tv Sino Tv Early Evening News PBS March 12, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PST
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[ ♪ ] [music playing] >> lili fournier: i've had the great pleasure of bringing you quest specials over the past decade featuring today's leading thinkers. this quest explores what it takes to live a life of true happiness, personal fulfillment and authentic success. it is a life rooted in the choices we make, choices so vital they can turn individual ambition into a global movement for change. it is my great privilege to present the wisdom of today's most inspiring teachers and visionaries. i believe that each of us has a heroic path to walk. this is a call to greatness that begins with you. and igniting that spirit, that
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passion for the possible, is and igniting that spirit, that passion for the possible, is where the journey begins. [ ♪ ] >> john assaraf: the transformation for me came when i started to love myself. >> byron katie: everyone is a hero. you know, look at the thoughts we've survived, look at the situations in our lives that we've survived. >> sir richard branson: unless you're doing something in life that is, um, that, you know, that you feel passionate about, that you feel passionate about the people, most likely you shouldn't be doing it. >> jack canfield: and the higher purpose is to gain mastery in life, and we gain mastery when we learn wisdom and when we can become more loving. >> t. harv eker: the number one rule is clarity. the reason most people don't get what they want is 'cause they don't know what they want.
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>> stephen covey: the true joy in life, being used for a purpose known to yourself is a mighty one. [music playing] >> archbishop desmond tutu: i know ultimately that i can't exist without you... as you can't exist without me. >> dalai lama: self confidence, you open, sincere and truthful. so that really i think brings some kind of deep satisfaction to oneself. >> russell simmons: the only thing that matters is your outlook, your lenses. >> wayne muller: we trade the pursuit of happiness for the satisfaction of desire, because we don't have time to be happy. >> marci shimoff: success is not the basis of happiness but happiness is the basis of success. >> lili fournier: whatever you can dream, begin it. [ ♪ ]
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>> joseph campbell: we have not even to risk the adventure alone... for the heroes of all time have gone before us. [music playing] >> joseph campbell: the labyrinth is thoroughly known. [music playing] >> joseph campbell: we have only to follow the thread of the hero path... and where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god. and where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves. and where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence. and where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world. [music playing] >> jack canfield: if you look at the classic, mythical literature of the hero's journey, the hero has to leave home. >> jack canfield: we leave the unfamiliar past, we leave that which we're used to, which we're comfortable with, and in search
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of something bigger, which is ultimately the full expression of our self. the awareness that we're bigger than we thought we were. >> marci shimoff: we're all here to live a fabulous life. to live a life of love, of truth, of joy, and we have the power to wake up to that. >> marci shimoff: we have the power to say "i'm not just here to survive." >> t. harv eker: you have to become a different person. you have to think in a different way. you have to escalate your thinking, you have to escalate your character. you have to develop very specific success characteristics that most people don't have. you have to develop your persistence, develop your determination, you have to develop your courage, you have to be willing to act in spite of fear. >> john assaraf: everybody's been taught to ask for what they think they can achieve based on their current circumstances. well, when we're living with such an abundant universe... our world is our oyster. everything is what we can have. we have to be open to the possibilities that everything we want is right here.
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it's right here, right now and we all have access to it and our it's right here, right now and we all have access to it and our thinking makes it so. [ ♪ ] >> dalai lama: i firmly believe we are all the same human being. physically, or mentally, emotionally, we are same. >> marci shimoff: happiness for any reason is just another form of misery. when we're happy for a reason, we become hostage to that reason. >> russell simmons: the idea of real success is one that we have >> russell simmons: the idea of real success is one that we have to cultivate in ourselves. [ ♪ ] >> jack canfield: most of us think that success in life is about amassing things.
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it's not about amassing things, it's not about becoming wealthy. that's part of the game and we want to play it, but we're playing it for a higher purpose and the higher purpose is to gain mastery in life. and we gain mastery when we learn wisdom and when we can become more loving. >> marci shimoff: thomas jefferson's famous line is that "we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." so, here we are. we're all going out pursuing or chasing after happiness. you know, i think the reason these days that people are so interested in the topic of happiness is that we have an epidemic of unhappiness in our society. 25% of people claim they're depressed and we are not doomed to depression. here we are, we have more than we've ever had, and yet something is still missing. i hear that all the time from people, that something is missing. >> jack canfield: the first thing that's involved with any kind of success is your mindset. it's your attitude, it's your thinking, it's the paradigms and belief systems that are operating and unfortunately, those are things that we've just
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picked up by osmosis from our parents. >> byron katie: you know the name of my book is "loving what is" but i didn't always love what is. in fact, i hated what was. i had a beautiful home and very healthy children, three wonderful children, and plenty of money, and yet every day i wanted to die. i was so full of rage that often my children were even afraid of me and i kept wondering, what is the matter with me, what is the matter with me? >> john assaraf: when i was 13 years old, i got involved with a group of kids that were adept at shoplifting and doing things, petty crimes, that i shouldn't have been doing but in a way for me to belong, to feel like i was part of a little community and the path that i was on was going to be more of jail or death and that just wasn't going to be an option for me. >> marci shimoff: i remember i was, i had my, one of my, i think my fourth "chicken soup for the soul" book had just come out. all of them had been new york times bestsellers.
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i was giving a speech to 8,000 women. here i was at the absolute pinnacle of my career, and i still felt empty inside. >> wayne muller: we've lost that rhythm in our desperate drive to be successful. in our desperate drive to accumulate more and more. >> wayne muller: in our desperate drive to be important. so in a way, the whole civilization conspires to insist that we remain a little unhappy because happy people don't buy more than what they need. happy people don't need a new coffee maker. happy people make do with the old coffee maker. >> marci shimoff: we have this myth in our society. we actually have two myths. we have one myth i call, "the myth of more" and that myth is, "the more i have, the happier i'll be." well, it's not true. there's research that's done that the top, that 40% the 100 wealthiest people on the
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forbes wealthiest 100 list are less happy than the average person. the other myth is the myth of "i'll be happy when." it's a close cousin to the myth of more and it's the myth that says, "i'll be happy when i get a raise. i'll be happy when i find the right partner. i'll be happy when i lose 20 pounds." that's the really popular one now. none of them are true. it puts our happiness out into some future date. >> russell simmons: you can get a lot of toys without adhering to any of these ideas, but you can't get peace. >> russell simons: so that's what we're trying to get to. peace, you know, and peace is the first and the only real goal or prize. >> marci shimoff: that real happiness that we're looking for isn't based on these outer circumstances. so one of the tricks is to recognize that nothing outside of ourselves is gonna make that much of a difference.
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really this, what we're wanting in life, this inner state of peace and well being is an in life, this inner state of peace and well being is an inside job. [ ♪ ] >> wayne muller: so the questions are, who am i? what do i love? how do i live knowing that i will die? and what is my gift to the family of the earth? >> stephen covey: what's your purpose? what are you about? what is that which gives you your passion, your excitement? what are you willing to sacrifice for? >> sir richard branson: get involved in something which you really believe in and you can really make a difference on and get a great bunch of people really make a difference on and get a great bunch of people around you and give it a shot. [ ♪ ]
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>> sir richard branson: if someone wants to have a fun life and do something similar to the life i've led, you know, they could achieve it. >> sir richard branson: and i suppose i've been fortunate in life to have done some magnificent adventures, as well as being an entrepreneur and i think that being an adventurer is not that dissimilar to being an entrepreneur. you're setting out to do something that man's never done before, you're setting out to, you know, do it better and then we've made many attempts at trying to be the first to go around the world and we had magnificent adventures. >> t harv. eker: so people say, "i wanna live my purpose." well, that's great. you're going to have your chance to live your purpose. you came here with a purpose. why aren't you living it? >> john assaraf: there's always a question that i ask people and that is, "are you interested or are you committed?" and here's the difference. if you're interested you do what's convenient, if you're committed, you do whatever it takes. >> stephen covey: most people have not paid the price to reflect deeply and to decide
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what matters most. they have not. >> stephen covey: i think the >> stephen covey: i think the more we work on the leadership of our own homes, that realize that no other success can compensate for failure there, it's the most significant work we will ever do. >> john assaraf: so you've got to be specific in each area of your life and so, if you don't have a plan, then you're going to fall into somebody else's plans and life happens so fast. if we don't have a destination, if we don't have a target to shoot for in each area of our life, we're not going to achieve as much success, and we're gonna end up succumbing to circumstances and to the trials and tribulations that we don't have to succumb to. so if we alter our beliefs about what we deserve, if we alter our beliefs about what we believe is possible for ourselves or to achieve, the beliefs will drive the behaviour. the beliefs will drive the vibration. the beliefs with drive the strategies and the skills that you implement and so if anybody wants to do anything, it's change your beliefs about what wants to do anything, it's change your beliefs about what you think you can achieve. [ ♪ ]
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>> jack canfield: you can't let in more abundance than you can give yourself. so we have to become deserving at a very high level. >> john assaraf: most of us haven't been taught that to win the game of life, we have to focus on winning the game of life. >> marci shimoff: people are thrilled to wake up to the fact that we are co-creators of what is going on in our life. we have a tremendous impact through our thoughts, our words, we have a tremendous impact through our thoughts, our words, our feelings and our actions. [ ♪ ] >> t. harv eker: the number one rule is clarity. the reason most people don't get what they want is 'cause they don't know what they want. rich people play the money game to win and most other people play the money game not to lose.
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>> t. harv eker: most people play the game based in survival and security. their big intention is to have enough to pay the bills or just earn a decent living or just get by and due to the incredible power of intention, that's exactly what they're going to get and not a dime more. >> t. harv eker: why, they asked for it. you know, you, you order, "i just want enough to earn a decent living" and that's what you get and then you're wondering why you're not rich? it's what you ordered! [music playing] >> john assaraf: i start with the perfect picture of what it is that i want. so i create a vision, almost like creating a vacuum between where i am and where i want to be. >> john assaraf: and in doing that, i start to invoke one of the greatest laws of the universe, and that's the power of my intention and when i get so clear in my mind as to what i want to achieve, the universe delivers. and so it's a dance between the non-physical world and the physical world. [music playing] >> sir richard branson: i think the most successful
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entrepreneurs are people that do things contrary to opinion. >> sir richard branson: you know, the standard business school advice is, you know, stick with your onions. here at virgin, you know, we love the challenge of becoming a way of life brand, moving into and challenging businesses in a lot of different areas. >> sir richard branson: and it's a lot more fun for us doing that. we learn a lot more, we meet more people and if one business is suffering from competition or new technology, another one of our businesses can do well. >> sir richard branson: i like it. [ ♪ ] >> marci shimoff: nothing can happen until you recognize that it's all up to you. it is fully your responsibility in this life to make yourself happy. >> jack canfield: basically you've got to get out of blaming, out of complaining, out of excuse making and act as if and this is really important, act as if you're 100% responsible. >> stephen covey: it is hard to make changes, but there's a very simple little way of reinventing
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your life. >> stephen covey: make and keep a promise. start very small. make it, keep it, no matter what the circumstances or your moods. make it, keep it. freedom is born of discipline. [music playing] >> stephen covey: vision is perhaps the highest expression of our mental capacity. affirmation is the passion you feel that affirms that vision. >> jack canfield: what controls us is not our conscious mind, it's our subconscious mind. it's all of the beliefs that we've taken in since childhood. so i decided very quickly that if i was going to make a huge difference in the world i wanted to be financially independent and so i had to literally reprogram my mind with affirmations. i wake up, and i have all my goals are on cards, and on the back of the card there is a picture of what would symbolize that goal as complete. and i look at the card, i read the goal, i look at the picture, i close my eyes, i visualize being in that place and then
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what i do is i feel the feelings i would feel and i extend those feelings out. i kinda send them, i literally send them out like an internet email to the world. [music playing] >> jack canfield: law of attraction says there's three steps. first you have to ask clearly for what you want without any hesitation or doubt. i want it. step two, i believe i can have it, so that we have to release it to the universe, trust, have positive expectancy. and step three says you have to receive it. now what receive it means is you have to become a vibrational match for that which you want to attract into your life. so if i want more abundance i have to act abundantly. if i'm feeling depressed, i will actually activate depressed people around me to come toward me and we are all know rich hang out with the rich, the poor hang out with the poor, the happy people are together, the miserable people hang out. to get more, i need to feel happy, i need to be in a state of gratitude, i need to feel in a state of abundance. >> marci shimoff: well, you can feel people who are alive and vital with the energy of joy and happiness. there's a different energy when
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you're around them, and they're contagious. we have a choice at all moments and we can incline our minds or lean towards those experiences or those thoughts that are thoughts of more joy and more happiness. [music playing] >> marci shimoff: as a society, i think we have it backwards. we think that going out and gathering all of these great things in life is going to bring us happiness, that the more success we have, the more happiness we'll have. the opposite is actually true. the happier we are, the more we are vibrating at a higher energetic level of fulfillment, of love, the greater success we'll have, the easier we will draw things to us. so, success is not the basis of happiness but happiness is the basis of success. we each have a happiness set point and this happiness set point is 50% genetic. we're born with it.
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it's only 10% based on our circumstances and it's 40% based on habitual thoughts and behaviours. that's the part we can do something about. so, just like you can turn up the thermostat at home to get warm on a cold day, you can turn up your happiness set point, your happiness thermostat to become happier. so, it doesn't mean that you have to get smarter, richer or thinner. you just have to raise your happiness set point. and that's really the secret. >> russell simmons: wealth means nothing if it's not about peace and happiness. that's the only wealth, spiritual wealth. there's nothing else. >> jack canfield: and so literally, i find that the secret of success is that we have to know what we want, we have to believe that we can have it, we have to have some kind of plan to go after it, we have to understand the law of attraction, which says i attract that which i think about and attend to and focus on. we need to know how to create
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teams and mastermind alliances and build relationships and take care of our bodies. and so to me, there is no one care of our bodies. and so to me, there is no one secret. [ ♪ ] [applause] >> alisha steeles: oh, how many of you feel uplifted already? i know i do. hi everyone, i'm alisha steeles. so glad to have your company and i'm so honoured to be with the producer of quest for success, lili fournier. thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us and this extraordinary program. lili, the timing for this show couldn't be better. why did you decide to create quest for success? >> lili fournier: well, i think we're all on a quest for success. i believe that now in particular we're in need of powerful inspiration and inspiring role models to really lift us up and give us hope and courage. i think that we've entered an age that's asking each of us to walk a heroic path and so with
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that in mind, it was my great pleasure to reach out to some of the world's leading spiritual and business leaders to talk about what does it take to achieve success and success with significance. you know, each of these extraordinary people went through enormous challenges and overcame all these obstacles to achieve their dreams. so, i think that if they can do it, you can i can too. >> all: hi there! >> alisha steeles: and it takes your phone call right now to the number on your television screen. what is your dream, what is your quest? >> alisha steeles: we have the answers for you and lili has put together some terrific thank you gifts and at the $90 level, your pledge of support to your public television station will get you in return the dvd of the program you're enjoying quest for success plus an additional 40 minutes of bonus material. at the $150 level, we have the quest for success combo.
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it includes quest for success and happy, weathly and wise. at the $250 level, three dvds equalling 11 hours of powerful inspiration and at the $365 level, we have the ultimate collection for you. it is the ultimate success quest collection at the $365 level which includes of course, the quest wisdom collection, the quest success combo and a one year membership for quest for success tv with bonuses valued over $1,200 and again, we'll talk more in detail about those thank you gifts but the important thing is that you let us know how much you value this public television station and the quality programming that we're able, through your contribution, to bring to you. now, lili, this is your 11th and the happy, wealthy and wise, your 12th in the quest series.
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why did you go on this quest? >> lili fournier: i developed the passion to really help people break through whatever's holding them back because that's ultimately our belief systems that we have to, you know, sort of round out the edges to become the people that we most want to become and so, i had a very successful career as a cog in the wheel of making hollywood movies a then i got bumped off an airing gift like, that was blown up by terrorists and, uh, i've never told this story publicly before. and i think it was my gratitude for getting to raise my children that i vowed to commit my life to making meaningful programs and it still makes me emotional today and so i set off to make the quest and, uh, i got rejected endlessly. and i just persisted and sometimes, uh, i had to take enormous risks and i was a house
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of folding cards. so, ultimately i would say that it was my faith and my commitment that helped me achieve the dream of bringing together the wisdom of some of the great leaders of our time and esteemed teachers and best selling authors and it was all to help you achieve your dreams! so, the quest wisdom collection which is what it's all become is really a wake up call for you to live your unlived passions. >> alisha steeles: and we have so much more of those extraordinary people that lili fournier has brought together in this program, the quest for success and more surprises for you all on the way as well. thank you for watching and thanks for supporting your public television station. now on to quest for success. [ ♪ ]
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>> marci shimoff: what i've had to overcome and it's not over yet. [laughing] it's a constant process. is self-doubt. >> john assaraf: every single person has challenges and it's not the challenges that matter. it's what you do about the challenges. >> stephen covey: get a clear sense of what your values are. >> stephen covey: get a clear sense of what your values are. live by it. [ ♪ ] >> everybody wants money. with money you can buy things that bring you happiness after a good day of work. if you do elect me, you will work. [audience booing] >> but not too much. i understand you, not too much work. work brings you away from your family. family is the route of society. you don't want to work, you do want money. more you will have money, more you will be happy.
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that's mathematics, you know? happiness is richness, now. do you want to be rich now? [applause] >> then vote for me! [applause] >> russell simons: if the world on the outside is guiding you, then you can become a sheep and you miss the truth. >> russell simons: sometimes i've made decisions based on integrity. for those decisions, i've been able to be thankful but also that they've helped me to evolve some... you know, but then all the other decisions still hold me back. it's true. >> marci shimoff: there's a great story that's told about a cherokee elder who was talking to his grandson and is telling his grandson that the human condition is like we have, we each have a battle inside of ourselves and the battle is between two wolves. ff: one wolfs the wolf of unhappiness. it's the wolf of fear and anger and jealousy and frustration and
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the other wolf is the wolf of love. it's the wolf of gratitude, of appreciation, of kindness, of generosity, of forgiveness, of compassion. and the grandson says, "well, which wolf will win?" and the grandfather says, "whichever one you feed." >> wayne muller: i think we're just afraid. every spiritual teacher talks about fear as one of the most potent enzymes that gets in the way of our joy and our love and our liberation. >> russell simons: people quit in almost every case. they give up on their dream. they think that, you know, if they haven't achieved it quick enough, they're also afraid of failure. afraid to keep going. >> sir richard branson: at least if, you know, if you're doing something, you know, you're committed about, you've got a chance. well, i think it's a lot more fun in life being the david than being the goliath. >> sir richard branson: in most things i do, you know, we are
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the david versus the goliath. it's actually easier in some ways being the david, in that, you know, you're more nimble. you can move quicker, you can make quicker decisions and hopefully you can bring down the goliath. if you don't survive, it's not the end of the world. you know, pick yourself up and try again. so don't be, you know, too frightened about failure. >> russell simons: failures are your greatest teachers. the greatest learning exercise comes from failure. you learn from struggle. >> jack canfield: we were rejected 144 times when we tried to sell the "chicken soup for the soul" manuscript to publishers. >> jack canfield: rejection basically, if i don't take the chance to ask, i've already rejected me. by not asking i've assumed a rejection. so who's rejecting? i'm rejecting. and so if i ask, there's something called the law of probabilities. the more times i ask and the more people i ask, the greater the probability i'll get a yes. and so i'm a world class asker. mother theresa was a great asker. she would go into a war zone and ask both sides to stop for day so she could take kids out of a
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hospital that was in the war zone and they would stop. and people say, "you can't ask a war to stop just because you wanna get kids." who says? she did it, and they said yes. if she hadn't asked, there's no chance she would have got a yes. >> byron katie: if you want to change your life, question any fear that would keep you from living the life that you would want to live. >> byron katie: and what's to stop you from living it at that point? if you question what you believe, what could possibly if you question what you believe, what could possibly stop you? [ ♪ ] >> byron katie: until we love what we do, love what we are, then it's just not done until it's done. >> jack canfield: when you're stuck in life, you're not really stuck. you're just recreating the same thing over and over and over.
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>> marci shimoff: suffering is feeling that what is here right now is not just perfect the way it is. that is the source of all it is. that is the source of all suffering. [ ♪ ] >> i'm too old. >> i'm really depressed. >> i'm weak, i'll be alone. >> i'm just not good enough. >> i feel lonely, i feel powerless. >> i feel pain. >> i need more money, i need to be thinner. >> i hate him. >> i resent. >> i resent myself. >> i resent my thinking. >> byron katie: people often judge themselves and it's extremely painful. the work actually is enquiry. it's a way to question the mind and i have come to see that an unquestioned mind is the only world of suffering. it's the thoughts unquestioned in the moment that are ruining my life right now. that's why i say, "no one can
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hurt me." that's my job. >> john assaraf: when i was younger, i didn't think i was good enough, i didn't think i was smart enough and i never looked at myself as a genius. i never looked at myself as somebody who is smart and somebody who has got the abilities to love himself. >> byron katie: i was so depressed that for the last couple of years, of more than a decade, i wasn't able to leave my home or very rarely. >> jack canfield: i grew up in an extremely abusive family. both verbally, physically. my first father used to beat me. i had low esteem, i had a lot of resentment toward my parents and toward the society i was being raised in west virginia and it took me years to really understand the importance of forgiveness and letting go. >> for awhile we love our anger. >> it makes us feel alive. >> then anger turns on us. >> it settles into our souls and pulls a curtain over our eyes and says --
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>> now see everything through me. >> anger takes joy as its prisoner. >> it keeps us low and cautious and afraid and quiet. >> the only thing it fears... >> is forgiveness. >> byron katie: one day as i lay on the floor of a... a half-way house, actually... my self-esteem was so low i didn't believe i even deserved a bed, that's why i slept on the floor. night after night. and this particular morning, a cockroach was crawling over my foot and i opened my eyes and in place of all that darkness, absolute joy and delight just poured out of me in the form of laughter and it had been a long time since i'd experienced laughter but it just poured out
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and poured out. ♪ there's a healing power >> byron katie: and here's what i discovered. when i believed my thoughts, i suffered but when i questioned my thoughts, i didn't suffer and i've come to see that this is true for every human being. >> marci shimoff: letting go of the baggage is really key and i am a big proponent of tools and techniques and what i love about the work of byron katie is that it's a very simple process that anyone can use to learn to question your thoughts and help dissolve these limiting thoughts and beliefs. >> byron katie: my work is simply four questions and then i invite the people to turn the concept that they're dealing with around and find an opposite. so we can take the thought i'm too old. is that true? absolutely not, i am not too old to be me. here i am, 61 years old, that's it. argue with that. that's reality. how do i react when i think that thought and i believe that lie?
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there goes my sexuality, there goes my self esteem. feel the depression that begins to take over. feel the hopelessness. feel how you begin to find excuses for not living out your passion. so i question what i believe and it doesn't even leave myself as an enemy, my own enemy. >> stephen covey: it was one of the great experiences of my life is going through the stacks of a book, of a library over in hawaii at a university and i pulled down this one book and it has three sentences which are so powerful. >> stephen covey: it just staggered me, it changed my life. between stimulus and response is a space. in that space lies your power and freedom to choose your response. in those choices, lie your happiness and your growth. >> byron katie: the mind is like a terrified child and we live out of that fear, out of that
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frustration and confusion. the frustration and confusion of what we believe. enlightenment is only to be awake to the thought in the moment. and if it's a wonderful thought that brings you joy, just, you know, just go with it. but it brings you stress, then i invite people to question it. >> jack canfield: self worth is a decision you make. if we're not estimating ourselves as a worthy person then we're the person who's doing that. we make up our own meanings. and so we have to reclaim the power in us that says i am worthy. >> beauty crowds me until i die. >> marci shimoff: so if i want a different outcome in my life, it's up to me to create it. that's the very first step, is the step of taking, taking power. >> byron katie: there's nothing that we cannot heal. if we're not believing the negative thoughts in our head, if we've questioned them, then what is there to stop us? we're fearless. we're fearless and again, love is the power, love is the
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we're fearless and again, love is the power, love is the motivator. [ ♪ ] >> john assaraf: most people are afraid of their power. i think most people are afraid of their greatness. >> t. harv eker: you want to be the warrior, i act in spite of fear. you want to be the wizard, i attract what i need to attract and what i want to attract. >> marci shimoff: we have to face our resistances and our fears to what we are being face our resistances and our fears to what we are being called to do. [ ♪ ] >> t. harv eker: it's about being a warrior. being able to act in spite of fear. act in spite of discomfort. act in spite of inconvenience. act in spite of uncertainty. act in spite of anything to get
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the job done, over and out, without any excuses. >> sir richard branson: i think the most successful people are people who, you know, do not sit down and think, you know, "how can i make a, how can i make a fortune?" it's people who have a passion for something. i love music, so... i found a particular band that i loved the music of and that band, we couldn't get anybody else to put their music out, so i decided to form a record company. now, the end product of signing bands like the rolling stones and genesis and janet jackson and the like, was wealth but that was not, you know, where i got my satisfaction. i got my satisfaction from creating a great record company that i was proud of but if i'd actually gone into because i thought i was going to make good money, i don't think i would have made a penny. >> jack canfield: i think starting your own business is really a powerful, powerful thing 'cause it says, "i have a
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dream and i'm now going to be build structure around that dream to support that dream" and it's one of the most powerful ways to empower yourself is to do that. >> t. harv eker: one step in the right direction is worth 100 years of thinking about it. >> marci shimoff: the time that we have all been waiting for is right now. we're hearing about the importance of becoming more awake, more conscious, more empowered in our own lives and not just going through the routine of life and not being a victim of life. >> russell simons: so anything you imagine is true already if you have that faith but if not, then it takes us mere mortals work and dedication and resilience. that's what we got to do. go to work. do it. be dedicated to it. have good intentions. single-point focus, that's how you get whatever it is that you imagine. >> jack canfield: i just have learned to trust me and most people don't trust themselves, and by doing that i have
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created, you know, huge financial wealth. we've sold over 100 million books. >> jack canfield: everyone of us has unique abilities and that's god's way of saying, or the universe's way of saying, "this is what i want you to do." >> jack canfield: "i gave you the talent, go do it, you know? sing, dance, write, draw, paint, do movies, whatever it is, and to go for it and to do it with passion." >> john assaraf: if the why is big enough, then you'll get up in the morning when you're tired, on the weekends, at night time, you'll do whatever it takes. i've built four multi-million dollar companies. i have evidence, i don't need anybody else's evidence. i've got my own evidence to know that it works and so get passionate about the big, big, big why. >> jack canfield: i deserve to fully express myself, 100%. that's what i'm here for. to express myself and everyone of you watching this is the exact same thing and you are denying your destiny, your birthright, your divinity, when you don't do that. >> t. harv eker: i say two words that will change your life. do it. that will change your life. do it. whatever it is, just do it.
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[ ♪ ] [ ♪ ] >> dalai lama: the genuine sort of compassion practitioner. i didn't have some kind of self, i think more self confidence and, and something very open. >> t. harv eker: so the enlightened warrior is one who conquers oneself for the purpose of serving others. >> john assaraf: if you line up your values with the right beliefs, then you can have it your values with the right beliefs, then you can have it all. [ ♪ ] >> john assaraf: well it's time that we use new technology for ourselves and our new understanding of how powerful we are, how we can manifest and how
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to do it is by retraining your brain to believe something different that you didn't believe before. >> john assaraf: we have to train our brain to see a new reality that we've never seen before and that just takes a little bit of time. it takes faith, the absence of fact. >> stephen covey: i love the statement from george bernard shaw. he said... "this is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose known to yourself as a mighty one." >> stephen covey: "being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clot of ailments and grievances, complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. i am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community and as long as i live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever i can." >> t. harv eker: everybody has the ability to be a hero. everyone has the ability to change people's lives and how do you do that? you just do it. you give your gift, your special gift. if someone's having a crummy day and you somehow make then laugh
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or you smile, or you smile at them, what do you think that does energetically to them? >> t. harv eker: that changes things. you know, they're really down and all of a sudden they're laughing or they're smiling. >> t. harv eker: you know, you've brightened, you've given them that little bit of hope, a little bit of light and everyone has the opportunity to do that. >> dalai lama: said to desmond tutu and myself and some other, who sort of was making jokes or that kind of thing, laughing, then perhaps someone who's got some trouble some other place and entered that room, may get some positive sort of vibration. >> dalai lama: so this is, i feel very, very important on family level, on community level. >> dalai lama: i think we must create that kind of atmosphere, then this is, i think, one counter-measure of the, what is the... agitated mind. i think, some way that help. >> sir richard branson: the most important thing, if you're a father or if you're, you know, a business leader, is to know how to lavish praise, to look for
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the best in people. >> sir richard branson: to be good with people and to inspire people, not to criticize people. and i suspect that's the number, you know, the number one most important thing in a leader. if you end up criticizing people all the time, you know, people shrivel up. if you praise people, people expand. >> marci shimoff: what i found is one of the habits of happy people is wishing others well. they spread loving kindness. and we have no idea how a simple act of kindness may affect someone's life. very simple habit but what it does, is it opens up your heart and allows you to live more in this flow of the energy of love. >> archbishop desmond tutu: i was about 9 years old and this white man swept past wearing a long white cassock and he had a huge sombrero... >> archbishop desmond tutu: and
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as he passed my mother he doffed his hat to my mother. i didn't know then that that gesture was going to be one that made such an incredible impression on me. a white man... raising his hat to my mother, a black woman. in south africa in those days, it was just mind-boggling and this very important man made me think and believe that i was special. it was just some of that, that sustained, inspired me, as i with others, struggled against the injustices of apartheid. >> john assaraf: i think when people get into, you know, really contributing either their time or their wisdom or their money, the feeling that they get is so spectacular by helping
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another human being, i think it's something that some people are taught to do more than othe >> marci shimoff: i believe that there is a level of destiny that we all have and that we are co-creators of life and what i found is that the people who are most inspiring to me are the people who are living in a state of surrender. >> marci shimoff: they weren't after the money. they weren't after the riches. they just said "use me." you know, "god use me in the best way you can to serve this planet." [music playing] ♪ oh i wish you well [cheers and applause] >> alisha steeles: wow, how powerful and how true. the greatest satisfaction really comes from helping other people, doesn't it, lili? >> lili fournier: oh, absolutely. you know, heidegger, the renowned german philosopher said that the greatest challenge of the 21st century will be can we learn to be kind to each other?
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it was the dalai lama who said kindness is my religion and so i think that we should define new rules for success. it's ultimately about the person that you become and what you stand for, you know, that's important and if you say you're living your values, live your values. i'm personally really tired of all the pretenders out there. so i think that the quest for authenticity is the great quest of our times and what is spirituality after all but living in the energy of love and not just ego. forgiveness and compassion and developing a generosity of spirit. it was russell simmons, i think he says that in the show that it's, um, the empowerment thing is about becoming a good giver. you know, so give yourself to something, lend a helping hand. >> alisha steeles: well, you can give a powerful lending hand right now by picking up that telephone near by and making the call.
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the number's right there on your screen to support your public television station. >> alisha steeles: lili has put together some amazing thank you gifts to help you and your quest for success whatever that means in your life. at the $90 level, we have the dvd of the program plus an additional 40 minutes of bonus material. the $150 membership level, you'll enjoy the quest success combo which includes quest for success and the companion program happy, wealthy and wise. at the $250 level, we have the entire wisdom collection. 11 hours of powerful inspiration, these including quest for life trilogy, the quest for love and passion and women of wisdom and power. 11 hours again of powerful inspiration. at the $365, lili has put together the ultimate success quest collection which includes
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the success quest combo at the $365 level, the quest wisdom collection plus a one year membership for quest for success tv which includes bonuses valued over $1,200 and there you see the quest for success e-book, four one hour mp3s about a passion for life, got resolutions and a 100 day heroic quest success challenge. that is so dynamic and really gets you started and can really show you what a difference in just 100 days you can make in your life. >> lili fournier: well, it's a 14 week, day by day self improvement program. so, the resolution program, you know, make sure that you have a dynamic plan and then the heroic quest success challenge gives you day by day steps to keep you on track, to make sure that you achieve your goals.
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>> alisha steeles: and you can have all of those great tools at that $365, or dollar a day level including what we've shown you already but as additional bonuses, you'll receive the vision to well seminars, millionaire mind intenses featuring t. harv eker, a sensational way to create your success depending on what your success is. we all have different visions of that, don't we, lili? >> lili fournier: it's the best programs that are out there in my estimation. >> alisha steeles: we're so glad that already many of you are making that call of support to the number on your television screen. lili, you really have put together something that will help everyone reach their potential and know what their quest is. talk a little bit about that. >> lili fournier: the quest wisdom collection has the power to really transform your life and so many people have told me this and combined with the quest for success combo which is what we're calling the ultimate success collection is
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really a very powerful self growth extravaganza. it's got the life trilogy in it which is like having a phd in self empowerment and then of course after that is the award winning quest for love series which featured america's foremost love experts on everything that you need to know about love and living and... it covers topics like... >> lili fournier: how to find a soulmate, how to overcome heart break and learn to love and trust again. how to honour yourself, the sacredness of yourself as a woman and how to create passionate relationships that last. >> alisha steeles: and lili, talk a little bit about the women of wisdom and power. >> lili fournier: i love this series. it features some of today's most loved and respected women. they are really extraordinary and i think that they know a
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thing or two about woman's true power and wisdom. so, this is really a profoundly moving series about embracing your beauty and your wisdom and really stepping into your power as a woman. so, it's about how to be a positively powerful woman. >> alisha steeles: we're going to hear now from jack canfield about how powerful that collection is. >> jack canfield: i just wanna say that i think the quest wisdom series is one of the greatest collections of great master teachers and spiritual leaders of all time captured in like, a treasure chest that you open up and all the information you need to live a really profound, spiritually uplifting life full of wealth and abundance, full of joy and passion and intelligence is all there for you in one place. >> jack canfield: it's really like someone's gone out and travelled around the world for years to find all these people and bring them to one place and bring them into your home or your office.
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>> jack canfield: so, i sincerely invite you, encourage you and if i would, i would implore and beg you literally, watch this series. it can change your life. it'll bring you more wealth, more joy, more happiness, more abundance, more health, greater relationships, fulfillment. >> jack canfield: do it for yourself, do it for your family. do it for the world. >> alisha steeles: to support your public television station, lili has put together some amazing thank you gifts to help you and your quest for success, whatever that means in your life. at the $90 level, we have the dvd of the program plus an additional 40 minutes of bonus material. the $150 membership level, you'll enjoy the quest success combo which includes quest for success and the companion program happy, wealthy and wise that lili will be talking about in just a moment. at the $250 level, we have the entire wisdom collection. 11 hours of powerful inspiration, these including
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quest for life trilogy, the quest for love and passion and women of wisdom and power. 11 hours again of powerful inspiration. at the $365, lili has put together the ultimate success quest collection which includes the success quest combo at the $365 level, the quest wisdom collection plus a one year membership for quest for success tv which includes bonuses valued over $1,200 and there you see the quest for success e-book, four one hour mp3s about a passion for life, got resolutions and a 100 day heroic quest success challenge. that is so dynamic and really gets you started and can really show you what a difference in just 100 days you can make in your life.
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>> alisha steeles: well, at $365, at just a dollar a day you'll get so much of those tools that lili was talking about to help you reach your dream, to help you reach your success and it takes you phone call right now to the number on your television screen. what is your dream, what is your quest? we have the answers for you. >> alisha steeles: part of that wonderful, um, ultimate success quest collection is the terrific, um, compendium to this program, happy, wealthy and wise that you've put together. >> lili fournier: you know, that is my ultimate favourite show. >> lili fournier: it is spectacular. it's got techniques that you can use every day that can have a profound impact on every part of your life that really matters. whether it's your wealth or your relationships or your happiness. now is the time for you to really create the life that you want and deserve. there's no time like the present. i invite you to embark on a
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quest and turn your dreams into reality, believe in yourself. >> sam keen: time is short, energy is short. do it. >> sam keen: go for it. it's now or never. >> t. harv eker: you put your skill and knowledge together with who you are and your strength and you become unstoppable. [ ♪ ] >> lili fournier: you know, what you do matters. so make it count. >> alisha steeles: thank you for making that call of support for calling the number on your screen and supporting not only lili fournier but this incredible quest program, quest for success and most importantly, this public television station. >> alisha steeles: thank you so much for your calls. in the meantime, it's our pleasure to send you back to more quest for success with our great thanks. [ ♪ ]
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>> wayne muller: that success has a lot more to do with surrender than it does with drive or accomplishment. >> marci shimoff: i think the quest for wealth that we're in search of is the quest for truth, love and abundance in all areas of our lives that starts with this feeling of fulfillment from within. >> archbishop desmond tutu: nothing less than god... >> archbishop desmond tutu: nothing less than god... will ultimately satisfy us. [ ♪ ] >> jack canfield: true wealth, to me, means waking up in the morning excited, as opposed to "oh no, not another day." >> marci shimoff: so if you want more of something in life, appreciate what you have and you will find that you will be drawing more to yourself through your own appreciation. >> wayne muller: how do we understand wealth? how do we understand when we are
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truly rich? there are certain things that grow only in the sweet soil of time... that make a life, a life well lived. love needs time. friendship, honesty, courage, beauty, our children. nourishment needs time. those sunsets, those walks, those uninterrupted moments of lovemaking, this is wealth. this is well being. >> john assaraf: everybody thinks of the quest for wealth as the quest for money. you know, more net worth, more security financially but i think the true quest for wealth is a fulfilling life. one that when you're done living, you go, "that was great. what a wonderful, wonderful journey that was." >> archbishop desmond tutu: so many of us strive after this, that or the other seeking,
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seeking, seeking satisfaction and it all turns into dust and ashes in our mouths because incredibly, we're made for transcendence and that's what we're seeking. and when we find it, we say ahh. this is home. >> marci shimoff: what i found is it doesn't matter what type of practice you do or meditation or prayer or walking in nature. what matters is that you take time every day to plug in to that essence, that spirit, that truth of who you are. >> russell simons: spiritual success is the only success. that's the most empowered human being. that state of yoga, that state of consciousness. there's success. that's the success we're all looking for.
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