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tv   Newsline  PBS  September 19, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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i'm catherine. with roke heading to japan, government officials say a lake earlier this month may have begun to overflow. they are warning people not to approach it. a local bureau of the land ministry is monitoring the dammed lake. the lake can contain 11 million cubic meters of water. and the worst scenario forecast by the ministry, a duluth of water could run for about four kilometers. in other news, japan's minister in charge of the nuclear disaster says reactors the troubled fukushima daiichi plant will achieve cold shut down within the year. the initial target was early next year. speaking at the national atomic energy monday -- >> moving steadily towards
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restoration, we will move out the existing target period and endeavour to have a cold shut down by the end of this year. >> hosono said the decontaminated water has been successfully used to cool the troubled nuclear reactors. he also said spent nuclear fuel pools have been cooled in stable manner. meanwhile, tepco says the temperature inside the number three reactor is below 14u7 degree celsius for the first time since the accident. this is a second reactor in which the temperature has been reduced to less than 100 degrees following the number one reactor. tepco says the lower temperature does not automatically mean the reactor achieved a cold shut down but it does indicate the cooling efforts are being effective. the utility now aims to cool the number two reactor. nhk reports from vienna on the issue.
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>> the fukushima daiichi plant should have a cold shut down before the end of the year. however, he also said that there are many factors to consider before the government can let evacuees return home. it will take time to reduce radiation. it is also not clear how the government plans to disr desuppose of the radio active waste from the decontamination process. [ inaudible ] they promised to send experts to
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japan to help remove radio active from contaminated soil and dispose of radio active waste. >> translator: it is on radio active scale and japan needs all the help it can get from around the world. there was a very positive response to the request. >> now, a cold shut down in sight and the release of radio active materials likely to be called, the challenge is to speed up the efforts to low level radiation and to return home. nhk world, vienna. >> japan will likely be dealing with the aftermath of the fukushima daiichi accident for many years to come. a number of citizens say that
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proves using atomic energy is just too risky. tens of thousands of people took that message to the streets on monday. >> they val rallied in tokyo to pressure government and business leaders to scrap nuclear plants. nobel prize wing author, economic critic and public figures called for people to demonstrate. >> the use of atomic energy will inevitableably have devastating and costly consequences. we have to let government and business leaders know that we, the citizens, are determined to resist nuclear power plants. >> after the rally, thousands marched through the streets
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carrying plaque ards. some said they want children to be protected from radiation exposure. organizers say about 60,000 people joined the valley. . police officials maintain only about half that number showed up. nuclear energy experts in japan are expressing how a lack of vigilance contributed to the accident at the fukushima daiichi plant. the atomic energy society of japan is holding its first conference since the nuclear crisis began in march. the four day meeting began monday. university professors, resaefrers and workers from the nuclear industry are attending. the tokyo institute of technology is leading the atomic energy society panel that's investigating the fukushima daiichi accident. in the morning session, he called on fellow experts to face the accident head on and work hard to contain it.
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>> we put too much confidence if the nuclear generation and created a nuclear safety meet. >> in the afternoon, experts discuss the future of the nuclear energy community. one participant said the accident occurred because experts did not address safety risks they knew existed. and others said nuclear officials should create a culture that's more open to public dialogue. >> we had many opportunities to question nuclear safety but we failed to do so. the atomic energy society shares responsible for failing to correct the rigid views of the government and nuclear industry. >> we will do our best to improve the situation such as decontamination and handling of nuclear waste.
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>> to express gratitude for support following the march 11 disaster, taiwan donated about $240 million to japan after the earthquake and tsunami. the swimmers arrived in northeastern taiwan on monday. the group included a university student from the disaster hit fukushima daiichi prefecture. they came from the western most island two days earlier. they took tourns swim 30-minute legs for 110 kilometers, braving high waves from a tropical storm approaching okinawa. >> translator: it was very moving. we truly fell the japanese youth. >> it was a long journey. the fatigue left as soon as i
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saw the faces of the japanese people. >> newsline is the place it turn to for the latest on japan, post march 11. we have two segments offering two perspectives on the fallout from the earthquake and tsunami. nuclear watch brings you insight and information on the impact of the fukushima daiichi crisis. and the road ahead, skpamins japan's efforts to recover and rebuild. don't miss nuclear watch and the road ahead on newsline. . >> tokyo markets are kicking off a holiday week this tuesday morning. first tell us about other markets, how they performed on monday. we saw a huge drop. >> that's right. other asian markets fell. europe fell. the united states even fell monday. taking a closer look at wall street, shares of new york were sold and euro zone finance ministers failed to make
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progress in solving the greek fiscal crisis. the dow jones, let's see if we can get that up on the screen there, plunging more than 250 points, closing at 11,401. that is down 108 points on the day. market sources say the cancellation of greek prime minister's visit to united states to deal with his domestic crisis is causing concern. attention is now focused on looming negotiations between the eu and the imf. that loss on the dow marked the first loss in six days. markets were closed here on monday for public holiday so we are just now seeing the impact in japan this tuesday morning. let's how go to our reporter, ra min mel guard, standing by. ramin, how are tokyo markets reacting? >> very good morning to you, ai. the nikkei is plaching playing
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catch up. let's look at the nikkei and topics right thousand np nikkei is down over a hundred points and no real surprise, as you said, they are following the declines in europe, u.s. and also key asian indexes yesterday. in fact we saw a two-year low yesterday. now let's be pretty clear though, the euro zone debt issue continues to command market attention and that's really following the focus on greece, spain and italy. and that's a focus for stock, bond and currency traders. and if you have a look at currency levels right now, again, just having a look at the euro against the yen, you can see there it is still weaker against the yen and dollar. it fell below 104 in new york trading. rebounding a touch off those losses. but again following the breaking news, that u.s. ratings agency standard and poor's down grade editly's sovereign date rating. the next focal point for a lot of market players is the meeting
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which kicks off today and wraps up wednesday. it was extended by one day by fed chairman bernanke. and the markets are really going to be keen to see how they take in recent economic data out of u.s. regarding jobs and manufacturing which has showed the world's largest economy has slowed. and also, how the euro zone debt issues play into that as well as looking for any additional monetary stimulus. that's going to be a key focus there. here in japan, the focus is on how japanese companies are swiftly moving to counter any measures by that strong yen against the bottom line. we have seen that with a lot of older manufacturers and also the euro likely to hit corporate earnings. in fact, if it keeps at these levels, the 105 levels, the likes of toyota for the next half year operating profits may drop by $430 million. the likes of sony by 390
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million. those are major moves there for the bottom line of a lot of key japanese companies. we will have to see but for now the nikkei down a hundred poipts in the first few minutes of trading. back to you. >> thanks, ramin. that's a market reporter from the tokyo stock exchange. u.s. president barack obama announced a plan it cut the country's budget deficits by $3 trillion over a decade. the plan unveiled monday targets tax hikes on corporations and the wealthy to secure $1.5 trillion. it also calls for cuts of $1.1 trillion in defense spending by pulling u.s. forces out of iraq and afghanistan. some healthcare benefits are targetedor cuts. which the ruling democratic party opposes. >> we have to cut what we can afford to pay for what really matters. it is only right that we ask
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everyone to pay their fair share. >> senate republican leader mitch mcconnell says a massive tax hike is not a recipe pour growth or even meaningful deficit reduction. confrontation with republicans over deficit reduction measures could affect deliberations on obama's economic stimulus bills worth $447 billion. now a recap of the latest market figures. that is all for business
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this hour. now it's back to catherine. >> thanks very much, ai. magnitude 6.9 earthquake killed least 60 people in india be a nepal and china. it shook the him him layian state in india. it caused buildings to collapse. 47 people died and more than a hundred others were hurt. the full extent of the damage is not yet known. rain is preventing helicopters from conducting aerial surveys. in neighboring nepal at least six people died. china's news agency says the quake killed seven people. the indian government sent military units to the areas. rescuers are having a hard time because mud and rocks are blocking roads. more than 600,000 people live in the state. the areas near the home of the tea producing hub and other tourist destinations.
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in yemen, more deaths have been reported with demonstrators demanding the resignation. government snipers fired at demonstrators monday. medics say 21 people were killed including 10-month-old baby and a 10-year-old child. security forces also fired on protesters on sunday killing at least 26 people and injuring more than 200. the protesters joined by military desserters occupied a central part of the area and engaged in armed clashes with security forces. a diplomatic tug-of-war is unfolding in new york this week. palestinian leaders are going to ask the united nations to recognize their territory as an independent state. the u.n. general assembly debate starts wednesday.
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palestinian prime minister met sunday with western financial supporters. his delegation submitted a report describing the israeli occupation as the biggest obstacle to palestinian statehood. he later told reporters it was vital for the interpassional commune it to recognize palestine as a full u.n. member. israel strongly opposes the idea. it said in its report that mutual dialogue is the only way it resolve the issuees. israeli foreign minister says making palestine a member would make an already unstable region a more unstable region. they want palestine to be recognized as an independent state in a speech on friday. hoping for fw
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. about 30 diplomats an rese involved in a six-party talk attended a seminar on the north's nuclear program in beijing monday. in an opening address foreign minister said all parties should push for the full implementation of the 2005 six-party joint statement. in that statement, north korea committed to abandoning all nuclear weapons and programs. according to participants at the seminar, north korean vice foreign minister reiterated north korea's willingness to resume the six-party talks unconditionally. also expressing hopes of another round ever direct talks with the united states. the two countries last held such talks in new york in july. the u.s. south korea and japan have demanded that north korea make concrete moves toward denuke larization before the six-party talks can resume. one of japan's industrial
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giant says it detected a computer virus at 11 sites producing defense and nuclear equipment in august. it's investigating the possibility after cyber attack. the company says the virus found on 83 servers and personal computers was designed to steal data from the company's in-house network but no leaks have been confirmed. the infected sites include ship yards in kobe and are responsible pour manufacturing destroyers, submarines, missiles. they carried out an investigation with security experts. mitsubishi heavy industry says the virus may have owe rinl nated outside the company's computer network. japan's nuclear crisis has sparked a lot of talk about the benefits of going green.
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the prime minister is promising to slowly steer the country away from atomic energy and toward renewable resources. it is a tall order but something other nations have managed to do quite successfully. nhk shows us bright ideas from austria. >> nuclear power following a referendum in 1978. since then the government put policies in place it move away from you a tomorrowic he energy. much emphasis has been placed on conservation. solar power is helping austria achieve its green goals. the sun's energy is used to heat water, for showers or heaters. these days were more people are using solar panels in austria. now this technology is used not just for heating but for cooling too. this office has an air conditioning system that runs on
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solar power. cooler air flows from these vents. here is how the system works. air from the outside filters through a dehumid fire to remove moisture. then tap water is added it cool the air, which is blown indoors. the energy generated by the solar panel is used for the humid fire. this office building relies on other techniques to convert energy. room temperatures are kept low by running cool ground water through pipes in the ceilings. both of these measures help save more than $100,000 a year. >> translator: i like the office environment. the office is so comfortable that we only realized it was baking hot outside after stepping on to the terrace. >> translator: the utility bills are low, about one-third after normal workplace.
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>> austria is a global leader in the use of solar power. it hosts visitors who are considering introducing the state of the art technology in their own country. recently a group of solar energy reresearchers from japan arrived to look at seerl power use in homes. it's conceivable japan would use solar power energy in the future so it won't have to rely on conventional electrical system. it will be possible to introduce similar systems in japan if homeowners, builders and building management work with authorities to promote such efforts. >> using solar power to create a constant indoor climate, it's one way the japanese government could deal with its energy crisis and at the same time
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reduce its dependence on nuclear energy. nhk world, vienna. >> welcome back to your weather update. now we will look at the wet weather heading in towards japan today. we have a couple tropical systems here. this is heading out to sea so this won't pose a problem. but this one, tropical typhoon roke now. that combined with it will bring heavy showers across japan today. real pie for much of the country. we will be talking about ample amounts of rain specifically along the specific side of southern japan. that will include areas prone to landslide. it'll be definitely a lot of rain that we need to keep an eye on over the course of today.
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now, you can see the main rain from typhoon roke coming in now. here is look at the next 72 hours. looks like it'll head right for mainland japan. possible making land fall in the central area and crossing through. it will be a very stormy next couple of days for japan. it is picking up speed so it shouldn't be the same slow system. nonetheless, that is plenty of stormy weather it keep an eye on. for the peninsula, eastern china, things are dry. but for inland portions here, still looking at light showers. there have been landslides and flooding reported. that light rainfall will pose a problem here. highs on tuesday looking mild for the north. 22 in shanghai. and tokyo 30-degree mark for a change. over towards the americas, we've got rain moving through the eastern half of canada as well as united states. but it is looking like it is
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going to taper off as it heads to the northeast corner here. for the southeast it does look it remain pretty unsettled. behind another low falls right along the u.s.-canadian border. that too will pose a couple showers. we've got 20 degrees expected in vancouver. seattle heats up to 30 degrees. and los angeles too will be on the warm side. and finally a look at europe here. this is looking a little bit wet and stormy here for parts of central and eastern areas of the europe and we have been talking about mountains for parts of germany and austria. today this system is going to break up those so we will see that rain more likely head towards the south, italy instead will look at showers, even heavier down falls with heavy activity. the scandinavian region and the british isles are looking wet and on the windy side. here is a look at temperatures
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for tuesday. definitely mild overall. 15 only in stockholm. berlin rises to 20. 13 degrees in vienna. still on the cool side. it is going to be still fairly hot though for athens at 33. rome looking much milder at 25 degrees. let's look at your weather conditions for now and here is your three day outlook.
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our lead story this hour is typhoon roke bringing heavy rains to japan. government officials say a lake created by record rainfall
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earlier this month may have begun to overflow thp. they are warning people not to approach it. a local bureau of the land ministry is monitoring the dammed lake. the lake can contain 11 million cubic meters of water. in the worst scenario forecast by the ministry, water could run for about four kilometers. we will keep you updated on the situation there. that wraps up this addition of newsline. i'm catherine in tokyo, do stay with us.
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