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tv   2020  ABC  February 5, 2016 9:01pm-10:00pm CST

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.tt4w`t+o@pd7" dztq sbx tt4w`t+o@pd7" entq #f8 tt4w`t+o@pd7" gzt& :a@ tt4w`t+o@pd7" hnt& *o, tt4w`t+o@pd7" iztq @&t tt4w`t+o+od7" jntq rv4 tt4w`t+o@pd7" lzt& j;h road rage. the national epidemic. but there's never been a case as shocking as this. >> a car came up behind us. i honked the horn. >> reporter: that las vegas mother of four, supposedly followed home.e. gunned down. all because of road rage. her family destroyed by grief. but was the first story in the headlines the whole story? >> what happened? >> so much of the story has anged. >> tonight, "20/20" returns to where it all began, and ended. did you think there was going to be a shootout? >> no, until thehe stataed
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>> we're putting all the pieces together. an entire family, telling what you've never heard before. e victim, painted as a villain? >> people started to wonder, should i fl bad for her? >> there's the animal. are you hahay? >> reporter: t t suspect, no stranger. he's their neighbor. and one of his best friends, who cracked the case, talking only to "20/20." >> this tears me up. >> reporter: because after tonight, whatever happened in vegas doesn't stay in vegas. >> if this were a movie, it would almost be too unrealistic. >> we're like, what is the actual story here? >> reporter: a dangerous intersection. >> good evening. i'm david ir. >> and i'm elizabeth vargas. a honk of a horn turned a night
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>> for the first time, the people thatere right there are now reliving it for "20/20." but as we come up on the one-year anniversary, the question remains. was road rage really the cause? here's debra roberts. >> reporter: it's a cool thursday night in america's favorite adult playground, las veves. and the strip is already jumping. but across town, near another playground, in a part of vegas where people actually live, a local mom is about to put tonight's mystery in gear. 44-year-old tammy myers is giving her daughter her first driving lesson. at 10:00 p.m. at night? >> i wanted to go at night, because there's no cars around you could hit. >> reporter: why did you pick
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>> it's close to home. >> reporter: so, they go to this empty parking lot at a nearby high school. tammy and husband bob have raised four kids in this neighborhood. >> we live in las vegas. it's a 24-hour town. >> reporter: bob is on business in california, a traveling vendor, selling hats and t-shirts at fairs and sporting events. son robert jr. is with him. the others, back in vegas. the eldest, brandon, a a home. here's how crystal says it played out. she takes the wheel, delicately maneuvering the car. then the lesson m mes from the parking lot to the neighborhood's main streets.
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over, and we switched seats. >> reporter: tammy takes the wheel. she's going at a snail's pace, when suddenly, an impatient driver appears. >> a silver car, he's riding our bumper. i honk the horn. >> reporter: that honk of the horn, something we've all done, would change everything. you pull up here. >> shehe turns right. and right about here -- >> reporter: she says that silver car suddenly sideswipes them. who is this guy? >> didn't recognize them. >> reporter: were you scared? >> yes, i was really scared. he gets out of the car. >> reporter: it's okay. take your time. >> he says i'm going to kill you and your daughter. >> reporter: in a panic, crystal says they flee the scene.
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puzzle we piece together tonight. everyone agrees that sometime after 11:00 p.m., two cars go to the end of the cul-de-sac where the myers live. and a sedan, in hot pursuit with a gun. you heard the shots? >> yes. >> reporter: did you know she had been hit? >> yeah, i was screaming, mom's been shot. >> reporter: brandon remembers running to his mother's side as the sedan leaves the scene. >> i was screaming, mom, please stay here. stay here. >> everybody was telling her to stay awake, because she was closing her eyes. >> reporter: she's hit in the head. brandon dials 911, and at 11:34, tammy is rushed to the hospital. did you have any idea who had shot your mom?
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all i saw was the gunfire. >> reporter: bob gets fragments from a disisaughtcrystal. >> she said, there was blood everywhere, all over mom's head $% and face. >> reporter: he drops everything, and begigi driving home. how fast are you driving? >> 100 miles an hour. >> reporter: every thought saturated with concern for his wife. it's not until the early morning hours of february 13th, when bob gets a call from police. >> h h sasays, mr. myers, it started off as a road rage, they followed your wife home and shot her. >> reporter: he begins to call tv stations, askingg for updates and granting interviews.
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i've been with this woman 25 years. >> reporter: he's nowhe vocal spokesperson for the myers family. >> he called our station and says, hey, i'm angry about this. how could someone do this? >> i didn't want to freeze out the media. you can't find killers without the mea's help. >> reporter: by daybreak, bob ararves and sees his wife's lifeless body. >> i see my wife. i said, i'm here, baby. and i said, it's going to bebe okay. you know? >> reporter: but his optimism is quickly dashed. >> the main doctor says, she not going to make it. i told my wife, no matter what it takes, i'll find out who did this to you. >> reporter: later this morning -- >> i'might here. you know what you didid
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>> reporter: he stands before cameras saying there was as many as three killers in t t car. by the end of the day's news cycle, here's the official narrative. >> police say three suspects nearly collided with her g gen buick. >> reporter: as the buick becomes a makeshift memorial, tammy looks to be just another victim in a string of road range incidents. most recently, in austin, texas, two men going at it with a baseball bat and a wooden pole. but a mom, cut down in her own driveway. but despitee all thehe attention, no arrests.
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heartbreaking valentine's day. vegas police release the security video of the sedan cruising the neighborhood, and with it a comeposite sketch. they say it's crystal's de description of one of the men. >> as fars wean tell, there was no prior contact, they're complete strangers. >> there's a manhunt, everyone is like, could this happen to me? >> reporter: that night, an agonizing moment for bob myers. at 7:05 p.m., he disconnects his beloved wife from the respirator. >> she'll never leave my heart, but she's gone.
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but i didn't want her to go either. >> reporter: but you had to do it. >> had to. >> reporter: butefore tammy can have a funeral, she's about to be buried. >> tmy myers went looking for the driver. >> are you happy? >> reporter: as the story takes the first of whaha will be many sharp turns. was the innocent victim really all that innocent? >> maybe this isn't what i thought it was in the beginning. >> reporter: and a young woman with inside knowledge, to break the case, she must find the courage to turn in a frie. you called the police. what did you say? >> evevything. >> reporter: when "20/20"
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james drove his rav4 hybrid into the frozen wilderness. the scsct of his jerky attraraed a hungry wololack behind him. to survive, he had to remain fearless. he would hunt with them. and expand theirhterritory. he'd form a bond with a wolf named accalia... ...become den mother and nurse their young. james left in search of his next adventure. how far will y take the all-new rav4 hybrid?
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tt2w`tiy %t- bt@q u@ tt2w`tiy %t- "a@q0y$ tt2w`tiy %t- bm@q;r( tt4w`tiy %t-" dztq l'< tt4w`tiy %t-" entq > reporter: threeays after removing his wife from life support -- >> dear god, protect them. >> reporter: bob myers holds a candle light vigil. but now, there's as many whispers about shooting victim
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just hours earlier, police announce a stunning discovery. >> the reason i wanted everyone here was just to clarify some things. >> reporter: a big piece of the myers account has been missing. turns out, between that alleged road rage incident a the shootout, myers returned home, dropped off her daughter, and instead of dialing 911, picked up her son and went back on the road. >> she had her son come out and find who frightened them on the roadway. >> she got her 22-year-old son to get his weapon. people start to wonder, should i be feeling bad for her? >> when the police held a press
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back out, they started to think, maybe this wasn't what i thought it was. >> reporter: suddenly, the family is feeling the burn. on social media, people began to turn on your wife and son. bob is suddenly doing dage control, insisting this isn't a vigil for a vigilante. >> my son is not an animal. he's a hero in my book. >> reporter: so, what's brendan's story? he says his mom was convinced thee road rager was headed to the house to make good on his death threat. >> i said, let's calll 911. >> reporter: why did you grab
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>> just safety precautions. >> reporter: brandon takes me on a drive to relive that night with his frightened mom behind the wheel. >> her mouth was open. she was terrified. >> reporter: he poundints out the spot where he says hihi mom and sister were sideswiped. so nobody is here. so, they decide to go home. but then, just as theyake a right turn by the junior high school, he says they spot a silver car. >> it was really right here in front of us. >> reporter: things would calate, leading to the shootout in the cul-de-sac, with brandon and the shooter exchanging more than 20 rounds. but the exact how and who of the incident still puzzles police.
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up a phone. you called the police? >> i felt i had to. >> repepter: were you conflicted? >> i still am. >> reporter: they interview this woman, caitlin christian. for the first time, she's sharing her story. >> i was sleeping, and my phone was going off the wall. >> reporter: she says it's her good friend erich nowsch. >> he said, i need to come over. something important. reporter: how did he sound? >> shaken up. >> reporter: she says he comes over, confessing to a shooting in the neighborhood, saying he may have shot a rival drug dealer. then he shows you something. >> he pulled out his gun and extra clips for the gun.
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then days later, it hits caitlin, he may have been involved in the myers shooting. you heardrd there was a mom of four that was killed. what goes through you at that moment? >> how could this happen? i didn't finish the article before i got up and called the police. >> reporter: she makes a wrenching decision to turn in her trusting friend. how did you feel? >> terrible, but there's alwayay a right and wrong. reporter: the next day, s.w.a.t. teams surround nowsch's home. our affiliate is on the scene. >> we're in the tactical phase, trying to take the suspect into custody. >> a very confusing scene, everybodyys arriving on-scene.
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arriving, the suspect's mother, in obvious distress. >> please! turn your [ bleep ] phone off. >> reporter: but questions are multiplying. for one thing, erich doesn't drive, andears little resemblance to crystal myers' description of the shooter. and just as bizarre, the location of his house. st a block away fromm the myers' house. we go over the map with dan abrams. the irony, thehe s spect is right around the corner. >> little do they know, it's a block away. >> you can see his home from myy frfrt door. >> reporter: and you walked over to his front door, really angry. >> pajamas and all.
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>> , i was upset. >> reporter: bob myers is devastated. and in that moment, his understandable grief turur to unforgiving anger. >> there's the animal. a block away! are you happy? my wife was the victim. she lost her life. and it was like, they were murdering her all over again, repeatedly, daily. >> reporter: finally, a shirtless nowsch surrenenrs. >> suspect has been taken into custody. >> reporter: police have questions, but nobody is prepared for the shocking answers. nowsch is about to spin a whole new version of the story. >> i freaked out.
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>> reporter: stay with us. here in the city, parking is hard to find. seems like everyone drives. and those who do should switch to geico because you could save hundreds on car insurance. ah, perfect. valet parking. here's the keys. and, uh, go easy on my ride, mate. hm, wouldn't mind some of that beef wellington... to see how much you could save on car insurance, go to ah! (car alarm sounds) it's ok! your b by was made for better things than rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to a biologic,
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xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra r whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz jan lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz if you have an infection. tears in thetomach or intestines, low blood cell counts, and higher liver tests and cholestetel levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you weren a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have e d tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. ask your rheumatologist
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hello my love! the flame is o o... the flame is out, tomorrow my attitude... your mother... antonio. antonio. que? the stove. it's not working.
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made for real, real life.tt2watu# s4 bt`n6c\ tt2watu# s4 "a`n&o8 tt2watu# s4 bm`n-d4 tt4watu# s4 " $zlq wfd tt4watu# s4 " enlq 'b$ tt4watu# s4 " gzl& >e\ a dangerous intersection continues. on "20/20." >> a teenager in custody. >> his name is erich nowsch. >> reporter: while the media churns the news of the arrrrt, he's alone with his thoughts, while others are thinking, just who is this kid? >> his instagram account is full of pictures of drugs. >> reporter: he's a low-level drug dealer, known as baby "g." all good? >> mm-hmm. >> good. >eporter: his father
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10, and lives with his mother. he may be in need of a fourather figure, and the detective is happy to oblige. after some friendly talk -- >> so, tell me about erich. >> reporter: the cuffs are off. trus building. and very slowly, the detectiveve starts pulling the string. >> what's this about? >> you guys think i did something. >> reporter: nowsch says he's no killer. just a pot aheadhead that likes to light up at the park across the street from the school where myers was giving the driving lesson. t he says on the night of the murder, he was hanging out at
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a local rapper named young crane. then, talk of weapons. >> have you ever been in possession of any handguns, real guns? >> yeah. but i got rid of it. >> when? >> probably a month ago. >> describe it. >> reporter: much-needed protection, nowsch says, because rival drug dealers have been threatening him and his family. an hour later, detectives finally reveal their hand, letting him know@they've already blown up his alibi, because caitlin has already told them. >> i knew about that gun you were talking about, way before you ever told me. >> this is crazy, dude. >> it is. everybody is tryryg to see you do the right thing.
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a bad mistake that night. okay? and the fact that you sought out katieo talk to that night, that lets me know this was really bothering you. >> reporter: he can no longer handle the weight. >> come here. tell me what happened, okay? get this off your mind. >> i didn't mean to hit noom and bros. >> so, tell me what happened. ll me from the beginning, erich. >> reporter: now, get ready for nowsch's story, beginning just after 10:00 p.m. that night, he's in the park, armed and paranoid when he notices the buick circling slowly in the parking lot. >> she was just following, everywhere i went, that car was there. >> reporter: he says he was sure
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so, he calls a friend so he can get away. >> until i knew this car was out of sight. >> reporter: the friend arrives in a silver audi sedan. nowsch thinks he's escaped hihi enemys but then they find him again. he tells police something that surprises them, someone inhe other car was brandishing a gun at him. >> so far, you're telling us that they were wavg a gun. listen to me. nobody but you has said that. >> reporter: and reveals something else that thus far has gone unreported. he fires shots at tammy's car, even before the fatal shooting. >> i started shooting them. >> reporter: he says the cars separate, and he starts heading home.
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suddenly, they're face-to-face. and nowsch follows that car into the cul-de-sac. >> i thought they were the guys that had bn threateving me. >> what did you see when you pulled? >> i run up to the door. all i keep thinking, they're going to grab more straps. i got scared. >> repororr: after unloading his gun, nowsch flees the scene, thinking he protected his family. only days later, he realizes he may have just destroyed one.e. what was his reaction when he realized? >> nauseating remorse. how did he go f fm punk kids looking for me to the life of a mother? >> reporter: he saves his biggest surprise for last. saying he knows myers, has eatat dinner at her table.
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>> i know the whole family, man. >> anything you want to tell the family? >> i ihought they were going to harm my family out. not a family's mom. not tammy. >> reporter: the stuvning relationship is confirmed for e first time when bob later addresses the press. >> we knew how bad he was, but we didn't know this bad. >> reporter: claiming his wife hadentored that troubled youth. >> she was really good to him. she fed him, gave him money. told him to pull his pants up. reporter: some saw i i as odd that you didn't disclose that you knew him and then later on, you did. >> because i didn't know. i didn't know his last name. i just knew him as erich.
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him alone in a room, to call his mother and say he won't be coming home. >> mom, i love you. i've already told them everything. the reason i confessed, they knew everything. >> reporter: but the case is far from closed. nowsch won't give up the driver of the silver sedan. d claims no knowledge of a prior road rageincident. and was there a darker side to the relationship between theammy and her killer? >> she used to come to the park and try to purchase things off of him. >> reporter: stay with us. the bold nisisn rogue,with intuitive all wheel drive. because winter needs a hero. now get a $199 per month lease on the 2016 nissan rogue.
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tonight family remembers the victims of yesterday's fatal crash in benton cocoty. three people died in that multi vehicle collision on an icy stretch of highway 30. and improvements are coming for an intersection in dubuque. the state hopes to
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dangerous intersection. >> reporter: ten days after the shooting of tammymyer a wide-eyed erich nowsch is ushered into a courtroom for the first time. an image that brings his friend caitlin to tears. what do youee in t ts shot? >> just terrified. >> reporter: he looks the picture of a confused kid here, don't you think? >> yeah. >> reporter: in court, nowschh is with his new defense team. they're known around town for their assertive advertising. and now, for an assertive defense. >> we're conducting our own information. and some appear to be bearing fruit. >> reporter: they want the confession tape to be tossed out.
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was impaired while making the statements. >> he was high, and the police knew it. that compromises the result. >> reporter: and they claim the killing of myers was justified. >> the facts seem to point to lf defense in this situation. >> reporter: do you think erich should go to prison as a murder? >> no. >> reporter: because she says for r months, erich was facing a barrage of threats from what he thinks were rival drug dealers. >> coming through phone calls, text messages, saying they were going to skin him, his baby sister, take care of his mom as well. >> reporter: you saw the text messages? >> absolutely. >> reporter: and he thought they had come for him the night of
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>> in his mind, this was them protecting myself. >> reporter: and she believes nowsch's claim that he saw someone pointing a gun at him, and he began shooting. there's no doubt in your mind, that he saw someone wave a gun at him. >> no doubt, he felt threatened, it was him or them. >> reporter: but brandon says he didn't wave his gun. and local reporter jackie heinrich says she has trouble believing them. what was the true relationship between tammy and nowsch?
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of him. >> reporter: heinrich points out that they found a painkiller in myers' purse. nowsch never mentioned anything interrogation. but the a ausations lead to headlines that the shootout was about dirty drug dealing. >> the one thing we can positively say about this, it was not about road rage. >> reporter: and thebob says it was the defense trying to muddy the water. did anybody in your family ever buy drugs fromhim? >> definitely not. >> reporter: some question the fact that your wife had
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>> she had a prescription for it for three years. >> how do you plead? >> not guilty. >> reporter: on march 12th, nowsch pleads not guilty. nowsch won't say who was driving the car, but cell phone records lead to his buddy, derrick anews. now they're in a courtroom with matching jump suits. >> this was an act of unprovoked use of force, with mr. nowsch, and mr. andrews being the driver. >> reporter: could he be that mysterious man in the sketch?
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incident that started it all? the prosecution thinks they figured it all out. but truth i i stranger than fiction. >> turns out, everybody is wrong. >> reporter: don't go away. but don't worry, you'll always be comfortable. v/o : the first hug they ever feel is from you. make sure the second hug feels just as good. huggies gentle absorb liner draws more runny mess away than pampers swaddlers.
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a dangerous intersection continues on "20/20." >> reporter: with arrests made, suspects i i custody, and charges brought, finally, the prosecution's story, the version jujors will hear next month at trial. the d.a. thinks he can finally explain what happened. >> there's nothing to support that mrs. myers was doing
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daughter some driving lessons. >> reporter: but what happened next is a series of bizarre, tragic coincidences. 10:10 p.m., tammy is offering that driving lesson to her daughter in the parking lot. by coincidence, nowh is in a park across the street. he's carrying a handgun, and the weight of the world on his shoulderer after death thrhrts from rivals. he apparently misconstrues the movement off the car as a threat. lessons. >> reporter: 10:50 p.m., ajter the lesson, myers gets back
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home. 10:56 p.m., a silver sedan passes them. her daughter slams on the horn it's full-on road rage, as the silver car stops. the driver walks out, and says, i'm going to kill you and come back for your daughter. back at the park, nowsch is picked up by friend, derrick andrews. coincidentally, driving a different sedan. meantime, myers drops off her daughter and picks up her son brandon, who grabs his pistol. appens to be a registered handgun owner. >> it's a mistake, but it is what it is. >> reporter: the search begins.
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the road rager. then they locate him, so they think. >> it was right here in front of us. >> reporter: what does she see? >> those are the ones that threatened to kill me and your sister. >> reporter: a fatal instant of mistaken identity. >> she thinks she's found the car here. and it's at that same moment that nowsch thinks he's being followed by this green car. so now, you have both of them mistakenly pair mistakenly paranoid about the other. >> reporter: then the same exact green buick is spotted, nowsch surmises he's thehe one about to be attacked.
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the first, but not the last time bullets would fly that night. >> at that point, the evidence shows that mr. nowsch raised his weapon in a threatening manner. >> i said, mom, we're getetng shotot at. at that point, she's shaking. >> reporter: he says he didn't hit anybody. >> this should have been the end of it. nowsch has now gotteno threaten the drug dealers he thinks are behind him. they've learned their lesson. >> reporter: both cars speed off. each heading homom taking parallel streets. but remember, they only live a block apart. and in a cruel twist of fate, they wind up on the same street. the myers pull into the cul-de-sac. andrews follows them in. >> at's when they got out of
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>> the minute he follows them into the cul-de-sac, he's now become a threat. >> reporter: what did you think was about to happen? did you think there was going to be a shootout? >> no, until they started shooting. everything was slow motion. it was weird. >> reporter: nowsch empties his .45 and reloads. >> the evidence shows mr. nowsch, for stupid reasons, chose to drive in a neighborhood he was familiar with, saw two people and opened fire. >> reporter: the sedan backs away, and brandon sees his mother on the ground. just seconds more and you would ve both made it into the house. >> yes. >> there's no evidence to
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myers did anything to legally provoke and give mr. nowsch the legal right to use deadly force. >> if the prosecutors are right that he fired the first shot,friends are grieving after three people died in yesterday's four vehicle collisions on highway 30 in benton county. and a cedar rapids woman says a dating app banned her because she was asking people to support bernie sanders for president. kcrg-tv9 news at 10s next. tonight at ten. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. if it doesn't work fast...
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>> reporter: almost exactly a year after the tragedy, the myers family gathers for the last time on mt. shasta circle. they're moving. >> i catch myself all the time calling her. i sit in my chair, go, hey, babe?
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>> reporter: the quiet cul-de-sac, once a safe and secure street for the boys' foball fun, will now be remembered for the woman they the family has had a book written. bob will wait until after that to lay his wife's ashes to rest. >> everything that was said about myy wiwi, when i put her in the ground, i want all the truth t. and i think the only way that will happen is a trial. >> she was a nice lady trying to help a troubled kid. that's what the evidence will show, and nothing more.
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between the driver of this truck and a motorcyclist. but brandon didn't need this to give peace a chance. in the wake of his mother's death, he surrendered his pist. >> the cops have it. i told them, i donon want it back. they can keep it. >> reporter: for crystal, the youngest myers child, life has been difficult. the loss, the scorn, the guilt. you saw evevything. >> yeah. i ask myself, what if we didn't go? what if i didn't want to go, if i had never honked the horn, it probably would have been different. >> reporter: crystal is coping through music. you say you've written a song? >> yeah, i did.
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the angel fly and let the song go and oh she'll beell right, all these people judging us everywhere we go the pain will never leave >> a loving tribute. so many questions still remaining. what was the real relationship between erich and tammy? >> the questions will likely be answered later this benton county,amily and friends mourn the three people who died. changes are coming to make a dangerous dubuque county intersection safer. and we'll explain how the social networki site twitter is doing its part
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