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tv   Teen Kids News  PBS  July 6, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT

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>> here's what's coming up on this edition of "teen kids news"... >> one teen's amazing story of survival might inspire you to take part in a national lifesaving effort. >> they had their own fight for civil rights. we'll tell you how japanese-americans heroically overcame their darkest hour. >> it's been called the most powerful office in the world, and you can get a chance to sit in it. >> to go from this... to this is pretty easy if you know how. we'll get some great makeup tips from the experts teen vogue. >> all that and more, next on "teen kids news."
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>> welcome to "teen kids news." i'm mwanzaa. >> and i'm livia. here's this week's top story. >> we've all heard the story of iron man. he's the comic-book superhero who chose to help mankind after suffering near-fatal injuries. nicole introduces us to iron heart, a real-life hero who's helping others after he, too, suffered near-fatal injuries. >> it was just a regular smer day, and i was crossing a local intersection on my way home from some practice, and i was struck in my driver's side door by a speeding dump truck, and the injuries were catastrophic. >> brian was 18 years old, a high-school honor student, and an all-star athlete. in his book, "iron heart," he tells how he was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. >> i lost a total of 60% of my blood and had to get all that replaced with 36 blood transfusions.
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>> we take it for granted that when we need blood, like brian did, it'll be there ready for us. but it's not as simple as that. >> our hospitals need blood for acdent victims, people with blood diseases, people in need of surgeries, and if people didn't donate blood, then we wouldn't have the blood to supply to our hospitals in need. >> in fact, every two seconds, someone in the u.s. needs donated blood, but, according to the american red cross, many people who can donate, don't. >> 38% of the population in the united states is eligible to donate. out of that 38%, we look at about only 8% of those people actually coming out to do it. >> fortunately for brian, he was able to get the blood he needed. it helped save his life. >> from intensive-care unit, i was transferred to a local rehab center in baltimore, maryland, and from there i pretty much learned how to be independent again. >> now fully recovered, brian is a man with a mission.
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>> i joined the american red cross in 2007 because i thought it was very important for me as a former intensive-care patient, massive blood recipient, to go out and say thank you and just show the appreciation and just do what i could to pay that appreciation and gratitude forward. >> he's rolled up his sleeves, literally. >> i have donated three times, so i don't just talk the talk. i have to walk the walk, so i donate myself, as well. >> to donate blood, you have to be at least 17 years old or 16 with permission from your parents, but if you're too young, or you just don't like needles, there are other ways you can help. >> one of the things that you can do is set up a blood drive. you can contact 1-800-red-cross, and we'll send you some information to set up the drive. >> the red cross will help you plan your blood drive, and they'll bring all the equipment and supplies. your job is recruiting donors. they can be family, neighbors, or members of your place of worship. you can tell them that this is truly a case where it is far
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better to give than to receive. for "tkn," i'm nicole. >> there's still lots ahead, so stay with us. >> we'll be right back. >> north korea making a surprise proposal to hold high-level talks with the united states and to ease decades of tension and to formally discuss a peace treaty with south korea. earlier this year, pyongyang threatened war against the south and the u.s. and conducted long-range missile and nuclear tests. the white house insists that north korea must abide by united nations security council resolutions and that talks must be credible. north korea has a history of offering deals and then violating them. iran electing a new president. hassan rohani replaces hardliner mahmoud ahmadinejad, who steps down in august, creating hope that a more moderate cleric will lead the country and ease tensions between iran and the
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west. ahmadinejad's presidency has been defined by ratcheting up uranium enrichment, rhetoric calling for the destruction of israel, and training militants in iraq to kill u.s. soldiers. the white house says it sees rohani's election as ahelpful s. however, as positive a sign as rohani's election may be, in iran, the supreme leader ayatollah khomeini has the final word. it's been over a week since former national security agency contractor edward snowden identified himself as the leaker of top-secret documents about u.s. surveillance programs. members of congress have questions about how deep the nsa spied on americans' internet activity and phone calls. the president says the nsa has not violated the privacy of americans. meanwhile, the nsa sent a letter to congress defending its programs, stating it prevented dozens of terrorist attacks in the u.s. and in more than 20 countries. for "teen kids news," i'm david lee miller, "fox news channel in the classroom."
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>> we're going to take you back to the early 1940s. world war ii was raging. here at home, the u.s. government put into play a drastic policy. people of japanese ancestry, many of them u.s. citizens, suddenly found themselves the victims of fear and discrimination. although guilty of no crime, they were rounded up and sent far away to what were basically prison camps. as eden tells us, it was a policy that our nation would regret. >> so, this my grandfather's yearbook from 1944. and here's this great shot of gila river -- the camp he was at. >> jenny uchida's grandfather spent his high-school years behind barbed wire. he and his family were locked away at a camp in the hot arizona desert. that's because he was of japanese descent, and the united states was at war with imperial japan.
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>> that is why the commanding general of the western defense command determined that all japanese within the coastal areas should move inland. notices were posted. all persons of japanese descent were required to register, and the japanese themselves cheerfully handled the enormous paperwork involved in the migration. >> i think that it's important for people to know about what happened to the japanese-americans during world war ii. >> japan's devastating surprise attack on hawaii's pearl harbor fanned the flames of national hysteria, particularly on the west coast. more than 100,000 japanese-americans were ordered to pack their things. the uchidas were forced to leave their home in pasadena, california. >> they were first, actually,
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put in the santa anita racetrack where they lived for about six months in actual horse stables, and they actually had to clean out the stables and make it livable. and then, after that period, they were moved to gila river, which is in arizona. >> like so many other families, the uchidas were relocated to detention camps in remote areas of the country. >> they lived in barracks that really didn't have any insulation. it was hot, it was dry, it was windy, and it was very cold in the wintertime, as well. >> with the end of the war, the japanese-americans were finally released, but the shame stung. that's why jenny's father, craig, helped raise money for this memorial in washington, d.c. its official name is "the national japanese-american memorial for patriotism during
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world war ii." on the walls are the names of the 10 relocation camps, along with the numbers of those forced to live at each camp. a statue of two cranes entangled in barbed wire towers overhead. >> they're a very honorable bird, and to have them entwined in barbed wire really sends the message that they're not free. >> the memorial also honors the thousands of japanese-americans who, despite the prejudice they faced, fought for the united states in world war ii. >> they felt that they wanted to show their patriotism. they wanted to show that they were americans, and so they volunteered and served, and while their families were in camp, they were fighting battles and dying and getting wounded. >> in fact, the units formed by the japanese-americans became some of the most decorated fighting groups in u.s. military history. >> i was really concerned that my daughters would not know
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about any of this and other japanese-americans and americans across the country would not know about it. >> craig sits at a fountain in the center of the memorial dotted with five stones. they represent the five generations of japanese-americans that have lived in the u.s. since the late 1800s. jenny is generation four, called yonsin japanese. she's dedicated to her job as a graphic artist. jenny says her grandfather's story encourages her to work hard and succeed. she hopes it persuades others to be tolerant. after the september 11 terrorist attacks, jenny and her father feared arab-americans would also suffer. >> we don't want to go and take away civil liberties that we hold very dear. even if there are attacks on our country and things like that, it's important to hold on to the freedoms and rights that are very important to our american
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culture and society. >> it took more than 40 years for the u.s. government to say it was sorry for the mistreatment of the japanese-american community. it wasn't until 1988 that president ronald reagan gave a formal apology. >> you might be surprised to learn that you have 26 bones in each foot. that means that your feet have 52 total bones. that's one-quarter of the bones in your entire body. >> there's no end to the amazing ways to spend time online. just click this. >> many americans say that john f. kennedy is their favorite president. now ycan sit at his desk if you click this. will start you on your visit to
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president kennedy's virtual oval office. items on the desk are interactive links that let you explore jfk's political and personal life. clicking on the picture frame will take you to a family photo album. this link takes you to his campaign office. there are lots of videos to browse through. for example, one of his old tv commercials. >> ♪ kennedy, kennedy, kennedy, kennedy, kennedy, kennedy, ken-nedy for me ♪ >> ♪ kennedy >> ♪ kennedy >> ♪ kennedy >> ♪ kennedy >> you can even dial his phone and listen in on presidential conversations. >> with the popularity 70% now, sir, you'd break 50/50 with the republicans. >> it's a safe bet you'll find lots of fascinating facts about our 35th president. with "click this," i'm harry.
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>> this report is brought to you by the national road safety foundation. [ cheers and applause ] this isn't a real basketball game. >> hike! >> and this isn't a real football scrimmage. actually, they're both part of a special kind of tv commercial called a psa. that stands for public service announcement. [ cheers and applause ] >> we saw this competition called driving skills 101, and we decided to enter it. >> so, for the psa, we incorporated the idea of safe driving with sports. >> and we submitted our storyboard for a commercial called "share the road." >> the overall concept was to prove how what we do in sports doesn't always relate to what we do in driving. >> we won the competition, and now we are lucky enough to film the commercial. >> the contest was sponsored by the national road safety
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foundation, in partnership with sadd, students against destructive decisions. as part of the prize, students from new jersey's scotch plains-fanwood high school got to work with an award-winning production company to create their psa. >> we're trying to show the relationship between being in the car and having the other car in the blind spot. >> let's go! >> cheering, cheering! [ cheers and applause ] >> the first scene in the psa shows how during a game, it's okay to crowd your opponent. >> and go ahead. >> but when driving, crowding can be dangerous. >> that worked. now let's watch the playback. >> the fanwood police department helped out by closing the street for the filming. >> so, me and my buddy justin got to drive in a car, and he did this thing about blind spots. >> we were trying to demonstrate what could happen if you don't check your blind spots in the car, and obviously you can see that it can be very dangerous, and it's an important part of driving.
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>> and then we came out here on the field, and we did stuff about blind spots in football, and i got to hit him like 12 or 15 times. >> action. green 18, green 18. hike! >> all: [ cheering ] big "d," let's go! >> yeah, i think i had a little more fun driving the car and looking in the blind spots than taking the hits, but still, it wasn't that bad. >> throughout the day, students got hands-on experience of what it's like to work on a film shoot. >> 2a action. >> i got to cover the license plates on the cars that we use because we couldn't use other people's license plates in the psa, so i kind of became like the art department and wrote "usa" on the license plates. >> so, taylor, what are you doing? >> i'm cleaning the windshields. [ chuckles ] >> and did you ever realize that's part of the job of being in a tv psa? >> no, i did not. i thought they did it for me. >> ever think you'd be in a
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commercial? >> no. i'm wondering where's the hair and makeup. [ both laugh ] >> all right, guys, so, what did you think? it went pretty well? >> all: yeah! >> awesome. >> all right. it's a wrap! [ cheers and applause ] >> the students who came up with the psa concept did it as part of their marketing class. >> i think they learned a lot about tv arts. i think they learned that it was harder than it looks on tv. but i also think they realized that it's very important to a lot of people to stay safe while you're driving. >> i'd never experienced anything like this before, so it was really eye-opening. >> it was fun. it was really cool getting to work with an emmy-winning producer and getting to have our entire school be involved. it was really fun. >> the national sadd conference is gonna be in orlando, florida, this june, and all of us are gonna be attending, and they're going to show our commercial at the conference and for everybody to see, and we're gonna be recognized as the winners of it, so it's really exciting. >> you don't have to be at the sadd conference to see the finished product.
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here is its worldwide television debut. [ cheers and applause ] >> on the court, you want to crowd your opponent. >> it's called setting a screen. but on the road, crowding is dangerous. >> it's called tailgating. >> green 18, hike! >> in football, you want to take advantage of blind spots. >> but when driving, don't be blind-sided by blind spots. >> so before changing lanes... >> check that no one's in your blind spot. >> remember, always share the road. >> this is a message from the nrsf and sadd. >> i am so proud of them. they did so well. this was something that they had to hit the ground running, something they didn't have exposure to, and i think they really handled it well and learned a lot from it. >> to find out how you can enter an nrsf contest, visit for "teen kids news," i'm scott. >> girls, even if you've been
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wearing makeup for years, you'll probably learn a lot of great tips in this next report. here's carina. >> eva chen is the beauty director for teen vogue, and she's going to show us three different looks. where do we start? >> well, we'll start with a daytime look. now, we have justine, who is a teen vogintern here, and courtney, a makeup artist. and in my opinion, the best daytime look for school is one that you don't really have to think about too much. it's just one that's pretty effortless and easy. so, with justine, courtney first started by prepping the skin. now, what that means is that she used a spf as a base layer, and and then she put a tinted moisturizer over that, just to kind of even out the skin so you have a nice glow and so that it's really simple so you don't have to think about it all day. then she curled justine's eyelashes, which i think is really important 'cause it gives you kind of a wide-awake look even if you're rolling out of bed, you're exhausted, you were up late doing your math homework. you'll still look awake if you curl your eyelashes. and what she's doing now is taking a pretty, rosy pink
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lipstick -- you can buy any one at the drugstore -- and applying it with a lip brush. now, what a lip brush does is kind of give you more of a precise application. it's almost like coloring within the lines. so, what courtney's doing right now is blotting the lipstick off. now, what that does is basically take excess color off. so, what you're left with is this really sheer, really beautiful stain that's going to last all day. so, that's it. you have such a pretty, pink lip look for school. it's so easy and fresh and just, you know, girly and fun. courtney is actually starting by putting a really beautiful, shimmery bronzer on. so, what that does is make your skin just glow. you'll get that kind of summery glow, even if it's september, even if it's october, even if you're fully into winter. you just want that kind of, like, warm, delicious skin. so your friends will look at your skin and say, "wow, she
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looks amazing." so we're starting with that. and when you're applying highlighter to the skin, which is what courtney is doing now, it's just something that kind of adds a little bit of luminosity, and it brings your eyes to the features that you want to highlight. so, courtney is applying it to justine's cheekbones. and the key when you're applying highlighter is, you definitely want to tap the brush a few times so excess shimmer comes off. you don't want to look like robert pattinson in "twilight," you know, that crazy, sparkly skin. you don't want to look like a disco ball. so, what we're doing here is the tops of the cheekbones. and courtney actually applied some down the bridge of the nose, as well, which sounds like kind of a strange place to put highlighter, but it's really important because it adds dimension to your face and gives your face a really nice shape. so, the first step with mascara is to curl your lashes, and justine already did that earlier today for her daytime look. so, courtney is applying the mascara. and as you can see, she's applying it really from the base of the lashes right near where the eyelid is all the way to the ends.
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so, some people, one mistake people make is, they put either a lot of product at the base or too much at the ends, and then it kind of has that uneven, goopy, not-consistent look. so you really want to make sure to do long, full sweeps. now, you can see she almost is working the mascara in, in almost like a sawing technique, and that really makes sure that you get the product at the base of the lids, and it builds the lash so it's a little bit fuller and a little bit thicker. so you get that really, really beautiful, defined-lash look. courtney's now moving on to the bottom lashes. now, this is an optional step. and it's a little bit more advanced when it comes to makeup. you know, she's doing the bottom lashes so that when justine looks and has her eyes open, it just really makes her eyes pop and makes your eyes extra, extra, like, kind of attention-grabbing. there you have it. you have a super-flirty, super-cute, wide-eyed look with a little bit of bronzer.
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so it's a great look to hang out with your friends with. we're gonna be doing a brightly colored, winged liner. and the most important thing is actually the tool for this. we are using a really flat eyeliner brush, which you can buy at any mall near you. and it's really important because you're not really gonna be able to get this look unless you have the right brush. so, courtney is pressing the product into the brush and just kind of, like, sketching it along the eyes. now, you'll see we're using a really gorgeous, bright, vibrant blue. this blue in particular is one that we've seen on the runways for the past two seasons, and it's a really, really "in" color for the upcoming season. so, she's just basically sketching along the lash line. now, you want to get it as close to the lashes as possible, so you might need to practice this at home a bit before you can get that perfect look. so, there we have it. this is such an easy, fun party look. it's a gorgeous, electric-blue
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eyeliner. it's so simple to apply, but it really just makes justine's eyes pop. >> we all know the old saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. with these great tips from teen vogue, there'll certainly be a lot more to behold. for "tkn," i'm carina. >> that's our program for this week. thanks for joining us. >> and, of course, "teen kids news" will be back again next week, so we'll see you then.
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>> welcome to "skyweek."
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let's see what's happening in the sky from monday, july 1st to sunday, july 7th. as the sky grows dark in the evening, turn to the east to see the stars of the summer triangle. vega, the only bright star in lyra, is highest and brightest. altair, second brightest, is closely flanked by tarazed above and alshain below and it dominates the constellation aquila, the eagle. and deneb on the left combines with four other bright stars to form the splendid northern cross, which outlines the body and wings of cygnus the swan. this is tony flanders from sky & telescope magazine, wishing you clear skies and great views. >> brought to you by woodland hills camera & telescopes. serving stargazers since 1952.
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- in this episode of travel with kids, join us as we take a whirlwind tour of the city's many attractions, including famous landmarks... - this is my first time i've been to the statue of liberty. - toy stores that come to life, kid-eating museums... - and find out how we really sound when we're talking to the kids. - blah, blah, blah. - coming up next. female announcer: this program is made possible by the reno-sparks convention and visitors authority. with year-round outdoor family activities, including skiing, snowboarding, white-water rafting, horseback riding, and biking, reno tahoe is far from expected. also by csa travel protection. since 1991, csa travel protection has been providing travel insurance, 24-hour emergency assistance, and consult-a-doctor services.


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