tv South Asia Newsline PBS August 2, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
3:30 pm
hi, i'm rachel. come join my friends alex, leah, and hopkins for "signing time!" leah's first language is american sign language. we'll teach you some. come sign with us! ♪ there's singing time and dancing time ♪ ♪ and laughing time and playing time ♪ ♪ and now it is our favorite time, signing time ♪ ♪ it's signing time with alex and leah ♪
3:31 pm
♪ it's signing time with alex and leah ♪ ♪ come and play ♪ come and play ♪ come and play welcome to "signing time!" wow, you look silly today. oh. i forgot. that's better. i love to see all of the colors in the world, but my favorite color is pink. what's your favorite color? yellow. blue. orange. well, we are going to learn a lot of signs for colors today, maybe even the sign for your favorite color. let's get some help from alex, leah, and hopkins.
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that's green. can you sign "green"? wow. we've learned red, orange, yellow, and green. do you like to color? oh, yeah. yeah. well, my favorite way to color is with a new box of crayons. crayons. first sign "color." wiggle your fingers on your chin and then write like you're writing. crayons. [ up-tempo music playing ] ♪ i need a box of crayons
3:36 pm
♪ i need a box of crayons ♪ i'm looking in a drawer ♪ i'm looking in a drawer ♪ a brand-new box of crayons ♪ a brand-new box of crayons ♪ it's what i'm hoping for ♪ it's what i'm hoping for ♪ 1, 2, 3, 4 ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ i have red, red ♪ red, red, red ♪ i have orange, orange ♪ orange, orange, orange ♪ i have yellow, yellow ♪ i have green, green ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ a yellow box of crayons ♪ a yellow box of crayons ♪ that i am going to open ♪ that i am going to open ♪ a perfect box of crayons ♪ a perfect box of crayons ♪ hope none of them are broken ♪ hope none of them are broken ♪ 1, 2, 3, 4
3:37 pm
♪ i found a box of crayons you did a great job singing and signing all of those colors. would you like to learn some more? yeah! yeah! yeah! you would? great. let's get started. [ giggling ] blue. make a "b" for blue and shake it. have you got it? let me see. good. blue. blue. shake the "b." [ chuckles ] blue tongue. paint it blue. "b" for blue.
3:38 pm
3:39 pm
[ laughter ] purple is leah's color. purple. it's the letter "p," and you shake it. let me see you try. very good. purple. purple. shake the "p" for purple. yeah, purple. hey, that's purple. sign "purple." can you sign "purple"? [ laughter ] white. pretend you're pulling the white ruffles on your shirt.
3:40 pm
show me white. that was great! white. white. pull the white ruffles on your shirt. white, fluffy clouds. he's signing "white." she's coloring white. i can't see it. can you sign "white"? we've learned even more signs. blue, pink... purple, and white. hey, let's practice them in our song. [ up-tempo music playing ]
3:41 pm
♪ i need a box of crayons ♪ i need a box of crayons ♪ i'm looking in a drawer ♪ i'm looking in a drawer ♪ a brand-new box of crayons ♪ a brand-new box of crayons ♪ it's what i'm hoping for ♪ it's what i'm hoping for ♪ 1, 2, 3, 4 ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ i have blue, blue ♪ blue, blue, blue ♪ i have pink, pink ♪ pink, pink, pink ♪ i have purple, purple ♪ i have white, white ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ a yellow box of crayons ♪ a yellow box of crayons ♪ that i am going to open ♪ that i am going to open ♪ a perfect box of crayons ♪ a perfect box of crayons ♪ hope none of them are broken ♪ hope none of them are broken
3:42 pm
♪ 1, 2, 3, 4 ♪ i found a box of crayons great job singing and signing all those colors. [ gong! ] what was that? [ gong! ] what time is it? [ gong! ] ♪ there's singing time and dancing time ♪ ♪ and laughing time and playing time ♪ ♪ and now it is our favorite time ♪ hopping time! hopping time! hopping time! [ mid-tempo music playing ] ♪ let's hop ♪ hop ♪ do the hopkins hop ♪ hop ♪ hop ♪ to the hopkins hop ♪ hop to the left ♪ hop to the left ♪ hop to the right
3:43 pm
♪ don't fall down ♪ don't fall down ♪ let's hop up high ♪ let's hop ♪ hop ♪ do the hopkins hop ♪ let's hop ♪ hop ♪ to the hopkins hop ♪ bounce it ♪ pounce it ♪ hop it ♪ pop it ♪ slide it ♪ high it ♪ jump it, thump it, bump it ♪ whoo! ♪ uh-huh, hopkins hop ♪ uh-huh, hopkins hop ♪ let's hop ♪ hop ♪ do the hopkins hop ♪ hop ♪ hop ♪ to the hopkins hop ♪ hop to the left ♪ hop to the left ♪ hop to the right ♪ hop to the right ♪ don't fall down ♪ don't fall down ♪ let's hop up high ♪ let's hop ♪ hop ♪ do the hopkins hop
3:44 pm
♪ let's hop ♪ hop ♪ to the hopkins hop ♪ bounce it ♪ pounce it ♪ hop it ♪ pop it ♪ slide it ♪ high it ♪ jump it, thump it, bump it ♪ whoo! excuse me. excuse me! it's really dark, and i have more colors to teach. oh, i get it. black. that's better. are you ready for more signs? well, as you might have guessed, our next color is black. draw your pointer across your forehead. it's easy. black. black. across your forehead. he's signing "black."
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3:46 pm
chocolate ice cream is brown. brown. sign "brown." [ croak! ] [ gasps ] silver. touch your ear like you're pointing to a silver earring, then make an "s" for silver and twist it down. silver. try it. touch your ear, "s." that's "silver." silver. point to your earring and shake "s." sign "silver." he's signing "silver." shiny silver.
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sign "silver." gold. touch your ear like you're pointing to a gold earring, then sign "yellow" all the way down. you sign "yellow" because gold is a yellowish color. try it. touch your ear, "yellow." that's the sign for "gold." gold. touch your ear and bring the "y" down. gold shoes. gold! sign "gold."
3:48 pm
wow. now we know black, brown, gold, and silver. let's put them into our song. [ up-tempo music playing ] ♪ i need a box of crayons ♪ i need a box of crayons ♪ i'm looking in a drawer ♪ i'm looking in a drawer ♪ a brand-new box of crayons ♪ a brand-new box of crayons ♪ it's what i'm hoping for ♪ it's what i'm hoping for ♪ 1, 2, 3, 4 ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ i have black, black ♪ black, black, black ♪ i have brown, brown ♪ brown, brown, brown ♪ i have silver, silver
3:49 pm
♪ i have gold, gold ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ a yellow box of crayons ♪ a yellow box of crayons ♪ that i am going to open ♪ that i am going to open ♪ a perfect box of crayons ♪ a perfect box of crayons ♪ hope none of them are broken ♪ hope none of them are broken ♪ 1, 2, 3, 4 ♪ i found a box of crayons that was fun. we've learned all the colors for today. [ boing! clank! boing! clank! ] what's that? [ laughter ] what time is it? moo! [ laughter ] ♪ there's singing time and dancing time ♪ ♪ and laughing time and playing time ♪ ♪ and now it is our favorite time ♪ story time! story time!
3:50 pm
♪ oh, i'd love to read a book ♪ i love reading our books ♪ i'd love to read a book ♪ i love reading our books ♪ oh, i'd love to read a book ♪ i love reading our books ♪ i'd love to read a book ♪ i love reading our books ♪ about silly faces ♪ and far-off places ♪ i wonder what we'll read ♪ oh, i wonder what we'll read ♪ we will see new words ♪ and sign new signs ♪ won't you read this book with me? ♪ ♪ oh, i'd love to read a book ♪ i love reading our books ♪ i'd love to read a book ♪ i love reading our books
3:51 pm
today's story is "rainbow salad." as you read along, watch for signs we've learned today and a few new ones. "it's almost time for dinner," mom hollers down the hall. but nobody comes running, except for little paul. paul is only 4 years old. and some say, "paul, he's so small." but paul's the biggest helper, the biggest of them all. little paul knows what to do. he's lining up all kinds of fruit. he finds a bowl, pulls up a chair, and takes the biggest breath of air. [ inhales deeply, exhales sharply ] paul and mom, they have a song called "rainbow salad." here it comes.
3:52 pm
♪ red, red strawberries ♪ in the bowl you go ♪ orange and pink peaches ♪ put them in a row ♪ yellow bananas ♪ taste so sweet ♪ rainbow salad is my favorite treat to eat ♪ ♪ green, green kiwi fruit ♪ put them in the bowl ♪ blue, blue blueberries ♪ the smallest fruit of all ♪ purple grapes ♪ taste so sweet ♪ rainbow salad is my favorite treat to eat ♪ ♪ rainbow salad is my favorite treat to eat ♪ when paul serves up his salad, everyone's impressed. who knew someone so little could always help out best. way to go, paul. nicely done.
3:53 pm
my favorite. mmm. sure looks good. you did it! you learned a lot of signs for colors today. you are a great signer. let's sing the whole "box of crayons" song together before we go. see you next time. goodbye. bye, rachel. [ up-tempo music plays ] ♪ i need a box of crayons ♪ i need a box of crayons ♪ i'm looking in a drawer ♪ i'm looking in a drawer ♪ a brand-new box of crayons ♪ a brand-new box of crayons ♪ it's what i'm hoping for ♪ it's what i'm hoping for ♪ 1, 2, 3, 4 ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ i have red, red ♪ red, red, red
3:54 pm
♪ i have orange, orange ♪ orange, orange, orange ♪ i have yellow, yellow ♪ i have green, green ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ a yellow box of crayons ♪ a yellow box of crayons ♪ that i am going to open ♪ that i am going to open ♪ a perfect box of crayons ♪ a perfect box of crayons ♪ hope none of them are broken ♪ hope none of them are broken ♪ 1, 2, 3, 4 ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ i have blue, blue ♪ blue, blue, blue ♪ i have pink, pink ♪ pink, pink, pink ♪ i have purple, purple ♪ i have white, white ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ i found a box of crayons
3:55 pm
ound♪ ft in a drawer ♪ i found it in a drawer ♪ a brand-new box of crayons ♪ a brand-new box of crayons ♪ yeah, i was looking for ♪ yeah, i was looking for ♪ 1, 2, 3, 4 ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ crayons wrapped in paper ♪ crayons are so fun ♪ perfect sticks of color ♪ don't leave them in the sun ♪ crayons wrapped in paper ♪ crayons are so fun ♪ perfect sticks of color ♪ don't leave them in the sun ♪ black, black ♪ black, black, black ♪ i have brown, brown ♪ brown, brown, brown ♪ i have silver, silver ♪ i have gold, gold ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ i found a box of crayons ♪ i found it in a drawer
3:56 pm
♪ i found it in a drawer ♪ a brand-new box of crayons ♪ a brand-new box of crayons ♪ yeah, i was looking for ♪ yeah, i was looking for ♪ 1, 2, 3, 4 ♪ i found a box of crayons -- captions by vitac -- captions paid for by the signing time! foundation for more information on american sign language,
3:57 pm
♪ today, we'll have a party ♪ today, we'll have a cake ♪ today, we will have presents ♪ today, we'll play some games ♪ today, it is your birthday ♪ your birthday all day long ♪ happy, happy birthday ♪ and here's your birthday song ♪ nice to meet you. sign "nice." one palm moves nicely across the other palm. nice. meet. pretend your pointers are two different people. when they come together, they meet. meet. you. just point right at the person. you. nice to meet you.
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>> production funding and educational outreach for biz kids is provided by a coalition of america's credit unions, where people are worth more than money. a complete list of individual credit union funders is available at >> every day, america's credit unions help members with their financial needs and with programs like invest in america. it's only fitting that credit unions support biz kids because financial education is what we do. learn more at >> it's time for america's fastest growing game show! >> wheel of misfortune! >> our contestant today is mr. david jenkins! dave here is an employee with the extreme boards and sports shop. seems like you've done your share of spinning already, haven't you, dave? >> uh... >> great!
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