tv Global 3000 KCSMMHZ June 19, 2012 2:00am-2:30am PDT
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hello and welcome to global 3000. to people in all corners of the world about the challenges of globalization. and here's what we have coming up for you today -- green living large scale -- china is building an entire eco- city. speaking up -- we meet human rights activists in ukraine. and giving nature a chance -- indonesia launches a project to restore depleted forests. george orwell stated some 70 years ago: our civilisation is founded on coal.
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while this is no longer true for europe, it capture's today's reality in china: here currently four-fifths of energy is produced by firing coal. in other words: china's engine for future devolpment largely relies on technology from the last century. but china is also trying like no other nations to develop alternatives. 150 kilometers from beijing it is in the process of building an eco city from scratch. we follow the preparations for green living on an unprecedented scale: >> wind turbines herald the new era. forward-thinkers who envision an environmentally friendly china have designed a green dream. in a few years time, a disused industrial wasteland is to provide 350,000 chinese people with a new home -- in harmony with nature. it's a monumental undertaking in cooperation with singapore. the chinese government is
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subsidising it, primarily the renewable energies and public buildings. the eco city is a huge pilot project. as far as we know, tianjin eco city is the first in the world to be built completely from scratch. there are eco cities in other countries but they are conversions of existing structures, retrofitting solar technology, modernising public transport and so on. our city is starting from zero. >> the design envisages three districts, with plenty of greenery and a local rail service linking the eco city to the centre of tianjin forty kilometres away. but there's a lot of building to do first. the first district, more precisely a part of the first district, is starting to take shape. the developers are opting for good insulation -- a thermal imaging camera will reveal just how good later on. roof-top solar collectors will
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heat the water and there are rainwater utilisation systems, too. the buildings are constructed to allow for natural ventilation. but that alone doesn't create an eco city. >> insulation, solar power, and wastewater treatment plants are one aspect - the other is that we have to educate the residents, familiarise them with waste separation and explain that an environmentally sound lifestyle also means leaving their car in the garage. >> providing heat in the winter and cooling in the summer for 240,000 square metres of residential and office space takes a lot of power. a small power plant that runs on photovoltaics and geothermal will generate it. renewables are to make up a fifth of the power portfolio by 2020, but most of the energy will still come from coal. the power plant outside the eco city limits is cleaner than many others.
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the entire tianjin region has been chosen as a flagship climate protection zone. efficient use of coal is essential for a good carbon footprint. coal is the backbone of china's growing prosperity. several billion tons of it annually fuel its economic expansion. but it's a nightmare for the climate. china is not just concerned about the environment, but also about its energy reserves. where will all the raw materials come from? energy efficiency is the key to sustainable growth -- and to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. in our power plants there are a total of six boilers, five of which are coal-fired. we can't manage without coal, but coal is becoming more expensive. for our economic success to continue, we have to use less coal. besides, the government has set energy conservation targets and permissible pollution limits that we have to observe.
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new sulfur filters, modern boiler technology, rainwater use are a start. in the past few years the power plant perator has invested quite a lot and greatly improved efficiency. the power plants now consume 17,000 less tons of coal annually than they used to. another tianjin pilot project serves as an incentive to investment: an emissions trading exchange. in europe this sort of thing has existed for a while, but in china, climate protection is entering uncharted territory. the power plant operator, for instance, sold his emission reductions to russia -- the deals are arranged in this office. back in the eco city. heavy industry is not wanted here. that would prevent the energy targets from being met. the investors hope to attract creative industry. a few buildings and conducive decor are already finished. it's hoped that one day film
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makers, graphic designers and computer programmers will make chinese animated films famous from here. at least, that's the plan. for now, there are just a few migrant workers winter-proofing the precious plants. planning is done from above in china -- there are even clear ideas about the social make-up of the eco city. we think about sixty percent of the homes will appeal to the middle class, about twenty are luxury apartments for the rich and another 20 percent are for low-income groups. then we have housing for the migrant workers. an entire city created from the drawing board, pilot projects everywhere -- china is doing more than just paying lip service to climate protection. despite that, the country refuses to comply with international climate targets. well, if we enter into obligations and then can't fulfill them -- there are so
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many areas where we still need to catch up. but we're setting ambitious goals for ourselves. and although a number of things here are changing, we'd rather not make promises. >> in fact, several environmental pilot projects in china have already failed. in tianjin it will take a few years to see whether the dream will become a reality. >> what hopes and worries do you have when thinking about globalisation? we keep asking you, our viewers, for your take on our modern world. and today we hear from jerzhy krachowitz in poland. >> my name is jerzy krachowicz. i live in grodzisk wielkopolski and i'm 53 years old.
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two weeks ago, my grandson was born. that made me happy. i'm glad my children have work and that their lives are going well. if everything stays that way, everything'll be okay. i love russian pierogi. in my spare time i'm a football fan and watch my local team, dyskobo, when there's a match on. otherwise, i watch tv and read the paper. time just goes so fast. >> millions of fans around the globe will be following the euro 2012 football championships when they kick off this weekend. poland are hosts along with
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ukraine, where human rights concerns are currently overshadowing what was to become the sporting event in the country's post war history. at the center is the fate of opposition leader yulia tymoshenko. her arrest and trial sparked a series of events that call into question how serious the government in kiev is taking its commitments to democracy and human rights. >> as often as possible, iryna lutsenko visits her husband yuriy in prison. minister of ukraine. now he's been sentenced to four years in jail for embezzlement and abuse of office. a few months ago, yulia tymoshenko was also imprisoned in this kiev jail. it's overcrowded and notorious for its dreadful conditions. inside, everything is geared to destroying people, humiliating them morally, dehumanizing and oppressing them. anyone doing time here becomes an invalid. many diseases are rife here: tuberculosis, syphilis, aids,
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fungal infections -- infections of every kind. but the former interior minister didn't remedy those conditions either when he was in power. after two years of detention lutsenko is emaciated. his wife and his lawyer say he's being refused adequate medical treatment. luzenko has contracted hepatitis. after he went on a hunger strike to protest against his imprisonment, his condition worsened. yuriy lutsenko is the chairman of an opposition political party, one of the leaders of the opposition in the ukraine. i'm firmly convinced his imprisonment is politically motivated. foreign politicians always ask me, 'why did your husband go on a hunger strike? that's not the way to change things and he's only damaging his health. that's true. you can't prove anything to our rulers, but with the hunger
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strike he wanted to call the country's attention to the scandalous conditions in ukraine. >> currently ukraine is enjoying its role as one of the hosts of the european soccer championship. just at a time when leaders in kiev have to justify themselves to european politicians. the case of imprisoned former prime minister yulia tymoshenko and members of her government got the ball rolling. eduard bagirov is a human rights activist from kiev. he thinks little of the europeans' hasty conclusions. he says tymoshenko's government also neglected to strengthen ukrainians' rights. i see no great difference between those in power now and those who led the country under tymoshenko. no matter who's been in power in the twenty years since ukrainian independence, all of them have systematically breached human rights.
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under the current government it has become the rule. >> every day people like arid sidorenko consult bagirov. sidorenko used to run a weekly market in kiev and he's been charged by the authorities with abusing his office. bagirov sees political motives behind the accusations. sidorenko is a union member and when the market was privatised, he asked the opposition for help. >> i'm a union man. since they fired and indicted me, there are no leaders left. they all keep their mouths shut. and almost all my fellow union members have been dismissed. you have to help everyone -- not just well-known people like tymoshenko. you have to use one person's fate to call attention to that of tens of thousands. but what we're seeing is that everyone's only focusing on the case of a single person.
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>> in its latest human rights report, amnesty international criticizes ukraine: it says the judicial system is controlled by the government and it condemns the abuse in the prisons. those in power play down such criticism. yes, we have infringements of human rights -- for instance, when it comes to the right to a healthy life without environmental pollution. and not all our citizens are able to earn an adequate living. those are budget problems, which we're trying to solve together -- with economic reforms. statements like that stun eduard bagirov. but he thinks calls for a boycott of euro 2012 are short- sighted. bagirov is convinced that only dialogue with people from around the world will prompt ukrainians to fight harder for human rights. and that's why he thinks the championship could actually make a difference. now, we all know that our forests are vital for our very survival.
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they filter our air and our water, but they are also the basis for many industries. that's why economic interests all-too-often take precedence over conservation. a united nations initiative wants us to look at trees differently and discover that they're worth much more when left where they are. here's how: vast forests cover the earth -- almost a third of its land surface. but what economic value do forests have? for humans and nature, they're crucial to survival -- that can't be expressed in monetary terms. their trees store carbon dioxide. that's benefits the climate. they also convert the greenhouse gas into oxygen. but 13 million hectares of forest are destroyed annually -- that's an area the size of two football pitches every second. there's no financial incentive to protect forests. on the contrary, cutting them down for raw materials or converting them into farmland generates earnings.
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the un program redd+ is meant to reverse that, making it financially profitable to protect forests. wealthy industrialized nations would pay for developing countries to reforest their woodlands or not deforest them in the first place. redd+ is already part of the un framework convention on climate change, but at the latest climate summit in durban, participants couldn't agree on funding. and there are other unanswered questions: how do we define a forest? some say it has to consist of at least ten percent canopy cover. that could look like this.... or this. the height of trees also plays a role. some define forests as having trees at least two meters tall. others require a threshold of five meters. in addition, animals are also part of the forest's ecosystem. but that, too, is a matter of definition. the redd+ mechanism is intended to involve local communities in forest management and bring a
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little money to the poorest. >> overall 70 percent of co2 emissions in indonesia are due to deforestation. economic development and conservation are in constant competition. that became all too apparent when a project under the united nation's redd+ agreement failed: in 2010 norway had pledged one billion dollars to indonesia if the country put parts of primary and secondary forest under protection. twelve months later, norway had to report jakarta's failure to comply: the resultof a political power struggle in indonesia. but now there seems to be a minor breakthrough with the creation of the harapan rainforest. some 100,000 hectares, an area about the size of berlin, are set to be restored to foster the return of many species. if this succeeds it would be a first in indonesian history.
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>> i like being in the forest, being in the jungle because, it make me feel free, i like the sounds of the forest and it's peaceful for me. ...we don't have much forest left in sumatra for the wildlife. this is their home, especially for tiger. tiger is become decreased the population. this harapan rainforest is the last hope for them. what's home to elva gemita is an unusual project for german
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dieter hoffmann, funded by the international climate protection initiative. it was his idea to buy this previously logged forest -- not to continue logging, but to restore it to its original condition. 100,000 hectares of rainforest. >> it's hard to monitor the area. there are very few roads, and in the rainy season, they're difficult or impossible to drive on. then, of course, time and again, there's illegal logging or illegal settlements by people who think the rainforest should be clear-cut for palm oil plantations. >> he does his best to get political support -- if necessary, from the police, because at present patrolling the area is too dangerous. the harapan rainforest project employs 260 people, 120 of them from the local sumatran population
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alone, to drive out on patrols. barriers on the project's own roads, put up by illegal settlers. the employees clear the way, despite the threats. >> they're saying they are here for money, so don't disturb them and don't follow what the foreign nationals are saying. >> only the local forest police can take serious action, let alone arrest illegal loggers. if they're on patrol. dieter hoffmann and his patrol leader have their suspicions: here everyone's arrived too late.
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we've lost about 2500 hectares to illegal logging. that's an enormous area. and there's clearly a mafia behind it. the structures are professional. valuable tropical trees are being systematically cut down, deep in the jungle. >> they drag them through the forest for kilometers. it's back-breaking work: they're wrecks by the time they're thirty. then masterminds, who are waiting at the end of the river with their trucks take the wood, and then distribute it all over indonesia. the gangleaders are the ones who make the money. >> right now the mood is especially aggressive. they meet one of their rangers. he was abducted a few days ago. 200 illegal settlers stormed the guard post. >> at first i was very shocked
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and frightened. they all had knives and were all very angry when they locked me up in the village. >> you see that footprint? ain't that gorgeous? you can just imagine the tiger? what a wonderful way they walk. wow! >> elva gemita has been working hard to protect the rare animals for the past two years, and documents every single sighting. >> we just saw the tiger footprints walking in front of these camera traps. so there is a potential that we got the tiger photograph.
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>> it looks like good news. a young female she hasn't seen for a long time is still alive. she tells us there are only about 250 sumatran tigers still living in the wild, and that 15 to 20 of them have found refuge in harapan rainforest. the tigers, and more than 300 bird species are another reason dieter hoffmann is fighting for every tree. the project receives two million euros in subsidies a year -- but it still can't stop all the destruction. >> this was one of the best areas in harapan rainforest, and if this can't be stopped, where will it end?
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nature and animal protection simply don't work without support from the local population. the villagers of sako suban have lived here peacefully for decades, with and from the forest -- harvesting rubber, for instance. they ask hoffmann about jobs -- and that's one of the harapan rainforest project's aims: to integrate local communities. their own small nursery gives them additional income, and supports reforestation. and this, too, should help. in the future dieter hoffmann and his rangers will be able to see illegal logging from the air, and take action sooner.
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>> fantastic. even an area like this one will at least look like a forest again in ten years. >> they've reforested 1400 hectares so far. and they want to make sure harapan rainforest continues to provide a habitat for a wide range of flora and fauna. >>and that's all we have time for on this edition of global 3000. thanks for watching and please tune in again in seven days' time when our reporters will bring you the latest information and analysis on global issues that matter locally. until then form me and the entire global team: bye bye! captioned by the national captioning institute
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