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tv   JN1 Headline News  KCSMMHZ  May 23, 2013 10:00am-10:31am PDT

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>> i'm miranda esmonde-white. join me for a "classical stretch" weight-loss workout. >> "classical stretch" is made possible in part by iberostar hotels and resorts with beachfront resorts around the world. each resort features extensive gardens and large swimming pools with maximum respect for the surrounding environment. iberostar hotels and resorts. air jamaica-- soaring to new heights.
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>> i'm miranda esmonde-white. thank you for joining me for a "classical stretch" workout on a beautiful morning in jamaica, montego bay. so let's start with a little warm-up. deep breathe, feet together. in. so you're gonna bring the knee up and down. bring the arms in. and arms above your head. 1 and pull and pull and pull. 4 more5 an6 and 7. swing your arms. and swing. down and up. and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8. down, point. 2, 3. now really point your foot so youet se arculaon working between your ankle... the front and the back of your leg. 6, 7, and 8. to the back. one. now, when you're
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using your arms, imagine you're pulling a rope from the front. that way you really extend the arms. and 2 and 3. so this is gonna be a weight-loss workout. i got a wonderful letter from donna who told me that she had lost 20 pounds following weight watchers and doing "classical stretch" and cured a mysterious shoulder injury. so i'm gonna show you during this workout sort of why she probably ced that shoulder injury. one of the reasons is because we work through the whole body balancing all of the muscles of the body. 5 and 6 and 7. both arms up. down. and weight loss is always exercise and a sensible eating program. you don't lose weight exercising. that's a myth. t ifou don't exercise
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and you lose weight, then you will gain a lot after you've lost the weight. you have to exercise while you're losing weight in order to keep it off. and when you exercise while you're losing weight you lose it beautifully. so you lose it exactly where you want to lose the weight, and you shape your body exactly the way you want it shaped. so pull in your stomach, bend your knees, a ttle pelvic tilt. drag the arms hind you and pull them in front. press towards the television set and you want to feel this in your lower back. one shoulder the other shoulder up. one shoulder and now you're going to drop slowly to the floor. follow your legs. stay at the bottom and completely relax and shift right very slowly. shift left. take your time. you want to work into those hip muscles.
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and last time, shifting, slowly roll up. you don't want to work quickly in this program, too quickly that you can't go to the end of every movement. when people move quickly they're getting very little of the benefit that they would if they go right to the en so it's like i'm going up and then i'm going to the end. and to the end. you may turn to one corner both knees bent. imagine that you're going to follow a gigantic beach ball with the ends of your arms and go all the way down. that's gonna work through your spine. come up. breathe. open the arms. we're gonna do that again. up. round and stay at the bottom. shift your weight onto your back leg. flex your foot. arch your back. turn your leg in and out. put your foot down round your back and roll up. we're gonna do that one more
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time. open your chest. you noce that i'm angling my spine forward. and the other side. round your body. slowly roll up right up to the ceiling. open your chest. see, this works through your pectorals. and just check that you're angling your spine forward. lift, roll down shift your weight onto your back leg. push your bum back so that you're arching your back. you're lifting your chest. flex your foot. rotate and rotate that leg so that you're working within the socket, the hip socket. down you go. roll up one vertebra at a time. open your chest. and you're gonna do that one more time. lift. round you go. roll up and go to the ceiling. reach. grab your arm and pull back. pull the arm behind you and change sides. reach, wrist
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and pull that arm--hand behind you. drop down. and work your ribs. so try to work as hard as you can. if you feel sort of relaxed, you're doing it wrong. make sure that you feel everything pulling, you know and make sure that you feel the pull, the tug through your ribcage and the tug. now we're gonna go much deeper through the legs. up. up. deeper. so you really work your legs. up. and down. and roll that back up one vertebra at a time. grab your wrist and pull it back. and wrist and pulling on the back. so all those exercises help in loosening up the shoulders, what donna was talking about, her frozen shoulder, her mysterious shoulder ache, injury. now put the leg behind you. just kick across. you're just kicking and isolating the hip, the leg and the hip. and you're gonna
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kick to the front. now you go straight in front and straight to the side. ok, now you're gonna change your leg. down and up. so this way we're getting through the hip, the i.t. band. you're trying to get the range of motion of every joint, so make sure that you don't do the same thing. this is in front now, so we're getting hamstring underneath. and side. now we're gonna do the alphabet. now, the alphabet's terrific for your balance. so you're gonna just stretch your leg out in front. bend and lift. so you're making--your spine is straight and your abs are tight. start with an "a," foot pointed. "b," "c," "d," and "e." we'll go to the other leg. "a." try not to move your hips. that's "b." try not to move your hips, ok? and "d," "e." let's all point
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it. now we're gonna go flexed. "f," "f," "g." keep that body straight with an "h," "i," and "j." other leg. and "f," "g," "h," "i," and "j." ok, change. point your toes. so "h," "i," "j," "k." pointed. "l," "m," "n," and "o." change your legs. go right up "h," "i," "j," "k," pointed. "k," "l," "m," "n," and "o." so just shake out to the side. stretch those legs, pull your stomach in, turn out those legs. down, down, down. up, down. working the hips. tummy's tight, 2, 3, 4. and down, down, down.
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up, drop, 2, 3, and down, 1, 2 3, and down, 1, 2, 3, drop, 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. and up, 1, 2, 3. up. lunge. tummy tight. diagonal so that ski jump position. press. and now we're gonna work, really rotate that shoulder up. press. arm up. open your chest. up and arms right up. and again, back into that old musketeer's bow. flex your foot. put it back. bend your knees. legs right out. push those legs out. now you're gonna shift your weight. one side to work one groin. shift to the other side and we're gonna start the whole thing with the other leg. press. press. arm up. arm up. and lift. right into old musketeer's bow. nice and flat. work those
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hamstrings. ok, foot flat on the ground. bend your knee. drop down. push those legs out. shift your hips. shift your hips, and we're gonna do the whole thing again. let's do the first side. deeper. much deeper. stretch that arm up. stretch the arm up. lift. shoot your back up, your bum behind you. flex. foot down. grab your leg and pull as much as you can. both legs apart. tummy in. now you're gonna lift your heels. one. 4 of them. 2, 3. other side. push. nice, deep lunge. arm up. and up. right up into a deep musketeer's bow. down you go. you want to really feel that hamstring. flex. rotate your leg. it'll loosen it up. face the front. down you go.
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heels up. up. up. and good. stretch...right up in your little clock. reach. open. close. bend. open. really work those ribs. down. bend your elbows. pull, pull, pull on those ribs. stretch out and pull up. higher. other side. reach. open. and pull it right in. ok down you go, but reach as you go down. do it again. open. and in. elbows bent. go right down. and stretch out. pull up. a little higher. up you go. one. over. open those arms. into a lunge this time making sure that knee is nice and solid. no instability. reach. open those
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arms. pull them in. bend. right down. stretch out and lift up. reach so that you're not relaxed at all. open those arms and pull them in. drop down until you're feeling this in the sides, at your waist. that's also the core bend, and the core is all part of the abdominal group. and right up. arms right above your head. waist rotation. you want to get the whole abdominal group, not just the most obvious muscles. pull those arms up, make a fist. open and down. imagine if you grab a ball that's bouncing from the floor, so you bounce it up and down. front. 2. you're going to throw a ball towards the television and then catch it. now you're going to throw a ball to the ceiling. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
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flip the hands. 8. flip. stretching the elbows. a lot of people have their elbows bent. stretch those elbows. and shoulders down. back. 2. flip the wrists with each pump. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. circle 1 2. 4 of them. 3. other direction. 1, 2. now we're gonna go on a diagonal. 1, 2, 3. other direction. 2, 3. and the other way. 1, 2, 3. other way. 1, 2, 3. arms in front. pull. and pull so you're pulling underneath. you're gonna really feel the twist in the shoulders. all these exercises help to slenderize the entire upper body, and i'm sure this is one of the reasons why donna's shoulder improved, just from all these arm exercises. now you're
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gonna pull open. pull. with a real resistance. fight it. fight. fight. from the ceiling pull down. tight. tight. and close them. squeeze, resistance. in. in. open resistance. open and 2. you want to feel this in the backs of your shoulders. all right, so now we're gonna go and do some floor work, so find yourself a mat. all right, so side leg lifts. pull in your stomach, stretch
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your body so that you're not slouching, front arm in line with the elbow, or lie flat, lengthen you leg. up. 8. 2, 3, 4. accent up, up, up. now accent down. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 8 of them. 6, 7, 8. lengthen. circle. circle. 4 fast. 1 and 2, 3. slow the other way. circle. and circle and fast. 1 and 2 and 3. flex it, rotate. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6. start from the beginning point. lift up, up, up. 5, 6, 7, 8. down, down, down. 5, 6. 2 small circles. slow and slow. 4 a little faster. 1, 2, 3. other direction. slow and slow. and 1 and 2 and 3 and rotate. 1,
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2, 3, 4, and 5. now you're gonna do a "u." 7, 8. up. swing back. swing up. back. lift, down, and lift. keep pulling. lift. down and lift, down. your leg's probably aching a little bit. down. and right in front of you. forward press. 2, 3, 4. 8 of them. down. 6, 7, and up. 1, 2 3, and 4 and 5 and 6, 7. great. 1 and 2 and get ready. we're gonna change to the other side. 6, 7, and pull, pull, and pull. down. stretch. up, up. 8 of them. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. round flex. 3, 4. stretch those
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bodies. 7. slow circles. 1 and 2. fast. 1, 2, 3. other direction slow. 1 and 2 and fast. 1. try not to move your hips. 3. flex. rotate. 1, 2, 3 4, 5. 8 of them. 6. start again. point, pull. up, 2. tummies in. 4. don't drop in your shoulders. 6, 7, and down. 1. keep that leg pulled. keep the knee straight and pointing. 6, 7, and circle slow. 1. 2 of these. 4 fast. 6 7, 8. slow. slow and fast. flex. rotate, too. 8 of them. 3, 4. get ready to bring the leg in front. 7 and 8. down. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and up. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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7, and figure 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8. just get your hip and lie flat. you're gonna do some sit-ups. and get ready. hands underneath your head, making sure that you're supporting your head with your hands. all right, so focus on the bellybutton, press down with the belly button and squeeze the mat, and here we go. up. so you are pushing down with your bellybutton. down and--so the bellybutton goes down as you go up. and push. and up. 8 faster. 1 and 2 and 3, 4, 5, and 6, 7.
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last one. 8. arms up. pull. stretch those arms out. pull them up. pull them down. pull them up. if you have trouble doing this because it hurts your neck, then just keep the hands under your head. pull. because you can always adjust the exercises so that you get some benefits out of them. now you're gonna lift the legs up. stretch your legs. bring them in. stretch them out. add the arms. legs, arms. bring the legs in. now pull up. arms. legs. legs. and arms. faster. arms, legs legs, arms, arms, legs, legs arms, arms, legs, legs, and
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pull. arms, legs, legs. legs and good. keep the legs in. stretch them out. touch the floor. 1, 2 at a time. like you're walking down the floor. keep pushing on those bellybutton into the floor. and flex. 1. i'm sure you're feeling this in the abs. 5, 6, 7. with the toes as though you're walking down the floor but keep the back flat. 5, 6, 7, and flex. 2, 3. this strengthens not just the abs, but the back muscles because your stomach is connected to the back. and last time. flex it. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and 6 and with the pedal. push. 1, 3, and 4. good. 5, 6, 7, and
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8. bring the knees in and sit up. doesn't that feel good? i love sit ups 'cause they just feel like you're really working. so arms up. stretch to pull out whatever you contracted. rotate. and over. and the other side. lift. bend over elbow. arms close to your body. pull behind you. now both arms. open. if you can't keep your back straight with your knees straight, bend the knees. pull. press. and really work your back. pull. press back. last time. and really open. big circle around. elbows down. rotate. ok, when you get to the bottom, reach forward and imagine that you're
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pulling on a rope. deep breathe. round. round your body, drop right forward, stay forward. take your legs, flex your feet point your toes, and pull. flex your toes, flex, point your toes, and just sweep to one side. sweep the other side. i hope you had a good workout. and i'll see you soon. >> "classical stretch" is a combination of scientific formulas and graceful movements that unlock muscles, leaving you with a more flexible, relaxed, and strengthened body. the exercises reach into muscles and ligaments not normally worked and are set in routines that release tight muscles one by one. "classical stretch" targets the needs of everyone, from women and men of all ages and all levels of fitness, including olympic and professional athletes. >> you can find out more information about "classical stretch" by visiting our web site at
10:23 am >> you're watching "classical stretch" with miranda esmonde-white. season 7, part one, episodes 1-15 is available for $39.95 plus shipping and handling by calling 1-800-801-3433. season 7, part 2, episodes 16-30 is also available for $39.95 plus shipping and handling. "classical stretch" with miranda esmonde-white. credit cards are accepted. >> "classical stretch" is made possible in part by iberostar hotels and resorts, with beachfront resorts around the world. each resort features extensive gardens and large swimming pools with maximum respect for the surrounding environment. iberostar hotels and resorts. >> air jamaica: soaring to new heights.
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>> sharon olds was born in san francisco, grew up there, lives in new york. she says, "poets are like steam valves where the ordinary feelings of ordinary people can escape and be shown."
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>> i see them standing at the formal gates of their colleges i see my father strolling out under the ochre sandstone arch the red tiles glinting like bent plates of blood behind his head, i see my mother with a few light books at her hip standing at the pillar made of tiny bricks, the wrought-iron gate still open behind her, its sword-tips black in the may air, they are about to graduate, they are about to get married they are kids, they are dumb all they know is they are innocent, they would never hurt anybody. i want to go up to them and say stop don't do it--she's the wrong woman, he's the wrong man, you are going to do things
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you cannot imagine you would ever do, you are going to do bad things to children, you are going to suffer in ways you have not heard of, you are going to want to die. i want to go up to them there in the late may sunlight and say it, her hungry pretty blank face turning to me, her pitiful beautiful untouched body his arrogant handsome blind face turning to me, his pitiful beautiful untouched body but i don't do it. i want to live. i take them up like the male and female paper dolls and bang them together at the hips like chips of flint as if to strike sparks from them, i say do what you are going to do, and i will tell about it.
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>> fun, exotic fibers are the perfect excuse to play up the unusual with beaded knitwear a cute cabled hat, filet crochet, and fringe. time for a little yakkety yak today on knitting daily. >> female announcer: this program has been made possible in part by: interweave: the handmade life. your craft community for books, magazines, videos patterns, events, and more. on the web at: webs, america's yarn store a source for knitting and crocheting yarns and supplies.
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