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tv   Nightline  ABC  January 5, 2016 11:37pm-12:06am CST

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moment when his life may have changed yet again. >> i want to get it all out there. >> and they are the high profile tv couple who have been there, done that. tonight our own deborah roberts and her weatherman hubtssband al roker are sharing their secrets. but first, nightline five. >> i work for the dogs 24/7. i am the butler. these dogs shed like crazy. it's like being inside of a snow gleb. it takes an awful lot of time to keep the house clean. i don't know what to do. what's this? offensiver er swiffer sweeper and duster. it really sticks to it. fit in all the tight spaces. does this look familiar to you?
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i'm just one of the guys. good evening. president obama who can sometimes seem cool and distant broke into tears today at the white house talking about the victims of gun violence. not just talking, in fact, taking action on gun control. the reaction was fast and fierce from survivors to the streets of chicago to the nra. my "nightline" coanchor byron pitts was tracking it all. >> reporter: it was a rare glimpse at america's parent in chief. >> from every family who never imagined their loved one would be taken from our lives by a bullet from a gun. >> reporter: camera clicks the only sound in the white house east room as the normally stoic president obama openly wept and paused to compose himself. >> every time i think about those kids it gets me mad.
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families of gun victims today the president remembering the children shot to death at sandy hook elementary and all the times he had to respond to a mass shooting. >> ft. hood, bingington, auroraaurora, old creek, newtown, the navy yard, charleston, san bernardino. too many. >> reporter: but today it was the same subject but different words. announcing new executive actions aimed at tightening gun law, curbing gun sales at the heart of his new plan to side step congress and close a loophole that allows weapons to be purchased without a background check at gun shows and online. >> the gun lobby may be holding congress hostage right now but they cannot hold america hostage. the folks in this room will not rest until congress does. >> reporter: the words turned advocates around him. >> monday morning, gunman burst in and started opening fire.
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survivor of the 2007 virginia tech massacre. >> 32 of my classmates and teachers that day were killed in what has become the worst mass shooting in american history so far. >> reporter: leading him to become an advocate for >> i kept seeing mass shootings happen in this country repeatedly. and seeing elected officials, some of them say that, you know, there's nothing we can do about this. thoughts and prayers and that was it. just became, you know, unacceptable. >> reporter: for the last six years he's been raising awareness in what he calls gun sale loopholes, going under cover to show how easy it can be to purchase firearms at gun shows. and today's announcement, he sayses, was a moment, a sign that grass roots advocates like him were cutting through to lawmakers. >> it was incredibly moving and emotional in that regard. encouraging to hear that the hard work we've done over the years cut through to the person holding the highest office in
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>> reporter: reaction from some running for that office is swift and fierce. >> these orders today i believe are not worth the piper they are written on. >> president obama's executive actions limiting gun rights will restrict our law abideing citizen railroads nra calling his plans unconstitutional, saying the proposed executive actions are right for abuse from the obama administration which has made no secret of its contempt for the second amendment. >> i think everybody should be concerned but i don't think it will ever happen. but just to make sure we want to get our permits right now. >> reporter: today fears of losing the right to bear arms sent this father and daughter to apply for gun permits in new york. >> i think it's better to be safe than sorry, to get it and so that you have it. >> reporter: the expected high sales sent gun stocks like smith & wesson on a upwards tear. gun control remains one of the country's most divisive issue. the public split almost even between protecting gun rights and control laws.
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>> long overdue. >> define it. >> wave your magic wand. >> reporter: divisiveness i saw firsthand last month when we asked a group of young activists to discuss the biggest issues facing the nation. >> if someone wants to cause you harm they're going to cause your harm whether they have a firearm or spoon. >> somebody comes into a classroom with a spoon and kills a bunch of people, then we can talk about spoons. >> reporter: among them colin goddard and christi messinger. >> we're not afraid of inanimate objects. we're afraid of the people behind the inanimate objects. >> reporter: a youtube sensation teaching women to shoot saying it's empowering. christi sent us this video. >> mr. obama's executive order is not intended to nor will it reduce violent crimes. this is an attack on our freedom and our privacy. >> second amendment rights are important, but there are other rights that we care about as well.
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balance them. our right to life and liberty and pursuit to happiness, those rights were taken from college kids in blacksburg, high schoolers in columbine and first graders in newtown. >> reporter: he also spoke of gun violence becoming engrained in daily life like in his hometown. >> by the way, it happens on the streets of chicago every day. [ applause ] >> this is my son, my baby. >> reporter: pam bosley knows the pain of losing a loved one to gun violence. her oldest son terrell would have turned 28 today. the last time they talked, guess where he was. >> he was at church. i was like, baby, be careful. he was like, ma, come on, you always worry, you always worry. i'm good. i'm good. i don't know why you're trippin'. ain't nothing going to happen to me. the next call was my baby had been shot.
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freshman, gunned down on his way to choir practice. terrell collapsed at the pastor's feet. the songs that once soothed pam's soul now only add to her suffering. >> i can't watch no more. that's my baby. i really don't watch the videos because he's supposed to still be here singing. >> reporter: pam's son just one of the thousands who have died here in the last ten years. chicago has one of the nation's highest murder rates. a city known to some as chi-rack because there are more deaths than casualties during the iraq war. pam and her husband built in backyard patio. >> this is the safe haven spot that i put together for terrell. >> reporter: it didn't protect terrell. so now she keeps an even tighter grip on her two remaining sons. >> as lovely as your home is, it seems like a prison. >> it is.
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ma, you got me living inside this box. let me outside. i try to let him out a little bit but it is a prison. >> reporter: sense her son's death pam found purpose over pain. a grass roots antigun violence organization in the hopes other parents won't have to suffer a similar tragedy. >> you going to be okay? >> you know what, i'm going to be okay when i die and go to heaven with my son terrell and with god. >> reporter: today is the nation refocuses attention on gun control, pam visits the grave of her son, taking the social media to post his photo next to her son's headstone with a message, thank you, president obama, for using your power to save lives. but with many in this country saying tonight the president is abusing his power, and his proposed gun control plan won't save lives but will trample them, the right to citizens. even the president says there's a long road ahead to any resolution. for "nightline," i'm byron pitts
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next, he made global headlines when he was pulled from the rubble of an earthquake after 80 hours. months later we reconnect with him as his life may be about to change again. and later, abc's deborah roberts and nbc's al roker share their behind the scenes tip from a very public marriage. huh. introducing centrum vitamints. a brand new multivitamin you enjoy like a mint. with a full spectrum of essential nutrients... surprisingly smooth, refreshingly cool. i see you found the vitamints. new centrum vitamints.
11:47 pm
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stourry about a young man trapped under rubble for 80 hours after a terrible earthquake. tonight how he survived the struggles he's facing now, and we're right there, cameras rolling, for the moment when his
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here's abc's terry moran. >> reporter: the day the earth shook in nepal, temples crumbled, base camp on mt. everest was buried, and funeral pirs burned for days as thousands lost their lives. april 25th it was one of the worst disasters of 2015. and we were there in kathmandu witnessing this tragedy. the hand of fate, that's what it feels like, for the lucky ones. but we also witnessed something else, a kind of miracle, a rescue. more than 80 hours after the quake struck in this dramatic video shot by rescuers themselves, you see a young man pulled out of a collapsed building, rising through the rubble like lazarus from the dead. it's just after 10:00 p.m. here. more than 80 hours since the earthquake. and after an incredible all day
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this young man out of this building. and he is alive. his name, rishi khanal, he's 28 years old. we saw him the next day in the hospital. >> rishi, how are you? >> reporter: his left leg crushed by a beam in the rubble had been amputated. he was alive but he faced such a struggle ahead, like nepal itself. and that is usually the end of these kinds of stories. the news moves on. but not this time. we went back recently to see how rishi khanal rescued from the rubble is recovering and how his country is coping, too. rishi walks with difficulty now. he's still getting used to his artificial leg. and when we zito talk he recalls his ordeal and quietly the memories pour out of him. what was it like to be trapped in there for all that time? >> translator: i thought that i
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i thought as though i'm going to die. i cried. i wept. i remembered my family. i could not figure out if it was day or night and i thought i would starve to dealt. >> reporter: but survival is only half the story. rishi struggles now. it's a long road ahead. and you need to know this about rishi. he had plans for a better life. when the quake hit he was staying at a hotel preparing to leave nepal for dubai and a $220 a month job as a cleaner at kentucky fried chicken. i have fixed feelings, he tells me. i'm happy because i'm alive but i'm sad because i cannot go anywhere and work anywhere. we went back to that hotel with him. his first time. it's rubble now. it would have been his grave. do you feel like this is the
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the dead? >> we h thought he was going to die. cannot speak a word. now he's back. he lost his leg but his life is there. >> reporter: as we are there with rishi, a crowd gathers. everyone knows rishi? you're famous. >> reporter: he has become a symbol of hope for this country. >> this is your hotel, yeah? >> reporter: by sheer luck the owner of the wrecked hotel is here, too. >> you were here that night, too? >> reporter: he wants a picture with his most famous guest. and then this. he offers rishi a job, a desk job, when his new hotel opens. >> you will give him a job here? >> yes. >> why? >> reporter: the owner tells us, i need staff to run my hotel so i will give it to him. >> he's a skip from the jaws of together in this. >> reporter: others have reached out to help rishi, too. his leg paid for by the
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group handicap international. sarah blen is the country director in nepal. >> rishi khanal is somebody who represents the hardship of having to suffer an injury that will lead to a disability. but also he's a symbol of how possible, you know, it is to recover. >> reporter: and as we saw with him at the handicap international clinic where a big part of recovery is reaching out to others. >> once he receives the necessary care and he understood that there was hope for him, he really gains -- he gained popularity also, in the center he was also helping others be more positive about their own situation. >> reporter: so rishi khanal's long journey, it all just might turn out okay in the end. across this shattered city and beyond, we saw more of the hard work of recovery, like the clean-up mission, villagers hauling sand and rock to help rebuild.
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paying attention, people must take care of each other and move forward withinone step at a time. next, they work for competing television networks by day and by night they have often competing agendas in their marriage. how abc's deborah roberts and nbc's al roker have made it work for decades. abc news "nightline," brought to you by viagra.setting is just right. there's something in the air. but here's the thing: about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain or adempas for pulmonary hypertension. your blood pressure could drop to an unsafe level. to avoid long-term injury,
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finally tonight, some hilarious and actually pretty
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high-profile odd couple. here's abc's lara spencer. >> reporter: miranda and blake, even kermit and miss piggy, some of the most beloved celebrity distance. but not so for abc news correspondence deborah roberts and nbc weatherman al roker. they are run high-profile pair that is still going strong. and while they may bicker over news network. >> i'd want to talk. >> talking. >> i want to keep talking. i want to get it all out there. >> oh, stop, stop, stop. fool you. >> we don't like the same foods. we don't like a lot of the same music. we don't like a lot of the same theater or efshtsz. but we love each other very much and we have a deep and abiding respect and feeling for family. >> yes. >> reporter: they credit that deep and abiding love to their ability to weather life's every day storms in their new joint memoir "been there, done that" the couple share the funny and difficult lessons they've
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their 20-year marriage. was it your idea or were you approached to write this book? how did it come to by. >> every time al and i would get together with friends and we start talking about the dinner table about our opinions, of course we're very different. i would always have a different opinion from al, he was wrong and i was right. our friends would stand in awe and they write this stuff down. >> reporter: they share how they learned from their mistakes. >> there was a time when we really had a major competitive argument over a story. and it took a little chunk out of our relationship. it was difficult. and i think we learned a valuable lesson at that time about how important work is versus how important our relationship is. at the end of the day, gets will come and go but our relationship is more enduring. >> reporter: and that it's important to keep it all in perspective. in the world of he said, she said, should you wear matching outfits to events? >> no, absolutely not.
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it's not like we're wearing matching hawaiian shirts. at a formal event i may pick out a tie that accents that color. >> it's fine but it's annoying. >> let's talk about driving. living in new york city. be aggressive. >> i just zip ahead. >> yeah, well. >> yeah. >> i believe in allowing space. i'm not in that grit. >> marrowio andretti, little old lady. >> the kids love it when i drive. >> they do. let's face it, who doesn't like being on the indy 500 going down 50th avenue? >> reporter: but at the end of the day it's not about who wins the argument, they say it's all about find that person who brings out the best in you. >> nicely done. >> thank you. >> nicely done. >> we couldn't be more different in terms of where we came from and just really love, i think, for each other that at the end of the day that speaks everything. >> reporter: for "nightline," i'm lara spencer in new york. our thanks to lara and deborah and al and our thanks to
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tune in to "gma" fist thing in the morning and we're online 24/7, "nightline" facebook page and thanks for watching. and good night. it seems today that all you see is violence in movies and sex on tv but where are those good old-fashioned values
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