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tv   South Asia Newsline  PBS  July 24, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

3:30 pm
hi. i'm rachel. come join my friends, alex, leah, and hopkins, for signing time! leah uses american sign language. we'll teach you some. come sign with us. ♪ there's singing time and dancing time ♪ ♪ and laughing time and playing time ♪ ♪ and now it is our favorite time--signing time! ♪ ♪ it's signing time! with alex and leah
3:31 pm
♪ it's signing time! with alex and leah ♪ ♪ come and play ♪ come and play [train whistle] ♪ choo, choo, choo, choo ♪ ♪ whoo, hoo, whoo, hoo ♪ ♪ here it comes, all aboard ♪ ♪ let's get on the zoo train ♪ ♪ choo, choo, choo, choo ♪ ♪ whoo, hoo, whoo, hoo ♪ ♪ here it comes, all aboard ♪ ♪ let's get on the zoo train ♪ ♪ what do you do when you go to the zoo? ♪ ♪ you watch all the animals ♪ move like the animals ♪ sign all the animals too ♪ i do, i do ♪ watch all the animals ♪ move like the animals
3:32 pm
♪ sign all the animals too first stop: watch the animals. use your pinky to show the rhino's horn. rhinoceros. rhinoceros! cool rhinoceros. rhinoceros. it's your turn. cross your arms like the bat's wings. bat. bat. those are real bats.
3:33 pm
ooh, bats. you try it. clap the back of your hands like his flippers. seal. seal! flap the lippers! he's swimming! like the flippers. sign seal. panda. make a p and show the panda's eye markings. or, spell it. p-a-n-d-a.
3:34 pm
panda. panda. panda. show his eye markings. panda. that's the sign! hippopotamus. show his teeth and his big mouth opening. hippopotamus. hippopotamus. that's a real hippo. like its big mouth. hippopotamus.
3:35 pm
now it's your turn. make the stripes on the zebra. zebra. zebra. they're signing zebra. show his stripes. zebra. sign zebra. your fingers show the stripes on his face. tiger. tiger. she's signing tiger.
3:36 pm
show the stripes on its face. [growl] sign tiger. lion. show the lion's big mane. lion. lion! two lions! [rrrow!] lion. you try it. where should we go first?
3:37 pm
hey? ♪ i'm walking through the zoo ♪ ♪ watchin' everything ♪ i'm lookin' at the rhinos ♪ ♪ or are they looking at me? ♪ ♪ ♪ and what about the bats? ♪ upside down like that ♪ are we up and they are down? ♪ ♪ or is it the other way around? ♪ ♪ ♪ who's here to see who at the zoo? ♪ ♪ i love to watch the seals ♪ ♪ they love to watch me too ♪ ♪ ♪ walking through the zoo ♪ watchin' everything ♪ i'm looking at the pandas ♪ ♪ or are they looking at me? ♪ ♪ ♪ and what about the hippos? ♪ floating in their pool
3:38 pm
♪ i see them through the water ♪ ♪ can they see me through water too? ♪ ♪ ♪ who's here to see who at the zoo? ♪ ♪ i love to watch the zebras ♪ ♪ and they love to watch me too ♪ ♪ ♪ oooooooo ♪ i'm walkin' through the zoo ♪ ♪ oooooooo ♪ i think they're watching me too ♪ ♪ i love to watch the tigers ♪ ♪ and they love to watch me too ♪ ♪ ♪ walking through the zoo ♪ watchin' everything ♪ i'm looking at the lions ♪ (growl) ♪ or are they looking at me? ♪ (lion chuckles)
3:39 pm
♪ or are they looking at me? ♪ ♪ or are they looking at me? ♪ ♪ [train whistle] next stop: move like the animals. monkey. move your arms like a monkey. monkey. monkey. act like a monkey. monkey family. [monkey sound] sign monkey. [boing]
3:40 pm
kangaroo. hold your hands like you're a kangaroo, and bounce them. kangaroo. kangaroo. like a kangaroo hopping. sign kangaroo! camel. show the camel's humps. camel. camel. show the big humps. camel.
3:41 pm
sign camel. aaaaah. gorilla. bang on your chest like a great big gorilla. gorilla. gorilla. act like a gorilla. cool gorilla. [giggles] sign with rachel. crocodile. show his big mouth and his sharp teeth. crocodile. crocodile.
3:42 pm
show a big mouth. show the big mouth and teeth. chomp, chomp! sign crocodile. wow! elephant. here's his trunk, and that's the sign for elephant. elephant. sign elephant. just like an elephant trunk. sign elephant.
3:43 pm
penguin. put your hands out like penguin feet waddling. penguin. penguin. act like a penguin. [giggles] penguin! sign penguin. giraffe. show his long neck. giraffe. giraffe. show the long neck.
3:44 pm
giraffe. look at the giraffe. sign giraffe with rachel. hey, let's play a game. okay. guess what i am? ♪ i'm small, i'm brown ♪ ♪ i swing around ♪ swing from my hands ♪ swing from my feet ♪ i swing with my tail ♪ and swing in the trees ♪ guess what i am ♪ can you guess what i am? ♪ ♪ i'm a monkey! okay, my turn! ♪ i'm big, i'm brown ♪ ♪ i hop around ♪ and in my pouch ♪ joey hops too
3:45 pm
♪ we love to hop ♪ that's just what we do ♪ guess what i am ♪ can you guess what i am? ♪ i'm a kangaroo! okay, my turn. ♪ i'm big, i'm brown ♪ ♪ my back is round ♪ with one hump ♪ and sometimes two ♪ if you're stuck in the deser4♪ ♪ i will get you through ♪ guess what i am ♪ can you guess what i am? ♪ ♪ oh, a camel! ♪i'm a camel! okay, my turn. ♪ i'm big, i'm strong ♪ ♪ my arms are long ♪ a silver back ♪ or brown or black ♪ if i pound on my chest ♪ it might help you guess ♪ guess what i am
3:46 pm
♪ can you guess what i am? ♪ ♪ i'm a gorilla! ♪ it's easy to be anything ♪ ♪ pick a few facts ♪ then put on an act ♪ now that you know your animal signs ♪ ♪ you can be an animal anytime ♪ okay, my turn, leah. ♪ i'm quiet, i'm green ♪ ♪ i eat anything ♪ i swim fast ♪ or wait awhile ♪ i creep so slowly ♪ with a great big smile ♪ guess what i am ♪ can you guess what i am? ♪ ♪ i'm a crocodile! ♪ i'm big, i'm gray ♪ ♪ move out of my way
3:47 pm
♪ my trunk can reach ♪ my trunk can stretch ♪ with a little water ♪ i can get you wet ♪ guess what i am ♪ can you guess what i am? ♪ ♪ i'm an elephant! ♪ it's easy to be anything ♪ ♪ pick a few facts then put on an act ♪ ♪ now that you know your animal signs ♪ ♪ you can be an animal anytime ♪ okay. ♪ i'm black, i'm white ♪ ♪ i slip and slide ♪ get in line ♪ to catch a fish ♪ i teeter around ♪ then take a dip ♪ guess what i am ♪ can you guess what i am? ♪
3:48 pm
♪ oh, a penguin. ♪ i'm a penguin! [train whistle] next stop: the aquarium. starfish. sign "star," pointing up toward the stars, and "fish," like a fish swimming. starfish. starfish. starfish. star and fish. a starfish from the water! they're signing starfish. let's try it.
3:49 pm
shrimp. your finger is like a little shrimp swimming. shrimp. shrimp. just like a little shrimp swimming. wow, shrimp. swimming along. it's easy, try it! alex...look at that rock! that's not a rock. it's a lobster! lobster. make scissors with your fingers like the lobster claws.
3:50 pm
lobster. lobster. like the lobster's claws. they're signing lobster. a lobster. sign lobster. crab. take your two fingers and open and close them like crab claws. or use your whole hand for big claws. crab or crab. crab. show the claws on the crab.
3:51 pm
open, close. that's a crab. sign crab. octopus. make the body and the legs. octopus. octopus! show the tentacles. the body and the tentacles. octopus. sign octopus with rachel.
3:52 pm
octopus. oh! dolphin. your finger is the dolphin's nose diving through the water. dolphin. dolphin. show the dolphin leaping in and out of the water. wow! dolphin. cute dolphin. sign dolphin. oh! [splash]
3:53 pm
whale. make a y for the tail and splash it in the water. whale. whale. sign the big tail splashing. splash. sign whale. [scary music] [giggling] shark. oooh. show his fin in the water. shark.
3:54 pm
shark. ooh, shark. a real shark. let's sign shark. [giggles] [laughter] ♪ there are bubbles in the water ♪ ♪ waves in the water ♪ starfish in the water ♪ and shrimp in the water
3:55 pm
♪ ♪ there are lobsters in the water ♪ ♪ crabs in the water ♪ octopus in the water ♪ and dolphins in the water ♪ ♪ ♪ looking above ♪ or looking below ♪ there are so many things ♪ i'd love to know ♪ looking above ♪ or looking below ♪ there are so many things ♪ i'd love to know ♪ ♪ ♪ there are bubbles in the water ♪ ♪ waves in the water
3:56 pm
♪ whales in the water ♪ and sharks in the water ♪ ♪ and you don't seem so far at all ♪ ♪ but i'm happy to stay on this side of the wall ♪ alex, leah, hopkins, and i love signing with you. let's do it again soon. ♪ what do you do when you go to the zoo? ♪ ♪ you watch all the animals ♪ move like the animals ♪ sign all the animals too ♪ i do, i do ♪ watch all the animals ♪ move like the animals ♪ sign all the animals too
3:57 pm
for more information on american sign lan ♪ one yellow, one yellow, one yellow chicken ♪ (peep) ♪ and down on leah's farm there are two brown horses ♪ (neigh) ♪ one brown, two brown, two brown horses ♪ (neigh) ♪ down on leah's farm ♪ there are three white goats (maa) ♪ one white, two white, three white goats ♪ (maa) ♪ and they all live inside the big barn house ♪ ♪ and somewhere in the walls there lives a little mouse ♪ (squeak, squeak) ♪ and everybody's dancin' at the big barn house, yeah! ♪ ♪ ♪ everybody's dancin', everybody's happenin' ♪ ♪ everybody's happy down on leah's farm ♪ ♪ everybody's hoppin', nobody's stoppin' ♪ ♪ 'cause everybody's happy down on leah's farm ♪
3:58 pm
♪ ♪ do you know the colors of our rainbow? ♪ ♪ do you know the colors of our rainbow? ♪ ♪ there's red ♪ orange ♪ yellow ♪ green ♪ purple ♪ and blue [clap, clap, clap, clap] ♪ alex knows the colors; ♪ ♪ leah knows the colors ♪ ♪ now you know the colors of our rainbow too ♪
3:59 pm
4:00 pm
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