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tv   Journal  PBS  September 25, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT

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buying plans. >> and haunting masterpieces -- a museum in frankfurt exhibits paintings that happen to the dark side of romanticism -- tap into the dark side of romanticism. under way in new york. right now, much of the international community is focused on the conflict in syria. u.s. president barack obama in his address called for world leaders to end the regime of bashar al assad. >> the emir of qater, which is reportedly spending symbols -- emir of qatar, reportedly funding rebels, went so far as to say the regime should be
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taken down. russia and china indicated they have no intention of abandoning assad. >> the conflict in syria overshadowed every other topic at the opening of the general assembly in new york. the u.n. security council remains divided over sanctions against damascus, which have been blocked by syrian allies. u.n. secretary-general ban ki- moon renewed his call for sanctions against syria. >> this is a serious and growing international -- that to international security. >> he said the council could no longer turn a blind eye to syria where he said the conflict has claimed 27,000 lives. u.s. president barack obama also condemned the violence. >> in syria, the future must not belong to a dictator who massacres his people. if there is a cause that cries out for protest in the world today -- peaceful protest -- it is a region that tortures children and shoot rockets at
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apartment buildings. >> but the west and its allies are still caught in a deadlock with syria's partners, china and russia. obama also stressed that chinese ally iran must not be allowed to create nuclear weapons. that is a position that germany shares. >> on the one hand, we are ready for in-debt discussions and negotiations, but on the other hand, we need to toughen sanctions. >> germany's foreign minister spoke of a word in -- world in turmoil. obama stressed many countries had made progress but that recent troubles in the muslim world demonstrated the hard task of achieving true democracy. >> i have been talking to our correspondent, who is covering the general assembly's opening for us, and i began by asking if there were any surprises in president obama's speech. >> well, he touched upon the topics we all expected him to touch upon -- syria, iran. we saw that in the report, but what was surprising was that he
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spent so little time on them. he spent the majority of his speaking time talking basically about american values, defending his foreign policy, explaining why it is possible that america could have a video, like the basic -- basically infamous video that caused all the turmoil in the middle east, without having it then. the talk of freedom of speech, freedom of religion -- it was a speech about peace and getting together and how to communicate with others, so that was a little bit of a surprise because many people expected a tough- talking obama who would pump up the pressure on syria and on iran, but this was more like a classic un speech. >> there is still a lot of rhetoric on syria, but can we expect any u.n. action there? >> what we see so far -- well, we actually did not see it, but there was a close security council meeting on monday, and
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we heard u.s. -- un special envoy brahimi announce he was working on a security plan, but he kept his cards pretty close to the vest. he did not give away what this peace plan would look like. when we talked to the german foreign minister on tuesday, he said we should not get our hopes up too high, that he did not expect any ground-breaking there, that there was still this stalemate between russia and china on the one side of the security council and basically the western world on the other d frustration about the situation and the inability of the security council to change anything on the ground in syria. >> max, thank you very much for that. >> in syria, international organizations working there estimate that some 2000 children have been killed in the course of the country's civil war. many thousands more are among the 250,000 refugees who fled
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the fighting. >> the british-based charity organization save the children has released an alarming report about the abuse of children in syria. the group says children there are being kidnapped and tortured. >> hundreds of syrian refugees have that at this refugee camp in jordan every day. over half are children. most of them arrive without their parents. hassan, like many children here, has lost loved ones. a rocket attack killed his cousin and his uncle. >> -- "dead and injured people were everywhere. there was no one there to help. we saw a body parts and fragments strewn everywhere. i was devastated. i hated my life and myself." she is 9 and has already witnessed people tortured. she no longer plays games. she says she does not feel like
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a child anymore. 14-year-old hassan says assad's troops have literally dragged children into the war. >> the use children as human shields. they put children in front of them to shield themselves from the shooting. >> not all the children are capable of talking about what they have been through. this boy was held captive in a school for weeks, hung by his wrists and beaten by soldiers. save the children and volunteers are trying to restore a sense of normality to these children's lives. it is a challenge. this jordanian camp lacks even the basics like water and food. these children are urgently in need of psychological counseling to help them get over what they have been through. >> all right, we turn our attention back to europe and anti-rust 30 protesters in madrid have clashed with police. thousands of demonstrators
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gathered in an effort to block off the parliament building where deputies are not -- are now debating the 2013 budget. it is expected to include more austerity measures and expected to be announced on thursday. amoco is blocked off access to parliament and had deployed more than 1000 police officers. protesters are angry at the cuts in pay and increases in taxis and blame the government and eu institutions for what they call unjust measures -- protesters are angry at the cuts in pay and increases in taxes. correspondent miles johnson is following events in madrid. massive protests today in spain -- why are people taking to the streets in such large numbers? >> i think we have now had months of austerity, but i think there is a growing sign that these austere measures often, in the form of numbers, as people read in the newspapers. >> it appears pretty clear that spain needs help, but the
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spanish government seems to still be very hesitant to formally ask for eu help. why is that? >> we have a bit of a stalemate at the moment. i think the political stigma, which is attached to requesting a bailout, which would really involve the prime minister going on television in front of his voters and saying, "i have failed" because he was elected in november to avoid this sort of state, but there is a political stigma attached meaning that he is very unlikely to order one unless he is forced to. but what has become more interesting in recent weeks is that the german government has also taken this stance as well. >> it is clear the general population is against more reforms, and with the government seems to need to do. what is the expectation about what will actually happen? >> i think at the moment, a lot of people are actually quite confused. i think international call wondering how this will end. as we have said, he seems to be reluctant to order this bailout.
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while the same time, financial markets have priced in the fact that he will order it, so the longer he waits, it could be at least until the first of october, which is where we have regional elections -- financial markets -- there is a risk that they will panic and a risk we will see another shot. i think the situation is very fragile at the moment. >> thank you very much. >> all right, well, how to get out of the debt crisis is being hotly contested in spain. as we see now in berlin, the head of the european central bank, mario draghi, defended the bank's plans to buy up bonds of indebted countries. >> in a speech to german business leaders, he also cautioned eurozone leaders against complacency, saying they must follow through with the size of policies. chancellor angela merkel repeated her opposition to the pulp -- the pooling of eurozone
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debt. >> a stone's throw from the bdi meeting, beggars are out on the street. compared to the rest of europe, most germans are doing well, but the country is not prepared to simply foot the bill for others. chancellor merkel reassure business leaders that berlin would not hand out funds without conditions. >> guarantees must be met with checks and balances. anything else would leave europe back to a half where we have not learned from the mistakes of the past -- lead europe that to a path. >> economically, europe is moving ahead at different speeds with some countries in the north of the eu fairing quite well and others, mainly in the south of the continent, facing a severe crisis. stability programs rely foremost on german funding. >> we need to be patient and wait to see how effective the esm is before we talk about
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pumping more funds into it. >> the ecb president wants to go further. he tried to reassure german industrial leaders over his plans to buy of eurozone government debt. >> i too will help stabilize conditions in other markets, such as those for corporate and bank bonds. we look at the credit flows -- that is the most important objective of our policy action. >> german politicians say they would have liked to have heard more about the ecb strategy as well. draghi is set to address them on his plans to buy eurozone debt very soon. >> all right, let's find out more about what mario draghi has been saying here in berlin. for that, you're so joined by our correspondent. thanks for being with us. as we saw there in the report, draghi defended the approach to business leaders in berlin. how is his message received? >> that has been the big question today -- how does mario
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draghi defend the ecb policy of buying up possibly unlimited quantities of bonds from struggling eurozone economies, and his answer was interesting. "unfounded fears" was the term he used, five times no less, on financial markets about the eurozone, which had and that some eurozone members, he said, have been faced with borrowing costs that are simply unsustainable, as far as he sees it. he said the ecb had to act to return equilibrium to a successfully, says the markets have responded positively and realized that progress is being made in the eurozone. >> briefly, what about merkel's speech earlier? did she give the press and she has the answer to the eurozone debt crisis? >> the answer for angela merkel is more fiscal restraint. she did -- she feels europe's physical contact is the answer. it will impose new and very strict terms on national
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economies for budgetary restraint, but can it be enforced? that is the question merkel faces today. >> peter, thanks. german consumer confidence looks set to remain stable next month, despite concerns that an economic slowdown has begun. >> market research company gfk says germans are as willing to spend money in october as they had been answered timber, but they are more pessimistic about their income in the future, fearing it could drop considerably -- germans are as willing to spend money in october as they had been in september. let's take a look at tuesday's market action. things are actually pretty good on the markets. let's kick off in frankfurt where the gap had finished up -- not by a whole lot, but still green on the screen -- where the dax had finished up. across the atlantic, the dow down by 0.5% at this hour, and
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on currency markets, the year of trading a little bit lower against the greenback, $1.2910. austrian skydiver -- an austrian skydiver is preparing for a historic feat. in two weeks, he aims to be the first person to break the sound barrier in free fall. >> he plans to jump from a height of 37 kilometers of the u.s., reaching a speed of 1,100 kilometers per hour. >> we are out of here fast, but we will be back in just over a minute. >> stay tuned.
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>> welcome back. in his address to the united nations general assembly, united states president barack obama said the recent unrest in the arab world would not prevent a march toward progress. many countries which sought dictatorships toppled has -- have struggled to establish civil institutions and democratic societies. >> recent protests against a u.s.-made and that-islamic film highlighted the debate these
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societies face over freedom of speech and religious tolerance. we met up with one artist in tunisia who is grateful for the freedoms that he now enjoys. >> he has been a cartoonist for 40 years. during that time, pen and paper have been his weapons in the fight against injustice and the struggle for change. he says the revolution in tunisia has given him new freedoms both personally and professionally. >> we only have freedom of expression in a few areas like sports, culture, or social issues. politics was taboo, regardless of whether the criticism was directed at public authorities or the government itself. we complied with those policies all those years until the revolution came, and one of its first achievements was freedom of expression. >> but he believes it is under threat again. this time, from religious
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conservatives, the salaphists. there blackbeard's are prominent in his cartoons. he has already received death threats. what disturbs him most is that the authorities are incapable of protecting artists' like him. >> i am confident as far as the current situation is concerned because reforms are still possible. but we must prevent a civil war between the supporters and the representatives of the old regime and the salaphists. all of these parties are basically dividing the country that was once united. >> he suspects political agitators are behind the controversial film that has caused so much outrage in the arab world. >> people only know the film through a few excerpts that they have seen on youtube.
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nobody has seen the whole film. then we heard there was no film. these people want to provoke unrest and violence in arab countries and cause damage to u.s. president obama in the run- up to the elections. >> he says the governing parties are trying to turn back the clock in tunisia. he says the party has already placed people from their own ranks in key posts in the media and he sees that as a fresh attack on freedom, so he now has a new target for future cartoons. >> well, a bomb blast has left at least seven people dead in eastern turkey. most believed to be soldiers. security sources in the country say they suspect kurdish militants are to blame. >> the incident took place -- when a vehicle full of
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explosives blew up when soldiers drew -- drove past in their armored truck. this comes amid a wave of new attacks by the pkk separatist group on turkish military targets. in a minute, we will look at a new exhibit in frankfurt that examines the dark side of art. >> time now for a brief look at some of the other stories making headlines this hour. north korea has held a rare session of parliament here the last time it met was in able to formally nominate -- nominate kim jongun -- jong-un as formal leader. that a large fire has destroyed a fertilizer warehouse in western germany. 200 firefighters battled the blaze. it was initially feared that smoke from the blaze contained poisonous fumes. local authorities are now playing down any threat to the surrounding area. the fire did, however, disrupt
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shipping on the rhine river as well as air traffic at dusseldorf airport. >> a former german chancellor returned to the bundestag to mark 30 years since he held the post. he retired from public life 10 years ago due to a party finance scandal. two products are popular with consumers worldwide, but low prices can come at a high human toll -- cheap products are popular with consumers worldwide. >> leaders in the world's leading economies are able to manufacture in developing countries where wages are extremely low. >> cambodia is quite popular with many countries looking for the cheapest labor popular. company h&m is one of those firms.
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and our visits were repeatedly cancelled due to apparent scheduling problems. it has taken awhile for us to be allowed in these gates. this man visits local suppliers and monitors productions in their factories. in the case of a textile plant, that approach did not work. in august 2011, 300 female workers collapsed here. they had been producing lidware. the subsequent investigation produced an action plan. a new cooling system was installed with larger fans and thermometers in every production room. but 25 is very good. -- >> 25 is very good. anything within 30 is good. >> they have the factories of their own fear the company has clothes made in countries where production is cheapest. in cambodia alone, that is said to be 50 factories producing goods for the swedish firm --
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they're said to be 50 factories producing goods for the swedish firm. the women was said to a collapsed due to mass hysteria. >> one or two people faint. the arrest them them fell down from some kind of -- they see something, and they just fell down. >> more than 5000 people work here. almost all of them young women under 25. the minimum wage in cambodia is 50 euros a month, and she has to scrimp and save. for lunch, she makes do with a small bag of vegetables and rice. her contract stipulates an eight-hour working day, but she regularly puts in 12 to 14 hours to earn a little more she will even work a 24-hour shift when money is tight. she says the conditions never change. >> i don't dare say no. the foreman always say that if we do not work overtime and they
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cannot deliver the goods on time, our contracts will not be renewed. >> 9,000 kilometers away, h&m's head office. they want to introduce a code of ethics to suppliers to bind them to fair working conditions, but she admits the company can guarantee total compliance. >> i don't think we should have the game to be in full control. i think we should have the aim to have a very good cooperation with our suppliers said they themselves also see the benefits of taking this kind of responsibility. >> sustainability and responsibility are good buzz words, the suppliers in cambodia say they have to keep prices low because the countries competing with india and bangladesh for contracts. textile factories said their working conditions are all well and good as long as they do not cost anything to buyers.
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am i too would be suicide for us to unilaterally raise our prices because buyers would take their orders and go. to anyone that could give them a cheaper price. >> at the bottom of the production chain, other female workers. she lives in a hud. with her mother and sister. all three of them live on her earnings. >> i just want my mother to be okay and for my sister to have a reasonable school education. >> it is the same routine every morning. at 5:00 a.m., she gets up to start another day's work. >> a cake, changing topics now. it is called dark romanticism -- are dealing with themes such as sen and self destruction -- art dealing with themes such as sin
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and self-destruction. then a museum in frankfurt has dedicated entire exhibition to this genre. it focuses on the fascination artists have had with the dark side. >> a mad look in her eyes, a dead child in her lap. this 1853 work is called " hunger, madness, crime." this new exhibition in frankfurt and to show the dark side of humanity. as in this crazy horse and a demon hovering over a reclining woman by a swiss artist. >> i think turning the gaze inward is the key. there were often drugs involved. for example, it is believed he ate raw meat in order to get these dreams. that comes across 150 years
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later and will continue to do so most likely. >> the exhibition displays paintings and sculpture as well as several film clips. a frankenstein films from 1932, for instance. it is a strange, and real world hinted at in "the flight of the witches'" and finally realized through surrealism. and this. another insight into romanticism's dark side. van at a little early for halloween. >> i guarantee you i'm going to have nightmares tonight. >> then the artwork was successful. >> i guess it will be. >> more news for you at the top of the hour. >> stay tuned. captioned by the national captioning institute
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warnings for the human race. the united nations secretary-general has called on world leaders to solve pressing global problems. ban ki-moon opened the u.n. general assembly by outlining what he sees as a sense of crisis. the secretary-general warned about conflicts in the middle east, religious intolerance and climate change. he sounded the alarm about what he called the direction of the human family. >> my action agenda highlights


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