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tv   European Journal  KCSMMHZ  October 30, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT

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>> hello and a very warm welcome to "european journal" coming to you from dw studios in brussels. good to have you with us today. ukrainians who are putting their hopes outside parliament. why britons are divided. and god's mission -- a trip along the dutch bible belt. the ukraine has been in a state of political paralysis for several years now. there are power struggles going on on many levels. ukrainians have been waiting to
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go to the polls for four years, but only now are parliamentary elections taking place. the eu is watching with some suspicion, especially after the controversial jailing of the former prime minister. her political archenemy still leads the country as president. and an increasing number of ukrainians are asking themselves who they can trust that all. one thing is clear -- it is not the political elite. >> it is quite an animated evening. an amateur ensembles stages a comedy about marriage, but it is less about love that about the dowry, money, and influence. just like in ukrainian politics says this journalist who invited the actors to come to kiev's old market. the building has long since become a symbol. influential businessme want to privatize it, but these people are protesting those plans. >> more and more people support
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what we are doing here. many people wonder why we are doing this. when they hear that the building is to be privatized, they all begin helping us, so everyone who has been here becomes part of our movement. >> they have named that project "hospitable republic." the government has rescinded the order, and private investors want to turn it into a shopping center. this spring, maria, other journalists, artists, and historians occupied it. in the meantime, it has become a meeting place for various critics of the government. for example, these activists from an election monitoring group. >> this is like an open stage here. everyone can take the floor and speak their mind. it is just as important for us as the artists that there is a place like this and that our ideas are heard and not immediately squelched.
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>> for months now, the government has been talking to people wanting them to know who they are voting for. the group says the multiple boxing world champion is clean and many ukrainians believe it, even though i 2004, he supported the orange revolution, which left a sour taste in many people's mouths. back then, election fraud by the incumbent's lead hundreds of thousands to protest. the protesters hope yushenko and tymoshenko would lead them to prosperity. hardly had the one before they were quarreling.
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memo we see violations of the law by all the political forces in the government as well as the opposition. of course, other new opposition parties are cleaner and more honest, but that is probably because they are still new on the scene. >> the activists publicized their findings in leaflets and on the internet. of the 400 delegates currently in parliament, the group certifies only two as honest. the others are too busy with their private businesses to show up for plenary and committee meetings. his lawyer activist wants to sit in parliament herself. her companions perform street theater, parodying situations every ukrainian is familiar with, the seemingly hopeless struggle against speculators and conflict with highhanded police officers and officials.
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a residential complex, the civil servants, was supposed to be built on the spot, despite citizens initiatives against it and monument protection laws. tatyana manage to stop it, but the new critics of the system around hospitable republic have no illusions. >> i would be the only delegate who understands anything about legislation. writing laws is not something for singers, football players, or boxers. attorneys and economics experts belong in parliament, and not the lackeys of one oligarch or another. >> new critics of the regime are unlikely to be elected. the activists of the hospitable republic are even afraid the state will exert massive pressure on them. >> we are very worried that they will come after us after the elections, especially if the incumbent party wins. we know very well that there are close ties between people who
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want to invest in the old market building and many members of the government. >> and hospitable republic wants to continue following that trail to uncover all the ties. they know that there can be no new beginning for ukraine until a new generation of politicians emerges. >> bovine tuberculosis is a disease that can be passed on from cattle to humans. while the european continent is now largely free of the disease, it is still prevalent in parts of england. the eu has banned vaccination because it is difficult to tell the difference between an infected and a vaccinated cow. english farmers have to call or slaughter thousands of cattle every year. the government has settled on a controversial plan -- kill the badgers that are blamed for spreading the disease into english counties. in doing so, it revealed just how many badger lovers there are
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in england. >> the call of a badger. for now, the animals remain in the safety of their assets. the sound is coming from one of his videos. but the former policeman knows the threat that may loom in clashed assert at night -- gloucestershire at night. >> we have been studying the badgers in the belly for the last 25, 28 years and taking hundreds of people to see them. they are beautiful animals, you can see. they are a protected species. there's no way that i would want to see good, healthy badger's shot by marksmen and just leave
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them to die, possibly under ground, badly injured, died a long, lingering death underground. >> it is an essential part of efforts by the government to curb rising tuberculosis infection in cattle. yet, out in the forest, animal rights activists are determined to protect the animals. >> there is the set. the night engines. quite clear. well use. >> britain's in urban and rural areas oppose killing badgers. many want to learn how they can help. the veteran activist explains that it is all about mapping sets in order to thwart the hunters. >> we regularly get people out here who came to check on it.
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there is never any sign of any shooting going on. we will bring in legal protesters to make the noise, which will send the badger's straight back. this observation is simply an experiment, solely an experiment to pacify the farmers. that is all it is. >> on the other hand, the country's cattle farmers who would carry the costs are encouraged by the government's move to do something. they say tuberculosis in cattle is out of control and spreading, even sending their herds but to 26,000 cattle year. to reduce the spread of the infection has not stopped the relentless spread. killing 3000 badgers will save the lives of cattle says the chairman of the national farmers union. >> we have taken increasing cattle control measures within
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more testing and movement control restrictions on a cattle being moved around the countryside. the security measures, restricting badger's coming into the building and making it less easy for that to happen. we are now looking for some way of making sure that the wildlife and the cattle -- the disease is less rampant. >> the farmer's base their hopes on a randomized badger calling trial, which 15 years ago saw thousands of badger's put down. an oxford scientists at jesus college who initiated the trial at the time concluded that the better call could reduce tuberculosis in cattle by 16%. but that is simply not enough according to some. both farmers and the government
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should rather wait for an effective cattle vaccine, which would take only a few more years. >> i think the government has heard the results from my experiment. you could look at it and say you get some reduction and it is worth the effort to achieve that. on the other hand, you can say the reduction is quite small. it leaves over 80% of the problem still there, and you should focus on other measures that will be more effective in killing badgers. it is a costly distraction that will distract it -- all took attention from real policies that will be effective in eradicating the disease. >> given the strong public pressure, the government has not changed its position. animal rights activists remain on alert. he is glad that the row over
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the culling has motivated a new generation of activists. the hunt saboteurs are on the move. they believe that some animals are still being killed illegally. julie is a veteran of the fight against animal exploitation and knows all about badgers. them a brilliant. that's the sort of thing you are looking for. straight up that money bank. >> ifc pilot call will happen and turn out to be a success, it will lead an issue -- if the call will happen and not to be a success, it will lead to a nationwide calling of badgers. >> the risks of badges from the edge of its own, moving out in distress and causing more disturbance and stress two other
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badgers cancels out the positive effect in the cull zone. in short, calling badger's does not work unless you were to kill every single badgered in the country. >> that is an outcome neither party wishes for. they do agree on one aspect -- in britain cannot come up with the new vaccination against bovine tuberculosis, then the animals will pay the price -- be it cattle or badgers. >> many europeans still go to church occasionally on christmas eve or at weddings, for instance, but other than that, protestant and catholic priests often find themselves in front of empty benches when it is time for prayers. in liberal societies like the netherlands in particular, many do not see how their life styles and the strict rules of the church could ever go together,
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but there is also the other extreme -- we traveled along the dutch bible belt and found that in some cases, it is almost like time is standing still. >> the same spectacle's played out every sunday morning in this little town. suddenly, masses of people streamed along what would otherwise be in the streets. many women are wearing a traditional costume that is centuries old. black is the predominant color, the color of skin. all these people are heading the same way -- to church. strangers and spectators are viewed with extreme mistrust here. only one young woman was willing to talk to us. >> the bible is very important for us. i hope it is the same for others. it should be important for the whole world. i always have the bible with me on sundays. all women have their bibles with
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them. look, there are my initials -- jkb. >> fundamentalist christians in the netherlands are not just a small, insignificant sect. more than 500,000 orthodox members of the covenant church lived in what is known as the buy the bulk -- the bible belt. followers abide by the teachings of reformer john calvin, who called for a total overhaul of the faith in the 16th century. calvin's teachings are still applied to this day. for the colonists, the bible is the only valid truth. they should strictly adhere to the word of god i live with asceticism, hard work, and religious zeal. this little town lies in the middle of the bible belt. anyone missing church on sunday here must give account to the congregation.
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at his home, only christian music can be heard playing in the childrens' rooms. radio, television, and internet are taboo. the entire day revolves around just one thing -- the family's faith in god. >> they pray and read from the bible before and after every meal. like all the covenants, they go to church twice on sunday, once in the morning and again in the afternoon. >> it is very important for me that god is there and that i am allowed to live for him. i also want to live in deference to him and i am glad christ died for our sins. then at a life in accordance with god's word -- i know the place is this as strictly adhered to as in this small town. liberal dutch called the local people black stockings in
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reference to the dark-colored a tire worn by the women, but not everyone who lives here is willing to subordinate themselves to the dictates of this god-fearing community. this retired scientist is one of them. he runs -- he runs a small farm and feels constrained by the restrictions of the community. >> you are not allowed to jog here on sundays. you cannot swim in the public pool. you cannot go to the movies or the cafe. they are not even open. what they cannot do is stop you from having sex because i do that behind closed doors. do you understand? >> it is easy for the 69-year- old retired professor to discuss the matter in provocative terms. he is not originally from the
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area. he is someone who will never be integrated into the community, but even within the community itself, there are increasing signs of resistance. we visited this housekeeper. the 64-year-old water is a devout communist, born and raised here. but over the past few years, she has distanced herself from the church. she has long been regarded as a rebel in the village, but that was not always the case. she also used to wear traditional custom to church. now the clothes have been left to gather dust. she found herself at odds with the community because she did not raise two of her sons as god-fearing covenants. one son married a catholic. the other is gay. >> here, the church just says
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"the bible forbids it." the bible also forbids you to get drunk. but they do that. i do not approve of them just picking a particular bible quotes. my son is a person just like everyone else. the church is behind the times. that is why so many young people turn away from it -- all they hear is disapproval. "your music is not good. your behavior. nothing you do is good." >> fundamentalist christians are present at many levels of public life. this local councilor is a member of the sgp, the strictly religious party that even rejects medical treatment. >> several of us think that immunizations and insurance policies are generally wrong because they stand in opposition to the perfection of god. we learn from the bible that the lord god's everything and knows what is good for us -- the lord guides everything and knows what is good for us.
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>> the region has been repeatedly hit by polio epidemics in recent decades. many people were afflicted by the disease because they were not immunized for religious reasons. this attitude is changing, but only gradually. many still live by the motto, " whatever happens to me, it is god's decision pecan >> a small wine-growing village in luxembourg with not even 1500 inhabitants. it is also the name of an eu agreement with far-reaching consequences for the lives of many e citizens. it means free travel. -- many eu citizens. private individuals and companies can save time at the borders because there's no need to show your passport or fill
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out complicated customs forms anymore. it also means that police on both sides of the border could intensify their cooperation. for german and polish forces, this proves to be crucial. >> at first glance, the district looks idyllic, boasting unspoiled nature, small villages, and wide-open spaces. it borders on poland, but since the country -- since five years ago, the border has been open. traffic jams and lineups are a thing of the past. and yet, something is not quite right here. our camera team immediately met with mistrust whenever we approached local farmers. some are angry and aggressive. others just careful. >> we live in fear. when you hear a sound at night you wonder if it is just a cat
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or if someone is prowling around again. that is how it is on many farms. no one can do without security. >> farmers here are living in fear of thieves who steal their equipment. several million euros worth of tractors and other farm implements went missing last year alone. people here are getting desperate. >> what would you do if someone came in the night and stole your camera? you have been through this three times before and know that no one will help you. you will have to replace it yourself. you do add to the first time, and the second time, you get angry, and the third time you have stepped -- you start to cry because you've got no money left. >> many favor the reintroduction of border controls. since poland became part of the zone, that's here have increased as victims know all too well. >> i would be wary of saying that polls or lithuanians, just
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as many germans steel, but when the german police and border guards that, the number -- left, the numbers of big that's has skyrocketed. the thieves have stolen items and cross the border into:, and it is likely to keep on going. >> the polish police confirmed this. on his computer, the commissioner shows us focus taken during a spot check of trucks in poland. >> most of the people we capture from the east, poland is only a transit country. detractors are stolen in germany, brought to poland, and leave our country within hours heading east. >> early in the morning, with its trucks being checked by polish police and border guards. this one is coming from holland and headed for lithuania. the papers look to be in order.
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an hour later, after making a few calls, the driver is allowed to proceed. the officer explains why across borders that has increased. >> the boom began when poland started building highways for the euro 2012 soccer championships. tractor's stolen in germany, england, and holland were suddenly being used by eastern european firms hoping to earn money from road construction in poland. >> to be able to exchange information faster, germans and poles have set up a center of the former border. officers from both nations work together and learn about cross- border thefts quickly. more and more farmers are having their tractors painted with synthetic dna. under uv light, they glow, revealing a unique code. using a microscope, it is possible to read them and
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ascertain the object's owner. warning signs in german, romanian, and polish target prospective thieves in their language. the battle goes on. >> unfortunately -- or should i say luckily -- i am not armed. there are people around here saying that we should take up arms to protect ourselves. >> we must defend ourselves or shut down and lay off half our people. the state would only get half as much in taxes, and that would create the problems. it would be open season for plunderers. we would leave. >> german chancellor angela merkel grew up here. farmers in brandenburg think it is high time she intervened and did something for them. >> that wraps up this edition of "european journal."
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thanks very much for watching. bye for now. captioned by the national captioning in
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