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tv   Sino Tv Early Evening News  PBS  March 16, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> ♪ from bantry bay up to derry quay and from galway to dublin town ♪ ♪ no maid i've seen like the sweet colleen that i met in the county down ♪ >> announcer: they are three lads from the emerald isle who have voices like honey. they are the celtic tenors. >> ♪ she stood several blasts, she had 27 masts ♪ ♪ and they called her the irish rover ♪ >> announcer: and tonight they share an assortment of wonderful melodies from ireland. >> ♪ thug me liom i o bhaile go baile ♪ ♪ o gheaftai dhoire is go baile an luain ♪ ♪ chan fhiul aon mhile ar shiul me 'r a fad sin ♪ ♪ nach dtug me deoch leanna do mo chailin rua ♪ >> ♪ 'tis the song, the sigh of the weary ♪ ♪ hard times, hard times, come again no more ♪
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>> announcer: and some memories of long lost loves. >> ♪ away, you rolling river >> announcer: please join the celtic tenors for a magical concert they call "no boundaries." ♪ >> ♪ i'll tell my ma when i go home ♪ ♪ the boys won't leave the girls alone ♪ ♪ they pulled my hair, they stole my comb ♪ ♪ but that's alright 'till i get home ♪ ♪ she is handsome, she is pretty ♪ ♪ she is the belle of belfast
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city ♪ ♪ she is a courtin', one two three ♪ ♪ please won't you tell me who is she? ♪ ♪ she is handsome, she is pretty ♪ ♪ she is the belle of belfast city ♪ ♪ she is a courtin', one two three ♪ ♪ please won't you tell me who is she? ♪ albert mooney says he loves her ♪ ♪ all the boys are fightin' for ♪ ♪ the knock at the door and the ring of the bell ♪ ♪ saying oh, my true love, aren't you well? ♪ ♪ out she comes, as white as snow ♪ ♪ rings on her fingers, bells on her toes ♪ ♪ old johnny mary says she'll die if you don't catch a fella with a roving eye ♪ ♪ she is handsome, she is pretty ♪ ♪ she is the belle of belfast city ♪ ♪ she is a courtin', one two three ♪ ♪ please won't you tell me who is she? ♪ ♪ she is handsome, she is pretty ♪ ♪ she is the belle of belfast city ♪ ♪ she is a courtin', one two three ♪ ♪ please won't you tell me who
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is she? ♪ ♪ let the wind and the rain and the hail blow high ♪ ♪ and the snow come tumblin' from the sky ♪ ♪ she's as sweet as apple pie ♪ she'll get her own lad by and by ♪ ♪ when she gets a lad of her own she won't tell her ma when she comes home ♪ ♪ let them all comes as they will for it's albert mooney she loves still ♪ ♪ she is handsome, she is pretty ♪ ♪ she is the belle of belfast city ♪ ♪ she is a courtin', one two three ♪ ♪ please won't you tell me who is she? ♪ ♪ she is handsome, she is pretty ♪ ♪ she is the belle of belfast city ♪ ♪ she is a courtin', one two three ♪ ♪ please won't you tell me who is she? ♪ ♪ she is handsome, she is pretty ♪ ♪ she is the belle of belfast city ♪ ♪ she is a courtin', one two three ♪ ♪ please won't you tell me who is she? ♪ ♪ she is handsome, she is pretty ♪ ♪ she is the belle of belfast
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city ♪ ♪ she is a courtin', one two three ♪ ♪ please won't you tell me who is she? ♪ [applause] >> ireland has had its problems for many, many centuries. but what we are proud to say here in the celtic tenors is that we feel we represent a new ireland, one which represents both protestant and catholic, and both the north and the south of our country. this next song is one man's story of the maiden city. this is by phil coulter, "the town i loved so well." ♪ in my memory, i will always see ♪ ♪ the town that i have loved so
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well ♪ ♪ where the school played ball by the old gas yard wall ♪ ♪ and we laughed through the smoke and the smell ♪ ♪ going home in the rain ♪ running up the dark lane ♪ past the jail and down behind the fountain ♪ ♪ those were happy days ♪ in so many, many ways ♪ in the town i loved so well ♪ there was music there in the derry air ♪
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♪ like a language that we could all understand ♪ ♪ i remember the day that i earned my first pay ♪ ♪ when i played in a small pickup band ♪ ♪ there i spent my youth ♪ and to tell you the truth ♪ i was sad to leave it all behind me ♪ ♪ for i'd learned about life ♪ and i'd found a wife ♪ in the town i loved so well
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♪ but when i returned how my eyes were burned ♪ ♪ to see how a town could be brought to its knees ♪ ♪ by the armored cars and the bombed out bars ♪ ♪ and the gas that hangs on to every breeze ♪ ♪ now the army's installed by the old gas yard wall ♪ ♪ and that damned barbed wire gets higher and higher ♪ ♪ with their tanks and their guns ♪ ♪ oh my god, what have they done ♪ ♪ to the town i loved so well
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♪ now the music's gone but they carry on ♪ ♪ for their spirit's been bruised, never broken ♪ ♪ they will not forget ♪ though their hearts are set ♪ on tomorrow and peace once again ♪ ♪ for what's done is done ♪ and what's won is won ♪ and what's lost is lost and gone forever ♪ ♪ i can only pray for a bright,
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brand new day ♪ ♪ in the town i loved so well ♪ in the town i loved so well [applause] >> well, the next song we'd like to sing is the title track from the celtic tenors fifth album, which is an album of all american songs. because we spend so much time in this wonderful country, we decided to do our fifth album, an album of american songs. and this next one is by the pennsylvanian composer stephen foster. he had irish lineage as well. this is one of his best known
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songs, a very positive, forward-looking theme, "hard times will come again no more." ♪ ♪ let us pause in life's pleasures and count its many tears ♪ ♪ while we all sup sorrow with the poor ♪ ♪ 'tis a song that will linger forever in our ears ♪ ♪ whoa, hard times come again no more ♪ ♪ 'tis the song, the sigh of the weary ♪ ♪ hard times, hard times, come again no more ♪ ♪ many days you have lingered around my cabin door ♪ ♪ whoa, hard times come again no more ♪ ♪ while we seek mirth and beauty and music light and gay ♪
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♪ there are frail forms fainting at the door ♪ ♪ though their voices are silent, their pleading looks will say ♪ ♪ whoa, hard times come again no more ♪ ♪ 'tis a song, the sigh of the weary ♪ ♪ hard times, hard times come again no more ♪ ♪ many days you have lingered around my cabin door ♪ ♪ whoa, hard times come again no more ♪ ♪ there's a pale drooping maiden who toils her life away ♪ ♪ with a worn heart whose better days are o'er ♪ ♪ though her voice would be merry, 'tis sighing all the day ♪ ♪ oh hard times come again no more ♪
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♪ 'tis the song, the sigh of the weary ♪ ♪ hard times, hard times, come again no more ♪ ♪ many days you have lingered around my cabin door ♪ ♪ whoa, hard times come again no more ♪ ♪ there's a sigh that is wafted across the troubled wave ♪ ♪ 'tis a wail that is heard upon the shore ♪ ♪ 'tis a dirge that is murmured around the lowly grave ♪ ♪ whoa, hard times come again no more ♪ ♪ 'tis the song, the sigh of the weary ♪ ♪ hard times, hard times, come again no more ♪ ♪ many days you have lingered around my cabin door ♪
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♪ whoa, hard times come again no more ♪ ♪ whoa, hard times come again no more ♪ [applause] >> well, we're very lucky in the celtic tenors in that we've had many songs written just for us. and this next one means a lot to us because it's the very first song that was written just for us, and we perform it at almost every show. >> it was written by phil coulter, and he took the idea of three young irish men who find themselves fighting in the spanish civil war of the 1930s, and i suppose he wondered how it must have felt for these young men, sitting at their campfire, on the eve of battle, contemplating will they ever see their loved ones again. >> and, of course, each and every single one of us has somebody we'd like to think of
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and remember every day of our lives, but wherever the celtic tenors travel right across the world, we always like to dedicate this particular song to every single serviceman and servicewoman, wherever they may be miles away from their loved ones. this is by phil coulter, and it is "remember me." ♪ ♪ the moonlight dances among the trees ♪ ♪ the campfire glows in the autumn breeze ♪ ♪ and i am lost in my thoughts
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of you ♪ ♪ remember me, recuerdame ♪ a comrade strums on a sad guitar ♪ ♪ my mind is drifting to where you are ♪ ♪ i'm holding you as i used to do ♪ ♪ remember me, recuerdame ♪ mi amore ♪ so long ago, so far away ♪ each night i pray "volvero los
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dias passados" ♪ ♪ i promise you that come what may ♪ ♪ those days will stay ever in my memory ♪ ♪ in all this world i could never find ♪ ♪ the love that i had to leave behind ♪ ♪ but duty calls, so whate'er befalls ♪ ♪ remember me, recuerdame , ♪ mi amore
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♪ god only knows what tomorrow brings ♪ ♪ you're in my heart so my spirit sings ♪ ♪ and i'll be strong just as long as you remember me ♪ ♪ recuerdame ♪ mi amore
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[applause] ♪ ♪ on the fourth of july, 1806 ♪ we set sail from the sweet cobh of cork ♪ >> over cork >> ♪ we were sailing away with a cargo of bricks ♪ ♪ for the grand city hall in new york ♪ >> new york, new york >> ♪ 'twas a wonderful craft, she was rigged fore and aft ♪ ♪ and oh how the wild wind drove her ♪ ♪ she stood several blasts, she had 27 masts ♪ ♪ and they called her the irish rover ♪
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♪ there was barney mcgee from the banks of the lee ♪ ♪ there was hogan from county tyrone ♪ >> of tyrone >> ♪ there was johnny mcgurk who was scared stiff of work ♪ ♪ and a man from westmeath named malone ♪ ♪ there was slugger o'toole who was drunk as a rule ♪ ♪ and fighting bill tracy from dover ♪ ♪ and your man, mick mccann, from the banks of the bann ♪ ♪ was the skipper of the irish rover ♪ ♪ we had one million bags of the best sligo rags ♪ ♪ we had two million barrels of bone ♪ ♪ we had three million bales of old nanny goats' tails ♪ ♪ we had four million barrels of stone ♪ ♪ five billion hogs, six million dogs ♪ ♪ seven million barrels of porter ♪ ♪ we had eight million sides of old blind horses hides ♪ ♪ in the hold of the irish rover ♪
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♪ we had sailed seven years when the measles broke out ♪ ♪ and the ship lost her way in the fog ♪ ♪ and the whole of the crew was reduced down to two ♪ ♪ just meself and the captain's old dog ♪ ♪ then the ship struck a rock ♪ oh lord, what a shock ♪ the bulkhead was turned right over ♪ ♪ turned nine times around ♪ and the poor dog was drowned splash ♪ that's the last of the irish rover, whoo ♪ [applause]
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>> hi, everybody, i'm rhea feikin. please stay tuned for more of "the celtic tenors: no boundaries." and i'm here with the enormously talented celtic tenors. and we're going to have a ball tonight. say hi, guys! >> tenors: hi. >> rhea: i'm going to be back in just a minute more to talk with the celtic tenors and we're going to find out all about them. but first, we're going to go over to john davis who's going to talk to you about why it is important to support the wonderful shows and the specials that you watch on public television. he's also going to tell you how you can get some very exciting gifts, like a dvd of the show. john. >> john: thanks, rhea. the celtic tenors are three very talented young men from ireland who have amazing voices no matter if they're singing traditional irish songs or tunes from their american songbook. so don't go anywhere because in the next part of the concert we'll hear them perform "finnegan's wake" and "shenandoah." now, we're coming to you during this brief intermission to ask
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that you support the wonderful shows that you watch all year long on public television. it's because of support from viewers like you that we're able to bring you new concert specials like the one from the celtic tenors. now, this is probably the station where you first discovered yanni, and josh groban, and the celtic woman. think about all the terrific performers that came to your attention through public television. and doing so, call that number on your screen and make a generous pledge of financial support. you know, when you contribute at certain levels we do have some great ways of saying thanks. for instance, for an $80 pledge, you get the "celtic tenors: no boundaries" dvd. now, this is the copy of the concert you're actually watching right now. plus, it includes two bonus songs that are not in this broadcast. now, for a $60 contribution, it's "the celtic tenors: no boundaries" cd.
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this is the companion cd to the show, and it has 16 songs, including "remember me," and you just heard "irish rover." for $130, that contribution gets you both, "the celtic tenors" dvd and the cd. it's a great bargain. whatever you do, please call us at the number on your screen right now and be sure to ask the operator about putting your contribution on a charge card. well now, enough of that, let's go back over to rhea feikin who's with the celtic tenors. >> rhea: i sure am. and the celtic tenors are daryl simpson, james nelson and matthew gilsenan. gentlemen, it is a delight to have you here, really and truly. why did you name this "celtic tenors: no boundaries?" what does the "no boundaries" mean? >> matthew: i think it just means that we've always liked to sing songs that we like. it's very selfish, i know, but we do a little bit of operatic, a little bit of irish -- we kind
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of do a lot of irish, some older and some more contemporary. then even we've broken in a little bit, in the last couple of years, into north american music as well. so, it's just no boundaries. we just figured, we're a singing group, let's just do songs. >> rhea: james, how would you describe your various voices? i mean, you're all tenors, but you don't sound exactly alike, except when you sing together it's just marvelous. >> james: well, that's exactly it, and i think it's a very harmony based group, and we write our own harmonies, and when we sing together, people say we sound as one, like when we're singing "shenandoah" or "danny boy," or some of the a cappellas. but then when we sing individual lines, people think, oh, he's quite a high bright sound. oh, he's a darker mellow sound. oh, he's know, that we are very distinctive voices operatically. >> rhea: well, how would you describe them? how would you describe them, daryl? >> daryl: i think, you know, it's a bit like looking at the instruments in an orchestra, for example. we each kind of represent different things. you know, matthew is a bit more mellow, i'm very high and
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trumpet-like at times, james is kind of covering the whole spectrum there. he's got all kinds of things going on. so it's really -- you know, the difference is a tenor voice sings high notes, but with different signs and different colors and different feeling and different, you know... >> rhea: now, all three of you, however, have been trained classically, and all of you sang opera at one point, right? >> matthew: that's right. i mean, we all may have had other slightly different influencing aspects, but we've all done a little bit of opera. i've done a little bit less opera than the other guys. i was sort of a leonard cohen and tom waits head growing up. but i did all of my operatic schooling, the other guys, they did much more. >> rhea: right. well, we're going to talk more in just a little while, but right now we hope that you're going to call in with a generous pledge of financial support to this station. we really do need your help. and that help is going to help us bring more great music specials like this one. perhaps you would like to make a pledge of $80 and then we can
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say thank you with "celtic tenors: no boundaries," the dvd, which includes two bonus songs not seen in this broadcast. or if you're a person like me who just loves to have a cd and loves to hear music all the time, you might be interested in having this great cd. it's yours when you make a pledge of $60, and we'll send you "celtic tenors: no boundaries" the companion cd to the show with sixteen songs. and if you're having trouble deciding and you really would like to have both of them, i don't blame you, why don't you think about making a pledge of $130 and we'll say thank you with "celtic tenors" the dvd and the cd. and these membership levels are really just suggestions. please, ask the operator about this station's basic membership. and remember that there is no contribution too large or too small. please call us at the number on your screen right now. >> john: when you make a generous pledge to this public television station you're funding a rich array of programs.
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now, one of the most exciting things about our music specials is the variety of performers that you'll see. we bring you the best in opera, classical music, broadway, rock & roll, and exciting irish music like this concert from the celtic tenors. now, bringing you terrific music shows is one of the things that public television does best. you can't always make it out to a theatre or recital hall for a live concert, but with public television, you always have the best seat in the house! but we couldn't do it without the help of some very special people, people like you. so please pick up that phone and call now to help keep the terrific music specials alive on this public television station. and when you make a contribution, consider making an $80 contribution, because for that our thank you gift is the "celtic tenors: no boundaries" dvd, and it includes two bonus songs that aren't on the program tonight. now, for $60, it's "the celtic tenors: no boundaries" cd. that way you can take their
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great music with you. this is the companion cd and it has 16 songs. or for a very generous $130 donation, you get both, "the "celtic tenors" dvd and the cd, and it's a great bargain. so please ask about putting your contribution on a charge card when you call. and remember, no pledge is too large or too small. so ask the phone operator about this station's basic membership rate. the most important thing is that you call right now and help keep high quality programming on public television. >> rhea: james, i'm wondering, what have been the influences on your life and on your music, and your inspiration? >> james: we've so many. i mean, the opera has to be a huge influence, but, you know, we've worked in a variety of places, and from everywhere. from huge concert halls, right down to, you know, blues clubs and everything. so we've worked the great irish
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festivals in the usa as well. so there's just so many influences we've had. >> rhea: when you were a little kid, daryl, did you want to be a singer? >> daryl: no, absolutely not. i wanted to be the next dr. john or professor longhair. that's why i used to practice the piano and listen to all these new orleans great pianists. it was only when i went to college that i kind of discovered that i could sing a little bit, and ever since that i've been pursuing a career in singing. >> rhea: what about you, matthew? what inspires you? >> matthew: for me, i kind of really didn't have any interest whatsoever in opera when i was young. i liked tom petty, i liked leonard cohen, i liked tom waits. those were the things i could play on piano. when i think back to the songs i used to sing for my aunts and uncles, who were nuns and stuff, nuns and priests, it was really kind of bizarre. ut no, that's what i loved. and also folk music as well. our irish tradition is really important to me. >> rhea: folk music, church music, all kinds of music.
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and we're going to have more music from "the celtic tenors: no boundaries," but right now i'm hoping that as you watch this show and as you enjoy their music and their enormous talent -- and i have to tell you, what you see on the screen is exactly who they are. they are delightful young men. i hope that you will go to the phone and please make the best pledge that you can. perhaps an $80 pledge so that you can get "the celtic tenors: no boundaries" dvd. or perhaps $60 so we can send you "the celtic tenors: no boundaries" cd. or a very generous $130 and get both, "the celtic tenors" dvd and the cd. and now back to more wonderful music. and when we come back, we hope that we're going to hear from you. thank you. >> james: we're going to sing a song now from our nation's capital, dublin, and i'm sure i don't need to tell you all that ireland boasts a great wealth of
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great writers. in fact, when you think about the great figures of 20th century english literature, most of them are, in fact, irish. george bernard shaw, william butler yeats, oscar wilde, bram stoker, samuel beckett, maeve binchy, and many others, contemporary writers as well. and this next song is associated with james joyce. he talks about two things. first of all, the wake. when somebody dies in ireland often it' celebration of that person's life. >> matthew: sometimes it's a celebration of their death. [laughter] >> james: it's an excuse for a party really often. also, this song talks about something else very important to the irish, whiskey. maybe you might not have realized this before, but whiskey can actually revive even a dead man. and in this next song, the dead man is called tim finnegan. this is "finnegan's wake." ♪ tim finnegan lived in watlin street ♪
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♪ a gentleman irish, mighty odd ♪ ♪ he had a beautiful brogue so rich and sweet ♪ ♪ an' to rise in the world he carried a hod ♪ ♪ you'd see that's such a tippler's way ♪ ♪ with the love of the liquor poor tim was born ♪ ♪ and to help him on with his work each day ♪ ♪ he'd a drop of the craythur every morn ♪ ♪ whack fol the dah now dance to your partner ♪ ♪ welt the floor, your trotters shake ♪ ♪ wasn't it the truth i told ya? lots of fun at finnegan's wake ♪ ♪ one morning tim was rather full, his head was heavy which made him shake ♪ ♪ he fell from a ladder and he broke his skull, they took him home his corpse to wake ♪ ♪ they wrapped him up in a nice clean sheet, they laid him out upon the bed with a gallon of whiskey at his feet and a barrel of porter at his head ♪ ♪ whack fol the dah now dance to your partner ♪ ♪ welt the floor, your trotters shake ♪ ♪ wasn't it the truth i told ya? lots of fun at finnegan's wake ♪ ♪ his friends assembled at the
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wake and mrs. finnegan called for lunch ♪ ♪ first they brought in tay and cake, then pipe tobacco and whiskey punch ♪ ♪ biddy o'brien began to cry, "such a nice clean corpse did you ever did see" ♪ ♪ tim, mavourneen, why did you die? ♪ ♪ "shut your gob," said paddy mcgee ♪ ♪ whack fol the dah now dance to your partner ♪ ♪ welt the floor, your trotters shake ♪ ♪ wasn't it the truth i told ya? lots of fun at finnegan's wake ♪ ♪ then maggie o'connor took up the job ♪ ♪ "oh, biddy," says she, "you're wrong i'm sure" ♪ ♪ biddy gave her a belt in the gob and left her sprawling on the floor ♪ ♪ then the war did engage, twas woman to woman and man to man ♪ ♪ shillelah law was all the rage and a row and a ruction soon began ♪ ♪ whack fol the dah now dance to your partner ♪ ♪ welt the floor, your trotters shake ♪ ♪ wasn't it the truth i told ya? lots of fun at finnegan's wake ♪ ♪ then mickey maloney raised his head when a noggin of whiskey flew at him ♪ ♪ it missed and fallin' on the bed, the liquor scattered over tim ♪ ♪ tim revives see how he rises ♪ tim finnegan rises from the bed saying, "whirl your whiskey around like blazes," in the name of the devil do ya think i'm
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dead ♪ ♪ whack fol the dah now dance to your partner ♪ ♪ welt the floor, your trotters shake ♪ ♪ wasn't it the truth i told ya? lots of fun at finnegan's wake ♪ ♪ whack fol the dah now dance to your partner ♪ ♪ welt the floor, your trotters shake ♪ ♪ wasn't it the truth i told ya? lots of fun at finnegan's wake ♪ ♪ whack fol the dah now dance to your partner ♪ ♪ welt the floor, your trotters shake ♪ ♪ wasn't it the truth i told ya? lots of fun at finnegan's wake ♪ ♪ whack fol the dah now dance to your partner ♪ ♪ welt the floor, your trotters shake ♪ ♪ wasn't it the truth i told ya? lots of fun at finnegan's wake ♪ [applause] >> daryl: well, this next song is one which we all learned as young lads at school, and i think for all of us that we thought this was very much an irish song, and it was only recently when we started touring here in the united states that we realized that it wasn't and... well, we kind of feel it's the american equivalent of our own "danny boy." we'd like to sing it with just
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the three voices. this is our version of "shenandoah." ♪ oh, shenandoah ♪ i long to hear you ♪ away, you rolling river ♪ oh, shenandoah ♪ i long to hear you ♪ away, i'm bound to go ♪ across the wide missouri
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♪ oh, shenandoah ♪ i love your daughter ♪ away, you rolling river ♪ i'll take across your rolling water ♪ ♪ away, i'm bound to go ♪ across the wide missouri
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♪ farewell, my dear ♪ i'm bound to leave you ♪ away, you rolling river ♪ oh, shenandoah ♪ i'll not deceive you ♪ away, i'm bound to go ♪ across the wide missouri
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♪ away, i'm bound to go ♪ across the wide missouri [applause] >> matthew: well, this next song that we'd like to sing for you is written by a friend of ours, his name is jimmy mccarthy, and jimmy comes from the south of ireland, from the city of cork. he's the most popular and most recorded of all irish song writers, i would say. he has a brilliant ability when it comes to melody. his melodies are always so
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interesting, and so kind of quirky. and when it gets onto his lyrics, they are beyond quirky. they're often so encrypted that you really don't know quite what he's gettin' at. >> james: we haven't a clue what he's talking about really. >> matthew: kind of. so it kind of makes it very interesting because you can continually come back to the song and get something different from it. our theory for this next song, it tells the story of a local bag lady. she had a shopping trolley full of stuff, and she was a great character, very intelligent, very well spoken. she one day decided to go for a swim in the river lee, in cork, and it absolutely caused consternation in the city of cork. she floated down, and while she was in, she was blowing kisses to the crowd. and it was a wonderful moment. she was eventually pulled out, she survived, she was fine. and our theory is this, that jimmy, himself, emigrated not terribly long after this, he used aer lingus, and this mad lady, she used the river. so he was maybe kind of conjuring up a duality.
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this is "the mad lady and me." ♪ ♪ among the walls and ruins and the horrid civic stone ♪ ♪ i walked without a lover for my older bones ♪ ♪ the sun was strong in going down, it was a dreamlike day ♪ ♪ twas there i met the trinity and there i heard them say ♪ ♪ bye bye mama ♪ goodbye brother john ♪ farethee well ye shandon bells ring on, ring on ♪ ♪ she leaned and leaned much closer and hugged them all goodbye ♪ ♪ her mother cried "don't go my love" we all must bye and bye ♪ ♪ a drunken tongue said "leave her off" she'll drive us all
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crazy ♪ ♪ she turned around and saw my face and both of us were she ♪ ♪ and we sang bye bye mama ♪ goodbye brother john ♪ farethee well ye shandon bells ring on, ring on ♪ ♪ up and to the limestone wall and down the ladder steps ♪ ♪ she threw herself into the stream with a spash of no regrets ♪ ♪ side stroke swimming midstream, throwing kisses to the crowd ♪ ♪ and everything was silent and the sky had not one cloud ♪ ♪ before bye bye mama ♪ goodbye brother john ♪ farethee well ye shandon bells ring on, ring on ♪ ♪ we were swimming out to the sunset ♪ ♪ we were swimming out to sea ♪ swimming down past the opera
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house the mad lady and me ♪ ♪ bye bye mama ♪ goodbye brother john ♪ farethee well ye shandon bells ring on, ring on ♪ ♪ bye bye mama ♪ goodbye brother john ♪ farethee well ye shandon bells ring on, ring on ♪ ♪ singing bye bye mama ♪ goodbye brother john ♪ farethee well ye shandon bells ring on, ring on ♪ [applause] >> daryl: this next song is one that we love to sing nearly at every single show because it
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reminds us of home. we spend quite a lot of our time on the road touring and we get to visit some wonderful places and see some wonderful sites and meet incredible people like yourselves, but i suppose the inevitable side of touring is that it takes us away from our family, friends, and loved ones. so, in true irish-style, we borrowed this song from the scots. >> matthew: they did borrow whiskey from us though. >> daryl: they did. this is the old roman name for scotland, this is "caledonia." ♪ ♪ i don't know if you can see the changes that have come over me ♪ ♪ in these last few days i've been afraid i might drift away ♪
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♪ i've been telling old stories, singing songs that make me think about where i came from ♪ ♪ and that's the reason why i seem so far away today ♪ ♪ let me tell you that i love you ♪ ♪ and i think about you all the time ♪ ♪ caledonia, you're calling me, now i'm going home ♪ ♪ but if i should become a stranger ♪ ♪ you know it would make me more than sad ♪ ♪ caledonia's been everything i've ever had ♪ ♪ ♪ i have moved and i've kept on moving ♪ ♪ proved the points that i
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needed proving ♪ ♪ lost the friends that i needed losing ♪ ♪ found others on the way ♪ i have tried and i've kept on trying ♪ ♪ stolen dreams, yes, there's no denying ♪ ♪ i've traveled far, sometimes with conscience flying ♪ ♪ somewhere with the wind ♪ let me tell you that i love you ♪ ♪ and i think about you all the time ♪ ♪ caledonia, you're calling me, now i'm going home ♪ ♪ but if i should become a stranger ♪ ♪ you know it would make me more than sad ♪ ♪ caledonia's been everything i've ever had ♪
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♪ now i'm sitting here before the fire ♪ ♪ the empty room, the forest choir ♪ ♪ the flames that couldn't get any higher, they've withered, now they've gone ♪ ♪ but i'm steady thinking, my way is clear ♪ ♪ and i know what i will do tomorrow ♪ ♪ for the hands have shaken, and the kisses flow ♪ ♪ then i will disappear ♪ let me tell you that i love you ♪ ♪ and i think about you all the time ♪ ♪ caledonia, you're calling me, now i'm going home ♪ ♪ but if i should become a stranger ♪ ♪ you know it would make me more than sad ♪ ♪ caledonia's been everything i've ever had ♪
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♪ i'm going home ♪ i'm going home [applause] >> john: don't go anywhere because we have more of this terrific concert coming right up and you're not going to want to miss a single second of it! hi, i'm john davis and i'm here with the incredibly talented celtic tenors, daryl, james and matthew. in just a few moments we're going to be talking to them, but
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first we're going to go over to rhea feikin who's going to tell you how u can support your local public television station, and in the meantime, get some great gifts, like the dvd copy of this very concert. rhea. >> rhea: thank you, john. the celtic tenors have established themselves as the most successful classical crossover artists ever to emerge from ireland. and when we go back to the show we're going to hear stirring renditions of "nessun dorma" and everybody's favorite, "danny boy." while each of the celtic tenors have been influenced by the traditions from their own individual part of ireland, daryl, james and matthew show great flexibility in blending their voices to suit the appropriate classical, folk, irish, or pop genre. we hope that you're enjoying this as much as we are right here in the studio, but we also hope that you're going to take the time during this brief intermission to call in and support all of theprograms that you watch and that you love on
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your public television station. your pledge of financial support is going to help us bring you more terrific concerts and specials in the near future. and if you're enjoying this wonderful performance and you want to see more like it, please, call the number on your screen and speak with one of our great operators. and when you contribute at certain levels you know we have some ways of saying thank you. first of all, if you'd like to make a contribution of $80, we're going to say thank you with "celtic tenors: no boundaries" the dvd copy of the concert we're watching right now. but, it includes two bonus songs that are not seen in this broadcast. if you are a cd lover, you sh and if you make a pledge of $60, our thank you gift is going to be "celtic tenors: no boundaries" the cd companion to the show with sixteen songs, including "finnegan's wake," and the beautiful "shenandoah." now, for those of you who would like to have both the dvd and the cd, we would be delighted to send you both of them if you
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would like to make a pledge of $130. so, please, call us at the number that you see on your screen and ask the operator about putting your contribution on a charge card. that makes it easy for you, and easy for us. and right now we're going to go back over to john davis who's with the celtic tenors. >> john: thanks, rhea. well, i am here with the celtic tenors. and let's start, daryl simpson, down on the end, then james nelson, in the middle, and of course, matthew gilsenan, right here next to me. okay, let me start with you james, how -- give me a quick history of the group. how did you come together? >> james: well, the group is actually celebrating its 10th anniversary, and we've been together since the year 2000. we were signed on the spot to a record deal, a worldwide record deal with emi, and we toured all through europe, and right throughout north america. and we'll still continue to do it as long as we enjoy it, which is what we do. we just love to perform. >> john: is this a case of instant fame that took you 10 years to get there? [laughter] >> matthew: ten years to become
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an overnight success. >> john: that's what they say. well, matthew, how has the group evolved? >> matthew: well, we started off really doing celtic tenors type stuff, you know, quite celtic and quite tenory. so really two categories. we always wanted to throw out conventions, even though, you know, even though -- all of that from day one. we never really kind of went in for the tux and tails and that sort of stuff. we wanted to be a little more sort of accessible. so, the same thing went for our music a little bit as well. >> john: daryl, you're the junior member of the group. what was the biggest surprise when you actually started touring? >> daryl: i think the biggest thing for me... >> matthew: were the egos. >> daryl: the egos. absolutely. it was absolutely dreadful. i mean, i couldn't even get into the coach with these guys because the demands were so incredible. but i think for me it was the gear changes of the work that we do on stage. i'd been used to a professional operatic career, which is more prolonged throughout an evening, but with the celtic tenors it
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was very much slow, fast, boom, high, low, everything together. so it was really energetic. it took a lot of getting used to for me, but i absolutely am thrilled to be involved and doing this kind of work. and, of course, supporting public television. >> john: well, boy, the results are certainly terrific. and that's where we turn to you. we hope that you will call in now with your generous contributions of financial support to this station. now, if you want to see more wonderful concert specials like this one featuring the celtic tenors, you've got to pick up the phone and call that number that's on your screen right now. and, basically, we're looking for any kind of contribution, but, for $80, you get the "celtic tenors: no boundaries" dvd. this is the program you are watching, but it also includes two bonus songs that are not on this broadcast. at the $60 level, you get "the celtic tenors: no boundaries" cd. this is the companion to the show, and it has 16 songs. and for a generous $130 gift, you get "the celtic tenors" dvd and the cd as a combo package,
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and it's a great value. and remember, these membership levels are just suggestions. be sure to ask the operator about this station's basic membership because public television recognizes that no contribution is too large or too small. the important thing is call the number on your screen right now! >> rhea: we're going to go back for more of the celtic tenors concert in just a few minutes, but first, i'd like to just take a moment and ask you to become a member, or to renew your membership to this public television station. public television brings you the joy of discovery almost each and every day. discovering new ideas, new ways of seeing the world, and new artists who expand your perspectives. whether its drama or science, whether its history or the performing arts, we really do try to bring you the experiences that you want because we like to focus on the things that make you happy when you watch public television. viewers who become members are one of our greatest resources.
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and again, it really doesn't matter how much you give, what matters is that you call with a pledge of support at any amount you're comfortable with. but, when you do contribute at certain levels, we have some very, very nice thank you gifts. at least i think they're nice, i hope you will too. at the $80 level, we're going to say thank you with "celtic tenors: no boundaries," the dvd, with two bonus songs. and this is the kind of dvd that you can watch over and over again. you know, sometimes you just need something that's going to give you a lift, that's going to make you feel up, it's going to make you smile! and as you can see, the celtic tenors do just that, they make you feel good, make you laugh, make you smile, make you enjoy yourself! and we're all looking for that! so, maybe the dvd is something you should own. or, if you just love listening to music, then the cd is something you should have in your collection. at the pledge of $60, we're going to send you "celtic tenors: no boundaries," the cd, which is the companion cd, and it has 16 songs.
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so, now you're confused, you don't know whether you want the dvd or the cd. don't be confused. why don't you think about getting them both. that would be good for you, and very good for us. make a pledge of $130 and let us say thank you with "the celtic tenors" dvd and cd. please ask about putting your contribution on a charge card when you talk to one of the operators. and again, remember, you can make a pledge at whichever level you are comfortable with. ask the phone operator about the station's basic membership rate. the most important thing is that you call and help keep high quality programming on public television. >> john: matthew, quick question, what's next? do you have another album in the works? >> matthew: yeah, we try and put out an album at least once every two years. the next album that we are planning on doing is a collection of songs, maybe slightly leaning towards contemporary, but from the celtic nations. so, scottish, irish, english, maybe even a little bit from galithia in spain, a little bit
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from brittany in france. >> john: you're really going to spread it out geographically. >> matthew: yes, yes. >> john: well, who actually decides -- james, who decides what you sing? >> tenors: i do! [laughter] >> john: is that really the truth, all three of you together basically sit down and hash it out? >> james: it really is a tenor democracy. it really is. and even in the harmonies, we spread about the harmonies, we swap the tune all the way through. but also, you know, because we've so many influences... >> matthew: it's really passive aggressive. it's really, really difficult. >> james: i push the classical one all the time. and, you know, matthew will push maybe more the leonard cohen side, and daryl is the peacemaker in-between, you know, that kind of thing. >> john: yeah, i can see daryl over there saying, "me, me." well, whatever you do, just keep on doing it, it's just terrific! you know, stay tuned now for more of "the celtic tenors: no boundaries." let me recap our thank you gifts very quickly. at $80, it's "the celtic tenors: no boundaries" dvd. at $60, "the celtic tenors: no boundaries" cd, and for a $130 gift, it's "the celtic tenors" dvd and cd. and whatever you do, make that contribution!
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just put down everything right now, go to the phone just before we go back to the program, look at the number on your screen, call up, talk to the operator, any amount you can contribute is just fine. but the big thing is, give to your public television so we can bring you more wonderful music specials like this "celtic tenors: no boundaries." do it right now, pick up the phone, and all of us thank you very much for supporting public television. ♪ ♪ granada, tierra soñada por
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mí ♪ ♪ mi cantar se vuelve gitano cuando es para ti ♪ ♪ mi cantar, eco de fantasía ♪ mi cantar, flor de melancolía ♪ ♪ que yo te vengo a dar ♪ granada, tierra ensangrentada en tardes de toros ♪ ♪ mujer que conserva el embrujo de los ojos moros ♪
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♪ de sueño rebelde y gitana, cubierta de flores ♪ ♪ y beso tu boca de grana, jugosa manzana ♪ ♪ que me habla de amores ♪ granada, manola, cantada en coplas preciosas ♪ ♪ no tengo otra cosa que darte que un ramo de rosas ♪ ♪ de rosas de suave fragancia que le dieran marco ♪ ♪ a la virgen morena ♪ granada tu tierra está llena


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