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tv   Journal  KCSMMHZ  July 2, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm PDT

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♪ >> hello, and welcome to the "journal" on dw. i am meggin leigh in berlin. >> and i am sarah kelly. here are our headlines. spain's national soccer team returns home in triumph after winning the euro 2012 championship. >> enrique pena nieto of the opposition claims victory in mexico's presidential elections. >> the head of germany's domestic intelligence agency heinz fromm resigns after a series of blunders in an investigation into a neo-nazi sell -- cell. ♪
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>> spain pose a national soccer team is being celebrated today across the country after they secured a 4-0 victory over italy, winning the euro 2012 championship. >> the team's victory has allowed spaniards to forget their financial woes and concentrate on something a little fun, a fiesta. >> the european championship trophy will be staying put for another four years. the spanish national team returned home tired but triumphant, and now it is time to party. an entire country infected with the joyous football fever. first, a victory parade through part of the capital, followed by massive party with hundreds of thousands of fans. it is party dick has started well before sunday's final came to a close. madrid awash in red and gold. >> this is a historic and
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emotional moment. as i was growing up, we had not won anything, and now we have won it all. >> first our prime minister made that chancellor merkel back down the european summit, and now our football team. it is a double victory. >> it was a vastly different story in rome as italian fans called it a night. the arena emptied quickly as the match drew to a close. the 4-0 score, also a historic humiliation. it is a bitter defeat. spain was simply better. we played horribly. >> as italy lick its wounds, spain celebrated its historic achievements. the team honored in audience with king juan carlos. >> joining us from the capital madrid is our correspondent there. what has been the mood there over the last 24 hours?
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>> love, it is a never-ending discotheque, it seems, because after a long, long night, they started very early celebrating here. their intraday by disc jockeys and famous singers, as you can maybe here from behind. the party goes on, and we are to welcome the spanish football team here. [inaudible] i will not imagine what the reactions are of thousands of people that are here. >> is it fair to say that the victory has offered some temporary psychological relief to the people who are suffering under the financial crisis in spain? >> yes, indeed. at least for the last four
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weeks. today, of course, and maybe the following days, it will be this nice moment to remember. but all the standards i talked to, they were so realistic and said the championship is over, and live continues. and tomorrow, we have to go back to work. then we are facing again all of our problems. but they join this great moment. maybe they will keep something up, what they have seen and what they have lived. >> all right, we're going to leave it there for now. enjoy the party and take care there in madrid. the finals are often lackluster defense of matches, but not this time it on the thrilling game, spain emphatically defeated italy by a record margin.
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but the italians did put up a good fight, but in the end, there were no match for and in a former spanish side. >> another trophy for spain, the undisputed kings of world soccer. spain exploded with an early chance for hernandez. the spanish for words were inspired, and david was first to strike. excellent vision, finding the perfect cross. italy where rock. antonio tried from long range, but cannot beat the goalkeeper. spain kept attacking at breathtaking tempo. jordi was the goal-scorer, 2-0. italy's coach brought on antonio at halftime, but iker casillas was keeping everything up. when italy's third substitute
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was taken off on a stretcher, they had to continue with the 10 men. spain took full advantage. for now and knocked in goal number 3, his third of the tournament. the final minutes were a formality. juan made it 4-0, adding to italy's humiliation. the biggest winning score ever in the final. average was a performance by spain, once again crowned european champions. >> but the good news for spain did not extend to its economy on monday. the latest employment figures for the eurozone showed the number of people out of work there is at a record high. >> that is according to the european statistics office. they say the figure in may for the 17 eurozone countries stood at 11.1%, and spain is the worst affected. >> long lines outside their
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offices are a typical scene in cities across spain. the debt-ridden country has the highest unemployment rate in the eurozone. almost a quarter of the population is out of work. among under 25-year olds, the figure is as high as 50%. unemployment in the eurozone is at the highest it has ever been since the single currency was introduced in 2002. in may this year, it reached 11.1%. compared to its neighbors, germany is doing well. it is unemployment rate at 5.6% is one of the eurozone's lowest. only in luxembourg, the netherlands, and austria are fewer people lot of work. >> mexico is heading for change in government. with most votes counted in the presidential ballot, the institutional revolutionary party, or pri, has won the majority of votes, and its leader enrique pena nieto has claimed victory. >> pri had ruled the country
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with an iron grip for 70 years after it was ousted in 2000. it had a reputation for ruthless and repressive policies. now it has regained popularity with the promise to tackle drug- related crime and poverty. >> up to 12 years in the political wilderness, the party that ruled mexico for most of the last century is back. led by enrique pena nieto. >> today, mexicans of that voted for change. they have given our party a second chance. we will honor it with results, with a new way of governing, according to the demands of the 21st century mexico. >> the 45-year-old former governor of mexico's state has promised jobs and economic growth. that is something mexico desperately needs now, almost half the population lives in poverty. the living standards of millions of people have plummeted since
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the conservative national action party came to power to of years ago. the outgoing president was quick to acknowledge pena nieto's win. >> i want to sincerely congratulate you and to express my government's intention to work with you to ensure a transparent and efficient change of government. >> but mexico's youth might be harder to convince biggest events and left-wing activists took to the streets on election day to protest against pena nieto's party. many still associate the pri with authoritarianism and corruption. mexico is in the middle of a violent drug war which has killed more than 50,000 people since 2006. dealing with that effectively is one of the biggest challenges facing enrique pena nieto's incoming administration. >> let's get the latest from mexico. i am joined on the line by our reporter in mexico city. as enrique pena nieto really one this poll? >> well, although the pri
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candidate is the head of the polls today, the official winner of the elections is not declared yet. however, if there is no second round of voting, you can assume he will be mexico's next president. 38% of the vote. 6% above the leftist candidate. >> his main rival andres manuel lopez obrador has refused to concede defeat. could we see a repeat of the political paralysis caused by protests on the street six years ago? >> yeah, the candidate, obrador, remain skeptical of the official results announced last night. she said she will wait for the official results. but he assured that -- [unintelligible] back in 2006 when he lost the
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presidential election by a mere 0.5% of the vote. >> what is likely to be the first order of business for pena nieto? >> the newly elected president will have to tackle the pressure of the changes in the economy. to achieve this, his party and the opposition must work together in congress to begin the much-needed economic reforms. he needs to expand according to what is needed and not what is possible. putting an end to the rising numbers in unemployment and poverty. it remains to be seen whether the three parties are able to work together to put the country in the bright -- right path or whether the country will have six years more of the same policies. >> thank you for that report
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from mexico city. the head of germany's domestic intelligence agency, heinz fromm, has resigned. last year, revelations that 10 murders over the past decade were linked to a small right wing sell shocked the nation and put the spotlight on intelligence failures. >> and now it has emerged that a senior intelligence official had ordered key files on the case to be shredded immediately after the case became public. >> the damage to the reputation of germany's domestic intelligence agency has been great. heinz fromm has accepted responsibility for the shredding of the files. staff member destroyed them at the agency's headquarters in cologne. the members of the extreme-right terror cell killed 10 people, nine of turkish and greek immigrant backgrounds.
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the tent, a german police woman. the files destruction has sent shockwaves across germany's political spectrum. >> who ordered the files to be shredded and why? who knew about it? once the facts are clear, we will discuss further consequences. >> it is high time we ask questions about the structural mechanism of germany's security architecture. >> the parliamentary committee investigating the murder series still has much work to do, but its chairman has criticized the handling of the case by germany's security agencies. >> specific mistakes were made in cooperation between germany's intelligence authorities. in some cases, agencies were actually in during the investigations. >> further embarrassing information has come to light. german media is reporting italy's domestic intelligence service warned its german counterpart about right-wing
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extremist activities over 10 years ago. the parliamentary committee will probe that issue as well. >> all right, so not such good news for the german intelligence services. what are the implications of the latest developments? i put that question to our political correspondent melinda crane. >> well, i think even more vigilant oversight, undoubtedly, also continuing inquiries, looking at exactly what the agency knew when and what it omitted to do. certainly, we're saying some calls today as well, even for the domestic intelligence service to be abolished. that coming from germany's left party. i think that course of action does seem unlikely, but what we can be sure of is that there'll be a very close look at the agency's work with paid undercover informers. the files that were shredded had to do with that cooperation with these people, and many of them are from the far right scene.
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it said that the agency may even have tried to protect them possibly by shredding documents. i think if more comes to light in this area, we may well even see more heads roll of the domestic intelligence service here in germany. >> stay with us. we will be back after a short break. ♪ >> ture art -- true art as the mind of its own. just like beethoven in the artists who interpret his work.
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at the beethoven festival bonn 2012, from september 7 to october 7. order your tickets online. >> welcome back. members of the syrian opposition are meeting in cairo to discuss a common plan for syria's future. the country's main opposition groups refused to negotiate with president assad, never rejected a new international plan for a transitional government that could include members of the current regime. >> the two-day meeting in the egyptian capitol was organized by the arab league and turkey. more than 250 opposition activists from rival groups are taking part. the talks are designed to get them to unite and form a credible alternative to the current syrian regime. >> it is about unity, no
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distinct differences and different perceptions. sensitive topics have been brought up. i hope this will bring us together. >> syrian opposition groups of roughly objected the u.s.- brokered plan, hammered out at an international conference in geneva on saturday. that game plan for sees the formation of an interim government. that does not exclude the potential participation of president assad. >> what was decided in geneva was shameful, a slap in the face of the syrian people. after 18 months of bloodshed, and makes no sense to talk about constitution reformer anything like that. >> while the political wrangling over syria's future continues, so does the violence. >> computer giant apple can now sell its talbots and computers in china under the ipad name. but the firm has to pay nearly 50 million euros for that privilege. apple has been fighting with the
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chinese computer maker since 2009 over who owns the ipad name and the world's most populous country. now, in a provincial court, the two companies have reached a settlement that will allow apple to market its hot-selling ipad in china. >> all right, time now to get a check on it the day's market action. we had poor data out of the eurozone that many investors speculating that the european central bank could cut interest rates at its next policy meeting. that sent stocks higher on monday. our correspondent sent us this report from frankfurt. >> the outcome of the eu's summit was also the beginning of the week, the main driver for the financial markets. hope is growing that these measures may be a relief in this crisis, so traders and the german index made another jump.
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help for troubled banks was the main support for financial shares. best performers. weak economic data from the german and u.s. industry. the markets hoped to get another cash injection from their central banks. >> let's take a closer look at that market data. we stick in frankfurt, where the dax was higher on the the day, 1.25% higher. the euro stoxx 50 had a similar trend. in new york, trading still under way for the dow jones industrial average, and it is in negative territory. as for the euro, declining against the dollar, $1.2579. the european central bank has issued a warning to greece, the the country should not waste time trying to renegotiate its international bailout. >> but that is what the newly elected greek prime minister
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antonis samaras and his coalition government are busy trying to do. samaras is under huge public pressure to delude the tough austerity measures that have helped keep greece mired in recession. >> on monday, is coalition was huddled in talks to figure out their plan. >> the new government of greece is hard at work, preparing for negotiations with its international benefactors. minister is what the terms of the bailout softened, and the one more time to meet reform targets. from wednesday, officials from the eu, international monetary fund, and european central bank will be checking how far greece has enacted reforms in the past three months. ahead of the talks, the ecb said greece had no alternative but to stick to its austerity program, no matter how painful. >> so my point is this, the new government should not lose time looking to avoid or losing the
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program. it should instead focus on how to maximize the effectiveness of reforms. >> these so-called troika will decide whether to release the next installment of aid money based on the country's performance. greece desperately needs the infusion to avert bankruptcy. >> one big reform to come out of europe's debt crisis is under question. here in germany, the fiscal pact that was championed by german chancellor angela merkel. >> germany's constitutional court is looking into whether it is legal to put the pact into law in germany. it can be ratified if the court upholds a number of constitutional complaints against it. >> the constitutional judges will have to decide whether parliament has surrendered too much fiscal oversight to the eu. >> critics say that by approving the eu fiscal fact, germany's parliament has taken away some of its own powers. in bavaria, a rebel conservative
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group is backing the complaints against the plaque -- pact, calling it an assault on germany's basic law, claiming it will drive europe to ruin. experts say the new laws to limit the bundestag's budgetary oversight. >> the is appalling essential to a modern national economy, and that is now being collectivized. >> with parliamentarians and the left party, they have launched complaints against the pact. they opposed austerity measures and say the deal would jeopardize social welfare systems. >> this path leads to weaker social services and weaker democracies. we do not want that kind of europe. in fact, it destroys support for the european ideas. >> the court is due to decide the issue by july 10. if the deal passes, this can be signed into law. >> italian automaker fiat will close five of its european factories by the end of the year, shedding more than 1000
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jobs. >> the closures will affect the truck subsidiary, including three sites in germany, one in austria, and one in france. fiat has already abandoned bus production in italy and spain. >> the company says the closures will boost its overall business. >> the chairman of british bank barclays has resigned after it said in responsibility for a price-fixing scandal. >> marcus agius was head of barclays for more than five years. the bank admitted to trying to manipulate london's interbank borrowing rate, the libor, a key index. u.s. and british agencies have imposed millions of euros in fines on the bank. european plane maker airbus is taking on bowling in its home market. >> airbus plans to invest $600 million in its first assembly plant in the united states. >> factory in alabama will focus on the midrange a-320 model.
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airbus wants to begin producing 50 aircraft annually beginning in 2016. and wants to reduce its exposure to currency fluctuations since most plans are selling u.s. dollars. airbus hopes the move will give a better access to the u.s. military market. >> germany is looking to rapidly expand its investments in rapidly growing economies like brazil. >> and a key german-brazilian economic conference in frankfurt on monday, the head of the bdi lobby group emphasize germany's business commitment, but he added that there was increasing concern over some of brazil's economic policies. >> and some brazilian companies are equally concerned about the debt crisis here in europe. >> the 30th annual meeting is cause for celebration. but this year, the mood is subdued. brazilian entrepreneurs are worried about the impact of a widening eurozone crisis on
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their exports. in turn, the german business community, including the economics minister, is critical of brazil's protectionist policies, including new taxes on some imports like cars. >> in our view, brazil has pursued a policy of closing its markets to imports over the past two to three years. naturally, the brazilians see things differently. but we have agreed to discuss specific cases and see if there is room for improvement. >> apart from exports to brazil, german companies currently stand to make good money in the country itself. the brazilian government is spending billions on infrastructure investment and head of the 2014 soccer world cup and olympic games two years later. >> we have cleared cessation that these investments must be made for brazilian and foreigners because we do not
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have all the conditions to make these investments by ourselves. >> big-name german construction firms have long been doing business in brazil. the country is now looking to attract german media germani.t. companies amid growing demand for new communications policies and faster data transfer. >> all right, let's turn to some more sports news. this time, tennis. there has been a surprise upset at wimbledon. world number one, maria schirripa over, has crashed out of the tournament. she was beaten by the german player in their fourth round. she goes on to play her compatriot in the quarter finals. she beat the four-time grand slam winner of belgium also in two sets. >> and with the euro 2012 just over, the german football association has already lost one
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of its officials. >> he has been the sports manager for the men's national team since 2006 and is going to take on the same post for german club bayern munich, replacing the current sports director his contract is coming to an end to the years early. his role has long been under scrutiny in munich since bayern failed to win a trophy during the last two seasons. that wraps up the the "journal" for this hour. thanks for joining us. stay with us. ♪ captioned by the national captioning institute ♪
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