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tv   RT News  PBS  September 15, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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what. the latest news on the week's top stories sealed with a handshake moscow washington agree on a road map to eliminate chemical weapons to syria. that seems to matter. a us strike on the country. was the calm think dante meets in prison for extremists to have been finding on the side of the syrian of the station to find out why they joined the civil war. at the plate on academic freedom we told them to the fact that as a
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leading us team advances to use as the thinnest right to forgive him for trying his criticism of the nsa smell it depicting delta the bill the company wants me to the weekly pivot on our team is made country found the series chemical weapons must be renewed or just rolling on in the zoo and sixty eight under a deal reached by the us and russia there are six key points the groundbreaking agreement so let's take a look a wallaby on this link the exact quantities series chemical weapons will be detained and put under international control of this area but have to submit a full list of its stockpiles within a week announced him as the sounds can be destroyed under the chemical weapons convention international inspectors will get immediate access to weapons storage facilities to
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begin the destruction price at sunday's serie a it doesn't comply. it could lead to a chapter seven un security council resolution which doesn't that the use of force that is not facing the smiley reports this tale it doesn't necessarily mean that the effects of the u s strike is not only in the ivy syria. signed sealed and it's delivered in could see syria hand over its chemical weapons stockpiles. ross and the us agreed on a six point plan after week of talks. i think the main factor is the willingness of russia and to take responsibility and that to rush out and taking the lead. brush up making some proposals the season really changing the whole of the feared the cola fiona me off that are of the situation the plan is seen as the last diplomatic push to prevent a military intervention into syria. they can be no games no room for avoidance or
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anything less than full compliance by the outside regime. in the event of non compliance. we have committed to impose measures under chapter seven within the un security council. all sides including rebel groups will be responsible for the safety of international inspectors and will have to provide free access to the sites. of course this does not mean every time the violations reported actions will be taken automatically. both us have to verify in many such reports only because there are also fabrications and lies surrounding this issue we have to be very careful the essay is still wary of us threats of force by more than welcome to the u turn in war rhetoric from the white house obama seems more than ready. he always knew he was forced to back off. policy that they are very old a week ago. he was committed to want
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a bombing campaign. and i think the russian leadership and the american people have boxed him in but some experts are convinced that this status by the ousted regime with us in russian support will be enough. it also some american culture is appointed to lead the way open to do to us as will the americans did to the duffy adele couple agreed to give up his chemical weapons to terrorists. although i don't crash weapons and then a few years later he was attacked and the rebels immediate rejection of these latest diplomatic efforts makes it clear their pursuit for foreign intervention is not over. damascus now has until next weekend to provide the un with a complete list of its stockpiles a profit continues to cooperate will it be enough to push for peace without the cooperation of the rebels and their supporters. he's now at rt moscow. well wednesday rushes prices and stated his case
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against mimicry intervention in syria to the american people. the nine progressive published by the new york times. but in a pace tonight that the reasons saying such a move would often be in effect if the old site dangers missed already. iris phones being planned by one of america's high price if all politicians they see friends has more now that what the russian president to set. one of the biggest parts of it was the need for international law and the united nations should not go the way of thenations. it's got to be valid. then he went on to speak about the poisonous gas possibly used in syria itself and the dangerous way we deal with that. >> no one doubts the poison gas was used in zeera but there was every reason to believe it was used not by the southeastern army but by -- syrian army but by opposition. reports that militants are
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preparing another attack, this time against israel, cannot be ignored. >> another thing he addressed that garnered strong reaction from many americans is what is so often demalled many american political speachtses that so-called exception little. that since america is acting. he points out that is a slippery slope and a dangerous mental if i for any nation to have. >> it is extremely dangerous for any country to see themselves as exceptional whatever the motivation. when we ask for lord's blessings, we must not forget that he created us equal. >> john mccain has put out a message in prave day but it wasn't known whether he was referencing prave day, the
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printed publication, the communist soviet party mouthpiece, not exactly "the new york times" of russian media. whoever, there is another pravda, the news website. one person stepped forward to offer mccain a spot on television. that's right, a presenter with rosia television channel said he'd like to offer mccain a spot on his interview show. so mccain has many invitations. >> is seian oppositions consists of many extremist factions who numbers exist abroad. >> this may look like an ordinary farewell amongst friends but the man is a suicide bomber leaving on his final
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journey. this is his last conversation with his elder brother in a car that is supposed to take him to the walls of a central prison and then explode, sending him to paradise, according to his believes. these clips were taken from one of the men seen in the footage who's now in a syrian prison. he says he came from a former soviet republic to fight. >> a group called marad approached me and confinesed me that muslims in syria are being oppressed and killed ask that i should go and take up arms against assad for world jihad. >> he sneaked into syria last january through turkey and two men who said they were from al qaeda met him in turkey and accompanied him to sierra, where he joined a large bombing
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brigadeful >> my job was mainly to prepare bombs from cars. there were many different people from all different countries. our teacher taught us how to make bombs. >> one of his assignments was an electrical prison bombing last may. the man you saw in the video brought his entire family to syria, including his 5-year-old son. in this video they showed his son how to make a bomb. >> i don't know what allal prepared for me but we have to finish what we started. >> we spoke to rashan next to a ministry airport in damascus at a military intelligence jail. the prisoners here are mainly charged with either terrorism or spying. this unit can accommodate up to
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200 people and already it's almost full. in the jail's backyard an officer tells us not to get too close as the prisoners could be dangerous. there are people here in syria, jordan, iraq, egypt and palestine but many came from europe as well. algeria has spent most of his life in france where he married a french woman and lead a normal life. that changed after he was recruited with an islama group with -- jihad in syria. >> i met a group and i trained with them for two and a half months and then we illegally crossed the border into syria. >> he says as a fundamental muslim he had to get involved. >> i saw my semisyrian brothers suffering here. i saw that kids are also
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suffering. i took up arms and was ready to use them but when i came here i didn't see the enemy. >> in a separate building they show us weapons, including handmade bombs and grenades seized. these are the instruments of global jihad that chose syria as a battlefield to bring foreign fighters and violence. this prison may be full but beyond the walls, many men with many causes remain free to continue their fight. >> she is one of the few international correspondents on the front line of the syrian conflict and you can follow her on twitter to keep track of all the developments. >> leading american university johns hopkins has ordered one of its professors to take down a
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blog post criticizing the national security agency. professor of cryptography matthew green voiced his concerns over the methods the agency uses. the one who ordered the blog get taken down later apologized. >> the n.s.a. has a hard time breaking incrippingses so they've tried to take the products that perform inscription -- incrippingses and make them weaker. the n.s.a. is willing -- willing to make u.s. security a little bit weaker. remember, it's not just non-u.s. citizens who are using these products. it's americans too and they're willing to, in a sense, put our credibility on the line, our entire industry on the line in order to access the communications of whoever it is they want to listen to. we have a big debate ahead of us, how much spying?
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there's a range from 1% to 100%. we're lean be -- learning that the american public is not comfortable with that -- what we're learning. >> meanwhile, universities students are having most of their electronic life monitored. that's sparking a debate about how the collected data could be used. we have the story. >> remember the film "minority report,"? the one where tom cruise is a cop in the future and uses patterns of data to stop crimes before they happen. the fictional future is now. universities are analyzing the electronic trail of students, how often they use the library, what books they get out, even where they park their cars to create a picture of them and how they learn. they use the information in different ways for marketing cause is but also to predict which students are likely to
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drop out. here's where it gets into 1984 novel. in the novel, every negative thought is a thought crime. the thought police watched them and recorded anything that resembled an unorthodox opinion or mental struggle. now a company is monitoring students' private emails for negative comments on their university experience to see if they're at riske of quitting. students at the london school of economics are not keen on the idea. >> i think that would be an impingement of my integrity. >> it sounds a bit c.i.a. i think people would be much more -- feel more violated. >> i don't think it's ethical. you wouldn't do it in denmark where i come from, i think. people wouldn't like that. >> i wouldn't want my emails to
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be monitored. i mean, the private emails -- >> university students have a good track record for keeping data private but the worry here is that there's so much data and of course how it could be used. ultimately the information could be used to allocate resources. for example, if it identifies the type of person most likely to fail, universities could stop recruiting those people all together or not waste money on trying to retain them. as students start returning for a new academic year, they better be wear. big brother is watching them more closely than ever. >> coming up, we take a look at europe's drift to the political right. that is, a populist immigration party in norway is set to play a key role in the country's government.
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>> welcome back. norway has elected a new parliament with a center right coalition winning a landslide victory over the ruling labour party. the conservatives will form a new government along with the anti-migration process part. it once had among its members,
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brevak, who mass measured 72 people two years ago. norway is the latest state to join a europeanwide lean to the right. >> two years ago norway suffered the worst massacre since world war ii, a brutal assault unleashed against a summer camp for young people, claiming 77 lives. the perpetrator was andres brev vac. at his trial he said he wanted to punish the ruling labor party and to start a so-called conservative revolution. he was a member of the progress party in his youth before he lost faith and adopted the radical anti-muslim views. the anti-immigration progress party saw support crumble in the aftermath of the attack but as voters headed to the polls monday, the progress party is poised to enter government for
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the first time. the party has since softened its radical image and tried to distance itself from brave eck yet it's campaigned for wanting to reduce the number of immigrants from outside the e.u. voters in some european countries have rallied behind far right nationalist kids. since the financial crisis, several e.u. countries, including major european economies have seen a substantial rise of populist right radical support. in one of the biggest academies, france, after years of electoral decline, the country's best-ever results in the election of 2012. some claim that xenophobia is still one of the party's trademarks although she's tried to soften the party's image since the 1990's.
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the freedom party of austria has focused on anti-islam issues. it's called for a withdrawal from the eurozone and with regard to finland, its supporters too are opposed to the e.u. and globalism. the party leader had received the highest number of party votes for any candidate and the party has 90% of the seats in parliament. the movement for a better hungary entered parliament three years ago. it describes itself as a patriotic christian party but it's described as fascist. a coalition of conservatives and economic liberals. with 14 seats in the legislature, it's the country's fourth largest political country. at the same time, some of the countries which do have notable
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far right parties, there is a split between those who have seen an increase in support and those that haven't. support for right wing mufmentse has gone down. in some ways, the growth of right wing parties has been cyclical in europe. but with economic stagnation continuing on the continent, it remains to be seen what will happen to these political groups. >> do have a look at our website if you get the chance. there's plenty on there at the moment, including raising the wreck. final preparations are being made to right the kosta concordia almost two years after it run aground killing 32 people. find out what it will take to recover the 11-story ship. and it's not the american's national security agency that worries google but the division of the global network. that's what its chairman eric schmidt claimed in its latest
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speech. held to to discover his theory that the web could become far from worldwide. >> a landmark vote has ended with a inauguration for a second term as city chief. he was sworn into office at a grand ceremony attended by president putin. however, his opponent is refusing to concealed defeat. he's claiming the election is rigged and calling for a recount of the vote. he came in second with almost 1/3 of the ballots and thousands
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showed up in support of the ousted leader last monday. with a general louisiana tech moom -- looming in germany, small parties are struggling to get the public's attention. it's dominated by the major groups but as peter oliver reports, candidates for some smaller parties are making inroads in rural areas as they look to force their way onto the national stage. >> on the campaign trail hoping to strike accord. >> we're convinced that we have to get a say at the higher level. we end up having to pay for the big decisions to -- so we want to be part of the process. >> free voters have are a grassroots political organization. they are oppose to the big german parties they claim look out for the interests of big business over those of the
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voters. >> we don't have the big money the other parties have for commercials, leaflets, etc. we mostly pay it ourselves, the candidates pay it because we cannot raise so much funds and also because we do not toll rat lobbyism. >> most of their support come from rural areas where the people feel ignored by the bureaucracy in berlin. the people want to see struggling eurozone countries be able to issue their own currencies to help tackle inflation as well as end bailouts. >> we don't want a bailout by the state any longer. we don't want banks to be bailed occupant by the taxpayer. >> small parties like this one are unlikely to cause too much concern for chancellor merkel, however, they are convinced they can draw support from the disillusioned voters of big
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parties. >> with these guys everyone can bring their kids to the table. each person's opinion counts. >> i think small parties that are not spoiled yet are very important. we need different points of view out there. >> these small parties are not playing the game. if they can get into a coalition they can have a real influence. >> in the 2008 bavarian state elections, free voters picked up just over 10% of the vote. this time they're aiming to go further. >> the others, they have a lot of moneys. we have the members and we have the spirit. >> how much that spirit converts into votes we'll find out on september 22 when germans go to the polls. peter oliver, bavaria. >> some other world news happening this hour. a massive rescue operation is in full swing across the u.s. state of colorado where deadly floods have already killed six people
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and left hundreds unaccounted for. thousands have been forced to evacuate from the deluged areas. president barack obama has signed a major emergency order for the battered state approving federal disaster aid. the catastrophe has been branded an historic 100-year flood with the cost of repairs estimated at 15 times the state's annual budget. more downpours are still forecast. in iraq at least 53 people have been killed in the latest wave of insurgent attacks. no one has claimed responsibility for the blast which targeted commercial areas and parking lots in mostly shiite dominated areas croog the country. less than 24 hours after a suicide bomber team -- attacked a funeral in northern iraq. more than 4,000 deaths have occurred since april in. cambodia one has been killed in clashes as riot police fired at
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opposition supporters in the capital phnom penh. an independent investigation was demanded into the results of july's parliamentary the ballot was spoiled by fraud. it comes just a day after the country's king gathered the leaders of rival blocs for the first time in years, calling on them to resolve their differences in a peaceful way. coming up is our documentary on how you can become a billionaire just by washing water. >> we talked before about beam getting into trouble across the u.s.a. just for gardening. a couple in florida has been fined $500 a day until they dig
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up their vegetable garden on their own property. comparison are made to communist russia. it forced agriculture culture in russia to change rapidly and this did lead to starvation. revolution isn't fun. star -- stallen and crush every gave out a lot of private summer houses where people guardened. also, there were markets where people could bring the food they grow to sell. you see these pictures behind me? they are people selling their goods locally. but there were some predictions put on. whether you love or hate communism more than anything doesn't matter this half truth about shooting soviet barder ins burns like wildfire on the american side of the internet.
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the real reason is it isn't the same as communism but is technically worse than communism for the majority of its life span where you could garden as you wanted. but that's just my opinion. >> you're watching mhz. h -- mhz, ok? >> mhz. mhz. [speaking in foreign language] >> you are watching mhz. >> you are watching mhz. >> you are watching mhz.
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>> i'm lara in mateo and you are watching mhz. >> i play mimi and you are watching mhz. yes! >> mhz. [applause] >> mhz. [speaking in foreign language] >> mhz. thank you very much.
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hello there. welcome to "newsline." it's monday, september 16. i'm catherine kobayashi in tokyo. workers at a utility company in japan have taken the country's only functioning reactor offline. for the first time in about 14 months, none of the nation's 50 commercial reactors is generating power. and there's no firm date for when any of them will restart again. kansai workers began lowering the reactor on sunday evg.


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