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tv   Taiwan Outlook  KCSMMHZ  July 13, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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>> thank you for tuning in. welcome to a new edition of "taiwan outlook." the program presents a different faces and lets you hear the different stories on taiwan. i am your host. population in new zealand. more and more students are going to new zealand for working holiday. on today's program, we are delighted to have a conversation with the current president, director, and founder of prestige lawyers in auckland, new zealand. welcome to the program. >> it is nice to be here. >> it is a delight to have on the program. let's start off with a fundamental question. why did you want to be a lawyer? were there any reasons or motivations or models you look
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death or life lessons you learned? >> initially, i wanted to be a politician. i started my university training in taiwan in the area of political science. >> that is still possible, you know. >> after my family migrated to new zealand, i came to the law school there thinking a law degree might give me a good foundation to do something for taiwan's sunday in a diplomatic capacity. -- 4 tie 1 sunday in a diplomatic capacity. after my degree, i came to understand the needs of the taiwanese community in new zealand. i realized i could be their legal advocate and make a practical difference to their lives in new zealand by being their lawyer to help them
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present their views. >> that was the motivation for becoming a lawyer who specializes in the area of cross-cultural dispute resolution. >> yes. as a lawyer and as taiwanese, we all aspire to be successful. there was the opportunity for me to become a corporate lawyer just like everyone else. i could be serving banks and airlines as clients with a big starting salary possibly. denise i saw in the community in new zealand was there is a group of migrants who are very successful, hard-working, but they do not have their voices heard as easily as they could into one, possibly because of the language barriers and most
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importantly the cultural barriers. they could be very fluent after many years, but they are still not culturally fluent. so they come across as strange when they make their case. >> when they encounter these types of barriers or obstacles, do they choose to be away from the mainstream society? do they have the motivation to assimilate and become part of the mainstream? what is your experience? >> my observation is many people to work towards the same goal. they all want to be successful. they want to be liked the locals. however to do that takes time. you will see a lot of first generation who may be more passive in their dealings with the mainstream. when it comes to disputes and things they have to stand up
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for, they have difficulties having their views represented by a local lawyer that does not by a locnderstand why they woulk that way. the second generation might be different. they already think differently from the first generation. nobody is giving up, but nobody is getting there easily. >> you are providing the legal assistance and professional expertise in helping them to be more a part of the mainstream culture. what type of professions do they belong to generally? are the professionals like yourself? do they have their own businesses? do they involve in local community activities and other things? >> it is inspiring to see the taiwanese community in auckland. everything you have just said, there is someone doing it. we have very strong developers,
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business owners, entrepreneurial figures that develop new products and find new opportunities in the marketplace. they have become prominent players by bringing those opportunities back to taiwan to do trade with the local people. you also have academics, a lot of second-generation become doctors, architects, very successful professions. >> you are involved in cross- cultural dispute resolution. when they come to you when they have a problem, what are the recommendations you would generally make to them in addition to the legal opinions you provide? >> it is very important ally of the time when i assist these people to prepare them to understand they are not just in
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the dispute resolution process. they are in the communication and negotiation process. the way they have to get some vantage in the process is by allowing themselves to be understood. that is where i come in. the quicker they are understood by the other side, by the courts, or by other mediators, the e.u. -- the easier it is for them to have the upper hand. many people say this is exactly what happened. but why is it they do not understand? every culture has a different moral code. unless they understand our moral code and world view, they do not understand why we did it that way. it is about giving the context culturally to help them understand it is reasonable for you. you are not new. you are quite reasonable.
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by having the welcoming starting position, the rest of the communication becomes easier to be believed. it becomes easier to be favored. >> based on your experience accumulated over the years, what would be your recommendation as to families or individuals thinking of moving to new zealand, whether for work purposes or family purposes or for study purposes? what would be some of the recommendations you would make? >> it is probably the same with all of my newcomer clients to new zealand. forget about how you do things in taiwan. have a lot of confidence. as taiwanese, a lot of us are very academically trained. we have wonderful work experience. we have a lot of interpersonal skills. do not arrive saying sorry to
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everyone. there is nothing to be sorry about. you are fine and great. do not always start a sentence with "my english is not good." by being able to say that, your english is fine. it is very important for taiwanese to be more confident and willing to recommend itself to the world and create a positive energy people want to see. >> before they come into new zealand and start new lives, they're bound to have some doubts. on the other hand, they may have some perceptions of what their new lives will be. they will have a great family, a great house, a great career. the kids are going to school. they will do well academically. when they get there, maybe a lot of people to fulfill the
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original expectations. but there will be others whose experience upon arriving in new zealand falls short of their original projection. how should they manage that, the gap, the differences, the gap uc in terms of aspiration and reality? >> there is definitely a gap. a lot of people come to me in a miserable station. i always tell my clients they are the different version of a good novel. everyone's story is different. the fact that you might start out rough or have had a bad experience, that only makes you stronger. it does not have to defeat you. what everyone else has experienced or what they're doing, no matter how successful it looks, it may not be the
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perfect solution for you. the most important thing as a new mark berndt to any place is to increase -- embrace the new environment an opportunity to meet more people. learn from everyone you meet whether they are successful or not. just keep asking questions and open yourself to be corrected. it is much easier to learn as you go then having a perfect picture and feel you can never live it. >> among the younger generation of people thinking of going to new zealand for working holiday and other purposes, what would be some of the things they need to be prepared for? recently in taiwan local media, there have been a number of reports of young taiwanese university students going to new zealand and australia and for working holiday and their experiences were not pleasant.
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what would be your recommendation to them before they go on working holiday? >> the first recommendation is do not believe everything you read on the media. or that you hear. a lot of the time when people get in trouble, they ring me. and get the story easily and directly. a lot of times the story a week that is earlier than the police -- a lot of times a story we get is even earlier than the police. in the media, they need to make it more interesting. it is not that complicated. as a new person, you need to keep safe. a lot of our young people going to new zealand and australia, driving on the opposite route of the -- opposite side of the road is scary. i have to be extra careful.
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when you are in a foreign situation, in need to be more careful. the most important thing is to be very careful on the roads. do not believe everything you hear. if you come across people on the side of the road who say their car broke down, maybe it is not a good idea to offer hitchhiking opportunities. >> project the best book prepare for the worst. >> and be very aware and use a lot of common sense. would you do that in the middle of nowhere in taiwan? most importantly, if you come to a difficult situation and the police are called or you are living somewhere and being taken advantage of, do not start the conversation with the police by
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saying, a "i am sorry." there is nothing to be sorry about. as soon as you say that, they look at you as if you are the no. 1. >> that is very helpful. we need to take the first break. we will continue our conversation with the director, principal, and founder of prestige lawyers in auckland, new zealand. i will see you in three minutes.
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>> welcome back to the second part of today's program on "taiwan outlook." we will continue our conversation with the current director and founder of prestige lawyers in auckland, new zealand. we understand you have been very active in the local taiwanese
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and chinese community in new zealand, particularly in auckland. tell us some of the activities you have been involved in. >> there have been a lot. >> i can imagine. >> i think taiwanese are a very energetic group of people in new zealand. in the 18 years i was there, while i was still studying at university, i came across a number of inspiring community leaders in the taiwanese community. seeing how they spend their personal time, giving their personal wealth to the community to create the additional layer of understanding about how hospitable taiwanese are, how hard working we are, and how fantastically are with our family values, amazing troops --
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foods, there is a lot of introduction at the soft level. new zealand is a small place. when you have made an impression, words can get around. taiwanese community groups become very frequent and permanent stakeholders in most of the national events. we regularly invited to participate in a lot of cultural events. there has been a lot of mentioned in a good way about how lovely it is to see the taiwanese shows, to try the new taiwanese groups, and here the taiwanese songs. there has been a busy time. i never thought i would be so busy for taiwan by moving to new zealand because the group of taiwanese people are spending all of their time doing this. >> that is wonderful. >> after i started to become a
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lawyer, i have become involved in different settings. because of the expertise, i have been asked by respected leaders to offer a our community groups more knowledge and common sense about the laws. a lot of them have migrated earlier. because of the language barrier, they have not been able to get benefits from having english speakers. i started to do regular speeches to the taiwanese groups on how to protect their children from bullying, to teach themselves from having employees suing them, to help them protect their family will from predators, or help them to prepare themselves for family problems if their children run into an unhappy marriage. most importantly, a lot of them
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to run into unfortunate infringement with the laws. in new zealand, we are very strict about what you can bring into the country through the airport. we have a very full on quarantines assessment. a lot of taiwanese people, i cannot say more than other people, but i know of more cases of this. sometimes we miss something iso much we decide to bring it back. some of the items are not compliant. that can create problems for the taiwanese mother and father who have to go to court and be punished for bringing in something they should not. >> with that involve criminal liability?
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with that in prison because they have brought something in considered unacceptable? >> it is a very heavy fine. there could be other consequences including time in prison. but most taiwanese i have come across are always first-time offenders and dark innocently on aware of the law. -- and are innocently and aware of the law. even if you do not know, you will still be punished. >> ignorance of the lot is no excuse. >> it is unfortunate there have been some things like that. generally speaking, taiwanese and a very good reputation with the laws. there are a few taiwanese the reused -- that were used by the drug dealing organization to take drugs into new zealand. it becomes such a headline because you have never heard of
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taiwanese doing that. if it was another nationality or other chinese, it is not so shocking. it was very shocking we heard that. it was upsetting. when you go to different countries, -- >> there are things you need to be extra careful about. >> very much so. if you do not know beforehand, you do not know. that is why do seminars to help people protect their legal reputation to make sure they do not go into that. >> we understand you are the founders and director of christie's lawyers -- prestige lawyers. you have a full-time job. you are also involved with community activities. you also have to spend time with your family. how do you balance of the different roles to play -- you play in your life? >> that is a very interesting
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question because in new zealand as a professional or business owner, we are not expected to work all the time. we are expected to finish at about 5:30. if we do not leave work by 6:30 when i was working by firms, they thought maybe i was having a bad time at home and preferred to stay at work. everyone is supposed to have their own social and family life. you only give a limited amount of time to your work. it is challenging but a good habit. in new zealand, it is completely ok for you to leave at 5:00 and tell everyone i am having a busy weekend because we will be cooking in the taiwanese committee for all of auckland. it is fun and challenging. >> the social perception is people need to have a balanced life between work, community, and family. it helps.
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it helps the involvement in the community with your friends and family. are your friends and family involved in the process or primero you? >> it is a community exercise. that is the beautiful thing about being in a migrant country and being with your own community. we do not know sometimes when we are busy and feeling deprived of rest and personal time, from the outsider's point of view, they say i admire the taiwanese communities. you love each other so much and do so much together. no one is worried about giving each other credit. we might not see it that way internally. but outwardly, we have something
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unusual and precious the people treasure. >> we understand you also host local radio and online tv programs. share your experience in local media. >> my speech engagement after speaking to so many community groups has become too busy and consuming with too many r requests. i had an opportunity to speak in a more economic sense. i could speak once and everyone could hear. i do not have to come everywhere. it is a busy life for everyone. by offering my sharing on radio and tv and on the internet, people can choose to self- educate when they need it. they can prepare themselves. if they are going into a negotiation tomorrow, they can
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click on to the program and understand that is what they will not tell me even if asked. that is what i have to remember. i have to remember not to sign and to my lawyer has checked it. -- until my lawyer has checked it. this involvement motivates me to help people at an earlier stage rather than just damage control. >> they will know what their rights are before they go into any type of transaction. do you think in the future you can distribute dvd's of lessons people should know before they engage in activities? would that be even more helpful to the local taiwanese and chinese communities? >> we have been doing something like that. we have put them on a usb drive in britain and tv form. people who may not have a fast internet connection can look at
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it locally. >> we need to take another break. when we come back, we will continue the fascinating conversation with the founder and director of prestige lawyers in auckland, new zealand. >> ♪
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>> welcome back to today's program on "taiwan outlook." we continue our conversation with the founder and director of prestige lawyers. tell us about prestige lawyers. this is something you founded over 10 years ago. tell us about your practice. are you primarily involved in
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corporate, civil, or criminal cases? >> prestige lawyers is my baby. it is a unique, boutique law firm. it was a decision i made to walk away from the mainstream firms and possible partnership with local lawyers are could have gone into. the reason for this firm is i realized in working with migrant businesses and individuals there was under-representation for these kind of people. as we know, her lawyers do not have good reputations sometimes. i would call it a bad reputation when it comes to dealing with minority groups. working in big firms, i see how chinese clients are treated. the way i see it is this. if you are a chinese person and
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very important transaction and need a lawyer and you happen to be not very tight with your budget on your lawyer or willing to pay, you will be treated in a prestigious way into mainstream law firm. all they see is caching. we have become an international platform of wealthy come easy to charge clients. chinese people, especially those from taiwan are willing to give the lawyers a lot of respect, trust, and a lot of money. because of the trusting and over reliance on the relationship, they are sometimes exploited and
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abused because they are trusting too much and demanding too much. they want three updates a day instead of once a month. they are often finding themselves in bigger trouble after they have found a lawyer. when i was working in the big firms, i was very popular because i had many of these big paying clients. what i was struggling with was what are we doing to improve their chances in the relationship of the coin. a lot of times, we are not doing a lot. . t -- we're treating them as big, global players. i was not happy with that. i owe my community people a better solution and a more earnest approach. if i am taking a lot of money
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from you, it had better be that i will give you an awesome solution or something you cannot get from anywhere. with lawyers, it is all about the time. if i spend one hour doing a letter for you to convince the immigration minister to give your child a special visa because your child is sick and cannot otherwise come to new zealand, the work for one hour is going to be different from 10 hours of research and collecting information. it will be completely different standard of delivery. that is what i want to do with prestige lawyers. we want to give the kind of service these clients desperately need by focusing on that. we are in the middle of auckland. we only look after these people. >> among your clients, a lot of
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it involves business. we understand there are ongoing negotiations between taipei, taiwan, and new zealand regarding a free-trade agreement. we are hopeful this can be concluded by the end of 2013. tell the audience about the kinds of incentives and opportunities that already exist in new zealand for prospective investors from taiwan or china. >> the most important thing to note is new zealand is one of the top countries in the world that is the easiest to do business in terms of regulatory. we do not have the requirement of registered capital to set up the company in new zealand. any overseas person can set up a company.
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they can heavy trust to hold assets internationally. there's a lot of tax advantage to be provided if you are a consultant in taiwan or china. is able to dvd global solution including new zealand -- it is able to give you the global solution including new zealand. it is one of the more transparent with very low corruption. it is an easygoing place. if you are looking for an overseas tax shelter, it is much better to have new steel and -- new zealand as a choice. new zealand is english speaking. we have a very advanced transfer system. every real estate transaction is registered instantly online. there is no lag time. if you buy a piece of farmland
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to accumulate assets for your family, that transaction can be concluded on the settlement day within minutes. there is no delay. when there is no delay, there is no chances of being forgotten or mistakes happening to it. the country is quite innovative. it has a lot of electronic advantages. i feel new zealand is a lot like taiwan. we are very small but very smart. there are a lot of similarities end advantage to be gained. it is a terrific place to be. >> what are some of the industry's -- industries the government would like to attract talented people to come in? for example, biotechnology, information technology, or any of their field -- other feel the
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convention. >> we have a huge list of long- term shortage skills. they are available on the government immigration website. new zealand is an interesting place. everyone is so relaxed. there is no pressure when a child turns 18 to go to university. a lot of people choose to go into e-trade they enjoy. they do not necessarily pursue a lot of high-end qualifications or they might do it when they are older. people may study when they are older to change their field. in that sense, we have a lot of advantage coming from taiwan. a lot of our people are highly qualified. there is a lack in that sector. it is a lot of flak for teaching -- lack for teaching capacities. with the taiwanese, they want to go to a high indoor useful position. the hindrance for us is how good we are with our english and
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ability to communicate. there is a hindrance. with the younger generation, it should be much better. >> let's talk about your responsibilities and the role you play with the overseas chinese affairs council. you are currently a coordinator. who also attended the annual conference last year in november in taipei. were there any recommendations or suggestions you proposed to help taiwan facilitate the development and welfare overseas taiwanese communities all over the world? >> i feel not very qualified in this organization. i feel very junior in the whole scheme of things.
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there are some very inspirational community leaders. i feel i have been just a follower. i have been following their footsteps and helping along the way when required. it has been a rich experience to see how they apply themselves to do something. in the community sense, it is not always easy. no one has the ability to require someone else to do something. i do notice it is a wonderful cycle of people. there are always people willing to lead and follow. i have been one of those quite willing to follow. i did not propose anything at the meeting last year. i was sitting there listening and learning and feeling very inspired.
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>> certainly very modest. if you say you virginia, it is because you are very young. you are a long ways ahead of you. -- if you say you are jr., is because you are very young. we have to take a break. we will come back to wrap up the fascinating conversation with the founder of prestige lawyers in auckland, new zealand. i will see you in a bit. >> ♪
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>> welcome back to the final segment of stays -- today's program on "taiwan outlook." we will wrap up this fascinating conversation with the founder and director of prestige lawyers in auckland, new zealand. over the course of your career,
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you have received an been recognized by many local community organizations as well as professional organizations. tell us about with these awards and recognition is mean to you. >> i would not say i have many, but i have been slowly finding our work in the community groups are finally making more sense to the local government or local community. i think it is quite a leap to jump from the chinese takeaway communities to one of our very important community groups in new zealand. i have found it useful to realize more and more we are recognized as taiwanese in new
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zealand for our expertise, our ability to make a difference, for our performance and outstanding achievements in various industries. we have very good doctors that are taiwanese. we have very good architect. very strong business people. very strong leaders in the political arena. all of this took time. i feel i am one of the very small followers in this group of very active people. this group has been doing so much. we help each other create the association. you are taiwanese. i know so many wonderful contributing and amazing taiwanese people in new zealand. more and more, you hear the positive endorsement of our people. it is very exciting. it makes my children proud we
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are taiwanese because there's nothing worse -- no one will ask what we are about now because we are so active, prominent, and full of contributions for the locals. it is all because there are so many inspiring community leaders willing to give their money, time, doing so much on a regular basis. it is ongoing. there is always something happening. it is quite difficult to be so consistent. >> you have been in new zealand over 18 years. what were some of the changes you have seen in new zealand and in the local chinese and taiwanese communities?
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do they have a different set of problems compared to immigrants 15 years ago? are these some of the issues you deal with? >> as a lawyer, we do damage control. we tend to be faced with people's problems. i always find it interesting as taiwanese or chinese communities, we are doing better and better in this place. we are speaking more english. we are all working. we own businesses. we are not dependent or the alliance sector of the minority group. we are the people able to influence. you will see a lot of us get regular invitations from political parties to have your views heard. they ask you to come and pay a lot of money to have dinner with them. it is quite an honor. it means they know you can pay
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it. you would not give that to the refugee camps. it would be insulting. a lot of us are making such a difference. it is not just the food anymore. the taiwanese food has come with a lot of innovation. a lot of people want to travel to tie one. other people want their children to learn tire -- chinese and have chinese friends. we're all slowly and surely making a difference to the people around us. >> let me ask you about the differences you have seen in taiwan over the last 18 years. you come back quite often. sometimes two or three times a year. you still have family here. what are some of the changes you see taking place in taiwan?
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>> i am obviously very biased. every time i come back, i always feel very recharged. i usually come for a brief time. if it is a business trip, it may be 72 hours. there is something about this place to me personally that recharges me, whether it is the work ethic. i can walk into a shop and have a simple transaction of buying something from them. as a business owner, i learned so much from the shop management style, from the way they handle the customers. it could be a customer complaint. as a lawyer, i complained a lot. when i complained, i am inspired about how my complaint is handled in taiwan. i always come away riding on facebook a glowing report about
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how they handled it even though i was complaining. even in the basic industries, i have found taiwan to have become more well vented. it is well represented. i feel proud because in new zealand we do not have a lot of that. coming from taiwan, i see the heart behind a little differences. >> based on your knowledge and experience of both places, would you like to be a goodwill ambassador between new zealand and taiwan in the future if you are not already doing it? >> i do not know what the job description is about. >> everything you do now is perfect. >> i feel proud to be a
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taiwanese. i always tell that to my children who are only half taiwanese. at often tell them about why i feel so positive about everything taiwan. we are not big numbers in new zealand. but we're making such a huge impact. >> that is good. it is because of people like you. let me ask you before we wrap up, you talked earlier that you wanted to possibly get into politics. is that still a dream of years that he may pursue in the future? >> probably not. i feel let the moment -- i feel at the moment i have so many people in my legal advocacy work that i have more directly
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and pragmatically advocated for them. that is what i wanted to do. i wanted to be in that capacity. >> we should never say never. sometimes things happen because of the external and internal factors coming together at once. even if you do not want to pursue this dream of years further, would you think for the taiwanese community in new zealand to be more vocal and assertive, there should be people from the younger generation to get involved in local, political, and community affairs? to not just get a voice for the community but also fighting for the rights the community rightfully deserves in new zealand. >> yes. that has always been on the agenda of the taiwanese
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community groups in auckland. like i said. i am a follower. when i am inspired to follow, i do it. i certainly feel we can do a lot even without being the person on top. >> finally, we talk about more people in taiwan want to go steady overseas or work overseas for a short period, maybe up to a year. what would be some of your suggestions in addition to what you mentioned earlier? before they go on the trip, what should they do to prepare and get as much as possible out of the overseas journey? >> as a lawyer, i tell newbies
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to do some homework. a lot of the homework information is on the internet in english and chinese. you should learn how to deal with the employer before you go. you should know you are right to a contract before you go. -- you should know your right to the contras before you go. you should know your visa is your responsibility and not that of the agent. there is a lot to learn. that is part of the learning about going overseas, to have the experience about being in control. this preparation is the best part because you learn before you go. >> we do not expect this. but if they give in to dispute
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situations or get into trouble overseas, what would be some of the remedies available? >> there are plenty of remedies. there is the website with information. it is something called backpack or something like that. it is a good place. you need to read. you need to get in touch. you can use facebook. you can tell people what problem you are having and people will reach out. it is a very good community. >> it has been wonderful to have you on the program today as a special guest. we want to wish you and your family of the best in the future. thank you for watching. i will see you next time. >> ♪ captioned by the national captioning institute
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>> ♪ >> from february to march, you will see local artisans laying fabric on the snow.
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this linen is used to make summer kimonos. >> the main feature is the fine crimpoing. it makes it comfortable against the skin. about 350 years ago, the artisans invented the technique
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has an improvement on the older types of cloth. it is produced during leaving by twisting and stiffening with starch. in warm water, the starch dissolves. threads shrink to cause the crimping effect. it is made in several traditional patterns including stripes. the patterns are produced by weaving individually dyed threads on the loom. is a painstaking process. one weaver will create just 20
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centimeters in and day -- in a day. hemp thread breaks easily when dry. weaving is done in winter when teh snow keeps the air humid. it has distinctive coloring. these colors are produced by exposing cloth on snow. snow acts as a natural bleach. after it has faded, reexp
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osing it will bring back the colors. making use of snow to produce cloth perfect for summer. unique to this region. >> ♪ >> just outside the town at the foot of the mountain is an extravagant village. it is almost like stepping onto a movie set. it is a stunning village that has been the backdrop to many films and tv series.
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it was the brainchild of an architect who had a dream to build the college which had incredible views everywhere you looked. started in 1925, it became his lifetime obsession. he was still working on the village when he was 90 years old. to finance the building, the village became and still is a tourist attraction with most of the buildings being used as guest houses or shops. the unicorn was one of his favorite buildings. despite the grand exterior, inside it is a normal bungalow. you can see where he has used his own head as a model for the carving which constantly watches over his creation.
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he certainly achieved his dream of designing a striking village full of intricate detail. it is as charming now as it ever was. today is a day -- today is a top tourist attraction in north wales. >> i am from russia. i work in the most prominent and well-known russian newspaper in the west. it is very famous by the correspondent that works in the newspaper and were killed. my organization is a newspaper. it hires men and women -- it inspires men and women in my country to know the truth. a lot of people asking the question of why so many young
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women work in the newspaper. the women correspondents go to the hot spots in russia. i say it does not matter who you are. your gender does not matter. they came here because they felt it was the right place to work and do their job as a journalist. they are very curious. i wish all women and men to be curious, to ask questions, to try to understand what is going on. do not allow anybody to manipulate in mind. we are in open country. you are open people. you are a new generation.
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use your chances. do not let anybody solve your destiny for you.


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