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tv   European Journal  KCSMMHZ  July 13, 2013 8:30am-9:01am PDT

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>> hello and a very warm welcome to "european journal," coming to you from dw studios in brussels. that's take a look at what's coming up. it only -- why sicilians are protesting against ash italy -- italy -- why sicilians are protesting. belgium -- why there are some things you will only find in brussels. u.s. americans reached our trust , many europeans have said this week. if the authorities really did
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install bugs in eu buildings. this came after media reports based on leaked secret documents alleging spying document -- activities on european diplomats. 10 years ago, there was similar outrage after news broke about of global spy network of the u.s. and a few partners, operating with widely visible antennas. the u.s. navy is setting up a new radio communication network with one of the to talk to stations located in europe on the italian island of sicily -- one of the four stations located in europe on the italian island of sicily. >> these women come here daily to -- to protest -- to demonstrate. i am a i feel abandoned. i am an italian citizen -- >> i
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feel abandoned. i am an italian citizen. the state would rather protect american citizens -- american interests. >> u.s. navy is building three huge satellite dishes as part of the global communications system. the demonstrators want the u.s. military to leave and take their ultrahigh frequency satellite dishes with them. i'm a i love this place. -- >> i love this place. i want to protect my children here in my home. >> i am fighting this because it is madness, madness that will lead to war. >> the protesters have blocked roads to prevent building materials getting to the site. the police have cleared other demonstrations, but have so far
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been reluctant to manhandle women and mothers. they have become celebrities. wherever they gather, the police are not far away. the activists want to know why three other muso stations are far from any human population, while this one is in a populated area. experts have justify that the waves they image -- emit -- have posited that the waves they emit are dangerous. experts hope that this will sway the government in rome. >> i want things to change. i want our government to realize what the americans are up to. >> this small town is up against superpower politics. residents here fully back the mothers against them you os --
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against muos. the municipality is on their side, too, and in fighting spirit. >> we do not want this facility here, not at all, because it is harmful with all of its emissions. it is basically a huge microwave. they can have their satellite dishes back, as far as i'm concerned. >> the people want to know why the u.s. has been operating a communications facility here for two decades and they have still not been informed about the health risks. and how did the facility get improved -- approved in the first place in the middle of a nature reserve? it all looks pretty illegal. doctors in the area have been doing some research. their findings are worrying. >> we set up a cancer register. what it shows is that we have an
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elevated rate of thyroid cancer, double the average for sicily and italy as a whole. the same holds true for testicular cancer and some forms of leukemia. >> nobody had any idea of the hazard until it was too late. >> i had cancer. it was because of the radiation. now i'm scared my children will get it, too. >> the mothers say they have no choice but to fight. for most people here, moving away is not a serious option. an official report is due out soon. they hope it will help resolve the issue. them at our prospects are good. -- >> our prospects are good. it is clear they broke the law.
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there is so much evidence in our favor. we will carry on fighting. >> life on the island has taught sicilians to be tough, and they are not going to give up this fight easily. >> in turkey, mass protests have been staged in dozens of cities nationwide for months now. the unrest started with demonstrations to protect trees from being cut down in istanbul's as he parked -- istanbul's desi park -- gezi park. the prime minister is criticized for his territory and -- for his authoritarian rule and policies. >> it is time for the summer break, but this microbiology student from istanbul is not heading to the beach. she is on her way to a political meeting. her route takes her across
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taksim square. in the past few weeks, she was confronted by water cannon and pepper spray here. but the 21-year-old does not fear the hundreds of police who still fill the square and the neighboring gezi park. she is not bitter. she says the struggle for democracy is about more than just the park. >> it is about restrictions on the sale of alcohol. the government's campaign against abortion and women's rights. and the introduction of tuition fees for students. and also that turkey should keep out of the war in syria. >> she and her friends are working together to help students who were arrested and mistreated during the protests. they are searching for video evidence online and have organized free legal aid.
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young people like them are not interested in the beliefs and various political movements of the older generation. they want to take part in politics, but remain independent. >> people understand that the marker see is more just elections, parliaments, -- that democracy is more than just elections, parliaments. there is democracy from below. that is what we want to practice. you are not the new turkish people, but a new youth washing over the turkish country in a wave. i'm certain that even more people will join this movement in the near future. >> she is always looking for people to discuss the democracy movement with, whether it is the older generation or even opponents and skeptics. this pensioner tells her to go on protesting, but without resorting to violence. he says he has seen enough of that in his lifetime.
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so she all adjusts are up -- so shall adjust -- sociologists are referring to them as the gezi generation. >> they are more urban. the secondary characteristic -- they have been brought up in a less authoritarian families. >> not interested in politics until a few weeks ago when the police started their brutal crackdowns on the protests in taksim square. then he decided to put his expertise in the practice. he started to film the demonstrations from above using small drone aircraft. one of his drones was shot down with rubble bullet -- with rubber bullets by security forces. >> you can document everything. you can see what was happening, where the protest was, what the protesters did. that was the idea.
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i did not want to harm anyone. it was just for my own archives. i never thought the police would act like that and shoot them down. >> now he films the opposition forums. every evening, thousands of locals meet in parks across the city with the motto "every part is easy part -- is gezi park." one issue at hand is whether they should form a new political party. she does not think a new party would be a good idea. >> we should keep trying to convince other groups and societies, such as religious people, to deconstruct the mutual president -- prejudices we have. the overriding goal has to be bringing down the erdogan government. >> she does not want to miss
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anything in this vital phase for her country. >> if you do martial arts, you will know that if you want to defeat your opponent, you have to watch them closely, react fast. russia president -- russia's president vladimir putin knows that. he has a black belt in judah and acts accordingly in politics. his biggest -- in judo and acts accordingly in politics. he is wearing his opponents down with carefully planned attacks, like the so-called foreign agents law from last year. the full impact of that controversial law is only now beginning to be felt. he was able to secure his furniture and files after the moscow municipality through him out of his office. it claimed his lease had expired. he denies that and says the government was behind the conviction. it wants to silence critical
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voices. what he does is advise citizens on their rights. the note he left on the door says "i will be back." >> we are seeing a downright hunt for human rights groups. they want to force us to declare that we are foreign agents. they aren't -- they are hunting us down. the two man who supervised the eviction were extremely rough. they said, "you have sung your final song and now we've got you. we are born to do with you whatever we want." -- we are going to do with you whatever we want." >> the eviction was on the news at a program in television station. the crew arrived and announced -- at a pro-kremlin television station. the crew arrived unannounced. the 71-year-old got a black eye and bruises around -- all over his body. there was no court order authorizing the eviction. he says it was therefore illegal. he appealed to the kremlin's
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human rights commissioner, who said he would investigate. >> it is true they cannot do their work now because they had to leave their office. but it is hard that -- to believe that was the aim of the municipality. the whole thing seems designed to cast the mayor in a bad light. >> nongovernmental organizations believe that this campaign is focused on them as hundreds of their premises have undergone searches. it is a team of election observers which receives funds from abroad. that makes them a foreign agent under the law. golos refused to register as such, so it has been temporarily suspended. >> right before the presidential election in march last year, we had to move offices. and you imagine what that means?
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all our phones -- can you imagine what that means? all our phones, all our documents. we had prepared everything for the election, and then they simply threw us out, in utter disregard of the law. in late 2011 and early 2012 -- >> late 2011 and early 2012 saul wave after wave of antigovernment demonstrations. the authorities responded forcefully. tens of thousands gathered in the heart of moscow to call for freedom. they accused authorities of election fraud and to mandate fresh elections. golos -- and demanded fresh elections. golos received funds from organizations in europe and the united states. vladimir putin claimed the americans wanted to promote regime change in russia and were using russian ngo's to further that goal. many ngo's are refusing to
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register as foreign agents as required by the controversial law. a do not see themselves as spies or acting for any foreign power -- they do not see themselves as spies or acting for any foreign power. he has taken it to court. he says he is not politically active. he fights for conscripts. he does not expect to win his case. >> there is a clear hierarchy in russia. state prosecutors and judges have to implement decisions taken right at the top. and the powers that be have long since decided that the ngo's should not win any of their court cases. >> for now, he and his team can use the premises of another human rights organization, but they cannot get down to work yet.
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he is defiant. he insists he is not a foreign agent and says he will never sign a document saying so. >> the spanish government currently has one goal, get out of the economic crisis and create jobs. the tourism industry is important for that. spain's coastline is popular with travelers from all around europe. until a short while ago, many vacation properties were threatened with demolition -- those that were too close to the sea. but a protection law has changed that. >> she can rest easy again. a conflict about whether the spanish government can confiscate her coastal property has -- >> i am releive -- relieved.
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we are not disappointed with what we have done in our lives because we have now been given a sort of amnesty. that means we can live in our homes legally, at least for 75 years. them a we her once before several years ago. -- >> we visited her once before several years ago. she was the official owner. she received a letter dispossessing her. the reason? her home was too near the coastline. >> they should replace our property. they cannot just say you can live here for another 30 years, 40 years, then it reverts to state ownership. i call that fraud. >> her good fortune is that the old coastal protection law, which foresaw a strict
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regulation, is no longer in effect. the new conservative government has enacted a new law, which strengthens the rights of property owners. nature protection now takes a backseat. >> it is wrong to want to protect nature and not the property of many people. with the new law, we are helping the owners of beachside property who have worked hard for their possessions. we have to protect them. >> environmental protectionists see the new coastal law as a disaster. during the vote, greenpeace protested on the roof of the parliament building. the reason greenpeace is taking to the barricades is easy to see you all along the spanish coast. towns just for tourists, right on the seaside. monstrous concrete fortresses right near the beaches. many of these hotels should never have been built in this way.
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this man has criticized them from the start. he is an environmental activist who is worried that the new law will open the door for buildings that could further blight the country's shoreline. >> the new coastal law was designed to enable even more construction here, despite the fact that existing buildings like this are suddenly legal. the law was dictated by spain's hotel lobby, not i people like us. -- not by people like us. >> the key point of the new law is that buildings no longer have to be at least 100 meters from the water, just 20 meters. for the hotel industry, it is an opportunity to build new hotels near the water in the future. this woman, in contrast, is one of the losers. the new law came too late for her.
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>> this is where my house stood. this was the entrance and the garage next to it. there was another entrance up there. >> the house where she was born was demolished a few years ago. >> they came from back over there, police trucks and workers , as well as the head of the coastal authority. i was in the kitchen making coffee. suddenly, they started smashing the windows. they tore everything out. how did i feel? i wanted to die. that day was a nightmare, a nightmare. and a shock for my children. >> her house was too near the shoreline, like countless other buildings the former spanish government had demolished in past years. it was consistent with the law,
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but also highly controversial. fishermen and long-established residents were usually targeted, not the hotel owners and their concrete on straw cities, regardless of any protests -- concrete monstrosities, regardless of any protests. >> this pain never stops. the memory of our house is etched into my mind. >> the beach was once the focus of her life. now she comes here very rarely. >> if you are interested in surrealism, come to brussels. renee mag -- rene magritte spent all his life here. if you live or work here, you will quickly find that surrealism is a part of daily life in the city where the eu headquarters are based, strange
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as that may sound. >> welcome to the bastion of bureaucracy, over meticulous brussels. everything is regulated, harmonized, and standardized, even the size of tractor seats. but this is also brussels. welcome to the brussels of the belgians. where stairs lead nowhere. where a hall is creatively concealed. where obstacles to street markings are no problem. where superfluous signs don't get removed. and this man documents them. he is 39, a german artist and belgians by choice for the past 11 years. he has created a facebook page -- belgian solutions.
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>> it is basically a photo album. there are snapshots of everyday situations in public places where people have found witty solutions to problems, and their way through the day. -- improvising their way through the day. >> and historical example. the town hall is asymmetrical. the right wing was added to the building later. >> in typical brussels fashion, they did not try to harmonize the whole thing, but instead decided to build on to it somehow or other. >> belgians seem to like to cut through things literally, as here at the constitutional court building. >> this is one of the most distinguished buildings where we are standing. , the church where coronations take place, but that does not
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count. what counts is the practical value. >> that is what the people who work behind this cut out for also think -- this cutout door also think. >> it has to be easy for us to come in and go out. >> the solution is not always so obvious. >> this is a very sweet situation. in the middle of the pedestrian crossing, there is a traffic light for cyclists in front of a barrier. somehow, a bicycle should be appearing from nowhere. >> now, the solution. >> it is a bit suicidal, so i dismount to cross. something has gone wrong here again. but, you know brussels. >> yes, brussels is chaotic. right next to the european commission, pedestrian crossings lead nowhere. stairs hit barriers or walls,
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like the one he shows us on his facebook page. >> i think it is important that it is not a complaint fioru -- forum, because that's not what it is about. but, of course, there are people who will say something or another has annoyed them. often, they are eurocrats. >> he has an answer if the moaners get the upper hand. he looks for an especially amusing subject his fans post on the site, like this adorable christmas decoration or this disabling parking space. they are simply belgian solutions in the capital of the overmeticulous. >> so, now you have a bit of an idea of where we work. remember to keep your eyes wide open if ever you come to brussels. that is it from us from the "european journal" team. bye for now. au revoir.
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