tv Journal PBS November 30, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PST
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you are watching the "journal" on dw-tv. the headlines this hour, the fallout from the british embassy attack in iran. britain tells all iranian officials to leave the country. >> central banks around the world make it cheaper for banks. >> and is it time to ban the deal nazi party? britain is not holding back in what it thinks about
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tuesday's attack on its embassy in tehran. london has withdrawn its entire diplomatic staff from iran. plus, the foreign secretary today ordered all iranian diplomats to leave the u.k. within 48 hours. we will have more from london and a few moments, but first, this report. kit >> by the time william hague stepped up to speak, many lawmakers had left for the day. earlier, prime minister david cameron had promised tough action in response to the attacks on two diplomatic compounds in iran, but it was head that announced the closure of the embassy. >> iran is a country where more than 500 people have been executed so far this year and where genuine protest is stamped on. the idea the iranian authorities could not have protected our embassy or that this assault could have taken place without some degree of consent from the regime is fanciful.
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>> he announced the immediate shutdown of the iranian embassy in london and said all of the diplomatic staff must leave within 40 hours. although he said that london was not completely cutting off diplomatic ties. the attack on the embassy was the big story and the iranian morning papers. at what they made of it varied. conservative papers stressed the protesters motivation, anchor at the sanctions. imposed last week. -- anger at the sanctions imposed last week. at this paper blamed fundamentalists for the problem startes. the iranian state tv broadcast the speech that said the protestors were not acting on orders but their anger was justified. this only increases iran's isolation and the international committee. germany, france, and several other countries have
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temporarily withdrawn their ambassadors to iran. our correspondent has been following the dispute from london. it i put it to him that at the moment it looks like the start of a diplomatic warfare. >> well, that is a strong word, but it is serious. interestingly, diplomatic ties are not entirely cut between the two countries. the foreign secretary william hague insisted on that today in parliament, which is important. in diplomatic speak, that means that representatives of the two countries can still speak with each other, either by the u.n. or bilateral negotiations. it is not the end of relations between britain and iran. >> we have to remember that the relations have never been easy, have they? >> no, they have a rocky relationship.
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a couple of years ago, there was the infamous death warrant issued by the ayatollah khamenei against the british writer salman rushdie i. on the other hand, the iranian government was never happy about the fact that the bbc's persian language service is broadcasting. jean-critical information into iran from london. -- is broadcasting regime- critical information into iran from london. >> what are you hearing about the wider consequences for iran's relations with the international committee? >> there are implications. interestingly, both william hague and the foreign secretary felt it necessary to mention in parliament that britain is nods advocating any -- that britain is not advocating any military intervention.
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and david miliband said something along the same lines. i think it shows how difficult and delicate the situation is between iran and the international committee at the moment. >> thank you very much. international pressure on syria is intensifying. e.u. ministers will meet thursday to discuss further action against the regime. it has been cracking down on opposition protests for eight months. the turkish foreign minister said his country has imposed sanctions on damascus that include freezing syrian government assets and suspending all financial dealings, including sales of weapons and military equipment. syrian forces are reported to have shot dead at least six protesters.
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the muslim brotherhood has claimed the league in egypt's first public three elections since the overthrow of hosni mubarak. the freedom and justice party says that initial results put it in the lead with over 40% of the vote creditthe also puts the liberal egyptian blocked neck and neck with the ultra- conservative party for second place. the official first-round results are expected thursday. the final makeup of parliament will not be made clear until march. syriana is here to talk about a concerted move by the banks? >> that is right, and a surprise move, global central banks have agreed on a coordinated action to ease strain on the world's financial system, aiming to shore up markets and boost landings. the joint announcement was made by the european central bank, the u.s. federal reserve, and
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the central banks of japan, britain, and canada. stock-market prices surged following the announcement. in frankfurt, the dax jumped 4.6% in early afternoon trading, and the euro hit a high against the u.s. dollar. we last saw this concerted action when lehman brothers went down. i asked the german institute of economic research if things are really that bad again. >> yes, i think so, this is true. if we look at credit default swaps, they are at an unprecedented heights. also, the interbank market has dried out. there may be big problems emerging at the moment. >> how long can the positive effect last? >> usually this only blasts some days because everybody is clear about the fact that governments have had to reform and that using the printing press is the
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lowering the effect of the governments to go for structured refunds. at the last couple days, but in the end, everybody is aware of the fact more has to be done and politicians have to be more active than they have been in the past. >> will this send to inflation soaring? >> i don't think so. not in the short to medium run. in the medium to long run, we will see inflation in the raw material sector, the real-estate sector. this is the usual pattern. in the short run, we feel a slight recession in germany, and a stronger recession and the euro area because of the credit crunch. this is what the central bank's wants to fight. >> thank you so much for joining us. global stocks rallied and the dollar slid against the euro. let's look at some of the closing market numbers. the blue-chip dax closed almost
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up 5% preferredthe euro stoxx 50 was 4% higher. in new york, the dow industrials were higher. and the root is trading at $1.3436. -- and the road is trading at $1.3436. germany's finance minister said wednesday that germany is open to increasing the international monetary fund resources to bilateral loans. that reverses the stance that bergmann took earlier this month at the g-20 summit, but he said the ecb printing presses will not solve the crisis. >> the german finance minister is steadfast that fiscal discipline is the key to solving the crisis. he opposes extending the powers of the ecb to help member states. >> it would buy a few months relief but not solve any
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problems. >> some of his colleagues see things differently. sweden says the ecb should step up its role, given the low inflation risks in the eurozone. >> price stability is secure in europe, so there is removed -- room to maneuver. >> the eu finance ministers are doing all they can to save the common currency, the time to come up with a response is running out. britain ground to a halt amid a public sector strike, their biggest walkout in more than 30 years. up to 2 million employees shut up to protest austerity measures they say will force them to work longer and pay more for pageants. -- or pay more for patients. the threat of strike at heathrow airport did not materialize after most immigration official showed up for work. germany's unemployment dropped a record low in november. the figures show the jobless
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rate sank by 0.1%, 6.4%, the lowest in 20 years. 2.7 million people were out of four, 24,000 fewer than in october. the unemployment rate in the 17 member european union has risen to a record, 10.3%, leaving 16.7 million people out of jobs. italy and spain had the highest jobless numbers. germany's labor market is doing ok compared with the last of europe -- with the rest of europe, but we asked what pitfalls he sees it. >> i am seeing the massive consolidation and packages in spain, greece, so on, are stalling the economic activity in the euro area, and that explains why the numbers of unemployed are soaring so much. europe is in a difficult situation, and we must do the
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utmost to stabilize the area. >> and back to you. a court in belarus has found two men guilty of a bomb attack in the capital minsk and has sentenced them to death. 15 people died and scores were injured in the explosion. >> investigators said the two men were driven by hatred for mankind and not political motive spirit the trial began in september, and now the judge has ruled that the two men, both aged 25, should receive. palais -- should receive the death penalty. the attack was the worst in decades. 15 people died when the bomb exploded at rush hour. human rights activists called on the court not to impose the death penalty. belarus is the only country in
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europe to still carry out executions. the mother of one of the men said her son was innocent part. >> if anybody still does not understand what is going on around us and once more innocent blood spilled in addition to this innocent 15 victims, i am ready to sacrifice myself. let them shoot me instead of my boy. i have lived enough. >> the sentence cannot be appealed. the belarus authoritarian president could pardon the men, but that is not likely. he said earlier this month he wants to see them punished with the full force of the law. out a deal with right wing extremism in germany, the rest this week of another man with links to a neo-nazi cell is fueling calls for the far right npd party to be banned. >> the rest has fueled the
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national debate on banning the npd. he was the deputy leader of the party's regional branch. he is alleged to have given support to the neo-nazis. many in parliament believe this alleged link makes an npd ban all the more probable. >> this is real evidence that our party that? contrary to the constitution. it the likelihood of a new suit been filed with constitutional court has increased. >> someone his activities may not be enough to all the party. they say prove would be needed that the party knew about the murder spirited -- know about the murders. >> we will examine the ban with the aim of possibly in implementing it. whether the chances have become
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greater will become clear what further investigation. at that a previous bid to outlaw the party failed in 2003. at the constitutional court ruled the evidence was not admissible because it had been collected by informants for germany's intelligence service. the former president of the ivory coast laurent gbagbo will face charges of crimes against humanity. they stem from the conflict that flared in the country last december. he refused to concede power. >> alright the gbagbo was flown to the netherlands and taken to the courts prison. officials say he will get a fair trial. >> i think for the icc, it is important everytime to see there is cooperation with a different authorities in the different countries in order to arrest the suspects and allow them to face a failed proceeding -- fair
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proceeding. at that the charges relates to the time after the election a year ago credi. the united nations said he lost, but he failed to step down as president. he had themselves sworn in again as head of state and is reported to have used violent methods to subdue opponents. in april, gbagbo was captured by troops loyal to the man who had won the election. but he was made president, but the court said it is investigating crimes committed by his side as well paris -- as well. and exhibition in hamburger celebrating and see temperatures. the sculptors have come to ham burg to display their works. they've been shipped and hammered into extraordinary shape. the exhibition is open until the
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welcome back. russians are voting in parliament. election sunday. prime minister vladimir putin's united russian party is expected to win. it has long dominated the politics of the country, but there are signs his popularity is slipping and it could lose their two-thirds majority, a majority which allows it to make constitutional changes. a growing number of russian said they are not happy with the way their country is run. many complained of corruption, injustice, and agreed to. one opinion poll suggests one- fifth of the population would like to leave the country. perhaps the most frustrated are highly qualified young people. in this special report, we caught up with two people very divergent views on the future of
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their home country. >> this person is a loyal supporter of vladimir putin. the 26-year-old sociologist believes in the russian prime minister's words and deeds and as a candidate for the governing united russian party. stefan wants to pack up and leave. he does not see a future for himself in russia with putin in power. two young people and their perspectives of russia. this is the city of penza, about 560 kilometers south of moscow. this person is hard at work campaigning for the united russian party. >> as a young politician, i am aiming for the top job. i want to change many things. i want a strong, highly developed russia, with high investment and fair wages.
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>> this person is scheduled to address it young people at one of the city's universities. it as a candidate for the united russia, she is greeted here like a vip. the director gives very personal tour of the campus. one of the classrooms is filled with students only slightly redundancy is. >> but the difference between united russia and the other parties is very big. if united russia makes a promise, it makes sure to deliver. test that for yourselves. >> many russians see putin's party as representing the interests of a corrupt bureaucracy. united russia hopes that young and fresh faces will help revamp its image. >> do you see a bright future if you got it russia wins the election?
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-- if you got it russia wednesday election? >> if i did not believe that, i would not be standing for this party. my reputation is very important to me. >> her answer goes down well with the students. but united russia's promises rang hollow with this person. he and his wife see their future in canada. at the computer programmer and psychologist plan to emigrate and study their. they think they will only be about to find a well-paid and secure job with a degree from a western university. they saved long and hard to make the move and will be packing up in the summer. they are not alone. more than one-fifth of the young people in russia are thinking about moving abroad. >> we want a more predictable and balanced life. i like to be able to plan the next five years, not just up to next spring.
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and the children i have and the future should be up to own their home and get a good education. >> they used to run a small business in this building. at his work force of 15 manufactured board games such as monopoly. that business was booming until putin's government increased employers' social insurance contributions by 20%. that was good news for employees, but it's spelled the end of his promising business. >> the financing issues were not the only problems. the whole attitude towards business owners has to change. many people think if you have a small business and trade things, must be a thief or they think that you still things from the working class. >> this is moscow's stadium.
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since the early hours of the morning, she has been hard at work. as the head of united russia's youth wing, she coordinates delegates from across the country. at this gathering, she is preparing to stage for vladimir putin himself. he is about to be declared the party's official candidate for the presidency. >> for vladimir putin has proved his worth. he has been in politics since 1999 and has achieved a lot. since then, the national budget have loan -- the national budget alone has increased tenfold. that has been managed down to the last detail. >> putin, putin, a chance the crowd. and she is among the crowd. in his speech, putin promises to continue this past policies. he denounces the liberal opposition and accuses four countries of trying to manipulate the campaign,
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accusations the assembled crowd approves of. stephon watches the conference on the evening news. putin's bid for the presidency is the hot topic across russia's news networks. if putin is victorious, he thinks that russia could grind to a standstill. >> he is clinging to power. lost any contact with the real world along time ago. -- a long time ago. >> he occasionally participates in opposition campaigning to voice his dissent. put an end to this regime of crooks, says this sticker. he and his fellow kremlin
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critics are convinced that sunday's elections to the duma will be raped. they say that putin's party has intimidator rival candidates or muted their campaign messages. they are convinced that the election to the duma will be rigged. >> i view these in a critical light. they're not even genuine elections predict -- they're not even genuine elections. >> i would like to see a party that is different from you that it russia. -- that are different from a united russia. >> that is what opposition groups are making their voices heard on the streets of russia instead. when russians go to the polls on sunday, they hope that everyone disillusioned with the putin regime will mass on red square in a show of strength. he and others will see the election as a chance to get their message across to putin
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and the bureaucrats loyal to his united russia party. this person sees the election as opportunity to kickstart her political career. she hopes to win a seat in parliament. the in the evening, she meets with fellow campaigners and shows off pictures of herself together with her idol. >> i hope that every one of us sitting at this table will be able to find a place in the system so it can continue to function as it has. >> she believes that russia's future is safe in the hands of putin and his party. stephon, on the other hand, has had enough. two young people with different views of russia in 2011. >> and that was our in-depth report. from berlin, as always, thank you for watching, and thank you for the company president -- and
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