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tv   Journal  KCSMMHZ  September 16, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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welcome to nhk world "newsline." i'm shery ahn. euro zone agreed to help grease. timothy geithner met in poland friday. they discussed a european credit crisis and bailout plan for greece. greece's fiscal rehabilitation is not proceeding as planned. there's now speculation there may be no more international bailout.
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the finance minister did praise tax hikes and other austerity measures announced by greece this week. it is expected to bring immediate default by greece. they must strictly adhere to fiscal reconstruction plans. >> the continued full implementation of the adjustment program remains to ensure fiscal sustainability, safeguard financial stability and boost the greek economy. >> the finance minister also believes the government will get parliamentary approval for the bailout by end of next month, but growing public discontent about bailout for greece means it remains to be seen whether all 17 governments will get parliamentary approval. after the meeting, the u.s. treasury department issued a statement saying geithner urge them to a unified stance toward
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the region's economic problems. the statement says he contributed thoughts on how european governments could develop strategies to effectively address the challenges. the prices of greek government bonds remained low on the european market friday despite the euro zone agreement. the price of the ten year bond hit the lowest level since launch of euro thursday. as it surged to 26% range. many investors factored in the results of the meeting, holding the yield on greece's ten year bond about 20%. market sources say investors won't buy greek bonds unless each eurozone government makes progress toward getting parliamentary approval for the bailout package for greece. here are the latest market figures.
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the eighth round of talks on establishment of a free trade zone across the pacific known as the trans-pacific partnership or tpt came to a close thursday. some have concern about japan's delayed decision on whether to participate in the talks. delegates from the united states, australia and seven other asian pacific nations gave a news conference after the talks in chicago. >> we can leave chicago feeling good about our progress. however, everyone should be realistic about what remains to be done. >> the u.s. chief negotiator told reporters the challenges remain on some issues, including
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exceptions to a terrorist waiver program. she indicated nine countries hope to reach a draft at the next round of talks in peru in october. vietnam's leader urged them to participate in talks. it will be more difficult to negotiate agreements as negotiations move forward. in tokyo, japanese prime minister yoshihiko noda says the government will discuss in depth weather the japan should join the tpt talks. in address to the house friday, he says the government will reach decision at the earliest possible date. >> translator: economic partnerships are essential to reach the benefits of global growth and prevent the industry's from hollowing out. we will pursue partnerships with other countries in a strategic manner.
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russia is upgrading military equipment on one of the islands it controls that is claimed by japan. russian military units are stationed on the islands near japan's main northern island. sources say the unit began replacing older armored vehicles with new ones this month. they say more vehicles are waiting to be shipped. the head of russian general staff says in may that russia plans to have military on the island by end of the year in an effort to improve land, sea and air defenses. russian president visited last november, following his trip, the government sent cabinet ministers and other officials to the disputed island to speed up improvement of infrastructure, including air and sea ports. japan says nine north korean
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defectors rescued in a boat can stay in the pan for a month. the japanese justice ministry says it allowed the defectors to stay because there are no problems with their case and because they want to go to south cory a wednesday, the ministry gave them permission to land in japan, then transferred them to an immigration facility to question them about their identity. justice ministry says the defectors have been playing cards and watching the news on tv and says they appear to be in good health. government sources say south korea told japan it is ready to accept the defectors and wants to settle the matter from a humanitarian standpoint. tropical storm is bringing torrential rain to western and central japan. it could trigger more damage to areas battered by rains earlier
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this month. the meteorologist logical agency says it is moving south over the sea about 220 kilometers east, southeast in okinawa prefecture. it is packing winds more than 80 kilometers an hour at its center. causing torrential rain in western and central japan. three lakes caused by land slides threaten to overflow. more than 36,000 people are evacuating effected areas. here is the extended weather forecast.
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you may have thought a
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planet with two suns was only science fiction, but astronomers in the united states say this isn't just sci-fi. discovering a planet like that of star wars. astronomers at the study institute announce it with a news conference with nasa. they found out about the planet called kepler-16 b, using the space telescope. it is about 200 light years from earth, orbits two stars every 229 days. the astronomers detected the system by analyzing slight changes in light when the planet and stars pass each other. they say the temperature on the planet is minus 73 degrees celsius or lower, so there's almost no possibility of life there. and that's all for this edition of "newsline." i'm shery ahn. thanks for watching.
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/s >> my girl is touchy, and she doesn't cook. or anything. >> i work from morning till night, even on holidays, but i never get a raise. it's not fair. >> my boyfriend is a wimp. when he's angry, he takes it out on things and cries.
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>> grumbling -- complaining about things beyond one's control. today on "documentary 20 minutes," we listen to the grumblings of ordinary people on the streets. shinsaibashi is the busiest area inokasaka. it's friday night and the streets are bustling with people. they come here after work for a drink. i was strolling the streets after the last train had left looking for something
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interesting. hmm, what's this? >> translator: oh, we listen to people grumbling. >> that's interesting. naoki and ryoji are friends from high school, they're 23 years old. every friday from 11:00 at night to 5:00 in the morning they sit on the sidewalk and listen to people gripe. let's hang out and see how they do it. >> you listen to grumbling? >> yes, we do. >> seeing two handsome guys, a lot of girls stopped by to talk. >> hi. >> will you listen to me? well, i can't seem to find a boyfriend. boys these days irritate me.
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they're all sissies. so if a boy likes a girl and she has a steady, he just gives up or waits around until the two split up. i really don't know what he's thinking. why doesn't he go and get her? >> how could she tell something like that to strange young guys? >> you listen for free? i have a heap of things i want to say. >> a man this time. >> where i work, your pay depends on how many years you're with the company. ability doesn't matter. some workers may have been employed for 10, 20 years but they haven't learned anything. but the longer you've been with the company, the more you get.
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if you're young, you don't get paid much even if you're good at the job. what i want to say is, get rid of the employees that can't do their jobs. >> well, you'll need a lot of guts to say that on the job. people come one after another. the two will listen for hours free of charge. but i wonder, why do they do this? >> i have a kind of phobia about people, and i can't carry on conversation. but i want to be honest and even
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talk about things that are painful to me. i didn't know how to go about it so i thought i could learn from others by listening to them. >> the two listen to strangers now, but they used to be really shy and afraid of people. when motooko was in high school, he wasn't good at connecting with people so he often skipped school. after graduation, he just hung around doing odd jobs now and then, but he decided to change by talking to people on the street and asked nahayama to join him.
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>> there's so much work to be done, but they hardly ever pay me for overtime. i know it's grumbling. >> it's depressing to think that i'm so insignificant. >> everybody has something to complain about so the two decided to become good listeners. >> good evening. will you listen to my story? >> a middle-aged man stopped by. >> i'm fed up, but what's the use of saying all this? the steel industry isn't doing so well. >> this man runs a small factory. >> it's like this --
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a worker says he has to go home early because he has to drive his wife somewhere. and another one calls to say his wife has a cold so he can't come in. things like that aren't unusual anymore. people my age would never do something like that. when we were young, our seniors would scold us if we did something like that, they'd take us out for a drink and lecture us on how important work is. but if we do that now, young people would just laugh at us. >> i wouldn't laugh. never. i'd be pleased about me. i would thank you. >> really?
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you gave me a new view. i have to change my way of thinking. i thought all kids were the same. >> hey! they did it. the boss is rethinking things. but there are some people that really hard to handle. >> i'm happy. that's why i have no complaints about my job. and i don't think that you two can make people happy because you're both green. >> he's really sarcastic, but it won't turn into a quarrel. motoyoko and mooko never contradict a person. they just keep on listening and then --
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>> i basically like young people. i'm just tired, that's all. i just want to grumble about how tired i am. i work on holidays, too. i'm just tired. >> i guess it's easier to show your weakness to a stranger. motoyoko has listened to the complaints of 700 people. >> some people look very serious in the beginning, but after talking for a while, they start to smile and even laugh. watching them made me realize
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that if you let your troubles get to you, then everything will be miserable. but if you can laugh at your misfortune, then things may not seem that bad. >> some people come in the wee hours of the morning p. >> when i'm home, my wife doesn't speak to me. matsushima started to grumble about his family. >> i have two daughters, but they don't care about me at all. when i'm home, my wife and daughters ignore me. they stay in their rooms, and i'm alone in the living room watching tv, talking to people on tv. they just need me for money.
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if i lose my job, they're going to dump me. the only thing i'll have left is the mortgage. they'll probably say, don't worry about us, and leave. i'm so miserable. >> his complaints about his family seem endless. >> you know, i like dogs so i ask her, can i get a dog? and she says no. she tells me that our daughter is allergic so we can't keep a dog in the house. i thought if i had a dog, then it would be my only friend. but i can't even do that. so now you know my lonesome fate. >> matsushima grumbled for more than an hour.
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>> on my day off. >> he was the last customer. well, that's it for today. >> listening to them takes time. i wanted to hear more. >> do they really want to listen from gripes to people their parents' age? >> see you. >> they're still young so i wonder why. >> motooka lives with his parents in okasaka away from his parents who also live in the city. when motooko was little his father neglected the family and his parents always quarrelled so motooko learned not to show his
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feelings. it's probably why he doesn't know how to communicate with others. >> bon appetit. >> he says listening to the grumbles of older people has changed him. >> many people in their 50s and 60s come to talk to us even though they're much older and experienced in life. they talk about their jobs, their families. listening to their stories made me realize that maybe my parents felt the same way about me. i thought my father must have
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had troubles and anxieties, just like these people, thing it's like that were beyond my imagination or interest at the time. but little by little i realize mom and dad had their difficulties and that i wanted to know about them. >> he has listened to 700 people grumbling to understand his parents. that's a lot of listening. sometimes regulars drop in. this girl brought snacks. she has gripes about her job at
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a cafe. >> kids who are employed after me get better jobs. my boss still doesn't let me do the accounting. maybe i'm not good enough mo it tooko just nods and lets her talk as much as she wants. >> the snacks are good. i haven't eaten anything since last night. i felt sick thinking about my job. >> motooko changes how he interacts depending on the person. >> i can't get any sleep these days. i work all week long and go to college, too. what should i do? >> this college student works
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nights to earn his tuition. that's tough. >> i'm very worried about you. if you can, maybe you could skip school? >> i'll try that. i'm glad i talked to you. >> motooko doesn't just listen. he's learned to give advice. >> oh, it's matsushima, the man who was complaining about his family. he's back. >> so your wife still won't let you have a dog? >> nope. >> no welcome home, bow wow?
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>> my daughters won't even come near me. tomorrow is father's day, and i wonder what they'll give me. nothing probably. >> you know, i had a hard time relating to my father. i had many things to tell him, but i couldn't. >> motooko started talking about himself. >> when i talk to you, it it reminds me of my dad. >> why is that? >> i felt lonely because i couldn't talk to my father. if you can't get along with your father when you're little, it doesn't change much when you get older. i was frustrated not being able to say what i wanted to. >> and now? >> now i know how difficult it
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must have been for my father to work and support us. i knew it in my mind, but now i feel it in my heart. it must have been hard. >> it is. >> now i see how hard my father worked for us. i really feel grateful, and i want to let him know. but it's still hard to say the words. i think your daughters are the same. they're probably shy and can't say thank you even though they want to. when i get married i want my kids to be able to thank their father. >> good for you. the father works so that you don't have to. life is difficult, but you kids shouldn't give up. we older folks are giving all we've got to support our families. no matter how we're treated. i tell you, it's good to have a family.
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>> matsushima grumbled about his family, but talking to motooka made him smile. >> thanks for everything. >> please come again. >> it's sometimes difficult to complain to people close to you. i'm like that, too. it's probably easier to speak to someone that knows nothing about you. i think everybody is like that. >> grumbing may not solve anything, but it's amazing to see people smiling just from talking about their troubles.


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