tv Journal PBS July 27, 2013 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> i'm miranda esmonde-white. join me for a classical stretch workout to slenderize your legs. >> "classical stretch" is made possible in part by iberostar hotels and resorts with beach front resorts around the world. each resort features extensive gardens and large swimming pools with maximum respect for the surrounding environment. iberostar hotels and resorts. >> air jamaica soaring to new heights.
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>> i'm miranda esmonde-white. i'm here in jamaica on a beautiful morning. perfect to exercise weather. i hope it's beautiful weather where you are also. so, we're going to start with a little warm-up. just shift your legs side to side. bending those knees. just open and close your arms. ok, bring them in front of you. in. [inhales and exhales] we're just trying to get the blood circulating. so, just relax. make sure you're pumping those legs up and down. ok, arms to the air. and up. just reach, but don't contract your muscles. so, don't start working. i'll tell you when to start working. ok, just twist.
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lots of tiny, little... and large muscles in your spine that we're trying to warm up and loosen up and get the blood into those muscles and then we'll be able to stretch them out. same thing with your hips, so now just shift your weight side to side. get the blood circulating into those hips. down... [exhales] blood needs oxygen, so you got to deep breathe when you exercise... ok, and now one shoulder. just really focus on your shoulder. other arm, focus on the shoulder... and keep those legs going. now what we're going to do is rotate to one wall and the other wall. one wall and the other wall, so
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make sure you actually look at one wall of your house and look at the other wall. stay relaxed. keep those legs bending and stretching. one arm up. keep deep breathing. now down. [exhales] keep that breathing going. so, we're going to roll up. now is when you start to actually work. don't want to lose my mic. you won't be able to hear me, goodness gracious. what a disaster. ok, bend your knees. tuck under. see you really start the stretch in your hips and press towards me, so we're going to imagine you're climbing up a stairway with those hands reaching, reaching up, stretching and
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pull. stretch behind you. rotate around. deep breathe. take your fingers, ok, and you're going to pull the shoulders apart. we call that the shoulder blast 'cause it gets the shoulder blades, the rhomboid muscle between them, stretched out. [exhales] breathe out. scoop and lift up an invisible weight open behind you, start again. a little deeper. press towards me. press towards your television. push, get a nice deep lunge. what we're trying to do here in this workout particularly is thin out the muscles, so you want to go as far as you can in each of your moves. this whole program is about thinning the muscles.
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stretching and strengthening them to make your body look leaner. ok, now... you're going to push to one side, bend both knees. drop like a blanket on the ground and do an enormous shoulder rotation. go to the other side. press forward, tummy in. drop like a blanket on the floor, round your back. big enormous rotation, up you go. try all the time to pull, in the whole workout, except for your warm-up, pull the muscles away from each other, so you stretch, move, so we're not just moving. we're stretching and moving. [exhales] and stretch and move. open your arms, pull them behind you and you're going to squeeze the arms together and bend.
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[exhales] push out. now pull, take your lower hand and reach up. stretch to the ceiling, move. stretch to the ceiling, we call this the clock. stretch and move. i'm sure you're feeling that in your waist...and stretch. you're going to open those arms. pull them behind you. stretch them and pull them to close. take your lower hand. stretch up, open the arms, twist the hands to the floor and bend forward, so now you're going to get the hamstrings and if you can't keep your back flat, bend your knees or if it is too tight on your back, otherwise, keep your back straight. rotate slowly, twist. return to the center. rotate, work your spine. twist. center. lower down. rotate.
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take the floor. use the floor. sweep in front. lift up and cross over. pull, pull, grab your leg, pull. sweep across. right around. go to the other side. stretch it out. grab your ankle. stretch out that arm. sweep around. grab both your ankles. bend your knees and straighten them. bend... you're going to feel the hamstrings being pulled, but you're also pulling the glutes. so as you stretch up, these muscles... you're thinning them out. you're lengthening them as you're strengthening them. then slowly roll up one vertebrae at a time. get those arms above your head. stretch right up, pull, so you can really feel the pull in the waist. higher, now, hold your tummy tight. hold your hips.
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waist rotation. so don't move your hips. move above your waist to strengthen the muscles above the waist. and we're going to start again. clock, go. and one, pull, 2, pull, 3, pull, stretch up. one, pull, stretch. [exhales] pull and pull, right up and reach, waist rotation, and the other direction. waist rotation, and just give it just a little extra pull. now, a nice deep lunge. remember when you do lunges, focus first on the position of your quadriceps so you don't have contortion in the knee and a nasty twist. you want to first protect your body, so line that thigh up with your foot and when you do a
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front lunge, you still do line up the thigh with the foot. so you lock your hips, your legs in place with the butt muscles. so you push out and you notice i'm not doing-- i'll do it wrong. i'm not lifting my hips as i shift. i'm pushing my hips down, so you fe legs. those are long abductors. stretch to the side. one. stretch. stretch. stretch. stretch. stretch. stretch. whoops! now, i just lost my balance and pull. sort of shifting sands under the feet, but i lost my balance. if you use your abs, you can get your balance. ok, sweep, sweep that arm. open both arms. close your arms. now, you're gonna just take your
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fingers, drop your body. push out. lift up. [exhales] other side. right over. sweep, open the arms. so, get you working over extension for your pectorals. pull those arms in and bend your arms. pull right down. you're gonna feel the stretch in the sides. stretch out. this really loads up your side muscles. pull up. [exhales] bring your arms in. shift, twist. down, pull. use the quad, this muscle, to come out of the lunge. down, pull, come up and down, up. [exhales] and 2 more. next, you're gonna raise your
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arm up. stay here. take that front arm, pull it, lift it up. it's gonna really stretch up your spine and use your quad to come out at the position. ok, do it again. shift, stretch that arm, lift it up towards your back. stretch it further, use your quad and your ab muscles to come out of these positions. and stretch it out. come up. don't come up with your bum in the heave-ho. come up with your quad. and by coming up using that quad you're going to protect your back, but you're also gonna get that quad thin. both arms. pull down. everybody wants long, thin legs, so... the more you use them in these lengthened positions, the more they'll lengthen out and be
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strong. there's no good to have a long muscle if it's weak. stretch. [exhales] because it won't have any power to it. it won't have any form to it. it'll just be long and flabby. you want it to be long and strong. it's the strength in muscles. ok. it's the strength that gives them shape and form. all right, so now you want to work the feet. well, what we want to do is isolate the feet from the ankles and when you move your legs, don't move your hips, so we're gonna go feet. so really work your feet. ok, now, stay up. just shift the leg back and forth. don't move your hips. and it's really great if you can do it on the beach like i am
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because you have to work your balance reflexes even more 'cause the sand is like that. ok, change your feet. one and 3. so, one thing i've found over the years training people is that they never take their shoes off in most workouts and most of life we have our feet in our shoes thinking that the shoes are protecting our feet, which they are, but you have to take your shoes off and stretch and strengthen your feet or you're going to cause what's called like some form of atrophy in the feet and then you get tight calves, tight ankles. pain right up through your legs when your feet slowly atrophy. other ankle. other direction. you really need to use your feet as much as possible to gain power, strength, and flexibility in your feet. ok, so we're going to stretch
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out these long abductors. flex your foot. put the foot flat. come up and do the other one. drop down. make sure you feel it inside your legs. flex your foot and you'll notice that flexing takes strength in those shins. put it down and come up. now, we're going to put the leg in front. so, get the knees together. you put your leg in front and you pull the bum back, holding onto your thighs. rotate your leg. you see how i'm sort of rotating my leg around, but my shoulders aren't dropped. a lot of people do this with rounded backs. you got to keep your back straight. so, a lot of exercises. change your legs. a lot of exercises look the same, like you'll say, "aw, i've seen that before, i've done that before, but then if you do it differently, you get different results, so these exercises, the
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way that i'm explaining them to you are to give you flexibility. if you do them incorrectly, you're not going to get the flexibility and the strength. ok, now go and find yourself a mat and we're going to do some floor work. so, now, lie down. make sure you point your knee towards me. support yourself with your elbow in line with your shoulder. pulling up. so, you try to pull the body, the torso out of your hips. pull the leg in the other direction out of your hips and lift up. if you prefer to lie flat, you can. don't put your head in your hands though. good. 2 choices. ok, so pull and down and pull
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and down and pull and down. so, in this series i wanted to share some of the phenomenal e-mails i've been getting because people can then see if they can relate to each other and one of them is from louise in ottawa who talked about how she'd been working with a trainer for years and years and then she started doing classical stretch and her muscles became much thinner. her legs thinned out and these exercises are one of the reasons why in particular her body became thinner, so this is why your body should become thinner. now, flex your foot and what we're doing is exercises you've probably seen before, but it's how we're doing these exercises. we're pulling the muscles. so, we're lengthening them, stretching them and then we're loading them, which is strengthening them and that makes them thin. thin and strong. so up. that's why louise got the results, because she obviously
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did the exercises correctly as do many other people. pull up. now, we're gonna do little circles. when you do the circles, isolate the hips and just move your leg. ok, i'll show you the wrong way to do it, that's wiggling your hips. you just want to just isolate the leg and do the circles and the other direction and it should be aching in those hips. all right, we're going to change sides as quickly as you can. don't waste any time. pull your body out of your hips. pull your leg out of the hip socket and lift it up. so, a lot of people when they first see this, they do them wrong. they just lift the leg like that and you're gonna get no slenderizing benefits at all. actually, you'll sort of waste your time. you have to get that pull. you have to lengthen, lift, and
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if you are doing it correctly, you can't lift your leg high, so, i can lift my leg right up, but that's wrong. i can't lift my leg up here. you should not be able to lift your leg. and pull, and pull, flex it. so, now, when you flex your foot, you lengthen the muscles down the back of your legs. you just--we're trying to slenderize the whole leg. and pull, and lift, pull, and lift. pull it, lift it, pull and next. then rotate it. point your toe and round. don't move your hips. 3, 4. other direction. pulling out of the socket. and your supporting hip is going to be hurting 'cause you worked it earlier and change direction. pull it out, 2 and 3 and 4 and keep pulling it out.
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and pull it out. and 3 and 4, stretch those legs. lift it up, flex it, shoot it, and just a little twist. all right, so, now we're going to release some of the tension that we just put in those hips, so we're going to do what's called the baby stretch. now there are a lot of people who have such rounded tight backs that they can't put their head flat and if you can't put your head flat, you should always have a cushion. this is called an overall or something to lift your head up to protect those vertebrae. and i would guess about 30% of people or more can't. so, put one foot on the knee. lift your leg up. and you're going to start feeling your hip. now, put the foot flat down and you're going to cross your knee over. lift your legs up and try to grab that tibia, that bone, the
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shin bone and pull the legs right into the chest. all right, now, try to put the head right onto the knees and roll down. we're going to change legs. see you start with just a simple little hip stretch, knee out, lift your leg up, put your foot flat down. now you're going to take the knee and cross it right over, so the 2 legs are interlocking. grab your shin bone. pull the knees, the thighs into your chest and lift your head and you're going to get this fantastic stretch in the hips, but it stretches right through the spine. now, your hips. give you a little anatomy lesson. the hips are connected to the spine. you know the old kiddy song where your shin bones connected to whatever, so your hips are connected to your spine. so, now, move around. moving
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the legs and you're going to work the spine when you shift. so, when you have tight hips, any part of the hip region, it'll interfere with your spine. could give you back pain. definitely tight hips will give you bad posture, but it'll also stop you from being able to walk or run quickly or fluidly or comfortably. so, anybody, whether you're young or old, playing tennis or football or a marathon runner, you need to have loose, flexible hips in order to feel good and be able to be efficient. ok, stretch your leg up. flex your foot, point your foot, and bend your knee again. bringing the knee in. stretch your leg again, flex your foot, and then twist the leg in the socket. draw a huge circle, big circle around, so you're going to work the range of motion. and the other leg.
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work your range of motion. cross your leg right over and push down on that leg. opening up the other hand and push down, and look towards the opposite hand. ok? this is sort of a muscle chain exercise. bring the leg forward and keep pulling it forward and down. this is an i-t bend here, which is for the knee, so bend the knee and stretch it up. do it again. bend it. so, that i-t bend. flex your foot. rotate the leg. so, this i-t bend we're trying to sort of loosen up right now is a stabilizer of your knee. it goes right down your leg and if it's tight, it'll cause an imbalance in the knee and it'll cause knee pain and it's very hard to stretch that i-t bend because it's tight.
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it's intended to support your knee, so it needs just a little, little bit of flexibility, but that little bit of flexibility is the difference between pain or no pain. a good protected knee and, uh, a possibly injured knee. so, this is a very important stretch. [exhales] ok, you're going to bring your knee into your chest. stretch your leg out. flex your foot. point your foot and pull that leg. ok, bend the knee. stretch it out again. we're trying to work into the hamstrings which runs right over your hip, so this will just be the final sort of piece de resistance for loosening up your hips. ok, the other leg. bring it in. stretch that leg. flex your foot and that'll pull those hamstrings and pull your
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calf, point, and down. ok, do it again. bring the knee in and stretch out that leg. flex your foot. now, you're supposed to be feeling these stretches right down, so it doesn't matter if you're here with your knee bent as long as you're feeling the stretch in your hamstrings. that's where you're supposed to be feeling it. ok, so sit up. and just bring your legs up. sit as tall as you can. pull through the spine and open your chest and deep breathe and i hope you had a really good workout and we'll see you soon. >> miranda esmonde-white, a former ballerina, has spent most of her life as a performer and teacher. after breaking her foot, she retired from performing and opened her own dance and fitness center. and it was there where she conceived the idea of "classical stretch," a program which not only changed the shape of her students' bodies but also relieved back
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pain and pain from other conditions, like arthritis and osteoporosis. "classical stretch" targets the needs of everyone from women and men of all ages and all levels of fitness, including olympic and professional athletes. >> you can find out more information about "classical stretch" by visiting our website at >> you're watching "classical stretch" with miranda esmonde-white, season 7. part 1, episodes one through 15 is available for $39.95, plus shipping and handling by calling 1-800-801-3433. season 7, part 2, episodes 16 through 30 is also available for $39.95, plus shipping and handling. "classical stretch" with miranda esmonde-white. credit cards are accepted. >> "classical stretch" is made possible in part by iberostar hotels and resorts with beach front resorts around the world.
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- this is a terrific salmon cured with molasses. my friend jean-claude did it for years in his catering business. it does take a little bit of time to do it, but it's really not complicated to make. here is how i did it. first, make the rub. mix together kosher salt, sugar, cayenne, ground nutmeg, paprika, ground allspice, and some cumin. add soy sauce and molasses and mix it all together. spread a large fillet of salmon, about 1 1/2 pound, and spread the mixture on both side. you can do this while the salmon is sitting over a piece of plastic wrap. wrap it tightly and let it set in the refrigerator for, like, 12 hours or overnight.
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