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tv   France 24 News  PBS  July 23, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> because a new age of history gets written every day. because breaking news can't wait. information everywhere. in all situations. on every subject. understanding the world. imagining the world. a different take on the news.
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♪ >> hello there. these are the main world stories here. just like his own father 31 years ago, prince william posing for photos carrying his newborn son outside st. mary's hospital in london. the duchess looked radiant. after telling the waiting media that his son had a good set of lungs, the prince drove his family home. he was talking to journalists moments before. >> he's got a good pair of lungs on him, for sure. he's a big boy, quite heavy. we're still working on a name so we'll have that as soon as we can. first time we've seen him really so having a proper chance to catch up. >> it's a special time. i think any parent knows what
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this feeling feels like. >> very special. >> the pentagon has all but ruled out any military intervention by the u.s. in syria. now the deputy chief of staff has warned it could cost billions of dollars. he's urging the u.s. to learn from mistakes made in iran and afghanistan. nine people were killed in criero tuesday. opponents of egypt's deposed president mohammed morsi. he still remains in custody. a man sentenced for two years in jail in cameroon for being homosexual. groups have appealed to the president to help stop what they say is persecution of gays. those are the main stories today. stay with us here.
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>> welcome back or welcome if you're just joining us. over the weekend there were rates in a paris working class suburb of top riots in a sue bush where there's often incidents. a police station was targeted at one point. there were cars burned, arrests, made, injuries. sparking it all was the police check on a woman vary -- wearing the full-faced islamic vail which in this country since 2011 is illegal. the city counciler for the working class suburb is with us. also with us, the secretary general of the national you know -- union of police communion socialologists and tony, just back. we were talking in part one of our discussion about verifying
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the information, the competing anywhere activities, how they're coming across. our very own james is here. he's here with our media buzz segment. james, this issue of how you check who's saying what on this story has been quite a painstaking one. >> absolutely and the media coverage has been quite diverse. if we look at the international, they're taken an article from the british press by a palestinian activist based in the u.k. she's talking about the mistake of the muslims and she is saying that the laws apply to everybody in europe, that the muslim community tends to forget this, that the concept that these arabic communities have of their rights leaves me perplexed. countries that have given us the freedoms and respect you don't find in muslim countries.
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a right wing point of view is what it sounds like. >> you yourself hail from the party of the left. what do you think of this? do you have to respect the law no matter what it is? >> i'm a city council member so i respect the law. but i campaigned that that law is not fair and that we must fight against it and i think this is a very dangerous one. i urge my friends and all the people here with us to fight and it ask all the m.p.'s to allow it. so when a play law is not fair maybe you cannot obey. >> do you agree? >> the law is not against the
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burka. it is against people who hide their face and you have other people who hide their face in public spaces today. and nobody says nothing to them. they can demonstrate is interrupt a tennis match. it's all right for everybody. >> it's a double standard. >> the other point of view is being expressed in the media by a researcher on religions and society. he says we shouldn't make the mistake of reducing the violence that pop into the religious characteristics. the timing is poshts. there's a sense in the muslim community of islama phobia. a couple of examples of that, our own website here on the
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french edition who says the violence is a result of the reaction to rising islama phobia. this is an article on the website. just three days before the violence, there was a whom -- woman who was threatened with a knife by two drunk be men because she was wearing a full vail. those two men were subsequently sense? -- sentenced to two months in prison. in the northwest of paris there were two attacks on full veiled women in may and early june. one of those women miscarried her child as a result of that attack and it was over a month be later that the interior minister met with these women and representatives of their community and they say it was too little too late and that other incidents of racism programs get greater attention. just to finish another aspect in
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the media that's quite interesting -- this blog for lemonde which fact checks stories on social media. incidents that suppose -- supposed by took place in one else in lyon. here you have a montage of different images saying it's in other sue bushes around paris. in other words, that this had completely caught fire. not true. also a bike burning. that was taken from this website. so lots of examples of images that were not from there that were picked up as social media. in this case, they put a picture from 2005 on the website. it knows -- shows the ways in which incidents like this can be
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politicized very quickly and manipulated. >> thank you very much, james. that's certainly topical so what they were saying a long time ago. the mention made of a town you know well. >> yes, i worked there a few years. it was very interesting. usually cliches are very dangerous. northwestern. a second city in the french sue bushes. very un-- sbufrpblt i'm very afraid about the cliches on that cop watch site that everybody is speaking about, the sentence of a policeman, i don't like what has been written. one has to be precise. one of the policeman says let's support marine blue with a small "m," which is a reference to the
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blue suits we wear. >> no. >> let me just say that. >> you can't say that seriously. >> cop watch is writing it with a capital "m.." so i think there's a way of presenting things which is very, very unfair. about the low of the vail, what we wrote and says in media that we wrote it -- my union, is that the premise is that there is a social question, not a problem but a question about the vail and the low sense the resolution of that question in the hands of the basic police officers and all the people who should be working in that, speaking about that like in the parliament, for example, are psychologistses or
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socialists should be working on that. no, like when you send the ball to the end of the player. it's very unfair to police officials. it is not our job or their job to deal with that. >> do you think we can solve religious behaviors with the law? do you think we can succeed, manage? >> we are republican and we enforce is laws and apply them. what would you say if -- >> it's unfair. >> if the police could say well, that law we don't like, we won't implement it. >> what do you do in your unions to fight against this law? do you think it's a good not su were wrong. it comes from the parliament.
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>> oh, an m.p. is always a good man? it never fails? >> that's what we call democracy. >> no, you can be a democrat and buck wrong. >> from what i understand that your police did warn the sarkozy government when putting the law together that it would be very complicated and contentious to carry it out. police officers i spoke to today said -- a representative from one of the unions -- that it's a complicated law and a difficult, challenging law to implement but because they're police officers and it's their job they absolutely have to do it. >> how did the citizens feel about this law? >> it's been a long time there my colleague and we spoke to a number of people and the surprising reaction for me was from women who said that if
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wearing a vail is against the law then you shouldn't wear a veil, it's as simple as that and that breaking the law was counter productive. it doesn't help much and we have to put this in context. there are only a few hundred women in france who actually do wear a veil. >> 2,000 according to the previous interior minister. >> the number i heard today was 300. >> out of 6 or 7 billion in france, i think, who can say that is nothing. >> just so people know, the math can be a little bit fuzzy and you have to ask that question on facebook. in france, racial profiling, religious profiling is against the law so there are somewhere between five and six million muslims in france.
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>> all kinds of -- you can see it in demonstrations against gay marriage. >> three levels of penalties in france. major crimes -- >> crimes, misdemeanors and what are what? common, i don't know, summons. >> yes, thank you. >> the law says that when you wear that full-face veil it is the lowest incrimination possible. i'm sorry for the comparison but it's the same amount of parking tickets, huh? what is very -- the main goal of the law was to work on the people forcing the women even to wear the full-face veil because this in the law is an article
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saying well, this is not a crime but this is a middle class crime. >> emmanuel abu on facebook saying 2,000 out of five million muslims? why a law for such a small number? in is overuse of bureaucracy and the french are playing up to steer times. >> it's not -- stereotypes. >> it is a law against people who mask, hide their faces and only muslim women are arrested so it's a problem. it's compulsory that people feel it's an anti-muslim law while it's not supposed to be. >> i think that -- you're talking about people that force the women to wear this kind of veil. maybe it exists but i think that if someone wants to force his woman to wear it, it will -- he will do it despite the law.
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so i think the solution is social working in this -- >> on that point, i want to ask you a question. in this particular case, it was a convert to islam. >> yeah. >> and it seems as though there have been several incidents where it's convert to islam. why is that? >> why do they convert to islam? >> no, why are they the ones to -- who seem to be in the fore when when it comes to wearing the full-faced veil? >> i can't explain why they go so far but i'm convinced that the more we show them as more from the -- the more they will stay in this position. i think the solution is not to stick my ties them. not to -- stick ties them.
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not to show them daily on tv shows against the law. they feel french but they want to live their religion as they want. who are we to judge them and make laws and prevent them from wearing what we -- they want to wear? when we see mini skirts in the street, we don't feel ashamed. everybody can wear anything they want and i think m.p.'s have other priorities in france than judging whether a woman can wear a veil or not. >> sarkozy in 2010, when that law was put through parliament, he was losing voters to the far right and many people argued that the law was a knee jerk reaction to that. >> you mentioned it was sarkozy. he was a conservative but in this case and i want to point it out to people who are just joining us here, we are talking about a socialist government.
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the socialist interior minister who said that there is only one law in our country, the law of the republic. here's what he said monday after touring the city. >> we cannot confuse the huge during this month of ramadan or at any other time with an active, dangerous minority that wants to impose a different law from the law of the republic. there is no other law that is prevalent in the republic. not the law of hoodlums, the law of drug networks and certainly not any fundamentalist religious movements. >> what's your reaction to that statement? >> my reaction is very simple. when i heard them talking -- these days, because he's an m.p. of the district. >> of that area, a government minister. >> exactly. i closed my eyes and after
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hearing them i said to myself that nikoloz sarkozy could have said that. the words could have been the words used by nikoloz sarkozy before. he didn't have a word for the population to support them and to face the reality and the fate that this government has failed one year after all the promises they made to these people. and the majority of these people have voted for france away + against sarkozy and today they face the same problems and the law -- they wanted the government to delete is still available and reinforced. it's amazing. >> are you equally disappointed by what the interior minister said? >> he's in his role. what else can he say?
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>> he's acting in his role? >> yeah, surely, probably. >> it sounds a little bit like there's a dog whistle message there, that there are good muslims and bad muslims? >> what else can he say? >> one comment on twitter -- leave muslims alone. you make laws against our religion and then you're surprised when things don't work. >> near the castle of versailles. it's native sons include football star nikoloz from chelsea and popular award-winning actor omar sey. he recently wrote a book about the town. he said it's a powder keg where no common cultural ground have been built between communities and the media is wondering if
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the current government is just as short on kids as how to fix the working-class suburbs as the right wing did before. and daily liberation writes you only need to observe the scant attention given to the area during the 2010 presidential uneasiness. tony todd, it's true that it was very much under the radar during the whole presidential campaign. >> and it should have been on the radar buzz -- because it's a significant social problem that france is suffering from. we have the situation in cities across france that's it is the safety you have a city center that is wealthy, well to do and you have immigrant populations that have been lumped in these suburbs around town, don't have
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fantastic infrastructural access, whether -- where there aren't great schools and universities. where people can't mix together so they've effectively been ghettoized and that's causing france a major problem. the fact it hasn't been addressed is something to worry about. >> we were mentioning about how there has been money spent on the city of top. some complain that there's gentryification and it's forcing them out of the neighborhood where they've grown up as a result of the fact that they've torn down some of these big tower blocks where people used to live, these big properties. has the money been spent properly when you see policing these neighborhood. has there been any positive impact on all the money that's
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been spent on all these working-class suburbs? >> i'm not sheer to have -- here to have an opinion but we observe things and we leave in these cities also. i think the highest high mark respect towards the population from the 84,000 police officers working cities and mostly in urban areas is to work there, once again, 24 hours a day, seven days a week trying to get a solution for noise. people want sleep at night. road traffic, drugs, blears and the police is -- burglaries and the police are fighting all that. people burn gymnasiums, the post office, their own neighbor's car, i wonder where the respect is, in fact. i think the respect is mostly in the police hands. >> i'm not going to repeat what
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i said but i see -- i notice two things. police officers do not always respect citizens. this is a fact and we can show you videos where you can hear and see policemen talking about the youth and you will see that respect is not always in the police hands. this is the first point. the second point is that -- i agree on one thing. you have difficult work conditions. but this is not the population's fault. you should ask money from our commissioner. when we need them they can't come. sometimes when i see a blare on my -- burglary on my street, i call. >> when you see kids on motorbikes -- >> yes, i call the police office
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and they answer me with edon't have any cars available. do you think this is respect for us? do you think this is respect for us? we just have the same security condition as in paris, but we don't have it. there's a big difference about the way we're treated in the suburbs and the way they're treated this paris. >> you have direct access to the capital via the subway system, so you're a lot closer than top. has the money within well-spent over there in terms of getting out of this ghetto mentality? >> i think the money has been quite well spent there but because of the political witness
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we did not want these projects and this money to make people go out of the area. i don't think you understand me. >> yes, you tried not to have justification. >> yes, we don't want the people to leave from the city because we think they deserve to stay in the city. it's not the case of the city. cities are going up and the government is not doing anything to control the level of the housing so i think the money is quite extensive but we need more to face the problems we have. unemployment, housing, education.
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>> in taup there are communities that have been spruced it. i read an article that said it wasn't -- -- won an award for most spruced up area in 2011. >> it was a much leafier area than i expected it to be and i saw a lot of work that is ongoing and it's not all cosmetic. buildings have been torn down and rebuilt and it looks pretty good but it's a small step and as the weekend's events demonstrated it hasn't yet solved anything. >> without money it would probably have been war. we cannot know what would have happened had will be the much
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more money. >> our panel in agreement that there needs to be attention given to the working class suburbs of france. i want to thank you. thank you for joining us here today.
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hello there. welcome to "newsline." it is wednesday, july 24th. i'm katherine cobia shi in tokyo. the new prince has made his public debut. britain's prince william, his wife, catherine, and baby greeted the crowds outside the hospital where he was born. they left the hospital to be met by a curious crowd. the duke and dutchess of cambridge followed tradition by giving the


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