tv Matter of Fact With Soledad O Brien ABC November 27, 2016 5:00am-5:30am CST
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>> today on matter of fact. the president elect takes on the nation's challenges. as we consider the accomplishments of the obama administration. >> obama came in on a wave of magic. >> how will you remember his presidency? then -- new at 11:00meet the to talk to the forgotten voters. >> how much time will they give the new president to deliver promises? >> plus,what's it like to live meal to meal? what you need to know. but first. did the president who campaigned for hope and change hit the mark? i'm soledad o'brien. welcome to matter of
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[captioning performed by the national captioning institute] as we look to the inauguration of donald trump, we take time to consider the accomplishments-and missed opportunities -- of president barack obama. we witnessed the election of the first black president. the signing of his signature legislation, health care reform. overseeing the special ops execution of osama bin laden. speaking to the nation, about the heartbreak at sandy hook. how will history judge him? i'm joined by presidential historians alan lichtman, who by the way predicted donald trump's victory, and michael kazin, who's written about the difference between leading with a congressional majority, and then going it alone. nice to see you both. alan, we will start with you. as president obama heads out of the whitehouse, we'll talk about his legacy but really how
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judge a legacy -- judgment of time to see how initiatives play out and the opening up of records and the opportunity for historians to chew through those records and provide real analysis. >> how does a high favorability rating heading out of office play into that judgment, do you think, michael? >> doesn't matter. vrbata, i don't think. lbj for example was a great success in terms of domestic policy, but horrendous in terms of the vietnam debacle that he was not primarily responsible for but had a lot to do with. historians are still arguing society programs, many of which still exist like medicare and are popular against what happened in vietnam? these questions are debated and it really depends on what you think this president did and whether you still value what they did. >> let's walk through what he did and if we value what he did. he talked about the aca, the affordable care act, obamacare as greatest achievement, how would you assess that? >> i think it is a great
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from truman on, not just dems but also nixon, have sought comprehensive health care reform. they all failed. only obama succeeded and he succeeded without a single republican vote in either the horse or the senate. the first time in the history of the republic that a major piece of social legislation was enacted w from the opposition party. and look -- >> isn't that a bad thing? kind of? >> the problem was that he didn't get support from republicans, because they were set on defeating every piece of legislation and this was the one he wanted the most, he had to compromise on this bill. and we'll see if it survives. >> the economy when president obama -- i remember being on the treadmill and watching my stocks fall and fall, so much anxiety, i had to leave the gym because couldn't get away from
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now obviously the economy has improved dramatically. but president obama, i don't think has never really gotten any credit for what he did for the economy. >> i think that's true. most people around the country don't know what the stimulus plan did. it did a lot of things but it was hidden as opposed to roosevelt's recovery plan where he made sure everyone knew what he was doing for the country. politically a president has to be a policy person and politician, he will not be judged as successfully as a politician as he was getting bills. >> this is the great paradox of the obama presidency. obama came in on wave of magic. 2008 he was an extraordinary, charismatic candidate. the kind of candidate to make you think beyond daily routine, and he lost that magic once he
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he saved the economy from another great depression. but no one knows that. >> let me ask you about immigration, which was a failure. immigration reform was never realized. something that has never really been realized, president obama deported more people than any other president before him. >>the reason he did that is he thought this would lay the groundwork for getting reps to support immigration reform. it didn't happen, so he took heat from the left for right for not deporting more people and pushing for legalizing people who were in the country illegally. in order for him to succeed at getting immigration reform, he would have had to keep democratic majorities. being an intellectual, more a policy person in the whitehouse, giving up the magic he had or at least knowing how to sustain it, that was responsible for a lot of his
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>> gentlemen, thank i very much. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> next on matter of fact. one man's quest to meet the voters who handed trump the presidency. >> wherever the media was, i was seeing support greater than that at every level. a hundred thousand miles later, he's ready to tell you what they were thinking. and later, >> i was blessed to have a mom who was a stock broker and she knew that money came and went.
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>> president-elect donald trump's first term will likely be judged in part by how he addresses the needs of the working-class voters who swept him into office. photographer and writer chris arnade travelled 100,000 miles across america talking to those voters. two factors drove their vote -- they say -- their economic fears and the desire for respect. i spoke with him in new york. >> chris, nice to have you.
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>> you've got an interesting background, you worked on wall st, have a phd in physics. what led you to hop in your car and cover 100,000 miles to get to know the trump voter? >> my career on wall street taught me that sometimes you make decisions without understanding the impact of those decisions so i wanted to see the impact of the decisions we had made on wall st and many of those were awful and i wanted to see that first hand and talk to the people in the united states. >> did you know early on that trump had a good chance to go all the way to the presidency when you started this trip? >> i had a better idea than most people, i think. i was going primarily to communities impacted by drugs, looking at the impact of addiction and where i saw drugs entering i also saw trump supporters. early on, i heard people saying, this guy is resonating with me, even though what i was hearing on the tv is that it
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>> that is interesting of course that has been a criticism of the media - not understanding the voters. what do you think the overlap with the opioid and heroin epidemic had to do with the trump voter? >> i think quite a bit. i didn't intend when i went in my car, i didn't intend to talk about trump, i intended to talk drugs. and when i went to the communities that i went to i trump entering. and i think the frustration and the pain that was leading people into drugs was also leading people, searching for another solution politically. >> when you spoke to people of
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as trump supporters and people of color in the same communities looked at trump? >> definitely. there was. the first, there were very few supporters of trump among the african american community, even though within that community there was an equal amount of pain and frustration, economic. but within the black community you had a strong historical connection to the democratic party, and i think also they saw in trump some ugly language and some intentions on his part that turned them off of trump. he plays with racist fire. >> there are people who talk about the economic anxiety voter, and i've always thought that doesn't quite capture it. and then there are people who say, well actually the average trump voter, is someone making $70.000 plus a year, not exactly in deep anxiety, not
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is racist. i don't believe that either. the trump voter is misogynistic -- i don't buy that either. how do you weave those concepts together to explain this voter who has looked the other way about a person who is going to be the next pres of the us? >> the first divide is race. but within the white community, the divide is education. what was your background? and where those communities were, where people were primarily communities in counties, where there were not strong educational backgrounds, the whole community was supporting trump. not just the people supporting the jobs, and everyone in that community felt humiliated. the sense of what about me? why are we being left behind? >> what was the biggest surprise in that 100,000 miles that you put on your car? >> i would go with the obvious - the amount of trump support i heard early.
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voters, i was hearing one thing in the news, i would turn on the news and hear people making fun of trump, saying he was a joke, and then that day i talked to ten people and eight of them were trump supporters. he was just resonating its as simple as that. >> fascinating journey, people can read a lot of what you wrote about in the guardian. chris arnade nice to see you thank you. >> thank you for having me. nothing to eat. >> why are so many teenagers barely able to make it from meal to meal? plus >> people who give and volunteer, live longer are
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something we should all be scandalized by. >> you just heard martha galvez of the urban institute say the number of teens experiencing hunger is staggering. >> in a newly released study, the urban institute says at least 6.8 million young people between 10 and 17 are living in scarce. >> we paid a visit to covenant house here in washington, d-c -- a place that provides meals, a food pantry, and wrap around services to young people in need. 25 year old jamal, and 22 year old marquis, are two young adults who've received their help. >> at covenant house, jamal and marquis share more than a meal. in a sense, they share a history. both came from families living on the edge, when the death of a parent pushed them into turmoil.
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death, she wasn't able to deal that. so she tuned out. so that's how hunger stepped on my doorstep. >> once or twice a week we had something to eat, once or twice a week, we had nothing to eat. >> just 17 at the time, jamal remembers becoming the protector for his younger siblings. >> pretty much the picture was just us trying to survive. the kids trying to survive. we went to a couple of family members, but nobody never came to aid. >> many of the young people that walk in our door come in with nothing more than the shirt off their backs. >> so when we ask if you're hungry and would you like something to eat, i would say, as i said, 80% to 90% of them say yes. so we begin with the meal and then move forward to address
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>> needs, vulnerable teenagers don't want to share. >> teenagers are especially tuned into how other people think about them. being seen as hungry, being seen as poor, being seen as needy is not something they want to advertise to the world. >> marquis' world fell apart when he was 13. his mom died and he ended up in foster care. in fact, eight foster homes and two group homes. >> at least 3 homes, i was there, where i had to at least go steal to get my meals. or i just wouldn't eat. that's because they didn't feed me or as far as like the food would be locked up and i couldn't get to it. >> the urban institute study looked at the strategies used by teenagers facing extreme hunger. they found "teens in all but two of the thirteen communities studied.. engage in criminal behavior, ranging from shoplifting food directly to stealing items to resell for cash."
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they get from school lunch programs. >> maybe they'll take food home from school so they have it on the weekend because there's nothing in the house. >> it just doesn't feel right when you are hungry. you're very weak and the only thing on your mind is getting something to make you feel better. spiritually it strikes at you knowing you're hungry and you don't have any way to provide for that. >> young people facing limited options and sometimes impossible choices. >> one point from the study bears repeating. teens fear the stigma around hunger and actively try to hide it. we put a link to the study on
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>> the political pendulum that swung to the left in 2008, bringing in the obama administration, has made a return to the right with the election of donald trump and a republican congress. in each case, the losing side experienced an uncertainty about the priorities and leadership, leading to increased giving to their causes. >> this is no surprise to philanthropist tracy gary, an heir to the pillsbury fortune, who has already earmarked 92 percent of her fortune for causes she supports. >> i spoke with her recently >> tracy gary nice to have you with us. >> my honor. >> thank you. so often the loser in an
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concerned the gov will not -- now that the government will not support their agenda. have you seen this in the aftermath of this election? >> absolutely this an incredibly exciting moment for planned parenthood, for the aclu, you know we need to also support black lives matter, immigrant and refugee groups, things the government isn't apt to actually support right now. >> this is the way it is. when reagan and bush came in, what we notice is actually the pendulum swings funding happens in government, and the same was true when clinton and the obama's came in. >> we knew their agenda would be more funded by the government and the things they didn't support -- nra a good example -- increased in donations, because people interested in that agenda recognized that they were going to go through philanthropic avenues. >> this is healthy, democracy at work.
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if we just give to race/class based interests we are not going to think of what does the whole need, what do we need as a union, not just my self-interest. what do low and middle income people in that bottom 50% really need right now? safety nets needed? what will and won't the government do? im excited because i think we are awake as never before. >> what's your philosophy around philanthropy? i feel like there are many threads ab you knew as a child that you were going to come into a ton of money. did your parents sit you down and say this is how you think about your wealth and how you give it away? >> i was blessed who had a mom who was a stock broker and she knew that money came and went and i had this money at 21, a million dollars, but what was true was $1.3 million by the
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she was good at community based giving. go out and volunteer where you live, find out what communities need. this is not just about making up what you think you're passionate about. sometimes that's a factor, but you have to think what am i passionate about that is needed right now. and we learn that by learning through volunteering. >. tracy gary thank you so much nice to see you. >> thank you so much. >> when we return >> can we all just sit down and
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>> no doubt about it. stressful. especially this year -- as these tweets prove. >> katie says, "you don't know stress until you're making a thanksgiving turkey for the first time for 30 people." >> and, will chimed in on the thanksgiving survival guide with this advice. 1 - arrive at table. 2 - say, "so, who'd everybody vote for?" 3 - spend the day eating in another room, unnoticed. no matter your seating plan. >> we hope you enjoyed this uniquely american holiday with
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air date 11-27- 2016 school lunch policies speaker 1: ethical perspectives on the news is produced by the inter- religious council of linn county, which is solely responsible for its content. the views and opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect those of the staff and management of kcrg-tv9. heather hayes: good morning and welcome to ethical perspectives on the news. i'm heather hayes, pastor at first presbyterian church here in cedar rapids, and i will be your moderator for this morning's program. now i'm going to date myself a little here, but i grew up in cedar rapids and i remember years ago the little paper tickets that i would receive as part of the lunch program, so many punches
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