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tv   Newsline 30min  KCSMMHZ  November 29, 2011 6:00am-6:30am PST

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storming the gates. iranian students trash the british embassy in tehran. we're tell you what they're soing onry about. welcome to "newsline," i'm michio kijima in tokyo. hundreds of iranian students have stormed the embassy in tehran to protest sanctions over iran's nuclear program. the students began arriving
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tuesday afternoon. nhk reporters say 200 to 400 have gathered in the area and some have entered the building. the protests have turned vie violent they're hurling molotov cocktails and burning the british flag. the protesters are chanting that britain should get out of iran. riot police have arrived at the embassy and are clashing with the protesters. some demonstrators have reportedly been injured. britain's foreign office has condemned the protests. the office said in a statement that the iranian government has a duty to protect diplomats under law and the british government hopes that iran will bring the situation under control soon and insure the safety of the embassy staff. american airlines, the second-largest airline in the united states filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on tuesday. the company says operations will continue as normal, while it
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undergoes federal bankruptcy proceedings and that it will refund tickets for future flights as necessary. american airlines was established in 1926 and operates more than 3,000 daily flights to about 50 countries. it is a member of the one-world alliance of carriers. the kyoto protocol was born here in japan. the japanese government hopes it will die in south africa. its representatives are working hard at the u.n. climate change meeting in durban to stop the co2 reduction treaty from being extended. they want to replace it with what they call a fair and effective framework. one that will impose legally-binding targets on all major emitters. nhk world's susumu kojima is covering the conference in durban and tells us more. >> reporter: it's very simple. japanese representatives say the kyoto protocol is not a fair system. it covers only 26% of the total
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emissions in the world. the u.s. and china, the biggest kaurnen emitters have no obligations to reduce their co2 under the treaty. japanese leaders argue that in order to stop global climate change, it's crucial for all major emitters to get on board. their fear is if the conference decides to extend the kyoto protocol, places such as japan and the european union would shoulder the burden. another issue that is affecting the japanese position is the country's march 11th nuclear accident. the government doesn't want to commit to a specific co2 reduction target right now. nuclear power was expected to play a significant part in reducing japan's carbon emissions. but now the government is reconsidering the targets it set. and it can't make any promises right now. today's announcement by the japanese cabinet doesn't take anyone by surprise. the government has said repeatedly over the past couple
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of years, it is against an extension of the kyoto protocol. but japan is facing opposition from a number of developing nations at the conference in durban. these countries want to continue their kyoto obligations beyond 2012. some delegates from developing nations are showing concern. >> we know we owe japan a lot, but that would be a blow to this spirit, to the whole global spirit, if japan, you know, really takes a position to move out and not support us. >> translator: it's a very bad decision, a decision that will encourage other industrialized countries. it's very sad they'll pull out of the kyoto protocol while we're still getting everyone to join the treaty. >> once the success of the depends on whether wealthier nations can commit to their targets under the kyoto protocol. it's not only japan but also other industrialized nations
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that are against the idea. delegates will face difficult discussions in the coming days as they try to narrow their differences. >> nhk world's susumu kojima in durban, south africa. people in japan have relied on nuclear power for many years. authorities told them it was safe. but after the fukushima accident in march, they lost confidence in atomic energy, now there are concerns about other nuclear facilities in the country. more than a third of japan's 54 reactors have been operating for more than three decades, experts are trying to stop the next crisis before it's too late. the construction of fukushima daiichi began in the late 1960s. the plan's number one react or went online 40 years ago. members of the nuclear and industrial safety agency held their first meeting with a panel of experts on tuesday. the panel's secretary reported that fukushima daiichi shut down automatically after the march 11th quake. he said emergency power
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generators were working until the tsunami struck. the facility there lost all sources of electricity, which caused meltdowns in three reactors. >> translator: it's essential to analyze whether the aging of the plant caused the accident. >> nuclear power reactors are designed to function for many years, but their machinery and infrastructure become more vulnerable as time passes. reactors are the heart of a nuclear plant. they're made of steel. but the strength of the metal deteriorates from exposure to neutrons. metal water pipes are subject to erosion and corrosion and their walls gradually become thinner. in 2004, vapor escaped from a broken water pipe at a reactor at the mihaha nuclear plant. five workers died. accident was blamed on the absence of proper inspections. during tuesday's meeting, the
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experts reported steel in the 36-year-old reactor in the genkai plant in southern japan has become weaker than initially predicted. some panel members said it's important to figure out the cause and make fixing the problem an immediate priority. >> translator: distrust is mounting among local people. this must be addressed, and if there are problems, a decision must be made to scrap the reactor. >> the panel agreed to issue a report early next year after investigating the fukushima daiichi accident, but also make revisions to its safety regulations for aging reactors. china is stepping up preparations to make the country's first aircraft carrier operational. the chinese defense ministry announced the vessel started its second round of sea trials following its august launch. china bought the aircraft carrier built by the former
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soviet union from ukraine 13 years ago, and has been repairing it. it maintains the sea trials are simply for research and training. the carrier has been under repair since the end of its first trials. reports suggest that problems were found after those tests. the international community is wary of china's efforts to improve its naval capabilities. they are seen as an attempt to bolster its ocean power and secure sea lanes. a chinese foreign ministry spokesman said his country is committed to the path of peaceful development. and that is security policy is defensive. next, we go to cholaphansa narula in bangkok it find out what's going on in the region. >> relations between pakistan and the u.s.-led coalition forces are still reeling from an incident that killed over 20 pakistani soldiers along the border with afghanistan. and now pakistan says it will
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boycott an upcoming conference on the future of afghanistan to be held in germany next week. on saturday, afghanistan-based nato helicopters bombed two pakistani outposts, killing 24 soldiers. at a cabinet meeting on tuesday, the pakistani government decided it would not attend an international conference on afghanistan next monday in protest at the attacks. representatives from some 100 countries, including u.s. secretary of state, hillary clinton, are set to meet in bann, are set to discuss future assistance for pakistan. pakistan plays an important role in efforts to stabilize afghanistan. its absence from the conference will have a significant impact. meanwhile, afghanistan is trying to take its own steps to work reconstruction. on monday it awarded several contracts to develop its natural resources and the big winner was india. it's another sign of how asia's emerging powers are gaining economic influence as the war-torn country looks for help
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with reconstruction. nhk world's hideki yui reports. >> reporter: the afghan government said on monday an indian consortium would receive mining rights to three of four iron ore blocks at a mine in burma province. other was awarded to a canadian company. some mine holders are estimated 1.8 billion tons of iron ore. the afghan government said the development would attract billions of dollars in investment. and create thousands of jobs. new railway lines and power plants are also expected to follow. afghanistan says its untapped natural resources are the key to unlock the reconstruction of the country. but the worsening security situation has put off many companies from developing the country. that leaves the door open for
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rapidly-growing economies like china and india. one state-run chinese company is developing a copper mine south of kabul, and another has won the rights to explore oil fields in the north. many developed countries hesitate to bid for work while security remains uncertain. but for emerging economies, the opportunities appear to be worth the risk. hideki yui, nhk world. >> in thailand, the flood threat to central bangkok has motely receded. but in surrounding areas, many people continue to face severe hardship. among them are migrants from myanmar. first the water swept away their homes and livelihoods, and now language barriers and red tape are making the situation harder. nhk world has more. >> reporter: about 300,000 immigrants from myanmar live in
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a province near bangkok. they've been providing cheap labor to factories that process marine products and make mechanical parts. but the floods have changed the life of 28-year-old natu tet. he obtained a working visa and came to thailand with his father. he used to work at this flooded machine parts factory. production looks likely to be suspended for some time. >> translator: it's hard to make a living without a job. i don't know what i'll do if i can't earn money. >> reporter: his apartment is still flooded. almost all his neighbors have evacuated. before the floods, he lived with his father and three friends. but they are now spread out, living in evacuation centers and other places. >> translator: i came here for a stable income.
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but suddenly with this disaster, i don't know what to do. it's so hard. >> reporter: some migrant workers have been thrown a lifeline. this temple is run by priests from myanmar. they are supporting the workers with donations the temple receives. the main hall has been turned into an evacuation center. the government of myanmar is also providing support. in thailand, migrant workers from myanmar are allowed to travel freely. if they do, they could be arrested. but the rules have been relax dodd allow people affected by the floods to move. they can obtain a document from the embassy of myanmar. and increasing number of workers visits the embassy to get paperwork. >> translator: there was nothing we could do. so i'm grateful that the myanmar embassy issues this kind of document free of charge.
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>> reporter: the thai floods have made it difficult for migrant workers from myanmar to make ends meet. extending help to this vulnerable group remains an important challenge. terazawa, nhk world, bangkok. >> as we reported earlier, political tensions between pakistan and the united states are on the rise. but in the education field, at least cooperation remains. the south asian country is about to launch a local version of the popular american tv show, "sesame street." makers of the original program joined with a pakistani production house to develop show in the urdu language. the $20 million project received funds from a u.s. government agency. it will feature an original cast and lots of local flavor. the cast includes a 6-year-old girl, rani, who lives cricket and traditional pakistani music.
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the program is due to hit the airways in december and the programmers hope it will reach three million people and help educate youngster who is lack access to schooling. >> a program can bring children in pakistan them to understand all of the ideas of inclusion, of kindness to one another. to mutual respect, and equal opportunities. >> unesco ranks pakistan as having the world's second-worst level of school access for children. and that's it for our bulletin today. i'm cholaphansa narula here in bangkok. >> thanks. in an collusive interview with nhk in tokyo on tuesday, south sudan's information and broadcasting minister, mario benjamin offered ideas about the japanese reconstruction effort in his country. south sudan achieved independence in july after more than 20 years of civil war.
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the minister commented on japan's ground self-defense force and engineering units, they will participate in the u.n. peace-keeping operations. >> an enormous destruction has been done in south sudan. and so we have to begin to build everything from the beginning. i think they are going to contribute very effective support in building and assisting in the infrastructure. in the republic of south sudan. >> the minister then alluded to the security situation in the region. >> there is no danger to the u.n. peace-keeping forces, including the japanese engineering company. because there is adequate presence of u.n. peace-keeping forces in those areas. >> he stressed that south sudan has undeveloped oil and mineral resources and called for investment from japan.
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museum and exhibits teach us much about our past. through artifacts and historical documents. we can also learn about history through the stories of those who lived to tell them. tonight in the second of our two-part series on nuclear weapons, one man tells his story of survival. he got his inspiration from an angel. nhk world's namia madda explains. >> reporter: this cathedral is a place of prayer, a place of solace. catholic missionaries brought their religion to japan in the 16th century. made nagasaki the seat of japanese catholocism. this cathedral became its spiritual center. >> builders finished work on the cathedral in 1914, the atomic bomb fell on nagasaki more than 30 years later. more than 70,000 people lost
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their lives. this cathedral stood 500 meters from the epicenter. it was destroyed. fukahori's house stood next to the church, it, too, was destroyed. his brother and three sisters were killed. fukahori is 80 years old, he's attended mass at the cathedral since he was young. >> translator: i think it's important to pray for people who lost their lives to the atomic bomb. i do it every day. >> reporter: fukahori can pray, but he wouldn't talk about his experiences, even with his own family. these artifacts from the cathedral tell part of the story of what happened in nagasaki. u.n. organizers in geneva just opened a permanent exhibit to
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commemorate the atomic bombings there and in hiroshima. many visitors stop in front of the burned statue of an angel from the urakami angel. donors hoped it would serve as a symbol of the nuclear tragedy for europeans, many of whom are devout christians. shigame fukahori felt inspired after seeing the angel and finally he decided to share his story. he recounted his experiences to local high school students in geneva. >> translator: as i walked on the bank of a stream near the center of the explosion, i saw many people who had turned black. piled up in the water. each person's voice is small, but if we speak together, our
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collective voice is loud. so we should gather our voices together, to realize world peace. thank you. [ applause ] >> it's very courageous for him to come here and talk about his story. i guess not everybody would do it. >> translator: i think students are interested in what i told them. if more people paid attention, i believe we could find world peace. >> nhk world's name yamada is in our studio in nagasaki. name, how did you feel while reporting on this story? >> i saw the expressions on the students face as they listened to fukahori, he expresses many of the hopes of those who survived atomic bombs, to rid the world of nuclear weapons. still, there may be a ways to go. a creators of the u.n. exhibit
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felt a photograph of an atomic bomb survivor, who had been badly burned, would shock viewers too much. they asked that it be replaced by a photograph in which the burns were not as bad. so you see, there's still a gap in thinking between survivors and those who have not seen what they've seen. >> so what are people in nagasaki doing to spread their message? >> yes. city leaders there plan to continue to sponsor exhibits abroad. about the atomic bomb. nagasaki and hiroshima have been at the forefront of an international ngo called mayors for peace. more than 5,000 member cities plan to put on stimulus exhibitions next summer to demonstrate the horrors of these weapons. >> a powerful message and a powerful story, thank you, nana. mai shoji is up next with weather.
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hi there and welcome back time to talk about our weather. starting off with asia, a high pressure will be dominant in mog goalia and eastern china. this is where we're going to be seeing strong winds. northwesterly winds impacting much of northern japan and talking about snow in hokkaido and this region with strong winds to come. and a few showers will be disturbing the rest of japan with strong winds to come. rather than snow here in the korean peninsula we'll see rain and sleet. rain precipitation will taper off in central portions of china as this descends down into the south. still, scattered showers will be remaining in much of the philippines as well as malaysia where we are very worried and concerned about further flooding. tokyo at 17 degrees. a warmer side than seoul. single digits and 6 degrees. that colder air is going to be impacting the temperatures. beijing as well as single digit
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5 degrees. ulan bator, if you take a look, that's minus 12 for the high. minus 28 would be for the low, very cold and freezing up there, but in bangkok and manila, still hanging on to the 30s. heading over to north america, let's talk about this storm that is moving in towards the pacific northwest, and that's going to be accompanied with very strong winds. up to about 50 kilometers per how, and that is a cool system so we'll bring significant snowfall. northern idaho, northwestern montana, and some parts in the southern canadian rockies will accumulating snowfall in higher elevations, could be up to 15 centimeters. with that strong wind, that could bring you blowing snow, which would result in decreased visibility. driving could be dangerous. central portions of canada as well as the united states looking very dry and clear, however, this is where we do want to talk about this system passing through generating very heavy precipitation and in and around
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the great lakes, just around the detroit region we may see some snow accumulating up to about 10 centimeters high and in much of new england, north through the east, seeing rain, precipitation and heavy rain just around virginia and pennsylvania for our tuesday outlook. temperaturewise, we're looking at new york at 19 degrees. washington, d.c. at 17. but atlanta, single digits. well below average. and cool temperatures will probably make you feel very cold with that windchill factor coming in as well. oklahoma city at 11 degrees. los angeles, very warm for you are at 27 degrees. now, heading over to europe now. windy conditions still going to be prevailing for the next 24 hours here in europe. and the precipitation here is, rather than snow, it will be much more of rain and sleet. maybe snow precipitation in the upper elevations. just around the scandinavian
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peninsula, especially northwestern norway but out towards the west and the east in european continent, looking pretty dry. may see a few showers just around france, germany and in and around rome. rome, we're talking about temperaturewise, 19 degrees. vienna cool at 2 degrees. lisbon, 13. london at 12. paris, 10 degrees and moscow, just at freezing point. here's our extended forecast.
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once again, the top stories at this hour. hundreds of iranian students have stormed the british embassy in tehran, to protest british sanctions over iran's nuclear program. the students began arriving at the embassy tuesday afternoon. nhk reporters at the scene say 300 to 400 young people have gathered in the area, and some entereded embassy building. the protests have turned violent with demonstrators breaking windows and throwing documents outside. they're also hurling molotov cocktails and burning the british flag. the embassy's union jack has been replaced by the iranian
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flag. the protesters are chanting that britain should get out of iran. riot police have arrived at the embassy, and they're clashing with the protesters. some demonstrators have reportedly been injured. britain's foreign office has condemned the protest. the office said in a statement that the iranian government lass a duty to protect diplomats and the embassies under international law, and that britain hopes iran will bring the situation under control. and to insure the safety of the embassy staff. american airlines, the second-largest airline in the united states, filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on tuesday. the company says operations will continue as normal. while it undergoes federal bankruptcy proceedings. and that it will refund tickets for future flights as necessary. american airlines was established in 1926, and operates more than 3,000 daily flights to about 50 countries. it is a member of the onf glal .
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that's our broadcast for this hour on "newsline." we'll be back with more news in half an hour. i'm michio kijima in tokyo. thank you for watching. bye-bye.
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