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tv   Journal  PBS  July 11, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> hello and welcome to the "journal" coming to you live from dw here in berlin. >> our headlines for you at this hour -- a russian court finds a dead man guilty in a case that has inflamed tensions between the united states and moscow. >> germany's interior minister heads to washington for what he says is some straight talk with the u.s. on spying. >> the german government meets its target for more nursery school spots, but will this work to get people to start having more children in this country?
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>> a russian lawyer very critical of the government has been found guilty of tax evasion three years after he died. the verdict came in the country's first-ever posthumous trial. >> he was just 37 years old when he died in a moscow prison in november 2000 nine. human rights investigators say he had been beaten and denied medical treatment for a serious illness. >> his arrest and detention came shortly after he accused russian officials and police of stealing millions through tax fraud. >> an empty seat for the accused . this was the end of a posthumous trial, the defendant dead for three years, but that did not stop the russian court from delivering a guilty verdict. >> in accordance with a previous decision by the constitutional court, this court sees no reason to rehabilitate the defendant.
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due to the death of the accused, these proceedings are now over. >> he was a lawyer who accuse depression interior officials of massive tax fraud. soon after, he and his client, an american investor, were charged with tax evasion themselves. human rights activists said he had been beaten and deliberately denied medical treatment. >> the verdict was predictable, there was no doubt about it. this was no court trial. it was a political trial. the verdict was decided long ago. magnitsky was always going to be found guilty. >> activists accuse russia of trying to smear magnitsky's reputation. >> our moscow correspondent was in the courtroom and told us more about this case. >> the courtroom was actually packed with journalists from abroad from russia, but there
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were no family members of magnitsky there. they say he died in pre-trial detention because he was tortured because of accusing russian officials of this huge tax scam that you mentioned. it was a really gloomy and oppressive atmosphere in the courtroom, especially because of this empty cage with iron bars where normally the accused sits to hear the verdict. it felt like quite a low point of the russian judicial system because according to the russian constitution, a posthumous trial is only possible if the family members are in favor of it. for example, if they want the family member to be rehabilitated. here, the family definitely did not want this trial. >> the case is also affected relations between moscow and washington. can you tell us more about that? >> it was a blow for the reset that obama tried for and his first term of office. it started with magnitsky's
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employer, who was us-born, lobbying for an act which obama did sign. it bans russian officials who are believed to be involved in magnitsky's death from entering the united states, and the russian side answered with an anti---magnitsky law now banning american families from adopting russian orphans. it is quite a tragic, quite dramatic, emotional story, but russia and the u.s. are both trying not to have the situation escalate. they know they need each other to work, for example, on international crime and international terrorism together. >> thanks so much. germany's interior minister is on his way to washington for some clarification on american surveillance programs. there's been massive outlook outrage here after it emerged at the u.s. was spying on german citizens. >> the political opposition in
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germany accused the united states of overstepping legal boundaries. some also accused angela merkel's government of complicity in the surveillance. >> there's a lot of pressure on the interior minister to get answers and washington. the u.s. has been less than forthcoming in providing details about it surveillance programs. before leaving germany, he promised some straight talking. >> i will be holding political talks with my colleagues over there in the united states, and i will make clear what behavior germany expects between partners and friends. that includes its use of security and the high standards of protection of riotous he for our citizens. >> he wants answers about reports that u.s. intelligence services gathered german internet and telephone data on a massive scale. chancellor angela merkel says she only found out from media
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reports. the opposition wants her to than send her minister. >> your story convinced that the clarification we need should come at the level of the u.s. president -- i'm convinced that the clarification we need should come at the level of the u.s. president. there should be a clear statement from americans that they will desist in future from listening in and spying on their friends. >> first of all, he has the task of getting answers. with elections approaching, a lot of people will be watching to see how he does. >> for more on the story, we are by our washington correspondent. there's, of course, a lot of potential for controversy here. what are are the expectations for this visit? >> i have low expectations for this visit. i do not think that americans are willing to reveal the details of what the national security agency is doing in germany and also in europe. he is going to meet with the
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national security advisor of president obama, and he will also meet with attorney general eric holder. both understand that he is under huge pressure because of the election campaign in germany, and both probably prefer to work with him, the currency is known for his conservative views and pro-american stance, so they will listen politely to what he has to say and then return to their everyday business. >> you mentioned the pressure. every step is being watched.+ what will he have to accomplish on this mission for it to be viewed as a success? >> he has to walk a very, very fine line. he has to find a balance between expressing the german dis-taste, the anger in germany over what the nsa is doing in germany and europe, while also -- and i think this is very important -- maintaining trust for a
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relationship with american partners. the obama administration does not feel that they are doing anything wrong. they are just trying to protect their citizens, trying to protect america. what is for them very important is to comply with american laws, so they do not care very much whether they are violating german laws. >> thank you very much. from spying on your internet to paying for your internet, are you forking over too much cash for your access? that's a question the european commission wants answered. >> to get that information, inspectors rated telecommunications companies this week to see if they were abusing their dominant market positions by fixing prices on manipulating the market. deutsche telekom said it was very surprised that the action after previous investigations by national regulators had down no evidence of wrongdoing. violations of european antitrust rules can trigger fines of up to 10% of annual earnings.
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>> after tendering his resignation and putting luxembourg on course for early elections, the prime minister now says he might run for office again. >> he met the country's head of state to submit his resignation. he quit after it emerged that the country's intelligence services were involved in illegal spying on luxembourg citizens. an inquiry found he bore political responsibility. he will now stay on in office until early elections are held. he has been europe's longest- serving politician, at the post for the past 18 years. bosnia is remembering the srebrenica massacre. >> it is the single worst atrocity committed in europe after the second world war. in july 1990 five, bosnian serb forces stormed the town, slaughtering thousands of muslim men and boys. one of 400 victims have now been
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reburied. their remains were only recently identified. tens of thousands gathered for a memorial service near the massacre site. >> a mass prayer in the cemetery just a few kilometers outside srebrenica. mourners gathered once again to remember the 8000 bosnian muslims massacred by serb forces in 1995. now 18 years later, more victims have been laid to rest. 409 men and boys, including one infant. the task of exhuming and identifying the dead has been a long and painful process. emily's were bussed in to say their final goodbyes. >> i'm burying two brothers-in- law today. altogether, i have terry seven. i had area my own brother here, too. i cannot understand how anyone can do all this killing. i cannot understand at all.
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i do not comprehend how anyone can have that much hatred towards us notice to carry out these horror for killing's. i really cannot understand. >> a united nations war crimes court has meanwhile been stated a genocide charge against the former serb leader, overturning an earlier decision by judges. the 68-year-old also faces accusations of war crimes and crimes against humanity during the bosnian war. >> the population in germany may be shrinking, but the world population is, of course, increasing. figures released today to mark world population day show some interesting facts and trends. >> for example, nigeria could replace china as the most populous country in the world in 80 years time. this is due to the steadily growing birthrate in the west african country. >> china has been able to arrest its population growth through its kryptonian one child per family policy, but this is creating another problem for
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tiny society -- it's draconian one child per family policy. >> he has been a farmer all his life. now his back is causing him problems after decades in the field. >> it's still ok, but i cannot do the very hard jobs anymore, and i cannot do heavy lifting either. >> is one of china's rapidly growing generation of over 60's. no other nation is aging faster than china. as a farmer, he will not get a state tension, and when the day arrives when he can no longer work hama he and his wife will be dependent on their two sons. their eldest owns a car repair shop.
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he joins his parents for lunch and talks of his fears for the future and how he will be able to manage. >> the pressure is huge. i already have to work very hard, and there's not much money left over, and i'm not getting any younger, so i have to work as hard as i can right now to earn as much as possible and save for later. >> china is expanding social welfare to help ease the burden. he is one beneficiary, getting around 11 euros a month from the government. >> it is not enough, but it is better than nothing, and the government is beginning to take care of us. it's a good development. >> for government payouts alone will not solve the problem, and uncertainty is growing across china. in big cities like shanghai, change is especially visible.
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have just one child. they doubt whether their son will be able to look after them when they are old. >> we have to look out for ourselves. of course i'm concerned how it will be, but we do not know, especially as china was changing at the moment. >> demographic change is also shifting attitudes towards family. yet at the same time, alternatives like retirement homes are out of the question for many. >> people feel they are being abandoned by their children and relatives. retirement homes are normal in other countries, but we are not ready for them in china. many people simply cannot afford a good retirement home. >> and so the question remains
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unresolved of who will look after china's aging population. political, economic, and social challenges lie ahead. >> we will be right back. stay with us.
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>> welcome back. >> thanks so much for staying with us. a new law comes into effect in germany next month, guaranteeing every parent the right to a place in day care for children under the age of three. that was looking problematic with experts predict and there were no where near enough laces in the country's kindergartens. >> now germany's family minister says the targets have been met. he says there are more than 800,000 day care places for the under three's, thousands more than are actually needed, but she admits there could still be shortfalls in some rural areas and big urban regions in the west of the country. >> it is an issue likely to play a part in the campaign ahead of september's national elections, and as we just had, even though
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the overall numbers have been reach, people in some parts of the nation still find it very difficult to find a kindergarten spot for young children. >> the government wants to make that much easier. they want tuples to stop having children or even to opt for just one or two, as is now the case, in a country with a rapidly aging population. >> they are among the lucky ones. children playing in one of germany's public kindergartens that happy children and even happier parents. many german states,ve children a day care. getting in is like winning the jack hot. -- the jackpot. >> i think it is excellent because now we can both receive our careers. if we did not have this day care place, we would have a huge problem. one of us would have to put their career on hold. >> her name is still on the waiting list. she is looking for a daycare
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place for her 14-month-old son. the application was made long ago. her patience is running out. >> it's frustrating. it's hard to sort out childcare if you do not have a place in the daycare facility for them. >> do you need the daycare place because you have to work? >> yes, because i'm working again. >> it has become an election issue with the main parties keen to show off their family credentials. the social democrats want free kindergartens for all children, so parents can opus on their careers. the green party is pushing for equal rights for single parents and gay couples. the free democrats are in favor of families families taking more responsibility for their own messes, and the conservatives are divided. angela merkel's cdu wants to help parents at work, but their
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bavarian sister party believe in a traditional view of the family -- dad works, mom stays at home. a hugely controversial move. >> that is money that could have been pumped straight into the expansion of kindergartens. that is where it should have gone -- towards creating new kindergarten places. >> despite the opposition, the payment for stay-at-home moms was pushed through. the social democrats and greens say they will abolish it immediately if they get into power. germany spends 200 billion euros a year on policies for families, but the return is meager, to judge by the birth rate, which is among the lowest in the world. >> you have to decide where to put the focus, and our children's education is our main asset. that's what we should spend money on.
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we should learn from other countries like finland or sweden. it works there. >> for many german voters, balancing a career with a family is a major challenge. a new vision for families and education could give the parties a boost in the election campaign. >> change of pace now. the african union says it will readmit egypt after democratic elections have taken place. the chairwoman made that comment here in berlin after a meeting with chancellor angela merkel. >> the regional group expelled egypt after last week's military intervention that toppled resident mohamed morsi. >> african union officials are currently in berlin for trade talks, but the situation in egypt is overshadowing the meeting. the chancellor says egypt needs to restore democracy as soon as possible. the au says that would clear the path for reentry into the union. >> as soon as egypt comes back
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and has a leadership that is elected for their constitutional process, then they will come back to the eu. >> merkel says the muslim brotherhood must be included in the search for a political solution in cairo. >> it is important that all political actions are brought into the process. it needs to include all the relevant political powers. >> she says a return to stability in egypt is crucial for continued development in africa, and that is a central goal for europe. >> business now, european shares surged to a five-week high today on the back of comments by fed chair ben bernanke that will continue quantitative easing "for the foreseeable future. co. >> his commitment to monetary stimulus was intended to dispel doubts about the u.s.
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central bank's policies, and his statement had an immediate impact on stocks. >> it was scheduled to be a speech marking the 100th anniversary of the fed, but instead, bernanke's words hit the markets like a shot of adrenaline. the chairman said low interest rates would remain in place for the foreseeable future. he cited concerns over u.s. unemployment figures currently at 7.6%, and he said inflation was uncomfortably low. >> we expect inflation to come back up, but if that is not the case, i think we have to say that that would be a good reason to remain accommodative. >> the markets reacted quickly. the euro rose as much as four cents on the dollar within the first few hours. the fed has been buying $85 billion worth of treasury bonds every month. that has helped keep interest rates at historic lows and
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spurred borrowing and investing. it weakens the dollar, but the extra cash is boosting shares worldwide. hong kong's index rose by 2.6%. >> turning to thursday's market action, and as mentioned, shares surged on both sides of the atlantic. >> the prospects of cheap money not ending soon has cheered up trtrtrads in frankfurt. of course, part of the money will be invested in equities here in europe, and that is essentially one reason why equities could still go higher, still record gains, despite the high level we have already reached so far. of course, the whole thing is not very healthy. the big question is what is going to happen once central bankers decide that they will taper those programs.
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everybody has been afraid about that development, and nobody really knows when this is going to happen. traders are saying who is anticipating the right timing will make a lot of money. >> let's take a look at those numbers on the dax. it finished the session up by more than one percent -- 1%. euro stoxx 50 also looking solid. the euro stronger against the greenback at a value of $ one point -- $one point 0131. >> the chemicals industry is one of the biggest earners, but it is releasing disappointing numbers for the first half of 2013. >> nearly 500 thousand people work in germany's chemicals
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industry, and for the time being, that figure will not be rising. industry insiders acknowledge that the sector is stagnating with barely any growth at all so far this year. employers say it is down to weak demand on the domestic market. >> the german economy is just quite weak. in that area alone, we are down by one percent -- 1% if you want to see where the positive indicators are coming from, you have to look at exports. that's where the industry is doing pretty well. >> industry figures showed chemical firms exporting to europe did especially well. chemical firms are optimistic that signals the beginnings of a recovery. that's because the chemicals industry is regarded as an early indicator of economic health with chemicals being used to make so many other products. >> to the day's action at the tour de france now. germany's writer has won the 12 state of the tour.
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>> the sprint specialist is emerging as the big sensation of the year's tour. thursday's result are the third stage in a row one by german cyclists. >> another great day for the germans. the third stage win in a row for german cyclists, a first for the tour de france. the flat 218 kilometer stretch was tailor-made for the sprint specialist. with just two kilometers to the finish line, it will still tightly bunched. the stage went down to the wire. they were neck and neck in the final sprint, and the decision went down to a photo finish. the replay showed him just edging cavendish at the line. celebrations for the german, but he is still trailing in the overall standings.
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britain held onto the yellow jersey. >> x e's navy is keeping watch over a volcano -- mexico's navy. >> the alert level for the volcano has been raised to yellow phase three. that's the final step before a red alert, which would mean some 50,000 residents in the area might have to be evacuated. >> that's all we have time for right now. remember, more at our website, captioned by the national captioning institute
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it's friday, july 12th. i'm catherine kobayashi in tokyo. senior officials 20 two days meeting face-to-face and didn't always see eye to eye. they wrapped up the annual strategic and economic dialogue in washington and got into trouble over the issue of cyber attacks. two minsters from each country attended the closing ceremony. ba o


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