tv Newsline PBS June 27, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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flood to have you with us on "newsline." it's friday, june 28th. i'm catherine kobayashi in tokyo. the presidents of china and south korea agreed to tackle one of the most difficult topics to take steps with north korea's nuclear development. they are holding a summit since they both took power. they signed a joint statement. >> we agreed on the
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denuclearization and maintained stability and solved problems through dialogue. the situation on the peninsula is changing for the better and we hope the-party talks resume as soon as possible. >> representatives of the two koreas, china, russia and japan and the united states last held the two-party talks in 2008. they also agreed to boost diplomatic and economic ties. they will create a new framework for high level talks and colleging to work towards a free trade dpreamt. >> a great change is happening in northeast asia. we share the view that create new bilateral relations. a new peninsula and northeast asia in this time of change.
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the south sends a quarter of ex-pours to china. they need to expand activities to survive the global economic situation. >> we agree to expand the corporation which is centered on the investment to advanced technology and id, and finance. >> they want to reduce the u.s. and european markets to achieve stable dproeth. an expert on korean issues is covering the summit on beijing and he explains why. >> leaders have visited the u.s. first after their own inauguration, but from this convention, the count radioey relies on china for diplomatic
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as well as economic be reasons. they need help from china to have the new ambitions. they have the closest eye and observers say it has considerable influence. they also have a personal connection with china. she is proficient in mandarin and wrote about it in her auto biography and talked about visiting regional cities in towns. >> there is an aspect and experts believe they want to keep japan in check. they use the statement to refer
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to conflict between northeast asian conflict. the comment is availed criticism of japan. both are compared to the edge over japan while forging closer ties to other asian countries. nhk world, beijing. >> the u.s. treasury department is taking more action to try to stifle north korea's military development. it added a bank and firm in the north to the sanctions list. they said the institutions support the development of the ballistic weapons and missiles of mass destruction. the bank and the front company, d.c. b finance are prohibited from conducting financial transactions with american businesses and their assets in the u.s. are being frozen. the representative of d.c. b finance is facing the same restrictions. in march the department banned north korea's institution and
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the foreign trait bank from doing business from u.s. companies. officials stress they will continue to pressure north korea with financial sanctions. authorities in pyongyang appear to be toning down the provocations and engijed in missile development. it's worse than first thought. in the ouiger autonomous region, it left 35 people dead. members of the ouiger minority have risen up against the majority in the past. they said riders started stabbing people on wednesday at police stations and a local government building in a construction site. it reports 24 police officers and civilians died. they'd said 11 riders are dead too. it's one of the worst since riots in 2009 in the capital. they said 200 people were killed
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then. they were angry over economic and social disparity with ethnic chinese and oppression of the religious activities. 16 of the civilians who died in the violence were ouigers. order has been restored, but they restricted foreign media from reporting in the area. military commanders said they are ready for the worst. the troops are on stand by in case anti-government protests turn violent. opponents of mohammad morsi are marking his first year in office are renewing a call for his resignation. the protesters believe morsi is to blame for the economy and worsening security situation. they are expected to clash with supporters of the president. they call for rallies starting on friday. he took power a year ago on sunday. he left after widespread
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supporters. most support his leadership. some say hoe has done nothing right. >> morsi has broken his promise and is divided egyptians. there is no judge skuftis if morsi stays in power. >> the leaders of groups who oppose have pledged to continue their demonstrations until he quits. they put shipping containers in front of the presidential palace and the commanders said they mobilize the troops to protect the public and safeguard government buildings. our crew has teen a tank deployed in the suburbs of the egyptian capital. >> u.s. president barack obama
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said he won't intervene directly in the edward snowden affair. he said he shouldn't have to call foreign leaders to have them help arrest the intelligence contractor. he is hiding in the transit area of the moscow airport. >> i'm not going to have one case of a suspect who we are going to try to elevate where i have to start doing wheeling and dealing and trading on a host of other issues. >> he argued it should be enough to handle the request to extradite snowden. they should abide by international law. he said russia or countries that have been talking about providing snowden asylum should,a bide by international law. he worked if are the national
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security agency. he revealed that agents collect private zone and internet data at home and abroad. he flew to the airport on sunday from hong kong. president putin said they won't extradite him because they don't have that agreement. they requested asylum in ecuador. >> are people who look at japan have one question. they have data that could help answer that. is the economy improving? >>. >> that's the million dollar question. they came to revital i'd japan by ending deflation. what better data to start? is it they released new figures with the consumer price index stopped falling. they said the price index was unchanged over may.
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they excluded the food prices and say there was a rise in electricity and gas prices. it was up about 9% while gas rose 3.6%. the of prices dropped more slowly contributing to the overall result. japan's unemployment rate was at 4.1%, unchanged from april. the number of people without jobs fell by 180,000 from a year ago to almost 2 hundred 8 million. the number of people with jobs rose by 430,000 to reach just over 63 million. the ratio of job offers climbed to 0.9 up from 0.89 in april. that means for every 100 people looking for work, there were 90 positions available. let's get a check on the
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markets. rices rose for a dirt day in a row with the dow recouping 15,000. the key index rose 3/4 of 1% to see how all that is affecting stocks here, let's go to the tokyo stock exchange. good morning. last trading day in june and it's been a volatile month to say the least. with the rise in stocks and key japanese data out today, what do you think. can we end on a positive note? >> could be. i will come to that in a second. you touched on a couple of pieces of data. unemployment and cpi. let me add production data coming out before the markets and it rose 2%. that's the fourth straight month of gains for production. a vital piece of data. let's look at the opening levels for today. it is the last trading day in june. let's have a look at where the nikkei and the topix of kicking off. u.s. data points to a more
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positive outlook. stocks rallied and pending home sales and spending came out better than market consensus. concerns over the federal reserve fade after a fed policy maker suggested that they have time before they start to scale back the bond-buying program. if the dow jones averagents higher than 91 points later today, it will be in the positive for the month. here for the nikkei, you have to add around 561 points today for it to be in the positive for june. a bit of a tall order. as you know of course, june did have huge one-day losses. it was the month when the federal reserve announces plans to wind down as the bond buying program came up for the end of the year and they confirm an improvement for the economy. the prime minister's three arrow
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policies of growth has been a focus as well. they had a positive effect on the dollar. >> it's all about data and signs of growth and business activity. . that accounts for a large growth potential and that's always a good sign. they karm off the fresh one-week low earlier in the week on concerns of growth in the economies. looking ahead for next week, we will kickoff with the quarterly business sentiment compiled by
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the bank of japan among manufacturers. in the u.s. there is the all important jogs data due out as well. back to you. >> thanks if are that. from the tokyo stock exchange where they are up 1.2%. here are other asian markets open at this hour. # aid workers in the north indian state are calling if for emergency splice of clean food
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and water. more than 2,000 people remain stranded from floods and landslides caused by heavy monsoon rains. about 600 people are confirmed dead after more than days of floods in the mountainous state. india's home minster said the final death toll may be more than 1,000. they are surreying to reach stranded people. they rescued 1,500 so far, but another 2,5 human human are waiting to be evacuated. they are warning about risks from poor sanitation. >> it is important for them to have safe water. if they don't, they are going to have food bourne diseases or jaundice or other diseases. >> many isolated areas have been cutoff by landslides and accessible only by air marking it hard to reach survivors. they are the worst since at least 2008 when around 500
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people were killed. a ship carrying nuclear fuel delivered cargo to a dock on the sea of japan coast. the first such shipment in more than two years since the accident at the fukushima plant. it came from france for the takahama power plant. the same type of fuel once powered four reactors, but those facilities were idled after the disaster. they want to use the fuel in the number three disaster. it's still off line. they will seek permission to resume operation when is the new safety guidelines take effect next month. engineers at the damaged plant may be able to stop removing fuel rods from reactors sooner than expected. officials with the government and the operator have approved a plan to speed up the process.
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they refized the road map for the reactors damaged by the earthquake and tsunami in 2011. tokyo electric power company engineers could start removing the reactors in the first half of 2020 at the earliest. that's a year and a half sooner than the previous plan. the timeline is different for the reactors. reactor four was off line at the time of the accident. no fuel melted down. officials warned the road map is just a plan. they say work could fall behind schedule because the engineers don't know the state of the fuel in the reactors. >> we have a separate plan for each reactor. so we are ready to make the right decisions. >> the government decided to form an organization to ask people in the region how they think the work should proceed. >> this road map is a start.
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the most prnd thing is to get the results under the road map and then -- >> the demissioning work included tearing down the reactor buildings could take as long as 40 years. >> young women around the world aspire to be top models. some in russia are seeing their dreams turn into reality. the fashion industry is growing and doors are opening. nhk world reports. >> beauty on the cat walk in russia. this is the first time that they called it this kind. it just started. people gather to see the big show. the idea is to give the region
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an image that is more fashionable and appealing to young people. there visitors from near and far. >> i'm very, very impressed and an amazing amount of fantastic models. >> thanks to russia's economic growth, more women are fashion-conscious and demand for models has soared. there over 1,000 agencies in russia with more than 100,000 models. 21-year-old darya is an aspiring model. tall and slim, she has the perfect proportions for the job. >> my dream is to conquer the greatest cat walks around the world. i hope it comes true. >> darya's countdown is 700 kilometers away.
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she is a opportunity at the university. since signing up, she slowly has been getting jobs and is was even featured on the cover of a local magazine. living away from home is not easy. to make ends meet, she does a part-time job as a baby-sitter days a week and shares a small apartment with a friend. the rent is about $500 per month. >> as a model, she has to watch what she eats. goes for quality and quantity. the key thing is to live an orderly lifestyle. >> first of all you have to be very patient. it may look easy to striking poses, but it's not easy at all. >> darya is going for an
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upcoming competition that will be a gateway to her modelling career. she has been one of 15 contestants from russia and three other countries. if she does well it could open up opportunities. she is toning up her body to project a strong, healthy image on stage. the day of the competition arrives. darya leads the way down the cat walk. the contestants have to model swim wear and other outfits. they are judged on their appearance and posture and have the aura of a model. the grand prix is not.
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>> darya won the top prize, a scholarship to a top modelling school in new york. >> i'm overwhelmed. it's so wonderful and amazing. i'm so happy. i hope that going to study in new york will lead to many opportunities to model, not just in russia, but europe and of course in asia. >> for darya, the door it opened to be a top model. the world will be her cat walk. nhk world. >> time for a check on weather. people in western japan are bracing if are a bout of of haddy rain. we see about that and more in world weather. >> significant amounts of rainfall fell over western japan two days ago. it was a short break yesterday. now yet again, another round of
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heavy rain will return to the similar areas where the flooding and landslides have been. it is a rainy season, but we don't want a low pressure system sitting over this to activate it, bringing much more rain. we have a report of 17 millimeters and on top of that, additional amounts could be exceeding about 150 millimeters into saturday morning. that's going to be certainly enough to cause further secondary disasters. the high pressure system over hokaido over hotter continues for today. it stretches into south concern china and this is another area where another round of heavy rain will be falling. about 100 to 250 millimeters of additional rain in and around
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the area. another area where we are seeing heavy rain is due to this pregz that formed over the philippines. this is likely to turn into a tropical storm by tonight and into the next few days. it's likely to bring heavy rain. ma nail is looking at 34. thunderstorms in bangkok at 33 degrees. it's the same, but you have sunny stuff with a little bit of sunny skies. 26 degrees and nice and comfortable today. we cannot rule out the fact of possibilities that these systems
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could spawn tornados. the main threats are going to be large hail and damaging winds and towards the weekend, the system will be moving into the mid-atlantic states. memphis and atlanta and the eastern half of the country. we will look at chances of thunderstorms. dry thunderstorms and low humidity are brought by the heat dome. they are still posted across the southwest and looking at 48 degrees on friday. do watch out for the flammable generals and stay hydrated if you are there. territories europe, some areas are looking at those winder fixtures. from norway today, the old summer cabin was filled with ice blocks in wind winter because approximate of the coarse. this is what the cabin looks like now.
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>> here, on fine long legs springy as steel a life rides, sealed in a small brown pill that skims along over the basement floor wrapped up in a simple obsession. eight legs reach out like the master ribs of a web in which some thought is caught dead center in its own small world, a thought so far from the touch of things that we can only guess at it. if mine, it would be the secret dream of walking alone across the floor of my life with an easy grace, and with love enough to live on at the center of myself. ( applause )
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>> "california's gold" is produced in association with kcet los angeles and is seen statewide on california public television. this series is endorsed by: well, hello, everybody. i'm huell howser. and you know, for almost 20 years now, we've been traveling all over our state together. we've met a lot of nice people and seen a lot of spectacular natural wonder. and nothing we have seen in all of those years is any more beautiful and any more spectacular than this sight right here. look, all around here, we're looking at mono lake, up here in the eastern sierra. this is a very special place.
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