. and this, by the way, yeah, they all came out. this -- this didn't happen onlnl once. the next night i went out to the car again and it was wrapped again. and then there were people in the car th time. ristmas carollers popped out and sang. and then when his wife emily was a guest here on the show, john surprised me with this. now,#this is -- that's john in
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into the wall. yeah. and dropped a piano on my car. so this year it's on. i mean, it's -- there's no baby jesus anymore. okay? and we will share the results of what was done toe in just a few minutes. 'll be right back with john krasinski. [ chrs and applause ] >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" live is brought to you by esurance. #holiday extra happy when you buy one get one free on our most popular smartphones... like theheamsung galaxy s6. buy one get one free. so spread some cheer. and capture everminute of it.
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hi, i'd like to make a dep-- scanner: rescan item. rescan, rescan. rescan item. vo: it happens so often you almost get used to it. phone voice: main menu representative. representative.. representative. vo: which is why being put first... relax, we got this. vo: ...takes some getting used to. joinhe nation.
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clark jr and a new edition of mean tweets. so please join us for thth. we have a very funny actor and dangerous neighbor who has transformed his body into that of a navy s.e.a.l. he stars in the new michael bay movie, "19 hours: the secret soldiers of benghazi." >> i'm thinking of my girl, man. i'm thinking, what would they say about me? he died in a place he didn't need to be in a battle over something he doesn't understand in a country that meant nothing to him. every time i go home to becky and those girls, i think, this is it, i'm going to stay. and then something happens and i end up back here.
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why can't i go home and just >> jimmy: "13 hours: the secret soldiers of benghazi." it opens january 15th. please welcome john krasinski. cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: guillermo told me you had a pit bull back there and i believed it. >> i saw your reaction, does he? [ laughter ] that was amazing. >> jimmy: before w wget to the prank story, this is not your typical michael bey movie. there's action but it's real based on a real story. >> yeah, based on the most incredible true story about -- it's a story i don't think a lot of people know. i think people think they know about benghazi. i didn't know all the details until i read the book. the true heroes wrote the book and it's about the six guys that went in to try to save
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and ended up saving 29 american lives. they were under siege by 250, 290 guys, for 13 hours straight. it's a pretty harrowing story. unbelievable. >> jimmy: you play a real person? >> i do. i do, yeah. >> jimmy: is he named in the movie? >> in the book he's actually one of the guys that's still remaining confidential but in the book they call him jack lva. and he's a navy seal and basicallthe story is, they're contracts by the cia. so not active military at the time. exexetired military. the crazy part about this story is they have no obligation to go. so they didn't have to go in and save anybody. they could have just stayed where they were and stayed safe and they put their lives on the line immediately. >> jimmy: did you meet the man you're playing in the movie? >> i did. it was one of the most emotional things. he's such an incredible guy. amazing to see these guys how unassuming they are. nice gentle guys. if you saw them at bar, you wouldn't go, you're a navy s.e.a.l.
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guys who do these things witho any hesitation. >>8jimmy: you had to go on a diet and start working out in a way that was -- i felt like it was infringing on my fun. it's true. >> it's true. we didn't have any fun. i just came over and drank water your house, basically. >> jimmy: you can't eat anything. you can't t ink. whwh was your regimen? what was the workout you went through for this? >> basically eating salads and chicken and water. and working out all the time. we did two-a-day workouts with my trainer jason walsh who is a really great guy. >> jimmy: seven days a week you worked out? >> probably five and six days a week, twice a day. i was doing, let's do it, get the bench press going. he said, no, drag that sled from here to there. i thought, how hard is that? it was so awful. when you started, your percentage? you shouldn't say t ts on television. my body fat was, i believe, 25%. >> jimmy: that's good, right? >> no, no. >> jimmy: 75% not fat. >> i thought so, too.
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he was like, it's awful. it's awful. movie by body fat was 9%. >> jimmy: so this is -- [ applause ] -- this came o5t tonight. this is "men's health" magazine. i'm very upset because i really feel i should have been invited to this photo shoot. "how john got jacked." [ laughter ] where is the guy who jacked you? is he in the alley? >> he tried to take my leather jacket, so i had to take it off and hold it, protect it. >> jimmy: let's look at the spoioers on the big screen so people can really see. there you are bike riding. that's a bike. >> that really shows it off. shows off all the work. >> jimmy: that's a good one. there you're pondering, deep in thought. >> just before i got mugged.d. >> jimmy: all right. oh, there you are. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: very muscular. i think we have one more. yeah, yeah. my goodness.
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>> jimmy: i mean, you're greasy and muscular and all of that stuff. this is so exciting. >> you never say stuff like a to -- you never say stuff likik that to me. >> jimmy: i say you're greasy sometimes. i have the body of not a navy s.e.a.l. but an actual seal. like a harbor seal. [ laughter and applause ] >> no, my biggest regret is that i didn't get to eat with you at yoyo house. >> jimim: now plenty of timeme >> he comes home and the first thing he does is cook pizzas and spaghetti to just like calm down. >> jimmy: what? >> yeah. i throw on "game of thrones" and pass out. that's the difference between >> jimmy: we're going to take a a break here. when we come back i told the audience a little bit about our holiday annual prank war. we're going see how jimmy got jacked when we come back. john krasinski is here.
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aspartame free diet pepsi. just one sip [ahh] and you're in love. (politely) wait, w wt, wait! you can'n'put it in like that, you have to rinsnsit first. what's that, alfredo? no,that can go in. no it can't! what are you, nuts? that's baked-on alfredo. baked-on? it's never gonna work. dish issues? trust yoururishwasher with cascade platinum. it powers... through... your toughest stuck-on food. better than finish. (to the hostess) see, told you it would work... (turns to girl 2) you guys heard me say that, right? cascade.
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>> jimmy: we're back with john krasinski. chris fowler and kirk herbstreit will be here, along with seal. when did the prank start? >> four years ago. >> four years ago you broke into my home. >> yeah. >> pretty innocent. >> all started at bed, bath, and beyond. your producer called it be cubed. >> jimmy: be cubed. >> no one will ever e that again. >> jimmy: last year it got a little bit crazy with my car. >> yeah. we took it u ua notch. >> jimmy: so this year -- >> it got frightening. >> jimmy: -- i was under the impression it was like myurn
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>> this is my grgrtest joy about this year'r'prank is that we alternate and i roroed you of the joy. and when i did the prank to you i remember seeing your eyes like, that's really funny. i hate you. >> jimmy: yeah, well, because i knew you were coming. i was like, oh, we've got to do sosothing to john when h hwas here. >> the night before you got here, oh, we can't wait to get john. she was like, totally. >> jimmy: and then -- >> mary told her about it. >> do you want any of these other topics? >> definitely need the topic. >> i'll just wave them? >> okay. >> ho, ho, ho, merry christmas. i'm your secreresanta. >> [ bleep ]. what is going on here? >> ho, ho, ho. >> jimmy: yeah, that was much more graphic than it appeared on television.
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cute. that was fun. >> that wasn't me. >> jimmy: and yet -- and here we go again. [ animal sounds ] i am not going in this room. i don't know what's in here. it smells weird though. oh, my gosh. come on. it crapped all over my bathroom. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and that was enough.& that seemed like enough, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that seemed like enough it turns oututit wasn't.
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>> jimmy: this was my office. >ot anymore. >> jimmy: all right well, there we go. have yourself a merry little christmas. >> okay. >> jimmy: you're breaking things. >> sorry. >> jimmy: there's still fake snow in my office. so well done. >> tnk you. >> jimmy: you went to great lengths. but i do have a little something for you. >> no. >> jimmy: yeah, i do have a little something planned. now look at the video screen here. now, that's me at work. and that's your hehe. >> don't do it. >> jimmy: as you can see. and i made a sign, some signs for you. >> oh, my gosh. >immy: and see if youou recognize that address. that is your home address, john. >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: and what we did is we
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good old xerox machine. we printed out a couple hundred copies of this yard sale sign. >> no. which that is my real dress. >> jim: that is your real address. we pososd them all over town today. so those are out there now. and there are quite a few of them. by tar pits in case the tourists came by. >> is that guy -- >> jimmy: i don't know if you -- >> ucla? >> jimmy: -- have things you need to sell? >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: but we got a lot of them out there. >ait a minute. >> jimmy: and the good news is, you're going to have an early morning tomorrow morning. [ applause#] at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. sometimes they show up early. >> you get to laugh because all
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going to be so2awful. >> jimmy: yeah. i've been in that sisiation before. . >eah. >> jimmy: i have one other thing for you, also. one other little surprise. [ applause ] [ laughter and applause ] it's eggnog. i don't know if that goes with your diet though. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: john krasinski! "13 hours: the secret soldiers of benghazi" opens in theaters january 15th. we'll be back with chris fowler
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wishes do come true. the lincoln wish list event is on. right now get exceptional offers the entire lincoln family. during the final days of thelincoln wish list event get your choice of mkc, mkz gasor hybrid for $369 a month with zerodue at signing. hey sweetie, it's time. eye of the e ger tv anncr: good afternoon everyone. tv anncr: it's the perfect day fof a game of football. tv anncr: this team is having a fantastic season. morning rituals are special. when you share what you love... ...with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. they're grrreat! can n n a microsoft surfrfe 3...when you buy any
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if you are the kind of fan who sleeps in a football helmet and pre-ordered a coffin in your alma mater's team colors, then you are definitely familiar with our next guests on "saturday night football" and "college game day," starting at 4:00 p.m. eastern on new year's eve they'll bring yoyothe second evev college football playoff, please welcome chris fowler and kirk herbstreit. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very good to see you. this didn't turn out exactly how i had planned, but, you know. >> that's next level stuff there. >> jimmy: next year there will be a murder. >> yes.. i don't know where you can go at this point. >> jimmy: so this is our annual prank show. you guys -- now, there was a prank on halloween. and maybe you should start off
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this, what happened. >> well, first of all, it's not -- >> first of all -- >> first of all, i think it's more like a little surprise than prank. it wasn't at thahalevel. but halloween eve we're in philadelphia. there's a haunted penitentiary where al capone was once jailed. they have a halloween month long thing. it's scary. you are grabbed by goblins and you navigate thrhrgh it. kirk said he was going to be there but bagged out at the last minute and went to something even scarier, 76ers game and sat courtside. we thought we would bring the showowo him in the booth o o halloween night. >> i'm not a fan. >> jimmy: is that the way it went? >> no, i said i wasn't going. there's no chance i'm going. >> jimmy: and then they wound up bringing a zombie on camera. >> looked like notre dame was just going to -- >> oh, god.
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these are some friends of mine from the easrn state pen tentiary that we visited last night. they got you. you got him. >> jimmy: let's watch this once more in slow motion just for@the sound. >> ah! jimmy: came out likika -- >> the ninja kick self-defense. like an injured orangutang. >> that was great. at was a lot of fun. >> i gave them n ninstructions to charge him. i think the fact that there was a very petite zombie. those were two temple students. >> jimmy: they're scary when they're little, aren't they? >> tiny and charged him aggressive. >> jimmy: so tonight in the spirit of fairirss we set up a zombie in your -- >> before you say that, he claims he can never be scared. he went to that haunted mansion. >> i don't claim that. i don't claim that. >> i said was it scary? no, wasn't that bad.d. not a big a deal. everybody else said they were terrified. tonight i asked your guys if we could do this.
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that way. >> yeses >> see you. >> you got it. >> all right, chris. > bleep ]. [ applause ] >> [ bleep ]. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i think -- >> well played. >> jimmy: kirk still has you. >> you bleeped it out, thank you. >> jimmy: you guys on new year's's evev now, you want peoplplto stop watching this big stupid mirror ball that comes down and start watching the football as we call it on new year's eve. >> yes. don't go to work on new year's eve. because 4:00 eastern, 1:00 pacific is the f fst semifinals. you can't be productive on new
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day off. >> yes, take the day off. whatever party you're going to has the tv on. in all seriousness. it's a new thing for espn. the college football game is on new year's eve which is different from january 1st or 11th. yeah, we had a 4:00 p.m. eastern kick with oklahoma and clemson. then 8:00 the game chris and i will call is michigan state and alabama from dallas in the cotton bowl. >> we said last year there were controvers people got mad about the four teams chosen. it wasn't the case this year. they have all of these smart people o othe committee and thth spent all these hours. at the end of the day, you could have had have added guillermo, your friend yaya, captain america. if you gave them the piece of paper they would have done it and been right. >> jimmy: will you make a pick on the games? i know you don't typically do it. >> the game that i call, i won't. i'm safe there. i have to make a pick on the other game. i'll probably pick oklahoma. i think oklahoma is the most complete team right now.
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beat in the orange bowl. >> jimmy: i imagine that, you could turn the whole n n year's eve celebration upside-down now. [ laughter ] but it's a -- >> i'm just happy to have a new year's eve. we used to have a show, "game day" still existston new year's rning. went to bed at 9:00 and got four hours sleep. and had no new year's eve. so at least we'll be having fun. >> jimmy: will you get drunk during the game? not t ring. not during. >> jimmy: maybe during. >> only if there's more pranks. >> jimmy: look up. here it comes. >> jimmy: chris fowler and kirk herbsbseit! the college e otball playoff begins on new year's eve at 4:00 p.m. eastern on espn. we'll be right back with seal.
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series is presented by samsung. >> the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by samsmsg. >> jimmy: thanks to john krasinski, chris fowler, kirk herbstreit, and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next but first, you can see this full concert on yahoo. his album is called d eal seveve"
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i'm with you," seal. re we going insane do we need to explain i feel like we know it am i doing it right 'cause when you show me that candlelight i don't wanna blow it coming in let me know if you like it shww me you like it show me excited i can lose it all it won't be daunti somehow w don't think i'd even care
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