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tv   European Journal  PBS  July 23, 2013 2:00am-2:31am PDT

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♪ >> hello from brussels and a very warm welcome to "european journal" and thanks for tuning in. here's a look at what we have for you over the next half-hour -- italian irritation. portuguesepara talks -- and the british baronet -- meet the man who owns kissing can village. sometimes things take a very long time to accomplish, even if you are the president of america. in 2000 nine, barack obama signed an executive order that
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he would close quantum on him a prison in cuba, but the controversial detention facility still has more than one hundred 60 inmates, many of them being held without a trial. about half of them have officially been declared not dangerous and would have to be released, but what would happen to them afterwards? france is facing a similar problem. some 13 suspected islamists have been released from prisons there. france would like to deport them, but no country wants to have them. that is why for now, they have been ordered to wait in verbal villages. >> and this little town in the middle of the winegrowing region, everything seems totally ordinary. but this man is proof that it is not. he is under house arrest and is not allowed to leave the town. >> i have to report to the police at 9:15 in the morning,
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noon, 3:00 in the afternoon, and 6:15 in the evening. i must have walked a total of 4000 kilometers through the town in the past few years. >> the walks to the police station are now part of his routine. he was convicted of planning an attack on the russian embassy in paris and spent almost a decade in prison. after he served his sentence, france wanted to deport the father of three to algeria, but the european court of human rights would not allow that to happen. he faces the death penalty in algeria, so he remains in france with his wife and their children. >> our three children were born in france, but they are unable to assert their rights. in my case, that's normal. i'm an algerian. but my children -- that's something different. >> the french government wants him to leave and find a country that will accept him, and the family does not get any
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financial support from the state . >> we've been suffering for 13 years. my children and i are being punished in the place of others. in every other european country, people have compassion for the prisoners of guantanamo. but here, no one feels sorry for us. >> the community did not accept the islamist willingly. the decision was made by the french interior ministry, but it is refusing to comment. the town hall and prefecture are also keeping quiet. public officials in the small town are not telling the citizens anything. >> i do not know why he is living here. most people will say the same thing. we do not know why he is here or what he has done.
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>> i don't think it's good. these people have to be closely monitored. >> he denies having planned terrorist activities and france. he is also not commenting on any attacks by islamist extremists anywhere else in the world. >> what am i supposed to say about the attacks of september 11 or about in lawton? you can talk about things forever. what do you think about bin laden or barack obama? that just goes too far. >> this terrorist expert has often heard answers like this. he doubts whether the authorities are cracking down hard enough. he said prisoners could communicate with extremists using home computers. >> the man presents a serious security threat. the house arrest is problematic. there have been several other people in the same situation who
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have land new attacks -- planned new attacks. >> that is precisely the dilemma facing the french government. there is not enough evidence to send him back to prison. but this judge says that france cannot simply deport him without another country's agreement to accept him, so france has exhausted its legal options. >> when people are deported, they are usually sent back to their home countries. when that is not possible, the prefecture can order this person to be placed under house arrest. >> his lawyer says the house arrest was simply an excuse to continue to monitor him.
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she wants to take legal steps to ensure he will be able to leave france without the written approval of another country. >> the restrictions on his movements only apply within france. otherwise, the law says he may go wherever he wants, so i do not understand why the french interior ministry is threatening him with prison if he should try to leave france. it's absurd. he cannot stay here. but he cannot leave france, either. >> its 5:30, and he's on his way to the police station. he has asked for permission to live in 18 countries so far. >> i sent my last request to portugal.
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they said i had to be in the country already before i could submit a request for asylum, but france will not let me leave. it's a catch-22. who knows for how long? >> another islamist sentenced to house arrest recently fled the country, and when the camera is turned off, he admits to us he has toyed with the idea of doing the same. >> it is the typical urban person posturing -- leave everything behind and open a beach bar somewhere. sounds good in theory, but would you really want to live where other people go on holiday? tourist do bring money and jobs, but in some cases, the situation can get out of hand, and locals do not feel at home anymore. the people who live in venice in italy are only too familiar with
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that problem. the town, with its picturesque historic center and canals is by far one of the most popular tourist destinations worldwide. in the eyes of phoenicians, it has become far too popular. >> it has been closed by the police because of her testers. it is a game of cat and mouse. they are protesting the large cruise ships that pass through the lagoon several times a week. the activists want to stop them from using this route through the city. it is david versus goliath. julio has organized the protests. he has been fighting cruiseship tourism in venice for years. >> sure, the city depends on
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tourism. some people would even sell their own mother. it is all about making money, but only a few of the top profit from cruise ships. >> small shops, restaurants, and cafés earn very little on cruiseship tourism. liners carry about 5000 a tourists who mostly do not shop or eat out. the only thing venetians get from this kind of toryism is dirt and pollution. >> the biggest problem is the invisible currents that the cruise liners generate. >> venice has always attracted sightseers. hordes of taurus to come to experience peaceful canals and narrow alleyways. souvenir shops multiply while the number of locals is the wendling. 58,000 residents and just as many taurus fill the city every day.
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matteo is one of the last true venetians. every day, he and his wife witness how the city is changing. >> it has already been opened. this used to be a supermarket. now it is a gambling den operated by chinese. >> infrastructure for daily life is vanishing. >> this is one of the two remaining furniture shops (venice. this is where venetians can actually go and purchase furniture. otherwise you have to look outside venice. only two shops left. >> venice is turning into an amusement park according to him. two years ago, he and other
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venetians picked up on this slogan and protested dressed up as mickey mouse and other cartoon images. but like most phoenicians, matteo also lives on toryism. he operates two hotels in the city. how does that fit in with his protest? >> venice is a paradox. sure we live from tourists, but -- and that is what is ironic -- they are contributing to what is driving us out of the city. >> from the -- franca and fellow campaigners are back from the protests. many of them will be facing a charge, but they do not mind. >> so many people participated in two different forms of protest, in the morning and at night, on land and on water. it shows that a lot of people want things to change.
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>> but while the protesters are celebrating, a few hundred meters away, another cruise liner is passing through the canal with four hours delay, but still unhindered. >> since the beginning of the banking crisis in europe, ailing countries have received billions of euros in financial aid from their eu partners and international lenders. in portugal, every citizen gets 7500 euros in rescue money, but of course, the funds are not directly paid to the people but to the banks. portuguese citizens have, on the contrary, had to accept massive cuts and painful reforms, which the government has pledged in return for the loans. for a long time, the portuguese excepted the cuts without so much as a murmur, but now, people are increasingly voicing their anger. many in the country find it hard to believe that the times estate
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generosity are over. >> it is the height of summer vacation season on portugal's number one tourist destination. it should also be a paradise for job seekers because the bars and restaurants on the coast simply cannot find enough personnel at the moment. susanna desperately needs a bartender for two to three months. she does not expect to be able to find any portuguese candidates. >> it is a tough job. you work long hours day and night, and you are exhausted afterward. people prefer to work and shopping malls or supermarkets or small shops. so we have a hard time finding people who want to work for us. >> one who does is vanessa. the 25-year-old has worked at the bar for a few months. she says this since a quarter of people her age are unemployed,
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they cannot afford to be too choosy. >> i work the tables in the bar, and sometimes i do promotion for the bar on the street. >> 40,000 people are without a job, but unemployment benefits are still so generous that many portuguese turned down a lot of positions. no one at the unemployment office wants to comment other than to say that most jobless are looking for a permanent position, and people are not exactly lining up a temp agencies like this one looking for seasonal work. >> we have a growing problem. because of the economic crisis, more and more immigrants have been leaving portugal in the last two or three years. and it is difficult to fill the gaps they leave a kind. -- they leave behind. in addition, the people who are
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left may not have the skills that are necessary to qualify for the job. >> in particular, there are a lot of jobless in the construction industry who cannot be employed in the taurus and sector without retraining, but in the interior of the country, the situation is even worse. farmers need people who can do hard physical labor. a u.s. company grows blackberries and raspberries for the central and northern european markets. >> this threatens our economic growth. we do not have any workers here. the portuguese are not really willing to do agricultural work. a lot of them prefer to work abroad, and then there's the fact that not many people live here anyway. >> they have to get workers from far away from places like oak area, ukraine, romania, and even
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thailand. one of them is a 46 rolled romanian who has helped with the harvest year for the past five years. >> last month, i made 1280 euros after taxes. but i had to pick 1200 kilograms of berries to earn that. >> wages like that should be appealing to many portuguese, but the crisis hit the country so quickly that many still are not totally aware of just how serious the situation is. >> there's increasing unemployment in many sectors, especially the construction business, and that you be changing -- will not be changing anytime soon. if people do not want to emigrate, then all that is left is far more.
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>> this economist agrees, but even he is surprised there are still so many jobs available amid the crisis. >> the job openings have to be channeled through the unemployment office. then you can offer jobless people the appropriate jobs and also expect that they accept what is offered. if that is not the case and they do not have a good reason for not accepting the conditions, then you can cut their unemployment benefits. >> back at the piccadilly bar, vanessa's shift is over, and she is tired. though she only makes 700 euros a month, sometimes she treats herself to a taxi ride home. the university student is relaxed about the end of the summer season. >> if i can find work here, i will stay. if not, i will return and get my masters degree in occupational
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psychology. i'm not worried about ending up on the street. even if i do not see good opportunities in my field of work. i will find something. >> in the meantime, neil has started his shift in the piccadilly bar. the 28-year-old nepali came despite the economic crisis, and he wants to stay. for him, working at the beach is simply too lucrative to leave. >> the division of society into those with privileges, the inability, and ordinary citizens goes back more than 2000 years in europe. the system was applied by the ancient greeks and romans. it was really only after the first world war that many european countries got rid of the privileges for the nobility. in austria, for example, titles have since been banned, and it is still strictly forbidden to use them today, but in other countries in europe, the aristocrats and royalty have to
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a large extent retained their titles, social status, and power. in britain, for example, 1/3 of the land is still owned by aristocrats, and they make sure that the traditions live on. >> england's green and pleasant countryside in the english east midlands is a picture book village. nothing much has changed here in centuries. even the social structure in the village could be described as futile -- fuedal. that's because it belongs to one man. let me introduce sir richard fitzherbert, ninth baronet. he inherited the village at the age of 25 after his uncle died suddenly. he was completely unprepared for the new role. the estate was huge. more than 1000 hectares of land, 40 houses and farm yards. not to forget the rundown family seat.
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>> it was shocking that my whole life had to change. i just sat down in the library, was examining books and things, and i did cry, yes. >> y? >>@cried because -- i suppose in a way i was happy, but in a way it was probably to do with the burden and the onerous task of taking on and keeping up. >> nowadays, 144 people live here, and they rent their houses from the baronet. the prettiest house in the village is the old school. heather, a proud shop owner, lives here. she has turned the shop into her own kind of guy that members club in which she sells all kinds of things, but only to the select few. >> if people come and knock at the door and say they want to
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come in, i say, "are you a member?" they say, "member of what?" that's the giveaway. i say that it is private, and they give you a little abuse. they ask what they have to do to be a member. i say for starters, i've got to like you, and i don't like you, and i close the door. can you imagine? do could not do that with a departmental store. no, this is a lovely way of running a business. >> the whole building is crammed full of things that nobody really needs. we just get a glimpse through the door -- we are not members, after all. she is very attached to her stock. >> i get really sad when i sell certain things. certain things that have been kind of special. and i sell the last one, i get a little -- a little upset. >> sir richard, who apparently also feels responsible for the weeds growing in his village, is
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accompanied by two rather less committed handyman. they have been called to clear lock the drains. no detail escapes sir richard. the baronet leads by example. you might say he is a pedant. for example, he insists the doors are painted a uniform green. not just any old green, but holly bush green. >> he also means that there is no messing. i've made the decision. the decision is mine. get on with it. >> but he also tolerates the inhabitants' quirks as long as they pay their rent. heather's husband also has a shop at the other end of the village. the shop is open to the public, unlike his wife's. they have a secret arrangement that goes like this -- >> i say, on the road, we have the shop here, right? it is not open to the public, i phone my wife and say i've got
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two very nice people here in the shop, will you let me send it down to you, they might buy something as well, which they usually do. >> but while the village is amusing itself, the atmosphere is a little chilly, even in summer. the heating only works in certain rooms. visitors are relatively where -- rare, and he even has to wind the clocks himself. to make ends meet, the baronet occasionally hosts weddings. today is lynn's big day. the secretary comes from a small town nearby. her twin sister will be accompanying her to the altar. she is almost more nervous than the bride herself. >> when my family get here, they will not be able to beleve it. they have never been to anywhere like this before.
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>> the groom, an ex-firefighter, is waiting downstairs to welcome the guests. the local car mechanic is there to play the bagpipes. upstairs, the sister of the bride is still waiting to find mr. right. >> i still have time. after all, i will not have anyone that will just have someone for the sake of it. you have got to find your lifetime partner. >> the way she is just, you might mistake her for the bride, even if she does not send the staircase quite as elegantly. ♪ the wedding party can feel like aristocrats for the day, just like the ones that you see on tv -- rich and carefree.
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meanwhile, a floor above, the real lord of the castle is looking at the sky with concern. a downpour might put off the tourists. >> people want to come and visit here. i just wish they would spend a bit more money per head. >> he would gladly swap bank accounts with these taurus. or with heather and howard, who -- whose secret business model works even on days like these. sir richard could sell his village, but that is not really how it is done in the english countryside. after all, know best duty. >> that report brings us to the end of this edition of "european journal"." on behalf of the team here in brussels, let me thank you for watching. please do join us at the same time next week if you can. until then, auf wiedersehen and
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bye for now. captioned by the national captioning institute 
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