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tv   European Journal  PBS  August 18, 2013 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT

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from diabetes. true? and now have more questions for dr. huerta. we have been here. what's your question? >> good afternoon. go ahead. >> good afternoon. i went to the doctor because i'm losing my voice and i have trouble breathing. so they told me to have a thyroid exam done. and everything seems to be fine. but so she doesn't understand because the pure number of value has to be 60 and my number is 3,926.2. so she doesn't understand. now she has told me to have an
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exam done to see what's going on. so the question is what causes the thyroid to require such a high number? >> well, you don't know the name of that substance? if it is the tth? it says -- >> can you say that again? >> yes. ab. it is written down. but what is it? an anti-body? >> anti-body. ok. thank you. thank you for your questions. what doctors are studying in this case is auth immune.
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the thyroid is a gland, it's a major gland located in the neck right under the neck. and it is very thin. you cannot hold it. it is under the skin but the thyroid gland is paramount because it controls our metabolism. that is to say the body's energy level. so there are many thyroid diseases. the most common ones are functions are hyper increased, such as a hyper thyroidism, or the hypo thyroidism. it is found in people over 50 and thyroid counsel and i think
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that that's what the doctor is studying. the auto immune thyroid united states. what do they consist of? the reasons are unknown. the self-defense system, the anti-bodies, the individual produces a large number of antibodies against his own thyroid. so it destroys his own thyroid. so when destroying it, it records alterations. so the ant bodies' number are very high. so she has this problem. but i think she is on the right track. you should go on with the medical treatment and perhaps your self-defense system is out of control. let us hope the doctor can give you a right diagnosis so you
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can get the right treatment. now we have another caller. good afternoon, doctor. i'm calling from chicago. so since i was 25 i suffer from sinusitis. i've been operated on and over the next over the last two weeks i have had a severe headache. so i went to see the doctor and explain to him what my case was, and he told me, well, i also suffer from sinusitis. and there is no cure for sinusitis. i get a severe headaches and when i get headaches, i notice
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something yellow. when i cough, i -- so the i get the same prescription. so i have to avoid that type of headache. i don't know if it's right. he told me to take four aspirins daily. four aspirin in a row. i don't know if it is right or wrong. ok. thank you for your question. very good question, pablito. right? if i present that can be sold over the counter, you have 200 mill grams. every tablet contains 200 mil
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grams. so you have the prescription ibuprofen and it has an 800 potency. so the one prescribed by a doctor, 800 mill grams, administrator three daily, three times daily, you can buy it over the counter or you can take four daily. that would be equal to the prescription drug. so if that is involved, what your doctor told you is right. you can take four eye bueprofeance daily as regards aspirin, i'm not so sure. you should see what type of aspirin you will be taking. if you take the aspirin of 80 mill grams, if you multiply it by four, that would be equal to an aspirin of 320 grams. but if you take four, bull taking more than one gram of
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aspirin and that will do you harm. but if you buy eye probue fin at the chemist and you take four of them, that will be fine. the danger with aspirin is that it can at high doses it can cause stomach bleeding. and it can cause hemorrhage bleeding because that high dose can inhibit platelets and that causes bleeding. ok. here we have a question. what's the question? what's the question, please? >> the question is about my wife. she's 81 years old like me, and
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she has had [inaudible] . the mother says i remove one and put it in another one. so up to what extent can my wife improve? because i don't know much about this issue. but there is no cure for her condition. so, doctor, i think you are the right person to give me some hints regarding her operation. >> ok, thank you. yes, pablito, there are some
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experiments for parkinson disease. the thing is that from the scientific point of view, this is an experimental trial, it's a very important phenomenon. there are many decisions in many parts of the world above all in latin america that are conducting experiments. out of the scientific public system. so this physician is saying ok we have patients who get recovered but when we take a look at the scientific publications, we don't find much information. so they are anticipating to doing something that hasn't been well document bid science. if we get some opinions, i don't know if what 81 years old
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you could be the right candidate so you should contact one of these doctors. perhaps she's -- i don't know if she is a candidate but i should tell that you have to be careful with the because there are many physicians and apprentices that offer you something that perhaps they cannot really offer you. and they say they are going to cure something. and people are so distressed because it's a business. and now we hear from the question. what's your question? >> yes. good afternoon. i want to congratulate you for this program. i have a four-year-old son and he suffers from allergies and he has had asthma attacks.
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and what worries me now is that i don't know if it is simple. his ears get red and itchy and burn. but he has no other symptoms. that's all. and i don't know if that, if there may be a relationship with some other disease. well, if he has no other symptoms, his ears get really red, it might be related to some type of food he eats or an external factor but i don't think that is an allergy. above all this child has suffered from asthma. this may be an allergy sequel. but many people have red ears and they say they are speaking ill of you. yes, they are speaking ill of you. but it doesn't indicate any type of illness or disease.
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and here we are [inaudible] ok. let's see this question. i have a varicose problem in my leg. i feel my legs are heavy when i walk a lot. is a flebot my recommended or not? >> question from miriam. i see the doctor would tell you that if you are operated on, your varicose will not be cured. the operation may help you so the varicose are not broken but your condition will not be cured and your physician ought to tell you if you are the
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right candidate for this operation or not. varicose is generic and you are born with a predisposition to get them. we're going to a break and then we'll move on to the sexual consultant.
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>> welcome back to "speaking of
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health". we still have time for a couple of questions but first we move to the sexual consultant. family planning. let's see, pablito. this is very important. i think all couples should be free to choose the best contraceptive to determine the number of children they want to have. so 99.9 the pill. because it's a medicine and it can cause side effects in many women. many women will not like this. but if they have used them for many years they may have side effects. so i would briefly like to tell my tv viewers that contraceptives are divided into the following groups. first we have the barrier
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methods and the surgical ones. that is patients are operated on. the home methods as we said in our health number today are the safest. they represent 99% 9.of safety. almost perfect. when they are well administered they are the best to prevent the pregnancy. why? because what this does is to avoid of lation. because when the women's ovaries do not release an ovum, there is not going to be a pregnancy. injections, there are intrauterine devices and hormones that can be mounted in the womb and placed within the
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womb where there whether hormone. so there are many options. the notion that i want our viewers to understand is that this is these are hormonal methods and they have serious side effects and they should be used under physician's advice. why? because our latin community, for example, a man gets out of the store washing his hands, cleaning his hands, and h the woman talks about the contraceptive and then the man says that by touching potatoes or meat, he says her contraceptives [inaudible] so this woman gets complicated. and then it's very important. these contraceptives may have
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side effects. so they should be medically monitored. the second type of contraceptive is a barrier methods. barrier is an obstacle between the sperm and the ovum. whatever is the barrier so the sperm and the ovum do not meet is the barrier method. the most common is the condom. 10% may fail. it prevents the contagious diseases. the condom, apart from preventing pregnancies prevents sexually transmitted diseases. vaginal creams are placed in the womb. these are chemical substances that kill the sperm and the
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sperm immediately get in contact with the substance and dies. these are highly effective. but they should also be adequatelyly applied. another barrier method is the female condom which is also a barrier method preventing the sperm from getting in the womb. the barrier method is what is known as a cervical cone. it's a plastic piece placed in the womb neck and prevents pregnancies. another barrier [inaudible] that can be placed in the womb and prevents the sperm from being fertilized. so there are three major methods. hormonal, the most effective ones, barrier ones, and the surgical ones. for the men there is a vassect my, and for the women,
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transbinding. these are the final methods. the one thing to undergo an operation and then wanted to go back to his methods, it doesn't work. the vassect my and the transbinding. there is the coittuss interrupt yuss method. what does it involve? the man is having sexual intercourse without using a condom and at the time of evac lation, he takes the penis out of the vagina because when the excitement period he may secrete a substance that will get his partner pregnant. this is very important for people to take into account. i have another question but now we'll move to another line with maria. she has a question.
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>> good afternoon. when i was 15 years old, i had a provoked pregnancy and after a couple of years i got married and i used pills as contraceptives for 10 to 15 years. and then i didn't use contraceptives and so far i haven't had any children. but my doctor told me that i should have a uterine -- what did he say? ultra version. that is for when the folding of the womb. >> yes. i remember.
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there are two types. one in which the woman is moved forward and another one that in which it is moved backwards. and with the passage of time, he told me that i suffer from this condition and up to now i haven't had the chance to have any children. and i would like to know if someone can get pregnant or not. let's see maria. how is your husband gone through a sperm ato gram? so your husband's sterms are normal? that's fine. because 20% of these cases is results in pregnancy. maria, thank you for your question. first and foremost, maria, used
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contraceptives. but the first thing that she said, she talked about a provoked abortion. when performed by professionals, they don't give rise to inconvenionses unless there have been an extreme bleeding or a serious infection, no problems will be caused in her body. now let's see, 30 years later, maria still mentions that as prospect gram for her condition. so that means that the abortion cannot -- should not be performed because the pregnancy can be prevented. it's very difficult to say at the age of 45 they have used up [inaudible] so what you should do is to talk with your doctor about fertility and perhaps you may
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try artificial insemination. thank you maria. i would like to ask a question. >> what's your question? >> i can't hear. [inaudible] worried. i can't hear. i am worried -- i cannot hear. i have good eating habits. but --
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>> one question. how old is your son right now? >> he's 40 years old. he's an adult. yes. but he doesn't want to eat healthly. no he doesn't. he -- i can't understand this lady. he eats a lot of pizza. fried potatoes, french fries. one more question. what's your question? i'm very afraid. but what's your question? has he had high cholesterol level perhaps he doesn't know.
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i'm sorry. parents always worry about their children. this child has high cholesterol level. he is a vegetarian. he eats whatever he wants. he's overweight and he's 30 years old. he should take care of himself and his mother should not be worrying about him. now i think there's a dange anywhere diabetes. as i was saying perhaps he may have very high cholesterol level. now, here we were talking about personal responsibility. he's 30 years old. he's not a child. if you were 15, 14 years old you could accept the rebellion from the teens. but if you have a 30-year-old man who doesn't want to eat well and doesn't want to exercise, doesn't want to have
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his cholesterol level controlled, that's unacceptable. we should draw a line between types of responsibility. so i know you are worrying about your son. but if he doesn't want to change and he doesn't want to listen to you, and he doesn't see a nutritionist and doesn't change his eating habits for the better, he's not going to change. i'm very sorry. i have to tell you that. and now unfortunately we have to finish for today. so thank you once again for being with us. and don't forget that we will be meeting again in this new season of "speaking of health". see you next time. 
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