tv Journal PBS March 28, 2013 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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good time to go ahead if you're going to have any - in fact it's a great time if you're going to put any other weeds and things in there. be sure you've got everything highlighted behind it. like if you want to highlight that back area there with just a little bit more sunlight, be sure all that's done first, because remember painting's done in a progression of overlapping steps. so if you want this to be a little brighter back here this would be the time to put a little sunlight back in through here. kind of smush in a little glow. and then when you're ready to put your final weeds and things in there, that'll show up a little nicer. well folks as usual we're going to have to leave. man this is so much fun. i really hope you can join us next time when we put all the wood grain on here. it is going to be a blast. so god bless you, stay inspired keep painting, and i promise i'm going to see you right here real soon on another yarnell school of fine art.
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to form a government. >> capital controls in cyprus are set to last a month, but people remain calm as the bank's open their doors again. back -- >> back in the hospital, concerns for former south african president nelson mandela. in italy, the center-left lead pier luigi bersani says he has failed to form a government after nearly a week of talks with other parties ended without agreement. >> bersani told the press that some of the conditions demanded by other parties during the negotiations were unacceptable. his coalition narrowly won control but fell short in the senate. >> let's go live to rome where we are joined by our correspondent.
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why did these negotiations break down? >> the negotiations always looked like they were going to fail because we are in a completely logjam situation here where the elections last month threw up three major parties -- the central left democrat party, the central right freedom party candidate silvio berlusconi, and the protest movement. none of these three groups can agree on how to go forward. the democratic party won the election but did not win control of both houses. the central right party wants to go into a sort of national coalition government with the democrats, and they do not want to do that because they see mr. berlusconi as corrupted.
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>> they are a critical player at this point, the five-star movement of beppe grillo. could he changes into- establishment position at some point? >> since the election last month, he has insulted bersani practically every day, and he continues to do that today. >> it requires on the road to damascus for him to change his mind. >> where does italy go from here? could we see new elections? >> nobody wants to see new elections. i think what will happen now is president of peloton a will do something similar to what we did in november 2011 when he appointed the current prime minister, mario monti, the former european commissioner.
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he may try to do something like that. he may look to people like the former premier, the current interior minister, or the former european commissioner to try to take -- put together a short- term government whose major responsibility will be to guard confidence for the international markets and in the meantime, the only item on the agenda will be to change the current electoral legislation. >> thank you so much for that update. the restrictions in cyprus on account access could remain in place for a month -- that is the word today as thousands of people headed to banks to withdraw cash for the very first time in nearly two weeks. there was no run on the banks as some had feared with crowds lining up patiently. >> cyprus is the first eurozone member to bring in those kinds of capital controls.
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it is part of a bailout plan that depositors are facing withdraw limits. and in many cypriots spend hours waiting in long lines at the bank. for those dependent on over the counter with calls, it was the first time they could access their deposits in nearly two weeks. but there are still strict limits on transactions, and that is making life difficult for many residents. >> things are not at all ok. my mother could not get any money. she could not catch her bond, and she has to wait for her pension. >> my daughter lives with me, and i have no other income. tell the government. >> even if i go to the bank today, they will not give me more than 300 euros. how long will this last? everybody is confused and has questions. >> to prevent a run on the banks, the government has imposed tight controls.
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daily withdrawals have been capped at 300 euros per person. cash transfers abroad have been limited to 5000 euros a month. travelers leaving the country cannot take more than 1000 euros in cash. late wednesday, trucks loaded with cash pulled up at the central bank ahead of the reopening. some 5 billion euros was reportedly flown in by the european central bank. capital controls were initially due to last a week, but the foreign ministry now says it will be about a month before they are fully lifted. >> for more, let's go to our correspondent, nathan morley, who joins us on the line from nicosia. they were saying seven days of these controls. now they are talking about a month? can cyprus continue like that for long? >> that is a very good question. a month since how it will be. i was listening to an economist from the popular bank also saying a month or more.
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really ought to see how it goes. day one, so far so good. very orderly, very disciplined. most of the people i was speaking to were going into the banks not just to withdraw money, but to ask questions about how they pay their electric bills, phone bills -- basically how the system works. a few other developments you might want to know about -- the president has announced this evening that he is to take a 25% cut in his salary. he also announced more details of this crow probe into why the banks fail. three high court judges will be appointed, and that investigation will get under way in the next few days. >> do you think moves like that -- that salary cut an investigation -- will quell public anger, or do you see some sort of return to protest possible? >> i cannot see it doing any harm. the president, even though he has only been in office three weeks, seems to have a lot of praise for the way he has handled the situation in the past few days.
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as i say, we are on day one of the bank openings, and we got a bank holiday on monday as well. let's just see how the next seven days ago and how people are coping. you never know -- we may see more good behavior. >> more good behavior -- that would be fantastic. many thanks, nathan morley. >> germany may have gotten its way in negotiations with cyprus, but imposing its will has come at a heavy cost to its image in europe. in cyprus and other debt-wracked countries, protesters waving not see posters blame berlin for a merciless austerity drive. >> each time that a eurozone country has sought help from creditors, germany has come to the rescue, but it has also meant tough cuts and new taxes as part of a new deal, but perhaps ironically, those efforts to hold you up together risk creating new divisions and summoning old fears.
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>> comparisons with nazi germany are becoming more frequent in the crisis-hit countries of the eurozone. in cyprus, portugal, italy, and spain, german chancellor angela merkel is blamed for imposing stringent measures that are leading to social and economic decline. the eu correspondent is not surprised. >> pensioners and public servants are having their incomes cut. it is clear that the economic reforms which were pushed by germany are not doing much. >> when eu officials meet in brussels, germany say it is decisive. berlin sets the course to follow to bail out the eurozone's beleaguered economies, but this austrian journalist says the problem is not as much the policies as the attitude. >> germany is exemplary in economic terms. i would say there is a lack of feeling towards partners.
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not enough solidarity being shown. germany is coming across as a little bit too cool. >> at the same time, germany is also a magnet for young spaniards and greeks who cannot find a job because of austerity measures. >> obviously, things are going to turn out badly if we do not make some changes, but one day, someone in berlin and brussels will realize we are on the wrong path. >> at least that is what million said he use citizens are hoping. until then, protests against the eu and germany are likely to continue. >> with a wave of anti-german sentiments stinging politicians in berlin, the two will also hardin resistance to further eurozone rescues. our political correspondent has been observing germany's role in the eurozone bailouts. this criticism of germany -- is it justified? for decades, germany has been a model european country in many
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ways. >> i think it is a very widespread misconception, which is fueled by populists in southern europe, that germany is responsible for imposing austerity. do take cyprus, the latest case. we know that the supreme finance minister said basically the banking sector has no relation to the real economy in terms of size, and that is the crux of the problem. he came back empty-handed. he got the same answer from the debt-financed -- the dutch finance minister and the same message from the international monetary fund, whose director is christina lagarde, a french journalist. basically, the international consensus is that cypriot politicians have been responsible over a number of years. >> thanks for those insights from berlin.
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>> the events in cyprus this week have also affected markets across europe. we have the response in frankfurt as the trading week came to an end before the easter break, also talking about an oecd report. >> the oecd forecast was not a big help for the mood or for the share prices. nice to hear traders say that the united states will continue to grow and that also germany is looking better than its european neighbors. on the other hand, those neighbors are buyers for german exports, so i of the picture is not looking so bright, then that could be a problem for germany as well, and not to forget, german economists this week revised downwards the process for the image of the prospect for the german economy. they are less optimistic. the week in total was totally in the shadow of the developments in cyprus, so the dax dropped by about 1.5% this week.
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>> let's have a look then at the closing numbers. starting off in frankfurt, the week may have been down, but on the day, it was slightly up. across the atlantic, still trading on the dow, of course, about a quarter of a point higher, and the euro trading at just over $1.28. >> u.s. president barack obama has called on congress to back new gun control measures, which would expand background checks on gun control purchases. >> he made the comments in the presence of families of shooting victims and urged lawmakers to not forget the newtown school massacre in december, which left 26 people dead. the senate is expected to vote -- expected to vote on measures next month. most americans support them. >> government officials in south africa say former president nelson mandela is responding positively to treatment for a long infection. he was admitted to the hospital late on wednesday. >> the 94-year-old has grown
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increasingly frail since he left public life. many of his ailments over the years are linked to the 27 years he spent in prison during the apartheid regime. >> nelson mandela was taken to the hospital after the lung infection he suffered in december flared up again. he is still revered in south africa and beyond as the man who led the fight against apartheid. >> we are getting free education. we learn for free. it is because of you. let you, we would not be here where we are today. van at a presidential spokesman reassured well-wishers around the world. >> former president nelson mandela is responding positively to the treatment he is receiving for recurring lung infection. for the present, he remains under treatment and observation in hospital. >> nelson mandela has not made
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any major public appearances since the country hosted the world cup in 2010. the nation has been following their first democratic leader's frequent hospitalizations with concern. >> officials say they appreciate the public interest in mandela was a condition but have asked that the medical staff be allowed to focus on their work. >> going to a short break. when we come back, preparations for easter celebrations in rome. >> stay with us.
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ceremony. he went to a youth detention center, where he washed and kissed the feet of 12 young offenders. it was his version of the tradition of jesus washing his apostles feet before the last supper. former pontiffs usually performed the right in one of rome's's basilicas. >> we take a look at some of the subtle but significant changes that pope francis is making at the start of his papacy. observers note that his style and approach so far is very different from his predecessor. >> history was made when two popes met last weekend. pope emeritus benedict xvi warmly welcomed his successor pope francis. both elderly men both wearing white, and that is where the similarities end, at least on the surface. the difference in style was a visible from the very start of their papacy's. in 2005, benedict appeared in ornate and colorful garments.
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he bore tradition on his shoulders. eight years later, pope francis appeared in simple dress to the public in rome. >> buena sera. a simple address, brothers and sisters, good evening. he donned a plain white cassock and a simple iron cross, and everyone knew he was wearing ordinary black shoes, not red ones. observers like the berlin-based catholic theologian are intrigued by the differences. >> what is remarkable is the new pope's simplicity. by contrast, the pope and marriages had a certain refined ness. for example, the brussels lace that he obviously loved. >> benjamin bishop, a protestant, is impressed by the new pope's approach.
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>> even if there is great pleasure in the liturgy, it is about turning to the people. he seems better able to do this than benedict. he reaches out to people, making it clear that he is interested in the poor. >> benedict, on the other hand, was criticized for emphasizing doctrine too much and not being as close to ordinary catholics around the world. francis, the first pope from the new world, spoke out against the church's theological musses system before being elected. he appears more modern in style, but will he be really so different from his predecessor when it comes to doctrine? only time will tell. >> we will really see the change after the first cyclical. that is what is going to be really decisive. >> for now, it all remains a matter of speculation if pope
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francis will go down in history as the man who will set the catholic church on a different course. >> coming up in just a moment, would regular massages make you more loyal to your employer? we visit one german company that is pampering its people. >> more on that in just a moment, but first, some other news from around the world. >> syrian state media reported that at least 15 people have been killed in a mortar attack on damascus university. the government planned terrorists, its term for rebel opposition fighters. the opposition has stepped up attacks in and around the capital in recent days. >> turkey has denied deporting syrian refugees after clashes broke out with military police at a camp near the border of the two countries. the foreign ministry said that 50 people have chosen to return back to syria. the united nations refugee agency has voiced its concern and said it is looking into the allegations.
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>> an attack by suspected militants has marred the start of peace talks between thailand and islamic insurgents. three thai soldiers were killed by a bomb just hours before a meeting between government representatives and rebels got under way in malaysia. they are hoping to end a decade- old conflict that has claimed 5000 lives. >> in britain, an inquest is opened into the death of a russian oligarch at his home in london. police said the 67-year-old tycoon was found dead on his bathroom floor with his neck down. there were apparently no signs of a struggle. he was living in self-imposed exile after falling out of favor with the kremlin. >> in germany, the latest unemployment figures are out for the country, and they showed the labour market stable despite the turbulence in the eurozone. still, the growth in jobs in recent years seems to have dissipated somewhat. >> rather than going on hiring
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sprees, german companies are focusing on holding onto the workers that they have. the more specialized the skills involved, the harder they have to work to keep that talent. >> employees of this i.t. service provider in an eastern german town called their canteen an oasis. work and play go hand in hand here. the company also offers massages and sports and wellness courses for staff, and there are on-site child care facilities. they are hoping to attract top workers with perks like these. >> we are competing with big companies like volkswagen, ibm, and others, and they offer positions in shanghai and london for couples, for everyone. so we need to bring a bit more to the table. >> demographic change has led to a relative decline in skilled workers. add to that a new younger generation of employees, which places a value on balancing work
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and family. companies like this one to cater to them, and experts say such policies will pay off. >> both sides benefit if the company policy manages to be more than just a piece of paper gathering dust in a drawer. company's profit in a competitive market through good employees, and they can support these kind of measures. >> though providing perks is important, turnover and profit matter as well, but employees are becoming more aware that offering good working conditions is also key to staying competitive. >> the easter weekend break has almost arrived in germany, which usually means springtime is well under way, but not this year. >> that is the story as we have been reporting in the past few days. winter will not budge in northern europe. still, some people are buying an opportunity. and inside, there is no chance of slipping on the ice. that is why fitness fans prefer
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machines to the outdoors when winter is still around. >> the notice that everything has been pushed back. it is march, but the numbers are similar to the high season, which is december, january, february. >> the extended cold spell is also boosting business at travel agencies. most last minute easter deals have already been snapped at by sun-starved holidaymakers. >> a t is difficult, but there are some packages from hamburg in the direction of tunisia, so there is something left. >> retailers with any winter stock remaining are doing booming business. the souvenir hats are still selling well. >> they get them in at the end of december for winter, and they are still going strong now. >> the subzero temperatures are giving this easter market more of the christmas feel, and shoppers are relying on warm drinks to ease the chill.
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>> since we opened, we have mostly sold wine and hot toddies. >> good sales people think on their feet whatever the weather. >> russia is preparing to launch a spacecraft headed for the international space station, but instead of taking the usual two days, this trip is expected to take just six hours. >> you could call it taking a shortcut into orbit. it is a procedure that has worked so far with the unmanned cargo spacecraft. this is the first time it has been tried with this crew. >> the international space station has already changed its orbit several times. it is now flying higher than ever to get into the perfect position for the express flight. it is circling around the earth at a height of over 400 kilometers. the shorter flight is actually more stressful for the crew. they only have six hours to
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activate the transporter and prepare it for docking. the three astronauts are strapped into special seats well before the launch. they will have to sit tight in cramped conditions until they dock, a weight that could last up to 10 hours. the workload does not give them a chance to change out of their space suits. technical changes have made the express flights possible. new control systems were installed in october 2010. maneuvers are now more precise. some are automatic. and new digital technology will guarantee the necessary precision during takeoff. this has to be coordinated very carefully with the space station's movements. the shorter transfer time means there is less flexibility to iron out any problems that creep up. in unmanned test, the flight has been completed in as little as
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six hours. if demand express flight is a success, it could become a routine practice. >> we have already heard about massages for i.t. workers here in germany. one of russia's biggest mining companies has come up with its own motivational scheme for its workers. >> he has sent a trio of musicians down to the pit to boost morale as they start their shifts. the company is planning more activities to improve working conditions with music, art, and dance. >> a little bit cramped, though. let's recap one of our top story right now. in italy, the center-left leader says he has failed to form a government after nearly a week of talks with other parties.
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