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tv   Global 3000  KCSMMHZ  December 1, 2012 8:00am-8:30am PST

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>> hello and welcome to global 3000, your weekly check on the issues that move our planet. one of them surely is football. but before we visit some female footballers in saudi arabia, here's what we have coming up: saving energy -- how cheap loans help protect the environment in bosnia. soccer secrets -- women in saudi arabia score goals far from the public gaze. and new riches -- guinea wants to make the most of its natural wealth. bosnia-herzegovina is still recovering from the balkan conflict which ended 17 years
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ago. with unemployment at around 43% this is a difficult environment to get people to invest in saving energy. most are simply too busy making ends meet. but the country has a lot of potential. better insulation of buildings and more modern technology could bring large energy savings. to get things moving, the international climate initiative has been offering cheap loans to those willing to invest. >> they still look like cartridges -- these screws have to be hardened before they get their threading. the furnace heats the screws to 900 degrees celsius. then the glowing steel is cooled in an oil bath.
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senad macic is in charge of the entire process. he regularly checks the temperature beneath the giant oven. >> it's ok. it's not too hot. >> the oil is being cooled with water to prevent overheating. >> we used to take it from the tap, and when it got too warm we let it down the drain. but today we use it for our floor heating. >> the blue and green pipe conducts the heated water toward the storage depot. the business is owned by a german. he saved the factory from bankruptcy six years ago and to increase efficiency decided to use the warm water produced by the process for heating. the system has been up and running for a month -- just in time for winter.
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>> at the moment our energy costs are one million euros a year -- for electricity and gas -- and we hope this will help us save 10% to 15% in the upcoming years. >> the production is done in two shifts. these screws are exported as far away as china. the new heating system in the warehouse was funded by a special loan for energy efficiency. the warm water flows through pipes under the concrete floor. that doesn't just save energy costs. >> it used to be very cold in here before we got the heating. water would condense on the newly made screws, and that was very bad because the metal would start to rust.
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that caused a lot of damage and we had to produce a lot of them over again. >> fifteen years ago, regular production was unthinkable here. during the war in bosnia a grenade hit the screw factory. >> in 1996, after the fighting, when we wanted to start up production again, the hall behind me was burnt out. the entire roof was gone. it was chaos -- the entrance was blocked, we could hardly get into the building. >> just an hour's drive away is sarajevo, the capital of bosnia and herzegovina, and home to some 300,000 people. signs of the 1990's conflict are still visible here, too. the entire country has been slow in recovering from the effects
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of the war. investment by foreign companies has continued to lag -- and unemployment is high. that poses a challenge to bank managers like michael müller. his bank offers loans for climate protection measures. >> if people are only just making do with the money they have -- and are just managing to feed themselves -- then they're not going to be thinking about energy efficiency. but it's important to raise consciousness about it. >> and as an incentive, the credits come with lower interest rates than normal loans. the international climate initiative is providing 15 million euros in its energy efficiency loan program. the raiffeisen bank has disbursed nine million to its customers. the loans go to companies and building contractors.
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in this suburb of sarajevo, the money is being used to buy insulating materials for houses, or special insulating windows. two local residents have upgraded their home without a loan. they wanted more living comfort. >> when we still had the wood- burning stove we had to carry the wood in from outside. i had to clear out the ashes from the stove. that was a lot of work. and when we came home it took forever to heat the rooms. >> that's why they bought a new stove. it's fueled with pellets made from compressed wood residues. it doesn't need filling as often -- and it's cleaner. azra and her husband hope four tons of pellets will see them through the winter. >> we could only heat one floor
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with the old stove. the new stove heats two floors. that's double the area -- and it costs the same as it used to with the old one. >> there's plenty of wood in bosnia and herzegovina. around half the country is forested -- and the wood industry is a major economic sector. azra's pellets come from pale, just southeast of sarajevo. they're made of waste wood from businesses in the area. the wood products are ground up before delivery. they're dried in a rotating oven and then compressed. the company has been producing the fuel for four years now. >> the pellets come out this grid here and get cut by a knife and fall onto the conveyor belt. then they're moved along to the silo.
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>> until two years ago the company made pallets for transport. that business declined and now pellets account for most of its turnover. >> two thirds of them go abroad -- to slovenia, for example, but we also sell them to italy, serbia, macedonia and kosovo. >> domestic demand is on the rise, too. climate protection doesn't only cost money -- it can also help people save -- and even earn a livelihood. that realization is gaining acceptance in bosnia and herzegovina. >> and now to football. a sport that grips people around the world. it is played in stadiums worth hundreds of millions of euros, in war zones and in slums. and it is played by women, even in one of the most conservative societies in the world. saudi arabia sent two female athletes to the summer olympics in london for the first time this year.
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a historic move that came with many strings attached. but nevertheless an important signal to all those saudi girls with a passion for sport. >> i like sports in general. football is my passion! it's a very beautiful feeling. that's why i am very passionate about it and i like to play and also all of the girls in my team, they feel the same. for now we are 30 members. attahadi, challenge. we named our team like that because of the challenges we are facing. it's not easy for us as women to play football in saudi. we can't say that is illegal, and we can't say that it is legal. nothing is really clear. our society is a little -- it's
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a conservative society. so we can't go anywhere and play football at any pitch in the street. we are training now at the backyard of one of our team members. we started the team because we wanted saudi women to start playing sports, not just to get thin or to go to the gym to fit your body and that's all. no, you can play more, you can be a professional athlete, if you like. the biggest challenge is to make saudi society to accept us as female athletes. when will that be, that is a very hard question, because -- i am not sure, but i am feeling a little of acceptance at least from the families that are encouraging the girls to join my club, our club attahadi.
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they are thankful that we started something like that. now there is a place for their daughters to experience a lot of things and let go of the things that happen in life, you know, the intense feelings inside of you -- when you do some sports, after you finish you will be very good, you will have a good feeling, you will feel peace! sport is peace, this is what i always say. sports define peace, this is what i think. and we should have something like that. us the women and also the men should use the sport as a tool to feel the peace. i think that sports make harmony
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between people and we miss this and we need it. and this is one of the goals i want to achieve and i want the people to understand it. i wish i could one day. inshallah. >> the european union spends more than a third of its budget on agricultural subsidies. part of that is used to guarantee a stable income for dairy farmers, even when a lot more milk is produced than the market demands. this also makes eu dairy products artificially cheap when sold abroad. a fact that is currently worrying people in colombia. their government has just signed a new trade agreement with the eu, easing the sale of colombian products in europe, but also allowing cheap eu dairy products onto their supermarket shelves.we look at both sides of the deal. it's been raining for weeks in the highland plateau of bogota. at an altitude of nearly 3,000 meters, the air is thin here.
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blanca mireya tends to her two cows every morning . they give a total of 10 liters of milk a day. this is the only source of income for blanca and her sister lucy to support their family of four. >> with what we make, we buy coal for heating, for example. my sister buys her clothes and food -- basically everything. >> they earn around 40 cents per liter. that's only just enough to live on. but now the country's half million small farmers are scared. the reason is the free trade agreement between the european union and colombia. as part of the deal, brussels negotiated the right for eu farmers to export thousands of tns of milk products every year to colombia. their cows are bred to give four times as much milk as blanca's do. and eu dairy farmers also get subsidies.
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matthias jörgensen helped to negotiate the agreement for the eu. >> the trade agreement won't worsen their situation. the products that we want to export to colombia are mainly value-added dairy products like cheese or other high-quality dairy products -- or milk powder that does not directly compete with the production of the fresh milk that is probably consumed in the vicinity of this farm. >> but the colombian farmers say they're already feeling the effects of the agreement. milk prices have already gone down by several cents per liter. the government in bogotá is playing down concerns. the deputy trade minister doesn't share the dairy farmers' fears. according to him, the agreement
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builds bridges between europe and colombia and is a great opportunity for colombian businesses. >> this agreement gives us legal security because it will eliminate protective tariffs for our products. for example for fish, flowers or bananas. >> this is the kind of farm that will supposedly profit from the deal -- a banana plantation. the multi-national company banacol exports more than 60% of its fruit to the eu. initially, the free trade agreement was welcomed, as it will reduce protective import tariffs into the eu by nearly half. but the company's marketing head is skeptical nonetheless. she says the eu limits on imports from colombia are too strict. >> we've seen that europe always protects its own agricultural products -- especially products that are important for its own population.
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and i think this is no exception. >> for blanca and her sister lucy the question is whether they can survive as dairy farmers. >> i don't even want to think about what would happen then. we'd have to give up everything here. we'd have to go away and look for something else -- but what could we do? >> their only hope is that the trade agreement won't be ratified by colombia and the european parliament. the decision is expected by the end of the year. >> and now it's time to tickle your taste buds. is there a tasty snack you like to enjoy on the go? then tell us about it, and we could soon present the recipe here on the program. today we sink our teeth into a culinary delight from bangladesh.
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>> we're in dhaka, the capital of bangladesh. the history of this city goes back more than a thousand years. today, with 13 million residents it's one of the largest cities in the world. bangladesh is a very poor country, but you'd never guess it from the cuisine. as in india or pakistan, people here cook with lots of spices -- whose aroma fills the streets. on nilkhet square in front of dhaka university people of all ages gather in the evenings to enjoy a snack. this food stall offers fuchka, a traditional fare for people on the go. mohammed amman is only 14, but he's been manning the stand for a year now -- and taking in around 10 euros a day.
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>> my family is pretty poor, so i had to start earning early on. there's no other way. >> unicef estimates that around five million children work in bangladesh -- many of them much younger than mohammed. >> i went to school for a little while, but then my parents couldn't afford it. >> a portion of fuchka sells for the equivalent of 30 cents. >> you see fuchka everywhere here. in the seating areas of these food shops, people are sitting together, all eating fuchka. >> the little hollow dough balls are supposed to be just big enough to fit in your mouth. >> my fuchka are filled with chili, onions, coriander, with lentils, salt, masala, potatoes and tomatoes.
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>> and what do the diners say about his creations? >> when we friends meet up, this is where we like to come for a snack. >> we wish mohammed and his family all the best for their business. >> natural riches don't always translate into the wealth of a nation. unless there's a political system that holds leaders to account, often a small elite takes it all, instead of sharing the benefits. the west african nation of guinea has many treasures on offer: lron ore, nickel, gold , diamonds and most of all the world's largest deposits of bauxite -- the main source of aluminium. sounds like the recipe for fast development -- and it is hampered by a lack of infrastructure. here's an example of a high potential that fails to translate into real growth.
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>> this is guinea's natural wealth. every minute, trucks belonging to russian aluminum giant rusal load bauxite into the storage area. james camara is a shift supervisor at the débele mine where the mineral is excavated. >> i analyzed and thought about the situation, and i figured a new deposit would open up. so i drew up a plan for enlarging the stock and i showed it to my boss and he developed it and now the storage area goes over to there. >> truck number 14 -- the last load that james lets in before the daily blasting. the entire mine comes to a standstill. everyone has to keep a distance of at least 300 meters. now in the rainy season blasting is only done once a day because the boreholes fill up with water.
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more would be too much of a risk. >> the drilling and blasting method is a lot of work. you have to drill and insert the explosives. we use a lots of equipment. we need to use the bulldozers for stripping the surface and taking it to the factory to be crushed. >> much less manpower is needed for the modern bucket-wheel excavators that rusal now uses in the mine. the russian company is a major employer here -- and its profits have risen at the cost of the local workforce. this excavator does the job of around 300 workers. james camara doesn't have to worry about his job. the trained engineer is one of those who've profited from the
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boom in mineral resources. >> i had a grant to go and study in moscow. rusal covered all the costs. in return i agreed to work for rusal for five years. like they say -- education is priceless. rusal has done a lot for us. this is my life -- it's in my hands. >> camara and the other local managers live together on the company housing estate. their days pass in the rhythm of the three-shift operations. today camara is working late. he's heading off to the strip- mining area. the next town is 50 kilometers away. here in kindia unemployment is extremely high. rusal only contributes one dollar per ton of mined bauxite for local development -- that's the minimum.
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>> i believe rusal could have done more for kindia. >> we'd like to work down there to earn a little. but it's difficult to get in there. we've tried -- but so far it hasn't worked out. >> rusal sends a large sum to help development for the people of kindia. officials in kindia prefecture have worked hard to get the russians to help build schools or hospitals. >> i must say it was a very hard and drawn-out struggle. just look at the date when we did the negotiations. there was the agreement -- the annex to the agreement -- and from that date until now it's been a long time. >> alongside other projects, rusal finally paid the equivalent of 350,000 euros to provide two villages with
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electricity. not much for the aluminum giant. recently guinea has tried to break the power of the large foreign firms. a controversial mining law calls for higher taxes and guarantees the state a 15% share in the mining enterprise. >> the new mining law has not been a bad thing. it preserves the interests of the guineans, but we've not driven away foreign investors. the proof is that they continue to be here every day. the interests of the investors are taken into account because they are very important for us. those who show confidence in guinea, and put their capital here, should be compensated properly and find political stability. >> by evening the freight train from the capital conakry has finally arrived at the mine. it's hours late due to problems unloading the last batch of ore. the rain caused the bauxite in the open cars to clump together.
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the shift supervisor urges the loading workers to hurry. a phone call from the harbor. a ship is waiting to take the bauxite to ukraine for processing. guinea has no aluminum plant of its own -- another reason why this country profits so little from its vast mineral resource. >> and that's all we have time for on this edition of global 3000. if you want to get in touch and share youur view, you can also find us on facebook. thanks for watching and don't forget to tun in again, same place same time in seven days time.auf wiedersehen and bye bye! captioned by the national captioning institute
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