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tv   European Journal  KCSMMHZ  October 23, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT

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it's welcome to european journal from brussels. here is what is coming up. why turkey is being discriminated against. dangerous digging. the negative side effects of the italian model. free fowls. a french village distributes to consider the turkish constitution gives citizens the same rights, no matter what god they prey to. if there is still tension, but
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also within the muslim community. there are 10 million people in turkey and they are seen as the liberal muslim minority. they have all some -- often the victims and now they're being blamed for crimes committed by the alawi sector. >> this is little more than a shed in a parking lot. its group leader is relieved to see it is still there. he does not like leaving the center unattended at night since it was firebombed last night -- last month. >> the culprit got away. we fear the government is responsible. they use every opportunity to insult us. >> turkey's sunni prime minister
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called the alawis his -- >> there is only one place for muslims to go and pray. that is the mosque. i don't have anything against their cultural centers. they create divisions in society. >> the idea of men and women dancing together is unimaginable to some muslims. they sing songs and recite poetry while worshiping. their perspective is humanistic and less dogmatic. they worship the son-in-law of the profit mohammad. men and women are symbolically equal, which they show by watching each other's hands. -- washing each other's hands. >> the creator made a man and woman out of a drop of water. if that is how he sought, why
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shouldn't we treat them equally? >> for sunnis, such an immense amount to heresy. they generally keep their traditions and songs to themselves. the syrian dictator is part of a related sect. >> if there is a dictatorship, the people should get rid of it. it is not the business of other countries to get involved. we have seen what has happened in the so-called arab spring. >> such statements don't win alawis much sympathy. they fear the consequences of a takeover by radical sunnis.
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>> the alawis fear this will intensify the language in turkey and around. although i personally think it is wrong to support assad on political grounds, i can understand the concerns the al awis have. >> buildings were spray-painted to mock them out. that is made family is afraid of what can come next. while the local authorities were prompted to remove the paint, the family does not believe they can rely on the turkish state for protection. >> nobody cares about us alawis. our prayer centers are not recognized and the poor among us get no support. >> the government is not serious about finding the person
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responsible for this. it is always like this. >> many sunnis turn a blind eye to attacks on alawis. >> that could be the remains of painting work or graffiti from kids. children always do this kind of thing. >> alawis in qatar and beyond no longer want to stay silent. they're trying to start a protest movement in turkey. it is becoming clear the kurds are not the only discontented minorities in the country. >> this has been used since roman times. the pantheon is built from it, for example. it was quarried in small quantities, but the marble industry has grown extensively. some has warned it has gotten
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too big. they say it is damaging the environment and ruining people's health. >> from the center, you cannot see what is happening in alps. people have been quarrying marble here since ancient times. even today, a bathtub or garden walk away made of this marble is considered the height of luxury. the region is dependent on marble. excavating equipment has been used and it has changed the surrounding durant -- surrounding landscape entirely. what was once an individual craft has turned into a mechanized industry. environmental activists are fighting against the destruction of the home region.
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>> to save the alps, the quarrries should be closed if they are at 1,400 meters or higher. >> a century ago, 120,000 tons of marble were quarried here annually. today, it is 5 million tons a year. only a quarter of this is raw material for stonecutters or studios like this one in carrera. the whole new industry is being served. today, 3/4 of the marble is ground to dust. these facilities, most belonging to multinational corporations, would not allow us to film inside. the dust is used for lacquers or paints or as polish in toothpastes. it releases health-endangering dust into the air. with the rapid increase in the
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amount quarried, this man has found it harder to breed. there are some medications against this. this woman was so short of breath, she ended up in the emergency room. >> marble dust can trigger asthma. it penetrates into the lungs and blood. in the long-term, it can cause cancer. >> hundreds of people have had to be treated in hospital. the italian authorities have never commissioned a scientific marble dust on resident health. a study would be too late for mario. his wife died five years ago. his houses on the main road to the quarries. 400 trucks passed by everyday, releasing a mixture of exhaust fumes and marble dust into his home. >> of course the dust is to blame for her death. >> some days, more than 1000 truckloads move from the quarries to the valley.
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in april, a tunnel was opened that takes traffic away from central carrera. that has not solved the problem. because the dust is everywhere, tarps can't seal the loads. the dust is easily caught up in the wind. the association says the dust is a natural product and not harmful. >> when the dust began to be used on an industrial scale in the 1980's, it boosted the whole industry and created many jobs in the region. >> alley it wants the law changed and the reversal in the proportions of dust in blocks produced. the dust is not the only problem. in a town 500 meters above sea level, we are shown the dangers to the water supply. the owners do not let us into the quarries. >> there are the quarries.
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and the drinking water systems are below them. a few years ago, the papers were already calling it an ecological time bomb. the avalanche rolled under the machine parts' oil tanks. >> for decades, he has been making suggestions to the regional authorities on how to prevent an ecological disaster. >> the answer is always the same, a deafening silence. >> he continues to bombard the authorities with his suggestions. why should he stop when this landscape is at stake? >> four years ago, georgia and russia fought a fierce war over regions of south ossetia. president saakashvili -- now
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georgia is facing a new political chapter. a millionaire will take over as georgia's new prime minister in 2013. where is he headed? will he leave georgia toward nato, or will he bring the country closer to moscow? >> we were told our journey would take a few hours. it leads us through beautiful countryside and we're on our way to a village that has become a household name. some say this is where george oppose a future started long ago. the homes have a new route set people are content. everyone here has an income. almost everyone has a blue t- shirt. >> this color is blue. he is a good man. he is from here. he gave this to me.
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>> giving away t-shirts might not seem the height of generosity, but ivanishvili does a lot more for his people. he pays health insurance for local families. he has paid for new routes. his former neighbor says he also gives the money. -- them money. >> that is the social banker he gave us 10 years ago. every month, a currency is paid to the count. >> that's about 100 euros. families with several children get more. >> he is someone that helps everybody. never heard of anyone else like it. >> he is not a person. he is our god. he loves people. he loves the georgian people. >> the georgian people love him. so much so that they gave his
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alliance a large majority in elections earlier this month. suddenly, ivanishvili is georgia's new savior. he got rich during the privatization russia after the collapse of the soviet union. many don't care whether he made it honestly or not. for years, he shied away from publicity. now he is surrounded by suspicion. some say he is a stooge trying to bring moscow back into influence. >> it is very difficult to talk about him because he kept to itself. a year ago he announced he was entering politics. since then, we have not learned a lot more about him, except what we knew anyway. he was a billionaire.
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he sponsored a lot of things in georgia. we knew that before as well. >> people knew his home high above tbilisi, a futuristic palace designed by japanese architect. this is where his family lives, or he has offices, and his collection of modern art. >> there is a warhol and a mitchell. i love them all. one of my favorites is this painter. look at that. he was so versatile. you can always find something new in his work. you have to have a look at the picasso on the right. >> he says he got into politics because things were intolerable under saakashvili. he said the president had
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stopped listening to his people. >> i don't know whether you can imagine it. they settled into power. they would have governed for another 20 or 30 years and no one else would have had a chance. but, i managed it with strength, hard work, and if you like, with no how. -- knowhow. >> looking down from his home, he can see the presidential palace of saakashvili. now he will be prime minister himself and according to the new constitution will have more power than the president. he says he is no intention of changing georgia's pro-western course. >> no one has come up with anything better in europe. any normal person wants the best. if you could name me something better than europe, i will happily change direction.
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>> ivanishvili says politics are not his passion. he wants to put the country on the right path and then withdraw from politics. some have their doubts. >> he keeps saying he just wants to stay in power for two or two and a half years and then hand over power to his people. maybe it is his way of showing power is not all that important. it is part of his idea of doing good. it is those do-gooder's who are very dangerous. >> back in his home village, ivanishvili has done quite a lot of good. in rural georgia, he built a modern wedding venue where local people can hold family celebrations for free. he paid for the school to be modernized.
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and a swimming pool to be built. since he entered politics, the pool has been dry. he used to pay for the water. and the government refused to accept any money from political rivals. that is also why the new health clinic has not opened yet. its director shows us the cardiology wing. he says it is unique in georgia. it is equipped with the most modern technology and 60 beds. he says there will treat anyone who comes for free. the intensive care unit is also finished. for months, the government refused to issue the clinic with the necessary permits because it was funded by ivanishvili. at least that might be resolved now that he is taking over as prime minister. he sees himself as the harbinger of a real democracy. he says he's giving the people of georgia and opportunity. they voted out the old government and if they don't like him, they can vote him out, too. >> piece is not something that simply happens. you have to work hard to achieve
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it. those were most committed deserve public recognition. that is what alfred nobel believed. for more than a century now, each year, individuals or the award in his name. this year, the prize goes to the eu. the prize reminds everyone there is peace in europe because of the eu. >> it is business as usual at the european union district in brussels. you would hardly know the eu had just won one of the greatest honors in the world, of the peace prize. >> we've been in brussels for two days. we are surprised no one is celebrating. you would have expected it. i guess people celebrated quietly. >> the price will boost confidence in the face of the crisis and i hope it does a bit to unite europe. >> this person as a two-time
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nobel peace prize winner. doctors without borders won the nobel peace prize in 1999. >> it was tremendously motivating, a great recognition of what we do every day. >> back in 1999, piere had just returned from africa. since then, he provided medical care to immigrants in brussels. not all winners are organizations. some great individuals have won it, too. the polish leader of the dissident union -- the poles or the first to liberate themselves from communism. there is plenty of suspense each year. not just in europe. the door of the nobel committee in oslo opens.
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>> the nobel peace prize in 2012 is to be awarded to the european union. >> the committee is completely independent and has often come up with surprises, as it did this year. >> the effect might be greater outside the eu than within it. the world perceives europe rather unfavorably in the current crisis. the prize remind everyone that europe also has successes. >> the current economic crisis sometimes makes us forget the european union developed out of the ruins of one of the greatest catastrophes, world war ii. europe has lived in peace for 60 years, a unique success. the nobel peace prize for the european union is an honor, but also a responsibility. it has already had won a fact. it has revived the discussion of your's goals. -- europe's goals.
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>> the rooster is usually a symbol of strength. the french revolutionaries who dragged the king office from carried banners with the picture of the rooster. watch out, rooster. the girls are getting ready to take over. the mayor of a french village is giving out hands to the population for free. why? she plans to kill several birds with one stone, upon intended. >> a sleepy little village in northern france. as of late, it has become a a village of chickens. the households have ordered two hens for free from the local council. a family has come to receive their quota under the glare of the media. they have little experience with live poultry. they're confident they will get on with their new hands. they just renovated an old
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farmhouse and the chickens fit right in. in addition to laying eggs, they have another purpose. they're supposed to reduce the amount of household rubbish by eating the organic kitchen waste. >> we try not to make too much garbage, anyway. when the town offered us chickens, we said yes a straightaway. >> apple peels, potato skins, chickens eat everything. that means the owners pay less for their trash collection. in theory, a win-win situation. handing out hands was the brainchild of the woman who originally only proposed it in jest. the idea quickly caught on. >> in the future, trash collection costs will depend on the weight of the waste.
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a chicken eats around 150 kilos of organic waste a year. that means we will save a lot of money. >> of the unconventional savings plan has drawn a lot of interest. some politicians from neighboring towns are a little skeptical. >> it is hard to say how much waste the chickens really will consume. we will see in a few weeks or months. >> he says if the owners and of feeding the birds, no one save any money. newcomers to pince say it is worth trying out. ♪ >> michelle would like to see
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everyone in france keeping chickens, not a common hands, but rare breeds instead. >> this is a breed that was well known for its good meat but also for laying the eggs. fortunately, it was squeezed out by more profitable breeds and that is why you don't find them in france anymore. i had to go to germany to get these. >> this man is a lover of cuisine and a special chicken is required. keeping chickens has come back into vogue in france. >> people want to produce things themselves again. they don't want to be running to the supermarket all the time. they're worried about the food scandals and what chickens are fed. they want to be more independent from the food industry.
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>> one family has already adopted four chickens. >> we are especially proud of the eggs our chickens lay. the rooster is the national symbol of france. >> the family hands are getting vip treatment. they are digging them upon. the family moved to pince in the summer. they have an added bonus. >> when we go on vacation, we ask the neighbors to look after our chickens. that is good for the neighborhood here. >> it did not take the family long to become part of the community. after all, they have something in common with most of their neighbors. chickens. >> that is all we have time for
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here on european journal. thanks for watching. bye for now.
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