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tv   Global 3000  KCSMMHZ  May 26, 2012 5:00am-5:30am PDT

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>> hello and welcome to global 3000, your weekly check on the global issues that affect us all. today's program: tuning into tradition -- how a south african musician is tapping into old sounds europe's ignored minority -- why roma keep losing out on public services in macedonia. power in the mountains -- why water mills in nepal are a key to development let me ask you -- what is music? phillip glass, one of the world's most influential contemporary composers recently answered -- "music is a place". if so, then traditional african music is a shrinking territory.
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while african beats are a vital ingredient for modern pop culture, traditional musicians, like the south african dizu plaatjes, fear for their historical roots. that's why he funnels most of his earnings into building a bastion of african culture in cape town. meet a man determined to preserve his continent's musical heritage. >> music is his life. dizu plaatjies leads the ibuyambo ensemble, famed for its traditional south african music. plaatjies makes the indigenous instruments himself and passes on his knowledge. his house has become an arts and crafts center that creates jobs in his township.
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>> what takes place here is that there are people making beadwork, there are people making these mats, which we call amakhuku there are people who are making drums, there are people who are selling fruit and veg, you know. so there's everything. we never get hungry. if you're hungry, there's veg. there's always food for everybody. so it's a nice way because we live all together, we share all these things together. >> with the ibuyambo centre, dizu is trying to preserve those traditions. he says that only through their cultural heritage can young people learn to share and respect each other and shape a society in which no one is marginalized. older people play the important role of passing on these values to younger generations. >> i come from a family of traditional healers, and people who really care about the tradition.
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because without our tradition, we as the mpondomise pondo people are nothing. because with our tradition, as you can see, all the things, we like things that are made by hands. >> dizu plaatjies has been teaching traditional african music at the university of cape town for 19 years. he wants his students to realize that sounds like these shape african society. >> african music plays a vital role in the black african struggle for freedom -- in many parts of africa. and because african music is just a weapon to defend the way we live, the way we are doing things. if you listen very carefully, african music is the best music.
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it takes you to places where you've never been. listening to the different instruments that you've never seen. >> dizu teaches many different rhythms on instruments such as this marimba. he wants to maintain this heritage, and says the success of western pop music is causing young people to forget their roots. so he motivates talented young people to keep playing, even though it's hard to earn a living from this kind of art. >> money always comes last. first of all we have to bring your love in your heart, show people that this is who you are. this is my music. this is what i play. and people have to accept about what we're doing. the minute the people start to accept, then they will respect you, and then you'll go far. >> students from around the
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world come to study with plaatjies. traditional african music has had a strong influence on other styles, from jazz to hip-hop. siyabulela jiyana has known dizu plaatjies since he was eight. he's been in the ibuyambo ensemble for years. dizu helped him obtain funding for his university studies. siyabulela is trying to pick up as much as possible. he uses what he learns to create his own style, which is mixed with traditional music >> now there's a stereotype that african music is easy.
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i'm breaking that stereotype by taking this instrument and fusing it with a guitar, and fusing it with a stringed instrument, maybe a cello, and i can do that. i'm trying to show people that this is an instrument like any other instrument. >> tourists are the main source of income for traditional south african musicians. few of the artists receive government support and local radio stations don't play their music. so it's hard for them to sell their cd's. even dizu depends on his international appearances to finance his ibuyambo center. his ensemble puts on shows featuring instrumental music, singing and dance that bring the south african way of life to the rest of the world. >> africa on the move -- african music on the move. everything is on the move. people are on the move.
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you know, i feel very great today because we're off to oman for the week, for two performances. and coming back, and i'm looking forward, because this is part of my life, this is how i really enjoy myself more -- playing and entertaining people and teaching as well. >> dizu's music is his philosophy -- africa must not lose its roots, he says, because they are its strength. that's the message that dizu is taking to the world. during the kosovo war over a decade ago hundreds of thousands of people escaped to neighbouring macedonia. to this day some 22 000 roma who fled live in the capital skopje. unemployment is rampant in europe's largest roma settlement. often unaware of their rights, the people who live here are afraid of the authorities, like one woman is trying to break down this barrier. latifa sikovska lost her career as a professional football
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player when the yugoslav state fell apart. her determination and perseverence helps many roma families escape isolation. >> skopje capital of the former yugoslavian republic of macedonia. with more than half a million residents, it's the country's largest city. it's divided into ten municipalities, one of which is uto orizari. more than 22,000 people live here. most of them are roma. they fled to macedonia during the kosovo war and they've remained in uto orizari. 30-year-old bajramsha selmani is one of them. she shares her small house with her husband and seven children. no one in the family has a job. ljatife sikovska is herself a roma, but she refuses to accept the situation her compatriots are in. so she's founded an organization that informs roma about their rights.
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lack of education and social marginalization are among the reasons why roma don't have access to jobs. without work they lack the money for important official documents. so they can't even register the births of their children who then can't attend school or get free medical care. senada kurtishovska's daughter fell ill, but because she had no papers, the doctor sent her away. >> i took her home, but her condition didn't improved. two weeks later she died. >> now senada's worried again, because her youngest daughter is ill. she has no papers for her, either. >> it infuriates me that they ask for so many documents when these people can't even afford a meal. >> but poverty is just part of the problem. ljatife knows that only the roma themselves can change the situation.
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>> roma no matter where have to understand one thing. they can't stay at home and wait for someone to come and solve their problems. they have to be more active, raise their voices and fight for their rights. we have to change things ourselves. >> ljatife accompanies senada and her daughter to the doctor. she wants to make sure the girl will be examined, despite her lack of papers. even in macedonia, every medical emergency must be treated with or without documents. ljatife and her organisation act as a link between families and the health care facilities. they help families and support them in claiming their right to health care. but ljatife doesn't only talk to the women about their rights, but also about family planning. bajramsha selmani has also been thinking about the future of her family. she doesn't want more children, and she's dreaming of a house like everyone else.
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more than anything, she wants to send her children to school. she hopes that, thanks to the organization's help, her life will be better. ljatife, who still coaches soccer, says that the key to the future lies in the children -- and their access to education. and her motivation is their laughing faces. >> pretty much whatever we do directly or indirectly creates carbon emissions. and there's only so much human activity our planet can handle. let's say we all had co2 accounts with equal credit, then all citizens in the industrialised countrys would be in the red for a start. but everyone, including those who underspend, ultimately have to pay the price. that concept rings a bell, doesn't it -- but we're not talking about the global financial crisis. here's an insight into the
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global carbon balance... across the world humans generate carbon dioxide, a harmful greenhouse gas. whether we're flying in airplanes, driving cars, buying clothes or even just eating. but exactly how much carbon dioxide do we generate? how big is your carbon footprint? 2,000 grams of co2 are released into the air to make an ordinary hamburger. by contrast, the average citizen of mali generates just 27 grams of co2 a day. what makes hamburgers so bad for the environment? it's mainly because of the meat. forests are cleared to make room for cattle and the crops used to feed them. cows also emit methane, ...a greenhouse gas that's 20 times more harmful to the planet than co2. making the bun also produces
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co2, but it's the beef that mainly to blame. it's responsible for a whopping 1,365 grams of it. the onion rings add just one gram. but then there's the tomato, lettuce and slice of cheese, which as a dairy product ups the emissions. even the ketchup and mayonnaise have to be factored in. the handling and processing also play a role. it's not just the co2 due to the transport. the electricity neeed to run a restaurant, to fry the burger and to package it all raise the carbon footprint. instead of beef, why not choose chicken? it's the clear winner when it comes to carbon emissions. on average a european generates 27,000 grams of co2 per day. a us resident twice as much. the average person in india produces just a fraction of this amount. the intergovernmental panel on
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climate change ipcc says we should produce no more than 5,500 grams. it's the only way to win the fight against global warming. and sadly we are far from bringing that averag down.//nepal is on the lower end of the global carbon emission scale. arguably that's partly due to a lack of development. but in a way the country's estimated 25 000 traditional water mills have gone straight from ancient technques to sustainable technology, side- stepping diesel generators altogether. improving the efficiency of these mills helps unleash energy reserves that can be an important stepping stone for rural development. >> they haven't been on a paved road for hours. but for bal krishna und milan shrestha from nepal's center for rural technology, that's
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normal when they travel to the water mills they've upgraded. >> i'm glad we can drive most of the way today. often the mills are so high up in the mountains that we have to hike for days to reach them. >> at the end of the gorge lies the village of khopa chagu. it takes its name from the river, which flows directly from the himalayas. the village has around 2,000 residents. most of them earn a living from farming. they cultivate cereal crops, corn, millet and vegetables. they've had a new water mill for six years now. the aid organization helped upgrade it and funded half of the work. the owner dhan bahadur shows off the multi-functional mill. he's proud that he took the risk back then and took on debts to improve it.
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>> i was so frightened of going into debt, that i often couldn't sleep. i didn't know whether it would all pay off. >> the old mill could only grind wheat and corn. with the aid of extra attachments dhan bahadur can now hull rice and even press oil. what makes it all possible is the improved drive. the old wooden wheel has been replaced by an efficient metal turbine. >> through improved water intake we've increased the pressure. then there's a kind of funnel that shoots the water right to the turbine. it makes the mill three times more efficient. >> the mill processes up to 20 bags of grain a day. business is booming. the village women, who bring in
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the harvest, have profited from the new technology. >> the new mill has changed our lives. because it can do so much, we don't have to do everything by hand anymore. so we have more time for our children. >> for two years the mill has even been producing electricity . or that's what it's supposed to be doing. but the generator is acting up. so dhan bahadur is glad the experts have come to the village today. crt developed the generator especially for water mills. technician bal krishna is bombarded with complaints. this man says nothing's working properly, that there's not enough power, the lights flicker and the generator keeps breaking down. the technician answers that he'd told the villagers the mill should have been located elsewhere, but that they hadn't listened. they make an appointment to
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meet in the afternoon with the village electricity committee. crt wants to convince the villagers that the technology works. the organization hopes to upgrade several thousand more mills in the coming years. >> the project contributes to reducing co2 emissions, first by clean electricity generation by water power. but it's also important to have our efficient water mills replace the old diesel-powered mills. there used to be five of them in this village. now there are none. that's much more environmentally friendly and reduces carbon emissions. >> at noon, dhan bahadur goes home to eat lunch. it's an hour's walk, and he's carrying 20 kilos on his back payment in kind from his customers.
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he and his wife have raised five children, and now a grandchild as well. he's not sure if his mill helps protect the climate, but more and more often he is feeling the consequences of global warming. our crops aren't growing well because the weather's been going haywire. we should be planting millet right now, but there's no rain. and later, we'll suddenly have so much water that everything will be washed away. >> that's another reason his wife is glad they've invested in the mill that provides them with a regular income. she says electricity makes life easier. they have a mobile phone now and the children can study in the evening. but more importantly, she doesn't have to worry they won't have enough for breakfast.
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>> before, we often didn't get enough to eat. it's not easy to raise children up here. we didn't have enough warm clothing, and we worried they'd freeze. the mill has improved our situation a lot, and we can send our children to school. >> down in the village, the electricity committee is meeting. once again they discuss the problems they're having with their power supply. milan shrestha reassures them that the generator's running again. then he explains how they can get some government funding to further extend their electrical grid. >> without the new mill, the village would have had to wait at least five years for electricity. that's another reason i'm so fond of our project. i think people in the mountain villages have the same right as people in the city to benefit from modern modes of
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communication -- via radio, mobile telephones and television. >> it's evening. miller dhan bahadur reconnects the repaired generator to the mill. and in 52 houses in the village, the lights go on. >> it makes me proud. we're developing a technology here that we can export to other countries -- bhutan, sri lanka and afghanistan in many of their mountainous regions they have no electricity but plenty of water. >> bal krishna und milan shrestha will sleep in the village tonight, and dhan bahadur will remain in his mill. he wants to spend the night
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there to make sure the power stays on. true commitment there, and here at global 3000 we are firmly committed to food, especially the no-fuss snacks people enjoy around the globe. forget global burger chains, we like to jump off into the deep end with our taste buds. and today we head to chile for some empanadas. >> coquimbo is a port city on the pacific coast. it has one of the most popular fish markets in chile. people come here not only to shop, but more than anything to enjoy the fresh and delicious fast food. fish and seafood are turned into tasty snacks right on the premises. there are small restaurants and snack bars in every corner of the market, like this one run by alejandro fernández.
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his speciality is a chilean classic -- "empanadas de marisco." >> aqui vamos, aqui vamos! >> these are crispy pastries with a savory filling. alejandro's been selling them for more than twenty years. >> we've always enjoyed eating empanadas here in coquimbo. people like to eat them after a stroll on the seaside. empanadas filled with seafood are a tradition in chile. >> a mixture of fish, crab meat and shellfish is wrapped in thinly rolled-out wheat dough and then deep fried for 3 to 4 minutes. and voilà. the empanada is ready to serve.
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this tasty snack costs 1000 pesos -- around one euro sixty. alejandro sells hundreds of them a day -- and he has lots of regular customers. >> this snack bar is good. it's well-managed and the service is fast. you don't have to wait for twenty minutes or anything. >> "empanadas de marisco" are one of the most popular snacks in chile. they're also sold frozen in supermarkets. but of course freshly made empanadas taste the best. >> exquisite.
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these are very good. i've been coming here for years to eat them and they're really exquisite. i always eat here when i pass through, because although i was born here, i now live abroad. >> some chileans will go to the ends of the earth for a good empanada de marisco. >> so if you're travelling to chile, make sure you get a chance to sample them yourself. >> and that's all for global 3000 today. thanks for watching and do join us again next week for more reports on the effects and side- effects of globalisation. until then, bye bye.
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