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tv   South Asia Newsline  PBS  July 30, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

3:30 pm
hi, i'm rachel. come join my friends alex, leah, and hopkins for "signing time!" leah's first language is american sign language. we'll teach you some. come sign with us! ♪ there's singing time and dancing time ♪ ♪ and laughing time and playing time ♪ ♪ and now it is our favorite time, signing time ♪ ♪ it's signing time with alex and leah ♪
3:31 pm
♪ it's signing time with alex and leah ♪ ♪ come and play ♪ come and play ♪ come and play hi, there. it's good to see you again. oh! do we have a new friend? i'm rachel. it's nice to meet you. today we're going to learn signs to use with our friends, from new friends to our oldest friends. and i know that we'll have lots of help from alex, leah, and hopkins. hello. my name is leah.
3:32 pm
hi. my name is alex. my name is... sign "my." it's a flat hand on your chest. my. name. your first two fingers tap the top of your other two fingers. they make a shape like an x. sometimes you write your name by an x. name. my name is... then you can say or sign your name. my name is rachel. my name is andrew. my name is allison. make an "x" with your fingers for "name." my name is charlie.
3:33 pm
sign "my name." what is your name? sign "what." put both hands palm up in front of you. what? your. it's just like the sign for "my," but it pushes toward the other person. your. name. sign at the x. what's your name? what's your name? sign "what's your name?" what's your name? sign "what," sign "your," sign "name." sign "what is your name?"
3:34 pm
old. it's like you're showing the beard of an old man. try it. old. old. like a beard on an old man. that picture is really old. she's signing "old." sign "old." new. with a cupped hand, scoop something new off your palm. new. new. new.
3:35 pm
cup your hand. scoop it off your palm. she's signing "new." scoop it. sign "new." okay. we now know "my name is..." "what is your name?" "old," and "new." let's learn a new song that will help us practice our signs. [ mid-tempo music plays ] ♪ hi, hi ♪ my name is rachel ♪ hi, hi ♪ my name is rachel ♪ hi, hi ♪ my name is rachel ♪ tell me, what's your name? ♪ hi, hi ♪ my name is alex ♪ hi, hi ♪ my name is leah ♪ hi, hi ♪ my name is hopkins
3:36 pm
♪ now you know my name ♪ we make new friends each day ♪ and our old friends, they stay ♪ ♪ and they can be friends if we all play ♪ ♪ and we will have such fun today ♪ [ croaks ] [ laughter ] nice to meet you. sign "nice." one palm moves nicely across the other palm. nice. meet. pretend your pointers are two different people. when they come together, they meet. meet. you. just point right at the person. you. nice to meet you. nice to meet you. sign "nice," "meet," "you."
3:37 pm
nice to meet you. like two people meeting. nice to meet you. can you sign "nice to meet you"? alike. move your hand back and forth with your thumb and pinky. move between the things that are alike. sign it with me. alike. it's also the sign for "same." blond hair. alike. same basketballs.
3:38 pm
alike is the same. same hat. let's sign "alike." [ laughs ] different. cross your pointers, then move your hands away from each other. sign with me. different. different. different. different colors. separate your fingers. sign "different."
3:39 pm
friend. hook your pointers, then switch. show me. friend. friends! they're friends. hook your pointers. hey! be my friend. can you sign "friend"? wow! you're learning a lot of signs. "nice to meet you," "alike," "different," and "friend." what should we do to practice them? you got it. let's add them to our song. [ mid-tempo music plays ]
3:40 pm
♪ hi, hi ♪ it's nice to meet you ♪ hi, hi ♪ so nice to greet you ♪ hi, hi ♪ so nice to meet you ♪ won't you be my friend? ♪ hi, hi ♪ it's nice to meet you ♪ hi, hi ♪ so nice to greet you ♪ hi, hi ♪ so nice to meet you ♪ won't you be my friend? ♪ we're alike in some ways ♪ and we're different, okay ♪ you're my new friend ♪ come out and play ♪ and we will have such fun today ♪ you did such a great job signing. [ gong ] what's that? what time is it? [ gong, laughter ] ♪ there's singing time and dancing time ♪ ♪ and laughing time and playing time ♪ ♪ and now it is our favorite time ♪
3:41 pm
let's practice signing some letters. how about the letter e? it looks just like an eel. now try i. hold up your pinky. that looks like an insect standing up in line.
3:42 pm
k. hold up two fingers like this. hey, those look like kangaroo ears. l. you can remember that it's the large letter l. l for "large letter." m. wrap your three fingers over your thumb to form a mini mountain. it looks like a mini mountain. y. hold out your thumb and your pinky. those look like the horns of a yak. y for "yak." now you know how to sign...
3:43 pm
hey, let's practice fingerspelling names. what names can we spell? i know! we can spell "emily." emily. make an e. remember the eel? sign "m." make your mini mountain. sign "i." don't forget the insect standing up in line. l. remember, l is the large letter l. and finally y. looks like a yak. you can practice spelling faster and faster. let's try "mike." mike. sign "m." like a mini mountain. make an i. remember the insect standing up in line?
3:44 pm
make a k, like kangaroo ears. and an e. remember -- eel. great fingerspelling. hey, you can fingerspell your name. if someone signs "what's your name?" you can fingerspell your name to them. are you ready to learn more signs? -yeah! -great. how are you? or, how are you doing? first, sign "how." put your fingers together, thumbs up, and then roll them forward. how. then point. you. how are you? how are you? how are you?
3:45 pm
how are you? roll your hands forward and point. how are you? sign "how are you?" fine. or, i am doing fine. open your hand and tap your thumb on your chest. fine. i am doing fine. first, point to yourself and then sign "fine." i am doing fine. fine. tap your chest. he's doing fine.
3:46 pm
i'm doing fine. let's sign "fine." we've learned "how are you?" and "fine." i'll bet you know what comes next. right. let's add them to our song. [ steam whistle blows ] -whoa! -[ croaking ] ♪ hi, hi ♪ how are you doing? ♪ hi, hi ♪ how are you doing? ♪ hi, hi ♪ how are you doing? ♪ i am doing fine ♪ hi, hi ♪ how are you doing? ♪ hi, hi ♪ how are you doing? ♪ hi, hi ♪ how are you doing? ♪ i am doing fine ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ such a wonderful day ♪ come on in
3:47 pm
♪ it's time to play ♪ let's see what we will sign today ♪ [ laughs ] stay. make a "y" hand shape with both hands. put them out in front of you and bring them down like you're making something stay with your hands. stay. stay. show "stay." make two ys and bring them down. make ys. can you sign "stay"? [ laughs ] fun. your first two fingers brush your nose
3:48 pm
and land on your other two fingers. fun. fun. slide your fingers off your nose. [ laughs ] fun. whoa! fun! sign "fun." see you later. make a "two" hand shape and touch it at your cheek. bring it forward for "see." see. then sign "later." make an "l" and roll it forward. see you later. see you later.
3:49 pm
see you later. see. later. see you later. can you sign "see you later"? we've learned "stay," "fun," and "see you later." it'll be fun to add them to our song. [ mid-tempo music plays ] ♪ goodbye ♪ we'll see you later ♪ goodbye ♪ we'll see you later ♪ goodbye ♪ we'll see you later ♪ thanks for coming by ♪ goodbye ♪ we'll see you later ♪ goodbye ♪ we'll see you later ♪ goodbye ♪ we'll see you later ♪ thanks for coming by
3:50 pm
♪ we had fun today ♪ thanks for coming to stay ♪ you're my good friend ♪ come back and play ♪ and we will sign another day i love singing and signing with you. [ alarm clock ringing ] what's that? what time is it? [ laughter ] [ mid-tempo music plays ] ♪ there's singing time and dancing time ♪ ♪ and laughing time and playing time ♪ ♪ and now it is our favorite time ♪ ♪ i count on my fingers ♪ i do it all the time ♪ counting on my fingers ♪ using sign ♪ i can count to 10 ♪ i'm not afraid to try ♪ my fingers can show so much more than 5 ♪
3:51 pm
♪ you can do it -- i can, too ♪ ♪ that's the way -- let's count some more ♪ ♪ make your thumb and pinky stick ♪ ♪ i know that you can keep them straight ♪ ♪ that was fun -- let's try again ♪ ♪ i count on my fingers ♪ i do it all the time ♪ counting on my fingers ♪ using sign ♪ i can count to 10 ♪ i'm not afraid to try ♪ my fingers can show so much more than 5 ♪ let's see how many new friends we have met today. did we meet two new friends? no! hmm. is it more than two?
3:52 pm
yes! maybe we should count them so we know how many. did we meet eight new friends? yes! oh, look. two of our friends are saying goodbye. see you later. if two of our friends go home, how many friends do we have left? do we have six friends left? yes! well, at least all of our other friends can stay and play. no! what do you mean?
3:53 pm
oh, look. more of our friends have to go home. can you help me count? see you later, friends. so, if four friends leave, how many friends do we have left? help me count. at least my last two friends don't have to go home, right? no! -what? -they have to go. oh. see you later, friends. bye! all those friends had to go home. but it's okay because you're still here. you learned a lot of new signs. let's put our whole song together before we go. don't forget to practice your new signs. i'll see you next time. -goodbye! -bye, now! [ mid-tempo music plays ] ♪ hi, hi
3:54 pm
♪ my name is rachel ♪ hi, hi ♪ my name is rachel ♪ hi, hi ♪ my name is rachel ♪ tell me, what's your name? ♪ hi, hi ♪ my name is alex ♪ hi, hi ♪ my name is leah ♪ hi, hi ♪ my name is hopkins ♪ now you know my name ♪ we make new friends each day ♪ and our old friends, they stay ♪ ♪ and they can be friends if we all play ♪ ♪ and we will have such fun today ♪ ♪ hi, hi ♪ it's nice to meet you ♪ hi, hi ♪ so nice to greet you ♪ hi, hi ♪ so nice to meet you ♪ won't you be my friend? ♪ we're alike in some ways ♪ and we're different, okay ♪ you're my new friend ♪ come out and play ♪ and we will have such fun today ♪
3:55 pm
♪ hi, hi ♪ how are you doing? ♪ hi, hi ♪ how are you doing? ♪ hi, hi ♪ how are you doing? ♪ i am doing fine ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ such a wonderful day ♪ come on in ♪ it's time to play ♪ let's see what we will sign today ♪ ♪ anyone can be a friend ♪ everyone can play ♪ imagination has no end ♪ can we be friends today? ♪ goodbye ♪ we'll see you later ♪ goodbye ♪ we'll see you later
3:56 pm
♪ goodbye ♪ we'll see you later ♪ thanks for coming by ♪ we had fun today ♪ thanks for coming to stay ♪ you're my good friend ♪ come back and play ♪ and we will sign another day
3:57 pm
[ siren wails ] firefighter. show the shield on the firefighter's hat. firefighter. [ whistle blows ] police officer. make a "c" and show the police officer's badge. police officer. doctor. tap your fingers on your wrist like a doctor taking a pulse. doctor. nurse. just like "doctor" but an "n" for nurse taking a pulse.
3:58 pm
nurse. [ mid-tempo music plays ] ♪ the people in my neighborhood are one big family ♪ ♪ i watch out for them, and they look out for me ♪ ♪ be careful, be safe ♪ but just in case ♪ police officers ♪ firefighters ♪ a doctor or a nurse ♪ they help me if i'm hurt
3:59 pm
4:00 pm
>> production funding and educational outreach for biz kids is provided by a coalition of america's credit unions, where people are worth more than money. a complete list of individual credit union funders is available at >> every day, america's credit unions help members with their financial needs and with programs like invest in america. it's only fitting that credit unions support biz kids because financial education is what we do. learn more at >> do you have a calling in life? >> devon, you're needed on the set for the big dance number. >> i mean something you are really good at that you know you want to do for the rest of your life? >> now, some people are really great at fixing computers, and others are really great listeners when it comes to helping people with their problems. so sometimes it's apparent to everyone, including you, what you should do for a living. >> that's a calling, or a destiny.


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